Selection::printInfo(FILE *fp) const
    fprintf(fp, "\"%s\" (%d position%s, %d atom%s%s)", name(),
            posCount(),  posCount()  == 1 ? "" : "s",
            atomCount(), atomCount() == 1 ? "" : "s",
            isDynamic() ? ", dynamic" : "");
    fprintf(fp, "\n");
Example #2
/// Returns a list of all the bonds in the residue.
std::vector<Bond *> Residue::bonds() const
    std::vector<Bond *> bonds;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < atomCount(); i++){
        for(size_t j = i + 1; j < atomCount(); j++){
            Bond *bond = d->atoms[i]->bondTo(d->atoms[j]);


    return bonds;
Example #3
Molecule::AtomType Molecule::addAtom(unsigned char number, Index uniqueId)
  if (uniqueId >= static_cast<Index>(m_atomUniqueIds.size()) ||
      m_atomUniqueIds[uniqueId] != MaxIndex) {
    return AtomType();

  m_atomUniqueIds[uniqueId] = atomCount();
  AtomType a = Core::Molecule::addAtom(number);
  return a;
Example #4
bool Molecule::removeAtom(Index index)
  if (index >= atomCount())
    return false;
  Index uniqueId = findAtomUniqueId(index);
  if (uniqueId == MaxIndex)
    return false;

  // Unique ID of an atom that was removed:
  m_atomUniqueIds[uniqueId] = MaxIndex;

  // Before removing the atom we must first remove any bonds to it.
  Core::Array<BondType> atomBonds = Core::Molecule::bonds(atom(index));
  while (atomBonds.size()) {
    atomBonds = Core::Molecule::bonds(atom(index));

  Index newSize = static_cast<Index>(m_atomicNumbers.size() - 1);
  if (index != newSize) {
    // We need to move the last atom to this position, and update its unique ID.
    m_atomicNumbers[index] = m_atomicNumbers.back();
    if (m_positions2d.size() == m_atomicNumbers.size())
      m_positions2d[index] = m_positions2d.back();
    if (m_positions3d.size() == m_atomicNumbers.size())
      m_positions3d[index] = m_positions3d.back();

    // Find any bonds to the moved atom and update their index.
    atomBonds = Core::Molecule::bonds(atom(newSize));
    foreach (const BondType& currentBond, atomBonds) {
      std::pair<Index, Index> pair = m_bondPairs[currentBond.index()];
      if (pair.first == newSize)
        pair.first = index;
      else if (pair.second == newSize)
        pair.second = index;
      m_bondPairs[currentBond.index()] = pair;
Example #5
Molecule::AtomType Molecule::addAtom(unsigned char number)
  AtomType a = Core::Molecule::addAtom(number);
  return a;
Example #6
// --- Properties ---------------------------------------------------------- //
/// Returns the number of atoms in the moiety.
int Moiety::size() const
    return atomCount();