struct log * log_new(struct attr **attrs) { struct log *ret=g_new0(struct log, 1); struct attr *data,*overwrite,*flush_size,*flush_time; dbg(1,"enter\n"); data=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_data); if (! data) return NULL; ret->filename=g_strdup(data->u.str); overwrite=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_overwrite); if (overwrite) ret->overwrite=overwrite->u.num; flush_size=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_flush_size); if (flush_size) ret->flush_size=flush_size->u.num; flush_time=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_flush_time); if (flush_time) ret->flush_time=flush_time->u.num; if (ret->flush_time) { dbg(0,"interval %d\n", ret->flush_time*1000); ret->timer=g_timeout_add(ret->flush_time*1000, log_timer, ret); } expand_filenames(ret); log_open(ret); gettimeofday(&ret->last_flush, NULL); return ret; }
static struct map_priv * map_new_textfile(struct map_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs) { struct map_priv *m; struct attr *data=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_data); struct attr *charset=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_charset); struct file_wordexp *wexp; int len,is_pipe=0; char *wdata; char **wexp_data; if (! data) return NULL; dbg(1,"map_new_textfile %s\n", data->u.str); wdata=g_strdup_printf(data->u.str); len=strlen(wdata); if (len && wdata[len-1] == '|') { wdata[len-1]='\0'; is_pipe=1; } wexp=file_wordexp_new(wdata); wexp_data=file_wordexp_get_array(wexp); *meth=map_methods_textfile; m=g_new0(struct map_priv, 1); m->id=++map_id; m->filename=g_strdup(wexp_data[0]); m->is_pipe=is_pipe; dbg(1,"map_new_textfile %s %s\n", m->filename, wdata); if (charset) { m->charset=g_strdup(charset->u.str); meth->charset=m->charset; } file_wordexp_destroy(wexp); return m; }
static struct map_priv * map_new_binfile(struct map_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs) { struct map_priv *m; struct attr *data=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_data); struct attr *check_version; struct file_wordexp *wexp; char **wexp_data; if (! data) return NULL; wexp=file_wordexp_new(data->u.str); wexp_data=file_wordexp_get_array(wexp); dbg(1,"map_new_binfile %s\n", data->u.str); *meth=map_methods_binfile; m=g_new0(struct map_priv, 1); m->id=++map_id; m->filename=g_strdup(wexp_data[0]); file_wordexp_destroy(wexp); check_version=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_check_version); if (check_version) m->check_version=check_version->u.num; if (!map_binfile_open(m)) { map_binfile_destroy(m); m=NULL; } return m; }
struct cursor * cursor_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct attr *w, *h, *name, *interval, *sequence_range; w=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_w); h=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_h); if (! w || ! h) return NULL; struct cursor *this=g_new0(struct cursor,1); this->w=w->u.num; this->h=h->u.num; name=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_name); if (name) this->name=g_strdup(name->u.str); else this->name=g_strdup("default"); interval=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_interval); if (interval) this->interval=interval->u.num; sequence_range=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_sequence_range); if (sequence_range) { struct range *r=g_new0(struct range,1); r->min=sequence_range->u.range.min; r->max=sequence_range->u.range.max; this->sequence_range=r; } else { this->sequence_range=NULL;
static struct vehicle_priv * vehicle_demo_new(struct vehicle_methods *meth, struct callback_list *cbl, struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicle_priv *ret; struct attr *interval,*speed,*position_coord_geo; dbg(1, "enter\n"); ret = g_new0(struct vehicle_priv, 1); ret->cbl = cbl; ret->interval=1000; ret->config_speed=40; if ((speed=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_speed))) { ret->config_speed=speed->u.num; } if ((interval=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_interval))) ret->interval=interval->u.num; if ((position_coord_geo=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_position_coord_geo))) { ret->geo=*(position_coord_geo->u.coord_geo); ret->position_set=1; dbg(0,"position_set %f %f\n", ret->, ret->geo.lng); } *meth = vehicle_demo_methods; ret->timer_callback=callback_new_1(callback_cast(vehicle_demo_timer), ret); ret->timer=event_add_timeout(ret->interval, 1, ret->timer_callback); return ret; }
struct maps * maps_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct attr *data,**attrs_dup; if (!parent) { dbg(lvl_error,"No parent\n"); return NULL; } if (parent->type != attr_mapset) { dbg(lvl_error,"Parent must be mapset\n"); return NULL; } dbg(lvl_debug,"enter\n"); attrs_dup=attr_list_dup(attrs); data=attr_search(attrs_dup, NULL, attr_data); if (data) { struct file_wordexp *wexp=file_wordexp_new(data->u.str); int i,count=file_wordexp_get_count(wexp); char **array=file_wordexp_get_array(wexp); struct attr *name; struct attr *name_provided = attr_search(attrs_dup, NULL, attr_name); // if no name was provided, fill the name with the location if (!name_provided) { struct attr name_tmp; name_tmp.type = attr_name; name_tmp.u.str="NULL"; attrs_dup=attr_generic_add_attr(attrs_dup, &name_tmp); name = attr_search(attrs_dup, NULL, attr_name); } for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { struct attr map; g_free(data->u.str); data->u.str=g_strdup(array[i]); if (!name_provided) { g_free(name->u.str); name->u.str=g_strdup(array[i]); } map.type=attr_map;, attrs_dup); if ( { mapset_add_attr(parent->u.mapset, &map); navit_object_unref(map.u.navit_object); } } file_wordexp_destroy(wexp); } else { dbg(lvl_error,"no data attribute\n"); } attr_list_free(attrs_dup); return NULL; }
struct coord * coord_new_from_attrs(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct attr *x,*y; x=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_x); y=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_y); if (!x || !y) return NULL; return coord_new(x->u.num, y->u.num); }
static int vehicle_add_log(struct vehicle *this_, struct log *log, struct attr **attrs) { struct attr *type; struct callback *cb; type = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_type); if (!type) return 1; if (!strcmp(type->u.str, "nmea")) { cb=callback_new_2(callback_cast(vehicle_log_nmea), this_, log); } else if (!strcmp(type->u.str, "gpx")) { char *header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<gpx version=\"1.0\" creator=\"Navit\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n<trk>\n<trkseg>\n"; char *trailer = "</trkseg>\n</trk>\n</gpx>\n"; log_set_header(log, header, strlen(header)); log_set_trailer(log, trailer, strlen(trailer)); cb=callback_new_2(callback_cast(vehicle_log_gpx), this_, log); } else if (!strcmp(type->u.str, "textfile")) { char *header = "type=track\n"; log_set_header(log, header, strlen(header)); cb=callback_new_2(callback_cast(vehicle_log_textfile), this_, log); } else return 1; callback_list_add(this_->cbl, cb); return 0; }
struct layout * layout_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct layout *l; struct color def_color = {COLOR_BACKGROUND_}; struct attr *name_attr,*color_attr,*order_delta_attr,*font_attr,*day_attr,*night_attr,*active_attr; if (! (name_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_name))) return NULL; l = g_new0(struct layout, 1); l->func=&layout_func; navit_object_ref((struct navit_object *)l); l->name = g_strdup(name_attr->u.str); if ((font_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_font))) { l->font = g_strdup(font_attr->u.str); } if ((day_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_daylayout))) { l->dayname = g_strdup(day_attr->u.str); } if ((night_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_nightlayout))) { l->nightname = g_strdup(night_attr->u.str); } if ((color_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_color))) l->color = *color_attr->u.color; else l->color = def_color; if ((order_delta_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_order_delta))) l->order_delta=order_delta_attr->u.num; if ((active_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_active))) l->active = active_attr->u.num; l->navit=parent->u.navit; return l; }
struct debug * debug_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct attr *name, *level; name = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_name); level = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_level); #ifdef HAVE_SOCKET if (!name && !level) { struct attr *socket_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_socket); char *p,*s; if (!socket_attr) return NULL; s=g_strdup(socket_attr->u.str); p=strchr(s,':'); if (!p) { g_free(s); return NULL; } *p++='\0'; debug_sin.sin_family=AF_INET; if (!inet_aton(s, &debug_sin.sin_addr)) { g_free(s); return NULL; } debug_sin.sin_port=ntohs(atoi(p)); if (debug_socket == -1) debug_socket=socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); g_free(s); return (struct debug *)&dummy; } #endif if (!name || !level) return NULL; debug_level_set(name->u.str, level->u.num); return (struct debug *) &dummy; }
static int file_request_do(struct file *file, struct attr **options, int connect) { struct attr *attr; char *name; if (!options) return 0; attr=attr_search(options, NULL, attr_url); if (!attr) return 0; name=attr->u.str; if (!name) return 0; g_free(file->name); file->name = g_strdup(name); if (!strncmp(name,"http://",7)) { char *host=g_strdup(name+7); char *port=strchr(host,':'); char *path=strchr(name+7,'/'); char *method="GET"; char *header=NULL; int persistent=0; if ((attr=attr_search(options, NULL, attr_http_method)) && attr->u.str) method=attr->u.str; if ((attr=attr_search(options, NULL, attr_http_header)) && attr->u.str) header=attr->u.str; if ((attr=attr_search(options, NULL, attr_persistent))) persistent=attr->u.num; if (path) host[path-name-7]='\0'; if (port) *port++='\0'; dbg(1,"host=%s path=%s\n",host,path); if (connect) file->fd=file_socket_connect(host,port?port:"80"); file_http_request(file,method,host,path,header,persistent); file->special=1; g_free(host); } return 1; }
static struct map_priv * map_new_textfile(struct map_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs, struct callback_list *cbl) { struct map_priv *m; struct attr *data=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_data); struct attr *charset=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_charset); struct attr *flags=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_flags); struct attr *no_warn=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_no_warning_if_map_file_missing); struct file_wordexp *wexp; int len,is_pipe=0; char *wdata; char **wexp_data; if (! data) return NULL; dbg(lvl_debug,"map_new_textfile %s\n", data->u.str); wdata=g_strdup(data->u.str); len=strlen(wdata); if (len && wdata[len-1] == '|') { wdata[len-1]='\0'; is_pipe=1; } wexp=file_wordexp_new(wdata); wexp_data=file_wordexp_get_array(wexp); *meth=map_methods_textfile; m=g_new0(struct map_priv, 1); m->id=++map_id; m->filename=g_strdup(wexp_data[0]); m->is_pipe=is_pipe; m->no_warning_if_map_file_missing=(no_warn!=NULL) && (no_warn->u.num); if (flags) m->flags=flags->u.num; dbg(lvl_debug,"map_new_textfile %s %s\n", m->filename, wdata); if (charset) { m->charset=g_strdup(charset->u.str); meth->charset=m->charset; } file_wordexp_destroy(wexp); g_free(wdata); return m; }
static void script_run(struct script *scr) { struct attr *xml_text=attr_search(scr->attrs, NULL, attr_xml_text); int error; if (!xml_text || !xml_text->u.str) { dbg(lvl_error,"no text\n"); return; } dbg(lvl_debug,"running '%s'\n",xml_text->u.str); command_evaluate_to_void(&scr->parent, xml_text->u.str, &error); }
struct layout * layout_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct layout *l; struct color def_color = {0xffff, 0xefef, 0xb7b7, 0xffff}; struct attr *name_attr,*color_attr,*order_delta_attr,*font_attr,*day_attr,*night_attr; if (! (name_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_name))) return NULL; l = g_new0(struct layout, 1); l->name = g_strdup(name_attr->u.str); if ((font_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_font))) { l->font = g_strdup(font_attr->u.str); } if ((day_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_daylayout))) { l->dayname = g_strdup(day_attr->u.str); } if ((night_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_nightlayout))) { l->nightname = g_strdup(night_attr->u.str); } if ((color_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_color))) l->color = *color_attr->u.color; else l->color = def_color; if ((order_delta_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_order_delta))) l->order_delta=order_delta_attr->u.num; return l; }
struct file * file_create(char *name, struct attr **options) { struct stat stat; struct file *file= g_new0(struct file,1); struct attr *attr; int open_flags=O_LARGEFILE|O_BINARY; if (options && (attr=attr_search(options, NULL, attr_url))) { #ifdef HAVE_SOCKET file_request_do(file, options, 1); #endif } else { if (options && (attr=attr_search(options, NULL, attr_readwrite)) && attr->u.num) { open_flags |= O_RDWR; if ((attr=attr_search(options, NULL, attr_create)) && attr->u.num) open_flags |= O_CREAT; } else open_flags |= O_RDONLY; file->name = g_strdup(name); file->fd=open(name, open_flags, 0666); if (file->fd == -1) { g_free(file); return NULL; } dbg(1,"fd=%d\n", file->fd); file->size=lseek(file->fd, 0, SEEK_END); dbg(1,"size="LONGLONG_FMT"\n", file->size); file->name_id = (long)atom(name); } #ifdef CACHE_SIZE if (!options || !(attr=attr_search(options, NULL, attr_cache)) || attr->u.num) file->cache=1; #endif dbg_assert(file != NULL); return file; }
struct vehicleprofile * vehicleprofile_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicleprofile *this_; struct attr **attr, *type_attr; if (! (type_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_name))) { return NULL; } this_=g_new0(struct vehicleprofile, 1); this_->attrs=attr_list_dup(attrs); this_->roadprofile_hash=g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL); for (attr=attrs;*attr; attr++) vehicleprofile_set_attr_do(this_, *attr); return this_; }
struct log * log_new(struct attr * parent,struct attr **attrs) { struct log *ret=g_new0(struct log, 1); struct attr *data,*overwrite,*lazy,*mkdir,*flush_size,*flush_time; struct file_wordexp *wexp; char *filename, **wexp_data; dbg(1,"enter\n"); ret->func=&log_func; navit_object_ref((struct navit_object *)ret); data=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_data); if (! data) return NULL; filename=data->u.str; wexp=file_wordexp_new(filename); if (wexp && file_wordexp_get_count(wexp) > 0) { wexp_data=file_wordexp_get_array(wexp); filename=wexp_data[0]; } if (filename) ret->filename=g_strdup(filename); if (wexp) file_wordexp_destroy(wexp); overwrite=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_overwrite); if (overwrite) ret->overwrite=overwrite->u.num; lazy=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_lazy); if (lazy) ret->lazy=lazy->u.num; mkdir=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_mkdir); if (mkdir) ret->mkdir=mkdir->u.num; flush_size=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_flush_size); if (flush_size) ret->flush_size=flush_size->u.num; flush_time=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_flush_time); if (flush_time) ret->flush_time=flush_time->u.num; if (ret->flush_time) { dbg(1,"interval %d\n", ret->flush_time*1000); ret->timer_callback=callback_new_1(callback_cast(log_timer), ret); ret->timer=event_add_timeout(ret->flush_time*1000, 1, ret->timer_callback); } expand_filenames(ret); if (ret->lazy) log_set_last_flush(ret); else log_open(ret); ret->attrs=attr_list_dup(attrs); return ret; }
/** * Creates a new graphics object * attr type required * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct graphics * graphics_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct graphics *this_; struct attr *type_attr; struct graphics_priv * (*graphicstype_new)(struct navit *nav, struct graphics_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs, struct callback_list *cbl); if (! (type_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_type))) { return NULL; } graphicstype_new=plugin_get_graphics_type(type_attr->u.str); if (! graphicstype_new) return NULL; this_=g_new0(struct graphics, 1); this_->cbl=callback_list_new(); this_->priv=(*graphicstype_new)(parent->u.navit, &this_->meth, attrs, this_->cbl); this_->attrs=attr_list_dup(attrs); return this_; }
struct vehicle * vehicle_new(struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicle *this_; struct attr *source; struct vehicle_priv *(*vehicletype_new) (struct vehicle_methods * meth, struct callback_list * cbl, struct attr ** attrs); char *type, *colon; dbg(1, "enter\n"); source = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_source); if (!source) { dbg(0, "no source\n"); return NULL; } type = g_strdup(source->u.str); colon = index(type, ':'); if (colon) *colon = '\0'; dbg(1, "source='%s' type='%s'\n", source->u.str, type); vehicletype_new = plugin_get_vehicle_type(type); if (!vehicletype_new) { dbg(0, "invalid type\n"); return NULL; } this_ = g_new0(struct vehicle, 1); this_->cbl = callback_list_new(); this_->priv = vehicletype_new(&this_->meth, this_->cbl, attrs); if (!this_->priv) { dbg(0, "vehicletype_new failed\n"); callback_list_destroy(this_->cbl); g_free(this_); return NULL; } dbg(1, "leave\n"); return this_; }
static struct vehicle_priv * vehicle_gpsd_new_gpsd(struct vehicle_methods *meth, struct callback_list *cbl, struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicle_priv *ret; struct attr *source; ENTER(); source = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_source); ret = g_new0(struct vehicle_priv, 1); ret->source = g_strdup(source->u.str); ret->cbl = cbl; *meth = vehicle_gpsd_methods; if (vehicle_gpsd_open(ret)) return ret; gpsd_start_reconnect(priv); vehicle_gpsd_destroy(ret); return NULL; }
struct vehicleprofile * vehicleprofile_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicleprofile *this_; struct attr **attr, *type_attr; if (! (type_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_name))) { return NULL; } this_=g_new0(struct vehicleprofile, 1); this_->attrs=attr_list_dup(attrs); this_->roadprofile_hash=g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL); this_->length=-1; this_->width=-1; this_->height=-1; this_->weight=-1; this_->axle_weight=-1; this_->through_traffic_penalty=9000; for (attr=attrs; *attr; attr++) vehicleprofile_set_attr_do(this_, *attr); return this_; }
/** @fn static struct vehicle_priv * vehicle_file_new_file( * struct vehicle_methods *meth, * struct callback_list *cbl, * struct attr **attrs) ***************************************************************************** * @b Description: Function called to initialize the plugin ***************************************************************************** * @param meth : ? * @param cbl : ? * @param attrs : ? ***************************************************************************** * @return pointer on the private data of the plugin ***************************************************************************** * @remarks private data is allocated by this function (g_new0) ***************************************************************************** **/ static struct vehicle_priv * vehicle_file_new_file(struct vehicle_methods *meth, struct callback_list *cbl, struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicle_priv *ret; struct attr *source; struct attr *time; struct attr *on_eof; struct attr *baudrate; struct attr *checksum_ignore; dbg(1, "enter\n"); source = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_source); if(source == NULL){ dbg(0,"Missing source attribute"); return NULL; } ret = g_new0(struct vehicle_priv, 1); // allocate and initialize to 0 ret->fd = -1; ret->cbl = cbl; ret->source = g_strdup(source->u.str); ret->buffer = g_malloc(buffer_size); ret->time=1000; ret->baudrate=B4800; time = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_time); if (time) ret->time=time->u.num; baudrate = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_baudrate); if (baudrate) { switch (baudrate->u.num) { case 4800: ret->baudrate=B4800; break; case 9600: ret->baudrate=B9600; break; case 19200: ret->baudrate=B19200; break; #ifdef B38400 case 38400: ret->baudrate=B38400; break; #endif #ifdef B57600 case 57600: ret->baudrate=B57600; break; #endif #ifdef B115200 case 115200: ret->baudrate=B115200; break; #endif } } checksum_ignore = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_checksum_ignore); if (checksum_ignore) ret->checksum_ignore=checksum_ignore->u.num; ret->attrs = attrs; on_eof = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_on_eof); if (on_eof && !strcasecmp(on_eof->u.str, "stop")) ret->on_eof=1; if (on_eof && !strcasecmp(on_eof->u.str, "exit")) ret->on_eof=2; dbg(0,"on_eof=%d\n", ret->on_eof); *meth = vehicle_file_methods; ret->cb=callback_new_1(callback_cast(vehicle_file_io), ret); ret->cbt=callback_new_1(callback_cast(vehicle_file_enable_watch_timer), ret); ret->sat_item.type=type_position_sat; ret->sat_item.id_hi=ret->sat_item.id_lo=0; ret->sat_item.priv_data=ret; ret->sat_item.meth=&vehicle_file_sat_methods; #ifdef _WIN32 ret->no_data_count = 0; #endif dbg(1, "vehicle_file_new_file:open\n"); if (!vehicle_file_open(ret)) { dbg(0, "Failed to open '%s'\n", ret->source); } vehicle_file_enable_watch(ret); // vehicle_file_destroy(ret); // return NULL; dbg(1, "leave\n"); return ret; }
static struct vehicle_priv * vehicle_wince_new(struct vehicle_methods *meth, struct callback_list *cbl, struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicle_priv *ret; struct attr *source; struct attr *time; struct attr *on_eof; struct attr *baudrate; struct attr *checksum_ignore; struct attr *handle_bluetooth; char *cp; dbg(1, "enter\n"); source = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_source); ret = g_new0(struct vehicle_priv, 1); ret->fd = -1; ret->cbl = cbl; ret->file_type = file_type_device; cp = strchr(source->u.str,':'); if (cp) { if ( strncmp(source->u.str, "file", 4) == 0 ) ret->file_type = file_type_file; cp++; } else cp = source->u.str; ret->source = g_strdup(cp); ret->buffer = g_malloc(buffer_size); ret->time=1000; ret->baudrate=0; // do not change the rate if not configured time = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_time); if (time) ret->time=time->u.num; baudrate = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_baudrate); if (baudrate) { ret->baudrate = baudrate->u.num; } checksum_ignore = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_checksum_ignore); if (checksum_ignore) ret->checksum_ignore=checksum_ignore->u.num; ret->attrs = attrs; on_eof = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_on_eof); if (on_eof && !strcasecmp(on_eof->u.str, "stop")) ret->on_eof=1; if (on_eof && !strcasecmp(on_eof->u.str, "exit")) ret->on_eof=2; dbg(0,"on_eof=%d\n", ret->on_eof); *meth = vehicle_wince_methods; ret->priv_cbl = callback_list_new(); callback_list_add(ret->priv_cbl, callback_new_1(callback_cast(vehicle_wince_io), ret)); ret->sat_item.type=type_position_sat; ret->sat_item.id_hi=ret->sat_item.id_lo=0; ret->sat_item.priv_data=ret; ret->sat_item.meth=&vehicle_wince_sat_methods; ret->read_buffer = g_malloc(buffer_size); handle_bluetooth = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_bluetooth); if ( handle_bluetooth && handle_bluetooth->u.num == 1 ) initBth(ret); if (vehicle_wince_open(ret)) { vehicle_wince_enable_watch(ret); return ret; } dbg(0, "Failed to open '%s'\n", ret->source); vehicle_wince_destroy(ret); return NULL; }
struct vehicle * vehicle_new(struct attr **attrs) { struct vehicle *v; struct attr *name,*update,*follow,*color,*active,*source, *id; struct vehicle_priv *(*vehicletype_new) (struct vehicle_methods * meth, struct callback_list * cbl, struct attr ** attrs); char *type, *colon; dbg(1, "enter\n"); source = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_source); if (!source) { dbg(0, "no source\n"); return NULL; } type = g_strdup(source->u.str); colon = index(type, ':'); if (colon) *colon = '\0'; dbg(1, "source='%s' type='%s'\n", source->u.str, type); vehicletype_new = plugin_get_vehicle_type(type); if (!vehicletype_new) { dbg(0, "invalid type\n"); return NULL; } v = g_new0(struct vehicle, 1); v->cbl = callback_list_new(); v->priv = vehicletype_new(&v->meth, v->cbl, attrs); if (!v->priv) { dbg(0, "vehicletype_new failed\n"); callback_list_destroy(v->cbl); g_free(v); return NULL; } v->update = 1; v->follow = 0; v->active = 0; if ((name=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_name))) v->name=g_strdup(name->u.str); else v->name=g_strdup("Noname"); if ((id=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_vehicle_id))) v->id=id->u.num; if ((update=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_update))) v->update=update->u.num; if ((follow=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_follow))) v->follow=follow->u.num; if ((color=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_color))) v->c=*(color->u.color); if ((active=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_active)) && active->u.num) { v->active = 1; // navit_set_vehicle(this_, v); } dbg(1, "leave\n"); return v; }