/** * Handles 'button-release-event' signal on the GtkStatusIcon. * Only used for middle-click, which runs the middle click action. * * @param status_icon the object which received the signal. * @param event the GdkEventButton which triggered this signal. * @param icon TrayIcon instance set when the signal handler was connected. * @return TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. * FALSE to propagate the event further. */ static gboolean on_button_release_event(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, GdkEventButton *event, G_GNUC_UNUSED TrayIcon *icon) { int middle_click_action; if (event->button != 2) return FALSE; middle_click_action = prefs_get_integer("MiddleClickAction", 0); switch (middle_click_action) { case 0: audio_toggle_mute(icon->audio, AUDIO_USER_TRAY_ICON); break; case 1: run_prefs_dialog(); break; case 2: run_mixer_command(); break; case 3: run_custom_command(); break; default: { } // nothing } return FALSE; }
void evdev_process_events(int fd, uint32_t events) { int ret; struct input_event ev; /* some of the event devices cease to exist when suspending */ if (events & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) { logmsg(LOG_INFO, "Error condition signaled on event device"); ret = evloop_remove(fd); if (ret < 0) logmsg(LOG_ERR, "Could not remove device from event loop"); if (fd == internal_kbd_fd) internal_kbd_fd = -1; close(fd); return; } ret = read(fd, &ev, sizeof(struct input_event)); if (ret != sizeof(struct input_event)) return; if (ev.type == EV_KEY) { /* key released - we don't care */ if (ev.value == 0) return; /* Reset keyboard backlight idle timer */ if (fd == internal_kbd_fd) { kbd_bck_info.idle = 0; kbd_backlight_inhibit_clear(KBD_INHIBIT_IDLE); } switch (ev.code) { case KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN: logdebug("\nKEY: LCD backlight down\n"); mops->lcd_backlight_step(STEP_DOWN); break; case KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP: logdebug("\nKEY: LCD backlight up\n"); mops->lcd_backlight_step(STEP_UP); break; case KEY_MUTE: logdebug("\nKEY: audio mute\n"); audio_toggle_mute(); break; case KEY_VOLUMEDOWN: logdebug("\nKEY: audio down\n"); audio_step(STEP_DOWN); break; case KEY_VOLUMEUP: logdebug("\nKEY: audio up\n"); audio_step(STEP_UP); break; case KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE: logdebug("\nKEY: video toggle\n"); video_switch(); break; case KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE: logdebug("\nKEY: keyboard backlight off\n"); if (!has_kbd_backlight()) break; if (kbd_cfg.auto_on) kbd_backlight_inhibit_toggle(KBD_INHIBIT_USER); else kbd_backlight_toggle(); break; case KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN: logdebug("\nKEY: keyboard backlight down\n"); if (!has_kbd_backlight()) break; kbd_backlight_step(STEP_DOWN); if (kbd_bck_info.level == KBD_BACKLIGHT_OFF) kbd_backlight_inhibit_set(KBD_INHIBIT_USER); break; case KEY_KBDILLUMUP: logdebug("\nKEY: keyboard backlight up\n"); if (!has_kbd_backlight()) break; kbd_backlight_inhibit_clear(KBD_INHIBIT_USER); kbd_backlight_step(STEP_UP); break; case KEY_EJECTCD: logdebug("\nKEY: CD eject\n"); cd_eject(); break; case KEY_NEXTSONG: logdebug("\nKEY: IR fast forward\n"); break; case KEY_PREVIOUSSONG: logdebug("\nKEY: IR rewind\n"); break; case KEY_PLAYPAUSE: logdebug("\nKEY: IR play/pause\n"); break; case KEY_MENU: logdebug("\nKEY: IR menu\n"); break; default: #if 0 logdebug("\nKEY: %x\n", ev.code); #endif /* 0 */ break; } } else if (ev.type == EV_SW) { /* Lid switch */ if (ev.code == SW_LID) { if (ev.value) { logdebug("\nLID: closed\n"); kbd_backlight_inhibit_set(KBD_INHIBIT_LID); } else { logdebug("\nLID: open\n"); kbd_backlight_inhibit_clear(KBD_INHIBIT_LID); } } } }
/** * Handles the 'toggled' signal on the GtkToggleButton 'mute_check', * changing the mute status accordingly. * * @param button the GtkToggleButton that received the signal. * @param window user data set when the signal handler was connected. */ void on_mute_check_toggled(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkToggleButton *button, PopupWindow *window) { audio_toggle_mute(window->audio, AUDIO_USER_POPUP); }