/** * as_validator_add_issue: **/ static void as_validator_add_issue (AsValidator *validator, AsIssueImportance importance, AsIssueKind kind, const gchar *format, ...) { va_list args; gchar *buffer; gchar *str; gchar *id_str; g_autofree gchar *fname = NULL; AsValidatorIssue *issue; AsValidatorPrivate *priv = GET_PRIVATE (validator); va_start (args, format); buffer = g_strdup_vprintf (format, args); va_end (args); issue = as_validator_issue_new (); as_validator_issue_set_kind (issue, kind); as_validator_issue_set_importance (issue, importance); as_validator_issue_set_message (issue, buffer); g_free (buffer); /* find location */ if (priv->current_fname == NULL) fname = g_strdup ("<unknown>"); else fname = g_strdup (priv->current_fname); if (priv->current_cpt == NULL) str = g_strdup_printf ("%s:<root>", fname); else if (as_str_empty (as_component_get_id (priv->current_cpt))) str = g_strdup_printf ("%s:???", fname); else str = g_strdup_printf ("%s:%s", fname, as_component_get_id (priv->current_cpt)); as_validator_issue_set_location (issue, str); g_free (str); id_str = g_strdup_printf ("%s - %s", as_validator_issue_get_location (issue), as_validator_issue_get_message (issue)); /* str ownership is transferred to the hashtable */ g_hash_table_insert (priv->issues, id_str, issue); }
/** * as_validator_check_content: **/ static void as_validator_check_content_empty (AsValidator *validator, xmlNode *node, const gchar *tag_path, AsIssueImportance importance, AsComponent *cpt) { g_autofree gchar *node_content = NULL; node_content = (gchar*) xmlNodeGetContent (node); g_strstrip (node_content); if (!as_str_empty (node_content)) return; /* release tags are allowed to be empty */ if (g_str_has_prefix (tag_path, "release")) return; as_validator_add_issue (validator, node, importance, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Found empty '%s' tag.", tag_path); }
/** * as_validator_check_content: **/ static void as_validator_check_content_empty (AsValidator *validator, const gchar *content, const gchar *tag_name, AsIssueImportance importance, AsComponent *cpt) { gchar *tmp; tmp = g_strdup (content); g_strstrip (tmp); if (!as_str_empty (tmp)) goto out; /* release tags are allowed to be empty */ if (g_str_has_prefix (tag_name, "release")) goto out; as_validator_add_issue (validator, importance, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Found empty '%s' tag.", tag_name); out: g_free (tmp); }
/** * as_utils_find_files_matching: */ GPtrArray* as_utils_find_files_matching (const gchar* dir, const gchar* pattern, gboolean recursive, GError **error) { GPtrArray *list; GFileInfo *file_info; GFileEnumerator *enumerator = NULL; GFile *fdir; GError *tmp_error = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (dir != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (pattern != NULL, NULL); list = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); fdir = g_file_new_for_path (dir); enumerator = g_file_enumerate_children (fdir, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_NAME, 0, NULL, &tmp_error); if (tmp_error != NULL) goto out; while ((file_info = g_file_enumerator_next_file (enumerator, NULL, &tmp_error)) != NULL) { g_autofree gchar *path = NULL; if (tmp_error != NULL) { g_object_unref (file_info); break; } if (g_file_info_get_is_hidden (file_info)) { g_object_unref (file_info); continue; } path = g_build_filename (dir, g_file_info_get_name (file_info), NULL); if ((!g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) && (recursive)) { GPtrArray *subdir_list; guint i; subdir_list = as_utils_find_files_matching (path, pattern, recursive, &tmp_error); /* if there was an error, exit */ if (subdir_list == NULL) { g_ptr_array_unref (list); list = NULL; g_object_unref (file_info); break; } for (i=0; i<subdir_list->len; i++) g_ptr_array_add (list, g_strdup ((gchar *) g_ptr_array_index (subdir_list, i))); g_ptr_array_unref (subdir_list); } else { if (!as_str_empty (pattern)) { if (!g_pattern_match_simple (pattern, g_file_info_get_name (file_info))) { g_object_unref (file_info); continue; } } g_ptr_array_add (list, path); path = NULL; } g_object_unref (file_info); } out: g_object_unref (fdir); if (enumerator != NULL) g_object_unref (enumerator); if (tmp_error != NULL) { if (error == NULL) g_debug ("Error while searching for files in %s: %s", dir, tmp_error->message); else g_propagate_error (error, tmp_error); g_ptr_array_unref (list); return NULL; } return list; }
/** * as_validator_validate_component_node: **/ static AsComponent* as_validator_validate_component_node (AsValidator *validator, AsXMLData *xdt, xmlNode *root) { xmlNode *iter; AsComponent *cpt; g_autofree gchar *cpttype = NULL; g_autoptr(GHashTable) found_tags = NULL; AsFormatStyle mode; gboolean has_metadata_license = FALSE; found_tags = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); mode = as_xmldata_get_format_style (xdt); /* validate the resulting AsComponent for sanity */ cpt = as_component_new (); as_xmldata_parse_component_node (xdt, root, cpt, NULL); as_validator_set_current_cpt (validator, cpt); /* check if component type is valid */ cpttype = (gchar*) xmlGetProp (root, (xmlChar*) "type"); if (cpttype != NULL) { if (as_component_kind_from_string (cpttype) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, root, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Invalid component type found: %s", cpttype); } } if ((as_component_get_priority (cpt) != 0) && (mode == AS_FORMAT_STYLE_METAINFO)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, root, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The component has a priority value set. This is not allowed in metainfo files."); } if ((as_component_get_merge_kind (cpt) != AS_MERGE_KIND_NONE) && (mode == AS_FORMAT_STYLE_METAINFO)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, root, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The component has a 'merge' method defined. This is not allowed in metainfo files."); } for (iter = root->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { const gchar *node_name; g_autofree gchar *node_content = NULL; gboolean tag_valid = TRUE; /* discard spaces */ if (iter->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; node_name = (const gchar*) iter->name; node_content = (gchar*) xmlNodeGetContent (iter); if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "id") == 0) { gchar *prop; prop = (gchar*) xmlGetProp (iter, (xmlChar*) "type"); if (prop != NULL) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_PROPERTY_INVALID, "The id tag for \"%s\" still contains a 'type' property, probably from an old conversion.", node_content); } g_free (prop); if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_DESKTOP_APP) { if (!g_str_has_suffix (node_content, ".desktop")) as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Component id belongs to a desktop-application, but does not resemble the .desktop file name: \"%s\"", node_content); } /* validate the AppStream ID */ as_validator_validate_component_id (validator, iter, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "metadata_license") == 0) { has_metadata_license = TRUE; as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); /* the license must allow easy mixing of metadata in metainfo files */ if (mode == AS_FORMAT_STYLE_METAINFO) { if (!as_license_is_metadata_license (node_content)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The metadata itself does not seem to be licensed under a permissive license. Please license the data under a permissive license, like FSFAP, CC-0-1.0 or MIT " "to allow distributors to include it in mixed data collections without the risk of license violations due to mutually incompatible licenses."); } } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "pkgname") == 0) { if (g_hash_table_contains (found_tags, node_name)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_PEDANTIC, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_DUPLICATED, "The tag 'pkgname' appears multiple times. You should evaluate creating a metapackage containing the data in order to avoid defining multiple package names per component."); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "source_pkgname") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "name") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); if (g_str_has_suffix (node_content, ".")) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_ISSUE, "The component name should not end with a \".\" [%s]", node_content); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "summary") == 0) { const gchar *summary = node_content; as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); if (g_str_has_suffix (summary, ".")) as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_ISSUE, "The component summary should not end with a \".\" [%s]", summary); if ((summary != NULL) && ((strstr (summary, "\n") != NULL) || (strstr (summary, "\t") != NULL))) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The summary tag must not contain tabs or linebreaks."); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "description") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_description_tag (validator, iter, cpt, mode); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "icon") == 0) { gchar *prop; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); if ((g_strcmp0 (prop, "cached") == 0) || (g_strcmp0 (prop, "stock") == 0)) { if (g_strrstr (node_content, "/") != NULL) as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Icons of type 'stock' or 'cached' must not contain a full or relative path to the icon."); } g_free (prop); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "url") == 0) { gchar *prop; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); if (as_url_kind_from_string (prop) == AS_URL_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_PROPERTY_INVALID, "Invalid property for 'url' tag: \"%s\"", prop); } g_free (prop); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "categories") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "category", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "keywords") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "keyword", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "mimetypes") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "mimetype", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "provides") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "screenshots") == 0) { as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "screenshot", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "project_license") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "project_group") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "developer_name") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "compulsory_for_desktop") == 0) { if (!as_utils_is_desktop_environment (node_content)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Unknown desktop-id '%s'.", node_content); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "releases") == 0) { as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "release", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "languages") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "lang", cpt); } else if ((g_strcmp0 (node_name, "translation") == 0) && (mode == AS_FORMAT_STYLE_METAINFO)) { g_autofree gchar *prop = NULL; AsTranslationKind trkind; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); trkind = as_translation_kind_from_string (prop); if (prop != NULL && trkind == AS_TRANSLATION_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Unknown type '%s' for <translation/> tag.", prop); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "extends") == 0) { } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "bundle") == 0) { g_autofree gchar *prop = NULL; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); if (prop != NULL && as_bundle_kind_from_string (prop) == AS_BUNDLE_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Unknown type '%s' for <bundle/> tag.", prop); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "update_contact") == 0) { if (mode == AS_FORMAT_STYLE_COLLECTION) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_NOT_ALLOWED, "The 'update_contact' tag should not be included in collection AppStream XML."); } else { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "suggests") == 0) { as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "id", cpt); } else if ((g_strcmp0 (node_name, "metadata") == 0) || (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "kudos") == 0)) { /* these tags are GNOME / Fedora specific extensions and are therefore quite common. They shouldn't make the validation fail, * especially if we might standardize at leat the <kudos/> tag one day, but we should still complain about those tags to make * it obvious that they are not supported by all implementations */ as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_UNKNOWN, "Found invalid tag: '%s'. This tag is a GNOME extensions to AppStream and is not supported by all implementations.", node_name); tag_valid = FALSE; } else if (!g_str_has_prefix (node_name, "x-")) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, iter, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_UNKNOWN, "Found invalid tag: '%s'. Non-standard tags must be prefixed with \"x-\".", node_name); tag_valid = FALSE; } if (tag_valid) { as_validator_check_content_empty (validator, iter, node_name, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, cpt); } } /* emit an error if we are missing the metadata license in metainfo files */ if ((!has_metadata_license) && (mode == AS_FORMAT_STYLE_METAINFO)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The essential tag 'metadata_license' is missing."); } /* check if we have a description */ if (as_str_empty (as_component_get_description (cpt))) { AsComponentKind cpt_kind; cpt_kind = as_component_get_kind (cpt); if ((cpt_kind == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_DESKTOP_APP) || (cpt_kind == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_CONSOLE_APP) || (cpt_kind == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_WEB_APP)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The component is missing a long description. Components of this type must have a long description."); } else if (cpt_kind == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_FONT) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_PEDANTIC, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "It would be useful for add a long description to this font to present it better to users."); } else if (cpt_kind != AS_COMPONENT_KIND_GENERIC) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The component is missing a long description. It is recommended to add one."); } } /* validate console-app specific stuff */ if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_CONSOLE_APP) { if (as_component_get_provided_for_kind (cpt, AS_PROVIDED_KIND_BINARY) == NULL) as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "Type 'console-application' component, but no information about binaries in $PATH was provided via a provides/binary tag."); } /* validate font specific stuff */ if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_FONT) { if (as_component_get_provided_for_kind (cpt, AS_PROVIDED_KIND_FONT) == NULL) as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "Type 'font' component, but no font information was provided via a provides/font tag."); } /* validate driver specific stuff */ if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_DRIVER) { if (as_component_get_provided_for_kind (cpt, AS_PROVIDED_KIND_MODALIAS) == NULL) as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "Type 'driver' component, but no modalias information was provided via a provides/modalias tag."); } /* validate addon specific stuff */ if (as_component_get_extends (cpt)->len > 0) { AsComponentKind kind = as_component_get_kind (cpt); if ((kind != AS_COMPONENT_KIND_ADDON) && (kind != AS_COMPONENT_KIND_LOCALIZATION)) as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_NOT_ALLOWED, "An 'extends' tag is specified, but the component is not of type 'addon' or 'localization'."); } else { if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_ADDON) as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The component is an addon, but no 'extends' tag was specified."); } /* validate l10n specific stuff */ if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_LOCALIZATION) { if (as_component_get_extends (cpt)->len == 0) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "This 'localization' component is missing an An 'extends' tag, to specify the components it adds localization to."); } if (g_hash_table_size (as_component_get_languages_table (cpt)) == 0) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "This 'localization' component does not define any languages this localization is for."); } } /* validate suggestions */ if (as_component_get_suggested (cpt)->len > 0) { guint j; GPtrArray *sug_array; sug_array = as_component_get_suggested (cpt); for (j = 0; j < sug_array->len; j++) { AsSuggested *prov = AS_SUGGESTED (g_ptr_array_index (sug_array, j)); if (mode == AS_FORMAT_STYLE_METAINFO) { if (as_suggested_get_kind (prov) != AS_SUGGESTED_KIND_UPSTREAM) as_validator_add_issue (validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Suggestions of any type other than 'upstream' are not allowed in metainfo files (type was '%s')", as_suggested_kind_to_string (as_suggested_get_kind (prov))); } } } as_validator_clear_current_cpt (validator); return cpt; }
/** * as_validator_analyze_component_metainfo_relation_cb: * * Helper function for GHashTable foreach iteration. */ static void as_validator_analyze_component_metainfo_relation_cb (const gchar *fname, AsComponent *cpt, struct MInfoCheckData *data) { g_autofree gchar *cid_base = NULL; /* if we have no component-id, we can't check anything */ if (as_component_get_id (cpt) == NULL) return; as_validator_set_current_cpt (data->validator, cpt); as_validator_set_current_fname (data->validator, fname); /* check if the fname and the component-id match */ if (g_str_has_suffix (as_component_get_id (cpt), ".desktop")) { cid_base = g_strndup (as_component_get_id (cpt), g_strrstr (as_component_get_id (cpt), ".") - as_component_get_id (cpt)); } else { cid_base = g_strdup (as_component_get_id (cpt)); } if (!as_matches_metainfo (fname, cid_base)) { /* the name-without-type didn't match - check for the full id in the component name */ if (!as_matches_metainfo (fname, as_component_get_id (cpt))) { as_validator_add_issue (data->validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_WRONG_NAME, "The metainfo filename does not match the component ID."); } } /* check if the referenced .desktop file exists */ if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_DESKTOP_APP) { if (g_hash_table_contains (data->desktop_fnames, as_component_get_desktop_id (cpt))) { g_autofree gchar *desktop_fname_full = NULL; g_autoptr(GKeyFile) dfile = NULL; GError *tmp_error = NULL; desktop_fname_full = g_build_filename (data->apps_dir, as_component_get_desktop_id (cpt), NULL); dfile = g_key_file_new (); g_key_file_load_from_file (dfile, desktop_fname_full, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &tmp_error); if (tmp_error != NULL) { as_validator_add_issue (data->validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_READ_ERROR, "Unable to read associated .desktop file: %s", tmp_error->message); g_error_free (tmp_error); tmp_error = NULL; } else { /* we successfully opened the .desktop file, now perform some checks */ /* name */ if (as_str_empty (as_component_get_name (cpt)) && (!g_key_file_has_key (dfile, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_NAME, NULL))) { /* we don't have a summary, and there is also none in the .desktop file - this is bad. */ as_validator_add_issue (data->validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_MISSING, "The component is missing a name (none found in its metainfo or .desktop file)"); } /* summary */ if (as_str_empty (as_component_get_summary (cpt)) && (!g_key_file_has_key (dfile, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_COMMENT, NULL))) { /* we don't have a summary, and there is also none in the .desktop file - this is bad. */ as_validator_add_issue (data->validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_MISSING, "The component is missing a summary (none found in its metainfo or .desktop file)"); } /* categories */ if (g_key_file_has_key (dfile, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_CATEGORIES, NULL)) { g_autofree gchar *cats_str = NULL; g_auto(GStrv) cats = NULL; guint i; cats_str = g_key_file_get_string (dfile, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_CATEGORIES, NULL); cats = g_strsplit (cats_str, ";", -1); for (i = 0; cats[i] != NULL; i++) { if (as_str_empty (cats[i])) continue; if (!as_utils_is_category_name (cats[i])) { as_validator_add_issue (data->validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The category '%s' defined in the .desktop file does not exist.", cats[i]); } } } } } else { as_validator_add_issue (data->validator, NULL, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_FILE_MISSING, "Component metadata refers to a non-existing .desktop file."); } } as_validator_clear_current_cpt (data->validator); as_validator_clear_current_fname (data->validator); }
/** * as_validator_validate_component_node: **/ static AsComponent* as_validator_validate_component_node (AsValidator *validator, AsXMLData *xdt, xmlNode *root) { gchar *cpttype; xmlNode *iter; AsComponent *cpt; gchar *metadata_license = NULL; GHashTable *found_tags; const gchar *summary; AsParserMode mode; found_tags = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); mode = as_xmldata_get_parser_mode (xdt); /* validate the resulting AsComponent for sanity */ cpt = as_component_new (); as_xmldata_parse_component_node (xdt, root, cpt, NULL); as_validator_set_current_cpt (validator, cpt); /* check if component type is valid */ cpttype = (gchar*) xmlGetProp (root, (xmlChar*) "type"); if (cpttype != NULL) { if (as_component_kind_from_string (cpttype) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Invalid component type found: %s", cpttype); } } g_free (cpttype); for (iter = root->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { const gchar *node_name; g_autofree gchar *node_content = NULL; gboolean tag_valid = TRUE; /* discard spaces */ if (iter->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; node_name = (const gchar*) iter->name; node_content = (gchar*) xmlNodeGetContent (iter); if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "id") == 0) { gchar *prop; prop = (gchar*) xmlGetProp (iter, (xmlChar*) "type"); if (prop != NULL) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_PROPERTY_INVALID, "The id tag for \"%s\" still contains a 'type' property, probably from an old conversion.", node_content); } g_free (prop); if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_DESKTOP_APP) { if (!g_str_has_suffix (node_content, ".desktop")) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Component id belongs to a desktop-application, but does not resemble the .desktop file name: \"%s\"", node_content); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "metadata_license") == 0) { metadata_license = g_strdup (node_content); as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "pkgname") == 0) { if (g_hash_table_contains (found_tags, node_name)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_PEDANTIC, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_DUPLICATED, "The tag 'pkgname' appears multiple times. You should evaluate creating a metapackage containing the data in order to avoid defining multiple package names per component."); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "source_pkgname") == 0) { if (g_hash_table_contains (found_tags, node_name)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_DUPLICATED, "The tag 'source_pkgname' appears multiple times."); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "name") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "summary") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "description") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_description_tag (validator, iter, cpt, mode); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "icon") == 0) { gchar *prop; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); if ((g_strcmp0 (prop, "cached") == 0) || (g_strcmp0 (prop, "stock") == 0)) { if (g_strrstr (node_content, "/") != NULL) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Icons of type 'stock' or 'cached' must not contain a full or relative path to the icon."); } g_free (prop); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "url") == 0) { gchar *prop; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); if (as_url_kind_from_string (prop) == AS_URL_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_PROPERTY_INVALID, "Invalid property for 'url' tag: \"%s\"", prop); } g_free (prop); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "categories") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "category", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "keywords") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "keyword", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "mimetypes") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "mimetype", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "provides") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "screenshots") == 0) { as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "screenshot", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "project_license") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "project_group") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "developer_name") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "compulsory_for_desktop") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "releases") == 0) { as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "release", cpt); } else if ((g_strcmp0 (node_name, "languages") == 0) && (mode == AS_PARSER_MODE_DISTRO)) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "lang", cpt); } else if ((g_strcmp0 (node_name, "translation") == 0) && (mode == AS_PARSER_MODE_UPSTREAM)) { g_autofree gchar *prop = NULL; AsTranslationKind trkind; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); trkind = as_translation_kind_from_string (prop); if (trkind == AS_TRANSLATION_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Unknown type '%s' for <translation/> tag.", prop); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "extends") == 0) { } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "bundle") == 0) { g_autofree gchar *prop = NULL; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); if ((g_strcmp0 (prop, "limba") != 0) && (g_strcmp0 (prop, "xdg-app") != 0)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Unknown type '%s' for <bundle/> tag.", prop); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "update_contact") == 0) { if (mode == AS_PARSER_MODE_DISTRO) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_NOT_ALLOWED, "The 'update_contact' tag should not be included in distro AppStream XML."); } else { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "metadata") == 0) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_PEDANTIC, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_UNKNOWN, "Found custom metadata in <metadata/> tag. Use of this tag is common, but should be avoided if possible."); tag_valid = FALSE; } else if (!g_str_has_prefix (node_name, "x-")) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_UNKNOWN, "Found invalid tag: '%s'. Non-standard tags must be prefixed with \"x-\".", node_name); tag_valid = FALSE; } if (tag_valid) { as_validator_check_content_empty (validator, node_content, node_name, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, cpt); } } g_hash_table_unref (found_tags); if (metadata_license == NULL) { if (mode == AS_PARSER_MODE_UPSTREAM) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The essential tag 'metadata_license' is missing."); } else { g_free (metadata_license); } /* check if the summary is sane */ summary = as_component_get_summary (cpt); if ((summary != NULL) && ((strstr (summary, "\n") != NULL) || (strstr (summary, "\t") != NULL))) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The summary tag must not contain tabs or linebreaks."); } /* check if we have a description */ if (as_str_empty (as_component_get_description (cpt))) { AsComponentKind cpt_kind; cpt_kind = as_component_get_kind (cpt); if ((cpt_kind == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_DESKTOP_APP) || (cpt_kind == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_FONT)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The component is missing a long description. Components of this type must have a long description."); } else if (cpt_kind != AS_COMPONENT_KIND_GENERIC) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The component is missing a long description. It is recommended to add one."); } } /* validate font specific stuff */ if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_FONT) { if (!g_str_has_suffix (as_component_get_id (cpt), ".font")) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Components of type 'font' must have an AppStream ID with a '.font' suffix."); if (as_component_get_provided_for_kind (cpt, AS_PROVIDED_KIND_FONT) == NULL) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "Type 'font' component, but no font information was provided via a provides/font tag."); } /* validate addon specific stuff */ if (as_component_get_extends (cpt)->len > 0) { if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) != AS_COMPONENT_KIND_ADDON) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_NOT_ALLOWED, "An 'extends' tag is specified, but the component is not an addon."); } else { if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_ADDON) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The component is an addon, but no 'extends' tag was specified."); } as_validator_clear_current_cpt (validator); return cpt; }
/** * as_validator_validate_component_node: **/ static AsComponent* as_validator_validate_component_node (AsValidator *validator, AsXMLData *xdt, xmlNode *root) { xmlNode *iter; AsComponent *cpt; guint i; g_autofree gchar *metadata_license = NULL; g_autofree gchar *cpttype = NULL; g_autoptr(GHashTable) found_tags = NULL; g_auto(GStrv) cid_parts = NULL; const gchar *summary; const gchar *cid; AsParserMode mode; found_tags = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); mode = as_xmldata_get_parser_mode (xdt); /* validate the resulting AsComponent for sanity */ cpt = as_component_new (); as_xmldata_parse_component_node (xdt, root, cpt, NULL); as_validator_set_current_cpt (validator, cpt); /* check if component type is valid */ cpttype = (gchar*) xmlGetProp (root, (xmlChar*) "type"); if (cpttype != NULL) { if (as_component_kind_from_string (cpttype) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Invalid component type found: %s", cpttype); } } /* validate the AppStream ID */ cid = as_component_get_id (cpt); cid_parts = g_strsplit (cid, ".", 3); if (g_strv_length (cid_parts) != 3) { if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_DESKTOP_APP) { /* since the ID and .desktop-file-id are tied together, we can't make this an error for desktop apps */ as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The component ID is not a reverse domain-name. Please update the ID and that of the accompanying .desktop file to follow the latest version of the specifications and avoid future issues."); } else { /* anything which isn't a .desktop app should follow the schema though */ as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The component ID is no reverse domain-name."); } } else { /* some people just add random dots to their ID - check if we have an actual known TLD as first part, to be more certain that this is a reverse domain name * (this issue happens quite often with old .desktop files) */ if (!as_utils_is_tld (cid_parts[0])) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The component ID might not follow the reverse domain-name schema (we do not know about the TLD '%s').", cid_parts[0]); } } /* validate characters in AppStream ID */ for (i = 0; cid[i] != '\0'; i++) { /* check if we have a printable, alphanumeric ASCII character or a dot, hyphen or underscore */ if ((!g_ascii_isalnum (cid[i])) && (cid[i] != '.') && (cid[i] != '-') && (cid[i] != '_')) { g_autofree gchar *c = NULL; c = g_utf8_substring (cid, i, i + 1); as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The component ID contains an invalid character: '%s'", c); } } for (iter = root->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { const gchar *node_name; g_autofree gchar *node_content = NULL; gboolean tag_valid = TRUE; /* discard spaces */ if (iter->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; node_name = (const gchar*) iter->name; node_content = (gchar*) xmlNodeGetContent (iter); if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "id") == 0) { gchar *prop; prop = (gchar*) xmlGetProp (iter, (xmlChar*) "type"); if (prop != NULL) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_PROPERTY_INVALID, "The id tag for \"%s\" still contains a 'type' property, probably from an old conversion.", node_content); } g_free (prop); if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_DESKTOP_APP) { if (!g_str_has_suffix (node_content, ".desktop")) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Component id belongs to a desktop-application, but does not resemble the .desktop file name: \"%s\"", node_content); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "metadata_license") == 0) { metadata_license = g_strdup (node_content); as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "pkgname") == 0) { if (g_hash_table_contains (found_tags, node_name)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_PEDANTIC, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_DUPLICATED, "The tag 'pkgname' appears multiple times. You should evaluate creating a metapackage containing the data in order to avoid defining multiple package names per component."); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "source_pkgname") == 0) { if (g_hash_table_contains (found_tags, node_name)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_DUPLICATED, "The tag 'source_pkgname' appears multiple times."); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "name") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "summary") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "description") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_description_tag (validator, iter, cpt, mode); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "icon") == 0) { gchar *prop; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); if ((g_strcmp0 (prop, "cached") == 0) || (g_strcmp0 (prop, "stock") == 0)) { if (g_strrstr (node_content, "/") != NULL) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Icons of type 'stock' or 'cached' must not contain a full or relative path to the icon."); } g_free (prop); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "url") == 0) { gchar *prop; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); if (as_url_kind_from_string (prop) == AS_URL_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_PROPERTY_INVALID, "Invalid property for 'url' tag: \"%s\"", prop); } g_free (prop); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "categories") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "category", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "keywords") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "keyword", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "mimetypes") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "mimetype", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "provides") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "screenshots") == 0) { as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "screenshot", cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "project_license") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "project_group") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "developer_name") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "compulsory_for_desktop") == 0) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "releases") == 0) { as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "release", cpt); } else if ((g_strcmp0 (node_name, "languages") == 0) && (mode == AS_PARSER_MODE_DISTRO)) { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); as_validator_check_children_quick (validator, iter, "lang", cpt); } else if ((g_strcmp0 (node_name, "translation") == 0) && (mode == AS_PARSER_MODE_UPSTREAM)) { g_autofree gchar *prop = NULL; AsTranslationKind trkind; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); trkind = as_translation_kind_from_string (prop); if (trkind == AS_TRANSLATION_KIND_UNKNOWN) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Unknown type '%s' for <translation/> tag.", prop); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "extends") == 0) { } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "bundle") == 0) { g_autofree gchar *prop = NULL; prop = as_validator_check_type_property (validator, cpt, iter); if ((g_strcmp0 (prop, "limba") != 0) && (g_strcmp0 (prop, "flatpak") != 0)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Unknown type '%s' for <bundle/> tag.", prop); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "update_contact") == 0) { if (mode == AS_PARSER_MODE_DISTRO) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_NOT_ALLOWED, "The 'update_contact' tag should not be included in distro AppStream XML."); } else { as_validator_check_appear_once (validator, iter, found_tags, cpt); } } else if (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "metadata") == 0) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_PEDANTIC, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_UNKNOWN, "Found custom metadata in <metadata/> tag. Use of this tag is common, but should be avoided if possible."); tag_valid = FALSE; } else if (!g_str_has_prefix (node_name, "x-")) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_UNKNOWN, "Found invalid tag: '%s'. Non-standard tags must be prefixed with \"x-\".", node_name); tag_valid = FALSE; } if (tag_valid) { as_validator_check_content_empty (validator, node_content, node_name, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, cpt); } } if (metadata_license == NULL) { if (mode == AS_PARSER_MODE_UPSTREAM) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The essential tag 'metadata_license' is missing."); } /* check if the summary is sane */ summary = as_component_get_summary (cpt); if ((summary != NULL) && ((strstr (summary, "\n") != NULL) || (strstr (summary, "\t") != NULL))) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "The summary tag must not contain tabs or linebreaks."); } /* check if we have a description */ if (as_str_empty (as_component_get_description (cpt))) { AsComponentKind cpt_kind; cpt_kind = as_component_get_kind (cpt); if ((cpt_kind == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_DESKTOP_APP) || (cpt_kind == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_FONT)) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The component is missing a long description. Components of this type must have a long description."); } else if (cpt_kind != AS_COMPONENT_KIND_GENERIC) { as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_INFO, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The component is missing a long description. It is recommended to add one."); } } /* validate font specific stuff */ if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_FONT) { if (!g_str_has_suffix (as_component_get_id (cpt), ".font")) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_VALUE_WRONG, "Components of type 'font' must have an AppStream ID with a '.font' suffix."); if (as_component_get_provided_for_kind (cpt, AS_PROVIDED_KIND_FONT) == NULL) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_WARNING, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "Type 'font' component, but no font information was provided via a provides/font tag."); } /* validate addon specific stuff */ if (as_component_get_extends (cpt)->len > 0) { if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) != AS_COMPONENT_KIND_ADDON) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_NOT_ALLOWED, "An 'extends' tag is specified, but the component is not an addon."); } else { if (as_component_get_kind (cpt) == AS_COMPONENT_KIND_ADDON) as_validator_add_issue (validator, AS_ISSUE_IMPORTANCE_ERROR, AS_ISSUE_KIND_TAG_MISSING, "The component is an addon, but no 'extends' tag was specified."); } as_validator_clear_current_cpt (validator); return cpt; }