Example #1
 * call-seq:
 *   exists(PATH) -> boolean
 * Return true if there is an entry for this path, false otherwise
VALUE augeas_exists(VALUE s, VALUE path) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path);
    int ret = aug_get(aug, cpath, NULL);

    return (ret == 1) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
Example #2
VALUE augeas_span(VALUE s, VALUE path) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path);
    char *filename = NULL;
    unsigned int label_start, label_end, value_start, value_end,
        span_start, span_end;
    int r;
    VALUE result;

    r = aug_span(aug, cpath,
                 &label_start, &label_end,
                 &value_start, &value_end,
                 &span_start, &span_end);

    result = rb_hash_new();

    if (r == 0) {
        hash_set(result, "filename", rb_str_new2(filename));
        hash_set_range(result, "label", label_start, label_end);
        hash_set_range(result, "value", value_start, value_end);
        hash_set_range(result, "span", span_start, span_end);


    return result;
Example #3
 * call-seq:
 *   rm(PATH) -> int
 * Remove path and all its children. Returns the number of entries removed
VALUE augeas_rm(VALUE s, VALUE path, VALUE sibling) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path) ;

    int callValue = aug_rm(aug, cpath) ;
    return INT2FIX(callValue) ;
Example #4
 * call-seq:
 *   error -> HASH
 * Retrieve details about the last error encountered and return those
 * details in a HASH with the following entries:
 * - :code    error code from +aug_error+
 * - :message error message from +aug_error_message+
 * - :minor   minor error message from +aug_minor_error_message+
 * - :details error details from +aug_error_details+
VALUE augeas_error(VALUE s) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    int code;
    const char *msg;
    VALUE result;

    result = rb_hash_new();

    code = aug_error(aug);
    hash_set(result, "code", INT2NUM(code));

    msg = aug_error_message(aug);
    if (msg != NULL)
        hash_set(result, "message", rb_str_new2(msg));

    msg = aug_error_minor_message(aug);
    if (msg != NULL)
        hash_set(result, "minor", rb_str_new2(msg));

    msg = aug_error_details(aug);
    if (msg != NULL)
        hash_set(result, "details", rb_str_new2(msg));

    return result;
Example #5
static int set(VALUE s, VALUE path, VALUE value) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path) ;
    const char *cvalue = StringValueCStrOrNull(value) ;

    return aug_set(aug, cpath, cvalue) ;
Example #6
VALUE augeas_close (VALUE s) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);

    DATA_PTR(s) = NULL;

    return Qnil;
Example #7
 * call-seq:
 *   rename(SRC, LABEL) -> int
 * Rename the label of all nodes matching SRC to LABEL.
 * Returns +false+ if +aug_rename+ fails, and the number of nodes renamed
 * on success.
VALUE augeas_rename(VALUE s, VALUE src, VALUE label) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *csrc = StringValueCStr(src);
    const char *clabel = StringValueCStr(label);
    int r = aug_rename(aug, csrc, clabel);

    return (r < 0) ? Qfalse : INT2NUM(r);
Example #8
 * call-seq:
 *   mv(SRC, DST) -> int
 * Move the node SRC to DST. SRC must match exactly one node in the
 * tree. DST must either match exactly one node in the tree, or may not
 * exist yet. If DST exists already, it and all its descendants are
 * deleted. If DST does not exist yet, it and all its missing ancestors are
 * created.
VALUE augeas_mv(VALUE s, VALUE src, VALUE dst) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *csrc = StringValueCStr(src);
    const char *cdst = StringValueCStr(dst);
    int r = aug_mv(aug, csrc, cdst);

    return INT2FIX(r);
Example #9
 * call-seq:
 *   insert(PATH, LABEL, BEFORE) -> int
 * Make LABEL a sibling of PATH by inserting it directly before or after PATH.
 * The boolean BEFORE determines if LABEL is inserted before or after PATH.
VALUE augeas_insert(VALUE s, VALUE path, VALUE label, VALUE before) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path) ;
    const char *clabel = StringValueCStr(label) ;

    int callValue = aug_insert(aug, cpath, clabel, RTEST(before));
    return INT2FIX(callValue) ;
Example #10
 * call-seq:
 *   defvar(NAME, EXPR) -> boolean
 * Define a variable NAME whose value is the result of evaluating EXPR. If
 * a variable NAME already exists, its name will be replaced with the
 * result of evaluating EXPR.
 * If EXPR is NULL, the variable NAME will be removed if it is defined.
VALUE augeas_defvar(VALUE s, VALUE name, VALUE expr) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cname = StringValueCStr(name);
    const char *cexpr = StringValueCStrOrNull(expr);

    int r = aug_defvar(aug, cname, cexpr);

    return (r < 0) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
Example #11
 * call-seq:
 *   setm(BASE, SUB, VALUE) -> boolean
 *  Set multiple nodes in one operation. Find or create a node matching
 *  SUB by interpreting SUB as a path expression relative to each node
 *  matching BASE. SUB may be NULL, in which case all the nodes matching
 *  BASE will be modified.
VALUE augeas_setm(VALUE s, VALUE base, VALUE sub, VALUE value) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cbase = StringValueCStr(base) ;
    const char *csub = StringValueCStrOrNull(sub) ;
    const char *cvalue = StringValueCStrOrNull(value) ;

    int callValue = aug_setm(aug, cbase, csub, cvalue) ;
    return INT2FIX(callValue);
Example #12
 * call-seq:
 *   text_store(LENS, NODE, PATH) -> boolean
 * Use the value of node NODE as a string and transform it into a tree
 * using the lens LENS and store it in the tree at PATH, which will be
 * overwritten. PATH and NODE are path expressions.
VALUE augeas_text_store(VALUE s, VALUE lens, VALUE node, VALUE path) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *clens = StringValueCStr(lens);
    const char *cnode = StringValueCStr(node);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path);
    int r = aug_text_store(aug, clens, cnode, cpath);

    return (r < 0) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
Example #13
 * call-seq:
 *   text_retrieve(LENS, NODE_IN, PATH, NODE_OUT) -> boolean
 * Transform the tree at PATH into a string using lens LENS and store it in
 * the node NODE_OUT, assuming the tree was initially generated using the
 * value of node NODE_IN. PATH, NODE_IN, and NODE_OUT are path expressions.
VALUE augeas_text_retrieve(VALUE s, VALUE lens, VALUE node_in, VALUE path, VALUE node_out) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *clens = StringValueCStr(lens);
    const char *cnode_in = StringValueCStr(node_in);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path);
    const char *cnode_out = StringValueCStr(node_out);
    int r = aug_text_retrieve(aug, clens, cnode_in, cpath, cnode_out);

    return (r < 0) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
Example #14
 * call-seq:
 *       load() -> boolean
 * Load files from disk according to the transforms under +/augeas/load+
VALUE augeas_load(VALUE s) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    int callValue = aug_load(aug);
    VALUE returnValue ;

    if (callValue == 0)
        returnValue = Qtrue ;
        returnValue = Qfalse ;

    return returnValue ;
Example #15
 * call-seq:
 *   defnode(NAME, EXPR, VALUE) -> boolean
 * Define a variable NAME whose value is the result of evaluating EXPR,
 * which must be non-NULL and evaluate to a nodeset. If a variable NAME
 * already exists, its name will be replaced with the result of evaluating
 * EXPR.
 * If EXPR evaluates to an empty nodeset, a node is created, equivalent to
 * calling AUG_SET(AUG, EXPR, VALUE) and NAME will be the nodeset containing
 * that single node.
 * Returns +false+ if +aug_defnode+ fails, and the number of nodes in the
 * nodeset on success.
VALUE augeas_defnode(VALUE s, VALUE name, VALUE expr, VALUE value) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cname = StringValueCStr(name);
    const char *cexpr = StringValueCStrOrNull(expr);
    const char *cvalue = StringValueCStrOrNull(value);

    /* FIXME: Figure out a way to return created, maybe accept a block
       that gets run when created == 1 ? */
    int r = aug_defnode(aug, cname, cexpr, cvalue, NULL);

    return (r < 0) ? Qfalse : INT2NUM(r);
Example #16
 * call-seq:
 *   label(PATH) -> String
 * Lookup the label associated with PATH
VALUE augeas_label(VALUE s, VALUE path) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path);
    const char *label;

    aug_label(aug, cpath, &label);
    if (label != NULL) {
        return rb_str_new(label, strlen(label)) ;
    } else {
        return Qnil;
Example #17
 * call-seq:
 *   get(PATH) -> String
 * Lookup the value associated with PATH
VALUE augeas_get(VALUE s, VALUE path) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path);
    const char *value;

    aug_get(aug, cpath, &value);
    if (value != NULL) {
        return rb_str_new(value, strlen(value)) ;
    } else {
        return Qnil;
Example #18
 * call-seq:
 *   set(PATH, VALUE) -> boolean
 * Set the value associated with PATH to VALUE. VALUE is copied into the
 * internal data structure. Intermediate entries are created if they don't
 * exist.
VALUE augeas_set(VALUE s, VALUE path, VALUE value) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path) ;
    const char *cvalue = StringValueCStrOrNull(value) ;

    int callValue = aug_set(aug, cpath, cvalue) ;
    VALUE returnValue ;

    if (callValue == 0)
        returnValue = Qtrue ;
        returnValue = Qfalse ;

    return returnValue ;
Example #19
 * call-seq:
 *   get(PATH) -> String
 * Lookup the value associated with PATH
VALUE augeas_get(VALUE s, VALUE path) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *cpath = StringValueCStr(path);
    const char *value = NULL;

    int r = aug_get(aug, cpath, &value);
    /* There used to be a bug in Augeas that would make it not properly set
     * VALUE to NULL when PATH was invalid. We check RETVAL, too, to avoid
     * running into that */
    if (r == 1 && value != NULL) {
        return rb_str_new(value, strlen(value)) ;
    } else {
        return Qnil;
Example #20
 * call-seq:
 *   srun(COMMANDS) -> [int, String]
 * Run one or more newline-separated commands, returning their output.
 * Returns:
 * an array where the first element is the number of executed commands on
 * success, -1 on failure, and -2 if a 'quit' command was encountered.
 * The second element is a string of the output from all commands.
VALUE augeas_srun(VALUE s, VALUE text) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *ctext = StringValueCStr(text);

    struct memstream ms;

    int r = aug_srun(aug, ms.stream, ctext);

    VALUE result = rb_ary_new();
    rb_ary_push(result, INT2NUM(r));
    rb_ary_push(result, rb_str_new2(ms.buf));

    return result;
Example #21
 * call-seq:
 *       match(PATH) -> an_array
 * Return all the paths that match the path expression PATH as an aray of
 * strings.
VALUE augeas_match(VALUE s, VALUE p) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *path = StringValueCStr(p);
    char **matches = NULL;
    int cnt, i;

    cnt = aug_match(aug, path, &matches) ;
    if (cnt < 0)
        rb_raise(rb_eSystemCallError, "Matching path expression '%s' failed",

    VALUE result = rb_ary_new();
    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        rb_ary_push(result, rb_str_new(matches[i], strlen(matches[i])));
        free(matches[i]) ;
    free (matches) ;

    return result ;
Example #22
 * call-seq:
 *       match(PATH) -> an_array
 * Return all the paths that match the path expression PATH as an aray of
 * strings.
 * Returns an empty array if no paths were found.
VALUE facade_match(VALUE s, VALUE p) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    const char *path = StringValueCStr(p);
    char **matches = NULL;
    int cnt, i;
    VALUE result;

    cnt = aug_match(aug, path, &matches) ;
    if (cnt < 0)
        return -1;

    result = rb_ary_new();
    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        rb_ary_push(result, rb_str_new(matches[i], strlen(matches[i])));
        free(matches[i]) ;
    free (matches) ;

    return result ;
Example #23
 * call-seq:
 *       save() -> boolean
 * Write all pending changes to disk
VALUE augeas_save(VALUE s) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);

    return (aug_save(aug) == 0) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
Example #24
 * call-seq:
 *       save() -> int
 * Write all pending changes to disk
VALUE facade_save(VALUE s) {
    augeas *aug = aug_handle(s);
    return INT2FIX(aug_save(aug));