// Assignment operator
Variant & Variant::operator= (const char * value)
	m_Type = String;
	assignString(value ? value : "", value ? strlen(value) : 0);
	return *this;
// Assignment operator
Variant & Variant::operator= (const wchar_t * value)
	m_Type = WideString;
	assignString(value ? value : L"", value ? wcslen(value) : 0);
	return *this;
// Assignment operator
Variant & Variant::operator= (const std::wstring & value)
	m_Type = WideString;
	assignString(value.data(), value.length());
	return *this;
// Assigns value of the specified variant to this variant
void Variant::assignVariant(const Variant & src)
	m_Type = src.m_Type;
	switch (m_Type)
	case String:
		assignString((char *)src.m_Value._string.data, src.m_Value._string.length);

	case WideString:
		assignString((wchar_t *)src.m_Value._string.data, src.m_Value._string.length);

		memcpy(&m_Value, &src.m_Value, sizeof(m_Value));
Example #5
void solve(char* str1, char *str2, char *str){
  int len1 = strlen(str1);
  int len2 = strlen(str2);
  int len3 = strlen(str);
  int sol1[MAXSIZE],sol2[MAXSIZE],sol3[len3+1];
  int r=0,temp=-1,l=1,per,num1,num2;
  printf("%s + %s = %s\n",str1,str2,str);
  if(len1 == len2){
    /*assigning numbers to 1st string*/
    /*assigning numbers to 2nd string*/
    /*Check for solution*/
    check(str1, str2, str, sol1, sol2);
      printf("\nboth strings are of different length.\n\n");
Example #6
static void presetVal(varInfo *v, int type)
    v->active      = ACT_ON;
    v->subtype     = type;
    v->prot	   = preset[type].Prot;
    v->Dgroup      = preset[type].Dgroup;
    v->Ggroup      = preset[type].Ggroup;
    v->minVal      = preset[type].minVal;
    v->maxVal      = preset[type].maxVal;
    v->step        = preset[type].step;
    v->R           = NULL;
    v->E           = NULL;
    v->T.size      = 0;
    v->ET.size     = 0;
    v->T.basicType = preset[type].type;
    v->ET.basicType= v->T.basicType;
    if(v->T.basicType == T_REAL) /* set inital value to zero */
    if(v->T.basicType == T_STRING) /* set inital value to null */
Example #7
int P_loadVar(int tree, char *name,  vInfo *v, int *fd) 	
{   char            buf[4097];
    double          dvalue;
    int             i; 
    int             length;
    int             nread;
    symbol        **root;
    varInfo        *newv;
/* If the variable was passed as a system global, store it
   in the global variable tree.					*/

/* if lockfreq is passed from the system global and global annouce the fact and
   abort  */
    if (tree==SYSTEMGLOBAL)	/* break if in two for speed,avoid strcmp if possible */
      if (strcmp(name,"lockfreq") == 0) 
         if (!havelockfreq)
	    "lockfreq in both conpar and global, remove occurrence in global.\n");
           havelockfreq = -1;
    if (tree==GLOBAL)	/* break if in two for speed,avoid strcmp if possible */
      if (strcmp(name,"lockfreq") == 0) 
         if (!havelockfreq)
	    "lockfreq in both conpar and global, remove occurrence in global.\n");
           havelockfreq = -1;
    if (tree==SYSTEMGLOBAL) tree = GLOBAL;
    if ( (root = getTreeRoot(getRoot(tree))) )
    {	if ( (newv=rfindVar(name,root)) ) /* if variable exists, get rid of it*/
	{   if (newv->T.basicType == T_STRING)  
	    {   disposeStringRvals(newv->R);
	    {   disposeRealRvals(newv->R);
	    newv->R = NULL;
	    newv->E = NULL;
	    newv->T.size = newv->ET.size = 0;
	    newv->T.basicType  = v->basicType;
	    newv->ET.basicType = v->basicType;
	    newv = RcreateVar(name,root,v->basicType); /* create the variable */
	newv->active = v->active;
	newv->subtype= v->subtype;
	newv->Dgroup = v->Dgroup;
	newv->Ggroup = v->group;
	newv->prot   = v->prot;
	newv->minVal = v->minVal;
	newv->maxVal = v->maxVal;
	newv->step   = v->step;
	if (v->basicType == T_STRING)
	{    for (i=0 ; i<v->size ; i++)
	    {	nread = read(fd[0],&length,sizeof(int)); 
		nread = read(fd[0],buf,length);
		buf[length] = '\0';
		if (bgflag > 2)
		    fprintf(stderr,"bg: STRING[%d] = \"%s\"\n",i,buf);
	    /* copy over enumerals */
/* ---------------------- deleted
	    for (i=0 ; i<v->Esize ; i++)
	    {	nread = read(fd[0],&length,sizeof(int)); 
		nread = read(fd[0],buf,length);
		buf[length] = NULL;
		if (bgflag > 2)
		    fprintf(stderr,"bg: Enum STRING[%d] = \"%s\"\n",i,buf);
+------------------------- */
	else /* assume T_REAL */
	{   for (i=0 ; i<v->size ; i++)
	    {	nread = read(fd[0],&dvalue,sizeof(double));
		/* convert usec pulse values in to seconds */
                if (v->subtype == ST_PULSE) /* pulse in usec */ 
                     dvalue *= 1.0e-6; 	/* now in sec. */
		if (bgflag > 2)
		    fprintf(stderr,"bg: REAL[%d] = \"%g\"\n",i,dvalue);
	    /*  copy over enumeral values */
/* ---------------------- deleted
	    for (i=0 ; i<v->Esize ; i++)
	    {	nread = read(fd[0],&dvalue,sizeof(double));
		if (bgflag > 2)
		    fprintf(stderr,"bg: Enum REAL[%d] = \"%g\"\n",i,dvalue);
+------------------------- */
	fprintf(stderr,"P_loadVar: fatal error, cannot find tree %d\n",tree);
        havelockfreq = -1;  /* make PSG abort */
// Constructor
Variant::Variant(const wchar_t * value)
	: m_Type(WideString)
	assignString(value ? value : L"", value ? wcslen(value) : 0);
// Constructor
Variant::Variant(const char * value)
	: m_Type(String)
	assignString(value ? value : "", value ? strlen(value) : 0);
Example #10
// Constructor
Variant::Variant(const std::wstring & value)
	: m_Type(WideString)
	assignString(value.data(), value.length());
Example #11
int assignPair(pair *p, varInfo *v, int i)
{   Rval *r;

    DPRINT3(3,"assignPair: pair 0x%08x to var 0x%08x[%d]...\n",p,v,i);
    DSHOWPAIR(3,"assignPair: ",p);
    DSHOWVAR(3,"assignPair: ",v);
    if (v)
    {	switch (p->T.basicType)
	{ case T_UNDEF:     return(0);
	  case T_REAL:	    r = p->R;
		            if (v->prot & P_ARR)
		            { if ((r = r->next) || (i > 1))
				 WerrprintfWithPos("cannot array parameter");
			      r = p->R;
			    while (r)
			    	if (assignReal(r->v.r,v,i))
				{   r  = r->next;
				    if (i == 0)
					i++; /* bump index to 2 */
				    i += 1;
			    DPRINT0(3,"assignPair: ...after\n");
			    DSHOWVAR(3,"assignPair: ",v);
	  case T_STRING:    r = p->R;
		            if (v->prot & P_ARR)
		            { if ((r = r->next) || (i > 1))
				 WerrprintfWithPos("cannot array parameter");
			      r = p->R;
			    while (r)
			    	if (assignString(r->v.s,v,i))
				{   r  = r->next;
				    if (i == 0)
					i++; /* bump index to 2 */
				    i += 1;
			    DPRINT0(3,"assignPair: ...after\n");
			    DSHOWVAR(3,"assignPair: ",v);
	  default:	    WerrprintfWithPos("unknown parameter assignment with basictype %d",p->T.basicType);

Example #12
bool assignString(unsigned char& dest, const std::string& data)
  return assignString((char&)dest, data);
Example #13
bool assignString(unsigned long long& dest, const std::string& data)
  return assignString((long long&)dest, data);
Example #14
bool assignString(unsigned int& dest, const std::string& data)
  return assignString((int&)dest, data);
 Inherits from : -
fmiComponent fmiInstantiateModel(fmiString instanceName,
                                 fmiString GUID,
                                 fmiCallbackFunctions memory,
                                 fmiBoolean loggingOn)
   /* Declaration of internal variables */
   fmiComponentStructure* component; /* Internal data structure */
   init_struct dim_values; /* Structure containing size of variables */
   size_t i; /* Loop variable */

   size_t dim_string[] = {7};
   dim_values.nb_boolSVar = 0;
   dim_values.nb_intSVar = 11;
   dim_values.nb_realSVar = 29;
   dim_values.nb_stringSVar = 1;
   dim_values.nb_state_var = 2;
   dim_values.dim_string = dim_string;
   dim_values.GUID = GUID;
   dim_values.ref_GUID = "5922B96112515EF2";
   dim_values.memory = memory;
   dim_values.loggingOn = loggingOn;
   dim_values.nb_integer_stores = 0;
   dim_values.nb_real_stores = 0;
   dim_values.nb_pointer_stores = 1;
   component = NULL; /* Initialize pointer to fmiComponentStructure */
   if ((component = commonInit(&dim_values)) == 0) /* Initiate variables */
      if (loggingOn)
         memory.logger(component, instanceName, fmiFatal, "initialization", "Unable to initialize component structure.");
      return NULL;

   /* State variables */
   component->idx_of_state_var[0] = 7;
   component->deriv_idx[7] = 0;
   component->idx_of_state_var[1] = 8;
   component->deriv_idx[8] = 1;

   /* Initialize var types */
   component->real_var_type = (FMITransition*)memory.allocateMemory(29,sizeof(FMITransition));
   for (i = 0 ; i < 29 ; ++i)
      component->real_var_type[i] = T_unknown;
   component->integer_var_type = (FMITransition*)memory.allocateMemory(19,sizeof(FMITransition));
   for (i = 0 ; i < 19 ; ++i)
      component->integer_var_type[i] = T_unknown;
   component->boolean_var_type = NULL;
   component->string_var_type = (FMITransition*)memory.allocateMemory(1,sizeof(FMITransition));
   for (i = 0 ; i < 1 ; ++i)
      component->string_var_type[i] = T_unknown;
   component->real_var_type[0] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->real_var_type[1] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->real_var_type[2] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->real_var_type[3] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->real_var_type[4] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->real_var_type[5] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->real_var_type[6] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->real_var_type[7] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->real_var_type[8] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[4] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[5] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[6] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->string_var_type[0] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[0] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[1] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[2] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[3] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[7] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[8] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[9] = T_fmiSetINI;
   component->integer_var_type[10] = T_fmiSetINI;

   /* Initialize integer variables to their start values */
   component->intSVar[0] = 1; /* x3 (event iteration type) */
   component->intSVar[1] = 1; /* x6 (linear system solver logging) */
   component->intSVar[2] = 3; /* x5 (logged events) */
   component->intSVar[3] = 1; /* systemsettingssteploglevel (logged submodel calls) */
   component->intSVar[4] = 10; /* x2 (maximum number of event iterations) */
   component->intSVar[5] = 10; /* x14 (maximum number of mixed system solver iterations) */
   component->intSVar[6] = 100; /* x11 (maximum number of nonlinear system solver iterations) */
   component->intSVar[7] = 1; /* x15 (mixed system solver logging) */
   component->intSVar[8] = 2; /* systemsettingsevalloglevel (model evaluation logging) */
   component->intSVar[9] = 1; /* x13 (nonlinear system solver logging) */
   component->intSVar[10] = 1; /* x12 (use backtraking in nonlinear system solver) */

   /* Initialize enumeration variables to their start values */
   component->intSVar[0] = 1; /* x3 (event iteration type) */
   component->intSVar[1] = 1; /* x6 (linear system solver logging) */
   component->intSVar[2] = 3; /* x5 (logged events) */
   component->intSVar[3] = 1; /* systemsettingssteploglevel (logged submodel calls) */
   component->intSVar[7] = 1; /* x15 (mixed system solver logging) */
   component->intSVar[8] = 2; /* systemsettingsevalloglevel (model evaluation logging) */
   component->intSVar[9] = 1; /* x13 (nonlinear system solver logging) */
   component->intSVar[10] = 1; /* x12 (use backtraking in nonlinear system solver) */

   /* Initialize real variables to their start values */
   component->realSVar[0] =    0.00000000000000e+000; /* ifieldstart (ifield - fixed start value) */
   component->realSVar[1] =    1.00000000000000e-005; /* x7 (nonlinear system solver function evaluation accuracy) */
   component->realSVar[2] =    1.00000000000000e-005; /* x10 (nonlinear system solver gradient tolerance) */
   component->realSVar[3] =    1.00000000000000e-014; /* x9 (nonlinear system solver step tolerance) */
   component->realSVar[4] =    1.00000000000000e-012; /* x8 (nonlinear system solver value tolerance) */
   component->realSVar[5] =    0.00000000000000e+000; /* speedstart (speed - fixed start value) */
   component->realSVar[6] =    1.00000000000000e-015; /* x4 (zero crossing hysteresis) */
   component->realSVar[7] =    0.00000000000000e+000; /* ifield (ifield - Field current) */
   component->realSVar[8] =    0.00000000000000e+000; /* speed (speed - Rotary speed) */

   /* Initialize string variables to their start values */
   assignString(component, 0, "amo.log"); /* systemsettingslogfilename (log file name) */
   component->verbose_level = VERBOSE_LEVEL;
   component->instanceName = component->memory.allocateMemory(strlen(instanceName)+1, sizeof(char));
   strcpy(component->instanceName, instanceName);
   if ((component->status == fmiFatal) || (component->status == fmiError)) /* Update status if necessary */
      AME_status = fmiError;
   return component;