Example #1
void smurf_extinction( int * status ) {

  /* Local Variables */
  smfArray *bbms = NULL;     /* Bad bolometer masks */
  smfArray *darks = NULL;    /* Dark data */
  AstKeyMap *extpars = NULL; /* Tau relation keymap */
  Grp *fgrp = NULL;          /* Filtered group, no darks */
  smfArray *flatramps = NULL;/* Flatfield ramps */
  int has_been_sky_removed = 0;/* Data are sky-removed */
  AstKeyMap *heateffmap = NULL;    /* Heater efficiency data */
  size_t i;                  /* Loop counter */
  Grp *igrp = NULL;          /* Input group */
  AstKeyMap *keymap=NULL;    /* Keymap for storing parameters */
  smf_tausrc tausrc;         /* enum value of optical depth source */
  smf_extmeth extmeth;       /* Extinction correction method */
  char tausource[LEN__METHOD];  /* String for optical depth source */
  char method[LEN__METHOD];  /* String for extinction airmass method */
  smfData *odata = NULL;     /* Output data struct */
  Grp *ogrp = NULL;          /* Output group */
  size_t outsize;            /* Total number of NDF names in the output group */
  size_t size;               /* Number of files in input group */
  double tau = 0.0;          /* Zenith tau at this wavelength */
  ThrWorkForce *wf = NULL;   /* Pointer to a pool of worker threads */

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* Main routine */

  /* Find the number of cores/processors available and create a pool of
     threads of the same size. */
  wf = thrGetWorkforce( thrGetNThread( SMF__THREADS, status ), status );

  /* Read the input file */
  kpg1Rgndf( "IN", 0, 1, "", &igrp, &size, status );

  /* Filter out darks */
  smf_find_science( igrp, &fgrp, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, SMF__NULL, &darks,
                    &flatramps, &heateffmap, NULL, status );

  /* input group is now the filtered group so we can use that and
     free the old input group */
  size = grpGrpsz( fgrp, status );
  grpDelet( &igrp, status);
  igrp = fgrp;
  fgrp = NULL;

  if (size > 0) {
    /* Get output file(s) */
    kpg1Wgndf( "OUT", igrp, size, size, "More output files required...",
               &ogrp, &outsize, status );
  } else {
    msgOutif(MSG__NORM, " ","All supplied input frames were DARK,"
             " nothing to extinction correct", status );

  /* Get group of pixel masks and read them into a smfArray */
  smf_request_mask( "BBM", &bbms, status );

  /* Read the tau relations from config file or group. We do not
     allow sub instrument overloading because these are all values
     based on filter name. */
  keymap = kpg1Config( "TAUREL", "$SMURF_DIR/smurf_extinction.def", NULL,
                       1, status );

  /* and we need to use the EXT entry */
  astMapGet0A( keymap, "EXT", &extpars );
  keymap = astAnnul( keymap );

  /* Get tau source */
  parChoic( "TAUSRC", "Auto",
            "Auto,CSOtau,CSOFit, Filtertau, WVMraw", 1,
            tausource, sizeof(tausource), status);

  /* Decide how the correction is to be applied - convert to flag */
  parChoic( "METHOD", "ADAPTIVE",
            "Adaptive,Quick,Full,", 1, method, sizeof(method), status);

  /* Place parameters into a keymap and extract values */
  if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
    keymap = astKeyMap( " " );
    if( astOK ) {
      astMapPut0C( keymap, "TAUSRC", tausource, NULL );
      astMapPut0C( keymap, "TAUMETHOD", method, NULL );
      smf_get_extpar( keymap, &tausrc, &extmeth, NULL, status );

  for (i=1; i<=size && ( *status == SAI__OK ); i++) {

    /* Flatfield - if necessary */
    smf_open_and_flatfield( igrp, ogrp, i, darks, flatramps, heateffmap,
                            &odata, status );

    if (*status != SAI__OK) {
      /* Error flatfielding: tell the user which file it was */
      errRep(TASK_NAME, "Unable to open the ^I th file", status);

    /* Mask out bad pixels - mask data array not quality array */
    smf_apply_mask( odata, bbms, SMF__BBM_DATA, 0, status );

    /* Now check that the data are sky-subtracted */
    if ( !smf_history_check( odata, "smf_subtract_plane", status ) ) {

      /* Should we override remsky check? */
      parGet0l("HASSKYREM", &has_been_sky_removed, status);

      if ( !has_been_sky_removed && *status == SAI__OK ) {
        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        errRep("", "Input data from file ^I are not sky-subtracted", status);

    /* If status is OK, make decisions on source keywords the first
       time through. */
    if ( *status == SAI__OK && i == 1 ) {
      if (tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOTAU ||
          tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_AUTO ||
          tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_TAU) {
        double deftau;
        const char * param = NULL;
        smfHead *ohdr = odata->hdr;

        /* get default CSO tau -- this could be calculated from CSO fits */
        deftau = smf_calc_meantau( ohdr, status );

        /* Now ask for desired CSO tau */
        if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOTAU || tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_AUTO) {
          param = "CSOTAU";
        } else if (tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_TAU) {
          param = "FILTERTAU";
          deftau = smf_cso2filt_tau( ohdr, deftau, extpars, status );
        parGdr0d( param, deftau, 0.0,1.0, 1, &tau, status );
      } else if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOFIT || tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_WVMRAW ) {
        /* Defer a message until after extinction correction */
      } else {
        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        errRep("", "Unsupported opacity source. Possible programming error.",

    /* Apply extinction correction - note that a check is made to
       determine whether the data have already been extinction
       corrected */
    smf_correct_extinction( wf, odata, &tausrc, extmeth, extpars, tau, NULL, NULL, status );

    if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_WVMRAW ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", "Used Raw WVM data for extinction correction", status);
    } else if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOFIT ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", "Used fit to CSO data for extinction correction", status);
    } else if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_CSOTAU ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", "Used an explicit CSO tau value for extinction correction", status);
    } else if ( tausrc == SMF__TAUSRC_TAU ) {
      msgOutif(MSG__VERB," ", "Used an explicit filter tau value for extinction correction", status);
    } else {
      if (*status == SAI__OK) {
        const char * taustr = smf_tausrc_str( tausrc, status );
        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        errRepf( "", "Unexpected opacity source used for extinction correction of %s."
                 " Possible programming error.", status, taustr );

    /* Set character labels */
    smf_set_clabels( "Extinction corrected",NULL, NULL, odata->hdr, status);
    smf_write_clabels( odata, status );

    /* Free resources for output data */
    smf_close_file( &odata, status );

  /* Write out the list of output NDF names, annulling the error if a null
     parameter value is supplied. */
  if( *status == SAI__OK && ogrp ) {
    grpList( "OUTFILES", 0, 0, NULL, ogrp, status );
    if( *status == PAR__NULL ) errAnnul( status );

  /* Tidy up after ourselves: release the resources used by the grp routines  */
  if (darks) smf_close_related( &darks, status );
  if (bbms) smf_close_related( &bbms, status );
  if( flatramps ) smf_close_related( &flatramps, status );
  if (heateffmap) heateffmap = smf_free_effmap( heateffmap, status );
  grpDelet( &igrp, status);
  grpDelet( &ogrp, status);
  if( keymap ) keymap = astAnnul( keymap );
  if (extpars) extpars = astAnnul( extpars );
  ndfEnd( status );
Example #2
void atlGetParam( const char *param, AstKeyMap *keymap, int *status ){
*  Name:
*     atlGetParam

*  Purpose:
*     Create a vector character string entry in an AST KeyMap from a list
*     of fixed length strings.

*  Language:
*     C.

*  Invocation:
*     void atlGetParam( const char *param, AstKeyMap *keymap, int *status )

*  Description:
*     This function obtains a value for a named environment parameter and
*     stores it in the supplied KeyMap, using the parameter name as the
*     key.

*  Arguments:
*     param
*        The parameter name.
*     keymap
*        A pointer to an existing KeyMap.
*     status
*        Pointer to the global status variable.

*  Notes:
*     - An error will be reported if the parameter value obtained from
*     the environment is a vector with more than 100 elements.
*     - An error will be reported if any individual element in the parameter
*     value obtained from the environment requires more than 255 when
*     represented as a string.

*  Copyright:
*     Copyright (C) 2009 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
*     All Rights Reserved.

*  Licence:
*     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
*     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
*     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
*     useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
*     PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
*     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
*     02110-1301, USA

*  Authors:
*     DSB: David S. Berry  (JAC, HAwaii)
*     {enter_new_authors_here}

*  History:
*     16-APR-2009 (DSB):
*        Original version.
*     {enter_further_changes_here}

*  Bugs:
*     {note_any_bugs_here}


/* Local Variables: */
   char *ptrs[ MAXVAL ];          /* Pointers to formatted parameter values */
   char buff[ MAXVAL ][ MAXLEN ]; /* Array of formatted parameter values */
   int *old_status;               /* Original AST status pointer */
   int actval;                    /* Number of parameter values supplied */
   int i;                         /* Element index */

/* Check inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Ensure AST uses the supplied status pointer. */
   old_status = astWatch( status );

/* Store a set of pointers to the buffers used to store the formatted
   parameter values. */
   for( i = 0; i < MAXVAL; i++ ) ptrs[ i ] = buff[ i ];

/* Get the parameter values as an array of strings. */
   parGet1c( param, MAXVAL, ptrs, MAXLEN, &actval, status );

/* If only one value was supplied, store it as a scalar entry in the
   KeyMap, using the parameter name as the key. */
   if( actval == 1 ) {
      astMapPut0C( keymap, param, ptrs[ 0 ], NULL );

/* If more than one value was supplied, store them as a vector entry in the
   KeyMap, using the parameter name as the key. */
   } else {
      astMapPut1C( keymap, param, actval, (const char **) ptrs, NULL );

/* Revert to using the old AST status pointer. */
   astWatch( old_status );
Example #3
void smf_obsmap_fill( const smfData * data, AstKeyMap * obsmap, AstKeyMap * objmap,
                      int * status ) {

  double dateobs = 0.0;    /* MJD UTC of start of observation */
  char object[SZFITSTR];   /* Object name */
  char obsid[SZFITSTR];    /* Observation ID */
  char instrume[SZFITSTR]; /* instrument name */
  AstKeyMap * obsinfo = NULL; /* observation information */

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* if there is no hdr we can not index it in the reported summary */
  if (data->hdr && data->hdr->fitshdr) {

    /* Get observation ID and see if we already have an entry in the map */
    (void)smf_getobsidss( data->hdr->fitshdr, obsid, sizeof(obsid), NULL, 0, status );
    /* As of 20080718 OBSID is not unique per obs so chop off date*/
    obsid[22] = '\0';

    if (!astMapHasKey(obsmap, obsid )) {
      int itemp;

      /* Create a sub keymap and populate it */
      obsinfo = astKeyMap( " " );
      /* fill with default value in case undefined */
      one_strlcpy( object, "<undefined>", sizeof(object), status );
      smf_getfitss( data->hdr, "OBJECT", object, sizeof(object),
                    status );
      astMapPut0C( obsinfo, "OBJECT", object, NULL );
      astMapPut0I( obsinfo, "OBSMODE", data->hdr->obsmode, NULL );
      astMapPut0I( obsinfo, "OBSTYPE", data->hdr->obstype, NULL );
      astMapPut0I( obsinfo, "SWMODE", data->hdr->swmode, NULL );
      astMapPut0I( obsinfo, "INBEAM", data->hdr->inbeam, NULL );
      smf_fits_getI( data->hdr, "OBSNUM", &itemp, status );
      astMapPut0I( obsinfo, "OBSNUM", itemp, NULL );
      smf_fits_getI( data->hdr, "UTDATE", &itemp, status );
      astMapPut0I( obsinfo, "UTDATE", itemp, NULL );
      smf_fits_getL( data->hdr, "SIMULATE", &itemp, status );
      astMapPut0I( obsinfo, "SIMULATE", itemp, NULL );
      smf_getfitss( data->hdr, "INSTRUME", instrume, sizeof(instrume),
      astMapPut0C( obsinfo, "INSTRUME", instrume, NULL );

      /* store the MJD of observation for sorting purposes */
      smf_find_dateobs( data->hdr, &dateobs, NULL, status );
      astMapPut0D( obsinfo, "MJD-OBS", dateobs, NULL );

      /* store information in the global observation map
         and also track how many distinct objects we have */
      astMapPut0A( obsmap, obsid, obsinfo, NULL );
      astMapPut0I( objmap, object, 0, NULL );

      obsinfo = astAnnul( obsinfo );
    } else {
      int curbeam = 0;

      astMapGet0A( obsmap, obsid, &obsinfo );

      /* INBEAM is interesting since technically each sequence can involve
         different hardware being in the beam so we have to retrieve the
         current value from the keymap and OR it with the current value
         from the data header. */

      /* we know that the value has been filled in previously so no
         need to check */
      astMapGet0I( obsinfo, "INBEAM", &curbeam );
      curbeam |= data->hdr->inbeam;
      astMapPut0I( obsinfo, "INBEAM", curbeam, NULL );

      obsinfo = astAnnul( obsinfo );


Example #4
void smf_find_science(const Grp * ingrp, Grp **outgrp, int reverttodark,
                      Grp **darkgrp, Grp **flatgrp, int reducedark,
                      int calcflat, smf_dtype darktype, smfArray ** darks,
                      smfArray **fflats, AstKeyMap ** heateffmap,
                      double * meanstep, int * status ) {

  smfSortInfo *alldarks; /* array of sort structs for darks */
  smfSortInfo *allfflats; /* array of fast flat info */
  Grp * dgrp = NULL;  /* Internal dark group */
  double duration_darks = 0.0; /* total duration of all darks */
  double duration_sci = 0.0;  /* Duration of all science observations */
  size_t dkcount = 0; /* Dark counter */
  size_t ffcount = 0; /* Fast flat counter */
  Grp * fgrp = NULL;  /* Fast flat group */
  size_t i;           /* loop counter */
  smfData *infile = NULL; /* input file */
  size_t insize;     /* number of input files */
  size_t nsteps_dark = 0;    /* Total number of steps for darks */
  size_t nsteps_sci = 0;     /* Total number of steps for science */
  AstKeyMap * heatermap = NULL; /* Heater efficiency map */
  AstKeyMap * obsmap = NULL; /* Info from all observations */
  AstKeyMap * objmap = NULL; /* All the object names used */
  AstKeyMap * scimap = NULL; /* All non-flat obs indexed by unique key */
  Grp *ogrp = NULL;   /* local copy of output group */
  size_t sccount = 0; /* Number of accepted science files */
  struct timeval tv1;  /* Timer */
  struct timeval tv2;  /* Timer */

  if (meanstep) *meanstep = VAL__BADD;
  if (outgrp) *outgrp = NULL;
  if (darkgrp) *darkgrp = NULL;
  if (darks) *darks = NULL;
  if (fflats) *fflats = NULL;
  if (heateffmap) *heateffmap = NULL;

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* Sanity check to make sure we return some information */
  if ( outgrp == NULL && darkgrp == NULL && darks == NULL && fflats == NULL) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( " ", FUNC_NAME ": Must have some non-NULL arguments"
            " (possible programming error)", status);

  /* Start a timer to see how long this takes */
  smf_timerinit( &tv1, &tv2, status );

  /* Create new group for output files */
  ogrp = smf_grp_new( ingrp, "Science", status );

  /* and a new group for darks */
  dgrp =  smf_grp_new( ingrp, "DarkFiles", status );

  /* and for fast flats */
  fgrp =  smf_grp_new( ingrp, "FastFlats", status );

  /* and also create a keymap for the observation description */
  obsmap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1" );

  /* and an object map */
  objmap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1" );

  /* This keymap contains the sequence counters for each related
     subarray/obsidss/heater/shutter combination and is used to decide
     if a bad flat is relevant */
  scimap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1,KeyCase=0" );

  /* This keymap is used to contain relevant heater efficiency data */
  heatermap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1,KeyCase=0" );

  /* Work out how many input files we have and allocate sufficient sorting
     space */
  insize = grpGrpsz( ingrp, status );
  alldarks = astCalloc( insize, sizeof(*alldarks) );
  allfflats = astCalloc( insize, sizeof(*allfflats) );

  /* check each file in turn */
  for (i = 1; i <= insize; i++) {
    int seqcount = 0;
    char keystr[100];  /* Key for scimap entry */

    /* open the file but just to get the header */
    smf_open_file( ingrp, i, "READ", SMF__NOCREATE_DATA, &infile, status );
    if (*status != SAI__OK) break;

    /* Fill in the keymap with observation details */
    smf_obsmap_fill( infile, obsmap, objmap, status );

    /* Find the heater efficiency map if required */
    if (*status == SAI__OK && heateffmap) {
      char arrayidstr[32];
      smf_fits_getS( infile->hdr, "ARRAYID", arrayidstr, sizeof(arrayidstr),
                     status );
      if (!astMapHasKey( heatermap, arrayidstr ) ) {
        smfData * heateff = NULL;
        dim_t nbolos = 0;
        smf_flat_params( infile, "RESIST", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                         NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &heateff, status );
        smf_get_dims( heateff, NULL, NULL, &nbolos, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                      status );
        if (heateff) astMapPut0P( heatermap, arrayidstr, heateff, NULL );

    /* Get the sequence counter for the file. We do not worry about
       duplicate sequence counters (at the moment) */
    smf_find_seqcount( infile->hdr, &seqcount, status );

    /* The key identifying this subarray/obsidss/heater/shutter combo */
    smf__calc_flatobskey( infile->hdr, keystr, sizeof(keystr), status );

    if (smf_isdark( infile, status )) {
      /* Store the sorting information */
      dkcount = smf__addto_sortinfo( infile, alldarks, i, dkcount, "Dark", status );
      smf__addto_durations( infile, &duration_darks, &nsteps_dark, status );
      astMapPutElemI( scimap, keystr, -1, seqcount );
    } else {
      /* compare sequence type with observation type and drop it (for now)
         if they differ */
      if ( infile->hdr->obstype == infile->hdr->seqtype ) {
        /* Sanity check the header for corruption. Compare RTS_NUM with SEQSTART
           and SEQEND. The first RTS_NUM must either be SEQSTART or else between
           SEQSTART and SEQEND (if someone has giving us a section) */
        int seqstart = 0;
        int seqend = 0;
        int firstnum = 0;
        JCMTState *tmpState = NULL;
        smf_getfitsi( infile->hdr, "SEQSTART", &seqstart, status );
        smf_getfitsi( infile->hdr, "SEQEND", &seqend, status );
        tmpState = infile->hdr->allState;

        if( tmpState ) {
          firstnum = (tmpState[0]).rts_num;
          smf_smfFile_msg( infile->file, "F", 1, "<unknown file>");
          if ( firstnum >= seqstart && firstnum <= seqend ) {
            /* store the file in the output group */
            ndgCpsup( ingrp, i, ogrp, status );
            msgOutif(MSG__DEBUG, " ", "Non-dark file: ^F",status);
            smf__addto_durations( infile, &duration_sci, &nsteps_sci, status );
            astMapPutElemI( scimap, keystr, -1, seqcount );
          } else {
            msgOutif( MSG__QUIET, "",
                      "File ^F has a corrupt FITS header. Ignoring it.",
                      status );
        } else {
          smf_smfFile_msg( infile->file, "F", 1, "<unknown file>");
          /* store the file in the output group */
          ndgCpsup( ingrp, i, ogrp, status );
          msgOutif( MSG__DEBUG, " ",
                    "File ^F lacks JCMTState: assuming it is non-dark",status);
          smf__addto_durations( infile, &duration_sci, &nsteps_sci, status );
          astMapPutElemI( scimap, keystr, -1, seqcount );

      } else if (infile->hdr->seqtype == SMF__TYP_FASTFLAT ) {
        ffcount = smf__addto_sortinfo( infile, allfflats, i, ffcount, "Fast flat", status );
      } else {
        smf_smfFile_msg( infile->file, "F", 1, "<unknown file>");
        msgOutif(MSG__DEBUG, " ", "Sequence type mismatch with observation type: ^F",status);

    /* close the file */
    smf_close_file( &infile, status );

  /* Store output group in return variable or else free it */
  if (outgrp) {
    *outgrp = ogrp;
  } else {
    grpDelet( &ogrp, status );

  /* process flatfields if necessary */
  if (ffcount > 0 && fflats ) {
    smfArray * array = NULL;

    /* sort flats into order */
    qsort( allfflats, ffcount, sizeof(*allfflats), smf_sort_bydouble);

    if (fflats) array = smf_create_smfArray( status );

    /* now open the flats and store them if requested */
    if (*status == SAI__OK && array && ffcount) {
      size_t start_ffcount = ffcount;
      AstKeyMap * flatmap = NULL;

      if (calcflat) {
        /* Use AgeUp so that we get the keys out in the sorted order
           that allfflats used */
        flatmap = astKeyMap( "KeyCase=0,KeyError=1,SortBy=AgeDown" );

      /* Read each flatfield. Calculate a responsivity image and a flatfield
         solution. Store these in a keymap along with related information
         which is itself stored in a keymap indexed by a string made of
         OBSIDSS, reference heater value, shutter and subarray.

      for (i = 0; i < start_ffcount; i++ ) {
        size_t ori_index =  (allfflats[i]).index;
        smfData * outfile = NULL;
        char keystr[100];
        AstKeyMap * infomap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1" );
        int oplen = 0;
        char thisfile[MSG__SZMSG];
        int seqcount = 0;

        /* read filename from group */
        infile = NULL;
        smf_open_file( ingrp, ori_index, "READ", 0, &infile, status );
        if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
          /* This should not happen because we have already opened
             the file. If it does happen we abort with error. */
          if (infile) smf_close_file( &infile, status );

        /* Calculate the key for this observation */
        smf__calc_flatobskey( infile->hdr, keystr, sizeof(keystr), status );

        /* Get the file name for error messages */
        smf_smfFile_msg( infile->file, "F", 1, "<unknown file>" );
        msgLoad( "", "^F", thisfile, sizeof(thisfile), &oplen, status );

        /* And the sequence counter to link against science observations */
        smf_find_seqcount( infile->hdr, &seqcount, status );

        /* Prefill infomap */
        astMapPut0C( infomap, "FILENAME", thisfile, "");
        astMapPut0I( infomap, "SEQCOUNT", seqcount, "");

        /* Collapse it */
        if (*status == SAI__OK) {
          smf_flat_fastflat( infile, &outfile, status );
          if (*status == SMF__BADFLAT) {
            errFlush( status );

            if (calcflat) {
              /* Need to generate an outfile like smf_flat_fastflat
                 and one heater setting will force smf_flat_calcflat to fail */
              smf_flat_malloc( 1, infile, NULL, &outfile, status );
            } else {
              if (outfile) smf_close_file( &outfile, status );
              if (infile) smf_close_file( &infile, status );
              infomap = astAnnul( infomap );

        if (outfile && *status == SAI__OK) {
          smf_close_file( &infile, status );
          infile = outfile;

          if (calcflat) {
            size_t ngood = 0;
            smfData * curresp = NULL;
            int utdate;

            if (*status == SAI__OK) {
              ngood = smf_flat_calcflat( MSG__VERB, NULL, "RESIST",
                                         "FLATMETH", "FLATORDER", NULL, "RESPMASK",
                                         "FLATSNR", NULL, infile, &curresp, status );
              if (*status != SAI__OK) {
                /* if we failed to calculate a flatfield we continue but force the
                   flatfield to be completely bad. This will force the science data associated
                   with the flatfield to be correctly blanked. We do not annul though
                   if we have a SUBPAR error telling us that we have failed to define
                   our parameters properly. */
                if (*status != SUBPAR__NOPAR) errAnnul(status);

                /* parameters of flatfield */
                ngood = 0;

                /* Generate a blank flatfield and blank responsivity image */
                smf_flat_badflat( infile, &curresp, status );

              /* Retrieve the UT date so we can decide whether to compare
                 flatfields */
              smf_getfitsi( infile->hdr, "UTDATE", &utdate, status );

              /* Store the responsivity data for later on and the processed
                 flatfield until we have vetted it */
              astMapPut0P( infomap, "CALCFLAT", infile, "" );
              astMapPut0P( infomap, "RESP", curresp, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "UTDATE", utdate, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "ISGOOD", 1, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "NGOOD", ngood, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "GRPINDEX", ori_index, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "SMFTYP", infile->hdr->obstype, "" );
              astMapPutElemA( flatmap, keystr, -1, infomap );


          } else { /* if (calcflat) */
            /* Store the collapsed flatfield  - the processed flat is not stored here yet */
            smf_addto_smfArray( array, infile, status );

            /* Copy the group info */
            ndgCpsup( ingrp, ori_index, fgrp, status );


        } /* if (outfile) */

        /* Annul the keymap (will be fine if it is has been stored in another keymap) */
        infomap = astAnnul( infomap );

      } /* End loop over flatfields */

      /* Now we have to loop over the related flatfields to disable
         bolometers that are not good and also decide whether we
         need to set status to bad. */
      if (*status == SAI__OK && calcflat ) {
        size_t nkeys = astMapSize( flatmap );
        for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++ ) {
          const char *key = astMapKey( flatmap, i );
          int nf = 0;
          AstKeyMap ** kmaps = NULL;
          int nelem = astMapLength( flatmap, key );
          kmaps = astMalloc( sizeof(*kmaps) * nelem );
          astMapGet1A( flatmap, key, nelem, &nelem, kmaps );

          for ( nf = 0; nf < nelem && *status == SAI__OK; nf++ ) {
            AstKeyMap * infomap = kmaps[nf];
            int isgood = 0;

            astMapGet0I( infomap, "ISGOOD", &isgood );

            if (isgood) {
              /* The flatfield worked */
              size_t ngood = 0;
              int itemp;
              int utdate = 0;
              int ratioFlats = 0;

              /* Get the UT date - we do not compare flatfields after
                 the time we enabled heater tracking at each sequence. */
              astMapGet0I( infomap, "UTDATE", &utdate );

              /* Get the number of good bolometers at this point */
              astMapGet0I( infomap, "NGOOD", &itemp );
              ngood = itemp;

              /* Decide if we want to do the ratio test. We default to
                 not doing it between 20110901 and 20120827 which is
                 the period when we did mini-heater tracks before each
                 flat. ! indicates that we choose based on date. */
              if (*status == SAI__OK) {
                parGet0l( "FLATUSENEXT", &ratioFlats, status );
                if ( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
                  errAnnul( status );
                  if (utdate >= 20110901 || utdate <= 20120827 ) {
                    ratioFlats = 0;
                  } else {
                    ratioFlats = 1;

              /* Can we compare with the next flatfield? */
              if (ngood < SMF__MINSTATSAMP || !ratioFlats ) {
                /* no point doing all the ratio checking for this */
              } else if ( nelem - nf >= 2 ) {
                AstKeyMap * nextmap = kmaps[nf+1];
                const char *nextfname = NULL;
                const char *fname = NULL;
                smfData * curresp = NULL;
                smfData * nextresp = NULL;
                smfData * curflat = NULL;
                void *tmpvar = NULL;
                size_t bol = 0;
                smfData * ratio = NULL;
                double *in1 = NULL;
                double *in2 = NULL;
                double mean = VAL__BADD;
                size_t nbolo;
                double *out = NULL;
                double sigma = VAL__BADD;
                float clips[] = { 5.0, 5.0 }; /* 5.0 sigma iterative clip */
                size_t ngoodz = 0;

                astMapGet0C( nextmap, "FILENAME", &nextfname );
                astMapGet0C( infomap, "FILENAME", &fname );

                /* Retrieve the responsivity images from the keymap */
                astMapGet0P( infomap, "RESP", &tmpvar );
                curresp = tmpvar;
                astMapGet0P( nextmap, "RESP", &tmpvar );
                nextresp = tmpvar;
                astMapGet0P( infomap, "CALCFLAT", &tmpvar );
                curflat = tmpvar;

                nbolo = (curresp->dims)[0] * (curresp->dims)[1];

                /* get some memory for the ratio if we have not already.
                   We could get some memory once assuming each flat has the
                   same number of bolometers... */
                ratio = smf_deepcopy_smfData( curresp, 0, 0, 0, 0, status );
                if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

                  /* divide: smf_divide_smfData ? */
                  in1 = (curresp->pntr)[0];
                  in2 = (nextresp->pntr)[0];
                  out = (ratio->pntr)[0];

                  for (bol=0; bol<nbolo;bol++) {
                    if ( in1[bol] != VAL__BADD && in1[bol] != 0.0 &&
                         in2[bol] != VAL__BADD && in2[bol] != 0.0 ) {
                      out[bol] = in1[bol] / in2[bol];
                    } else {
                      out[bol] = VAL__BADD;

                /* find some statistics */
                smf_clipped_stats1D( out, 2, clips, 1, nbolo, NULL, 0, 0, &mean,
                                     &sigma, NULL, 0, &ngoodz, status );

                if (*status == SMF__INSMP) {
                  msgOutiff( MSG__QUIET, "",
                            "Flatfield ramp ratio of %s with %s had too few bolometers (%zu < %d).",
                             status, fname, nextfname, ngoodz, SMF__MINSTATSAMP );
                  ngood = ngoodz; /* Must be lower or equal to original ngood */

                } else if (*status == SAI__OK && mean != VAL__BADD && sigma != VAL__BADD && curflat->da) {
                  /* Now flag the flatfield as bad for bolometers that have changed
                     more than n%. We expect the variation to be 1+/-a small bit */
                  const double pmrange = 0.10;
                  double thrlo = 1.0 - pmrange;
                  double thrhi = 1.0 + pmrange;
                  size_t nmasked = 0;
                  double *flatcal = curflat->da->flatcal;

                  msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, "", "Flatfield fast ramp ratio mean = %g +/- %g (%zu bolometers)",
                             status, mean, sigma, ngood);

                  /* we can just set the first slice of the flatcal to bad. That should
                     be enough to disable the entire bolometer. We have just read these
                     data so they should be in ICD order. */
                  for (bol=0; bol<nbolo;bol++) {
                    if ( out[bol] != VAL__BADD &&
                         (out[bol] < thrlo || out[bol] > thrhi ) ) {
                      flatcal[bol] = VAL__BADD;
                    } else if ( in1[bol] != VAL__BADD && in2[bol] == VAL__BADD ) {
                      /* A bolometer is bad next time but good now so we must set it bad now */
                      flatcal[bol] = VAL__BADD;

                  if ( nmasked > 0 ) {
                    msgOutiff( MSG__NORM, "", "Masked %zu bolometers in %s from unstable flatfield",
                               status, nmasked, fname );

                    /* update ngood to take into account the masking */
                    ngood -= nmasked;


                smf_close_file( &ratio, status );

              } /* End of flatfield responsivity comparison */

              /* if we only have a few bolometers left we now consider this
                 a bad flat unless it is actually an engineering measurement
                 where expect some configurations to give zero bolometers */
              if (ngood < SMF__MINSTATSAMP) {
                const char *fname = NULL;
                void * tmpvar = NULL;
                int smftyp = 0;
                smfData * curflat = NULL;
                astMapGet0I( infomap, "SMFTYP", &smftyp );
                astMapGet0C( infomap, "FILENAME", &fname );
                if (smftyp != SMF__TYP_NEP) {
                  msgOutiff( MSG__QUIET, "",
                            "Flatfield %s has %zu good bolometer%s.%s",
                             status, fname, ngood, (ngood == 1 ? "" : "s"),
                             ( ngood == 0 ? "" : " Keeping none.") );
                  isgood = 0;

                  /* Make sure that everything is blanked. */
                  if (ngood > 0) {
                    astMapGet0P( infomap, "CALCFLAT", &tmpvar );
                    curflat = tmpvar;
                    if (curflat && curflat->da) {
                      size_t bol;
                      size_t nbolo = (curflat->dims)[0] * (curflat->dims)[1];
                      double *flatcal = curflat->da->flatcal;
                      for (bol=0; bol<nbolo; bol++) {
                        /* Just need to set the first element to bad */
                        flatcal[bol] = VAL__BADD;

                } else {
                  msgOutiff( MSG__NORM, "",
                            "Flatfield ramp file %s has %zu good bolometer%s. Eng mode.",
                             status, fname, ngood, (ngood == 1 ? "" : "s") );

              /* We do not need the responsivity image again */
                void *tmpvar = NULL;
                smfData * resp = NULL;
                astMapGet0P( infomap, "RESP", &tmpvar );
                resp = tmpvar;
                if (resp) smf_close_file( &resp, status );
                astMapRemove( infomap, "RESP" );

            } /* End of isgood comparison */

            /* We are storing flats even if they failed. Let the downstream
               software worry about it */
              int ori_index;
              smfData * flatfile = NULL;
              void *tmpvar = NULL;

              /* Store in the output group */
              astMapGet0I( infomap, "GRPINDEX", &ori_index );
              ndgCpsup( ingrp, ori_index, fgrp, status );

              /* And store in the smfArray */
              astMapGet0P( infomap, "CALCFLAT", &tmpvar );
              astMapRemove( infomap, "CALCFLAT" );
              flatfile = tmpvar;
              smf_addto_smfArray( array, flatfile, status );

            /* Free the object as we go */
            kmaps[nf] = astAnnul( kmaps[nf] );
          } /* End of loop over this obsidss/subarray/heater */

          kmaps = astFree( kmaps );


      if (array->ndat) {
        if (fflats) *fflats = array;
      } else {
        smf_close_related(&array, status );
        if (fflats) *fflats = NULL;

  /* no need to do any more if neither darks nor darkgrp are defined or we might
     be wanting to revert to darks. */
  if (dkcount > 0 && (darks || darkgrp || reverttodark ) ) {
    smfArray * array = NULL;

    /* sort darks into order */
    qsort( alldarks, dkcount, sizeof(*alldarks), smf_sort_bydouble);

    if (darks) array = smf_create_smfArray( status );

    /* now open the darks and store them if requested */
    if (*status == SAI__OK) {
      for (i = 0; i < dkcount; i++ ) {
        size_t ori_index =  (alldarks[i]).index;

         /* Store the entry in the output group */
        ndgCpsup( ingrp, ori_index, dgrp, status );

        if (darks) {

          /* read the value from the new group */
          smf_open_file( dgrp, i+1, "READ", 0, &infile, status );

          /* do we have to process these darks? */
          if (reducedark) {
            smfData *outfile = NULL;
            smf_reduce_dark( infile, darktype, &outfile, status );
            if (outfile) {
              smf_close_file( &infile, status );
              infile = outfile;

          smf_addto_smfArray( array, infile, status );
      if (darks) *darks = array;

  /* free memory */
  alldarks = astFree( alldarks );
  allfflats = astFree( allfflats );

  if( reverttodark && outgrp && (grpGrpsz(*outgrp,status)==0) &&
      (grpGrpsz(dgrp,status)>0) ) {
    /* If outgrp requested but no science observations were found, and
       dark observations were found, return darks in outgrp and set
       flatgrp and darkgrp to NULL. This is to handle cases where we
       want to process data taken in the dark like normal science
       data. To activate this behaviour set reverttodark */

    msgOutiff( MSG__NORM, "", "Treating the dark%s as science data",
               status, ( dkcount > 1 ? "s" : "" ) );

    *outgrp = dgrp;

    if( darkgrp ){
      *darkgrp = NULL;

    if( flatgrp ) {
      *flatgrp = NULL;

    grpDelet( &ogrp, status);
    grpDelet( &fgrp, status);

    if (meanstep && nsteps_dark > 0) *meanstep = duration_darks / nsteps_dark;

    /* Have to clear the darks smfArray as well */
    if (darks) smf_close_related( darks, status );

  } else {
    /* Store the output groups in the return variable or free it */
    if (darkgrp) {
      *darkgrp = dgrp;
    } else {
      grpDelet( &dgrp, status);
    if (flatgrp) {
      *flatgrp = fgrp;
    } else {
      grpDelet( &fgrp, status);

    if (meanstep && nsteps_sci > 0) *meanstep = duration_sci / nsteps_sci;

  msgSeti( "ND", sccount );
  msgSeti( "DK", dkcount );
  msgSeti( "FF", ffcount );
  msgSeti( "TOT", insize );
  if ( insize == 1 ) {
    if (dkcount == 1) {
      msgOutif( MSG__VERB, " ", "Single input file was a dark",
    } else if (ffcount == 1) {
      msgOutif( MSG__VERB, " ", "Single input file was a fast flatfield",
    } else if (sccount == 1) {
      msgOutif( MSG__VERB, " ", "Single input file was accepted (observation type same as sequence type)",
    } else {
      msgOutif( MSG__VERB, " ", "Single input file was not accepted.",

  } else {
    if (dkcount == 1) {
      msgSetc( "DKTXT", "was a dark");
    } else {
      msgSetc( "DKTXT", "were darks");
    if (ffcount == 1) {
      msgSetc( "FFTXT", "was a fast flat");
    } else {
      msgSetc( "FFTXT", "were fast flats");
    if (sccount == 1) {
      msgSetc( "NDTXT", "was science");
    } else {
      msgSetc( "NDTXT", "were science");

    /* This might be a useful message */
    msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "Out of ^TOT input files, ^DK ^DKTXT, ^FF ^FFTXT "
              "and ^ND ^NDTXT", status );

  if (meanstep && *meanstep != VAL__BADD) {
    msgOutiff( MSG__VERB, "", "Mean step time for input files = %g sec",
             status, *meanstep );

  /* Store the heater efficiency map */
  if (*status != SAI__OK) heatermap = smf_free_effmap( heatermap, status );
  if (heateffmap) *heateffmap = heatermap;

  /* Now report the details of the observation */
  smf_obsmap_report( MSG__NORM, obsmap, objmap, status );

  obsmap = astAnnul( obsmap );
  objmap = astAnnul( objmap );
  scimap = astAnnul( scimap );

  msgOutiff( SMF__TIMER_MSG, "",
             "Took %.3f s to find science observations",
             status, smf_timerupdate( &tv1, &tv2, status ) );

Example #5
static AstTable *ReadNextTable( FILE *fd, const char *fname, int *iline,
                                int *status ) {
    *  Name:
    *     ReadOneTable

    *  Purpose:
    *     Reads a single Table from a text file.

    *  Description:
    *     This function reads text from the supplied file descriptor until it
    *     reaches the end of file or encounters an end-of-table marker (a line
    *     consisting just of two or more minus signs with no leading spaces).
    *     It creates an AstTable from the text and returns a pointer to it.

    *  Arguments:
    *     fd
    *        The file descriptor.
    *     fname
    *        The file name - used for error messages.
    *     iline
    *        Pointer to an int holding the number of lines read from the
    *        file so far. Updated on exit to include the lines read by the
    *        invocation of this function.
    *     status
    *        Pointer to the global status variable.

    *  Returned Value:
    *     A pointer to the Table read from the file, or NULL if an error occurs.


    /* Local Variables: */
    AstTable *result;
    AstTable *subtable;
    char **cols;
    char **words;
    char *last_com;
    char *line;
    char *p;
    char *tname;
    char key[ 200 ];
    const char *cval;
    const char *oldname;
    const char *newname;
    double dval;
    int *types;
    int blank;
    int c;
    int com;
    int eot;
    int first;
    int icol;
    int irow;
    int ival;
    int iword;
    int line_len;
    int max_line_len;
    int more;
    int nc;
    int ncol;
    int nrow;
    int nword;
    int skip;
    size_t len;

    /* Initialise */
    result = NULL;

    /* Check the inherited status. */
    if( *status != SAI__OK ) return result;

    /* Create an empty Table. */
    result = astTable( " " );

    /* Allocate a buffer for one one line of text. This will be increased in
       size as required. */
    max_line_len = 80;
    line = astMalloc( max_line_len*sizeof( *line ) );

    /* Read each line of text from the file. */
    eot = 0;
    skip = 1;
    line_len = 0;
    more = 1;
    last_com = NULL;
    cols = NULL;
    first = 1;
    irow = 0;
    types = NULL;

    while( more && *status == SAI__OK ) {
        line_len = 0;

        /* Loop reading characters from the file until a newline or the end of file is
           reached. */
        while( ( c = fgetc( fd ) ) != EOF && c != '\n' ) {

            /* Increment the current line length, and double the size of the line buffer
               if it is full. */
            if( ++line_len >= max_line_len ) {
                max_line_len *= 2;
                line = astRealloc( line, max_line_len*sizeof( *line ) );
                if( *status != SAI__OK ) break;

            /* Store the character. Ignore leading white space. */
            if( skip ) {
                if( ! isspace( c ) ) {
                    line[ line_len - 1 ] = c;
                    skip = 0;
                } else {
            } else {
                line[ line_len - 1 ] = c;


        /* If the end-of-file was reached indicate that we should leave the main
           loop after processing the current line. */
        if( c == EOF ) more = 0;

        /* Terminate the line. */
        line[ line_len ] = 0;

        /* Terminate it again to exclude trailing white space. */
        line[ astChrLen( line ) ] = 0;

        /* Assume the line is a blank non-comment, and store a pointer to the first
           character to use. */
        blank = 1;
        com = 0;
        p = line;

        /* Skip blank lines. */
        if( line[ 0 ] ) {

            /* If the line starts with a comment character... */
            if( line[ 0 ] == '#' || line[ 0 ] == '!' ) {
                com = 1;

                /* Get a pointer to the first non-space/tab character after the comment
                   character. */
                p = line + 1;
                while( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' ) p++;

                /* Note if it is blank. */
                if( *p ) blank = 0;

                /* If it is not a comment line, then the line is not blank. */
            } else {
                blank = 0;

                /* See if it is the end-of-table marker - a line containing just two or
                   more minus signs with no leading spaces. */
                eot = ( strspn( line, "-" ) > 1 );

        /* Skip blank lines, whether comment or not. */
        if( ! blank ) {

            /* First handle comment lines. */
            if( com ) {

                /* Does it look like a  parameter assignment... */
                words = astChrSplitRE( p, "^\\s*(\\w+)\\s*=\\s*(.*)$", &nword, NULL );
                if( words ) {

                    /* Add a parameter declaration to the Table. */
                    astAddParameter( result, words[ 0 ] );

                    /* Store the parameter value, using an appropriate data type. */
                    len = strlen( words[ 1 ] );
                    if( nc = 0, ( 1 == astSscanf( words[ 1 ], "%d%n", &ival, &nc ) )
                            && ( nc >= len ) ) {
                        astMapPut0I( result, words[ 0 ], ival, NULL );

                    } else if( nc = 0, ( 1 == astSscanf( words[ 1 ], "%lg%n", &dval, &nc ) )
                               && ( nc >= len ) ) {
                        astMapPut0D( result, words[ 0 ], dval, NULL );

                    } else {
                        astMapPut0C( result, words[ 0 ], words[ 1 ], NULL );


                    /* Free the words returned by astChrSplitRE. */
                    for( iword = 0; iword < nword; iword++ ) {
                        words[ iword ] = astFree( words[ iword ] );
                    words = astFree( words );

                    /* If it does not look like a parameter assignment... */
                } else {

                    /* Save a copy of it in case it turns out to be the last non-blank comment
                       line before the first row of data values (in which case it should
                       contain the column names). */
                    last_com = astStore( last_com, p, strlen( p ) + 1 );

                /* If the line is not a comment see if it is an end of table marker. If so
                   indicate that we should leave the loop. */
            } else if( eot ) {
                more = 0;

                /* If the line is not a comment or an end of table marker ... */
            } else {

                /* Get the words from the row. */
                words = astChrSplit( p, &nword );

                /* If this is the first non-blank non-comment line, get the column names from
                   the previous non-blank comment line. */
                if( first ) {
                    if( last_com ) {
                        first = 0;
                        cols = astChrSplit( last_com, &ncol );

                        /* Create an array to hold the data type for each colum, and initialise
                           them to "integer". */
                        types = astMalloc( ncol*sizeof( int ) ) ;
                        for( iword = 0; iword < nword && astOK; iword++ ) {
                            if( iword < ncol ) {
                                types[ iword ] = AST__INTTYPE;

                                /* The columns are stored initially using interim names which have "T_"
                                   prepended to the names given in the file. */
                                tname = NULL;
                                nc = 0;
                                tname = astAppendString( tname, &nc, "T_" );
                                tname = astAppendString( tname, &nc, cols[ iword ] );
                                astFree( cols[ iword ] );
                                cols[ iword ] = tname;

                                /* Create the column definition within the returned Table. We store them
                                   initially as strings and then convert to the appropriate column data type
                                   later (once all rows have been read and the the data types are known). */
                                astAddColumn( result, cols[ iword ], AST__STRINGTYPE,
                                              0, NULL, " " );

                    } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                        *status = SAI__ERROR;
                        msgSetc( "F", fname );
                        errRep( " ", "No column headers found in file ^F.", status );

                /* Report an error if the line has the wrong number of values. */
                if( nword != ncol ) {
                    if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                        *status = SAI__ERROR;
                        msgSeti( "N", nword );
                        msgSeti( "I", (*iline) );
                        msgSeti( "M", ncol );
                        msgSetc( "F", fname );
                        errRep( " ", "Wrong number of values (^N) at line ^I in "
                                "file ^F (should be ^M).", status );

                    /* Otherwise increment the number of rows read. */
                } else {

                    /* Store each string value in the table, excluding "null" strings. Also check
                       the data type of each string an dupdate the column data types if necessary. */
                    for( iword = 0; iword < nword && *status == SAI__OK; iword++ ) {
                        if( strcmp( words[ iword ], "null" ) ) {
                            sprintf( key, "%s(%d)", cols[ iword ], irow );
                            astMapPut0C( result, key, words[ iword ], NULL );

                            /* If the column is currently thought to hold integers, check that the
                               current word looks like an integer. If not, down-grade the column type
                               to double. */
                            len = strlen( words[ iword ] );
                            if( types[ iword ] == AST__INTTYPE ) {
                                if( nc = 0, ( 1 != astSscanf( words[ iword ], "%d%n",
                                                              &ival, &nc ) ) ||
                                        ( nc < len ) ) {
                                    types[ iword ] = AST__DOUBLETYPE;

                            /* If the column is currently thought to hold doubles, check that the
                               current word looks like an doubler. If not, down-grade the column type
                               to string. */
                            if( types[ iword ] == AST__DOUBLETYPE ) {
                                if( nc = 0, ( 1 != astSscanf( words[ iword ], "%lg%n",
                                                              &dval, &nc ) ) ||
                                        ( nc < len ) ) {
                                    types[ iword ] = AST__STRINGTYPE;

                /* Free the words returned by astChrSplit. */
                for( iword = 0; iword < nword; iword++ ) {
                    words[ iword ] = astFree( words[ iword ] );
                words = astFree( words );


    /* The entire file has now been read, and a Table created in which every
       column holds strings. We also have flags indicating whether the values
       in each column are all integers or doubles. Modify the type of the
       column within the Table to match these flags. */
    nrow = astGetI( result, "Nrow" );
    for( icol = 0; icol < ncol && *status == SAI__OK; icol++ ) {

        /* The column will be re-named from "T_<name>" to "<name>". */
        oldname = cols[ icol ];
        newname = oldname + 2;

        /* First convert string columns to integer columns if all the values in
           the column look like integers. */
        if( types[ icol ] == AST__INTTYPE ) {

            /* Create the new column */
            astAddColumn( result, newname, AST__INTTYPE, 0, NULL, " " );

            /* Copy each cell of the current column, converting from string to integer. */
            for( irow = 1; irow <= nrow; irow++ ) {
                sprintf( key, "%s(%d)", oldname, irow );
                if( astMapGet0I( result, key, &ival ) ) {
                    sprintf( key, "%s(%d)", newname, irow );
                    astMapPut0I( result, key, ival, NULL );

            /* Now do double columns in the same way. */
        } else if( types[ icol ] == AST__DOUBLETYPE ) {
            astAddColumn( result, newname, AST__DOUBLETYPE, 0, NULL, " " );
            for( irow = 1; irow <= nrow; irow++ ) {
                sprintf( key, "%s(%d)", oldname, irow );
                if( astMapGet0D( result, key, &dval ) ) {
                    sprintf( key, "%s(%d)", newname, irow );
                    astMapPut0D( result, key, dval, NULL );

            /* Copy string values without change. */
        } else {
            astAddColumn( result, newname, AST__STRINGTYPE, 0, NULL, " " );
            for( irow = 1; irow <= nrow; irow++ ) {
                sprintf( key, "%s(%d)", oldname, irow );
                if( astMapGet0C( result, key, &cval ) ) {
                    sprintf( key, "%s(%d)", newname, irow );
                    astMapPut0C( result, key, cval, NULL );

        /* Remove the old column. */
        astRemoveColumn( result, oldname );


    /* Free resources. */
    line = astFree( line );
    last_com = astFree( last_com );
    types = astFree( types );
    if( cols ) {
        for( icol = 0; icol < ncol; icol++ ) {
            cols[ icol ] = astFree( cols[ icol ] );
        cols = astFree( cols );

    /* If the table ended with an end-of-table marker, there may be another
       Table in the file. Call this function recursively to read it. */
    if( eot ) {
        subtable = ReadNextTable( fd, fname, iline, status );

        /* Store the subtable as a table parameter in the returned table. */
        if( subtable ) {
            astAddParameter( result, "SubTable" );
            astMapPut0A( result, "SubTable", subtable, NULL );

            /* The Table clones the pointer, so we must annull our local copy of it. */
            subtable = astAnnul( subtable );

    /* Return the Table pointer. */
    return result;
Example #6
void smf_updateprov( int ondf, const smfData *data, int indf,
                     const char *creator, NdgProvenance **modprov, int *status ){

/* Local Variables */
   AstFitsChan *fc = NULL;      /* AST FitsChan holding input FITS header */
   AstKeyMap *anc = NULL;       /* KeyMap holding ancestor info */
   AstKeyMap *tkm = NULL;       /* KeyMap holding contents of MORE */
   NdgProvenance *prov = NULL;  /* Pointer to input provenance structure */
   char *obsidss = NULL;        /* Pointer to OBSIDSS buffer */
   char obsidssbuf[SZFITSTR];   /* OBSIDSS value in input file */
   const char *vptr = NULL;     /* Pointer to OBSIDSS string */
   int found;                   /* Was OBSIDSS value found in an input ancestor? */
   int ianc;                    /* Ancestor index */
   int isroot;                  /* Ignore any ancestors in the input NDF? */

/* Check the inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Get a FitsChan holding the contents of the input NDF FITS extension. */
   if( !data ) {
      kpgGtfts( indf, &fc, status );
   } else if (data->hdr) {
      fc = data->hdr->fitshdr;

/* Get the input NDF identifier. */
   if( data && data->file &&
       data->file->ndfid != NDF__NOID) indf = data->file->ndfid;

/* Get a structure holding provenance information from indf. */
   prov = ndgReadProv( indf, " ", status );

/* Initially, assume that we should include details of ancestor NDFs. */
   isroot = 0;

/* Get the OBSIDSS keyword value from the input FITS header if we have a FITS
   header. There can be cases (eg in STACKFRAMES) where we do not have a
   FITS header so handle that gracefully. */
   if (fc) obsidss = smf_getobsidss( fc, NULL, 0, obsidssbuf,
                                     sizeof(obsidssbuf), status );
   if( obsidss ) {

/* Search through all the ancestors of the input NDF (including the input
   NDF itself) to see if any of them refer to the same OBSIDSS value. */
      found = 0;
      ianc = 0;
      anc = ndgGetProv( prov, ianc, status );
      while( anc ) {
         if( astMapGet0A( anc, "MORE", &tkm ) ) {
            if( astMapGet0C( tkm, "OBSIDSS", &vptr ) ) {
               found = !strcmp( obsidss, vptr );
            tkm = astAnnul( tkm );
         anc = astAnnul( anc );
         if( ! found ) anc = ndgGetProv( prov, ++ianc, status );

/* If the OBSIDSS value was not found in any ancestor, then we add it
   now. So put the OBSIDSS keyword value in an AST KeyMap that will be
   stored with the output provenance information. */
      if( ! found ) {
         tkm = astKeyMap( " " );
         astMapPut0C( tkm, "OBSIDSS", obsidss, NULL );

/* Ignore ancestor NDFs if none of them referred to the correct OBSIDSS. */
         isroot = 1;

/* Update the provenance for the output NDF to include the input NDF as
   an ancestor. Indicate that each input NDF is a root NDF (i.e. has no
   parents). Do nothing if we have no provenance to propagate, unless
   we have root information and are propagating that. */
   if ( ndgCountProv( prov, status ) > 0 || tkm) {
     NdgProvenance *oprov = NULL;
     if (modprov && *modprov) {
       oprov = *modprov;
     } else {
       oprov = ndgReadProv( ondf, creator, status );
       if (modprov) *modprov = oprov;
     ndgPutProv( oprov, indf, tkm, isroot, status );
     /* do not update the file or free provenance if we
        are using an external provenance struct or returning
        it to the caller */
     if (!modprov) {
       if( ondf != NDF__NOID ) {
         ndgWriteProv( oprov, ondf, 1, status );
         oprov = ndgFreeProv( oprov, status );
       } else if( *status == SAI__OK ){
         *status = SAI__ERROR;
         errRep( " ", "smf_updateprov: Provenance is to be stored in the "
                 "output NDF but no output NDF identifier was supplied "
                 "(programming error).", status );

/* Free resources. */
   if( prov ) prov = ndgFreeProv( prov, status );
   if( tkm ) tkm = astAnnul( tkm );
   if( !data && fc ) fc = astAnnul( fc );
Example #7
void smf_grp_related( const Grp *igrp, const size_t grpsize,
                      const int grouping, const int checksubinst,
                      double maxlen_s, double *srate_maxlen,
                      AstKeyMap *keymap, dim_t *maxconcatlen,
                      dim_t *maxfilelen, smfGroup **group,
                      Grp **basegrp, dim_t *pad, int *status ) {

  /* Local variables */
  size_t *chunk=NULL;         /* Array of flags for continuous chunks */
  dim_t * chunklen = NULL;    /* Length of continuous chunk */
  size_t currentindex = 0;    /* Counter */
  char cwave[10];             /* String containing wavelength */
  smfData *data = NULL;       /* Current smfData */
  double downsampscale=0;     /* Angular scale downsampling size */
  double downsampfreq=0;      /* Target downsampling frequency */
  AstKeyMap * grouped = NULL; /* Primary AstKeyMap for grouping */
  size_t i;                   /* Loop counter for index into Grp */
  int isFFT=0;                /* Set if data are 4d FFT */
  size_t j;                   /* Loop counter */
  int *keepchunk=NULL;        /* Flag for chunks that will be kept */
  dim_t maxconcat=0;          /* Longest continuous chunk length */
  dim_t maxflen=0;            /* Max file length in time steps */
  dim_t maxlen=0;             /* Maximum concat length in samples */
  int maxlen_scaled=0;        /* Set once maxlen has been scaled, if needed */
  dim_t maxpad=0;             /* Maximum padding neeed for any input file */
  size_t maxrelated = 0;      /* Keep track of max number of related items */
  size_t *new_chunk=NULL;     /* keeper chunks associated with subgroups */
  dim_t *new_tlen=NULL;       /* tlens for new_subgroup */
  size_t ngroups = 0;         /* Counter for subgroups to be stored */
  size_t nkeep = 0;           /* Number of chunks to keep */
  dim_t * piecelen = NULL;    /* Length of single file */
  smf_subinst_t refsubinst;   /* Subinst of first file */
  size_t **subgroups = NULL;  /* Array containing index arrays to parent Grp */
  smf_subinst_t subinst;      /* Subinst of current file */

  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  if( maxlen_s < 0 ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": maxlen_s cannot be < 0!", status );

  /* Get downsampling parameters */

  if( keymap ) {
    smf_get_cleanpar( keymap, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &downsampscale, &downsampfreq,
                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, status );

    if( downsampscale && downsampfreq ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": both downsampscale and downsampfreq are set",
              status );

  /* Initialize refcwave */
  refsubinst = SMF__SUBINST_NONE;

  /* Loop over files in input Grp: remember Grps are indexed from 1 */
  grouped = astKeyMap( "SortBy=KeyUp" );
  for (i=1; i<=grpsize; i++) {
    char newkey[128];
    char dateobs[81];
    char subarray[10];
    size_t nrelated = 0;
    AstKeyMap * filemap = NULL;
    AstKeyMap * indexmap = NULL;

    /* First step: open file and harvest metadata */
    smf_open_file( NULL, igrp, i, "READ", SMF__NOCREATE_DATA, &data, status );
    if (*status != SAI__OK) break;

    if( i==1 ) {
      isFFT = smf_isfft( data, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, status );
    } else if( smf_isfft(data, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, status) != isFFT ){
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( "", FUNC_NAME
              ": mixture of time-series and FFT data encountered!",
              status );

    /* If maxlen has not been set, do it here */
    if( !maxlen && maxlen_s && data->hdr->steptime) {
      maxlen = (dim_t) (maxlen_s / data->hdr->steptime );

    /* Return srate_maxlen if requested: may want to know this number
       even if maxlen_s is not set. Only calculate once, although it
       gets overwritten once later if down-sampling. */

    if( (i==1) && srate_maxlen && data->hdr->steptime ) {
      *srate_maxlen = 1. / (double) data->hdr->steptime;

    /* If requested check to see if we are mixing wavelengths */
    if( checksubinst ) {
      if( refsubinst == SMF__SUBINST_NONE ) {
        refsubinst = smf_calc_subinst( data->hdr, status );

      subinst = smf_calc_subinst( data->hdr, status );

      if( subinst != refsubinst ) {
        const char *refsubstr = smf_subinst_str( refsubinst, status );
        const char *substr = smf_subinst_str( subinst, status );

        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        smf_smfFile_msg( data->file, "FILE", 1, "<unknown>" );
        msgSetc( "REFSUB", refsubstr );
        msgSetc( "SUB", substr );
        errRep( "", FUNC_NAME
                ": ^FILE uses sub-instrument ^SUB which doesn't match "
                "reference ^REFSUB", status );

    /* Want to form a key that will be unique for a particular subscan
       We know that DATE-OBS will be set for SCUBA-2 files and be the same
       for a single set. Prefix by wavelength if we are grouping by wavelength.
    newkey[0] = '\0';

    smf_find_subarray( data->hdr, subarray, sizeof(subarray), NULL, status );

    if( grouping == 1 ) {
      /* Group different wavelengths separately */
      smf_fits_getS( data->hdr, "WAVELEN", cwave, sizeof(cwave), status);
      one_strlcat( newkey, cwave, sizeof(newkey), status );
      one_strlcat( newkey, "_", sizeof(newkey), status );

    if( grouping == 2 ) {
      /* Group different subarrays separately */
      one_strlcat( newkey, subarray, sizeof(newkey), status );

    smf_fits_getS( data->hdr, "DATE-OBS", dateobs, sizeof(dateobs), status );
    one_strlcat( newkey, dateobs, sizeof(newkey), status );

    /* Include the dimentionality of the time series in the primary key
       so that we do not end up doing something confusing like relating
       a truncated file with a full length file */
    if (*status == SAI__OK) {
      dim_t dims[3];
      char formatted[32];
      smf_get_dims( data, &dims[0], &dims[1], NULL, &dims[2], NULL, NULL, NULL,
                    status );
      sprintf(formatted, "_%" DIM_T_FMT "_%" DIM_T_FMT "_%" DIM_T_FMT, dims[0], dims[1], dims[2]);
      one_strlcat( newkey, formatted, sizeof(newkey), status );

    /* May want to read the dimensionality of the file outside of loop
       so that we can compare values when storing in the keymap */

    /* Now we want to create a keymap based on this key */
    if (!astMapGet0A( grouped, newkey, &filemap ) ) {
      int itemp = 0;
      double steptime = data->hdr->steptime;
      dim_t ntslice = 0;
      dim_t thispad;              /* Padding neeed for current input file */

      filemap = astKeyMap( " " );
      astMapPut0A( grouped, newkey, filemap, NULL );

      /* Fill up filemap with general information on this file */
      smf_find_seqcount( data->hdr, &itemp, status );
      astMapPut0I( filemap, "SEQCOUNT", itemp, NULL );

      smf_fits_getI( data->hdr, "NSUBSCAN", &itemp, status );
      astMapPut0I( filemap, "NSUBSCAN", itemp, NULL );

      /* Number of time slices */
      smf_get_dims( data, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ntslice, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                    status );

      /* Find length of down-sampled data, new steptime and maxlen */
      if( (downsampscale || downsampfreq) && data->hdr && (*status==SAI__OK) ) {
        double scalelen;

        if( downsampscale ) {
          if( data->hdr->scanvel != VAL__BADD ) {
             double oldscale = steptime * data->hdr->scanvel;
             scalelen = oldscale / downsampscale;
          } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
             *status = SAI__ERROR;
            scalelen = VAL__BADD;
            smf_smfFile_msg( data->file, "FILE", 1, "" );
            errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": can't resample ^FILE because it has "
                    "unknown scan velocity", status );
        } else {
          if( steptime ) {
            double oldsampfreq = 1./steptime;
            scalelen = downsampfreq / oldsampfreq;
          } else {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            scalelen = VAL__BADD;
            smf_smfFile_msg( data->file, "FILE", 1, "" );
            errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": can't resample ^FILE because it has "
                    "unknown sample rate", status );

        /* only down-sample if it will be a reasonable factor */
        if( (*status==SAI__OK) && (scalelen <= SMF__DOWNSAMPLIMIT) ) {
          smf_smfFile_msg(data->file, "FILE", 1, "" );
          msgOutiff( MSG__VERB, "", FUNC_NAME
                     ": will down-sample file ^FILE from %5.1lf Hz to "
                     "%5.1lf Hz", status, (1./steptime), (scalelen/steptime) );

          ntslice = round(ntslice * scalelen);

          /* If maxlen has been requested, and we have not already worked
             out a scaled version (just uses the sample rates for the first
             file... should be close enough -- the alternative is a 2-pass
             system). */

          if( !maxlen_scaled ) {
            maxlen = round(maxlen*scalelen);
            maxlen_scaled = 1;
            msgOutiff( MSG__VERB, "", FUNC_NAME
                       ": requested maxlen %g seconds = %" DIM_T_FMT " down-sampled "
                       "time-slices", status, maxlen_s, maxlen );

            /* Return updated srate_maxlen for down-sampling if requested */
            if( srate_maxlen ) {
              *srate_maxlen = scalelen/steptime;

      /* Check that an individual file is too long (we assume related
         files are all the same) */
      if( maxlen && (ntslice > maxlen) && *status == SAI__OK) {
        *status = SAI__ERROR;
        smf_smfFile_msg( data->file, "FILE", 1, "" );
               "Number of time steps in file ^FILE time exceeds maximum "
               "(^NTSLICE>^MAXLEN)", status);

      /* Scaled values of ntslice and maximum length */
      astMapPut0I( filemap, "NTSLICE", ntslice, NULL );

      /* Work out the padding needed for this file including downsampling. */
      if( keymap ) {
        thispad = smf_get_padding( keymap, 0, data->hdr, VAL__BADD, status );
        if( thispad > maxpad ) maxpad = thispad;
      } else {
        thispad = 0;
      astMapPut0I( filemap, "PADDING", thispad, NULL );

      /* Update maxflen */
      if( ntslice > maxflen ) {
        maxflen = ntslice;

      /* Store OBSID or OBSIDSS depending on whether we are grouping by wavelength */
      if (grouping) {
        astMapPut0C( filemap, "OBSID", data->hdr->obsidss, NULL );
      } else {
        char obsid[81];
        smf_getobsidss( data->hdr->fitshdr, obsid, sizeof(obsid), NULL, 0, status );
        astMapPut0C( filemap, "OBSID", obsid, NULL );

    /* Store the file index in another keymap indexed by subarray */
    if ( !astMapGet0A( filemap, "GRPINDICES", &indexmap ) ) {
      indexmap = astKeyMap( "SortBy=KeyUp" );
      astMapPut0A( filemap, "GRPINDICES", indexmap, NULL );

    astMapPut0I( indexmap, subarray, i, NULL );

    /* Need to track the largest number of related subarrays in a single slot */
    nrelated = astMapSize( indexmap );
    if (nrelated > maxrelated) maxrelated = nrelated;

    /* Free resources */
    filemap = astAnnul( filemap );
    indexmap = astAnnul( indexmap );
    smf_close_file( NULL, &data, status );

  /* We now know how many groups there are */
  ngroups = astMapSize( grouped );

  /* Sort out chunking. The items are sorted by date and then by wavelength.
     We define a continuous chunk if it has the same OBSID, the same SEQCOUNT
     and NSUBSCAN increments by one from the previous entry.

     Also count number of related items in each slot.
  if (*status == SAI__OK) {
    typedef struct { /* somewhere to store the values easily */
      char obsid[81];
      char related[81];  /* for concatenated subarrays */
      int nsubscan;
      int seqcount;
    } smfCompareSeq;
    smfCompareSeq current;
    smfCompareSeq previous;
    dim_t totlen = 0;
    size_t thischunk;

    /* Get the chunk flags and also store the size of the chunk */
    chunk = astCalloc( ngroups, sizeof(*chunk) );
    chunklen = astCalloc( ngroups, sizeof(*chunklen) );
    piecelen = astCalloc( ngroups, sizeof(*piecelen) );

    thischunk = 0;  /* The current chunk */
    for (i=0; i<ngroups; i++) {
      AstKeyMap * thismap = NULL;
      AstKeyMap * grpindices = NULL;
      const char * tempstr = NULL;
      int thistlen = 0;
      size_t nsubarrays = 0;

      /* Get the keymap entry for this slot */
      astMapGet0A( grouped, astMapKey(grouped, i), &thismap );

      /* Get info for length limits */
      astMapGet0I( thismap, "NTSLICE", &thistlen );
      piecelen[i] = thistlen;

      if (isFFT) {
        /* Never concatenate FFT data */
        thismap = astAnnul(thismap);
        chunk[i] = i;
        chunklen[i] = thistlen;

      /* Get indices information and retrieve the sub-instrument names
         in sort order to concatenate for comparison. We only store in
         a continuous chunk if we have the same subarrays for the whole
         chunk. */
      astMapGet0A( thismap, "GRPINDICES", &grpindices );
      nsubarrays = astMapSize( grpindices );
      (current.related)[0] = '\0';
      for (j = 0; j < nsubarrays; j++ ) {
        one_strlcat( current.related, astMapKey(grpindices, j), sizeof(current.related), status );
      grpindices = astAnnul( grpindices );

      /* Fill in the current struct */
      astMapGet0I( thismap, "SEQCOUNT", &(current.seqcount) );
      astMapGet0I( thismap, "NSUBSCAN", &(current.nsubscan) );
      astMapGet0C( thismap, "OBSID", &tempstr );
      one_strlcpy( current.obsid, tempstr, sizeof(current.obsid), status );

      /* First chunk is special, else compare */
      if (i == 0) {
        totlen = thistlen;
      } else {
        if (  ( current.seqcount == previous.seqcount  ) &&
              ( current.nsubscan - previous.nsubscan == 1 ) &&
              ( strcmp( current.obsid, previous.obsid ) == 0 ) &&
              ( strcmp( current.related, previous.related ) == 0 ) ) {
          /* continuous - check length */
          totlen += thistlen;
          if ( maxlen && totlen > maxlen ) {
            totlen = thistlen; /* reset length */
          } else {
            /* Continuous */
        } else {
          /* discontinuity */
          totlen = thistlen;  /* Update length of current chunk */

      chunklen[thischunk] = totlen;
      chunk[i] = thischunk;
      memcpy( &previous, &current, sizeof(current) );

      thismap = astAnnul( thismap );

  /* Decide if we are keeping a chunk by looking at the length. */
  maxconcat = 0;
  nkeep = 0;
  keepchunk = astMalloc( ngroups*sizeof(*keepchunk) );
  for (i=0; i<ngroups; i++) {
    size_t thischunk;

    thischunk = chunk[i];
    if ( chunklen[thischunk] < SMF__MINCHUNKSAMP ) {
      /* Warning message */
      msgOut( " ", "SMF_GRP_RELATED: ignoring short chunk (^LEN<^MIN)",
      keepchunk[i] = 0;
    } else {
      keepchunk[i] = 1;
      if (maxconcat < chunklen[thischunk]) maxconcat = chunklen[thischunk];


  /* If no useful chunks generate an error */
  if( (*status==SAI__OK) && (!nkeep) ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": No useful chunks.", status );
    goto CLEANUP;

  /* Allocate a subgroup array of the right size and fill it. They keymap
     is sorted by date (and wavelength) so we can always index into it by using
     indices from the subgroup. */
  subgroups = astCalloc( nkeep, sizeof(*subgroups) );
  new_chunk = astCalloc( nkeep, sizeof(*new_chunk) );
  new_tlen  = astCalloc( nkeep, sizeof(*new_tlen) );

  currentindex = 0;
  for (i=0;i<ngroups;i++) {
    AstKeyMap * thismap = NULL;
    AstKeyMap * grpindices = NULL;
    size_t nsubarrays = 0;
    size_t *indices = astCalloc( maxrelated, sizeof(*indices) );

    /* skip if we are dropping this chunk */
    if (!keepchunk[i]) continue;

    /* Get the keymap entry for this slot */
    astMapGet0A( grouped, astMapKey(grouped, i), &thismap );

    /* Get the indices keymap */
    astMapGet0A( thismap, "GRPINDICES", &grpindices );
    nsubarrays = astMapSize( grpindices );
    for (j=0; j<nsubarrays; j++) {
      int myindex;
      astMapGet0I( grpindices, astMapKey(grpindices, j), &myindex );
      indices[j] = myindex;
    grpindices = astAnnul( grpindices );
    thismap = astAnnul( thismap );

    subgroups[currentindex] = indices;
    new_chunk[currentindex] = chunk[i];
    new_tlen[currentindex]  = piecelen[i];


  /* Create the smfGroup */
  *group = smf_construct_smfGroup( igrp, subgroups, new_chunk, new_tlen,
                                   nkeep, maxrelated, 0, status );

  /* Return maxfilelen if requested */
  if( maxfilelen ) {
    *maxfilelen = maxflen;

  /* Return maxconcatlen if requested */
  if( maxconcatlen ) {
    *maxconcatlen = maxconcat;

  /* Create a base group for output files if required */
  /* Create a base group of filenames */
  if (*status == SAI__OK && basegrp ) {
    *basegrp = smf_grp_new( (*group)->grp, "Base Group", status );

    /* Loop over time chunks */
    for( i=0; (*status==SAI__OK)&&(i<(*group)->ngroups); i++ ) {
      size_t idx;
      /* Check for new continuous chunk */
      if( i==0 || ( (*group)->chunk[i] != (*group)->chunk[i-1]) ) {
        /* Loop over subarray */
        for( idx=0; idx<(*group)->nrelated; idx++ ) {
          size_t grpindex = (*group)->subgroups[i][idx];
          if ( grpindex > 0 ) {
            ndgCpsup( (*group)->grp, grpindex, *basegrp, status );

  keepchunk = astFree( keepchunk );
  chunk = astFree( chunk );
  chunklen = astFree( chunklen );
  piecelen = astFree( piecelen );
  grouped = astAnnul( grouped );

  if( *status != SAI__OK ) {
    /* free the group */
    if (basegrp && *basegrp) grpDelet( basegrp, status );
    if (group && *group) {
      smf_close_smfGroup( group, status );
    } else {
      /* have to clean up manually */
      new_chunk = astFree( new_chunk );
      new_tlen = astFree( new_tlen );
      if( subgroups ) {
        size_t isub;
        for( isub=0; isub<nkeep; isub++ ) {
          subgroups[isub] = astFree( subgroups[isub] );
        subgroups = astFree( subgroups );

  /* Return the maximum padding if required. */
  if( pad ) *pad = maxpad;