Example #1
 * \b atomSemPut
 * Perform a put operation on a semaphore.
 * This increments the current count value for the semaphore and returns.
 * If the count value was previously zero and there are threads blocking on the
 * semaphore, the call will wake up the highest priority thread suspended. Only
 * one thread is woken per call to atomSemPut(). If multiple threads of the
 * same priority are suspended, they are woken in order of suspension (FIFO).
 * This function can be called from interrupt context.
 * @param[in] sem Pointer to semaphore object
 * @retval ATOM_OK Success
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_OVF The semaphore count would have overflowed (>255)
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_PARAM Bad parameter
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_QUEUE Problem putting a woken thread on the ready queue
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_TIMER Problem cancelling a timeout for a woken thread
uint8_t atomSemPut (ATOM_SEM * sem)
    uint8_t status;
    ATOM_TCB *tcb_ptr;

    /* Check parameters */
    if (sem == NULL)
        /* Bad semaphore pointer */
        status = ATOM_ERR_PARAM;
        /* Protect access to the semaphore object and OS queues */
        CRITICAL_START ();

        /* If any threads are blocking on the semaphore, wake up one */
        if (sem->suspQ)
             * Threads are woken up in priority order, with a FIFO system
             * used on same priority threads. We always take the head,
             * ordering is taken care of by an ordered list enqueue.
            tcb_ptr = tcbDequeueHead (&sem->suspQ);
            if (tcbEnqueuePriority (&tcbReadyQ, tcb_ptr) != ATOM_OK)
                /* Exit critical region */
                CRITICAL_END ();

                /* There was a problem putting the thread on the ready queue */
                status = ATOM_ERR_QUEUE;
                /* Set OK status to be returned to the waiting thread */
                tcb_ptr->suspend_wake_status = ATOM_OK;

                /* If there's a timeout on this suspension, cancel it */
                if ((tcb_ptr->suspend_timo_cb != NULL)
                    && (atomTimerCancel (tcb_ptr->suspend_timo_cb) != ATOM_OK))
                    /* There was a problem cancelling a timeout on this semaphore */
                    status = ATOM_ERR_TIMER;
                    /* Flag as no timeout registered */
                    tcb_ptr->suspend_timo_cb = NULL;

                    /* Successful */
                    status = ATOM_OK;

                /* Exit critical region */
                CRITICAL_END ();

                 * The scheduler may now make a policy decision to thread
                 * switch if we are currently in thread context. If we are
                 * in interrupt context it will be handled by atomIntExit().
                if (atomCurrentContext())
                    atomSched (FALSE);

        /* If no threads waiting, just increment the count and return */
            /* Check for count overflow */
            if (sem->count == 255)
                /* Don't increment, just return error status */
                status = ATOM_ERR_OVF;
                /* Increment the count and return success */
                status = ATOM_OK;

            /* Exit critical region */
            CRITICAL_END ();

    return (status);
Example #2
 * \b test_start
 * Start timer test.
 * This test exercises the atomTimerCancel() API, particularly its
 * behaviour when there are several timers registered. Four timers
 * are registered, two of which are cancelled, and the test confirms
 * that only the two which are not cancelled are called back.
 * @retval Number of failures
uint32_t test_start (void)
    int failures;
    int i;

    /* Default to zero failures */
    failures = 0;

    /* Clear down the ran flag for all four timers */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        callback_ran_flag[i] = FALSE;

     * Fill out four timer request structures. Callbacks are
     * requested starting in one second, with the others
     * at 1 tick intervals thereafter.
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         * testCallback() is passed a pointer to the flag it
         * should set to notify that it has run.
        timer_cb[i].cb_ticks = SYSTEM_TICKS_PER_SEC + i;
        timer_cb[i].cb_func = testCallback;
        timer_cb[i].cb_data = &callback_ran_flag[i];

    /* Register all four timers */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if (atomTimerRegister (&timer_cb[i]) != ATOM_OK)
            ATOMLOG (_STR("TimerReg\n"));

    /* Check timers were successfully created */
    if (failures == 0)
        /* Cancel two of the callbacks */
        if (atomTimerCancel (&timer_cb[1]) != ATOM_OK)
            ATOMLOG (_STR("Cancel1\n"));
        if (atomTimerCancel (&timer_cb[2]) != ATOM_OK)
            ATOMLOG (_STR("Cancel2\n"));

        /* Wait two seconds for callbacks to complete */
        if (atomTimerDelay(2 * SYSTEM_TICKS_PER_SEC) != ATOM_OK)
            ATOMLOG (_STR("Wait\n"));
             * We should now find that timer callbacks 0 and 3
             * have run, but 1 and 2 did not (due to cancellation).
            if ((callback_ran_flag[0] != TRUE) || (callback_ran_flag[3] != TRUE)
                    || (callback_ran_flag[1] != FALSE) || (callback_ran_flag[2] != FALSE))
                ATOMLOG (_STR("Cancellations\n"));

    /* Quit */
    return failures;

Example #3
 * \b atomSemDelete
 * Deletes a semaphore object.
 * Any threads currently suspended on the semaphore will be woken up with
 * return status ATOM_ERR_DELETED. If called at thread context then the
 * scheduler will be called during this function which may schedule in one
 * of the woken threads depending on relative priorities.
 * This function can be called from interrupt context, but loops internally
 * waking up all threads blocking on the semaphore, so the potential
 * execution cycles cannot be determined in advance.
 * @param[in] sem Pointer to semaphore object
 * @retval ATOM_OK Success
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_QUEUE Problem putting a woken thread on the ready queue
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_TIMER Problem cancelling a timeout on a woken thread
uint8_t atomSemDelete (ATOM_SEM *sem)
    uint8_t status;
    ATOM_TCB *tcb_ptr;
    uint8_t woken_threads = FALSE;

    /* Parameter check */
    if (sem == NULL)
        /* Bad semaphore pointer */
        status = ATOM_ERR_PARAM;
        /* Default to success status unless errors occur during wakeup */
        status = ATOM_OK;

        /* Wake up all suspended tasks */
        while (1)
            /* Enter critical region */
            CRITICAL_START ();

            /* Check if any threads are suspended */
            tcb_ptr = tcbDequeueHead (&sem->suspQ);

            /* A thread is suspended on the semaphore */
            if (tcb_ptr)
                /* Return error status to the waiting thread */
                tcb_ptr->suspend_wake_status = ATOM_ERR_DELETED;

                /* Put the thread on the ready queue */
                if (tcbEnqueuePriority (&tcbReadyQ, tcb_ptr) != ATOM_OK)
                    /* Exit critical region */
                    CRITICAL_END ();

                    /* Quit the loop, returning error */
                    status = ATOM_ERR_QUEUE;

                /* If there's a timeout on this suspension, cancel it */
                if (tcb_ptr->suspend_timo_cb)
                    /* Cancel the callback */
                    if (atomTimerCancel (tcb_ptr->suspend_timo_cb) != ATOM_OK)
                        /* Exit critical region */
                        CRITICAL_END ();

                        /* Quit the loop, returning error */
                        status = ATOM_ERR_TIMER;

                    /* Flag as no timeout registered */
                    tcb_ptr->suspend_timo_cb = NULL;


                /* Exit critical region */
                CRITICAL_END ();

                /* Request a reschedule */
                woken_threads = TRUE;

            /* No more suspended threads */
                /* Exit critical region and quit the loop */
                CRITICAL_END ();

        /* Call scheduler if any threads were woken up */
        if (woken_threads == TRUE)
             * Only call the scheduler if we are in thread context, otherwise
             * it will be called on exiting the ISR by atomIntExit().
            if (atomCurrentContext())
                atomSched (FALSE);

    return (status);
Example #4
 * \b atomMutexPut
 * Give back the lock on a mutex.
 * This checks that the mutex is owned by the calling thread, and decrements
 * the recursive lock count. Once the lock count reaches zero, the lock is
 * considered relinquished and no longer owned by this thread.
 * If the lock is relinquished and there are threads blocking on the mutex, the
 * call will wake up the highest priority thread suspended. Only one thread is
 * woken per call to atomMutexPut(). If multiple threads of the same priority
 * are suspended, they are woken in order of suspension (FIFO).
 * This function can only be called from thread context. A mutex has the
 * concept of an owner thread, so it is never valid to make a mutex call
 * from interrupt context when there is no thread to associate with.
 * @param[in] mutex Pointer to mutex object
 * @retval ATOM_OK Success
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_PARAM Bad parameter
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_QUEUE Problem putting a woken thread on the ready queue
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_TIMER Problem cancelling a timeout for a woken thread
 * @retval ATOM_ERR_OWNERSHIP Attempt to unlock mutex not owned by this thread
uint8_t atomMutexPut (ATOM_MUTEX * mutex){
    uint8_t status;
    ATOM_TCB *tcb_ptr, *curr_tcb_ptr;

    /* Check parameters */
    if (mutex == NULL)
        /* Bad mutex pointer */
        status = ATOM_ERR_PARAM;
        /* Get the current TCB */
        curr_tcb_ptr = atomCurrentContext();

        /* Protect access to the mutex object and OS queues */
        CRITICAL_START ();

        /* Check if the calling thread owns this mutex */
        if (mutex->owner != curr_tcb_ptr)
            /* Exit critical region */
            CRITICAL_END ();

            /* Attempt to unlock by non-owning thread */
            status = ATOM_ERR_OWNERSHIP;
            /* Lock is owned by this thread, decrement the recursive lock count */

            /* Once recursive lock count reaches zero, we relinquish ownership */
            if (mutex->count == 0)
                /* Relinquish ownership */
                mutex->owner = NULL;

                /* If any threads are blocking on this mutex, wake them now */
                if (mutex->suspQ)
                     * Threads are woken up in priority order, with a FIFO system
                     * used on same priority threads. We always take the head,
                     * ordering is taken care of by an ordered list enqueue.
                    tcb_ptr = tcbDequeueHead (&mutex->suspQ);
                    if (tcbEnqueuePriority (&tcbReadyQ, tcb_ptr) != ATOM_OK)
                        /* Exit critical region */
                        CRITICAL_END ();

                        /* There was a problem putting the thread on the ready queue */
                        status = ATOM_ERR_QUEUE;
                        /* Set OK status to be returned to the waiting thread */
                        tcb_ptr->suspend_wake_status = ATOM_OK;

                        /* Set this thread as the new owner of the mutex */
                        mutex->owner = tcb_ptr;

                        /* If there's a timeout on this suspension, cancel it */
                        if ((tcb_ptr->suspend_timo_cb != NULL)
                            && (atomTimerCancel (tcb_ptr->suspend_timo_cb) != ATOM_OK))
                            /* There was a problem cancelling a timeout on this mutex */
                            status = ATOM_ERR_TIMER;
                            /* Flag as no timeout registered */
                            tcb_ptr->suspend_timo_cb = NULL;

                            /* Successful */
                            status = ATOM_OK;

                        /* Exit critical region */
                        CRITICAL_END ();

                         * The scheduler may now make a policy decision to
                         * thread switch. We already know we are in thread
                         * context so can call the scheduler from here.
                        atomSched (FALSE);
                     * Relinquished ownership and no threads waiting.
                     * Nothing to do.

                    /* Exit critical region */
                    CRITICAL_END ();

                    /* Successful */
                    status = ATOM_OK;
                 * Decremented lock but still retain ownership due to
                 * recursion. Nothing to do.

                /* Exit critical region */
                CRITICAL_END ();

                /* Successful */
                status = ATOM_OK;

    return (status);