Example #1
smf_fits_updateS( smfHead * hdr, const char * name, const char * value,
                  const char * comment, int *status ) {
  int retval = 0;                 /* Return value */
  AstFitsChan * fits;             /* FitsChan to be modified */
  const char * newcomment = NULL; /* Comment to be applied to card */

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return retval;
  if (!smf_validate_smfHead(hdr, 1, 0, status)) return retval;

  fits = hdr->fitshdr;

  /* start from beginning of header since we can not be sure where we are starting
     from */
  astClear( fits, "Card" );

  /* Look for the current version of the card */
  if ( astFindFits( fits, name, NULL, 0 ) ) {
    /* found the card - so updating it (no need for comment) */
    retval = -1;
  } else {
    /* new card. So need the supplied comment */
    retval = 1;
    newcomment = comment;

  /* always use overwrite = true since if the card is missing we'll be at the end
     of the header and it will make no difference */
  astSetFitsS( fits, name, value, newcomment, 1 );

  return retval;
Example #2
void CComDlg::on_pushButton_7_clicked()
  int type;

  if (tComets.count() != 0)
    AstComDownTypeDlg dlg;

    if (dlg.exec() == DL_CANCEL)

    type = dlg.m_type;

    if (type == ACDT_REMOVE)
      if (msgBoxQuest(this, cSaveQuest) == QMessageBox::Yes)
        astSave(curCometCatName, this);
    type = ACDT_REMOVE;

  g_comAstChanged = true;

  QList <comet_t> tNew;

  CDownloadMPC *dlg = new CDownloadMPC(this, &tNew);

  if (dlg->exec() == DL_CANCEL)
    delete dlg; // delete dlg before clearing
    delete dlg;
    updateComets(tNew, tComets, type);

Example #3
static void
smf__fits_copy_items( AstFitsChan * fromfits, AstFitsChan * tofits,
                      const char ** items, int * status ) {
  size_t i = 0;
  double value;

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  while ( items[i] != NULL ) {
    char card[ 81 ];

    /* reset the position each time since we can not be sure that
       "items" is in order */
    astClear( fromfits, "Card" );

    /* Look in fromfits for the card */
    if ( astFindFits( fromfits, items[i], card, 0  ) ) {

      /* now look in tofits for the card */
      astClear( tofits, "Card" );
      if ( astFindFits( tofits, items[i], NULL, 0 ) ) {
        /* and if we find it replace it */
        if (astGetI(fromfits, "CardType") == AST__FLOAT
            && astGetFitsF(fromfits, NULL, &value)) {
          astSetFitsF(tofits, items[i], value, NULL, 1);
        else {
          astPutFits( tofits, card, 1 );


Example #4
void smf_calc_mapcoord( ThrWorkForce *wf, AstKeyMap *config, smfData *data,
                        AstFrameSet *outfset, int moving, int *lbnd_out,
                        int *ubnd_out, fts2Port fts_port, int flags,
                        int *status ) {

  /* Local Variables */

  AstSkyFrame *abskyfrm = NULL;/* Output SkyFrame (always absolute) */
  AstMapping *bolo2map=NULL;   /* Combined mapping bolo->map coordinates */
  int bndndf=NDF__NOID;        /* NDF identifier for map bounds */
  void *data_pntr[1];          /* Array of pointers to mapped arrays in ndf */
  int *data_index;             /* Mapped DATA_ARRAY part of NDF */
  int docalc=1;                /* If set calculate the LUT */
  int doextension=0;           /* Try to write LUT to MAPCOORD extension */
  smfFile *file=NULL;          /* smfFile pointer */
  AstObject *fstemp = NULL;    /* AstObject version of outfset */
  int ii;                      /* loop counter */
  int indf_lat = NDF__NOID;    /* Identifier for NDF to receive lat values */
  int indf_lon = NDF__NOID;    /* Identifier for NDF to receive lon values */
  smfCalcMapcoordData *job_data=NULL; /* Array of job */
  int lbnd[1];                 /* Pixel bounds for 1d pointing array */
  int lbnd_old[2];             /* Pixel bounds for existing LUT */
  int lbnd_temp[1];            /* Bounds for bounds NDF component */
  int lutndf=NDF__NOID;        /* NDF identifier for coordinates */
  AstMapping *map2sky_old=NULL;/* Existing mapping map->celestial coord. */
  HDSLoc *mapcoordloc=NULL;    /* HDS locator to the MAPCOORD extension */
  int nw;                      /* Number of worker threads */
  AstFrameSet *oldfset=NULL;   /* Pointer to existing WCS info */
  AstSkyFrame *oskyfrm = NULL; /* SkyFrame from the output WCS Frameset */
  smfCalcMapcoordData *pdata=NULL; /* Pointer to job data */
  double *lat_ptr = NULL;      /* Pointer to array to receive lat values */
  double *lon_ptr = NULL;      /* Pointer to array to receive lon values */
  int ubnd[1];                 /* Pixel bounds for 1d pointing array */
  int ubnd_old[2];             /* Pixel bounds for existing LUT */
  int ubnd_temp[1];            /* Bounds for bounds NDF component */
  int *lut = NULL;             /* The lookup table */
  dim_t nbolo=0;               /* Number of bolometers */
  dim_t ntslice=0;             /* Number of time slices */
  int nmap;                    /* Number of mapped elements */
  AstMapping *sky2map=NULL;    /* Mapping celestial->map coordinates */
  size_t step;                 /* step size for dividing up work */
  AstCmpMap *testcmpmap=NULL;  /* Combined forward/inverse mapping */
  AstMapping *testsimpmap=NULL;/* Simplified testcmpmap */
  double *theta = NULL;        /* Scan direction at each time slice */
  int tstep;                   /* Time slices between full Mapping calculations */
  int exportlonlat;            /* Dump longitude and latitude values? */

  /* Main routine */
  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* How many threads do we get to play with */
  nw = wf ? wf->nworker : 1;

  /* Initialize bounds to avoid compiler warnings */
  lbnd_old[0] = 0;
  lbnd_old[1] = 0;
  ubnd_old[0] = 0;
  ubnd_old[1] = 0;

  /* Check for pre-existing LUT and de-allocate it. This will only waste
     time if the MAPCOORD extension is found to be valid and it has
     to be re-loaded from disk. */
  smf_close_mapcoord( data, status );

  /* Assert ICD data order */
  smf_dataOrder( data, 1, status );

  /* Get the data dimensions */
  smf_get_dims( data,  NULL, NULL, &nbolo, &ntslice, NULL, NULL, NULL, status );

  /* If SMF__NOCREATE_FILE is not set, and file associated with an NDF,
     map a new MAPCOORD extension (or verify an existing one) */

  if( !(flags & SMF__NOCREATE_FILE) && data->file ) {
    doextension = 1;
  } else {
    doextension = 0;
    docalc = 1;

  /* Create / check for existing MAPCOORD extension */
  if( doextension ) {
    file = data->file;

    /* Check type of file before proceeding */
    if( file->isSc2store ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
             "File was opened by sc2store library (raw data?)",

    if( !file->isTstream ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep(FUNC_NAME,	"File does not contain time stream data",status);

    /* Get HDS locator to the MAPCOORD extension */
    mapcoordloc = smf_get_xloc( data, "MAPCOORD", "MAP_PROJECTION", "UPDATE",
                                0, 0, status );

    /* Obtain NDF identifier/placeholder for LUT in MAPCOORD extension*/
    lbnd[0] = 0;
    ubnd[0] = nbolo*ntslice-1;
    lutndf = smf_get_ndfid( mapcoordloc, "LUT", "UPDATE", "UNKNOWN",
                            "_INTEGER", 1, lbnd, ubnd, status );

    if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      /* store the NDF identifier */
      file->mapcoordid = lutndf;

      /* Create sky to output grid mapping using the base coordinates to
         get the coordinates of the tangent point if it hasn't been done
         yet. */
      sky2map = astGetMapping( outfset, AST__CURRENT, AST__BASE );

    /* Before mapping the LUT, first check for existing WCS information
       and LBND/UBND for the output map. If they are already correct don't
       bother re-calculating the LUT! */

    if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

      /* Try reading in the WCS information */
      kpg1Wread( mapcoordloc, "WCS", &fstemp, status );
      oldfset = (AstFrameSet*)fstemp;

      if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

        /* Check that the old and new mappings are the same by
           checking that combining one with the inverse of the other
           reduces to a UnitMap. */

        map2sky_old = astGetMapping( oldfset, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
        testcmpmap = astCmpMap( map2sky_old, sky2map, 1, " " );
        testsimpmap = astSimplify( testcmpmap );

        if( astIsAUnitMap( testsimpmap ) ) {

          /* The mappings are the same, now just check the pixel
             bounds in the output map */

          lbnd_temp[0] = 1;
          ubnd_temp[0] = 2;

          bndndf = smf_get_ndfid( mapcoordloc, "LBND", "READ", "UNKNOWN",
                                  "_INTEGER", 1, lbnd_temp, ubnd_temp,
                                  status );

          if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            ndfMap( bndndf, "DATA", "_INTEGER", "READ", data_pntr, &nmap,
                    status );
            data_index = data_pntr[0];

            if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
              lbnd_old[0] = data_index[0];
              lbnd_old[1] = data_index[1];
            ndfAnnul( &bndndf, status );

          bndndf = smf_get_ndfid( mapcoordloc, "UBND", "READ", "UNKNOWN",
                                  "_INTEGER", 1, lbnd_temp, ubnd_temp,
                                  status );

          if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            ndfMap( bndndf, "DATA", "_INTEGER", "READ", data_pntr, &nmap,
                    status );
            data_index = data_pntr[0];

            if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
              ubnd_old[0] = data_index[0];
              ubnd_old[1] = data_index[1];
            ndfAnnul( &bndndf, status );

          if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            /* If we get this far finally do the bounds check! */
            if( (lbnd_old[0] == lbnd_out[0]) &&
                (lbnd_old[1] == lbnd_out[1]) &&
                (ubnd_old[0] == ubnd_out[0]) &&
                (ubnd_old[1] == ubnd_out[1]) ) {

              docalc = 0; /* We don't have to re-calculate the LUT */
              msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ",FUNC_NAME ": Existing LUT OK",

        /* Bad status / AST errors at this point due to problems with
           MAPCOORD. Annul and continue calculating new MAPCOORD extension. */

      } else {
        /* Bad status due to non-existence of MAPCOORD. Annul and continue */


  /* If we need to calculate the LUT do it here */
  if( docalc && (*status == SAI__OK) ) {
    msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", FUNC_NAME ": Calculate new LUT",

    /* Get the increment in time slices between full Mapping calculations.
       The Mapping for intermediate time slices will be approximated. */
    dim_t dimval;
    smf_get_nsamp( config, "TSTEP", data, &dimval, status );
    tstep = dimval;

    /* Get space for the LUT */
    if( doextension ) {
      /* Map the LUT array */
      ndfMap( lutndf, "DATA", "_INTEGER", "WRITE", data_pntr, &nmap,
              status );
      data_index = data_pntr[0];
      if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
        lut = data_index;
      } else {
        errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Unable to map LUT in MAPCOORD extension",
    } else {
      /* alloc the LUT and THETA arrays */
      lut = astMalloc( (nbolo*ntslice)*sizeof(*(data->lut)) );
      theta = astMalloc( ntslice*sizeof(*(data->theta)) );

    /* Retrieve the sky2map mapping from the output frameset (actually
       map2sky) */
    oskyfrm = astGetFrame( outfset, AST__CURRENT );
    sky2map = astGetMapping( outfset, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );

    /* If the longitude and latitude is being dumped, create new NDFs to
       hold them, and map them. */
    if( config ) {
       astMapGet0I( config, "EXPORTLONLAT", &exportlonlat );
       if( exportlonlat ) {
          lon_ptr = smf1_calc_mapcoord1( data, nbolo, ntslice, oskyfrm,
                                         &indf_lon, 1, status );
          lat_ptr = smf1_calc_mapcoord1( data, nbolo, ntslice, oskyfrm,
                                         &indf_lat, 2, status );

    /* Invert the mapping to get Output SKY to output map coordinates */
    astInvert( sky2map );

    /* Create a SkyFrame in absolute coordinates */
    abskyfrm = astCopy( oskyfrm );
    astClear( abskyfrm, "SkyRefIs" );
    astClear( abskyfrm, "SkyRef(1)" );
    astClear( abskyfrm, "SkyRef(2)" );

    if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

      /* --- Begin parellelized portion ------------------------------------ */

      /* Start a new job context. Each call to thrWait within this
         context will wait until all jobs created within the context have
         completed. Jobs created in higher contexts are ignored by thrWait. */
      thrBeginJobContext( wf, status );

      /* Allocate job data for threads */
      job_data = astCalloc( nw, sizeof(*job_data) );
      if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

        /* Set up job data, and start calculating pointing for blocks of
           time slices in different threads */

        if( nw > (int) ntslice ) {
          step = 1;
        } else {
          step = ntslice/nw;

        for( ii=0; (*status==SAI__OK)&&(ii<nw); ii++ ) {
          pdata = job_data + ii;

          /* Blocks of time slices */
          pdata->t1 = ii*step;
          pdata->t2 = (ii+1)*step-1;

          /* Ensure that the last thread picks up any left-over tslices */
          if( (ii==(nw-1)) && (pdata->t1<(ntslice-1)) ) {

          pdata->ijob = -1;
          pdata->lut = lut;
          pdata->theta = theta;
          pdata->lbnd_out = lbnd_out;
          pdata->moving = moving;
          pdata->ubnd_out = ubnd_out;
          pdata->tstep = tstep;
          pdata->lat_ptr = lat_ptr;
          pdata->lon_ptr = lon_ptr;
          pdata->fts_port = fts_port;

          /* Make deep copies of AST objects and unlock them so that each
             thread can then lock them for their own exclusive use */

          pdata->abskyfrm = astCopy( abskyfrm );
          astUnlock( pdata->abskyfrm, 1 );
          pdata->sky2map = astCopy( sky2map );
          astUnlock( pdata->sky2map, 1 );

          /* Similarly, make a copy of the smfData, including only the header
             information which each thread will need in order to make calls to
             smf_rebin_totmap */

          pdata->data = smf_deepcopy_smfData( data, 0, SMF__NOCREATE_FILE |
                                              SMF__NOCREATE_DA |
                                              SMF__NOCREATE_FTS |
                                              SMF__NOCREATE_DATA |
                                              SMF__NOCREATE_VARIANCE |
                                              SMF__NOCREATE_QUALITY, 0, 0,
                                              status );
          smf_lock_data( pdata->data, 0, status );

        for( ii=0; ii<nw; ii++ ) {
          /* Submit the job */
          pdata = job_data + ii;
          pdata->ijob = thrAddJob( wf, THR__REPORT_JOB, pdata,
                                     smfCalcMapcoordPar, 0, NULL, status );

        /* Wait until all of the jobs submitted within the current job
           context have completed */
        thrWait( wf, status );

      /* End the current job context. */
      thrEndJobContext( wf, status );

      /* --- End parellelized portion -------------------------------------- */

      /* Set the lut pointer in data to the buffer */
      data->lut = lut;
      data->theta = theta;

      /* Write the WCS for the projection to the extension */
      if( doextension ) {
        kpg1Wwrt( (AstObject*)outfset, "WCS", mapcoordloc, status );

        /* Write the pixel bounds for the map to the extension */

        lbnd_temp[0] = 1; /* Don't get confused! Bounds for NDF that will */
        ubnd_temp[0] = 2; /* contain the bounds for the output 2d map!    */

        bndndf = smf_get_ndfid( mapcoordloc, "LBND", "UPDATE", "UNKNOWN",
                                "_INTEGER", 1, lbnd_temp, ubnd_temp, status );

        ndfMap( bndndf, "DATA", "_INTEGER", "WRITE", data_pntr, &nmap,
                status );
        data_index = data_pntr[0];
        if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
          data_index[0] = lbnd_out[0];
          data_index[1] = lbnd_out[1];
        } else {
          errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Unable to map LBND in MAPCOORD extension",

        ndfAnnul( &bndndf, status );

        bndndf = smf_get_ndfid( mapcoordloc, "UBND", "UPDATE", "UNKNOWN",
                                "_INTEGER", 1, lbnd_temp, ubnd_temp, status );
        ndfMap( bndndf, "DATA", "_INTEGER", "WRITE", data_pntr, &nmap,
                status );
        data_index = data_pntr[0];
        if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
          data_index[0] = ubnd_out[0];
          data_index[1] = ubnd_out[1];
        } else {
          errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Unable to map UBND in MAPCOORD extension",
        ndfAnnul( &bndndf, status );

  /* Clean Up */

  if( testsimpmap ) testsimpmap = astAnnul( testsimpmap );
  if( testcmpmap ) testcmpmap = astAnnul( testcmpmap );
  if( map2sky_old ) map2sky_old = astAnnul( map2sky_old );
  if( oldfset ) oldfset = astAnnul( oldfset );
  if (sky2map) sky2map  = astAnnul( sky2map );
  if (bolo2map) bolo2map = astAnnul( bolo2map );
  if( abskyfrm ) abskyfrm = astAnnul( abskyfrm );
  if( oskyfrm ) oskyfrm = astAnnul( oskyfrm );
  if( mapcoordloc ) datAnnul( &mapcoordloc, status );
  if( indf_lat != NDF__NOID ) ndfAnnul( &indf_lat, status );
  if( indf_lon != NDF__NOID ) ndfAnnul( &indf_lon, status );

  /* If we get this far, docalc=0, and status is OK, there must be
     a good LUT in there already. Map it so that it is accessible to
     the caller; "UPDATE" so that the caller can modify it if desired. */
  if( (*status == SAI__OK) && (docalc == 0) ) {
    smf_open_mapcoord( data, "UPDATE", status );

  /* Clean up job data */
  if( job_data ) {
    for( ii=0; (*status==SAI__OK)&&(ii<nw); ii++ ) {
      pdata = job_data + ii;

      if( pdata->data ) {
        smf_lock_data( pdata->data, 1, status );
        smf_close_file( &(pdata->data), status );
      astLock( pdata->abskyfrm, 0 );
      pdata->abskyfrm = astAnnul( pdata->abskyfrm );

      astLock( pdata->sky2map, 0 );
      pdata->sky2map = astAnnul( pdata->sky2map );
    job_data = astFree( job_data );

Example #5
void smf_mapbounds_approx( Grp *igrp,  size_t index, char *system,
			   int *lbnd_out, int *ubnd_out, AstFrameSet **outframeset,
			   int *moving, int *status ) {

  /* Local variables */
  smfData *data = NULL;        /* pointer to  SCUBA2 data struct */
  int dxpix;                   /* Map X offset in pixels */
  int dypix;                   /* Map Y offset in pixels */
  smfFile *file = NULL;        /* SCUBA2 data file information */
  AstFitsChan *fitschan = NULL;/* Fits channels to construct WCS header */
  AstFrameSet *fs = NULL;      /* A general purpose FrameSet pointer */
  smfHead *hdr = NULL;         /* Pointer to data header this time slice */
  double hghtbox;              /* Map height in arcsec */
  int hghtpix;                 /* RA-Dec map height in pixels */
  int i;                       /* loop counter */
  dim_t k;                     /* Loop counter */
  double maphght = 0.0;        /* Map height in radians */
  double mappa = 0.0;          /* Map position angle in radians */
  double mapwdth = 0.0;        /* Map width in radians */
  double mapx;                 /* Map X offset in radians */
  double mapy;                 /* Map Y offset in radians */
  double par[7];               /* Projection parameters */
  double pixsize = 0.0;        /* Requested pixel size */
  double shift[ 2 ];           /* Shifts from PIXEL to GRID coords */
  AstMapping *sky2map = NULL;  /* Mapping celestial->map coordinates */
  AstSkyFrame *skyframe = NULL;/* Output SkyFrame */
  AstFrame *skyin = NULL;      /* Sky Frame in input FrameSet */
  double skyref[ 2 ];          /* Values for output SkyFrame SkyRef attribute */
  AstFrameSet *swcsin = NULL;  /* FrameSet describing input WCS */
  int temp;                    /* Temporary variable  */
  double wdthbox;              /* Map width in arcsec */
  int wdthpix;                 /* RA-Dec map width in pixels */
  double x_array_corners[4];   /* X-Indices for corner bolos in array */
  double y_array_corners[4];   /* Y-Indices for corner pixels in array */

  /* Main routine */
  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* Begin an AST context to ensure that all AST objects are annuled
     before returning to caller */

  /* Initialize output frameset pointer to NULL */
  *outframeset = NULL;
  for( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) par[ i ] = AST__BAD;

  /* Read data from the given input file in the group - note index
     should be 1 as we use the first file in the Grp to define the map
     bounds */
  smf_open_file( igrp, index, "READ", SMF__NOCREATE_DATA, &data, status );

  /* Simply abort if it is not a scan */
  if (*status == SAI__OK && data->hdr->obsmode != SMF__OBS_SCAN) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep(" ", "Can not call smf_mapbounds_approx with non-scan observation"
           " (possible programming error)", status);
    goto CLEANUP;

  /* Retrieve file name for use feedback */
  file = data->file;
  smf_smfFile_msg( file, "FILE", 1, "<unknown>" );
  if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
    msgOutif(MSG__VERB, " ",
	     "SMF_MAPBOUNDS_APPROX: Processing ^FILE",
  } else {
    errRep( "smf_mapbounds_approx", "Couldn't open input file, ^FILE", status );

  /* Check that the data dimensions are 3 (for time ordered data) */
  if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
    if( data->ndims != 3 ) {
      smf_smfFile_msg( file, "FILE", 1, "<unknown>" );
      msgSeti("THEDIMS", data->ndims);
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
	     "^FILE data has ^THEDIMS dimensions, should be 3.",

  /* Construct the WCS for the first time slice in this file */
  smf_tslice_ast( data, 1, 1, NO_FTS, status);

  /* Retrieve header for later constructing output WCS */
  if( *status == SAI__OK) {
    hdr = data->hdr;
    swcsin = hdr->wcs;

    /* Calculate default pixel size */
    pixsize = smf_calc_telres( hdr->fitshdr, status );

    /* Get the user defined pixel size - we trust that smf_get_projpar will
       also read PIXSIZE and get the same answer. We pre-fill par[] to allow
       PIXSIZE=! to accept the dynamic default in both places.*/
    parGdr0d( "PIXSIZE", pixsize, 0, 60, 1, &pixsize, status );
    par[4] = pixsize*AST__DD2R/3600.0;
    par[5] = par[4];

    /* Retrieve input SkyFrame */
    skyin = astGetFrame( swcsin, AST__CURRENT );

    /* Retrieve map height and width from header - will be undef for
       non-scan so set up defaults first. */
    mapwdth = 0.0;
    maphght = 0.0;
    smf_getfitsd( hdr, "MAP_WDTH", &mapwdth, status );
    smf_getfitsd( hdr, "MAP_HGHT", &maphght, status );

    /* Make an approximation if map height and width are not set -
       note that this should ONLY apply for non-scan mode data */
    if ( !mapwdth || !maphght ) {
      if (*status == SAI__OK) {
        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        errRep(" ", "MAP_WDTH and MAP_HGHT must be > 0", status);
        goto CLEANUP;

    mapx = 0.0;   /* Used if the FITS keyword values are undefed */
    mapy = 0.0;
    smf_getfitsd( hdr, "MAP_X", &mapx, status );
    smf_getfitsd( hdr, "MAP_Y", &mapy, status );

    /* Convert map Position Angle to radians */
    mappa = 0.0;
    smf_fits_getD( hdr, "MAP_PA", &mappa, status );
    mappa *= AST__DD2R;

    /* Calculate size of output map in pixels */
    /* Note: this works for the simulator... */
    wdthbox = mapwdth*fabs(cos(mappa)) + maphght*fabs(sin(mappa));
    hghtbox = maphght*fabs(cos(mappa)) + mapwdth*fabs(sin(mappa));
    wdthpix = (int) ( wdthbox / pixsize);
    hghtpix = (int) ( wdthbox / pixsize);
    dxpix = (int) (mapx / pixsize);
    dypix = (int) (mapy / pixsize);

    /* Get the offsets for each corner of the array */
    temp = (wdthpix - 1) / 2;
    x_array_corners[0] = dxpix - temp;
    x_array_corners[1] = dxpix - temp;
    x_array_corners[2] = dxpix + temp;
    x_array_corners[3] = dxpix + temp;

    temp = (hghtpix - 1) / 2;
    y_array_corners[0] = dypix - temp;
    y_array_corners[1] = dypix + temp;
    y_array_corners[2] = dypix - temp;
    y_array_corners[3] = dypix + temp;

    lbnd_out[0] = x_array_corners[0];
    ubnd_out[0] = x_array_corners[0];
    lbnd_out[1] = y_array_corners[0];
    ubnd_out[1] = y_array_corners[0];

    /* Update min/max  */
    for( k=0; k<4; k++ ) {
      if( x_array_corners[k] < lbnd_out[0] ) lbnd_out[0] = x_array_corners[k];
      if( y_array_corners[k] < lbnd_out[1] ) lbnd_out[1] = y_array_corners[k];
      if( x_array_corners[k] > ubnd_out[0] ) ubnd_out[0] = x_array_corners[k];
      if( y_array_corners[k] > ubnd_out[1] ) ubnd_out[1] = y_array_corners[k];

  } else {
    goto CLEANUP;

  /* Now create the output FrameSet. */
  smf_calc_skyframe( skyin, system, hdr, 0, &skyframe, skyref, moving,
                     status );

  /* Get the orientation of the map vertical within the output celestial
     coordinate system. This is derived form the MAP_PA FITS header, which
     gives the orientation of the map vertical within the tracking system. */
  mappa = smf_calc_mappa( hdr, system, skyin, status );

  /* Calculate the projection parameters. We do not enable autogrid determination
     for SCUBA-2 so we do not need to obtain all the data before calculating
     projection parameters. */
  smf_get_projpar( skyframe, skyref, *moving, 0, 0, NULL, 0,
                   mappa, par, NULL, NULL, status );

  /* Now populate a FitsChan with FITS-WCS headers describing the
     required tan plane projection. The longitude and latitude axis
     types are set to either (RA,Dec) or (AZ,EL) to get the correct
     handedness. */
  fitschan = astFitsChan ( NULL, NULL, " " );
  smf_makefitschan( astGetC( skyframe, "System"), &(par[0]),
                    &(par[2]), &(par[4]), par[6], fitschan, status );
  astClear( fitschan, "Card" );
  fs = astRead( fitschan );

  /* Extract the output PIXEL->SKY Mapping - note this is will be
     inverted later to create the sk2map mapping */
  sky2map = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );

  /* Create the output FrameSet */
  *outframeset = astFrameSet( astFrame(2, "Domain=GRID"), " " );

  /* Now add the SkyFrame to it */
  astAddFrame( *outframeset, AST__BASE, sky2map, skyframe );

  /* Apply a ShiftMap to the output FrameSet to re-align the GRID
     coordinates */
  shift[0] = -lbnd_out[0];
  shift[1] = -lbnd_out[1];
  astRemapFrame( *outframeset, AST__BASE, astShiftMap( 2, shift, " " ) );

  astExport( *outframeset );

/* Report the pixel bounds of the cube. */
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", " ", status );
      msgSeti( "XL", lbnd_out[ 0 ] );
      msgSeti( "YL", lbnd_out[ 1 ] );
      msgSeti( "XU", ubnd_out[ 0 ] );
      msgSeti( "YU", ubnd_out[ 1 ] );
      msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "   Output map pixel bounds: ( ^XL:^XU, ^YL:^YU )",
                status );

  /* Change the pixel bounds to be consistent with the new CRPIX */
  ubnd_out[0] -= lbnd_out[0]-1;
  lbnd_out[0] = 1;

  ubnd_out[1] -= lbnd_out[1]-1;
  lbnd_out[1] = 1;

  /* Clean Up */
  if (*status != SAI__OK) {
    errRep(FUNC_NAME, "Unable to determine map bounds", status);

  if( data != NULL )
    smf_close_file( &data, status);


Example #6
void smurf_unmakecube( int *status ) {

/* Local Variables */
   AstFrame *tfrm = NULL;       /* Current Frame from input WCS */
   AstFrameSet *wcsin = NULL;   /* WCS Frameset for input cube */
   AstMapping *tmap = NULL;     /* Base->current Mapping from input WCS */
   AstSkyFrame *iskyfrm = NULL; /* SkyFrame from the input WCS Frameset */
   Grp *detgrp = NULL;        /* Group of detector names */
   Grp *igrp1 = NULL;         /* Group of input sky cube files */
   Grp *igrp2 = NULL;         /* Group of input template files */
   Grp *ogrp = NULL;          /* Group containing output file */
   NdgProvenance *oprov = NULL;/* Provenance for the output NDF */
   SkyCube *sky_cubes = NULL; /* Pointer to array of sky cube descriptions */
   SkyCube *skycube = NULL;   /* Pointer to next sky cube description */
   char pabuf[ 10 ];          /* Text buffer for parameter value */
   double params[ 4 ];        /* astResample parameters */
   int axes[ 2 ];             /* Indices of selected axes */
   int blank;                 /* Was a blank line just output? */
   int flag;                  /* Was the group expression flagged? */
   int ifile;                 /* Input file index */
   int interp = 0;            /* Pixel interpolation method */
   int iskycube;              /* Index of current sky cube */
   int nel;                   /* Number of elements in 3D array */
   int nparam = 0;            /* No. of parameters required for interpolation scheme */
   int ondf;                  /* Output time series NDF identifier */
   int outax[ 2 ];            /* Indices of corresponding output axes */
   int overlap;               /* Does time series overlap sky cube? */
   int sdim[3];               /* Array of significant pixel axes */
   int usedetpos;             /* Should the detpos array be used? */
   size_t ndet;               /* Number of detectors supplied for "DETECTORS" */
   size_t nskycube;           /* Number of supplied sky cubes */
   size_t outsize;            /* Number of files in output group */
   size_t size;               /* Number of files in input group */
   smfData *data = NULL;      /* Pointer to data struct */
   void *in_data = NULL;      /* Pointer to the input cube data array */
   void *out_data = NULL;     /* Pointer to the output cube data array */

#if defined(FPTRAP)

/* Check inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* We have not yet displayed a blank line on stdout. */
   blank = 0;

/* Begin an AST context */

/* Begin an NDF context. */

/* Get a group holding the input sky cubes. */
   kpg1Rgndf( "IN", 0, 1, "", &igrp1, &nskycube, status );

/* Create an array of structures to hold information about each input sky
   cube. */
   sky_cubes = astMalloc( sizeof( SkyCube )*(size_t) nskycube );

/* Store a description of each sky cube. */
   if( sky_cubes ) {
      for( iskycube = 0; iskycube < nskycube; iskycube++ ) {
         skycube = sky_cubes + iskycube;

/* Get an NDF identifier for the next sky cube. */
         ndgNdfas( igrp1, iskycube + 1, "READ", &(skycube->indf), status );

/* Get the WCS FrameSet from the sky cube, together with its pixel index
   bounds. */
         kpg1Asget( skycube->indf, 3, 0, 1, 1, sdim, skycube->slbnd,
                    skycube->subnd, &wcsin, status );

/* Get the base->current Mapping from the input WCS FrameSet, and split it
   into two Mappings; one (iskymap) that maps the first 2 GRID axes into
   celestial sky coordinates, and one (ispecmap) that maps the third GRID
   axis into a spectral coordinate. Also extract the SpecFrame and
   SkyFrame from the current Frame. */
         tmap = astGetMapping( wcsin, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
         tfrm = astGetFrame( wcsin, AST__CURRENT );

         axes[ 0 ] = 1;
         axes[ 1 ] = 2;
         astMapSplit( tmap, 2, axes, outax, &(skycube->iskymap) );
         iskyfrm = astPickAxes( tfrm, 2, outax, NULL );

         axes[ 0 ] = 3;
         astMapSplit( tmap, 1, axes, outax, &(skycube->ispecmap) );
         skycube->ispecfrm = astPickAxes( tfrm, 1, outax, NULL );

/* Create a copy of "iskyfrm" representing absolute coords rather than
   offsets. We assume the target is moving if the cube represents offsets. */
         skycube->abskyfrm = astCopy( iskyfrm );
         astClear( skycube->abskyfrm, "SkyRefIs" );
         skycube->moving = ( *status == SAI__OK &&
                             !strcmp( astGetC( iskyfrm, "SkyRefIs" ),
                                      "Origin" ) ) ? 1 : 0;

/* Invert the Mappings (for the convenience of smf_resamplecube), so
   that they go from current Frame to grid axis. */
         astInvert( skycube->ispecmap );
         astInvert( skycube->iskymap );

/* For efficiency, annul manually the unneeded AST objects created in
   this loop. */
         wcsin = astAnnul( wcsin );
         tmap = astAnnul( tmap );
         tfrm = astAnnul( tfrm );
         iskyfrm = astAnnul( iskyfrm );

/* See if the detector positions are to be read from the RECEPPOS array
   in the template NDFs. Otherwise, they are calculated on the basis of
   the FPLANEX/Y arrays. */
   parGet0l( "USEDETPOS", &usedetpos, status );

/* Get the detectors to use. If a null value is supplied, annull the
   error. Otherwise, make the group case insensitive. */
   detgrp = NULL;
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      kpg1Gtgrp( "DETECTORS", &detgrp, &ndet, status );
      if( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
         errAnnul( status );
	 if (detgrp) {
	   grpDelet( &detgrp, status );
      } else {
         grpSetcs( detgrp, 0, status );

/* Get the pixel interpolation scheme to use. */
             1, pabuf, 10, status );

   if( !strcmp( pabuf, "NEAREST" ) ) {
      interp = AST__NEAREST;
      nparam = 0;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "LINEAR" ) ) {
      interp = AST__LINEAR;
      nparam = 0;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINC" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINC;
      nparam = 1;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINCSINC" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINCSINC;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINCCOS" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINCCOS;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINCGAUSS" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINCGAUSS;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SOMB" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SOMB;
      nparam = 1;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SOMBCOS" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SOMBCOS;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      nparam = 0;
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      msgSetc( "V", pabuf );
      errRep( "", "Support not available for INTERP = ^V (programming "
              "error)", status );

/* Get an additional parameter vector if required. */
   if( nparam > 0 ) parExacd( "PARAMS", nparam, params, status );

/* Get a group of reference time series files to use as templates for
   the output time series files.*/
   ndgAssoc( "REF", 1, &igrp2, &size, &flag, status );

/* Create a group holding the names of the corresponding output NDFs. */
   ndgCreat ( "OUT", igrp2, &ogrp, &outsize, &flag, status );
   if( outsize != size && *status == SAI__OK ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      msgSeti( "O", outsize );
      msgSeti( "I", size );
      errRep( "", "Numbers of input reference cubes (^I) and output "
              "cubes (^O) differ.", status );

/* Loop round all the template time series files. */
   for( ifile = 1; ifile <= size && *status == SAI__OK; ifile++ ) {

/* Start a new NDF context. */

/* Obtain information about the current template NDF, but do not map the
   arrays. */
      smf_open_file( igrp2, ifile, "READ", SMF__NOCREATE_DATA, &data, status );

/* Issue a suitable message and abort if anything went wrong. */
      if( *status != SAI__OK ) {
         errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Could not open input template file.", status );

      } else {
         if( data->file == NULL ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( FUNC_NAME, "No smfFile associated with smfData.",
                    status );

         } else if( data->hdr == NULL ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( FUNC_NAME, "No smfHead associated with smfData.",
                    status );


/* Report the name of the input template. */
      smf_smfFile_msg( data->file, "FILE", 1, "<unknown>" );
      msgSeti( "THISFILE", ifile );
      msgSeti( "NUMFILES", size );
      msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "Simulating ^THISFILE/^NUMFILES ^FILE",
                status );

/* Create the output NDF by propagation from the input template NDF.
   Everything is copied except for the array components and any PROVENANCE
   extension. */
      ndgNdfpr( data->file->ndfid, "TITLE,LABEL,UNITS,AXIS,WCS,HISTORY,"
                "NOEXTENSION(PROVENANCE)", ogrp, ifile, &ondf, status );

/* Ensure the output NDF has a history component. */
      ndfHcre( ondf, status );

/* Get a pointer to the mapped output data array. Set all values bad. */
      ndfMap( ondf, "DATA", "_REAL", "WRITE/BAD", &out_data, &nel, status );

/* If the detector positions are to calculated on the basis of FPLANEX/Y
   rather than detpos, then free the detpos array in the templates smfHead
   structure. This will cause smf_tslice_ast to use the fplanex/y values. */
      if( !usedetpos && data->hdr->detpos ) {
         astFree( (double *) data->hdr->detpos );
         data->hdr->detpos = NULL;

/* Get a pointer to a structure holding provenance information for the
   output time series. */
      oprov = ndgReadProv( ondf, "SMURF:UNMAKECUBE", status );

/* Record details of the template in the provenance structure for the
   output time series. */
      ndgPutProv( oprov, data->file->ndfid, NULL, 0, status );

/* Loop round all input sky cubes. */
      for( iskycube = 0; iskycube < nskycube; iskycube++ ) {
         skycube = sky_cubes + iskycube;

/* Record details of the input cube in the provenance extension of the
   output time series. */
         ndgPutProv( oprov, skycube->indf, NULL, 0, status );

/* See if the current time series overlaps the current sky cube. */
         smf_resampcube( data, skycube->abskyfrm,
                         skycube->iskymap, skycube->ispecfrm,
                         skycube->ispecmap, detgrp, skycube->moving,
                         skycube->slbnd, skycube->subnd, interp,
                         params, NULL, NULL, &overlap, status );

/* If not, pass on to the next sky cube. */
         if( overlap ) {

/* Report the name of the sky cube. */
            ndfMsg( "NDF", skycube->indf );
            msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "   Re-sampling ^NDF", status );

/* Map the data array in the current sky cube. */
            ndfMap( skycube->indf, "DATA", "_REAL", "READ", &in_data, &nel,
                    status );

/* Resample the cube data into the output time series. */
            smf_resampcube( data, skycube->abskyfrm,
                            skycube->iskymap, skycube->ispecfrm,
                            skycube->ispecmap, detgrp, skycube->moving,
                            skycube->slbnd, skycube->subnd, interp,
                            params, in_data, out_data, &overlap, status );

/* Unmap the data array. */
            ndfUnmap( skycube->indf, "DATA", status );

/* Write the provenance structure to the output NDF, and then free it. */
      ndgWriteProv( oprov, ondf, 1, status );
      oprov =ndgFreeProv( oprov, status );

/* Close the input time series file. */
      if( data != NULL ) {
         smf_close_file( &data, status );
         data = NULL;

/* End the NDF context. */
      ndfEnd( status );

/* Close any input data file that is still open due to an early exit from
   the above loop. */
   if( data != NULL ) {
      smf_close_file( &data, status );
      data = NULL;

/* Free remaining resources. */
   if( detgrp != NULL) grpDelet( &detgrp, status);
   if( igrp1 != NULL) grpDelet( &igrp1, status);
   if( igrp2 != NULL) grpDelet( &igrp2, status);
   if( ogrp != NULL) grpDelet( &ogrp, status);
   sky_cubes = astFree( sky_cubes );

/* End the NDF context. */
   ndfEnd( status );

/* End the tile's AST context. */

/* Issue a status indication.*/
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ",TASK_NAME " succeeded, time series written.", status);
   } else {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ",TASK_NAME " failed.", status);
Example #7
Hero *  Hero::constructFromFitsFile(const QString &fname)
    FitsParser parser;
    bool parsedOk = parser.loadFile( FitsFileLocation::fromLocal( fname));
    if( ! parsedOk) {
        dbg(1) << "Parser failed to load " << fname;
        Hero * heroPtr = new Hero;
        heroPtr-> addError( "FitsParser failed to load the file");
        return heroPtr;

    // alias hdr
    auto & hdr = parser.getHeaderInfo().headerLines;

    Hero * heroPtr = new Hero;
    Hero & hero = * heroPtr;
    AstErrorGuard guard( heroPtr);
    AstGCGuard gcGuard;

    // set naxes in case AST fails to read this file
    hero.m_ast.naxes = parser.getHeaderInfo().naxis;

    // set up bunit
        hero.m_bunit = parser.getHeaderInfo().bunit;
    // and the nicer version of bunit
        QString u = hero.m_bunit.simplified();
        if( u.toLower() == "kelvin") {
            hero.m_bunitNiceHtml = "K";
        else {
            hero.m_bunitNiceHtml = u;

    // Create a FitsChan and feed it the fits header
    AstFitsChan *fitschan;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-zero-length"
    fitschan = astFitsChan( NULL, NULL, "" );
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

    std::cout << "astOK = " << astOK << "\n";

    // feed the header lines one by one and check for errors
    for( const QString & s : hdr) {
        std::string stdstr = s.toStdString();
        astPutFits( fitschan, stdstr.c_str(), 1);
        if( ! astOK) {
            QString ss = s.trimmed();
            std::cout << "Skipping bad card: " << ss << "\n";
            hero.addError( "Skipping card: " + ss);
    // reposition to the beginning of the channel (ast thing, it's required, hmmmkey)
    astClear( fitschan, "Card" );

    std::cout << "astOK = " << astOK << "\n";

    std::cout << "Here\n";

    auto encoding = AstWrappers::getC( fitschan, "Encoding" );
    std::cout << "Encoding = " << encoding << "\n";

    // do we have warnings?
    AstKeyMap * warnings = static_cast<AstKeyMap *>( astWarnings( fitschan));

    if( warnings && astOK ) {
        std::cout << "Warnings:\n";

        int iwarn = 1;
        while( astOK ) {
            std::string key = QString("Warning_%1").arg( iwarn).toStdString();
            const char * message = nullptr;
            if( astMapGet0C( warnings, key.c_str(), & message ) ) {
                printf( "\n- %s\n", message );
                hero.addError( QString( "Warning: %1").arg( message));
            } else {
    else {
        std::cout << "No warnings\n";

    // create a frameset for this file
    AstFrameSet * wcsinfo = static_cast<AstFrameSet *> ( astRead( fitschan ));
    std::cout << "astOK = " << astOK << "\n";

    if ( ! astOK ) {
        std::cout << "astOK is not ok\n";
        hero.addError( "astRead failed");
        return heroPtr;
    else if ( wcsinfo == AST__NULL ) {
        hero.addError( "No WCS found in the fits file");
        std::cout << "No WCS found\n";
        return heroPtr;
    else if ( AstWrappers::getC( wcsinfo, "Class" ) != "FrameSet") {
        std::cout << "Some other weird error occured\n";
        hero.addError( "AstLib returned non-frame-set");
        return heroPtr;

    // frame was read in OK, save it
    hero.m_ast.origWcsInfo = wcsinfo;
    astExempt( hero.m_ast.origWcsInfo);
    hero.m_ast.currWcsInfo = astClone( hero.m_ast.origWcsInfo);
    astExempt( hero.m_ast.currWcsInfo);

    astShow( wcsinfo);

    // extract the current sky system
    // TODO: this assumes axis1 is a skycs
    QString skysys = AstWrappers::getC( wcsinfo, "System(1)");
    hero.m_currentSkyCs = string2skycs( skysys);
    hero.m_originalSkyCs = hero.m_currentSkyCs;

    // extract the labels/etc for axes
    hero.m_ast.naxes = AstWrappers::getI( wcsinfo, "Naxes" );

    return heroPtr;
Example #8
bool Hero::setSkyCS(Hero::SKYCS skyCS)
    if( m_currentSkyCs == skyCS) {
        // nothing to do
        return true;

    if( m_ast.origWcsInfo == AST__NULL) {
        addError( "No wcsinfo from astlib");
        return false;

    AstErrorGuard guard( this); // intercept errors
    AstGCGuard gcguard;

    // make a clone
    void * newWcsInfo = AST__NULL;
    if( m_originalSkyCs == skyCS) {
        // original skycs is the same as requested skycs, so
        // clone only a pointer to the original frame
        newWcsInfo = astClone( m_ast.origWcsInfo);
    else {
        // otherwise make a full clone of the frame and set it's system
        newWcsInfo = astCopy( m_ast.origWcsInfo);
        if( ! astOK) {
            addError( "Could not clone the original astFrameSet");
            return false;
        // set the new system for the clone
        AstWrappers::set( newWcsInfo, QString( "System=%1").arg( skycs2string(skyCS)));
        if( ! astOK) {
            addError( "Could not convert to this coordinate system " + skycs2string( skyCS));
            return false;

        astClear( newWcsInfo, "Epoch,Equinox");

    // free up the old ast pointer
    if( m_ast.currWcsInfo != AST__NULL) {
        astAnnul( m_ast.currWcsInfo);
        m_ast.currWcsInfo = AST__NULL;

    m_ast.currWcsInfo = newWcsInfo;
    astExempt( m_ast.currWcsInfo);
    m_currentSkyCs = skyCS;


    QString title = AstWrappers::getC( m_ast.currWcsInfo, "Title(1)");
    dbg(1) << "Title = " << title << "["
           << AstWrappers::getC( m_ast.currWcsInfo, "LonAxis") << ","
           << AstWrappers::getC( m_ast.currWcsInfo, "LatAxis") << "]";

    // clear up ast errors if any

    return true;
Example #9
static void DisplayKeyMap( AstKeyMap *km, int sort, const char *prefix,
                           AstKeyMap *refkm, int *status ){
*  Name:
*     DisplayKeyMap

*  Purpose:
*     Display the contents of a keymap.

*  Synopsis:
*     void DisplayKeyMap( AstKeyMap *km, int sort, const char *prefix,
*                         int *status )

*  Arguments:
*     km
*        Pointer to the KeyMaps containing the values to display.
*     sort
*        If non-zero, sort the values alphabetically by their keys.
*     prefix
*        A string to prepend to eack key.
*     refkm
*        Reference key map (e.g. values from the supplied configuration
*        rather than the NDF history), or null if not required.
*     status
*        Inherited status pointer.

*  Description:
*     This function displays the contents of a supplied KeyMap as
*     a series of "key = value" strings, one per line. It calls itself
*     recursively if a nested KeyMap is found, adding a suitable
*     prefix to the nested keys.  If a reference key map is supplied then
*     the output shows how the main key map differs from it.

/* Local Variables: */
   AstObject *avalue;
   AstObject *refavalue;
   char cbuffer[ 255 ];
   char newpref[ 255 ];
   const char *cvalue;
   const char *refcvalue;
   const char *key;
   int ikey;
   int ival;
   int nc;
   int nkey;
   int nval;

/* Check the inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;
   if (refkm) astClear(refkm, "KeyError");

/* Sort the supplied KeyMap is required. */
   if( sort ) astSetC( km, "SortBy", "KeyUp" );

/* Loop round all keys in the supplied KeyMap. */
   nkey = astMapSize( km );
   for( ikey = 0; ikey < nkey; ikey++ ) {
      key = astMapKey( km, ikey );

/* If the current entry is a nest KeyMap, get a pointer to it and call
   this function recurisvely to display it, modifying the prefix to add
   to each key so that it includes the key associated with the nest keymap. */
      if( astMapType( km, key ) == AST__OBJECTTYPE ) {
         astMapGet0A( km, key, &avalue );
         if (refkm) {
            if (! astMapGet0A(refkm, key, &refavalue)) {
               refavalue = (AstObject*) astKeyMap("");
         else {
            refavalue = NULL;
         sprintf( newpref, "%s%s.", prefix, key );
         DisplayKeyMap( (AstKeyMap *) avalue, sort, newpref,
                        (AstKeyMap *) refavalue, status );
         avalue = astAnnul( avalue );
         if (refavalue) refavalue = astAnnul(refavalue);

/* If the current entry is not a nested keymap, we display it now. */
      } else {

/* Get the vector length of the entry. */
         nval = astMapLength( km, key );

/* If it is a scalar, just get its value as a character string using
   the automatic type conversion provided by the KeyMap class, and
   display it, putting the supplied prefix at the start of the key. */
         if( nval <= 1 ) {
            cvalue = "<undef>";
            astMapGet0C( km, key, &cvalue );
            if (refkm) {
               refcvalue = "<undef>";
               if (astMapGet0C(refkm, key, &refcvalue)
                     && ! strcmp(cvalue, refcvalue)) {
                  msgOutf("", "- %s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue);
               else {
                  msgOutf("", "+ %s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue);
            else {
               msgOutf( "", "%s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue );

/* If it is a vector, we construct a string containing a comma-separated
   list of elements, enclosed in parentheses. */
         } else {
            nc = 0;
            cvalue = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, "(" );
            for( ival = 0; ival < nval; ival++ ) {
               if( astMapGetElemC( km, key, sizeof( cbuffer) - 1, ival,
                                   cbuffer ) ) {
                  cvalue = astAppendString( (char *) cvalue, &nc, cbuffer );
               if( ival < nval - 1 ) cvalue = astAppendString( (char *) cvalue,
                                                                &nc, "," );
            cvalue = astAppendString( (char *) cvalue, &nc, ")" );

/* Do the same for the reference KeyMap. */
            if (refkm && (nval = astMapLength(refkm, key))) {
               nc = 0;
               refcvalue = astAppendString(NULL, &nc, "(");
               for (ival = 0; ival < nval; ival++) {
                  if (ival) {
                     refcvalue = astAppendString((char*) refcvalue, &nc, "," );

                  if (astMapGetElemC(refkm, key, sizeof(cbuffer) - 1, ival,
                                      cbuffer)) {
                     refcvalue = astAppendString((char*) refcvalue, &nc,
               refcvalue = astAppendString((char*) refcvalue, &nc, ")");
            else {
               refcvalue = NULL;

/* Display the total string, with the current key prefix, and free the memory
   used to store it. */
            if (refkm) {
               if (refcvalue && ! strcmp(cvalue, refcvalue)) {
                  msgOutf("", "- %s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue);
               else {
                  msgOutf("", "+ %s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue);
            else {
               msgOutf( "", "%s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue );
            cvalue = astFree( (void *) cvalue );
            if (refcvalue) refcvalue = astFree((void*) refcvalue);
Example #10
void atlKy2hd( AstKeyMap *keymap, HDSLoc *loc, int *status ) {
    *  Name:
    *     atlKy2hd

    *  Purpose:
    *     Copies values from an AST KeyMap to a primitive HDS object.

    *  Language:
    *     C.

    *  Invocation:
    *     void atlKy2hd( AstKeyMap *keymap, HDSLoc *loc, int *status )

    *  Description:
    *     This routine copies the contents of an AST KeyMap into a supplied
    *     HDS structure.

    *  Arguments:
    *     keymap
    *        An AST pointer to the KeyMap.
    *     loc
    *        A locator for the HDS object into which the KeyMap contents
    *        are to be copied. A new component is added to the HDS object for
    *        each entry in the KeyMap.
    *     status
    *        The inherited status.

    *  Copyright:
    *     Copyright (C) 2008, 2010, 2012 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
    *     All Rights Reserved.

    *  Licence:
    *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    *     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    *     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
    *     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
    *     useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
    *     PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    *     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
    *     02110-1301, USA

    *  Authors:
    *     DSB: David S. Berry
    *     TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii)
    *     {enter_new_authors_here}

    *  History:
    *     29-APR-2008 (DSB):
    *        Original version.
    *     2010-09-23 (TIMJ):
    *        Fix arrays of strings.
    *     2010-09-30 (TIMJ):
    *        Make sure that we are using the correct status pointer in AST.
    *     2010-10-01 (TIMJ):
    *        Sort the keys when writing to HDS structured.
    *     2010-10-04 (TIMJ):
    *        Support Short ints in keymap
    *     14-SEP-2012 (DSB):
    *        Moved from kaplibs to atl.
    *     17-SEP-2012 (DSB):
    *        Add support for undefined values.
    *     {enter_further_changes_here}

    *  Bugs:
    *     {note_any_bugs_here}

    /* Local Varianles: */
    AstObject **objArray = NULL;
    AstObject *obj = NULL;
    HDSLoc *cloc = NULL;
    HDSLoc *dloc = NULL;
    const char *cval = NULL;
    const char *key;
    double dval;
    float fval;
    int i;
    int ival;
    int j;
    int lenc;
    int nval;
    char *oldsortby;
    int *oldstat = NULL;
    int size;
    int type;
    int veclen;
    size_t el;
    void *pntr = NULL;

    /* Check inherited status */
    if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

    /* Make sure that we are checking AST status */
    oldstat = astWatch( status );

    /* If set, save the old SortBy value and then ensure alphabetical sorting.
       We need to take a copy of the original string since the buffer in which
       the string is stored may be re-used by subsequent incocations of astGetC.  */
    if( astTest( keymap, "SortBy" ) ) {
        int nc = 0;
        oldsortby = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, astGetC( keymap, "SortBy" ) );
    } else {
        oldsortby = NULL;
    astSet( keymap, "SortBy=KeyUp" );

    /* Loop round each entry in the KeyMap. */
    size = astMapSize( keymap );
    for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {

        if (*status != SAI__OK) break;

        /* Get the key. the data type and the vector length for the current
           KeyMap entry. */
        key = astMapKey( keymap, i );
        type = astMapType( keymap, key );
        veclen = astMapLength( keymap, key );

        /* If the current entry holds one or more nested KeyMaps, then we call
           this function recursively to add them into a new HDS component. */
        if( type == AST__OBJECTTYPE ) {

            /* First deal with scalar entries holding a single KeyMap. */
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew( loc, key, "KEYMAP_ENTRY", 0, NULL, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );

                (void) astMapGet0A( keymap, key, &obj );

                if( astIsAKeyMap( obj ) ) {
                    atlKy2hd( (AstKeyMap *) obj, cloc, status );

                } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                    *status = SAI__ERROR;
                    errRep( "", "atlKy2hd: Supplied KeyMap contains unusable AST "
                            "objects (programming error).", status );

                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

                /* Now deal with vector entries holding multiple KeyMaps. */
            } else {
                datNew( loc, key, "KEYMAP_ENTRY", 1, &veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );

                objArray = astMalloc( sizeof( AstObject *) * (size_t)veclen );
                if( objArray ) {
                    (void) astMapGet1A( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, objArray );

                    for( j = 1; j <= veclen; j++ ) {
                        datCell( cloc, 1, &j, &dloc, status );

                        if( astIsAKeyMap( objArray[ j - 1 ] ) ) {
                            atlKy2hd( (AstKeyMap *) objArray[ j - 1 ], dloc, status );

                        } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                            *status = SAI__ERROR;
                            errRep( "", "atlKy2hd: Supplied KeyMap contains unusable AST "
                                    "objects (programming error).", status );

                        datAnnul( &dloc, status );

                    objArray = astFree( objArray );

                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            /* For primitive types... */
        } else if( type == AST__INTTYPE ) {
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0I( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0I( keymap, key, &ival );
                datPut0I( cloc, ival, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1I( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_INTEGER", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1I( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (int *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__SINTTYPE ) {
            short sval = 0;
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0W( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0S( keymap, key, &sval );
                datPut0W( cloc, sval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1W( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_WORD", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1S( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (short *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__DOUBLETYPE ) {
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0D( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0D( keymap, key, &dval );
                datPut0D( cloc, dval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1D( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_DOUBLE", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1D( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (double *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__FLOATTYPE ) {
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0R( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0F( keymap, key, &fval );
                datPut0R( cloc, fval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1R( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_REAL", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1F( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (float *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__STRINGTYPE ) {
            lenc = astMapLenC( keymap, key );

            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0C( loc, key, lenc, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0C( keymap, key, &cval );
                datPut0C( cloc, cval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1C( loc, key, lenc, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_CHAR", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) atlMapGet1C( keymap, key, veclen*lenc, lenc, &nval,
                                    (char *) pntr, status );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            /* KeyMap "UNDEF" values are always scalar and have no corresponding HDS
               data type. So arbitrarily use an "_INTEGER" primitive with no defined
               value to represent a KeyMap UNDEF value. */
        } else if( type == AST__UNDEFTYPE ) {
            datNew0L( loc, key, status );

            /* Unknown or unsupported data types. */
        } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            msgSeti( "T", type );
            errRep( "", "atlKy2hd: Supplied KeyMap contains entries with "
                    "unusable data type (^T) (programming error).", status );

    /* If it was originally set, re-instate the old SortBy value in the KeyMap,
       then free the memory. Otherwise, clear the SortBy attribute. */
    if( oldsortby ) {
        astSetC( keymap, "SortBy", oldsortby );
        oldsortby = astFree( oldsortby );
    } else {
        astClear( keymap, "SortBy" );

    /* Reset AST status */
    astWatch( oldstat );

Example #11
void kpg1Kygp1( AstKeyMap *keymap, Grp **igrp, const char *prefix,
                int *status ){
*  Name:
*     kpg1Kygp1

*  Purpose:
*     Creates a GRP group holding keyword/value pairs read from an AST KeyMap.

*  Language:
*     C.

*  Invocation:
*     void kpg1Kygp1( AstKeyMap *keymap, Grp **igrp, const char *prefix,
*                     int *status )

*  Description:
*     This function is the inverse of kpg1Kymp1. It extracts the values
*     from the supplied AST KeyMap and creates a set of "name=value" strings
*     which it appends to a supplied group (or creates a new group). If
*     the KeyMap contains nested KeyMaps, then the "name" associated with
*     each primitive value stored in the returned group is a hierarchical
*     list of component names separated by dots.

*  Arguments:
*     keymap
*        A pointer to the KeyMap. Numerical entries which have bad values
*        (VAL__BADI for integer entries or VAL__BADD for floating point
*        entries) are not copied into the group.
*     igrp
*        A location at which is stored a pointer to the Grp structure
*        to which the name=value strings are to be appended. A new group is
*        created and a pointer to it is returned if the supplied Grp
*        structure is not valid.
*     prefix
*        A string to append to the start of each key extracted from the
*        supplied KeyMap. If NULL, no prefix is used.
*     status
*        Pointer to the inherited status value.

*  Notes:
*     - This function provides a private implementation for the public
*     KPG1_KYGRP Fortran routine and kpg1Kygrp C function.
*     - Entries will be stored in the group in alphabetical order

*  Copyright:
*     Copyright (C) 2008,2010 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
*     Copyright (C) 2005 Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council.
*     All Rights Reserved.

*  Licence:
*     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
*     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
*     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
*     useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
*     PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
*     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
*     02110-1301, USA

*  Authors:
*     DSB: David S. Berry
*     TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii)
*     {enter_new_authors_here}

*  History:
*     7-NOV-2005 (DSB):
*        Original version.
*     15-JUL-2008 (TIMJ):
*        Tweak to GRP C API.
*     2010-07-19 (TIMJ):
*        Handle vector keymap entries.
*     2010-08-12 (TIMJ):
*        Store entries in group in alphabetical order.
*     13-AUG-2010 (DSB):
*        Re-instate the original SortBy value before exiting.
*     {enter_further_changes_here}

*  Bugs:
*     {note_any_bugs_here}


/* Local Variables: */
   AstObject *obj;              /* Pointer to nested AST Object */
   char *oldsortby;             /* The old value of the KeyMap's SortBy attribute */
   char *text;                  /* Sum of concatenated strings */
   const char *key;             /* Key string for current entry in KeyMap */
   const char *value;           /* Value of current entry in KeyMap */
   double dval;                 /* Double value */
   int *old_status;             /* Pointer to original status variable */
   int bad;                     /* Is the numerical entry value bad? */
   int i;                       /* Index into supplied KeyMap */
   int ival;                    /* Integer value */
   int n;                       /* Number of entries in the KeyMap */
   int nc;                      /* Length of "text" excluding trailing null */
   int type;                    /* Data type of current entry in KeyMap */
   int valid;                   /* Is the supplied GRP structure valid? */

/* Check the inherited status. */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Make AST use the Fortran status variable. */
   old_status = astWatch( status );

/* Create a new GRP group if required. */
   valid = grpValid( *igrp, status );
   if( !valid ) *igrp = grpNew( "Created by kpg1_Kygp1", status );

/* If set, save the old SortBy value and then ensure alphabetical sorting.
   We need to take a copy of the original string since the buffer in which
   the string is stored may be re-used by subsequent incocations of astGetC.  */
   if( astTest( keymap, "SortBy" ) ) {
      nc = 0;
      oldsortby = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, astGetC( keymap, "SortBy" ) );
   } else {
      oldsortby = NULL;
   astSet( keymap, "SortBy=KeyUp" );

/* Get the number of entries in the KeyMap. */
   n = astMapSize( keymap );

/* Loop round all the entries in the KeyMap.*/
   for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {

/* Get the name and type of the current KeyMap entry. */
      key = astMapKey( keymap, i );
      type = astMapType( keymap, key );

/* If the entry is an AST Object, get a pointer to it.*/
      if( type == AST__OBJECTTYPE && astMapGet0A( keymap, key, &obj ) ) {

/* If it is a nested KeyMap, update the prefix and call this function
   recursively. We ignore other forms of AST Objects. */
         if( astIsAKeyMap( obj ) ) {
            nc = 0;
            text = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, prefix );
            text = astAppendString( text, &nc, key );
            text = astAppendString( text, &nc, "." );
            kpg1Kygp1( (AstKeyMap *) obj, igrp, text, status );
            text = astFree( text );

/* If it is a primitive, format it and add it to the group. */
      } else {

/* If it is a numerical type, see if it has a bad value. */
         bad = 0;
         if( type == AST__INTTYPE && astMapGet0I( keymap, key, &ival ) ){
            if( ival == VAL__BADI ) bad = 1;
         } else if( type == AST__DOUBLETYPE && astMapGet0D( keymap, key, &dval ) ){
            if( dval == VAL__BADD ) bad = 1;

/* If it not bad, get its formatted value. We also make sure that astMapGet0C returns
   true because we intend to skip undefined values. */
         if( !bad && astMapGet0C( keymap, key, &value ) ) {
            size_t length;

/* Write the key and equals sign to a buffer */
            nc = 0;
            text = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, prefix );
            text = astAppendString( text, &nc, key );
            text = astAppendString( text, &nc, "=" );

            length = astMapLength( keymap, key );

            if( length > 1 ) {
/* Vector so we need to use  (a,b,c) syntax */
               char thiselem[GRP__SZNAM+1];
               size_t l;

               text = astAppendString( text, &nc, "(");
               for ( l = 0; l < length; l++) {
                  if( astMapGetElemC( keymap, key, sizeof(thiselem), l, thiselem ) ) {
                     text = astAppendString( text, &nc, thiselem );
/* always deal with the comma. Even if value was undef we need to put in the comma */
                  if( l < (length - 1) ) {
                     text = astAppendString( text, &nc, "," );
               text = astAppendString( text, &nc, ")");

            } else {
/* Scalar */
               text = astAppendString( text, &nc, value );
/* Put it in the group. */
            grpPut1( *igrp, text, 0, status );
            text = astFree( text );

/* If it was originally set, re-instate the old SortBy value in the KeyMap,
   then free the memory. Otherwise, clear the SortBy attribute. */
   if( oldsortby ) {
      astSetC( keymap, "SortBy", oldsortby );
      oldsortby = astFree( oldsortby );
   } else {
      astClear( keymap, "SortBy" );

/* Make AST use its original status variable. */
   astWatch( old_status );

Example #12
void smf_fits_outhdr( AstFitsChan * inhdr, AstFitsChan ** outhdr,
                      int * status ) {

/* Local Variables: */
   AstFitsChan *temphdr = NULL;  /* FitsChan holding temporary FITS headers */

/* List of BEGIN  headers that are retained even if different */
   const char * begin_items[] = {
   const char * end_items[] = {

/* Check inherited status. */
   if ( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* If this is the first file, get a copy of the input NDFs FITS extension
   (held in a FitsChan). This FitsChan will be used to hold the FITS
   header for the output NDF. Also remove contiguous blank lines. */
   if( *outhdr == NULL ) {
      *outhdr = astCopy( inhdr );
      atlRmblft( *outhdr, status );

/* If this is not the first file, merge the input NDF's FITS extension
   into the output NDF's FITS extension by removing any headers from the
   output FITS extension that do not have identical values in the input
   FITS extension. */
   } else {
     smfHead hdr;
     double mjdnew = 0.0;
     double mjdref = 0.0;
     AstFitsChan * begfits = NULL;
     AstFitsChan * endfits = NULL;

     /* need to make sure that the merging will not remove headers that need
      to be retained covering start and end state. This means that we take a copy
      of the input header and manually synchronize END/START headers before calling
      the ATL merge routine. */

     /* Do not have access to smfData so need to set one up or duplicate code
        in smf_find_dateobs */
     if (*status == SAI__OK) {
       hdr.allState = NULL;
       hdr.fitshdr = inhdr;
       smf_find_dateobs( &hdr, &mjdnew, NULL, status );
       hdr.fitshdr = *outhdr;
       smf_find_dateobs( &hdr, &mjdref, NULL, status );
       if (*status == SMF__NOKWRD) {
         /* if there is no date information we just do what we can */
         errAnnul( status );
         mjdnew = 0.0;
         mjdref = 0.0;


     if (mjdnew < mjdref) {
       /* input header is older than merged header:
          Copy beginfits from INPUT to MERGE
          Copy endfits from MERGE to INPUT
       begfits = astCopy( inhdr );
       endfits = astCopy( *outhdr );
     } else {
       /* input header is newer than merged header:
          Copy beginfits from MERGE to INPUT
          Copy endfits from INPUT to MERGE

          Do this even if dates are identical or if we could not read a date.
       begfits = astCopy( *outhdr );
       endfits = astCopy( inhdr );

     /* oldfits gets the END items from newfits.
        newfits gets the BEGIN items from oldfits*/
     smf__fits_copy_items( begfits, endfits, begin_items, status );
     smf__fits_copy_items( endfits, begfits, end_items, status );

     /* now we can merge oldfits and newfits */
      atlMgfts( 3, begfits, endfits, &temphdr, status );
      (void) astAnnul( begfits );
      (void) astAnnul( endfits );
      (void) astAnnul( *outhdr );
      *outhdr = temphdr;

/* Remove any ASTWARN cards from the output header, but retain them
   within the input header. Any such warnings in the input header will
   be displayed when the input NDF is closed using smf_close_file. This
   helps to track down bugs caused by keywords unintentionally having
   undefined values in an input NDF. */
   astClear( *outhdr, "Card" );
   while( astFindFits( *outhdr, "ASTWARN", NULL, 0 ) ){
      astDelFits( *outhdr );

Example #13
void smurf_unmakemap( int *status ) {

/* Local Variables */
   AstFrameSet *wcsin = NULL; /* WCS Frameset for input cube */
   AstMapping *skymap;        /* GRID->SkyFrame Mapping from input WCS */
   AstSkyFrame *abskyfrm;     /* Input SkyFrame (always absolute) */
   AstSkyFrame *skyfrm = NULL;/* SkyFrame from the input WCS Frameset */
   Grp *igrp1 = NULL;         /* Group of input sky files */
   Grp *igrp2 = NULL;         /* Group of input template files */
   Grp *igrpc = NULL;         /* Group of input COM files */
   Grp *igrpg = NULL;         /* Group of input GAI files */
   Grp *igrpq = NULL;         /* Group of input Q  sky files */
   Grp *igrpu = NULL;         /* Group of input U sky files */
   Grp *ogrp = NULL;          /* Group containing output file */
   HDSLoc *cloc = NULL;       /* HDS locator for component ipdata structure */
   HDSLoc *iploc = NULL;      /* HDS locator for top level ipdata structure */
   ThrWorkForce *wf = NULL;   /* Pointer to a pool of worker threads */
   char ipdata[ 200 ];        /* Text buffer for IPDATA value */
   char pabuf[ 10 ];          /* Text buffer for parameter value */
   char subarray[ 5 ];        /* Name of SCUBA-2 subarray (s8a,s8b,etc) */
   dim_t iel;                 /* Index of next element */
   dim_t ndata;               /* Number of elements in array */
   dim_t ntslice;             /* Number of time slices in array */
   double *ang_data = NULL;   /* Pointer to the FP orientation angles */
   double *angc_data = NULL;  /* Pointer to the instrumental ANGC data */
   double *c0_data = NULL;    /* Pointer to the instrumental C0 data */
   double *gai_data = NULL;   /* Pointer to the input GAI map */
   double *in_data = NULL;    /* Pointer to the input I sky map */
   double *inc_data = NULL;   /* Pointer to the input COM data */
   double *inq_data = NULL;   /* Pointer to the input Q sky map */
   double *inu_data = NULL;   /* Pointer to the input U sky map */
   double *outq_data = NULL;  /* Pointer to the Q time series data */
   double *outu_data = NULL;  /* Pointer to the U time series data */
   double *p0_data = NULL;    /* Pointer to the instrumental P0 data */
   double *p1_data = NULL;    /* Pointer to the instrumental P1 data */
   double *pd;                /* Pointer to next element */
   double *pq = NULL;         /* Pointer to next Q time series value */
   double *pu = NULL;         /* Pointer to next U time series value */
   double *qinst_data = NULL; /* Pointer to the instrumental Q data */
   double *uinst_data = NULL; /* Pointer to the instrumental U data */
   double amp16;              /* Amplitude of 16 Hz signal */
   double amp2;               /* Amplitude of 2 Hz signal */
   double amp4;               /* Amplitude of 4 Hz signal */
   double angrot;             /* Angle from focal plane X axis to fixed analyser */
   double paoff;              /* WPLATE value corresponding to POL_ANG=0.0 */
   double params[ 4 ];        /* astResample parameters */
   double phase16;            /* Phase of 16 Hz signal */
   double phase2;             /* Phase of 2 Hz signal */
   double phase4;             /* Phase of 4 Hz signal */
   double sigma;              /* Standard deviation of noise to add to output */
   int alignsys;              /* Align data in the map's system? */
   int cdims[ 3 ];            /* Common-mode NDF dimensions */
   int dims[ NDF__MXDIM ];    /* NDF dimensions */
   int flag;                  /* Was the group expression flagged? */
   int gdims[ 3 ];            /* GAI model NDF dimensions */
   int harmonic;              /* The requested harmonic */
   int ifile;                 /* Input file index */
   int indf;                  /* Input sky map NDF identifier */
   int indfangc;              /* IP ANGC values NDF identifier */
   int indfc0;                /* IP C0 values NDF identifier */
   int indfc;                 /* Input COM NDF identifier */
   int indfcs;                /* NDF identifier for matching section of COM */
   int indfg;                 /* Input GAI NDF identifier */
   int indfin;                /* Input template cube NDF identifier */
   int indfiq;                /* Input instrumental Q NDF */
   int indfiu;                /* Input instrumental U NDF */
   int indfout;               /* Output cube NDF identifier */
   int indfp0;                /* IP P0 values NDF identifier */
   int indfp1;                /* IP P1 values NDF identifier */
   int indfq;                 /* Input Q map NDF identifier */
   int indfu;                 /* Input U map NDF identifier */
   int interp = 0;            /* Pixel interpolation method */
   int lbndc[ 3 ];            /* Array of lower bounds of COM NDF */
   int moving;                /* Is the telescope base position changing? */
   int ndim;                  /* Number of pixel axes in NDF */
   int ndimc;                 /* Number of pixel axes in common-mode NDF */
   int ndimg;                 /* Number of pixel axes in GAI NDF */
   int nel;                   /* Number of elements in array */
   int nelc;                  /* Number of elements in COM array */
   int nelg;                  /* Number of elements in GAI array */
   int nelqu;                 /* Number of elements in Q or U array */
   int ngood;                 /* No. of good values in putput cube */
   int nparam = 0;            /* No. of parameters required for interpolation scheme */
   int pasign;                /* Indicates sense of POL_ANG value */
   int sdim[ 2 ];             /* Array of significant pixel axes */
   int slbnd[ 2 ];            /* Array of lower bounds of input map */
   int subnd[ 2 ];            /* Array of upper bounds of input map */
   int ubndc[ 3 ];            /* Array of upper bounds of COM NDF */
   size_t ncom;               /* Number of com files */
   size_t ngai;               /* Number of gai files */
   size_t nskymap;            /* Number of supplied sky cubes */
   size_t outsize;            /* Number of files in output group */
   size_t size;               /* Number of files in input group */
   smfData *odata = NULL;     /* Pointer to output data struct */

/* Check inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Begin an AST context */

/* Begin an NDF context. */

/* Find the number of cores/processors available and create a pool of
   threads of the same size. */
   wf = thrGetWorkforce( thrGetNThread( SMF__THREADS, status ), status );

/* Get an identifier for the input NDF. We use NDG (via kpg1Rgndf)
   instead of calling ndfAssoc directly since NDF/HDS has problems with
   file names containing spaces, which NDG does not have. */
   kpg1Rgndf( "IN", 1, 1, "", &igrp1, &nskymap, status );
   ndgNdfas( igrp1, 1, "READ", &indf, status );

/* Map the data array in the input sky map. */
   ndfMap( indf, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &in_data, &nel,
           status );

/* Get the WCS FrameSet from the sky map, together with its pixel index
   bounds. */
   kpg1Asget( indf, 2, 0, 1, 1, sdim, slbnd, subnd, &wcsin, status );

/* Check the current Frame is a SKY frame. */
   skyfrm = astGetFrame( wcsin, AST__CURRENT );
   if( !astIsASkyFrame( skyfrm ) && *status == SAI__OK ) {
      ndfMsg( "N", indf );
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( " ", " Current Frame in ^N is not a SKY Frame.", status );

/* Get a copy of the current frame that represents absolute coords rather
   than offsets. We assume the target is moving if the map represents
   offsets. */
   moving = ( *status == SAI__OK &&
              !strcmp( astGetC( skyfrm, "SkyRefIs" ), "Origin" ) ) ? 1 : 0;
   abskyfrm = astCopy( skyfrm );
   astClear( abskyfrm, "SkyRefIs" );

/* If the ALIGNSYS parameter is TRUE then we align the raw data with the
   map in the current system of the map, rather than the default ICRS. */
   parGet0l( "ALIGNSYS", &alignsys, status );
   if( alignsys ) astSetC( abskyfrm, "AlignSystem", astGetC( abskyfrm,
                                                             "System" ) );

/* Get the Mapping from the Sky Frame to grid axis in the iput map. */
   skymap = astGetMapping( wcsin, AST__CURRENT, AST__BASE );

/* Get the pixel interpolation scheme to use. */
             1, pabuf, 10, status );

   if( !strcmp( pabuf, "NEAREST" ) ) {
      interp = AST__NEAREST;
      nparam = 0;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "LINEAR" ) ) {
      interp = AST__LINEAR;
      nparam = 0;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINC" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINC;
      nparam = 1;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINCSINC" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINCSINC;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINCCOS" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINCCOS;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINCGAUSS" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINCGAUSS;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SOMB" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SOMB;
      nparam = 1;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SOMBCOS" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SOMBCOS;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      nparam = 0;
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      msgSetc( "V", pabuf );
      errRep( "", "Support not available for INTERP = ^V (programming "
              "error)", status );

/* Get an additional parameter vector if required. */
   if( nparam > 0 ) parExacd( "PARAMS", nparam, params, status );

/* Get a group of reference time series files to use as templates for
   the output time series files.*/
   ndgAssoc( "REF", 1, &igrp2, &size, &flag, status );

/* Get output file(s) */
   kpg1Wgndf( "OUT", igrp2, size, size, "More output files required...",
              &ogrp, &outsize, status );

/* Get he noise level to add to the output data. */
   parGet0d( "SIGMA", &sigma, status );

/* Get any Q and U input maps. */
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

      kpg1Rgndf( "QIN", 1, 1, "", &igrpq, &nskymap, status );
      ndgNdfas( igrpq, 1, "READ", &indfq, status );
      ndfMap( indfq, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &inq_data, &nelqu,
              status );
      if( nelqu != nel && *status == SAI__OK ) {
         ndfMsg( "Q", indfq );
         *status = SAI__ERROR;
         errRep( "", "Q image '^Q' is not the same size as the I image.",
                 status );

      kpg1Rgndf( "UIN", 1, 1, "", &igrpu, &nskymap, status );
      ndgNdfas( igrpu, 1, "READ", &indfu, status );
      ndfMap( indfu, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &inu_data, &nelqu,
              status );
      if( nelqu != nel && *status == SAI__OK ) {
         ndfMsg( "U", indfu );
         *status = SAI__ERROR;
         errRep( "", "U image '^U' is not the same size as the I image.",
                 status );

      if( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
         ndfAnnul( &indfq, status );
         ndfAnnul( &indfu, status );
         inq_data = NULL;
         inu_data = NULL;
         errAnnul( status );
      } else {
         parGet0d( "ANGROT", &angrot, status );
         parGet0d( "PAOFF", &paoff, status );
         parGet0l( "PASIGN", &pasign, status );

/* Get any common-mode files. */
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      kpg1Rgndf( "COM", size, size, "", &igrpc, &ncom, status );
      if( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
         errAnnul( status );
         ncom = 0;

/* Get any GAI files. */
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      kpg1Rgndf( "GAI", size, size, "", &igrpg, &ngai, status );
      if( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
         errAnnul( status );
         ngai = 0;

/* Get any instrumental polarisation files. */
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

/* First see if the user wants to use the "INSTQ/INSTU" scheme for
   specifying instrumental polarisation. */
      ndfAssoc( "INSTQ", "Read", &indfiq, status );
      ndfAssoc( "INSTU", "Read", &indfiu, status );

      if( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
         ndfAnnul( &indfiq, status );
         ndfAnnul( &indfiu, status );
         errAnnul( status );

      } else {
         msgOut( " ", "Using user-defined IP model", status );

         ndfDim( indfiq, 2, dims, &ndim, status );
         if( dims[ 0 ] != 32 || dims[ 1 ] != 40 ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            ndfMsg( "N", indfiq );
            errRep( " ", "Instrumental polarisation file ^N has bad "
                    "dimensions - should be 32x40.", status );
         } else {
            ndfMap( indfiq, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &qinst_data,
                    &nel, status );

         ndfDim( indfiu, 2, dims, &ndim, status );
         if( dims[ 0 ] != 32 || dims[ 1 ] != 40 ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            ndfMsg( "N", indfiu );
            errRep( " ", "Instrumental polarisation file ^N has bad "
                    "dimensions - should be 32x40.", status );
         } else {
            ndfMap( indfiu, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &uinst_data,
                    &nel, status );

/* If not, see if the user wants to use the Johnstone/Kennedy instrumental
   polarisation model. The IPDATA parameter gives the path to an HDS
   container file contining NDFs holding the required IP data for all
   subarrays. */
      if( !qinst_data ) {
         parGet0c( "IPDATA", ipdata, sizeof(ipdata), status );
         if( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
            errAnnul( status );
         } else {
            msgOutf( " ", "Using Johnstone/Kennedy IP model in %s",
                     status, ipdata );
            hdsOpen( ipdata, "READ", &iploc, status );

/* Loop round all the template time series files. */
   for( ifile = 1; ifile <= (int) size && *status == SAI__OK; ifile++ ) {

/* Start a new NDF context. */

/* Create the output NDF by propagating everything from the input, except
   for quality and variance. */
      ndgNdfas( igrp2, ifile, "READ", &indfin, status );

      ndfMsg( "FILE", indfin );
      msgSeti( "THISFILE", ifile );
      msgSeti( "NUMFILES", size );
      msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "Simulating ^THISFILE/^NUMFILES ^FILE",
                status );

                ogrp, ifile, &indfout, status );
      ndfAnnul( &indfin, status );
      ndfAnnul( &indfout, status );

/* We now re-open the output NDF and then modify its data values. */
      smf_open_file( wf, ogrp, ifile, "UPDATE", 0, &odata, status );

/* Issue a suitable message and abort if anything went wrong. */
      if( *status != SAI__OK ) {
         errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Could not open input template file.", status );

      } else {
         if( odata->file == NULL ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( FUNC_NAME, "No smfFile associated with smfData.",
                    status );

         } else if( odata->hdr == NULL ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( FUNC_NAME, "No smfHead associated with smfData.",
                    status );

/* Check the reference time series contains double precision values. */
      smf_dtype_check_fatal( odata, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE, status );

/* Get the total number of data elements, and the number of time slices. */
      smf_get_dims( odata, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ntslice, &ndata, NULL,
                    NULL, status );

/* Get the subarray name */
      smf_fits_getS( odata->hdr, "SUBARRAY", subarray, sizeof(subarray),
                     status );

/* If we are using the Johnstone/Kennedy IP model, open and map the
   relevant parameter NDFs within the IPDATA container file. */
      if( iploc ) {
         datFind( iploc, subarray, &cloc, status );

         ndfFind( cloc, "C0", &indfc0, status );
         ndfDim( indfc0, 2, dims, &ndim, status );
         if( dims[ 0 ] != 32 || dims[ 1 ] != 40 ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            ndfMsg( "N", indfc0 );
            errRep( " ", "Instrumental polarisation file ^N has bad "
                    "dimensions - should be 32x40.", status );
         } else {
            ndfMap( indfc0, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &c0_data,
                    &nel, status );

         ndfFind( cloc, "P0", &indfp0, status );
         ndfDim( indfp0, 2, dims, &ndim, status );
         if( dims[ 0 ] != 32 || dims[ 1 ] != 40 ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            ndfMsg( "N", indfp0 );
            errRep( " ", "Instrumental polarisation file ^N has bad "
                    "dimensions - should be 32x40.", status );
         } else {
            ndfMap( indfp0, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &p0_data,
                    &nel, status );

         ndfFind( cloc, "P1", &indfp1, status );
         ndfDim( indfp1, 2, dims, &ndim, status );
         if( dims[ 0 ] != 32 || dims[ 1 ] != 40 ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            ndfMsg( "N", indfp1 );
            errRep( " ", "Instrumental polarisation file ^N has bad "
                    "dimensions - should be 32x40.", status );
         } else {
            ndfMap( indfp1, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &p1_data,
                    &nel, status );

         ndfFind( cloc, "ANGC", &indfangc, status );
         ndfDim( indfangc, 2, dims, &ndim, status );
         if( dims[ 0 ] != 32 || dims[ 1 ] != 40 ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            ndfMsg( "N", indfangc );
            errRep( " ", "Instrumental polarisation file ^N has bad "
                    "dimensions - should be 32x40.", status );
         } else {
            ndfMap( indfangc, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &angc_data,
                    &nel, status );

/* Open any COM file. */
      if( ncom ) {
         ndgNdfas( igrpc, ifile, "READ", &indfc, status );
         ndfDim( indfc, 3, cdims, &ndimc, status );

/* Check its dimensions. */
         if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            if( ndimc == 1 ) {
               if( cdims[ 0 ] < (int) ntslice ) {
                  *status = SAI__ERROR;
                  ndfMsg( "C", indfc );
                  ndfMsg( "R", indfin );
                  msgSeti( "N", cdims[ 0 ] );
                  msgSeti( "M", ntslice );
                  errRep( " ", "Supplied COM file (^C) has ^N time-slices, but "
                          "the reference NDF (^R) has ^M time-slices.", status );
               } else {
                  ndfBound( indfc, 3, lbndc, ubndc, &ndimc, status );
                  ubndc[ 0 ] = lbndc[ 0 ] + ntslice - 1;
                  ndfSect( indfc, 1, lbndc, ubndc, &indfcs, status );
            } else if( ndimc == 3 ) {
               if( cdims[ 0 ] != 1 || cdims[ 1 ] != 1 ) {
                  *status = SAI__ERROR;
                  ndfMsg( "C", indfc );
                  errRep( " ", "Supplied 3D COM file (^C) has bad "
                          "dimensions for axis 1 and/or 2 (should "
                          "both be 1 pixel long).", status );
               } else if( cdims[ 2 ] < (int) ntslice ) {
                  *status = SAI__ERROR;
                  ndfMsg( "C", indfc );
                  ndfMsg( "R", indfin );
                  msgSeti( "N", cdims[ 2 ] );
                  msgSeti( "M", ntslice );
                  errRep( " ", "Supplied COM file (^C) has ^N time-slices, but "
                          "the reference NDF (^R) has ^M time-slices.", status );
               } else {
                  ndfBound( indfc, 3, lbndc, ubndc, &ndimc, status );
                  ubndc[ 2 ] = lbndc[ 2 ] + ntslice - 1;
                  ndfSect( indfc, 3, lbndc, ubndc, &indfcs, status );
            } else {
               *status = SAI__ERROR;
               ndfMsg( "C", indfc );
               msgSeti( "N", ndimc );
               errRep( " ", "Supplied COM file (^C) has ^N dimensions - "
                       "must be 3.", status );

         ndfMap( indfcs, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &inc_data,
                 &nelc, status );

      } else {
         indfcs = NDF__NOID;
         inc_data = NULL;

/* Open any GAI files. */
      if( ngai ) {
         ndgNdfas( igrpg, ifile, "READ", &indfg, status );
         ndfDim( indfg, 3, gdims, &ndimg, status );

/* Check its dimensions, and map it if OK. */
         if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            if( ndimg != 2 ) {
               *status = SAI__ERROR;
               ndfMsg( "C", indfg );
               msgSeti( "N", ndimg );
               errRep( " ", "Supplied GAI file (^C) has ^N dimensions - "
                       "must be 2.", status );
            } else if( gdims[ 0 ] != 32 || gdims[ 1 ] != 40 ) {
               *status = SAI__ERROR;
               ndfMsg( "C", indfg );
               errRep( " ", "Supplied GAI file (^C) has has bad "
                       "dimensions - should be 32x40.", status );
         ndfMap( indfg, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &gai_data,
                 &nelg, status );

      } else {
         indfg = NDF__NOID;
         gai_data = NULL;

/* Fill the output with bad values. */
      if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
         pd = odata->pntr[ 0 ];
         for( iel = 0; iel < ndata; iel++ ) *(pd++) = VAL__BADD;

/* Resample the sky map data into the output time series. */
      smf_resampmap( wf, odata, abskyfrm, skymap, moving, slbnd, subnd,
                     interp, params, sigma, in_data, odata->pntr[ 0 ],
                     NULL, &ngood, status );

/* Add on any COM data. */
      smf_addcom( wf, odata, inc_data, status );

/* Issue a wrning if there is no good data in the output cube. */
      if( ngood == 0 ) msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "   Output contains no "
                                 "good data values.", status );

/* If Q and U maps have been given, allocate room to hold resampled Q and
   U values, and fill them with bad values. */
      if( inq_data && inu_data ) {
         pq = outq_data = astMalloc( ndata*sizeof( *outq_data ) );
         pu = outu_data = astMalloc( ndata*sizeof( *outu_data ) );
         if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            for( iel = 0; iel < ndata; iel++ ) {
               *(pu++) = VAL__BADD;
               *(pq++) = VAL__BADD;

/* Determine the harmonic to use. */
         parGet0i( "HARMONIC", &harmonic, status );

/* If producing the normal 8 Hz harmonic, get the amplitude and phase of a
   other signals to add onto the 8 Hz signal. */
         if( harmonic == 4 ) {
            parGet0d( "AMP2", &amp2, status );
            parGet0d( "PHASE2", &phase2, status );
            parGet0d( "AMP4", &amp4, status );
            parGet0d( "PHASE4", &phase4, status );
            parGet0d( "AMP16", &amp16, status );
            parGet0d( "PHASE16", &phase16, status );
         } else {
            amp2 = 0.0;
            phase2 = 0.0;
            amp4 = 0.0;
            phase4 = 0.0;
            amp16 = 0.0;
            phase16 = 0.0;

/* Allocate room for an array to hold the angle from the Y pixel axis
   in the sky map to the focal plane Y axis, in radians, at each time
   slice. Positive rotation is in the same sense as rotation from
   focal plane X to focal plane Y. */
         ang_data = astMalloc( ntslice*sizeof( *ang_data ) );

/* Resample them both into 3D time series. These Q/U values arw with
  respect to the sky image Y axis. */
         smf_resampmap( wf, odata, abskyfrm, skymap, moving, slbnd, subnd,
                        interp, params, sigma, inq_data, outq_data,
                        ang_data, &ngood, status );
         smf_resampmap( wf, odata, abskyfrm, skymap, moving, slbnd, subnd,
                        interp, params, sigma, inu_data, outu_data,
                        NULL, &ngood, status );

/* Combine these time series with the main output time series so that the
   main output is analysed intensity. */
         smf_uncalc_iqu( wf, odata, odata->pntr[ 0 ], outq_data, outu_data,
                         ang_data, pasign, AST__DD2R*paoff, AST__DD2R*angrot,
                         amp2, AST__DD2R*phase2, amp4, AST__DD2R*phase4,
                         amp16, AST__DD2R*phase16, qinst_data, uinst_data,
                         c0_data, p0_data, p1_data, angc_data, harmonic,
                         status );

/* Release work space. */
         outq_data = astFree( outq_data );
         outu_data = astFree( outu_data );
         ang_data = astFree( ang_data );

/* Factor in any GAI data. */
      smf_addgai( wf, odata, gai_data, status );

/* Close the output time series file. */
      smf_close_file( wf, &odata, status );

/* Close the IP data container for the current subarray, if it is open. */
      if( cloc ) datAnnul( &cloc, status );

/* End the NDF context. */
      ndfEnd( status );

/* Close any input data file that is still open due to an early exit from
   the above loop. */
   if( odata != NULL ) {
      smf_close_file( wf, &odata, status );
      odata = NULL;

/* Free remaining resources. */
   if( igrp1 != NULL) grpDelet( &igrp1, status);
   if( igrp2 != NULL) grpDelet( &igrp2, status);
   if( igrpq != NULL) grpDelet( &igrpq, status);
   if( igrpu != NULL) grpDelet( &igrpu, status);
   if( igrpc != NULL) grpDelet( &igrpc, status);
   if( igrpg != NULL) grpDelet( &igrpg, status);
   if( ogrp != NULL) grpDelet( &ogrp, status);
   if( iploc ) datAnnul( &iploc, status );

/* End the NDF context. */
   ndfEnd( status );

/* End the tile's AST context. */

/* Issue a status indication.*/
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ",TASK_NAME " succeeded, time series written.", status);
   } else {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ",TASK_NAME " failed.", status);
Example #14
void gsdac_getDateVars ( const gsdVars *gsdVars, const char *backend,
                         const int obsNum, dateVars *dateVars,
                         int *status )


  /* Local variables */
  char dateString[SZFITSTR];  /* temporary string for date conversions. */
  int day;                    /* days */
  double dLST;                /* difference in LST */
  double dut1;                /* UT1-UTC correction */
  int hour;                   /* hours */
  int min;                    /* minutes */
  int month;                  /* months */
  float sec;                  /* seconds */
  int tableDims;              /* dimensionality of data table */
  int tableSize;              /* number of elements of data table */
  int tableElement;           /* index of element in data table */
  AstTimeFrame *tempFrame = NULL; /* AstTimeFrame for UT1-UTC conversion */
  const char *tempString;     /* temporary string */
  AstTimeFrame *tFrame = NULL;  /* AstTimeFrame for UT1-UTC conversion */
  double utcEnd;              /* end UTC time */
  double HSTend;              /* end HST time */
  double HSTstart;            /* start HST time */
  double utcStart;            /* start UTC time */
  int year;                   /* years */

  /* Check inherited status */
  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  /* Get the DATE-OBS. */

  /* Parse date to get year/month/day. */
  sprintf ( dateString, "%8.4f", gsdVars->obsUT1d );
  sscanf ( dateString, "%04d.%02d%02d", &year, &month, &day );

  /* Parse time to get hour/min/sec: can not use usual (int) scoping
     because of danger to get hh:05:60.00 instead of hh:06:00.00 */
  hour = (int) gsdVars->obsUT1h;
  min =  60.0 * fmodf( gsdVars->obsUT1h, 1.0 );
  sec =  60.0 * fmodf( 60.0*gsdVars->obsUT1h, 1.0 );

  /* Set up the timeframe. */
  tFrame = astTimeFrame ( "timescale=UT1" );

  astSet ( tFrame, "TimeOrigin=%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%f",
           year, month, day, hour, min, sec );

  /* Apply the UT1-UTC correction. */
  dut1 = gsdVars->obsUT1C * 86400.0;

  astSet ( tFrame, "DUT1=%f", dut1 );
  astSet ( tFrame, "timescale=UTC" );

  utcStart = astGetD ( tFrame, "timeOrigin" );

  tempFrame = astCopy ( tFrame );
  astClear ( tempFrame, "timeOrigin" );
  astSet ( tempFrame, "format(1)=iso.2" );

  tempString = astFormat ( tempFrame, 1, utcStart );

  /* Copy the UTC date string. */
  strncpy ( dateVars->dateObs, tempString, 10 );
  dateVars->dateObs[10] =  'T';
  strcpy ( &(dateVars->dateObs[11]), &(tempString[11]) );

  /* Get the OBSID. */

  /* Check to see that the backend is DAS. */
  if ( strncmp ( backend, "DAS", 3 ) != 0 &&
       strncmp ( backend, "AOSC", 4 ) != 0 ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    msgSetc ( "BACKEND", backend );
    errRep ( "gsdac_getDateVars", "Backend ^BACKEND not supported", status );

  sprintf ( dateVars->obsID, "%s_%05d_%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d",
            backend, obsNum, year, month, day, hour, min, (int)sec );

  /* Convert to lowercase to give a consistent format for the JSA. */
  astChrCase( NULL, dateVars->obsID, 0, 0 );

  /* Get the DATE-END. This will be DATE-OBS + ( last LST - first LST ). */
  tableSize = gsdVars->nScanVars1 * gsdVars->nScan;
  tableDims = gsdVars->nScanVars1;
  tableElement = 0;          /* In case unfilled table */
  if ( (tableSize-tableDims) >= 0 ) {
    tableElement = tableSize-tableDims;

  dLST = ( gsdVars->scanTable1[tableElement] -
	     gsdVars->scanTable1[0] ) / 24.0;

  /* Correct for difference between solar and sidereal time. */
  utcEnd = utcStart + ( dLST / SOLSID );

  tempString = astFormat ( tempFrame, 1, utcEnd );

  /* Copy the UTC date string. */
  strncpy ( dateVars->dateEnd, tempString, 10 );
  dateVars->dateEnd[10] =  'T';
  strcpy ( &(dateVars->dateEnd[11]), &(tempString[11]) );

  /* Get the LSTstart. */
  hour = (int) gsdVars->scanTable1[0];
  min =  60.0 * fmodf( gsdVars->scanTable1[0], 1.0 );
  sec =  60.0 * fmodf( 60.0*gsdVars->scanTable1[0], 1.0 );

  sprintf ( dateVars->LSTstart, "%02d:%02d:%07.4f", hour, min, sec );

  /* Get the LSTend. */
  hour = (int) gsdVars->scanTable1[tableElement];
  min =  60.0 * fmodf( gsdVars->scanTable1[tableElement], 1.0 );
  sec =  60.0 * fmodf( 60.0*gsdVars->scanTable1[tableElement], 1.0 );

  sprintf ( dateVars->LSTend, "%02d:%02d:%07.4f", hour, min, sec );

  /* Get the HSTstart and HSTend. */
  HSTstart = utcStart - 10.0 / 24.0;
  HSTend = utcEnd - 10.0 / 24.0;

  tempString = astFormat ( tempFrame, 1, HSTstart );

  /* Copy the HST date string. */
  strncpy ( dateVars->HSTstart, tempString, 10 );
  dateVars->HSTstart[10] =  'T';
  strcpy ( &(dateVars->HSTstart[11]), &(tempString[11]) );

  tempString = astFormat ( tempFrame, 1, HSTend );

  /* Copy the HST date string. */
  strncpy ( dateVars->HSTend, tempString, 10 );
  dateVars->HSTend[10] =  'T';
  strcpy ( &(dateVars->HSTend[11]), &(tempString[11]) );

Example #15
void smurf_unmakemap( int *status ) {

/* Local Variables */
   AstFrameSet *wcsin = NULL; /* WCS Frameset for input cube */
   AstMapping *skymap;        /* GRID->SkyFrame Mapping from input WCS */
   AstSkyFrame *abskyfrm;     /* Input SkyFrame (always absolute) */
   AstSkyFrame *skyfrm = NULL;/* SkyFrame from the input WCS Frameset */
   Grp *igrp1 = NULL;         /* Group of input sky files */
   Grp *igrp2 = NULL;         /* Group of input template files */
   Grp *igrpq = NULL;         /* Group of input Q  sky files */
   Grp *igrpu = NULL;         /* Group of input U sky files */
   Grp *ogrp = NULL;          /* Group containing output file */
   ThrWorkForce *wf = NULL;   /* Pointer to a pool of worker threads */
   char pabuf[ 10 ];          /* Text buffer for parameter value */
   dim_t iel;                 /* Index of next element */
   dim_t ndata;               /* Number of elements in array */
   dim_t ntslice;             /* Number of time slices in array */
   double *ang_data = NULL;   /* Pointer to the FP orientation angles */
   double *in_data = NULL;    /* Pointer to the input I sky map */
   double *inq_data = NULL;   /* Pointer to the input Q sky map */
   double *inu_data = NULL;   /* Pointer to the input U sky map */
   double *outq_data = NULL;  /* Pointer to the Q time series data */
   double *outu_data = NULL;  /* Pointer to the U time series data */
   double *pd;                /* Pointer to next element */
   double *pq = NULL;         /* Pointer to next Q time series value */
   double *pu = NULL;         /* Pointer to next U time series value */
   double angrot;             /* Angle from focal plane X axis to fixed analyser */
   double paoff;              /* WPLATE value corresponding to POL_ANG=0.0 */
   double params[ 4 ];        /* astResample parameters */
   double sigma;              /* Standard deviation of noise to add to output */
   int alignsys;              /* Align data in the map's system? */
   int flag;                  /* Was the group expression flagged? */
   int harmonic;              /* The requested harmonic */
   int ifile;                 /* Input file index */
   int indf;                  /* Input sky map NDF identifier */
   int indfin;                /* Input template cube NDF identifier */
   int indfout;               /* Output cube NDF identifier */
   int indfq;                 /* Input Q map NDF identifier */
   int indfu;                 /* Input U map NDF identifier */
   int interp = 0;            /* Pixel interpolation method */
   int moving;                /* Is the telescope base position changing? */
   int nel;                   /* Number of elements in array */
   int nelqu;                 /* Number of elements in Q or U array */
   int ngood;                 /* No. of good values in putput cube */
   int nparam = 0;            /* No. of parameters required for interpolation scheme */
   int pasign;                /* Indicates sense of POL_ANG value */
   int sdim[ 2 ];             /* Array of significant pixel axes */
   int slbnd[ 2 ];            /* Array of lower bounds of input map */
   int subnd[ 2 ];            /* Array of upper bounds of input map */
   size_t nskymap;            /* Number of supplied sky cubes */
   size_t outsize;            /* Number of files in output group */
   size_t size;               /* Number of files in input group */
   smfData *odata = NULL;     /* Pointer to output data struct */

/* Check inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Begin an AST context */

/* Begin an NDF context. */

/* Find the number of cores/processors available and create a pool of
   threads of the same size. */
   wf = thrGetWorkforce( thrGetNThread( SMF__THREADS, status ), status );

/* Get an identifier for the input NDF. We use NDG (via kpg1Rgndf)
   instead of calling ndfAssoc directly since NDF/HDS has problems with
   file names containing spaces, which NDG does not have. */
   kpg1Rgndf( "IN", 1, 1, "", &igrp1, &nskymap, status );
   ndgNdfas( igrp1, 1, "READ", &indf, status );

/* Map the data array in the input sky map. */
   ndfMap( indf, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &in_data, &nel,
           status );

/* Get the WCS FrameSet from the sky map, together with its pixel index
   bounds. */
   kpg1Asget( indf, 2, 0, 1, 1, sdim, slbnd, subnd, &wcsin, status );

/* Check the current Frame is a SKY frame. */
   skyfrm = astGetFrame( wcsin, AST__CURRENT );
   if( !astIsASkyFrame( skyfrm ) && *status == SAI__OK ) {
      ndfMsg( "N", indf );
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( " ", " Current Frame in ^N is not a SKY Frame.", status );

/* Get a copy of the current frame that represents absolute coords rather
   than offsets. We assume the target is moving if the map represents
   offsets. */
   moving = ( *status == SAI__OK &&
              !strcmp( astGetC( skyfrm, "SkyRefIs" ), "Origin" ) ) ? 1 : 0;
   abskyfrm = astCopy( skyfrm );
   astClear( abskyfrm, "SkyRefIs" );

/* If the ALIGNSYS parameter is TRUE then we align the raw data with the
   map in the current system of the map, rather than the default ICRS. */
   parGet0l( "ALIGNSYS", &alignsys, status );
   if( alignsys ) astSetC( abskyfrm, "AlignSystem", astGetC( abskyfrm,
                                                             "System" ) );

/* Get the Mapping from the Sky Frame to grid axis in the iput map. */
   skymap = astGetMapping( wcsin, AST__CURRENT, AST__BASE );

/* Get the pixel interpolation scheme to use. */
             1, pabuf, 10, status );

   if( !strcmp( pabuf, "NEAREST" ) ) {
      interp = AST__NEAREST;
      nparam = 0;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "LINEAR" ) ) {
      interp = AST__LINEAR;
      nparam = 0;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINC" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINC;
      nparam = 1;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINCSINC" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINCSINC;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINCCOS" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINCCOS;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SINCGAUSS" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SINCGAUSS;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SOMB" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SOMB;
      nparam = 1;

   } else if( !strcmp( pabuf, "SOMBCOS" ) ) {
      interp = AST__SOMBCOS;
      nparam = 2;

   } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      nparam = 0;
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      msgSetc( "V", pabuf );
      errRep( "", "Support not available for INTERP = ^V (programming "
              "error)", status );

/* Get an additional parameter vector if required. */
   if( nparam > 0 ) parExacd( "PARAMS", nparam, params, status );

/* Get a group of reference time series files to use as templates for
   the output time series files.*/
   ndgAssoc( "REF", 1, &igrp2, &size, &flag, status );

/* Get output file(s) */
   kpg1Wgndf( "OUT", igrp2, size, size, "More output files required...",
              &ogrp, &outsize, status );

/* Get he noise level to add to the output data. */
   parGet0d( "SIGMA", &sigma, status );

/* Get any Q and U input maps. */
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

      kpg1Rgndf( "QIN", 1, 1, "", &igrpq, &nskymap, status );
      ndgNdfas( igrpq, 1, "READ", &indfq, status );
      ndfMap( indfq, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &inq_data, &nelqu,
              status );
      if( nelqu != nel && *status == SAI__OK ) {
         ndfMsg( "Q", indfq );
         *status = SAI__ERROR;
         errRep( "", "Q image '^Q' is not the same size as the I image.",
                 status );

      kpg1Rgndf( "UIN", 1, 1, "", &igrpu, &nskymap, status );
      ndgNdfas( igrpu, 1, "READ", &indfu, status );
      ndfMap( indfu, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", (void **) &inu_data, &nelqu,
              status );
      if( nelqu != nel && *status == SAI__OK ) {
         ndfMsg( "U", indfu );
         *status = SAI__ERROR;
         errRep( "", "U image '^U' is not the same size as the I image.",
                 status );

      if( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
         ndfAnnul( &indfq, status );
         ndfAnnul( &indfu, status );
         inq_data = NULL;
         inu_data = NULL;
         errAnnul( status );
      } else {
         parGet0d( "ANGROT", &angrot, status );
         parGet0d( "PAOFF", &paoff, status );
         parGet0l( "PASIGN", &pasign, status );

/* Loop round all the template time series files. */
   for( ifile = 1; ifile <= (int) size && *status == SAI__OK; ifile++ ) {

/* Start a new NDF context. */

/* Create the output NDF by propagating everything from the input, except
   for quality and variance. */
      ndgNdfas( igrp2, ifile, "READ", &indfin, status );

      ndfMsg( "FILE", indfin );
      msgSeti( "THISFILE", ifile );
      msgSeti( "NUMFILES", size );
      msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "Simulating ^THISFILE/^NUMFILES ^FILE",
                status );

                ogrp, ifile, &indfout, status );
      ndfAnnul( &indfin, status );
      ndfAnnul( &indfout, status );

/* We now re-open the output NDF and then modify its data values. */
      smf_open_file( wf, ogrp, ifile, "UPDATE", 0, &odata, status );

/* Issue a suitable message and abort if anything went wrong. */
      if( *status != SAI__OK ) {
         errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Could not open input template file.", status );

      } else {
         if( odata->file == NULL ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( FUNC_NAME, "No smfFile associated with smfData.",
                    status );

         } else if( odata->hdr == NULL ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( FUNC_NAME, "No smfHead associated with smfData.",
                    status );

/* Check the reference time series contains double precision values. */
     smf_dtype_check_fatal( odata, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE, status );

/* Get the total number of data elements, and the number of time slices. */
     smf_get_dims( odata, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ntslice, &ndata, NULL,
                   NULL, status );

/* Fill the output with bad values. */
      if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
         pd = odata->pntr[ 0 ];
         for( iel = 0; iel < ndata; iel++ ) *(pd++) = VAL__BADD;

/* Resample the sky map data into the output time series. */
      smf_resampmap( wf, odata, abskyfrm, skymap, moving, slbnd, subnd,
                     interp, params, sigma, in_data, odata->pntr[ 0 ],
                     NULL, &ngood, status );

/* Issue a wrning if there is no good data in the output cube. */
      if( ngood == 0 ) msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "   Output contains no "
                                 "good data values.", status );

/* If Q and U maps have been given, allocate room to hold resampled Q and
   U values, and fill them with bad values. */
      if( inq_data && inu_data ) {
         pq = outq_data = astMalloc( ndata*sizeof( *outq_data ) );
         pu = outu_data = astMalloc( ndata*sizeof( *outu_data ) );
         if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            for( iel = 0; iel < ndata; iel++ ) {
               *(pu++) = VAL__BADD;
               *(pq++) = VAL__BADD;

/* Determine the harmonic to use. */
         parGet0i( "HARMONIC", &harmonic, status );

/* Allocate room for an array to hold the anti-clockwise angle from the
   focal plane Y axis to the Y pixel axis in the reference map, at each
   time slice. */
         ang_data = astMalloc( ntslice*sizeof( *ang_data ) );

/* Resample them both into 3D time series. */
         smf_resampmap( wf, odata, abskyfrm, skymap, moving, slbnd, subnd,
                        interp, params, sigma, inq_data, outq_data,
                        ang_data, &ngood, status );
         smf_resampmap( wf, odata, abskyfrm, skymap, moving, slbnd, subnd,
                        interp, params, sigma, inu_data, outu_data,
                        NULL, &ngood, status );

/* Combine these time series with the main output time series so that the
   main output is analysed intensity. */
         smf_uncalc_iqu( wf, odata, odata->pntr[ 0 ], outq_data, outu_data,
                         ang_data, pasign, AST__DD2R*paoff, AST__DD2R*angrot,
                         harmonic, status );

/* Release work space. */
         outq_data = astFree( outq_data );
         outu_data = astFree( outu_data );
         ang_data = astFree( ang_data );

/* Close the output time series file. */
      smf_close_file( wf, &odata, status );

/* End the NDF context. */
      ndfEnd( status );

/* Close any input data file that is still open due to an early exit from
   the above loop. */
   if( odata != NULL ) {
      smf_close_file( wf, &odata, status );
      odata = NULL;

/* Free remaining resources. */
   if( igrp1 != NULL) grpDelet( &igrp1, status);
   if( igrp2 != NULL) grpDelet( &igrp2, status);
   if( igrpq != NULL) grpDelet( &igrpq, status);
   if( igrpu != NULL) grpDelet( &igrpu, status);
   if( ogrp != NULL) grpDelet( &ogrp, status);

/* End the NDF context. */
   ndfEnd( status );

/* End the tile's AST context. */

/* Issue a status indication.*/
   if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ",TASK_NAME " succeeded, time series written.", status);
   } else {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ",TASK_NAME " failed.", status);
Example #16
void smf_mapbounds( int fast, Grp *igrp,  int size, const char *system,
                    AstFrameSet *spacerefwcs, int alignsys, int *lbnd_out,
                    int *ubnd_out, AstFrameSet **outframeset, int *moving,
                    smfBox ** boxes, fts2Port fts_port, int *status ) {

  /* Local Variables */
  AstSkyFrame *abskyframe = NULL; /* Output Absolute SkyFrame */
  int actval;           /* Number of parameter values supplied */
  AstMapping *bolo2map = NULL; /* Combined mapping bolo->map
                                  coordinates, WCS->GRID Mapping from
                                  input WCS FrameSet */
  smfBox *box = NULL;          /* smfBox for current file */
  smfData *data = NULL;        /* pointer to  SCUBA2 data struct */
  double dlbnd[ 2 ];    /* Floating point lower bounds for output map */
  drcntrl_bits drcntrl_mask = 0;/* Mask to use for DRCONTROL on this instrument */
  double dubnd[ 2 ];    /* Floating point upper bounds for output map */
  AstMapping *fast_map = NULL; /* Mapping from tracking to absolute map coords */
  smfFile *file = NULL;        /* SCUBA2 data file information */
  int first;                   /* Is this the first good subscan ? */
  AstFitsChan *fitschan = NULL;/* Fits channels to construct WCS header */
  AstFrameSet *fs = NULL;      /* A general purpose FrameSet pointer */
  smfHead *hdr = NULL;         /* Pointer to data header this time slice */
  int i;                       /* Loop counter */
  dim_t j;                     /* Loop counter */
  AstSkyFrame *junksky = NULL; /* Unused SkyFrame argument */
  dim_t k;                     /* Loop counter */
  int lbnd0[ 2 ];              /* Defaults for LBND parameter */
  double map_pa=0;             /* Map PA in output coord system (rads) */
  dim_t maxloop;               /* Number of times to go round the time slice loop */
  dim_t nbadt  = 0;            /* Number of bad time slices */
  dim_t ngoodt = 0;            /* Number of good time slices */
  double par[7];               /* Projection parameters */
  double shift[ 2 ];           /* Shifts from PIXEL to GRID coords */
  AstMapping *oskymap = NULL;  /* Mapping celestial->map coordinates,
                                  Sky <> PIXEL mapping in output
                                  FrameSet */
  AstSkyFrame *oskyframe = NULL;/* Output SkyFrame */
  char *refsys = NULL;         /* Sky system from supplied reference FrameSet */
  dim_t textreme[4];           /* Time index corresponding to minmax TCS posn */
  AstFrame *skyin = NULL;      /* Sky Frame in input FrameSet */
  double skyref[ 2 ];          /* Values for output SkyFrame SkyRef attribute */
  struct timeval tv1;          /* Timer */
  struct timeval tv2;          /* Timer */
  AstMapping *tmap;            /* Temporary Mapping */
  int trim;                    /* Trim borders of bad pixels from o/p image? */
  int ubnd0[ 2 ];              /* Defaults for UBND parameter */
  double x_array_corners[4];   /* X-Indices for corner bolos in array */
  double x_map[4];             /* Projected X-coordinates of corner bolos */
  double y_array_corners[4];   /* Y-Indices for corner pixels in array */
  double y_map[4];             /* Projected X-coordinates of corner bolos */

  /* Main routine */
  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* Start a timer to see how long this takes */
  smf_timerinit( &tv1, &tv2, status );

  /* Initialize pointer to output FrameSet and moving-source flag */
  *outframeset = NULL;
  *moving = 0;

  /* initialize double precision output bounds and the proj pars */
  for( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) par[ i ] = AST__BAD;
  dlbnd[ 0 ] = VAL__MAXD;
  dlbnd[ 1 ] = VAL__MAXD;
  dubnd[ 0 ] = VAL__MIND;
  dubnd[ 1 ] = VAL__MIND;

  /* If we have a supplied reference WCS we can use that directly
     without having to calculate it from the data. Replace the requested
     system with the system from the reference FrameSet (take a copy of the
     string since astGetC may re-use its buffer). */
  if (spacerefwcs) {
     oskyframe = astGetFrame( spacerefwcs, AST__CURRENT );
     int nc = 0;
     refsys = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, astGetC( oskyframe, "System" ) );
     system = refsys;

  /* Create array of returned smfBox structures and store a pointer
     to the next one to be initialised. */
  *boxes = astMalloc( sizeof( smfBox ) * size );
  box = *boxes;


  /* Loop over all files in the Grp */
  first = 1;
  for( i=1; i<=size; i++, box++ ) {

    /* Initialise the spatial bounds of section of the the output cube that is
       contributed to by the current ionput file. */
    box->lbnd[ 0 ] = VAL__MAXD;
    box->lbnd[ 1 ] = VAL__MAXD;
    box->ubnd[ 0 ] = VAL__MIND;
    box->ubnd[ 1 ] = VAL__MIND;

    /* Read data from the ith input file in the group */
    smf_open_file( NULL, igrp, i, "READ", SMF__NOCREATE_DATA, &data, status );

    if (*status != SAI__OK) {
      msgSeti( "I", i );
      errRep( "smf_mapbounds", "Could not open data file no ^I.", status );
    } else {
      if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
        if( data->file == NULL ) {
          *status = SAI__ERROR;
          errRep( FUNC_NAME, "No smfFile associated with smfData.",
                  status );

        } else if( data->hdr == NULL ) {
          *status = SAI__ERROR;
          errRep( FUNC_NAME, "No smfHead associated with smfData.",
                  status );

        } else if( data->hdr->fitshdr == NULL ) {
          *status = SAI__ERROR;
          errRep( FUNC_NAME, "No FITS header associated with smfHead.",
                  status );


    /* convenience pointers */
    file = data->file;
    hdr = data->hdr;

    /* report name of the input file */
    smf_smfFile_msg( file, "FILE", 1, "<unknown>" );
    msgSeti("I", i);
    msgSeti("N", size);
    msgOutif(MSG__VERB, " ",
             "SMF_MAPBOUNDS: Processing ^I/^N ^FILE",

/* Check that there are 3 pixel axes. */
    if( data->ndims != 3 ) {
      smf_smfFile_msg( file, "FILE", 1, "<unknown>" );
      msgSeti( "NDIMS", data->ndims );
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( FUNC_NAME, "^FILE has ^NDIMS pixel axes, should be 3.",
              status );

    /* Check that the data dimensions are 3 (for time ordered data) */
    if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

      /* If OK Decide which detectors (GRID coord) to use for
         checking bounds, depending on the instrument in use. */

      switch( hdr->instrument ) {

      case INST__SCUBA2:
        drcntrl_mask = DRCNTRL__POSITION;
        /* 4 corner bolometers of the subarray */
        x_array_corners[0] = 1;
        x_array_corners[1] = 1;
        x_array_corners[2] = (data->dims)[0];
        x_array_corners[3] = (data->dims)[0];

        y_array_corners[0] = 1;
        y_array_corners[1] = (data->dims)[1];
        y_array_corners[2] = 1;
        y_array_corners[3] = (data->dims)[1];

      case INST__AZTEC:
        /* Rough guess for extreme bolometers around the edge */
        x_array_corners[0] = 22;
        x_array_corners[1] = 65;
        x_array_corners[2] = 73;
        x_array_corners[3] = 98;

        y_array_corners[0] = 1; /* Always 1 for AzTEC */
        y_array_corners[1] = 1;
        y_array_corners[2] = 1;
        y_array_corners[3] = 1;

      case INST__ACSIS:
        smf_find_acsis_corners( data, x_array_corners, y_array_corners,

        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        errRep(FUNC_NAME, "Don't know how to calculate mapbounds for data created with this instrument", status);

    if( *status == SAI__OK) {
      size_t goodidx = SMF__BADSZT;

      /* Need to build up a frameset based on good telescope position.
         We can not assume that we the first step will be a good TCS position
         so we look for one. If we can not find anything we skip to the
         next file. */
      maxloop = (data->dims)[2];
      for (j=0; j<maxloop; j++) {
        JCMTState state = (hdr->allState)[j];
        if (state.jos_drcontrol >= 0 && state.jos_drcontrol & drcntrl_mask ) {
          /* bad TCS - so try again */
        } else {
          /* Good tcs */
          goodidx = j;

      if (goodidx == SMF__BADSZT) {
        smf_smfFile_msg( data->file, "FILE", 1, "<unknown>");
        msgOutif( MSG__QUIET, "", "No good telescope positions found in file ^FILE. Ignoring",
                  status );
        smf_close_file( NULL, &data, status );

      /* If we are dealing with the first good file, create the output
         SkyFrame. */
      if( first ) {
        first = 0;

        /* Create output SkyFrame if it has not come from a reference */
        if ( oskyframe == NULL ) {

          /* smf_tslice_ast only needs to get called once to set up framesets */
          if( hdr->wcs == NULL ) {
            smf_tslice_ast( data, goodidx, 1, fts_port, status);

          /* Retrieve input SkyFrame */
          skyin = astGetFrame( hdr->wcs, AST__CURRENT );

          smf_calc_skyframe( skyin, system, hdr, alignsys, &oskyframe, skyref,
                             moving, status );

          /* Get the orientation of the map vertical within the output celestial
             coordinate system. This is derived form the MAP_PA FITS header, which
             gives the orientation of the map vertical within the tracking system. */
          map_pa = smf_calc_mappa( hdr, system, skyin, status );

          /* Provide a sensible default for the pixel size based on wavelength */
          par[4] = smf_calc_telres( hdr->fitshdr, status );
          par[4] *= AST__DD2R/3600.0;
          par[5] = par[4];

          /* Calculate the projection parameters. We do not enable autogrid determination
             for SCUBA-2 so we do not need to obtain all the data before calculating
             projection parameters. */
          smf_get_projpar( oskyframe, skyref, *moving, 0, 0, NULL, 0,
                           map_pa, par, NULL, NULL, status );

          if (skyin) skyin = astAnnul( skyin );

        /* If the output skyframe has been supplied, we still need to
           determine whether the source is moving or not, and set the
           reference position. */
        } else {

          /* smf_tslice_ast only needs to get called once to set up framesets */
          if( hdr->wcs == NULL ) {
            smf_tslice_ast( data, goodidx, 1, fts_port, status);

          /* Retrieve input SkyFrame */
          skyin = astGetFrame( hdr->wcs, AST__CURRENT );
          smf_calc_skyframe( skyin, system, hdr, alignsys, &junksky, skyref,
                             moving, status );

          /* Store the sky reference position. If the target is moving,
             ensure the returned SkyFrame represents offsets from the
             reference position rather than absolute coords. */
          astSetD( oskyframe, "SkyRef(1)", skyref[ 0 ] );
          astSetD( oskyframe, "SkyRef(2)", skyref[ 1 ] );
          if( *moving ) astSet( oskyframe, "SkyRefIs=Origin" );

          /* Ensure the Epoch attribute in the map is set to the date of
             the first data in the map, rather than the date in supplied
             reference WCS. */
          astSetD( oskyframe, "Epoch", astGetD( junksky, "Epoch" ) );

        if ( *outframeset == NULL && oskyframe != NULL && (*status == SAI__OK)){
          /* Now created a spatial Mapping. Use the supplied reference frameset
             if supplied */
          if (spacerefwcs) {
            oskymap = astGetMapping( spacerefwcs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
          } else {
            /* Now populate a FitsChan with FITS-WCS headers describing
               the required tan plane projection. The longitude and
               latitude axis types are set to either (RA,Dec) or (AZ,EL)
               to get the correct handedness. */
            fitschan = astFitsChan ( NULL, NULL, " " );
            smf_makefitschan( astGetC( oskyframe, "System"), &(par[0]),
                              &(par[2]), &(par[4]), par[6], fitschan, status );
            astClear( fitschan, "Card" );
            fs = astRead( fitschan );

            /* Extract the output PIXEL->SKY Mapping. */
            oskymap = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );

            /* Tidy up */
            fs = astAnnul( fs );

          /* Create the output FrameSet */
          *outframeset = astFrameSet( astFrame(2, "Domain=GRID"), " " );

          /* Now add the SkyFrame to it */
          astAddFrame( *outframeset, AST__BASE, oskymap, oskyframe );

          /* Now add a POLANAL Frame if required (i.e. if the input time
             series are POL-2 Q/U values). */
          smf_addpolanal( *outframeset, hdr, status );

          /* Invert the oskymap mapping */
          astInvert( oskymap );

        } /* End WCS FrameSet construction */

      /* Get a copy of the output SkyFrame and ensure it represents
         absolute coords rather than offset coords. */
      abskyframe = astCopy( oskyframe );
      astClear( abskyframe, "SkyRefIs" );
      astClear( abskyframe, "AlignOffset" );

      maxloop = (data->dims)[2];
      if (fast) {
        /* For scan map we scan through looking for largest telescope moves.
           For dream/stare we just look at the start and end time slices to
           account for sky rotation. */

        if (hdr->obsmode != SMF__OBS_SCAN) {
          textreme[0] = 0;
          textreme[1] = (data->dims)[2] - 1;
          maxloop = 2;

        } else {
          const char *tracksys;
          double *ac1list, *ac2list, *bc1list, *bc2list, *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4;
          double flbnd[4], fubnd[4];
          JCMTState state;

          /* If the output and tracking systems are different, get a
             Mapping between them. */
          tracksys = sc2ast_convert_system( (hdr->allState)[goodidx].tcs_tr_sys,
                                            status );
          if( strcmp( system, tracksys ) ) {
             AstSkyFrame *tempsf = astCopy( abskyframe );
             astSetC( tempsf, "System", tracksys );
             AstFrameSet *tempfs = astConvert( tempsf, abskyframe, "" );
             tmap = astGetMapping( tempfs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
             fast_map = astSimplify( tmap );
             tmap = astAnnul( tmap );
             tempsf = astAnnul( tempsf );
             tempfs = astAnnul( tempfs );
          } else {
             fast_map = NULL;

          /* Copy all ac1/2 positions into two array, and transform them
             from tracking to absolute output sky coords. */
          ac1list = astMalloc( maxloop*sizeof( *ac1list ) );
          ac2list = astMalloc( maxloop*sizeof( *ac2list ) );
          if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
             p1 = ac1list;
             p2 = ac2list;
             for( j = 0; j < maxloop; j++ ) {
                state = (hdr->allState)[ j ];
                *(p1++) = state.tcs_tr_ac1;
                *(p2++) = state.tcs_tr_ac2;
             if( fast_map ) astTran2( fast_map, maxloop, ac1list, ac2list, 1,
                                      ac1list, ac2list );

          /* If the target is moving, we need to adjust these ac1/2 values
             to represent offsets from the base position. */
          if( *moving ) {

          /* Copy all bc1/2 positions into two arrays. */
             bc1list = astMalloc( maxloop*sizeof( *bc1list ) );
             bc2list = astMalloc( maxloop*sizeof( *bc2list ) );
             if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                p1 = bc1list;
                p2 = bc2list;

                for( j = 0; j < maxloop; j++ ) {
                   state = (hdr->allState)[ j ];
                   *(p1++) = state.tcs_tr_bc1;
                   *(p2++) = state.tcs_tr_bc2;

                /* Transform them from tracking to absolute output sky coords. */
                if( fast_map ) astTran2( fast_map, maxloop, bc1list, bc2list,
                                         1, bc1list, bc2list );

                /* Replace each ac1/2 position with the offsets from the
                   corresponding base position. */
                p1 = bc1list;
                p2 = bc2list;
                p3 = ac1list;
                p4 = ac2list;
                for( j = 0; j < maxloop; j++ ) {
                  smf_offsets( *(p1++), *(p2++), p3++, p4++, status );

             /* We no longer need the base positions. */
             bc1list = astFree( bc1list );
             bc2list = astFree( bc2list );

          /* Transform the ac1/2 position from output sky coords to
             output pixel coords. */
          astTran2( oskymap, maxloop, ac1list, ac2list, 1, ac1list, ac2list );

          /* Find the bounding box containing these pixel coords and the
             time slices at which the boresight touches each edge of this
             box. */
          flbnd[ 0 ] = VAL__MAXD;
          flbnd[ 1 ] = VAL__MAXD;
          fubnd[ 0 ] = VAL__MIND;
          fubnd[ 1 ] = VAL__MIND;
          for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) textreme[ j ] = (dim_t) VAL__BADI;

          if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
             p1 = ac1list;
             p2 = ac2list;
             for( j = 0; j < maxloop; j++,p1++,p2++ ) {
                if( *p1 != VAL__BADD && *p2 != VAL__BADD ){

                   if ( *p1 < flbnd[0] ) { flbnd[0] = *p1; textreme[0] = j; }
                   if ( *p2 < flbnd[1] ) { flbnd[1] = *p2; textreme[1] = j; }
                   if ( *p1 > fubnd[0] ) { fubnd[0] = *p1; textreme[2] = j; }
                   if ( *p2 > fubnd[1] ) { fubnd[1] = *p2; textreme[3] = j; }

          maxloop = 4;
          msgSetd("X1", textreme[0]);
          msgSetd("X2", textreme[1]);
          msgSetd("X3", textreme[2]);
          msgSetd("X4", textreme[3]);
          msgOutif( MSG__DEBUG, " ",
                    "Extrema time slices are ^X1, ^X2, ^X3 and ^X4",

          ac1list = astFree( ac1list );
          ac2list = astFree( ac2list );


      /* Get the astrometry for all the relevant time slices in this data file */
      for( j=0; j<maxloop; j++ ) {
        dim_t ts;  /* Actual time slice to use */

        /* if we are doing the fast loop, we need to read the time slice
           index from textreme. Else we just use the index */
        if (fast) {
          /* get the index but make sure it is good */
          ts = textreme[j];
          if (ts == (dim_t)VAL__BADI) continue;
        } else {
          ts = j;
        /* Calculate the bolo to map-pixel transformation for this tslice */
        bolo2map = smf_rebin_totmap( data, ts, abskyframe, oskymap,
                                     *moving, fts_port, status );

        if ( *status == SAI__OK ) {
          /* skip if we did not get a mapping this time round */
          if (!bolo2map) continue;

          /* Check corner pixels in the array for their projected extent
             on the sky to set the pixel bounds */
          astTran2( bolo2map, 4, x_array_corners, y_array_corners, 1,
                    x_map, y_map );

          /* Update min/max for this time slice */
          for( k=0; k<4; k++ ) {

            if( x_map[k] != AST__BAD && y_map[k] != AST__BAD ) {
              if( x_map[k] < dlbnd[0] ) dlbnd[0] = x_map[k];
              if( y_map[k] < dlbnd[1] ) dlbnd[1] = y_map[k];
              if( x_map[k] > dubnd[0] ) dubnd[0] = x_map[k];
              if( y_map[k] > dubnd[1] ) dubnd[1] = y_map[k];

              if( x_map[k] < box->lbnd[0] ) box->lbnd[0] = x_map[k];
              if( y_map[k] < box->lbnd[1] ) box->lbnd[1] = y_map[k];
              if( x_map[k] > box->ubnd[0] ) box->ubnd[0] = x_map[k];
              if( y_map[k] > box->ubnd[1] ) box->ubnd[1] = y_map[k];

            } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
              *status = SAI__ERROR;
              errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Extreme positions are bad.", status );
        /* Explicitly annul these mappings each time slice for reduced
           memory usage */
        if (bolo2map) bolo2map = astAnnul( bolo2map );
        if (fs) fs = astAnnul( fs );

        /* Break out of loop over time slices if bad status */
        if (*status != SAI__OK) goto CLEANUP;

      /* Annul any remaining Ast objects before moving on to the next file */
      if (fs) fs = astAnnul( fs );
      if (bolo2map) bolo2map = astAnnul( bolo2map );

    /* Close the data file */
    smf_close_file( NULL, &data, status);

    /* Break out of loop over data files if bad status */
    if (*status != SAI__OK) goto CLEANUP;

  /* make sure we got values - should not be possible with good status */
  if (dlbnd[0] == VAL__MAXD || dlbnd[1] == VAL__MAXD) {
    if (*status == SAI__OK) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( " ", "Unable to find any valid map bounds", status );

  if (nbadt > 0) {
    msgOutf( "", "   Processed %zu time slices to calculate bounds,"
             " of which %zu had bad telescope data and were skipped",
             status, (size_t)(ngoodt+nbadt), (size_t)nbadt );

  /* If spatial reference wcs was supplied, store par values that result in
     no change to the pixel origin. */
  if( spacerefwcs ){
    par[ 0 ] = 0.5;
    par[ 1 ] = 0.5;

  /* Need to re-align with the interim GRID coordinates */
  lbnd_out[0] = ceil( dlbnd[0] - par[0] + 0.5 );
  ubnd_out[0] = ceil( dubnd[0] - par[0] + 0.5 );
  lbnd_out[1] = ceil( dlbnd[1] - par[1] + 0.5 );
  ubnd_out[1] = ceil( dubnd[1] - par[1] + 0.5 );

  /* Do the same with the individual input file bounding boxes */
  box = *boxes;
  for (i = 1; i <= size; i++, box++) {
    box->lbnd[0] = ceil( box->lbnd[0] - par[0] + 0.5);
    box->ubnd[0] = ceil( box->ubnd[0] - par[0] + 0.5);
    box->lbnd[1] = ceil( box->lbnd[1] - par[1] + 0.5);
    box->ubnd[1] = ceil( box->ubnd[1] - par[1] + 0.5);

  /* Apply a ShiftMap to the output FrameSet to re-align the GRID
     coordinates */
  shift[0] = 2.0 - par[0] - lbnd_out[0];
  shift[1] = 2.0 - par[1] - lbnd_out[1];
  astRemapFrame( *outframeset, AST__BASE, astShiftMap( 2, shift, " " ) );

  /* Set the dynamic defaults for lbnd/ubnd */
  lbnd0[ 0 ] = lbnd_out[ 0 ];
  lbnd0[ 1 ] = lbnd_out[ 1 ];
  parDef1i( "LBND", 2, lbnd0, status );

  ubnd0[ 0 ] = ubnd_out[ 0 ];
  ubnd0[ 1 ] = ubnd_out[ 1 ];
  parDef1i( "UBND", 2, ubnd0, status );

  parGet1i( "LBND", 2, lbnd_out, &actval, status );
  if( actval == 1 ) lbnd_out[ 1 ] = lbnd_out[ 0 ];

  parGet1i( "UBND", 2, ubnd_out, &actval, status );
  if( actval == 1 ) ubnd_out[ 1 ] = ubnd_out[ 0 ];

  /* Ensure the bounds are the right way round. */
  if( lbnd_out[ 0 ] > ubnd_out[ 0 ] ) {
    int itmp = lbnd_out[ 0 ];
    lbnd_out[ 0 ] = ubnd_out[ 0 ];
    ubnd_out[ 0 ] = itmp;

  if( lbnd_out[ 1 ] > ubnd_out[ 1 ] ) {
    int itmp = lbnd_out[ 1 ];
    lbnd_out[ 1 ] = ubnd_out[ 1 ];
    ubnd_out[ 1 ] = itmp;

  /* If borders of bad pixels are being trimmed from the output image,
     then do not allow the user-specified bounds to extend outside the
     default bounding box (since we know that the default bounding box
     encloses all available data). */
  parGet0l( "TRIM", &trim, status );
  if( trim ) {
     if( lbnd_out[ 0 ] < lbnd0[ 0 ] ) lbnd_out[ 0 ] = lbnd0[ 0 ];
     if( lbnd_out[ 1 ] < lbnd0[ 1 ] ) lbnd_out[ 1 ] = lbnd0[ 1 ];
     if( ubnd_out[ 0 ] > ubnd0[ 0 ] ) ubnd_out[ 0 ] = ubnd0[ 0 ];
     if( ubnd_out[ 1 ] > ubnd0[ 1 ] ) ubnd_out[ 1 ] = ubnd0[ 1 ];

  /* Modify the returned FrameSet to take account of the new pixel origin. */
  shift[ 0 ] = lbnd0[ 0 ] - lbnd_out[ 0 ];
  shift[ 1 ] = lbnd0[ 1 ] - lbnd_out[ 1 ];
  if( shift[ 0 ] != 0.0 || shift[ 1 ] != 0.0 ) {
    astRemapFrame( *outframeset, AST__BASE, astShiftMap( 2, shift, " " ) );

/* Report the pixel bounds of the cube. */
  if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
    msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", " ", status );
    msgSeti( "XL", lbnd_out[ 0 ] );
    msgSeti( "YL", lbnd_out[ 1 ] );
    msgSeti( "XU", ubnd_out[ 0 ] );
    msgSeti( "YU", ubnd_out[ 1 ] );
    msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "   Output map pixel bounds: ( ^XL:^XU, ^YL:^YU )",
              status );

    if( ( ubnd_out[ 0 ] - lbnd_out[ 0 ] + 1 ) > MAX_DIM ||
        ( ubnd_out[ 1 ] - lbnd_out[ 1 ] + 1 ) > MAX_DIM ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": The map is too big. Check your list of input "
              "data files does not include widely separated observations.",
              status );

  /* If no error has occurred, export the returned FrameSet pointer from the
     current AST context so that it will not be annulled when the AST
     context is ended. Otherwise, ensure a null pointer is returned. */
  if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
    astExport( *outframeset );
  } else {
    *outframeset = astAnnul( *outframeset );

  msgOutiff( SMF__TIMER_MSG, "",
             "Took %.3f s to calculate map bounds",
             status, smf_timerupdate( &tv1, &tv2, status ) );

  /* Clean Up */
  if (*status != SAI__OK) {
    errRep(FUNC_NAME, "Unable to determine map bounds", status);
  if (oskymap) oskymap  = astAnnul( oskymap );
  if (bolo2map) bolo2map = astAnnul( bolo2map );
  if (fitschan) fitschan = astAnnul( fitschan );

  if( data != NULL )
    smf_close_file( NULL, &data, status );

  refsys = astFree( refsys );


Example #17
void smf_get_projpar( AstSkyFrame *skyframe, const double skyref[2],
                      int moving, int autogrid, int nallpos,
                      const double * allpos, float telres, double map_pa,
                      double par[7], int * issparse,int *usedefs, int *status ) {

/* Local Variables */
   char reflat[ 41 ];    /* Reference latitude string */
   char reflon[ 41 ];    /* Reference longitude string */
   char usesys[ 41 ];    /* Output skyframe system */
   const char *deflat;   /* Default for REFLAT */
   const char *deflon;   /* Default for REFLON */
   const double fbpixsize = 6.0; /* Fallback pixel size if we have no other information */
   double autorot;       /* Autogrid default for CROTA parameter */
   double defsize[ 2 ];  /* Default pixel sizes in arc-seconds */
   double pixsize[ 2 ];  /* Pixel sizes in arc-seconds */
   double refpix[ 2 ];   /* New REFPIX values */
   double rdiam;         /* Diameter of bounding circle, in rads */
   int coin;             /* Are all points effectively co-incident? */
   int i;
   int nval;             /* Number of values supplied */
   int refine_crpix;     /* Should the pixel ref position be updated? */
   int sparse = 0;       /* Local definition of sparseness */
   int udefs = 0;        /* Flag for defaults used or not */

/* Check inherited status. */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* If the number of supplied positions is 0 or null pointer,
   disable autogrid */
   if( nallpos == 0 || !allpos ) autogrid = 0;

/* Get the output system */
   one_strlcpy( usesys, astGetC( skyframe, "SYSTEM"), sizeof(usesys),
                status );

/* Ensure the reference position in the returned SkyFrame is set to the
   first telescope base pointing position. */
   astSetD( skyframe, "SkyRef(1)", skyref[ 0 ] );
   astSetD( skyframe, "SkyRef(2)", skyref[ 1 ] );

/* If the target is moving, ensure the returned SkyFrame represents
   offsets from the first telescope base pointing position rather than
   absolute coords. */
   if( moving ) smf_set_moving( (AstFrame *) skyframe, NULL, status );

/* Set a flag indicating if all the points are co-incident. */
   coin = 0;

/* Set the sky axis values at the tangent point. If the target is moving,
   the tangent point is at (0,0) (i.e. it is at the origin of the offset
   coordinate system). If the target is not moving, the tangent point is
   at the position held in "skyref". */
   if( par ) {
      if( moving ){
         par[ 2 ] = 0.0;
         par[ 3 ] = 0.0;
      } else {
         par[ 2 ] = skyref[ 0 ];
         par[ 3 ] = skyref[ 1 ];

/* If required, calculate the optimal projection parameters. If the target
   is moving, these refer to the offset coordinate system centred on the
   first time slice base pointing position, with north defined by the
   requested output coordinate system. The values found here are used as
   dynamic defaults for the environment parameter */
      if( autogrid ) {
         kpg1Opgrd( nallpos, allpos, strcmp( usesys, "AZEL" ), par, &rdiam,
                          status );

/* See if all the points are effectively co-incident (i.e. within an Airy
   disk). If so, we use default grid parameters that result in a grid of
   1x1 spatial pixels. The grid pixel sizes (par[4] and par[5]) are made
   larger than the area covered by the points in order to avoid points
   spanning two pixels. */
         if( rdiam < telres || nallpos < 3 ) {
            if( rdiam < 0.1*AST__DD2R/3600.0 ) rdiam = 0.1*AST__DD2R/3600.0;
            par[ 0 ] = 0.0;
            par[ 1 ] = 0.0;
            par[ 4 ] = -rdiam*4;
            par[ 5 ] = -par[ 4 ];
            par[ 6 ] = 0.0;

            coin = 1;

/* If the sky positions are not co-incident, and the automatic grid
   determination failed, we cannot use a grid, so warn the user. */
         } else if( par[ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) {
            msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "   Automatic grid determination "
                           "failed: the detector samples do not form a "
                           "regular grid.", status );

/* If autogrid values were not found, use the following fixed default
   values. Do not override extenal defaults for pixel size. */
      if( !autogrid || ( autogrid && par[ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) ) {
         par[ 0 ] = 0.0;
         par[ 1 ] = 0.0;
         if (par[4] == AST__BAD || par[5] == AST__BAD ) {
           par[ 4 ] = (fbpixsize/3600.0)*AST__DD2R;
           par[ 5 ] = (fbpixsize/3600.0)*AST__DD2R;
         par[ 6 ] = map_pa;

/* Ensure the default pixel sizes have the correct signs. */
      if( par[ 4 ] != AST__BAD ) {
         if( !strcmp( usesys, "AZEL" ) ) {
            par[ 4 ] = fabs( par[ 4 ] );
         } else {
            par[ 4 ] = -fabs( par[ 4 ] );
         par[ 5 ] = fabs( par[ 5 ] );

/* See if the output cube is to include a spatial projection, or a sparse
   list of spectra. Disabled if the sparse pointer is NULL. */
      if (issparse) {
        parDef0l( "SPARSE", ( par[ 0 ] == AST__BAD ), status );
        parGet0l( "SPARSE",  &sparse, status );


/* If we are producing an output cube with the XY plane being a spatial
   projection, then get the parameters describing the projection, using the
   defaults calculated above. */
      if( !sparse && *status == SAI__OK ) {
         const int ndigits = 8; /* Number of digits for deflat/deflon precision */

/* If the target is moving, display the tracking centre coordinates for
   the first time slice. */
         if( moving ) {
            astClear( skyframe, "SkyRefIs" );
            msgBlank( status );
            msgSetc( "S1", astGetC( skyframe, "Symbol(1)" ) );
            msgSetc( "S2", astGetC( skyframe, "Symbol(2)" ) );
            msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "   Output sky coordinates are "
                           "(^S1,^S2) offsets from the (moving)", status );
            msgSetc( "S1", astGetC( skyframe, "Symbol(1)" ) );
            msgSetc( "S2", astGetC( skyframe, "Symbol(2)" ) );
            msgSetc( "SREF", astGetC( skyframe, "SkyRef" ) );
            msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "   telescope base position, which "
                           "started at (^S1,^S2) = (^SREF).", status );
            astSet( skyframe, "SkyRefIs=Origin" );

/* Set up a flag indicating that the default values calculated by autogrid
   are being used. */
         udefs = 1;

/* Ensure we have usable CRPIX1/2 values */
         if( par[ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) par[ 0 ] = 1.0;
         if( par[ 1 ] == AST__BAD ) par[ 1 ] = 1.0;

/* Get the crpix1/2 (in the interim GRID frame) to use. Note if the user
   specifies any values. These parameters have vpath=default (which is null)
   and ppath=dynamic. */
         refine_crpix = 0;
         parDef0d( "REFPIX1", par[ 0 ], status );
         parDef0d( "REFPIX2", par[ 1 ], status );
         if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            parGet0d( "REFPIX1", refpix + 0, status );
            parGet0d( "REFPIX2", refpix + 1, status );
            if( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
               errAnnul( status );
               refine_crpix = 1;
            } else {
               par[ 0 ] = refpix[ 0 ];
               par[ 1 ] = refpix[ 1 ];

/* Get the sky coords reference position strings. Use the returned SkyFrame
   to format and unformat them. */
         if( par[ 2 ] != AST__BAD ) {
            int curdigits;
            curdigits = astGetI( skyframe, "digits(1)" );
            astSetI( skyframe, "digits(1)", ndigits );
            deflon = astFormat( skyframe, 1, par[ 2 ] );
            astSetI( skyframe, "digits(1)", curdigits );
            parDef0c( "REFLON", deflon, status );
         } else {
            deflon = NULL;

         if( par[ 3 ] != AST__BAD ) {
            int curdigits;
            curdigits = astGetI( skyframe, "digits(2)" );
            astSetI( skyframe, "digits(2)", ndigits );
            deflat = astFormat( skyframe, 2, par[ 3 ] );
            astSetI( skyframe, "digits(2)", curdigits );
            parDef0c( "REFLAT", deflat, status );
         } else {
            deflat = NULL;

         parGet0c( "REFLON", reflon, 40, status );
         parGet0c( "REFLAT", reflat, 40, status );

         if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

            if( ( deflat && strcmp( deflat, reflat ) ) ||
                  ( deflon && strcmp( deflon, reflon ) ) ) udefs = 0;

            if( astUnformat( skyframe, 1, reflon, par + 2 ) == 0 && *status == SAI__OK ) {
               msgSetc( "REFLON", reflon );
               errRep( "", "Bad value supplied for REFLON: '^REFLON'", status );

            if( astUnformat( skyframe, 2, reflat, par + 3 ) == 0 && *status == SAI__OK ) {
               msgSetc( "REFLAT", reflat );
               errRep( "", "Bad value supplied for REFLAT: '^REFLAT'", status );

/* Ensure the reference position in the returned SkyFrame is set to the
   supplied position (which defaults to the first telescope base pointing
   position). */
            if( !moving ){
               astSetD( skyframe, "SkyRef(1)", par[ 2 ] );
               astSetD( skyframe, "SkyRef(2)", par[ 3 ] );

/* Get the user defined spatial pixel size in arcsec (the calibration for
   the spectral axis is fixed by the first input data file - see
   smf_cubebounds.c). First convert the autogrid values form rads to arcsec
   and establish them as the dynamic default for "PIXSIZE". */
         nval = 0;
         if( par[ 4 ] != AST__BAD || par[ 5 ] != AST__BAD ) {
           for ( i = 4; i <= 5; i++ ) {
             if ( par[ i ] != AST__BAD ) {
               defsize[ nval ] = 0.1*NINT( fabs( par[ i ] )*AST__DR2D*36000.0 );
           /* set the dynamic default, handling case where both dimensions
              have same default. */
           if (nval == 1) {
             defsize[1] = defsize[0];
           } else if (nval == 2 && defsize[0] == defsize[1]) {
             nval = 1;
           parDef1d( "PIXSIZE", nval, defsize, status );

         } else {
           /* pick a default in case something odd happens and we have
              no other values*/
           defsize[ 0 ] = fbpixsize;
           defsize[ 1 ] = defsize[ 0 ];
           nval = 2;
         if (*status == SAI__OK) {
           pixsize[0] = AST__BAD;
           pixsize[1] = AST__BAD;
           parGet1d( "PIXSIZE", 2, pixsize, &nval, status );
           if (*status == PAR__NULL) {
             /* Null just defaults to what we had before */
             errAnnul( status );
             pixsize[0] = defsize[0];
             pixsize[1] = defsize[1];
             nval = 2;

/* If OK, duplicate the first value if only one value was supplied. */
         if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            if( nval < 2 ) pixsize[ 1 ] = pixsize[ 0 ];

            if( defsize[ 0 ] != pixsize[ 0 ] ||
                  defsize[ 1 ] != pixsize[ 1 ] ) udefs = 0;

/* Check the values are OK. */
            if( pixsize[ 0 ] <= 0 || pixsize[ 1 ] <= 0 ) {
               msgSetd( "P1", pixsize[ 0 ] );
               msgSetd( "P2", pixsize[ 1 ] );
               *status = SAI__ERROR;
               errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Invalid pixel sizes (^P1,^P2).", status);

/* Convert to rads, and set the correct signs. */
            if( par[ 4 ] == AST__BAD || par[ 4 ] < 0.0 ) {
               par[ 4 ] = -pixsize[ 0 ]*AST__DD2R/3600.0;
            } else {
               par[ 4 ] = pixsize[ 0 ]*AST__DD2R/3600.0;

            if( par[ 5 ] == AST__BAD || par[ 5 ] < 0.0 ) {
               par[ 5 ] = -pixsize[ 1 ]*AST__DD2R/3600.0;
            } else {
               par[ 5 ] = pixsize[ 1 ]*AST__DD2R/3600.0;


/* Convert the autogrid CROTA value from rads to degs and set as the
   dynamic default for parameter CROTA (the position angle of the output
   Y axis, in degrees). The get the CROTA value and convert to rads. */
         if( par[ 6 ] != AST__BAD ) {
            autorot = par[ 6 ]*AST__DR2D;
            parDef0d( "CROTA", autorot, status );

         } else {
            parDef0d( "CROTA", map_pa*AST__DR2D, status );
            autorot = AST__BAD;

         parGet0d( "CROTA", par + 6, status );
         if( par[ 6 ] != autorot ) udefs = 0;
         par[ 6 ] *= AST__DD2R;

/* If any parameter were given explicit values which differ from the
   autogrid default values, then we need to re-calculate the optimal CRPIX1/2
   values. We also do this if all the points are effectively co-incident. */
         if( ( coin || !udefs ) && autogrid && refine_crpix ) {
            par[ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
            par[ 1 ] = AST__BAD;
            kpg1Opgrd( nallpos, allpos, strcmp( usesys, "AZEL" ), par,
                       &rdiam, status );

/* Display the projection parameters being used. */
         smf_display_projpars( skyframe, par, status );

/* Write out the reference grid coords to output parameter PIXREF. */
         parPut1d( "PIXREF", 2, par, status );

/* If no grid was found, indicate that no spatial projection will be used. */
      } else {
         msgBlank( status );
         msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "   The output will be a sparse array "
                        "containing a list of spectra.", status );

/* If we have a pre-defined spatial projection, indicate that the output
   array need not be sparse. */
   } else {
      sparse = 0;

/* Return usedefs if requested */
   if( usedefs ) {
     *usedefs = udefs;

/* Set sparse if requested */
   if( issparse ) *issparse = sparse;

Example #18
void smf_rebinsparse( smfData *data, int first, int *ptime, AstFrame *ospecfrm,
                      AstMapping *ospecmap, AstSkyFrame *oskyframe,
                      Grp *detgrp, int lbnd_out[ 3 ], int ubnd_out[ 3 ],
                      int genvar, float *data_array, float *var_array,
                      int *ispec, float *texp_array, float *teff_array,
                      double *fcon, int *status ){

/* Local Variables */
   AstCmpMap *fmap = NULL;      /* Mapping from spectral grid to topo freq Hz */
   AstCmpMap *ssmap = NULL;     /* I/p GRID-> o/p PIXEL Mapping for spectral axis */
   AstFitsChan *fc = NULL;      /* Storage for FITS headers */
   AstFrame *specframe = NULL;  /* Spectral Frame in input FrameSet */
   AstFrame *specframe2 = NULL; /* Temporary copy of SpecFrame in input WCS */
   AstFrameSet *fs = NULL;      /* A general purpose FrameSet pointer */
   AstFrameSet *swcsin = NULL;  /* FrameSet describing spatial input WCS */
   AstMapping *fsmap = NULL;    /* Base->Current Mapping extracted from a FrameSet */
   AstMapping *specmap = NULL;  /* PIXEL -> Spec mapping in input FrameSet */
   char *fftwin = NULL;  /* Name of FFT windowing function */
   const char *name = NULL; /* Pointer to current detector name */
   const double *tsys=NULL; /* Pointer to Tsys value for first detector */
   dim_t timeslice_size; /* No of detector values in one time slice */
   double *spectab = NULL;/* Workspace for spectral output grid positions */
   double *xin = NULL;   /* Workspace for detector input grid positions */
   double *xout = NULL;  /* Workspace for detector output pixel positions */
   double *yin = NULL;   /* Workspace for detector input grid positions */
   double *yout = NULL;  /* Workspace for detector output pixel positions */
   double at;            /* Frequency at which to take the gradient */
   double dnew;          /* Channel width in Hz */
   double fcon2;         /* Variance factor for whole file */
   double k;             /* Back-end degradation factor */
   double tcon;          /* Variance factor for whole time slice */
   float *pdata = NULL;  /* Pointer to next data sample */
   float *qdata = NULL;  /* Pointer to next data sample */
   float rtsys;          /* Tsys value */
   float teff;           /* Effective integration time, times 4 */
   float texp;           /* Total time ( = ton + toff ) */
   float toff;           /* Off time */
   float ton;            /* On time */
   int *nexttime = NULL; /* Pointer to next time slice index to use */
   int dim[ 3 ];         /* Output array dimensions */
   int found;            /* Was current detector name found in detgrp? */
   int good;             /* Are there any good detector samples? */
   int ibasein;          /* Index of base Frame in input FrameSet */
   int ichan;            /* Index of current channel */
   int iv;               /* Offset to next element */
   int iz;               /* Output grid index on axis 3 */
   int nchan;            /* Number of input spectral channels */
   int pixax[ 3 ];       /* The output fed by each selected mapping input */
   int specax;           /* Index of spectral axis in input FrameSet */
   size_t irec;          /* Index of current input detector */
   size_t itime;         /* Index of current time slice */
   smfHead *hdr = NULL;  /* Pointer to data header for this time slice */

/* Check inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Begin an AST context.*/

/* Store a pointer to the input NDFs smfHead structure. */
   hdr = data->hdr;

/* Store the dimensions of the output array. */
   dim[ 0 ] = ubnd_out[ 0 ] - lbnd_out[ 0 ] + 1;
   dim[ 1 ] = ubnd_out[ 1 ] - lbnd_out[ 1 ] + 1;
   dim[ 2 ] = ubnd_out[ 2 ] - lbnd_out[ 2 ] + 1;

/* Store the number of pixels in one time slice */
   timeslice_size = (data->dims)[ 0 ]*(data->dims)[ 1 ];

/* We want a description of the spectral WCS axis in the input file. If
   the input file has a WCS FrameSet containing a SpecFrame, use it,
   otherwise we will obtain it from the FITS header later. NOTE, if we knew
   that all the input NDFs would have the same spectral axis calibration,
   then the spectral WCS need only be obtained from the first NDF. However,
   in the general case, I presume that data files may be combined that use
   different spectral axis calibrations, and so these differences need to
   be taken into account. */
   if( hdr->tswcs ) {
      fs = astClone( hdr->tswcs );

/* The first axis should be a SpecFrame. See if this is so. If not annul
   the specframe pointer. */
      specax = 1;
      specframe = astPickAxes( fs, 1, &specax, NULL );
      if( !astIsASpecFrame( specframe ) ) specframe = astAnnul( specframe );

/* If the above did not yield a SpecFrame, use the FITS-WCS headers in the
   FITS extension of the input NDF. Take a copy of the FITS header (so that
   the contents of the header are not changed), and then read a FrameSet
   out of it. */
   if( !specframe ) {
      fc = astCopy( hdr->fitshdr );
      astClear( fc, "Card" );
      fs = astRead( fc );

/* Extract the SpecFrame that describes the spectral axis from the current
   Frame of this FrameSet. This is assumed to be the third WCS axis (NB
   the different axis number). */
      specax = 3;
      specframe = astPickAxes( fs, 1, &specax, NULL );

/* Split off the 1D Mapping for this single axis from the 3D Mapping for
   the whole WCS. This results in "specmap" holding the Mapping from
   SpecFrame value to GRID value. */
   fsmap = astGetMapping( fs, AST__CURRENT, AST__BASE );
   astMapSplit( fsmap, 1, &specax, pixax, &specmap );

/* Invert the Mapping for the spectral axis so that it goes from input GRID
   coord to spectral coord. */
   astInvert( specmap );

/* Get a Mapping that converts values in the input spectral system to the
   corresponding values in the output spectral system. */
   fs = astConvert( specframe, ospecfrm, "" );

/* Concatenate these Mappings with the supplied spectral Mapping to get
   a Mapping from the input spectral grid axis (pixel axis 1) to the
   output spectral grid axis (pixel axis 3). Simplify the Mapping. */
   ssmap = astCmpMap( astCmpMap( specmap, astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE,
                                                         AST__CURRENT ),
                                 1, " " ),
                      ospecmap, 1, " " );
   ssmap = astSimplify( ssmap );

/* Create a table with one element for each channel in the input array,
   holding the index of the nearest corresponding output channel. */
   nchan = (data->dims)[ 0 ];
   spectab = astMalloc( sizeof( *spectab )*nchan );
   if( spectab ) {
      for( ichan = 0; ichan < nchan; ichan++ ) spectab[ ichan ] = ichan + 1;
      astTran1( ssmap, nchan, spectab, 1, spectab );
      for( ichan = 0; ichan < nchan; ichan++ ) {
         if( spectab[ ichan ] != AST__BAD ) {
            iz = floor( spectab[ ichan ] + 0.5 );
            if( iz >= 1 && iz <= dim[ 2 ] ) {
               spectab[ ichan ] = iz;
            } else {
               spectab[ ichan ] = 0;
         } else {
            spectab[ ichan ] = 0;

/* Allocate work arrays big enough to hold the coords of all the
   detectors in the current input file.*/
   xin = astMalloc( (data->dims)[ 1 ] * sizeof( *xin ) );
   yin = astMalloc( (data->dims)[ 1 ] * sizeof( *yin ) );
   xout = astMalloc( (data->dims)[ 1 ] * sizeof( *xout ) );
   yout = astMalloc( (data->dims)[ 1 ] * sizeof( *yout ) );

/* Initialise a string to point to the name of the first detector for which
   data is available */
   name = hdr->detname;

/* Store input coords for the detectors. Axis 1 is the detector index, and
   axis 2 is a dummy axis that always has the value 1. */
   for( irec = 0; irec < (data->dims)[ 1 ]; irec++ ) {
      xin[ irec ] = irec + 1.0;
      yin[ irec ] = 1.0;

/* If a group of detectors to be used was supplied, search the group for
   the name of the current detector. If not found, set the GRID coords bad. */
      if( detgrp ) {
         found = grpIndex( name, detgrp, 1, status );
         if( !found ) {
            xin[ irec ] = AST__BAD;
            yin[ irec ] = AST__BAD;

/* Move on to the next available detector name. */
      name += strlen( name ) + 1;

/* Find the constant factor associated with the current input file. This
   is the squared backend degradation factor, divided by the noise bandwidth.
   Get the required FITS headers, checking they were found. */
   if( astGetFitsF( hdr->fitshdr, "BEDEGFAC", &k ) &&
       astGetFitsS( hdr->fitshdr, "FFT_WIN", &fftwin ) ){

/* Get a Mapping that converts values in the input spectral system to
   topocentric frequency in Hz, and concatenate this Mapping with the
   Mapping from input GRID coord to the input spectral system. The result
   is a Mapping from input GRID coord to topocentric frequency in Hz. */
      specframe2 = astCopy( specframe );
      astSet( specframe2, "system=freq,stdofrest=topo,unit=Hz" );
      fmap = astCmpMap( specmap, astGetMapping( astConvert( specframe,
                                                            "" ),
                                                AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT ),
                        1, " " );

/* Differentiate this Mapping at the mid channel position to get the width
   of an input channel in Hz. */
      at = 0.5*nchan;
      dnew = astRate( fmap, &at, 1, 1 );

/* Modify the channel width to take account of the effect of the FFT windowing
   function. Allow undef value because FFT_WIN for old data had a broken value
   in hybrid subband modes. */
      if( dnew != AST__BAD ) {
         dnew = fabs( dnew );

         if( !strcmp( fftwin, "truncate" ) ) {
            dnew *= 1.0;

         } else if( !strcmp( fftwin, "hanning" ) ) {
            dnew *= 1.5;

	    } else if( !strcmp( fftwin, "<undefined>" ) ) {
	      /* Deal with broken data - make an assumption */
	       dnew *= 1.0;

         } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            msgSetc( "W", fftwin );
            errRep( FUNC_NAME, "FITS header FFT_WIN has unknown value "
                    "'^W' (programming error).", status );

/* Form the required constant. */
         fcon2 = k*k/dnew;

      } else {
         fcon2 = VAL__BADD;

   } else {
      fcon2 = VAL__BADD;

/* Return the factor needed for calculating Tsys from the variance. */
   if( first ) {
      *fcon = fcon2;
   } else if( fcon2 != *fcon ) {
      *fcon = VAL__BADD;

/* Initialise a pointer to the next time slice index to be used. */
   nexttime = ptime;

/* Loop round all the time slices in the input file. */
   for( itime = 0; itime < (data->dims)[ 2 ] && *status == SAI__OK; itime++ ) {

/* If this time slice is not being pasted into the output cube, pass on. */
      if( nexttime ){
         if( *nexttime != itime ) continue;

/* Store a pointer to the first input data value in this time slice. */
      pdata = ( (float *) (data->pntr)[ 0 ] ) + itime*timeslice_size;

/* Get a FrameSet describing the spatial coordinate systems associated with
   the current time slice of the current input data file. The base frame in
   the FrameSet will be a 2D Frame in which axis 1 is detector number and
   axis 2 is unused. The current Frame will be a SkyFrame (the SkyFrame
   System may be any of the JCMT supported systems). The Epoch will be
   set to the epoch of the time slice. */
      smf_tslice_ast( data, itime, 1, NO_FTS, status );
      swcsin = hdr->wcs;

/* Note the total exposure time (texp) for all the input spectra produced by
   this time slice. */
      ton = hdr->state->acs_exposure;
      if( ton == 0.0 ) ton = VAL__BADR;

      toff = hdr->state->acs_offexposure;
      if( toff == 0.0 ) toff = VAL__BADR;

      if( ton != VAL__BADR && toff != VAL__BADR ) {
         texp = ton + toff;
         teff = 4*ton*toff/( ton + toff );
      } else {
         texp = VAL__BADR;
         teff = VAL__BADR;

/* If output variances are being calculated on the basis of Tsys values
   in the input, find the constant factor associated with the current
   time slice. */
      tcon = AST__BAD;
      if( genvar == 2 && fcon2 != AST__BAD && texp != VAL__BADR ) {
         tcon = fcon2*( 1.0/ton + 1.0/toff );

/* Get a pointer to the start of the Tsys values for this time slice. */
         tsys = hdr->tsys + hdr->ndet*itime;

/* We now create a Mapping from detector index to position in oskyframe. */
      astInvert( swcsin );
      ibasein = astGetI( swcsin, "Base" );
      fs = astConvert( swcsin, oskyframe, "SKY" );
      astSetI( swcsin, "Base", ibasein );
      astInvert( swcsin );

      if( fs == NULL ) {
         if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            if (data->file) {
               smf_smfFile_msg(data->file, "FILE", 1, "<unknown>");
            } else {
               msgSetc( "FILE", "<unknown>" );
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( FUNC_NAME, "The spatial coordinate system in ^FILE "
                    "is not compatible with the spatial coordinate "
                    "system in the first input file.", status );

/* Transform the positions of the detectors from input GRID to oskyframe
   coords. */
      astTran2( fs, (data->dims)[ 1 ], xin, yin, 1, xout, yout );

/* Loop round all detectors. */
      for( irec = 0; irec < (data->dims)[ 1 ]; irec++ ) {

/* If the detector has a valid position, see if it produced any good
   data values. */
         if( xout[ irec ] != AST__BAD && yout[ irec ] != AST__BAD ) {
            qdata = pdata;
            good = 0;
            for( ichan = 0; ichan < nchan; ichan++ ){
               if( *(qdata++) != VAL__BADR ) {
                  good = 1;

/* If it did, calculate the variance associated with each detector
   sample (if required), based on the input Tsys values, and copy the
   spectrum to the output NDF. */
            if( good ) {
               if( *ispec < dim[ 0 ] ){
                  rtsys = tsys ? (float) tsys[ irec ] : VAL__BADR;
                  if( rtsys <= 0.0 ) rtsys = VAL__BADR;
                  if( tcon != AST__BAD && genvar == 2 && rtsys != VAL__BADR ) {
                     var_array[ *ispec ] = tcon*rtsys*rtsys;
                  } else if( var_array ) {
                     var_array[ *ispec ] = VAL__BADR;

                  if( texp != VAL__BADR ) {
                     texp_array[ *ispec ] = texp;
                     teff_array[ *ispec ] = teff;

                  for( ichan = 0; ichan < nchan; ichan++, pdata++ ) {
                     iz = spectab[ ichan ] - 1;
                     if( iz >= 0 && iz < dim[ 2 ] ) {
                        iv = *ispec + dim[ 0 ]*iz;
                        data_array[ iv ] = *pdata;


               } else if( *status == SAI__OK ){
                  *status = SAI__ERROR;
                  msgSeti( "DIM", dim[ 0 ] );
                  errRep( " ", "Too many spectra (more than ^DIM) for "
                          "the output NDF (programming error).", status );

/* If this detector does not have any valid data values, increment the data
   pointer to point at the first sample for the next detector. */
            } else {
               pdata += nchan;

/* If this detector does not have a valid position, increment the data
   pointer to point at the first sample for the next detector. */
         } else {
            pdata += nchan;

/* For efficiency, explicitly annul the AST Objects created in this tight
   loop. */
      fs = astAnnul( fs );

/* Free resources */
   spectab = astFree( spectab );
   xin = astFree( xin );
   yin = astFree( yin );
   xout = astFree( xout );
   yout = astFree( yout );

/* End the AST context. This will annul all AST objects created within the
   context (except for those that have been exported from the context). */
Example #19
int *smf_jsatiles_region( AstRegion *region, smfJSATiling *skytiling,
                          int *ntile, int *status ){

/* Local Variables */
   AstFrameSet *fs;
   AstKeyMap *km;
   AstRegion *region2;
   AstRegion *space_region;
   AstRegion *tregion;
   AstSkyFrame *skyframe;
   char text[ 200 ];
   const char *key;
   double *mesh = NULL;
   double *xmesh;
   double *ymesh;
   int *tiles = NULL;
   int axes[ 2 ];
   int i;
   int ineb;
   int itile2;
   int itile;
   int ix;
   int iy;
   int key_index;
   int lbnd[ 2 ];
   int mapsize;
   int npoint;
   int old_sv;
   int overlap;
   int ubnd[ 2 ];
   int value;
   int xoff[ 4 ] = { -1, 0, 1, 0 };
   int xt;
   int yoff[ 4 ] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
   int yt;

/* Initialise */
   *ntile = 0;

/* Check inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return tiles;

/* Start an AST context so that all AST objects created in this function
   are annulled automatically. */

/* Identify the celestial axes in the Region. */
   atlFindSky( (AstFrame *) region, &skyframe, axes + 1, axes, status );

/* Report an error if no celestial axes were found. */
   if( !skyframe && *status == SAI__OK ) {
      space_region = NULL;
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( "", "The current WCS Frame in the supplied Region or "
              "NDF does not include celestial longitude and latitude axes.",
              status );

/* Otherwise, if the Region itself is 2-dimensional, it does not contain
   any other axes, so just use it as is. */
   } else if( astGetI( region, "Naxes" ) == 2 ) {
      space_region = astClone( region );

/* Otherwise, create a new Region by picking the celestial axes from the
   supplied Region. Report an error if a Region cannot be created in this
   way. */
   } else {
      space_region = astPickAxes( region, 2, axes, NULL );
      if( !astIsARegion( space_region ) && *status == SAI__OK ) {
         *status = SAI__ERROR;
         errRep( "", "The  celestial longitude and latitude axes in the "
                 "supplied Region or NDF are not independent of the other "
                 "axes.", status );

/* Create a FrameSet describing the whole sky in which each pixel
   corresponds to a single tile in SMF__JSA_HPX projection. The current
   Frame is ICRS (RA,Dec) and the base Frame is grid coords in which each
   grid pixel corresponds to a single tile. */
   smf_jsatile( -1, skytiling, 0, SMF__JSA_HPX, NULL, &fs, NULL, lbnd, ubnd,
                status );

/* Map the Region using the FrameSet obtained above so that the new Region
   describes offsets in tiles from the lower left tile. If "space_region"
   is a Polygon, ensure that the SimpVertices attribute is set so that the
   simplify method will take non-linearities into account (such as the
   region being split by the RA=12h meridian). */
   astInvert( fs );
   fs = astConvert( space_region, fs, "SKY" );
   if( !fs && *status == SAI__OK ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( "", "Cannot convert the supplied Region to ICRS.", status );
      goto L999;

   old_sv = -999;
   if( astIsAPolygon( space_region ) ){
      if( astTest( space_region, "SimpVertices" ) ) {
         old_sv = astGetI( space_region, "SimpVertices" );
      astSetI( space_region, "SimpVertices", 0 );

   region2 = astMapRegion( space_region, fs, fs );

   if( astIsAPolygon( space_region ) ){
      if( old_sv == -999 ) {
         astClear( space_region, "SimpVertices" );
      } else {
         astSetI( space_region, "SimpVertices", old_sv );

/* Get a mesh of all-sky "grid" positions (actually tile X and Y indices)
   covering the region. Since the mesh positions are limited in number
   and placed arbitrarily within the Region, the mesh will identify some,
   but potentially not all, of the tiles that overlap the Region. */
   astGetRegionMesh( region2, 0, 0, 2, &npoint, NULL );
   mesh = astMalloc( 2*npoint*sizeof( *mesh ) );
   astGetRegionMesh( region2, 0, npoint, 2, &npoint, mesh );

/* Find the index of the tile containing each mesh position, and store
   them in a KeyMap using the tile index as the key and "1" (indicating
   the tile overlaps the region) as the value. The KeyMap is sorted by
   age of entry. Neighbouring tiles will be added to this KeyMap later.
   If an entry has a value of zero, it means the tile does not overlap
   the supplied Region. If the value is positive, it means the tile
   does overlap the supplied Region. If the value is negative, it means
   the tile has not yet been tested to see if it overlaps the supplied
   Region. */
   km = astKeyMap( "SortBy=KeyAgeDown" );
   xmesh = mesh;
   ymesh = mesh + npoint;
   for( i = 0; i < npoint && *status == SAI__OK; i++ ) {
      ix = (int)( *(xmesh++) + 0.5 ) - 1;
      iy = (int)( *(ymesh++) + 0.5 ) - 1;
      itile = smf_jsatilexy2i( ix, iy, skytiling, status );
      if (itile != VAL__BADI) {
         sprintf( text, "%d", itile );
         astMapPut0I( km, text, 1, NULL );

/* Starting with the oldest entry in the KeyMap, loop round checking all
   entries, in the order they were added, until all have been checked.
   Checking an entry may cause further entries to be added to the end of
   the KeyMap. */
   key_index = 0;
   mapsize = astMapSize( km );
   while( key_index < mapsize && *status == SAI__OK ) {
      key = astMapKey( km, key_index++ );

/* Convert the key string to an integer tile index. */
      itile = atoi( key );

/* Get the integer value associated with the tile. */
      astMapGet0I( km, key, &value );

/* If the tile associated with the current KeyMap entry has not yet been
   tested for overlap with the requested Region (as shown by the entry
   value being -1), test it now. */
      if( value == -1 ) {

/* Get a Region covering the tile. */
         smf_jsatile( itile, skytiling, 0, SMF__JSA_HPX, NULL, NULL, &tregion,
                      lbnd, ubnd, status );

/* See if this Region overlaps the user supplied region. Set the value of
   the KeyMap entry to +1 or 0 accordingly. */
         overlap = astOverlap( tregion, space_region );
         if( overlap == 0 ) {
            if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
               *status = SAI__ERROR;
               errRep( "", "Cannot align supplied Region with the sky "
                       "tile coordinate system (programming error).",
                       status );
         } else if( overlap == 1 || overlap == 6 ) {
            value = 0;
         } else {
            value = 1;
         astMapPut0I( km, key, value, NULL );

/* Skip the current KeyMap entry if the corresponding tile does not
   overlap the requested Region (as shown by the entry value being zero). */
      if( value == 1 ) {

/* The current tile overlaps the supplied Region, so add the tile index to
   the returned list of tile indices. */
         tiles = astGrow( tiles, ++(*ntile), sizeof( *tiles ) );
         if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            tiles[ *ntile - 1 ] = itile;

/* Add the adjoining tiles to the end of the KeyMap so that they will be
   tested in their turn, giving them a value of -1 to indicate that they
   have not yet been tested to see if they overlap the supplied Region.
   Ignore adjoining tiles that are already in the keyMap. */
            smf_jsatilei2xy( itile, skytiling, &xt, &yt, NULL, status );
            for( ineb = 0; ineb < 4; ineb++ ) {
               itile2 = smf_jsatilexy2i( xt + xoff[ ineb ], yt + yoff[ ineb ],
                                         skytiling, status );
               if( itile2 != VAL__BADI ) {
                  sprintf( text, "%d", itile2 );
                  if( !astMapHasKey( km, text ) ) {
                     astMapPut0I( km, text, -1, NULL );

/* Arrive here if an error occurs. */

/* Free resources. */
   mesh = astFree( mesh );

   if( *status != SAI__OK ) {
      tiles = astFree( tiles );
      *ntile = 0;


   return tiles;
Example #20
void smf_fits_export2DA ( AstFitsChan *fitschan, size_t *ncards,
                          char *fitsrec,
                          int *status ) {

  /* Local variables */
  char blank[SZFITSCARD+1];/* Reference blank card */
  char card[SZFITSCARD+1];/* temporary buffer for current card */
  int found;              /* Boolean to indicate if a card was found */
  size_t i;               /* Loop counter */
  size_t ncopied = 0;     /* How many cards were copied */
  size_t numcards = 0;    /* How many cards are in the FitsChan */
  char *outpos = NULL;    /* current position in output buffer */
  int prevblank = 0;      /* Was this previously blank? */
  char *tempfits = NULL;  /* intermediate buffer for FITS cards */

  *ncards = 0;
  /* Check status */
  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* Fill the blank card */
  for (i=0; i<SZFITSCARD;i++) {
    blank[i] = ' ';
  blank[SZFITSCARD] = '\0';

  /* Find the number of cards in this AstFitsChan and create a
     buffer for internal use. We do not yet worry about the allocated
     size of fitsrec because we might be compressing the array to
     get rid of multiple blank lines */
  numcards = astGetI ( fitschan, "Ncard" );
  tempfits = astMalloc( ( 1 + numcards * SZFITSCARD ) * sizeof(*tempfits) );

   /* Rewind */
   astClear ( fitschan, "Card");

   if (*status == SAI__OK) {
     /* Retrieve all the FITS headers and store them in the character array.
        We compress consecutive blank cards. */
     ncopied = 0;
     outpos = tempfits;
     prevblank = 0;
     for ( i = 0; i <= numcards; i++ ) {
       found = astFindFits ( fitschan, "%f", card, 1 );
       if ( found ) {
         int isblank = 0;
         if (strncmp( card, blank, SZFITSCARD ) == 0 ) isblank = 1;

         /* skip if this is blank and before was */
         if (isblank && prevblank) continue;
         prevblank = isblank;

         /* Now copy in the card and increment the pointer */
         strncpy ( outpos, card, SZFITSCARD );
         outpos += SZFITSCARD;
       } else {

     /* Guarantee to terminate the buffer */
     *outpos = '\0';

     /* make sure that it is no larger than the maximum allowed */
     if ( ncopied > SC2STORE__MAXFITS ) {
       *status = SAI__ERROR;
       msgSeti("NC", (int)numcards);
       msgSeti("MC", SC2STORE__MAXFITS);
       errRep( FUNC_NAME,
               "Number of FITS cards ^NC exceeds maximum allowed (^MC)",
               status );
       tempfits = astFree( tempfits );

     /* Copy into the output buffer */
     one_strlcpy( fitsrec, tempfits, SZFITSCARD * SC2STORE__MAXFITS + 1, status );

   tempfits = astFree(tempfits);
   *ncards = ncopied;
Example #21
*  Name:

*  Purpose:
*     Displays one or more configuration parameters.

*  Language:
*     C (designed to be called from Fortran)

*  Type of Module:
*     ADAM A-task

*  Invocation:

*  Arguments:
*     STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
*        The global status.

*  Description:
*     This application displays the name and value of one or all
*     configuration parameters, specified using Parameters CONFIG or
*     NDF. If a single parameter is displayed, its value is also
*     written to an output parameter. If the parameter value is not
*     specified by the CONFIG, NDF or DEFAULTS parameter, then the
*     value supplied for DEFVAL is displayed.
*     If an input NDF is supplied then configuration parameters
*     are read from its history (see Parameters NDF and APPLICATION).
*     If values are supplied for both CONFIG and NDF, then the
*     differences between the two sets of configuration parameters
*     are displayed (see Parameter NDF).

*  Usage:
*     configecho name config [defaults] [select] [defval]

*  ADAM Parameters:
*        When reading configuration parameters from the history
*        of an NDF, this parameter specifies the name of the application
*        to find in the history. There must be a history component
*        corresponding to the value of this parameter, and it must
*        include a CONFIG group. [current value]
*     CONFIG = GROUP (Read)
*        Specifies values for the configuration parameters. If the string
*        "def" (case-insensitive) or a null (!) value is supplied, the
*        configuration parameters are obtained using Parameter NDF. If
*        a null value is also supplied for NDF, a set of default
*        configuration parameter values will be used, as specified by
*        Parameter DEFAULTS.
*        The supplied value should be either a comma-separated list of
*        strings or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow
*        character "^", containing one or more comma-separated lists of
*        strings. Each string is either a "keyword=value" setting, or the
*        name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^". Such
*        text files should contain further comma-separated lists which
*        will be read and interpreted in the same manner (any blank lines
*        or lines beginning with "#" are ignored). Within a text file,
*        newlines can be used as delimiters, as well as commas. Settings
*        are applied in the order in which they occur within the list,
*        with later settings overriding any earlier settings given for
*        the same keyword.
*        Each individual setting should be of the form "<keyword>=<value>".
*        If a non-null value is supplied for Parameter DEFAULTS, an error
*        will be reported if CONFIG includes values for any parameters
*        that are not included in DEFAULTS.
*        The path to a file containing the default value for every
*        allowed configuration parameter. If null (!) is supplied, no
*        defaults will be supplied for parameters that are not specified
*        by CONFIG, and no tests will be performed on the validity of
*        paramter names supplied by CONFIG. [!]
*     DEFVAL = LITERAL (Read)
*        The value to return if no value can be obtained for the named
*        parameter, or if the value is "<undef>".  [<***>]
*     NAME = LITERAL (Read)
*        The name of the configuration parameter to display.  If set to
*        null (!), then all parameters defined in the configuration are
*        displayed.
*     NDF = NDF (Read)
*        An NDF file containing history entries which include
*        configuration parameters. If not null (!) the history
*        of the NDF will be searched for a component corresponding
*        to the Parameter APPLICATION.  The Parameter CONFIG
*        is then optional, but if it too is not null (!) then
*        the output will show the differences between the configuration
*        stored in the NDF history and the given configuration:
*        new parameters and those different from the reference
*        configuration (given by Parameter CONFIG) are prefixed
*        with "+" and those which are the same as the reference
*        configuration are prefixed with "-". [!]
*     SELECT = GROUP (Read)
*        A group that specifies any alternative prefixes that can be
*        included at the start of any parameter name. For instance, if
*        this group contains the two entries "450=1" and "850=0", then
*        either CONFIG or DEFAULTS can specify two values for any single
*        parameter -- one for the parameter prefixed by "450." and another
*        for the parameter prefixed by "850.". Thus, for instance, if
*        DEFAULTS defines a parameter called "filter", it could include
*        "450.filter=300" and "850.filter=600". The CONFIG parameter could
*        then either set the filter parameter for a specific prefix (as
*        in "450.filter=234"); or it could leave the prefix unspecified,
*        in which case the prefix used is the first one with a
*        non-zero value in SELECT (450 in the case of this example - 850
*        has a value zero in SELECT). Thus the names of the items in
*        SELECT define the set of allowed alternative prefixes, and the
*        values indicate which one of these alternatives is to be used
*        (the first one with non-zero value). [!]
*     SORT = _LOGICAL (Read)
*        If TRUE then sort the listed parameters in to alphabetical order.
*        Otherwise, retain the order they have in the supplied
*        configuration. Only used if a null (!) value is supplied for
*        Parameter NAME. [FALSE]
*     VALUE = LITERAL (Write)
*        The value of the configuration parameter, or "<***>" if the
*        parameter has no value in CONFIG and DEFAULTS.

*  Examples:
*     configecho m81 ^myconf
*        Report the value of configuration parameter "m81" defined within
*        the file "myconf". If the file does not contain a value for
*        "m81", then "<***>" is displayed.
*     configecho type ^myconf select="m57=0,m31=1,m103=0"
*        Report the value of configuration parameter "type" defined within
*        the file "myconf". If the file does not contain a value for
*        "type", then the value of "m31.type" will be reported instead. If
*        neither is present, then "<***>" is displayed.
*     configecho flt.filt_edge_largescale \
*                config=^/star/share/smurf/dimmconfig.lis \
*                defaults=/star/bin/smurf/smurf_makemap.def \
*                select="450=1,850=0"
*        Report the value of configuration parameter "flt.filt_edge_largescale"
*        defined within the file "/star/share/smurf/dimmconfig.lis", using
*        defaults from the file "/star/bin/smurf/smurf_makemap.def". If
*        dimmconfig.lis does not contain a value for "flt.filt_edge_largescale"
*        then it is searched for "450.flt.filt_edge_largescale" instead. An
*        error is reported if dimmconfig.lis contains values for any
*        items that are not defined in smurf_makemap.def.
*     configecho ndf=omc1 config=^/star/share/smurf/dimmconfig.lis \
*                defaults=/star/bin/smurf/smurf_makemap.def \
*                application=makemap name=! sort select="450=0,850=1"
*        Show how the configuration used to generate the 850um map
*        of OMC1 differs from the basic dimmconfig.lis file.

*  Copyright:
*     Copyright (C) 2012-3 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
*     All Rights Reserved.

*  Licence:
*     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
*     published by the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2 of
*     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
*     useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
*     PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
*     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
*     02110-1301, USA.

*  Authors:
*     DSB: David S. Berry
*     GSB: Graham S. Bell
*     {enter_new_authors_here}

*  History:
*     10-DEC-2012 (DSB):
*        Original version.
*     6-FEB-2013 (DSB):
*        Added parameter DEFVAL.
*     11-FEB-2013 (DSB):
*        Added parameter SORT and allow all parameters to be listed by
*        providing a null value for NAME.
*     11-FEB-2013 (GSB):
*        Added ability to read configuration from history entries.
*     13-FEB-2013 (DSB):
*        Nullify AST object pointers when the objects are annulled,
*        to avoid re-use of dead pointers.
*     14-FEB-2013 (DSB):
*        Allow the SELECT feature to be used even if no DEFAULTS file is
*        supplied (see the new entry in the "Examples:" section).
*     15-FEB-2013 (DSB):
*        Expand the prologue docs, and use NULL in place of zero for pointers.
*     22-FEB-2013 (DSB):
*        Guard against seg fault in HistoryKeymap when the NDF does 
*        not contain the required CONFIG entry in the History 
*        component.
*     {enter_further_changes_here}



/* Local Variables: */
   AstKeyMap *keymap2;
   AstKeyMap *keymap;
   Grp *grp = NULL;
   char *dot;
   char *pname;
   char defs[250];
   char defval[250];
   char name[250];
   const char *value;
   const char *historyValue = NULL;
   int showall;
   int sort;
   size_t size;
   int indf = 0;
   int nrec;
   int i;
   char application[NDF__SZAPP];
   char applicationi[NDF__SZAPP];

/* Abort if an error has already occurred. */
   if( *STATUS != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Begin an AST context */

/* Get the value to return if no value can be obtained for the named
   parameter, of it it has a value of <undef>. */
   parGet0c( "DEFVAL", defval, sizeof(defval), STATUS );

/* Get any defaults file, annuling the error if null (!) is supplied. */
   if( *STATUS == SAI__OK ) {
      parGet0c( "DEFAULTS", defs, sizeof(defs), STATUS );
      if( *STATUS == PAR__NULL ) {
         errAnnul( STATUS );
         defs[0] = 0;

/* Get the NDF identifier if requested. */
   if (*STATUS == SAI__OK) {
      ndfAssoc("NDF", "READ", &indf, STATUS);
      if (*STATUS == PAR__NULL) {
         indf = 0;
      else {
         parGet0c("APPLICATION", application, sizeof(application), STATUS);
         /* Check now for error because the block below allowing an undefined
          * CONFIG clears this status otherwise. */
         if (*STATUS != SAI__OK) goto L999;

/* See if any alternate keyword prefixes are allowed, and if so determine
   which of the alternatices is to be displayed. */
   kpg1Gtgrp( "SELECT", &grp, &size, STATUS );
   if( *STATUS == PAR__NULL ) {
      grpDelet( &grp, STATUS );
      errAnnul( STATUS );
      keymap2 = NULL;
   } else {
      kpg1Kymap( grp, &keymap2, STATUS );
      grpDelet( &grp, STATUS );

/* Create a KeyMap holding the selected alternative for each keyword, and
   also supply defaults for any missing values (if a defaults file was
   supplied by the user). */
   keymap = kpg1Config( "CONFIG", defs[0]?defs:NULL, keymap2, 0, STATUS );

/* Allow it to be NULL if we're reading an NDF because we'll replace
   keymap with historyConfig later if necessary. */
   if( indf && *STATUS == PAR__NULL ) {
      keymap = NULL;

/* Abort if an error has occurred. */
   if( *STATUS != SAI__OK ) goto L999;

/* Get the name of the required parameter, and convert to upper case (if
   supplied). If not supplied, set a flag indicating that all parameters
   should be displayed. */
   parGet0c( "NAME", name, sizeof(name), STATUS );
   if( *STATUS == PAR__NULL ) {
      errAnnul( STATUS );
      showall = 1;
   } else {
      showall = 0;
      astChrCase( NULL, name, 1, 0 );

/* Attempt to find the NDF's corresponding history record. */
   if (indf && *STATUS == SAI__OK) {
      ndfHnrec(indf, &nrec, STATUS);
      for (i = 0; i < nrec; i ++) {
         ndfHinfo(indf, "APPLICATION", i + 1, applicationi,
                  sizeof(applicationi), STATUS);
         if (! strncasecmp(application, applicationi, strlen(application))) {
            ndfHout(indf, i + 1, HistoryKeyMap, STATUS);

      if (*STATUS == SAI__OK && ! historyConfig) {
         *STATUS = SAI__ERROR;

         errRepf("CONFIGECHO_ERR", "CONFIGECHO: Failed to find %s "
                 "configuration in NDF history.", STATUS, application);
      else if (! keymap) {
         keymap = historyConfig;
         historyConfig = NULL;

   if( *STATUS == SAI__OK ) {

/* First deal with cases where we are displaying a single parameter
   value. */
      if( !showall ) {

/* Loop round each section of the name that ends with a dot. */
         value = defval;
         pname = name;

         dot = strchr( pname, '.' );
         while( dot && keymap ) {

/* Get a nested keymap with the name that occurs prior to the dot. If
   found, use it in place of the parent keymap. */
            pname[ dot - pname ] = 0;
            if( astMapGet0A( keymap, pname, &keymap2 ) ) {
               astAnnul( keymap );
               keymap = keymap2;
            } else {
               keymap = astAnnul( keymap );

/* If historyConfig exists, do the same there. */
            if (historyConfig) {
               if (astMapGet0A(historyConfig, pname, &keymap2)) {
                  historyConfig = keymap2;
               else {
                  historyConfig = astAnnul(historyConfig);

/* Re-instate the original dot, and move on to find the next dot. */
            pname[ dot - pname ] = '.';
            pname = dot + 1;
            dot = strchr( pname, '.' );

/* Ensure no error is reported if the parameter is not found in the
   KeyMap. */
         if( keymap ) {
            astClear( keymap, "KeyError" );

/* Get the parameter value as a string. */
            astMapGet0C( keymap, pname, &value );

         if (historyConfig) {
            astClear(historyConfig, "KeyError");
            astMapGet0C(historyConfig, pname, &historyValue);

/* In NDF history mode we only want to return a value if it
   was found in the configuration from the history. */

            if (historyValue) {
               if (strcmp(value, historyValue)) {
                  msgOutf("", "+ %s", STATUS, historyValue);
               else {
                  msgOutf("", "- %s", STATUS, historyValue);
               parPut0c("VALUE", historyValue, STATUS);
         else {
/* Display it. */
            msgOut( "", value, STATUS );

/* Write it to the output parameter. */
            parPut0c( "VALUE", value, STATUS );

/* Now deal with cases were we are displaying all parameter values. */
      } else {

/* See if the values should be sorted. */
         parGet0l( "SORT", &sort, STATUS );

/* Display them. */
         if (historyConfig) {
            DisplayKeyMap( historyConfig , sort, "", keymap, STATUS );
         else {
            DisplayKeyMap( keymap, sort, "", NULL, STATUS );

/* Tidy up. */

/* End the AST context */

/* Close the NDF if open. */

/* If an error has occurred, issue another error report identifying the
   program which has failed (i.e. this one). */
   if( *STATUS != SAI__OK ) {
      errRep( "CONFIGECHO_ERR", "CONFIGECHO: Failed to echo configuration "
              "parameters.", STATUS );
