/** * Inserts a single entry, validates it, removes it, validates again. * Does not touch the session tables. */ static bool simple_bib(void) { struct ipv4_transport_addr addr = addr4[0]; struct bib_entry *bib; bool success = true; if (is_error(pool4_get_any_port(L4PROTO_TCP, &addr.l3, &addr.l4))) return false; bib = bib_create(&addr, &addr6[0], false, L4PROTO_TCP); if (!assert_not_null(bib, "Allocation of test BIB entry")) return false; success &= assert_equals_int(0, bibdb_add(bib), "BIB insertion call"); success &= assert_bib("BIB insertion state", bib, false, true, false); if (!success) return false; success &= assert_equals_int(0, bibdb_remove(bib, false), "BIB removal call"); success &= assert_bib("BIB removal state", bib, false, false, false); if (!success) return false; bib_kfree(bib); return success; }
static void check_on_demand_playlist (const gchar * data) { GstM3U8Client *client; GstM3U8 *pl; GstM3U8MediaFile *file; client = load_playlist (data); pl = client->current; /* Sequence should be 0 as it's an ondemand playlist */ assert_equals_int (client->sequence, 0); /* Check that we are not live */ assert_equals_int (gst_m3u8_client_is_live (client), FALSE); /* Check number of entries */ assert_equals_int (g_list_length (pl->files), 4); /* Check first media segments */ file = GST_M3U8_MEDIA_FILE (g_list_first (pl->files)->data); assert_equals_string (file->uri, "http://media.example.com/001.ts"); assert_equals_int (file->sequence, 0); /* Check last media segments */ file = GST_M3U8_MEDIA_FILE (g_list_last (pl->files)->data); assert_equals_string (file->uri, "http://media.example.com/004.ts"); assert_equals_int (file->sequence, 3); gst_m3u8_client_free (client); }
/** * Asserts the "bib" entry was correctly inserted into the tables. * -> if udp_table_has_it, will test the entry exists and is correctly indexed by the UDP table. * Else it will assert the bib is not indexed by the UDP table. * -> if tcp_table_has_it, will test the entry exists and is correctly indexed by the TCP table. * Else it will assert the bib is not indexed by the TCP table. * -> if icmp_table_has_it, will test the entry exists and is correctly indexed by the ICMP table. * Else it will assert the bib is not indexed by the ICMP table. */ static bool assert_bib(char* test_name, struct bib_entry* bib, bool udp_table_has_it, bool tcp_table_has_it, bool icmp_table_has_it) { l4_protocol l4_protos[] = { L4PROTO_UDP, L4PROTO_TCP, L4PROTO_ICMP }; bool table_has_it[3]; int i; table_has_it[0] = udp_table_has_it; table_has_it[1] = tcp_table_has_it; table_has_it[2] = icmp_table_has_it; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { struct bib_entry *expected_bib = table_has_it[i] ? bib : NULL; struct bib_entry *retrieved_bib; int success = true; success &= assert_equals_int(table_has_it[i] ? 0 : -ESRCH, bibdb_get_by_ipv4(&bib->ipv4, l4_protos[i], &retrieved_bib), test_name); success &= assert_bib_entry_equals(expected_bib, retrieved_bib, test_name); success &= assert_equals_int(table_has_it[i] ? 0 : -ESRCH, bibdb_get_by_ipv6(&bib->ipv6, l4_protos[i], &retrieved_bib), test_name); success &= assert_bib_entry_equals(expected_bib, retrieved_bib, test_name); if (!success) return false; } return true; }
/* * A V6 RST packet arrives. */ static bool test_tcp_established_state_handle_v6rst(void) { struct session_entry *session; struct expire_timer *expirer; struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned long timeout; bool success = true; /* Prepare */ session = session_create_str_tcp("1::2", 1212, "3::4", 3434, "", 5678, "", 8765, ESTABLISHED); if (!session) return false; if (is_error(create_tcp_packet(&skb, L3PROTO_IPV6, false, true, false))) return false; /* Evaluate */ success &= assert_equals_int(0, tcp_established_state_handle(skb, session, &expirer), "result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(TRANS, session->state, "V6 rst-state"); success &= assert_equals_int(0, sessiondb_get_timeout(session, &timeout), "V6 rst-toresult"); success &= assert_equals_ulong(TCPTRANS_TIMEOUT, timeout, "V6 rst-lifetime"); kfree_skb(skb); return success; }
static void _test_flow_aggregation (GstFlowReturn flow, GstFlowReturn flow1, GstFlowReturn flow2, GstFlowReturn demux_flow, gboolean should_fail) { GstPad *srcpad; GstValidateReport *report; GstValidatePadMonitor *pmonitor, *pmonitor1, *pmonitor2; GstElement *demuxer = fake_demuxer_new (); GstBin *pipeline = GST_BIN (gst_pipeline_new ("validate-pipeline")); GList *reports; GstValidateRunner *runner; GstValidateMonitor *monitor; fail_unless (g_setenv ("GST_VALIDATE_REPORTING_DETAILS", "all", TRUE)); runner = gst_validate_runner_new (); monitor = gst_validate_monitor_factory_create (GST_OBJECT (pipeline), runner, NULL); gst_validate_reporter_set_handle_g_logs (GST_VALIDATE_REPORTER (monitor)); gst_bin_add (pipeline, demuxer); fake_demuxer_prepare_pads (pipeline, demuxer, runner); srcpad = gst_pad_new ("srcpad1", GST_PAD_SRC); gst_pad_link (srcpad, demuxer->sinkpads->data); fail_unless (gst_pad_activate_mode (srcpad, GST_PAD_MODE_PUSH, TRUE)); gst_check_setup_events_with_stream_id (srcpad, demuxer, NULL, GST_FORMAT_TIME, "the-stream"); pmonitor = _get_pad_monitor (gst_pad_get_peer (demuxer->srcpads->data)); pmonitor1 = _get_pad_monitor (gst_pad_get_peer (demuxer->srcpads->next->data)); pmonitor2 = _get_pad_monitor (gst_pad_get_peer (demuxer->srcpads->next->next->data)); pmonitor->last_flow_return = flow; pmonitor1->last_flow_return = flow1; pmonitor2->last_flow_return = flow2; FAKE_DEMUXER (demuxer)->return_value = demux_flow; fail_unless_equals_int (gst_pad_push (srcpad, gst_buffer_new ()), demux_flow); reports = gst_validate_runner_get_reports (runner); if (should_fail) { assert_equals_int (g_list_length (reports), 1); report = reports->data; fail_unless_equals_int (report->level, GST_VALIDATE_REPORT_LEVEL_CRITICAL); fail_unless_equals_int (report->issue->issue_id, WRONG_FLOW_RETURN); } else { assert_equals_int (g_list_length (reports), 0); } g_list_free_full (reports, (GDestroyNotify) gst_validate_report_unref); clean_bus (GST_ELEMENT (pipeline)); gst_element_set_state (GST_ELEMENT (pipeline), GST_STATE_NULL); ASSERT_OBJECT_REFCOUNT (pipeline, "ours", 1); check_destroyed (pipeline, demuxer, NULL); check_destroyed (monitor, pmonitor, NULL); }
static bool test_get_any_port_aux(enum l4_protocol proto, int id_count, char *test_name) { int a, p; /* address counter, port counter */ __u16 result; bool success = true; for (a = 0; a < ARRAY_SIZE(expected_ips); a++) { for (p = 0; p < id_count; p++) { success &= assert_equals_int(0, pool4_get_any_port(proto, &expected_ips[a], &result), test_name); success &= assert_false(ports[a][result], test_name); ports[a][result] = true; if (!success) return success; } if (!assert_equals_int(-ESRCH, pool4_get_any_port(proto, &expected_ips[a], &result), test_name)) return false; } return true; }
/* * A V6 FIN packet arrives. */ static bool test_tcp_v4_fin_rcv_state_handle_v6fin(void) { struct session_entry *session; struct expire_timer *expirer; struct packet pkt; struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned long timeout = 0; bool success = true; /* Prepare */ session = session_create_str_tcp("1::2", 1212, "3::4", 3434, "", 5678, "", 8765, V4_FIN_RCV); if (!session) return false; if (is_error(create_tcp_packet(&skb, L3PROTO_IPV6, false, false, true))) return false; if (is_error(pkt_init_ipv6(&pkt, skb))) return false; /* Evaluate */ success &= assert_equals_int(0, tcp_v4_fin_rcv_state_handle(&pkt, session, &expirer), "V6 fin-result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(V4_FIN_V6_FIN_RCV, session->state, "V6 fin-state"); success &= assert_equals_int(0, sessiondb_get_timeout(session, &timeout), "V6 fin-toresult"); success &= assert_equals_ulong(TCPTRANS_TIMEOUT, timeout, "V6 fin-lifetime"); kfree_skb(skb); return success; }
static bool test_for_each_function(void) { struct test_table table; struct loop_summary summary = { .values = { 0, 0, 0 }, .array_size = 0 }; int i; bool success; struct table_key keys[] = { { 2 }, { 3 }, { 12 } }; struct table_value values[] = { { 6623 }, { 784 }, { 736 } }; /* Init. */ test_table_init(&table, &equals_function, &hash_code_function); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(values); i++) { if (test_table_put(&table, &keys[i], &values[i]) != 0) { log_warning("Put operation failed on value %d.", i); test_table_empty(&table, NULL); return false; } } success &= assert_equals_int(0, test_table_for_each(&table, for_each_func, &summary), ""); success &= assert_equals_int(3, summary.array_size, ""); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(values); i++) { success &= assert_true(summary.values[0] == values[i].value || summary.values[1] == values[i].value || summary.values[2] == values[i].value, ""); } test_table_empty(&table, NULL); return true; }
bool test_tcp_trans_state_handle( void ) { struct sk_buff *skb; struct session_entry session; bool success = true; /* A V4 RST packet arrives. */ if (!init_skb_and_session(&skb, &session, PACKET_TYPE_V4_RST, TRANS, 10)) return false; success &= assert_true(tcp_trans_state_handle( skb, &session ), "V4 rst-result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(TRANS, session.state, "V4 rst-state"); success &= assert_equals_int(10, session.dying_time, "V4 rst-lifetime"); kfree_skb(skb); /* A V6 RST packet arrives. */ if (!init_skb_and_session(&skb, &session, PACKET_TYPE_V6_RST, TRANS, 10)) return false; success &= assert_true(tcp_trans_state_handle( skb, &session ), "V6 rst-result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(TRANS, session.state, "V6 rst-state"); success &= assert_equals_int(10, session.dying_time, "V6 rst-lifetime"); kfree_skb(skb); /* Something else arrives. */ if (!init_skb_and_session(&skb, &session, PACKET_TYPE_V4_SYN, TRANS, 10)) return false; success &= assert_true(tcp_trans_state_handle(skb, &session), "else-result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(ESTABLISHED, session.state, "else-state"); success &= assert_not_equals_int(10, session.dying_time, "else-lifetime"); kfree_skb(skb); return success; }
/* * Something else arrives. */ static bool test_tcp_trans_state_handle_else(void) { struct session_entry *session; struct expire_timer *expirer; struct packet pkt; struct sk_buff *skb; unsigned long timeout = 0; bool success = true; /* Prepare */ session = session_create_str_tcp("1::2", 1212, "3::4", 3434, "", 5678, "", 8765, TRANS); if (!session) return false; if (is_error(create_tcp_packet(&skb, L3PROTO_IPV4, true, false, false))) return false; if (is_error(pkt_init_ipv4(&pkt, skb))) return false; /* Evaluate */ success &= assert_equals_int(0, tcp_trans_state_handle(&pkt, session, &expirer), "else-result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(ESTABLISHED, session->state, "else-state"); success &= assert_equals_int(0, sessiondb_get_timeout(session, &timeout), "else-toresult"); success &= assert_equals_ulong(TCPEST_TIMEOUT, timeout, "else-lifetime"); kfree_skb(skb); return success; }
static bool compare_skbs(struct sk_buff *expected, struct sk_buff *actual) { unsigned char *expected_ptr, *actual_ptr; unsigned int i, s, min_len; int errors = 0; if (!assert_equals_int(count_frags(expected), count_frags(actual), "Fragment count")) return false; s = 0; while (expected && !errors) { log_debug("Reviewing packet %u.", s); if (!assert_equals_int(expected->len, actual->len, "skb length")) errors++; expected_ptr = (unsigned char *) skb_network_header(expected); actual_ptr = (unsigned char *) skb_network_header(actual); min_len = (expected->len < actual->len) ? expected->len : actual->len; for (i = 0; i < min_len && errors < 6; i++) { if (expected_ptr[i] != actual_ptr[i]) { log_err("Packets differ at byte %u. Expected: 0x%x; actual: 0x%x.", i, expected_ptr[i], actual_ptr[i]); errors++; } } expected = expected->next; actual = actual->next; s++; } return !errors; }
/** * "ars" means add, remove, send */ static bool test_pkt_queue_ars(void) { struct session_entry *session; struct sk_buff *skb; struct tuple tuple4; struct tcphdr *hdr_tcp; bool success = true; /* Prepare */ if (is_error(init_ipv4_tuple(&tuple4, "", 5678, "", 8765, L4PROTO_TCP))) return false; session = session_create_str_tcp("1::2", 1212, "3::4", 3434, "", 8765, "", 5678, V4_INIT); /* The session entry that is supposed to be created in "tcp_close_state_handle". */ if (!session) return false; if (is_error(create_skb4_tcp(&tuple4, &skb, 100, 32))) { session_return(session); return false; } hdr_tcp = tcp_hdr(skb); hdr_tcp->syn = true; hdr_tcp->rst = false; hdr_tcp->fin = false; success &= assert_equals_int(0, pktqueue_add(session, skb), "pktqueue_add 1"); success &= assert_equals_int(0, pktqueue_remove(session), "pktqueue_remove 1"); success &= assert_equals_int(-ENOENT, pktqueue_send(session), "pktqueue_send 1"); success &= assert_equals_int(0, icmp64_pop(), "pktqueue not sent an icmp error"); session_return(session); /* kfree_skb(skb); "skb" kfreed when pktqueue_remove is executed */ return success; }
bool test_ipv4_icmp4( void ) { u_int8_t protocol; struct tuple tuple; struct sk_buff* skb = NULL; bool success = true; protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP; success &= init_tuple_for_test_ipv4( &tuple , protocol ); skb = init_skb_for_test( &tuple, protocol ); success &= assert_not_null(skb, "init_skb_for_test"); success &= assert_equals_int(NF_DROP, ipv4_icmp4( skb, &tuple ), "See if we discard an IPv4 ICMP packet, which tries to start a communication."); kfree_skb(skb); protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP; success &= init_tuple_for_test_ipv6( &tuple , protocol ); skb = init_skb_for_test( &tuple, protocol ); success &= assert_not_null(skb, "init_skb_for_test"); success &= assert_equals_int(NF_ACCEPT, ipv6_icmp6(skb, &tuple ), "See if we can process correctly an IPv6 ICMP packet."); kfree_skb(skb); protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP; success &= init_tuple_for_test_ipv4( &tuple , protocol ); skb = init_skb_for_test( &tuple, protocol ); success &= assert_not_null(skb, "init_skb_for_test"); success &= assert_equals_int(NF_ACCEPT, ipv4_icmp4( skb, &tuple ), "See if we can process correctly an expected IPv4 ICMP packet."); kfree_skb(skb); return success; }
bool test_ipv4_udp( void ) { u_int8_t protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; struct tuple tuple; struct sk_buff* skb; bool success = true; skb = init_skb_for_test( &tuple, protocol ); if (!skb) return false; success &= init_tuple_for_test_ipv4( &tuple , protocol ); success &= assert_equals_int(NF_DROP, ipv4_udp( skb, &tuple ), "See if we discard an IPv4 UDP packet, which tries to start a communication."); success &= init_tuple_for_test_ipv6( &tuple , protocol ); success &= assert_equals_int(NF_ACCEPT, ipv6_udp( skb, &tuple ), "See if we can process correctly an IPv6 UDP packet."); success &= init_tuple_for_test_ipv4( &tuple , protocol ); success &= assert_equals_int(NF_ACCEPT, ipv4_udp( skb, &tuple ), "See if we can process correctly an expected IPv4 UDP packet."); kfree_skb(skb); return success; }
static bool test_get_match_aux(enum l4_protocol proto, int port_min, int port_max, int step, char *test_name) { int a, p; /* address counter, port counter */ struct ipv4_transport_addr base; __u16 result; bool success = true; for (a = 0; a < ARRAY_SIZE(expected_ips); a++) { base.l3 = expected_ips[a]; for (p = port_min; p <= port_max; p += step) { base.l4 = p; success &= assert_equals_int(0, pool4_get_match(proto, &base, &result), test_name); success &= assert_false(ports[a][result], test_name); ports[a][result] = true; if (!success) return false; } if (!assert_equals_int(-ESRCH, pool4_get_match(proto, &base, &result), test_name)) return false; } return true; }
static bool test_4to6(l4_protocol l4_proto) { struct tuple incoming, outgoing; bool success = true; incoming.src.addr.ipv4 = remote_ipv4; incoming.dst.addr.ipv4 = local_ipv4; incoming.src.l4_id = 123; /* Whatever */ incoming.dst.l4_id = 80; /* Lookup will use this. */ incoming.l3_proto = L3PROTO_IPV4; incoming.l4_proto = l4_proto; if (l4_proto != L4PROTO_ICMP) { success &= assert_equals_int(VER_CONTINUE, tuple5(&incoming, &outgoing), "Function5 call"); success &= assert_equals_u16(123, outgoing.src.l4_id, "Source port"); success &= assert_equals_u16(1500, outgoing.dst.l4_id, "Destination port"); } else { success &= assert_equals_int(VER_CONTINUE, tuple3(&incoming, &outgoing), "Function3 call"); success &= assert_equals_u16(1500, outgoing.icmp_id, "ICMP ID"); } success &= assert_equals_ipv6(&local_ipv6, &outgoing.src.addr.ipv6, "Source address"); success &= assert_equals_ipv6(&remote_ipv6, &outgoing.dst.addr.ipv6, "Destination address"); success &= assert_equals_u16(L3PROTO_IPV6, outgoing.l3_proto, "Layer-3 protocol"); success &= assert_equals_u8(l4_proto, outgoing.l4_proto, "Layer-4 protocol"); return success; }
static bool test_next_function_subheaders(void) { bool success = true; struct hdr_iterator iterator; /* Init */ struct ipv6hdr *ip6_header; struct frag_hdr *fragment_hdr; struct ipv6_opt_hdr *hop_by_hop_hdr; struct ipv6_opt_hdr *routing_hdr; unsigned char *payload; ip6_header = kmalloc_packet(FRAG_HDR_LEN + OPT_HDR_LEN + ROUTING_HDR_LEN + 4, NEXTHDR_FRAGMENT); if (!ip6_header) return false; fragment_hdr = add_frag_hdr(ip6_header, sizeof(struct ipv6hdr), NEXTHDR_HOP); hop_by_hop_hdr = add_opt_hdr(fragment_hdr, FRAG_HDR_LEN, NEXTHDR_ROUTING); routing_hdr = add_routing_hdr(hop_by_hop_hdr, OPT_HDR_LEN, NEXTHDR_UDP); payload = add_payload(routing_hdr, ROUTING_HDR_LEN); /* Test */ hdr_iterator_init(&iterator, ip6_header); success &= assert_equals_ptr(fragment_hdr, iterator.data, "Frag hdr, data"); success &= assert_equals_u8(NEXTHDR_FRAGMENT, iterator.hdr_type, "Frag hdr, type"); if (!success) goto end; success &= assert_equals_int(HDR_ITERATOR_SUCCESS, hdr_iterator_next(&iterator), "Next 1"); success &= assert_equals_ptr(hop_by_hop_hdr, iterator.data, "Hop-by-hop hdr, data"); success &= assert_equals_u8(NEXTHDR_HOP, iterator.hdr_type, "Hop-by-hop hdr, type"); if (!success) goto end; success &= assert_equals_int(HDR_ITERATOR_SUCCESS, hdr_iterator_next(&iterator), "Next 2"); success &= assert_equals_ptr(routing_hdr, iterator.data, "Routing hdr, data"); success &= assert_equals_u8(NEXTHDR_ROUTING, iterator.hdr_type, "Routing hdr, type"); if (!success) goto end; success &= assert_equals_int(HDR_ITERATOR_SUCCESS, hdr_iterator_next(&iterator), "Next 3"); success &= assert_equals_ptr(payload, iterator.data, "Payload 1, data"); success &= assert_equals_u8(NEXTHDR_UDP, iterator.hdr_type, "Payload 1, type"); if (!success) goto end; success &= assert_equals_int(HDR_ITERATOR_END, hdr_iterator_next(&iterator), "Next 4"); success &= assert_equals_ptr(payload, iterator.data, "Payload 2, data"); success &= assert_equals_u8(NEXTHDR_UDP, iterator.hdr_type, "Payload 2, type"); /* Fall through. */ end: kfree(ip6_header); return success; }
void test_assertions () { char *c; assert(1+1 == 2); assert(1+1 == 3); assert_true(1+1 == 2); assert_true(1+1 == 3); assert_false(1+1 == 3); assert_false(1+1 == 2); assert_equals_int(1, 1); assert_equals_int(1, 2); assert_not_equals_int(1, 2); assert_not_equals_int(1, 1); assert_equals_int(1, 1); assert_equals_int(1, 2); assert_not_equals_int(1, 2); assert_not_equals_int(1, 1); assert_equals_str("abc", "abc"); assert_equals_str("abc", "def"); assert_not_equals_str("abc", "def"); assert_not_equals_str("abc", "abc"); c = NULL; assert_null(c); c = malloc(sizeof(char)); assert_null(c); c = malloc(sizeof(char)); assert_not_null(c); c = NULL; assert_not_null(c); assert_equals_float(2.0, 2.0); assert_equals_float(2.0, 2.1); assert_not_equals_float(2.0, 2.1); assert_not_equals_float(2.0, 2.0); assert_equals_double(2.0, 2.0); assert_equals_double(2.0, 2.1); assert_not_equals_double(2.0, 2.1); assert_not_equals_double(2.0, 2.0); }
static bool test_get_any_addr_aux(l4_protocol proto, int min_range, int max_range, int range_step, int range_outside) { struct ipv4_transport_addr tuple_addr; int p; bool success = true; for (p = min_range; p <= max_range; p += range_step) { success &= assert_equals_int(0, pool4_get_any_addr(proto, p, &tuple_addr), "Matched borrow 1-result"); success &= assert_equals_ipv4(&expected_ips[0], &tuple_addr.l3, "Matched borrow 1-address"); success &= assert_false(ports[0][tuple_addr.l4], "Matched borrow 1-port"); ports[0][tuple_addr.l4] = true; success &= assert_equals_int(0, pool4_get_any_addr(proto, p, &tuple_addr), "Matched borrow 2-result"); success &= assert_equals_ipv4(&expected_ips[1], &tuple_addr.l3, "Matched borrow 2-address"); success &= assert_false(ports[1][tuple_addr.l4], "Matched borrow 2-port"); ports[1][tuple_addr.l4] = true; if (!success) return success; } /* At this point, the pool should not have low even ports, so it should lend random data. */ for (p = 0; p < range_outside; p += 1) { success &= assert_equals_int(0, pool4_get_any_addr(proto, 10, &tuple_addr), "Mismatched borrow 1-result"); success &= assert_equals_ipv4(&expected_ips[0], &tuple_addr.l3, "Mismatched borrow 1-address"); success &= assert_false(ports[0][tuple_addr.l4], "Mismatched borrow 1-port"); ports[0][tuple_addr.l4] = true; success &= assert_equals_int(0, pool4_get_any_addr(proto, 10, &tuple_addr), "Mismatched borrow 2-result"); success &= assert_equals_ipv4(&expected_ips[1], &tuple_addr.l3, "Mismatched borrow 2-address"); success &= assert_false(ports[1][tuple_addr.l4], "Mismatched borrow 2-port"); ports[1][tuple_addr.l4] = true; if (!success) return success; } /* The pool ran out of ports. */ success &= assert_equals_int(-ESRCH, pool4_get_any_addr(proto, 10, &tuple_addr), "Exhausted pool"); return success; }
static void do_test_seek (GstM3U8Client * client, guint seek_pos, gint pos) { GstClockTime cur_pos; gboolean ret; ret = gst_m3u8_client_seek (client, seek_pos * GST_SECOND); if (pos == -1) { assert_equals_int (ret, FALSE); return; } assert_equals_int (ret, TRUE); gst_m3u8_client_get_current_position (client, &cur_pos, NULL); assert_equals_uint64 (cur_pos, pos * GST_SECOND); }
static bool test_last_function_unsupported(void) { bool success = true; struct hdr_iterator iterator; /* Init */ struct ipv6hdr *ip6_header; struct frag_hdr *fragment_hdr; struct ipv6_opt_hdr *esp_hdr; struct ipv6_opt_hdr *routing_hdr; unsigned char *payload; ip6_header = kmalloc_packet(FRAG_HDR_LEN + OPT_HDR_LEN + ROUTING_HDR_LEN + 4, NEXTHDR_FRAGMENT); if (!ip6_header) return false; fragment_hdr = add_frag_hdr(ip6_header, sizeof(struct ipv6hdr), NEXTHDR_ESP); esp_hdr = add_opt_hdr(fragment_hdr, FRAG_HDR_LEN, FRAG_HDR_LEN); routing_hdr = add_routing_hdr(esp_hdr, OPT_HDR_LEN, NEXTHDR_UDP); payload = add_payload(routing_hdr, ROUTING_HDR_LEN); /* Test */ hdr_iterator_init(&iterator, ip6_header); success &= assert_equals_int(HDR_ITERATOR_UNSUPPORTED, hdr_iterator_last(&iterator), "Result"); success &= assert_equals_ptr(esp_hdr, iterator.data, "Last function, data"); success &= assert_equals_u8(NEXTHDR_ESP, iterator.hdr_type, "Last function, type"); /* End */ kfree(ip6_header); return success; }
/** * Inserts a single entry, validates it, removes it, validates again. * Does not touch the session tables. */ bool simple_bib(void) { struct bib_entry *bib; bool success = true; bib = create_bib_entry(0, 0); if (!assert_not_null(bib, "Allocation of test BIB entry")) return false; success &= assert_equals_int(0, bib_add(bib, IPPROTO_TCP), "BIB insertion call"); success &= assert_bib("BIB insertion state", bib, false, true, false); if (!success) /* * Rather have a slight memory leak than corrupted memory. Because of the error, the table * might or might not have a reference to the entry, and if it does, it will try to kfree * it during bib_destroy(). Hence, better not free it here. */ return false; success &= assert_true(bib_remove(bib, IPPROTO_TCP), "BIB removal call"); success &= assert_bib("BIB removal state", bib, false, false, false); if (!success) return false; kfree(bib); return success; }
/* * A V4 FIN packet arrives. */ static bool test_tcp_established_state_handle_v4fin(void) { struct session_entry *session; struct expire_timer *expirer; struct packet pkt; struct sk_buff *skb; bool success = true; /* Prepare */ session = session_create_str_tcp("1::2", 1212, "3::4", 3434, "", 5678, "", 8765, ESTABLISHED); if (!session) return false; if (is_error(create_tcp_packet(&skb, L3PROTO_IPV4, false, false, true))) return false; if (is_error(pkt_init_ipv4(&pkt, skb))) return false; /* Evaluate */ success &= assert_equals_int(0, tcp_established_state_handle(&pkt, session, &expirer), "result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(V4_FIN_RCV, session->state, "V4 fin-state"); success &= assert_null(session->expirer, "null expirer"); kfree_skb(skb); return success; }
/* * A V6 RST packet arrives. */ static bool test_tcp_trans_state_handle_v6rst(void) { struct session_entry *session; struct expire_timer *expirer; struct packet pkt; struct sk_buff *skb; bool success = true; /* Prepare */ session = session_create_str_tcp("1::2", 1212, "3::4", 3434, "", 5678, "", 8765, TRANS); if (!session) return false; if (is_error(create_tcp_packet(&skb, L3PROTO_IPV6, false, true, false))) return false; if (is_error(pkt_init_ipv6(&pkt, skb))) return false; /* Evaluate */ success &= assert_equals_int(0, tcp_trans_state_handle(&pkt, session, &expirer), "V6 rst-result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(TRANS, session->state, "V6 rst-state"); success &= assert_null(session->expirer, "null expirer"); kfree_skb(skb); return success; }
/** * For every key (from the "keys" array), extracts its corresponding value from "table", and asserts * it equals its corresponding expected value (from the "expected_values" array). * * Assumes "keys" and "expected_values" have the same length. */ static bool assert_table_content(struct test_table *table, struct table_key *keys, struct table_value *expected_values, char *test_name) { int i; bool success = true; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { struct table_value *current_val = test_table_get(table, &keys[i]); if (expected_values[i].value == -1) { success &= assert_null(current_val, test_name); } else { bool local = true; local &= assert_not_null(current_val, test_name); if (local) local &= assert_equals_int(expected_values[i].value, current_val->value, test_name); success &= local; } } return success; }
static bool test_allocate_aux(struct tuple *tuple6, struct in_addr *same_addr, struct in_addr *out_addr, bool test_port) { struct ipv4_transport_addr result; bool success = true; struct host6_node *host6; if (host6_node_get_or_create(&tuple6->src.addr6.l3, &host6)) return false; success &= assert_equals_int(0, allocate_transport_address(host6, tuple6, &result), "function result"); /* BTW: Because in_addrs are __be32s, "" is the same as "0x1010101U" */ success &= assert_true(result.l3.s_addr == htonl(0x1010101U) || result.l3.s_addr == htonl(0x2020202U), "Result address is in pool"); if (same_addr) success &= assert_equals_ipv4(same_addr, &result.l3, "Result address was recycled"); if (test_port) { success &= assert_true(is_same_range(tuple6->src.addr6.l4, result.l4), "Result port is in the requested range"); success &= assert_true(is_same_parity(tuple6->src.addr6.l4, result.l4), "Result port has the same parity as requested"); } success &= bib_inject(&tuple6->src.addr6.l3, tuple6->src.addr6.l4, &result.l3, result.l4, L4PROTO_UDP) != NULL; if (out_addr) *out_addr = result.l3; host6_node_return(host6); return success; }
bool test_tcp_v6_init_state_handle( void ) { struct sk_buff *skb; struct session_entry session; bool success = true; // A V4 SYN packet arrives. if (!init_skb_and_session(&skb, &session, PACKET_TYPE_V4_SYN, V6_INIT, 10)) return false; success &= assert_true(tcp_v6_init_state_handle(skb, &session), "V4 syn-result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(ESTABLISHED, session.state, "V4 syn-state"); success &= assert_not_equals_int(10, session.dying_time, "V4 syn-lifetime"); kfree_skb(skb); // A V6 SYN packet arrives. if (!init_skb_and_session(&skb, &session, PACKET_TYPE_V6_SYN, V6_INIT, 10)) return false; success &= assert_true(tcp_v6_init_state_handle(skb, &session), "V6 syn-result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(V6_INIT, session.state, "V6 syn-state"); success &= assert_not_equals_int(10, session.dying_time, "V6 syn-lifetime"); kfree_skb(skb); // Something else arrives. if (!init_skb_and_session(&skb, &session, PACKET_TYPE_V6_RST, V6_INIT, 10)) return false; success &= assert_true(tcp_v6_init_state_handle(skb, &session), "else-result"); success &= assert_equals_u8(V6_INIT, session.state, "else-state"); success &= assert_equals_int(10, session.dying_time, "else-lifetime"); kfree_skb(skb); return success; }
static bool test_sessiondb_timeouts_aux(struct expire_timer *expirer, unsigned int expirer_seconds, char *test_name) { unsigned long mssec = msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * expirer_seconds); unsigned long timeout = get_timeout(expirer); return assert_equals_int(mssec, timeout, test_name); }
/** * Same as assert_bib(), except asserting session entries on the session table. */ static bool assert_session(char* test_name, struct session_entry* session, bool udp_table_has_it, bool tcp_table_has_it, bool icmp_table_has_it) { struct session_entry *retrieved_session, *expected_session; struct tuple tuple6, tuple4; l4_protocol l4_protos[] = { L4PROTO_UDP, L4PROTO_TCP, L4PROTO_ICMP }; bool table_has_it[3]; bool success; int i; table_has_it[0] = udp_table_has_it; table_has_it[1] = tcp_table_has_it; table_has_it[2] = icmp_table_has_it; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tuple4.dst.addr4 = session->local4; tuple4.src.addr4 = session->remote4; tuple4.l3_proto = L3PROTO_IPV4; tuple4.l4_proto = l4_protos[i]; tuple6.dst.addr6 = session->local6; tuple6.src.addr6 = session->remote6; tuple6.l3_proto = L3PROTO_IPV6; tuple6.l4_proto = l4_protos[i]; expected_session = table_has_it[i] ? session : NULL; success = true; retrieved_session = NULL; success &= assert_equals_int(table_has_it[i] ? 0 : -ESRCH, sessiondb_get(&tuple4, &retrieved_session), test_name); success &= assert_session_entry_equals(expected_session, retrieved_session, test_name); retrieved_session = NULL; success &= assert_equals_int(table_has_it[i] ? 0 : -ESRCH, sessiondb_get(&tuple6, &retrieved_session), test_name); success &= assert_session_entry_equals(expected_session, retrieved_session, test_name); if (!success) return false; } return true; }
static bool test_function_icmp4_to_icmp6_param_prob(void) { struct icmphdr hdr4; struct icmp6hdr hdr6; bool success = true; hdr4.type = ICMP_PARAMETERPROB; hdr4.code = ICMP_PTR_INDICATES_ERROR; hdr4.icmp4_unused = cpu_to_be32(0x08000000); success &= assert_equals_int(0, icmp4_to_icmp6_param_prob(&hdr4, &hdr6), "func result 1"); success &= assert_equals_u8(ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, hdr6.icmp6_code, "code"); success &= assert_equals_u8(7, be32_to_cpu(hdr6.icmp6_pointer), "pointer"); hdr4.icmp4_unused = cpu_to_be32(0x05000000); success &= assert_equals_int(-EINVAL, icmp4_to_icmp6_param_prob(&hdr4, &hdr6), "func result 2"); return success; }