ats_void_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_locrange (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1) { /* local vardec */ // ATSlocal_void (tmp49) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp50) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp51) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp52) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp53) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp54) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp55) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp56) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp57) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp58) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp59) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp60) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp61) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp62) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp63) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp64) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp65) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp66) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp67) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp68) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp69) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp70) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp71) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp72) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp73) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_locrange: tmp52 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_beg_ntot) ; tmp51 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp52, 1L) ; /* tmp50 = */ atspre_fprint_lint (arg0, tmp51) ; /* tmp53 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst("(line=")) ; tmp56 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_beg_nrow) ; tmp55 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp56, 1) ; /* tmp54 = */ atspre_fprint_int (arg0, tmp55) ; /* tmp57 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(", offs=")) ; tmp60 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_beg_ncol) ; tmp59 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp60, 1) ; /* tmp58 = */ atspre_fprint_int (arg0, tmp59) ; /* tmp61 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(")")) ; /* tmp62 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(" -- ")) ; tmp65 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_end_ntot) ; tmp64 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp65, 1L) ; /* tmp63 = */ atspre_fprint_lint (arg0, tmp64) ; /* tmp66 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst("(line=")) ; tmp69 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_end_nrow) ; tmp68 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp69, 1) ; /* tmp67 = */ atspre_fprint_int (arg0, tmp68) ; /* tmp70 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(", offs=")) ; tmp73 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_end_ncol) ; tmp72 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp73, 1) ; /* tmp71 = */ atspre_fprint_int (arg0, tmp72) ; /* tmp49 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(")")) ; return /* (tmp49) */ ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_locrange] */
ats_void_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_line_pragma (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1) { /* local vardec */ // ATSlocal_void (tmp137) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp138) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp139) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp140) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp141) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp142) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp143) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp144) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp145) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_line_pragma: tmp138 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_beg_nrow) ; tmp139 = atspre_gte_int_int (tmp138, 0) ; if (tmp139) { /* tmp140 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst("#line ")) ; tmp142 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp138, 1) ; /* tmp141 = */ atspre_fprint_int (arg0, tmp142) ; /* tmp143 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(" \"")) ; tmp145 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_filename) ; /* tmp144 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_filename_2esats__fprint_filename_full (arg0, tmp145) ; /* tmp137 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst("\"\n")) ; } else { /* empty */ } /* end of [if] */ return /* (tmp137) */ ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_line_pragma] */
ats_size_type loop_4 (ats_int_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1, ats_size_type arg2, ats_ref_type arg3) { /* local vardec */ ATSlocal (ats_size_type, tmp14) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp15) ; ATSlocal (ats_ssize_type, tmp16) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp17) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp18) ; ATSlocal (ats_size_type, tmp19) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp20) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp21) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp22) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp24) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp25) ; __ats_lab_loop_4: tmp15 = atspre_gt_size1_int1 (arg2, 0) ; if (tmp15) { tmp16 = atslib_fildes_read_err (arg0, arg1, arg2) ; tmp17 = atspre_gt_ssize1_int1 (tmp16, 0) ; if (tmp17) { tmp18 = atspre_padd_size (arg1, ats_castfn_mac(ats_size_type, tmp16)) ; tmp19 = atspre_sub_size1_size1 (arg2, ats_castfn_mac(ats_size_type, tmp16)) ; arg0 = arg0 ; arg1 = tmp18 ; arg2 = tmp19 ; arg3 = arg3 ; goto __ats_lab_loop_4 ; // tail call } else { tmp21 = atspre_lt_ssize1_int1 (tmp16, 0) ; if (tmp21) { tmp22 = atslib_errno_get () ; tmp20 = atslib_eq_errno_errno (tmp22, EINTR) ; } else { tmp20 = ats_false_bool ; } /* end of [if] */ if (tmp20) { arg0 = arg0 ; arg1 = arg1 ; arg2 = arg2 ; arg3 = arg3 ; goto __ats_lab_loop_4 ; // tail call } else { tmp24 = atspre_lt_ssize1_int1 (tmp16, 0) ; if (tmp24) { tmp25 = atspre_add_int_int (ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg3), 1) ; ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg3) = tmp25 ; } else { /* empty */ } /* end of [if] */ tmp14 = arg2 ; } /* end of [if] */ } /* end of [if] */ } else { tmp14 = atspre_size1_of_int1 (0) ; } /* end of [if] */ return (tmp14) ; } /* end of [loop_4] */
ats_int_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__precedence_inc (ats_int_type arg0, ats_int_type arg1) { /* local vardec */ ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp12) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp13) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__precedence_inc: tmp13 = atspre_add_int_int (arg0, arg1) ; tmp12 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__prec_make_int (tmp13) ; return (tmp12) ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__precedence_inc] */
ats_void_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_position (ats_ptr_type arg0, pats_position_struct arg1) { /* local vardec */ // ATSlocal_void (tmp1) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp2) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp3) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp4) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp5) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp6) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp7) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_position: tmp2 = ats_select_mac(arg1, ntot) ; tmp3 = ats_select_mac(arg1, nrow) ; tmp4 = ats_select_mac(arg1, ncol) ; tmp5 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp2, 1L) ; tmp6 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp3, 1) ; tmp7 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp4, 1) ; /* tmp1 = */ atspre_fprintf_exn (arg0, ATSstrcst("%li(line=%i, offs=%i)"), tmp5, tmp6, tmp7) ; return /* (tmp1) */ ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_position] */
ats_size_type loop_7 (ats_int_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1, ats_size_type arg2, ats_ref_type arg3) { /* local vardec */ ATSlocal (ats_size_type, tmp35) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp36) ; ATSlocal (ats_ssize_type, tmp37) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp38) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp39) ; ATSlocal (ats_size_type, tmp40) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp41) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp42) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp43) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp44) ; __ats_lab_loop_7: tmp36 = atspre_gt_size1_int1 (arg2, 0) ; if (tmp36) { tmp37 = atslib_fildes_write_err (arg0, arg1, arg2) ; tmp38 = atspre_gt_ssize1_int1 (tmp37, 0) ; if (tmp38) { tmp39 = atspre_padd_size (arg1, ats_castfn_mac(ats_size_type, tmp37)) ; tmp40 = atspre_sub_size1_size1 (arg2, ats_castfn_mac(ats_size_type, tmp37)) ; arg0 = arg0 ; arg1 = tmp39 ; arg2 = tmp40 ; arg3 = arg3 ; goto __ats_lab_loop_7 ; // tail call } else { tmp42 = atspre_lt_ssize1_int1 (tmp37, 0) ; if (tmp42) { tmp43 = atslib_errno_get () ; tmp41 = atslib_eq_errno_errno (tmp43, EINTR) ; } else { tmp41 = ats_true_bool ; } /* end of [if] */ if (tmp41) { arg0 = arg0 ; arg1 = arg1 ; arg2 = arg2 ; arg3 = arg3 ; goto __ats_lab_loop_7 ; // tail call } else { tmp44 = atspre_add_int_int (ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg3), 1) ; ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg3) = tmp44 ; tmp35 = arg2 ; } /* end of [if] */ } /* end of [if] */ } else { tmp35 = atspre_size1_of_int1 (0) ; } /* end of [if] */ return (tmp35) ; } /* end of [loop_7] */
ats_void_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_counter_2esats__counter_inc (ats_ptr_type arg0) { /* local vardec */ // ATSlocal_void (tmp17) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp18) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp19) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_counter_2esats__counter_inc: tmp19 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg0) ; tmp18 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp19, 1) ; ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg0) = tmp18 ; return /* (tmp17) */ ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_counter_2esats__counter_inc] */
ats_int_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_counter_2esats__counter_incget (ats_ptr_type arg0) { /* local vardec */ ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp26) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp27) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp28) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_counter_2esats__counter_incget: tmp28 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg0) ; tmp27 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp28, 1) ; ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg0) = tmp27 ; tmp26 = tmp27 ; return (tmp26) ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_counter_2esats__counter_incget] */
ats_int_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_counter_2esats__counter_getinc (ats_ptr_type arg0) { /* local vardec */ ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp23) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp24) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp25) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_counter_2esats__counter_getinc: tmp24 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg0) ; tmp25 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp24, 1) ; ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg0) = tmp25 ; tmp23 = tmp24 ; return (tmp23) ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_counter_2esats__counter_getinc] */
ats_void_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_char (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_int_type arg1) { /* local vardec */ // ATSlocal_void (tmp16) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp17) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp18) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp19) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp20) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp21) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp22) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp23) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp24) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp25) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_char: tmp17 = atspre_gte_int_int (arg1, 0) ; if (tmp17) { tmp19 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) ; tmp18 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp19, 1L) ; ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) = tmp18 ; tmp21 = atspre_int_of_char ('\n') ; tmp20 = atspre_eq_int_int (arg1, tmp21) ; if (tmp20) { tmp23 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), nrow) ; tmp22 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp23, 1) ; ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), nrow) = tmp22 ; ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) = 0 ; } else { tmp25 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) ; tmp24 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp25, 1) ; ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) = tmp24 ; } /* end of [if] */ } else { /* empty */ } /* end of [if] */ return /* (tmp16) */ ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_char] */
ats_void_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_count (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_uint_type arg1) { /* local vardec */ // ATSlocal_void (tmp32) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp33) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp34) ; ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp35) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp36) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp37) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_count: tmp34 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) ; tmp35 = atspre_lint_of_uint (arg1) ; tmp33 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp34, tmp35) ; ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) = tmp33 ; tmp37 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) ; tmp36 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp37, ats_castfn_mac(ats_int_type, arg1)) ; ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) = tmp36 ; return /* (tmp32) */ ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_count] */
ats_void_type aux_31 (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1, ats_int_type arg2) { /* local vardec */ // ATSlocal_void (tmp91) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp92) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp93) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp94) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp95) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp96) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp97) ; __ats_lab_aux_31: do { /* branch: __ats_lab_8 */ __ats_lab_8_0: if (arg1 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_9_0 ; } __ats_lab_8_1: tmp92 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, arg1, atslab_0) ; tmp93 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, arg1, atslab_1) ; tmp95 = atspre_gt_int_int (arg2, 0) ; if (tmp95) { /* tmp94 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(", ")) ; } else { /* empty */ } /* end of [if] */ /* tmp96 = */ _2opt_2ats_2d0_2e2_2e9_2src_2ats_staexp2_2esats__fprint_d2con (arg0, tmp92) ; tmp97 = atspre_add_int_int (arg2, 1) ; arg0 = arg0 ; arg1 = tmp93 ; arg2 = tmp97 ; goto __ats_lab_aux_31 ; // tail call break ; /* branch: __ats_lab_9 */ __ats_lab_9_0: // if (arg1 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; } __ats_lab_9_1: break ; } while (0) ; return /* (tmp91) */ ; } /* end of [aux_31] */
ats_void_type aux_2 (ats_ptr_type env0, ats_ptr_type env1, ats_ptr_type env2, ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_int_type arg1) { /* local vardec */ // ATSlocal_void (tmp21) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp22) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp23) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp24) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp25) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp26) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp27) ; __ats_lab_aux_2: do { /* branch: __ats_lab_4 */ __ats_lab_4_0: if (arg0 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_5_0 ; } __ats_lab_4_1: break ; /* branch: __ats_lab_5 */ __ats_lab_5_0: // if (arg0 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; } __ats_lab_5_1: tmp22 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_4, arg0, atslab_0) ; tmp23 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_4, arg0, atslab_1) ; tmp25 = atspre_gt_int_int (arg1, 0) ; if (tmp25) { /* tmp24 = */ atspre_fprint_string (env0, env1) ; } else { /* empty */ } /* end of [if] */ /* tmp26 = */ ((ats_void_type(*)(ats_ptr_type, ats_ptr_type))env2) (env0, tmp22) ; tmp27 = atspre_add_int_int (arg1, 1) ; arg0 = tmp23 ; arg1 = tmp27 ; goto __ats_lab_aux_2 ; // tail call break ; } while (0) ; return /* (tmp21) */ ; } /* end of [aux_2] */
ats_int_type aux2_2 (ats_int_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1) { /* local vardec */ ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp7) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp8) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp9) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp10) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp11) ; __ats_lab_aux2_2: do { /* branch: __ats_lab_2 */ __ats_lab_2_0: if (arg1 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_3_0 ; } __ats_lab_2_1: tmp8 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, arg1, atslab_0) ; tmp9 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, arg1, atslab_1) ; tmp10 = _2opt_2ats_2d0_2e2_2e9_2src_2ats_staexp2_2esats__s2exp_is_proof (tmp8) ; if (tmp10) { arg0 = arg0 ; arg1 = tmp9 ; goto __ats_lab_aux2_2 ; // tail call } else { tmp11 = atspre_add_int_int (arg0, 1) ; arg0 = tmp11 ; arg1 = tmp9 ; goto __ats_lab_aux2_2 ; // tail call } /* end of [if] */ break ; /* branch: __ats_lab_3 */ __ats_lab_3_0: // if (arg1 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; } __ats_lab_3_1: tmp7 = arg0 ; break ; } while (0) ; return (tmp7) ; } /* end of [aux2_2] */
ats_ptr_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__parse_from_tokbuf_toplevel (ats_int_type arg0, ats_ref_type arg1) { /* local vardec */ ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp8) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp9) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp10) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp11) ; ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp12) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp13) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp14) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp15) ; // ATSlocal_void (tmp16) ; ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp17) ; ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp18) ; __ats_lab__2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__parse_from_tokbuf_toplevel: /* ats_int_type tmp9 ; */ tmp9 = 0 ; /* tmp10 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_lexing_2esats__the_lexerrlst_clear () ; /* tmp11 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__the_parerrlst_clear () ; tmp13 = atspre_eq_int_int (arg0, 0) ; if (tmp13) { tmp12 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__p_toplevel_sta (arg1, (&tmp9)) ; } else { tmp12 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__p_toplevel_dyn (arg1, (&tmp9)) ; } /* end of [if] */ tmp14 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_lexing_2esats__fprint_the_lexerrlst (stderr) ; tmp15 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__fprint_the_parerrlst (stderr) ; tmp18 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp14, tmp15) ; tmp17 = atspre_gt_int_int (tmp18, 0) ; if (tmp17) { /* tmp16 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_error_2esats__abort () ; } else { /* empty */ } /* end of [if] */ tmp8 = tmp12 ; return (tmp8) ; } /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__parse_from_tokbuf_toplevel] */
ats_void_type _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_prec_2edats__dynload () { _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_prec_2edats__dynload_flag = 1 ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_prec_2edats__staload () ; #ifdef _ATS_PROOFCHECK #endif /* _ATS_PROOFCHECK */ /* marking static variables for GC */ ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&statmp1, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&statmp2, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&statmp3, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&statmp4, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&statmp5, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&statmp6, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&statmp7, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; /* marking external values for GC */ /* code for dynamic loading */ ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__neginf_prec, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__neginf_prec = -1000000 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__posinf_prec, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__posinf_prec = 1000000 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__app_prec, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__app_prec = 70 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__select_prec, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__select_prec = 80 ; statmp1 = atspre_add_int_int (_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__app_prec, 1) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__backslash_prec, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__backslash_prec = statmp1 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__infixtemp_prec, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__infixtemp_prec = 0 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__exi_prec_sta, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__exi_prec_sta = 0 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__uni_prec_sta, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__uni_prec_sta = 0 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__delay_prec_dyn, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__delay_prec_dyn = 0 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__exist_prec_dyn, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__exist_prec_dyn = 0 ; statmp2 = atspre_sub_int_int (_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__select_prec, 1) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__ptrof_prec_dyn, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__ptrof_prec_dyn = statmp2 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__addrat_prec_dyn, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__addrat_prec_dyn = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__ptrof_prec_dyn ; statmp3 = atspre_sub_int_int (_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__app_prec, 1) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__foldat_prec_dyn, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__foldat_prec_dyn = statmp3 ; statmp4 = atspre_sub_int_int (_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__app_prec, 1) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__freeat_prec_dyn, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__freeat_prec_dyn = statmp4 ; statmp5 = atspre_sub_int_int (_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__app_prec, 1) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__viewat_prec_dyn, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__viewat_prec_dyn = statmp5 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__invar_prec_sta, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__invar_prec_sta = 1 ; statmp6 = atspre_sub_int_int (_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__app_prec, 1) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__qmark_prec_sta, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__qmark_prec_sta = statmp6 ; statmp7 = atspre_sub_int_int (_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__app_prec, 1) ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__qmarkbang_prec_sta, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__qmarkbang_prec_sta = statmp7 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__trans_prec_sta, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__trans_prec_sta = 0 ; ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__deref_prec_dyn, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ; _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_fixity_2esats__deref_prec_dyn = 100 ; return ; } /* end of [dynload function] */