Example #1
static void ui_infoarea_set_title (void)
    g_return_if_fail (area);

    if (! aud_drct_get_playing ())

    int playlist = aud_playlist_get_playing ();
    int entry = aud_playlist_get_position (playlist);

    char * title, * artist, * album;
    aud_playlist_entry_describe (playlist, entry, & title, & artist, & album, TRUE);

    if (! g_strcmp0 (title, area->title) && ! g_strcmp0 (artist, area->artist)
     && ! g_strcmp0 (album, area->album))
        str_unref (title);
        str_unref (artist);
        str_unref (album);

    str_unref (area->title);
    str_unref (area->artist);
    str_unref (area->album);
    area->title = title;
    area->artist = artist;
    area->album = album;

    gtk_widget_queue_draw (area->main);
static gboolean search_cb (GtkTreeModel * model, gint column, const gchar * key,
 GtkTreeIter * iter, void * user)
    GtkTreePath * path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, iter);
    g_return_val_if_fail (path, TRUE);
    gint row = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0];
    g_return_val_if_fail (row >= 0, TRUE);
    gchar * s[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
    aud_playlist_entry_describe (((PlaylistWidgetData *) user)->list, row,
     & s[0], & s[1], & s[2], FALSE);
    gtk_tree_path_free (path);

    gchar * temp = g_utf8_strdown (key, -1);
    gchar * * keys = g_strsplit (temp, " ", 0);
    g_free (temp);

    gint remain = 0; /* number of keys remaining to be matched */
    for (gint j = 0; keys[j]; j ++)
        if (keys[j][0])
            remain ++;
    if (! remain)
        remain ++; /* force non-match if there are no non-blank keys */

    for (gint i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (s); i ++)
        if (! s[i])

        if (remain)
            temp = g_utf8_strdown (s[i], -1);

            for (gint j = 0; keys[j] && remain; j ++)
                if (keys[j][0] && strstr (temp, keys[j]))
                    keys[j][0] = 0; /* don't look for this one again */
                    remain --;

            g_free (temp);

        str_unref (s[i]);

    g_strfreev (keys);
    return remain ? TRUE : FALSE; /* TRUE == not matched, FALSE == matched */
static bool_t search_cb (GtkTreeModel * model, int column, const char * search,
 GtkTreeIter * iter, void * user)
    GtkTreePath * path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, iter);
    g_return_val_if_fail (path, TRUE);
    int row = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0];
    g_return_val_if_fail (row >= 0, TRUE);
    gtk_tree_path_free (path);

    Index * keys = str_list_to_index (search, " ");
    int n_keys = index_count (keys);

    bool_t matched = FALSE;

    if (n_keys)
        char * s[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
        aud_playlist_entry_describe (((PlaylistWidgetData *) user)->list, row,
         & s[0], & s[1], & s[2], FALSE);

        for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN (s); i ++)
            if (! s[i])

            for (int j = 0; j < n_keys;)
                if (strstr_nocase_utf8 (s[i], index_get (keys, j)))
                    index_delete_full (keys, j, 1, (IndexFreeFunc) str_unref);
                    n_keys --;
                    j ++;

            str_unref (s[i]);

        matched = ! n_keys;

    index_free_full (keys, (IndexFreeFunc) str_unref);

    return ! matched;
Example #4
static void lyricwiki_playback_began(void)
	if (!aud_drct_get_playing())

	/* FIXME: cancel previous VFS requests (not possible with current API) */

	int playlist = aud_playlist_get_playing();
	int pos = aud_playlist_get_position(playlist);

	state.filename = aud_playlist_entry_get_filename(playlist, pos);
	aud_playlist_entry_describe(playlist, pos, &state.title, &state.artist, NULL, FALSE);
	state.uri = NULL;

static void get_value (void * user, gint row, gint column, GValue * value)
    PlaylistWidgetData * data = user;
    g_return_if_fail (column >= 0 && column < pw_num_cols);
    g_return_if_fail (row >= 0 && row < aud_playlist_entry_count (data->list));

    column = pw_cols[column];

    gchar * title = NULL, * artist = NULL, * album = NULL;
    Tuple * tuple = NULL;

    if (column == PW_COL_TITLE || column == PW_COL_ARTIST || column ==
        aud_playlist_entry_describe (data->list, row, & title, & artist,
         & album, TRUE);
    else if (column == PW_COL_YEAR || column == PW_COL_TRACK || column ==
     PW_COL_GENRE || column == PW_COL_FILENAME || column == PW_COL_PATH ||
     column == PW_COL_BITRATE)
        tuple = aud_playlist_entry_get_tuple (data->list, row, TRUE);

    switch (column)
    case PW_COL_NUMBER:
        g_value_set_int (value, 1 + row);
    case PW_COL_TITLE:
        g_value_set_string (value, title);
    case PW_COL_ARTIST:
        g_value_set_string (value, artist);
    case PW_COL_YEAR:
        set_int_from_tuple (value, tuple, FIELD_YEAR);
    case PW_COL_ALBUM:
        g_value_set_string (value, album);
    case PW_COL_TRACK:
        set_int_from_tuple (value, tuple, FIELD_TRACK_NUMBER);
    case PW_COL_GENRE:
        set_string_from_tuple (value, tuple, FIELD_GENRE);
    case PW_COL_QUEUED:
        set_queued (value, data->list, row);
    case PW_COL_LENGTH:
        set_length (value, data->list, row);
        set_string_from_tuple (value, tuple, FIELD_FILE_NAME);
    case PW_COL_PATH:
        set_string_from_tuple (value, tuple, FIELD_FILE_PATH);
    case PW_COL_CUSTOM:;
        gchar * custom = aud_playlist_entry_get_title (data->list, row, TRUE);
        g_value_set_string (value, custom);
        str_unref (custom);
    case PW_COL_BITRATE:
        set_int_from_tuple (value, tuple, FIELD_BITRATE);

    str_unref (title);
    str_unref (artist);
    str_unref (album);
    if (tuple)
        tuple_unref (tuple);
Example #6
static void update_metadata (void * data, GObject * object)
    char * title = NULL, * artist = NULL, * album = NULL, * file = NULL;
    int length = 0;

    int playlist = aud_playlist_get_playing ();
    int entry = (playlist >= 0) ? aud_playlist_get_position (playlist) : -1;

    if (entry >= 0)
        aud_playlist_entry_describe (playlist, entry, & title, & artist, & album, TRUE);
        file = aud_playlist_entry_get_filename (playlist, entry);
        length = aud_playlist_entry_get_length (playlist, entry, TRUE);

    /* pointer comparison works for pooled strings */
    if (title == last_title && artist == last_artist && album == last_album &&
     file == last_file && length == last_length)
        str_unref (title);
        str_unref (artist);
        str_unref (album);
        str_unref (file);

    if (file != last_file)
        if (image_file)
            aud_art_unref (last_file);
        image_file = file ? aud_art_get_file (file) : NULL;

    str_unref (last_title);
    str_unref (last_artist);
    str_unref (last_album);
    str_unref (last_file);
    last_title = title;
    last_artist = artist;
    last_album = album;
    last_file = file;
    last_length = length;

    GVariant * elems[7];
    int nelems = 0;

    if (title)
        GVariant * key = g_variant_new_string ("xesam:title");
        GVariant * str = g_variant_new_string (title);
        GVariant * var = g_variant_new_variant (str);
        elems[nelems ++] = g_variant_new_dict_entry (key, var);

    if (artist)
        GVariant * key = g_variant_new_string ("xesam:artist");
        GVariant * str = g_variant_new_string (artist);
        GVariant * array = g_variant_new_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING, & str, 1);
        GVariant * var = g_variant_new_variant (array);
        elems[nelems ++] = g_variant_new_dict_entry (key, var);

    if (album)
        GVariant * key = g_variant_new_string ("xesam:album");
        GVariant * str = g_variant_new_string (album);
        GVariant * var = g_variant_new_variant (str);
        elems[nelems ++] = g_variant_new_dict_entry (key, var);

    if (file)
        GVariant * key = g_variant_new_string ("xesam:url");
        GVariant * str = g_variant_new_string (file);
        GVariant * var = g_variant_new_variant (str);
        elems[nelems ++] = g_variant_new_dict_entry (key, var);

    if (length > 0)
        GVariant * key = g_variant_new_string ("mpris:length");
        GVariant * val = g_variant_new_int64 ((int64_t) length * 1000);
        GVariant * var = g_variant_new_variant (val);
        elems[nelems ++] = g_variant_new_dict_entry (key, var);

    if (image_file)
        GVariant * key = g_variant_new_string ("mpris:artUrl");
        GVariant * str = g_variant_new_string (image_file);
        GVariant * var = g_variant_new_variant (str);
        elems[nelems ++] = g_variant_new_dict_entry (key, var);

    GVariant * key = g_variant_new_string ("mpris:trackid");
    GVariant * str = g_variant_new_string ("/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2/CurrentTrack");
    GVariant * var = g_variant_new_variant (str);
    elems[nelems ++] = g_variant_new_dict_entry (key, var);

    if (! metadata_type)
        metadata_type = g_variant_type_new ("{sv}");

    GVariant * array = g_variant_new_array (metadata_type, elems, nelems);
    g_object_set (object, "metadata", array, NULL);
Example #7
static void create_database (int list)
    destroy_database ();

    database = g_hash_table_new_full ((GHashFunc) str_hash, (GEqualFunc)
     str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) item_free);

    int entries = aud_playlist_entry_count (list);

    for (int e = 0; e < entries; e ++)
        char * title, * artist, * album;
        Item * artist_item, * album_item, * title_item;

        aud_playlist_entry_describe (list, e, & title, & artist, & album, TRUE);

        if (! title)
            str_unref (artist);
            str_unref (album);

        if (! artist)
            artist = str_get (_("Unknown Artist"));
        if (! album)
            album = str_get (_("Unknown Album"));

        artist_item = g_hash_table_lookup (database, artist);

        if (! artist_item)
            /* item_new() takes ownership of reference to artist */
            artist_item = item_new (ARTIST, artist, NULL);
            g_hash_table_insert (database, artist, artist_item);
            str_unref (artist);

        g_array_append_val (artist_item->matches, e);

        album_item = g_hash_table_lookup (artist_item->children, album);

        if (! album_item)
            /* item_new() takes ownership of reference to album */
            album_item = item_new (ALBUM, album, artist_item);
            g_hash_table_insert (artist_item->children, album, album_item);
            str_unref (album);

        g_array_append_val (album_item->matches, e);

        title_item = g_hash_table_lookup (album_item->children, title);

        if (! title_item)
            /* item_new() takes ownership of reference to title */
            title_item = item_new (TITLE, title, album_item);
            g_hash_table_insert (album_item->children, title, title_item);
            str_unref (title);

        g_array_append_val (title_item->matches, e);