Example #1
/* Read the next packet; called from wtap_read(). */
static gboolean ascend_read(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info,
	gint64 *data_offset)
  ascend_t *ascend = (ascend_t *)wth->priv;
  gint64 offset;

  /* parse_ascend() will advance the point at which to look for the next
     packet's header, to just after the last packet's header (ie. at the
     start of the last packet's data). We have to get past the last
     packet's header because we might mistake part of it for a new header. */
  if (file_seek(wth->fh, ascend->next_packet_seek_start,
                SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
    return FALSE;

  offset = ascend_seek(wth, err, err_info);
  if (offset == -1)
    return FALSE;
  if (parse_ascend(ascend, wth->fh, &wth->phdr, wth->frame_buffer,
                   wth->snapshot_length) != PARSED_RECORD) {
    *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE;
    *err_info = g_strdup((ascend_parse_error != NULL) ? ascend_parse_error : "parse error");
    return FALSE;

  *data_offset = offset;
  return TRUE;
Example #2
/* Read the next packet; called from wtap_read(). */
static gboolean ascend_read(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info,
	gint64 *data_offset)
  ascend_t *ascend = (ascend_t *)wth->priv;
  gint64 offset;
  guint8 *buf = buffer_start_ptr(wth->frame_buffer);
  ascend_pkthdr header;

  /* parse_ascend() will advance the point at which to look for the next
     packet's header, to just after the last packet's header (ie. at the
     start of the last packet's data). We have to get past the last
     packet's header because we might mistake part of it for a new header. */
  if (file_seek(wth->fh, ascend->next_packet_seek_start,
                SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
    return FALSE;

    offset = ascend_seek(wth, err, err_info);
    if (offset == -1)
      return FALSE;
  if (parse_ascend(wth->fh, buf, &wth->phdr.pseudo_header.ascend, &header,
      &(ascend->next_packet_seek_start)) != PARSED_RECORD) {
    *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE;
    *err_info = g_strdup((ascend_parse_error != NULL) ? ascend_parse_error : "parse error");
    return FALSE;

  buffer_assure_space(wth->frame_buffer, wth->snapshot_length);


  if (! ascend->adjusted) {
    ascend->adjusted = 1;
    if (header.start_time != 0) {
       * Capture file contained a date and time.
       * We do this only if this is the very first packet we've seen -
       * i.e., if "ascend->adjusted" is false - because
       * if we get a date and time after the first packet, we can't
       * go back and adjust the time stamps of the packets we've already
       * processed, and basing the time stamps of this and following
       * packets on the time stamp from the file text rather than the
       * ctime of the capture file means times before this and after
       * this can't be compared.
      ascend->inittime = header.start_time;
    if (ascend->inittime > header.secs)
      ascend->inittime -= header.secs;
  wth->phdr.presence_flags = WTAP_HAS_TS|WTAP_HAS_CAP_LEN;
  wth->phdr.ts.secs = header.secs + ascend->inittime;
  wth->phdr.ts.nsecs = header.usecs * 1000;
  wth->phdr.caplen = header.caplen;
  wth->phdr.len = header.len;

  *data_offset = offset;
  return TRUE;
Example #3
int ascend_open(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info)
  gint64 offset;
  ws_statb64 statbuf;
  ascend_t *ascend;

  /* We haven't yet allocated a data structure for our private stuff;
     set the pointer to null, so that "ascend_seek()" knows not to
     fill it in. */
  wth->priv = NULL;

  offset = ascend_seek(wth, err, err_info);
  if (offset == -1) {
    if (*err != 0 && *err != WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ)
      return -1;
    return 0;

  /* Do a trial parse of the first packet just found to see if we might really have an Ascend file */
  if (!check_ascend(wth->fh, &wth->phdr)) {
    return 0;

  wth->file_type_subtype = WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_ASCEND;

  switch(wth->phdr.pseudo_header.ascend.type) {
      wth->file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ISDN;

      wth->file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET;

      wth->file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ASCEND;

  wth->snapshot_length = ASCEND_MAX_PKT_LEN;
  wth->subtype_read = ascend_read;
  wth->subtype_seek_read = ascend_seek_read;
  ascend = (ascend_t *)g_malloc(sizeof(ascend_t));
  wth->priv = (void *)ascend;

  /* The first packet we want to read is the one that "ascend_seek()"
     just found; start searching for it at the offset at which it
     found it. */
  ascend->next_packet_seek_start = offset;

  /* MAXen and Pipelines report the time since reboot.  In order to keep
     from reporting packet times near the epoch, we subtract the first
     packet's timestamp from the capture file's ctime, which gives us an
     offset that we can apply to each packet.
  if (wtap_fstat(wth, &statbuf, err) == -1) {
    return -1;
  ascend->inittime = statbuf.st_ctime;
  ascend->adjusted = FALSE;
  wth->tsprecision = WTAP_FILE_TSPREC_USEC;


  return 1;
Example #4
wtap_open_return_val ascend_open(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info)
  gint64 offset;
  guint8 buf[ASCEND_MAX_PKT_LEN];
  ascend_state_t parser_state;
  ws_statb64 statbuf;
  ascend_t *ascend;

  /* We haven't yet allocated a data structure for our private stuff;
     set the pointer to null, so that "ascend_seek()" knows not to
     fill it in. */
  wth->priv = NULL;

  offset = ascend_seek(wth, err, err_info);
  if (offset == -1) {
    if (*err != 0 && *err != WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ)
      return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
    return WTAP_OPEN_NOT_MINE;

  /* Do a trial parse of the first packet just found to see if we might
     really have an Ascend file.  If it fails with an actual error,
     fail; those will be I/O errors. */
  if (run_ascend_parser(wth->fh, &wth->phdr, buf, &parser_state, err,
                        err_info) != 0 && *err != 0) {
      /* An I/O error. */
      return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;

  /* Either the parse succeeded, or it failed but didn't get an I/O

     If we got at least some data, return success even if the parser
     reported an error. This is because the debug header gives the
     number of bytes on the wire, not actually how many bytes are in
     the trace.  We won't know where the data ends until we run into
     the next packet. */
  if (parser_state.caplen == 0) {
    /* We read no data, so this presumably isn't an Ascend file. */
    return WTAP_OPEN_NOT_MINE;

  wth->file_type_subtype = WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_ASCEND;

  switch(wth->phdr.pseudo_header.ascend.type) {
      wth->file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ISDN;

      wth->file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET;

      wth->file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ASCEND;

  wth->snapshot_length = ASCEND_MAX_PKT_LEN;
  wth->subtype_read = ascend_read;
  wth->subtype_seek_read = ascend_seek_read;
  ascend = (ascend_t *)g_malloc(sizeof(ascend_t));
  wth->priv = (void *)ascend;

  /* The first packet we want to read is the one that "ascend_seek()"
     just found; start searching for it at the offset at which it
     found it. */
  ascend->next_packet_seek_start = offset;

  /* MAXen and Pipelines report the time since reboot.  In order to keep
     from reporting packet times near the epoch, we subtract the first
     packet's timestamp from the capture file's ctime, which gives us an
     offset that we can apply to each packet.
  if (wtap_fstat(wth, &statbuf, err) == -1) {
    return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
  ascend->inittime = statbuf.st_ctime;
  ascend->adjusted = FALSE;
  wth->file_tsprec = WTAP_TSPREC_USEC;

  return WTAP_OPEN_MINE;