Example #1
 * as_review_add_metadata:
 * @review: a #AsReview
 * @key: a string
 * @value: a string
 * Adds metadata to the review object.
 * It is left for the the plugin to use this method as required, but a
 * typical use would be to store some secure authentication token.
 * Since: 0.6.1
as_review_add_metadata (AsReview *review, const gchar *key, const gchar *value)
	AsReviewPrivate *priv = GET_PRIVATE (review);
	g_return_if_fail (AS_IS_REVIEW (review));
	g_hash_table_insert (priv->metadata,
			     as_ref_string_new (key),
			     as_ref_string_new (value));
Example #2
 * as_require_set_value:
 * @require: a #AsRequire instance.
 * @value: an require version, e.g. `firmware`
 * Sets the require value.
 * Since: 0.6.7
as_require_set_value (AsRequire *require, const gchar *value)
	AsRequirePrivate *priv = GET_PRIVATE (require);
	if (priv->value != NULL)
		as_ref_string_unref (priv->value);
	priv->value = as_ref_string_new (value);
Example #3
 * as_require_set_version:
 * @require: a #AsRequire instance.
 * @version: an version number, e.g. `0.1.2`
 * Sets the require version.
 * Since: 0.6.7
as_require_set_version (AsRequire *require, const gchar *version)
	AsRequirePrivate *priv = GET_PRIVATE (require);
	if (priv->version != NULL)
		as_ref_string_unref (priv->version);
	priv->version = as_ref_string_new (version);
Example #4
 * as_ref_string_assign_safe:
 * @rstr_ptr: (out): a #AsRefString
 * @str: a string, or a #AsRefString
 * This function unrefs and clears @rstr_ptr if set, then sets @rstr if
 * non-NULL. If @rstr and @rstr_ptr are the same string the action is ignored.
 * This function should be used when @str cannot be guaranteed to be a
 * refcounted string and is suitable for use in existing object setters.
 * Since: 0.6.6
as_ref_string_assign_safe (AsRefString **rstr_ptr, const gchar *str)
	g_return_if_fail (rstr_ptr != NULL);
	if (*rstr_ptr != NULL) {
		as_ref_string_unref (*rstr_ptr);
		*rstr_ptr = NULL;
	if (str != NULL)
		*rstr_ptr = as_ref_string_new (str);
 * as_content_rating_add_attribute:
 * @content_rating: a #AsContentRating instance.
 * @id: a content rating ID, e.g. `money-gambling`.
 * @value: a #AsContentRatingValue, e.g. %AS_CONTENT_RATING_VALUE_MODERATE.
 * Adds an attribute value to the content rating.
 * Since: 0.7.14
as_content_rating_add_attribute (AsContentRating *content_rating,
				 const gchar *id,
				 AsContentRatingValue value)
	AsContentRatingKey *key = g_slice_new0 (AsContentRatingKey);
	AsContentRatingPrivate *priv = GET_PRIVATE (content_rating);

	g_return_if_fail (AS_IS_CONTENT_RATING (content_rating));
	g_return_if_fail (id != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (value != AS_CONTENT_RATING_VALUE_UNKNOWN);

	key->id = as_ref_string_new (id);
	key->value = value;
	g_ptr_array_add (priv->keys, key);