void Test714(void) { UDate d=978103543000.0; UChar temp[20]; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UDateFormat *fmt; UChar *result; const char* expect = "7:25:43 AM"; ctest_setTimeZone(NULL, &status); fmt= udat_open(UDAT_MEDIUM,UDAT_NONE ,"en_US_CA", NULL, -1, NULL, 0, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("FAIL: error in creating the dateformat using medium time style and NO date style: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } result =myFormatit(fmt, d); if(!result) { log_data_err("Fail: could not format - exitting test\n"); return; } u_uastrcpy(temp, expect); if (u_strcmp(result, temp)!=0) { log_err("Fail: %s != %s\n", austrdup(result), expect); } else { log_verbose("Ok: %s == %s\n", austrdup(result), expect ); } udat_close(fmt); ctest_resetTimeZone(); }
/** * @bug 4162071 **/ void Test4162071() { int32_t pos; UDate x; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UDateFormat *df; UChar datestr[30]; UChar format[50]; u_uastrcpy(datestr, "Thu, 30-Jul-1999 11:51:14 GMT"); u_uastrcpy(format, "EEE', 'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z"); /* RFC 822/1123 */ status = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* Can't hardcode the result to assume the default locale is "en_US". */ df = udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE,UDAT_IGNORE,"en_US",NULL,0,format, u_strlen(format),&status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("ERROR: couldn't create date format: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } pos=0; x = udat_parse(df, datestr, u_strlen(datestr), &pos, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("ERROR : parse format %s fails : %s\n", austrdup(format), myErrorName(status)); } else { log_verbose("Parse format \"%s \" ok.\n", austrdup(format) ); } /*log_verbose("date= %s\n", austrdup(myFormatit(df, x)) );*/ udat_close(df); }
void aux917( UDateFormat *fmt, UChar* str) { int32_t resultlength, resultlengthneeded; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar* formatted=NULL; UChar *pat=NULL; UDate d1=1000000000.0; resultlength=0; resultlengthneeded=udat_toPattern(fmt, TRUE, NULL, resultlength, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultlengthneeded + 1; pat=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (resultlength)); udat_toPattern(fmt, TRUE, pat, resultlength, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("failure in retrieving the pattern: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } log_verbose("pattern: %s\n", austrdup(pat) ); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; formatted = myFormatit(fmt, d1); if( u_strcmp(formatted,str)!=0) { log_err("Fail: Want %s Got: %s\n", austrdup(str), austrdup(formatted) ); } free(pat); }
void TestRunTogetherPattern985() { int32_t pos; UChar *pattern=NULL, *now=NULL, *then=NULL; UDateFormat *format; UDate date1, date2; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; pattern=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS")+1) ); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS"); format = udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE, UDAT_IGNORE, NULL, NULL, 0,pattern, u_strlen(pattern), &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err_status(status, "FAIL: Error in date format construction with pattern: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } date1 = ucal_getNow(); now=myDateFormat(format, date1); log_verbose("%s\n", austrdup(now) ); pos = 0; date2 = udat_parse(format, now, u_strlen(now), &pos, &status); if (date2 == 0) log_verbose("Parse stopped at : %d\n", pos); else then=myDateFormat(format, date2); log_verbose("%s\n", austrdup(then) ); if (!(date2 == date1)) log_err("FAIL\n"); udat_close(format); free(pattern); }
void TestTwoDigitYearDSTParse() { UDateFormat *fullFmt, *fmt; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar *pattern; UDate d; UChar *s; int32_t pos; ctest_setTimeZone(NULL, &status); pattern=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS zzz yyyy G")+1 )); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS zzz yyyy G"); fullFmt= udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE, UDAT_IGNORE,"en_US",NULL,0,pattern, u_strlen(pattern),&status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err_status(status, "FAIL: Error in creating a date format using udat_openPattern %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); } else { log_verbose("PASS: creating dateformat using udat_openPattern() succesful\n"); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss 'o''clock' a z"); fmt= udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE,UDAT_IGNORE,"en_US", NULL, 0,pattern, u_strlen(pattern), &status); s=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen("03-Apr-04 2:20:47 o'clock AM PST")+1) ); u_uastrcpy(s, "03-Apr-04 2:20:47 o'clock AM PST"); pos=0; d = udat_parse(fmt, s, u_strlen(s), &pos, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("FAIL: Could not parse \"%s\"\n", austrdup(s)); } else { UCalendar *cal = ucal_open(NULL, 0, uloc_getDefault(), UCAL_TRADITIONAL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err_status(status, "FAIL: Could not open calendar: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } else { int32_t h; ucal_setMillis(cal, d, &status); h = ucal_get(cal, UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("FAIL: Some calendar operations failed"); } else if (h != 2) { log_err("FAIL: Parse of \"%s\" returned HOUR_OF_DAY %d\n", austrdup(s), h); } ucal_close(cal); } } udat_close(fullFmt); udat_close(fmt); free(s); } free(pattern); ctest_resetTimeZone(); }
static void roundingTest(UNumberFormat* nf, double x, int32_t maxFractionDigits, const char* expected) { UChar *out = NULL; UChar *res; UFieldPosition pos; UErrorCode status; int32_t lneed; status=U_ZERO_ERROR; unum_setAttribute(nf, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, maxFractionDigits); lneed=0; lneed=unum_formatDouble(nf, x, NULL, lneed, NULL, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ status=U_ZERO_ERROR; out=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (lneed+1) ); pos.field=0; unum_formatDouble(nf, x, out, lneed+1, &pos, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error in formatting using unum_formatDouble(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); } /*Need to use log_verbose here. Problem with the float*/ /*printf("%f format with %d fraction digits to %s\n", x, maxFractionDigits, austrdup(out) );*/ res=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(expected)+1) ); u_uastrcpy(res, expected); if (u_strcmp(out, res) != 0) log_err("FAIL: Expected: %s or %s\n", expected, austrdup(res) ); free(res); if(out != NULL) { free(out); } }
/* N.B.: use idx instead of index to avoid 'shadow' warnings in strict mode. */ static void VerifygetSymbols(UDateFormat* datfor, UDateFormatSymbolType type, int32_t idx, const char* expected) { UChar *pattern=NULL; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar *result=NULL; int32_t resultlength, resultlengthout; pattern=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(expected)+1)); u_uastrcpy(pattern, expected); resultlength=0; resultlengthout=udat_getSymbols(datfor, type, idx , NULL, resultlength, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultlengthout+1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); udat_getSymbols(datfor, type, idx, result, resultlength, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("FAIL: Error in udat_getSymbols()... %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); return; } if(u_strcmp(result, pattern)==0) log_verbose("PASS: getSymbols retrieved the right value\n"); else{ log_data_err("FAIL: getSymbols retrieved the wrong value\n Expected %s Got %s\n", austrdup(pattern), austrdup(result) ); } free(result); free(pattern); }
/* Test u_vformatMessage() with various test patterns. */ static void TestMessageFormatWithValist( void ) { UChar *str; UChar* result; int32_t resultLengthOut,resultlength,i, patternlength; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UDate d1=1000000000.0; ctest_setTimeZone(NULL, &status); str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 7); u_uastrcpy(str, "MyDisk"); resultlength=1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 1); log_verbose("Testing u_formatMessage90\n"); InitStrings(); for (i = 0; i < cnt_testCases; i++) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; patternlength=u_strlen(testCasePatterns[i]); resultLengthOut=CallFormatMessage( "en_US",testCasePatterns[i], patternlength, result, resultlength, &status, 1, 3456.00, d1); if(status== U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)realloc(result,sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); CallFormatMessage( "en_US",testCasePatterns[i], patternlength, result, resultlength, &status, 1, 3456.00, d1); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: failure in message format on testcase %d: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", i, myErrorName(status) ); } else if(u_strcmp(result, testResultStrings[i])==0){ log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on testcase : %d\n", i); } else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on testcase : %d\n GOT %s EXPECTED %s\n", i, austrdup(result), austrdup(testResultStrings[i]) ); } } free(result); free(str); FreeStrings(); ctest_resetTimeZone(); }
void tryPat994(UDateFormat* format, const char* pattern, const char* s, UDate expected) { UChar *f; UChar *str, *pat; UDate date; UDate null=0; int32_t pos; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(s) + 1) ); u_uastrcpy(str, s); pat=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(pattern) + 1) ); u_uastrcpy(pat, pattern); log_verbose("Pattern : %s ; String : %s\n", austrdup(pat), austrdup(str)); udat_applyPattern(format, FALSE, pat, u_strlen(pat)); pos=0; date = udat_parse(format, str, u_strlen(str), &pos, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status) || date == null) { log_verbose("ParseException: : %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); if (expected != null) log_err("FAIL: Expected: %s\n", austrdup(myDateFormat(format, expected)) ); } else { f=myDateFormat(format, date); log_verbose(" parse( %s ) -> %s\n", austrdup(str), austrdup(f)); if (expected == null || date != expected) log_err("FAIL: Expected null for \"%s\"\n", s); if (u_strcmp(f, str) !=0) log_err("FAIL: Expected : %s\n", austrdup(str) ); } free(str); free(pat); }
static void VerifygetsetSymbols(UDateFormat* from, UDateFormat* to, UDateFormatSymbolType type, int32_t idx) { UChar *result=NULL; UChar *value=NULL; int32_t resultlength, resultlengthout; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=0; resultlengthout=udat_getSymbols(from, type, idx , NULL, resultlength, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultlengthout+1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); udat_getSymbols(from, type, idx, result, resultlength, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("FAIL: error in getSymbols() %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); return; } resultlength=resultlengthout+1; udat_setSymbols(to, type, idx, result, resultlength, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("FAIL: Error in udat_setSymbols() : %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); return; } resultlength=0; resultlengthout=udat_getSymbols(to, type, idx, NULL, resultlength, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultlengthout+1; value=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); udat_getSymbols(to, type, idx, value, resultlength, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("FAIL: error in retrieving the value using getSymbols i.e roundtrip\n %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); return; } if(u_strcmp(result, value)!=0){ log_data_err("FAIL:Error in setting and then getting symbols\n Expected %s Got %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(value) ); } else log_verbose("PASS: setSymbols successful\n"); free(value); free(result); }
void TestQuotePattern161() { UDateFormat *format; UCalendar *cal; UDate currentTime_1; UChar *pattern, *tzID, *exp; UChar *dateString; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* expStr = "04/13/1999 at 10:42:28 AM "; ctest_setTimeZone(NULL, &status); pattern=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen("MM/dd/yyyy 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz")+1) ); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "MM/dd/yyyy 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz"); /* this is supposed to open default date format, but later on it treats it like it is "en_US" - very bad if you try to run the tests on machine where default locale is NOT "en_US" */ /* format= udat_openPattern(pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, &status); */ format= udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE, UDAT_IGNORE,"en_US", NULL, 0,pattern, u_strlen(pattern), &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err_status(status, "error in udat_open: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } tzID=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 4); u_uastrcpy(tzID, "PST"); /* this is supposed to open default date format, but later on it treats it like it is "en_US" - very bad if you try to run the tests on machine where default locale is NOT "en_US" */ /* cal=ucal_open(tzID, u_strlen(tzID), NULL, UCAL_TRADITIONAL, &status); */ cal=ucal_open(tzID, u_strlen(tzID), "en_US", UCAL_TRADITIONAL, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("error in ucal_open cal : %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } ucal_setDateTime(cal, 1999, UCAL_APRIL, 13, 10, 42, 28, &status); currentTime_1 = ucal_getMillis(cal, &status); dateString = myDateFormat(format, currentTime_1); exp=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(expStr) + 1) ); u_uastrcpy(exp, expStr); log_verbose("%s\n", austrdup(dateString) ); if(u_strncmp(dateString, exp, (int32_t)strlen(expStr)) !=0) log_err("Error in formatting a pattern with single quotes\n"); udat_close(format); ucal_close(cal); free(exp); free(tzID); free(pattern); ctest_resetTimeZone(); }
/** * @bug 4060212 */ void Test4060212() { int32_t pos; UCalendar *cal; UDateFormat *formatter, *fmt; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UDate myDate; UChar *myString; UChar dateString[30], pattern[20], tzID[4]; u_uastrcpy(dateString, "1995-040.05:01:29 -8"); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "yyyy-DDD.hh:mm:ss z"); log_verbose( "dateString= %s Using yyyy-DDD.hh:mm:ss\n", austrdup(dateString) ); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_uastrcpy(tzID, "PST"); formatter = udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE,UDAT_IGNORE,"en_US",tzID,-1,pattern, u_strlen(pattern), &status); pos=0; myDate = udat_parse(formatter, dateString, u_strlen(dateString), &pos, &status); fmt = udat_open(UDAT_FULL,UDAT_LONG ,NULL, tzID, -1, NULL, 0, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("FAIL: error in creating the dateformat using default date and time style: %s - (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status) ); return; } myString = myFormatit(fmt, myDate); cal=ucal_open(tzID, u_strlen(tzID), "en_US", UCAL_GREGORIAN, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("FAIL: error in ucal_open caldef : %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } ucal_setMillis(cal, myDate, &status); if ((ucal_get(cal, UCAL_DAY_OF_YEAR, &status) != 40)) { log_err("Fail: Got %d Expected 40\n", ucal_get(cal, UCAL_DAY_OF_YEAR, &status)); } udat_close(formatter); ucal_close(cal); udat_close(fmt); }
static void VerifysetSymbols(UDateFormat* datfor, UDateFormatSymbolType type, int32_t idx, const char* expected) { UChar *result=NULL; UChar *value=NULL; int32_t resultlength, resultlengthout; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; value=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(expected) + 1)); u_uastrcpy(value, expected); udat_setSymbols(datfor, type, idx, value, u_strlen(value), &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("FAIL: Error in udat_setSymbols() %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); return; } resultlength=0; resultlengthout=udat_getSymbols(datfor, type, idx, NULL, resultlength, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultlengthout+1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); udat_getSymbols(datfor, type, idx, result, resultlength, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("FAIL: error in retrieving the value using getSymbols after setting it previously\n %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); return; } if(u_strcmp(result, value)!=0){ log_err("FAIL:Error in setting and then getting symbols\n Expected %s Got %s\n", austrdup(value), austrdup(result) ); } else log_verbose("PASS: setSymbols successful\n"); free(value); free(result); }
/** * SimpleDateFormat does not properly parse date strings without delimiters * @bug 4059917 */ void Test4059917() { UDateFormat* def; UChar *myDate; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar pattern[11]; UChar tzID[4]; log_verbose("Testing apply pattern and to pattern regressively\n"); u_uastrcpy(tzID, "PST"); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "yyyy/MM/dd"); log_verbose("%s\n", austrdup(pattern) ); def = udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE,UDAT_IGNORE,NULL,tzID,-1,pattern, u_strlen(pattern),&status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("FAIL: error in creating the dateformat using openPattern: %s - (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } myDate=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 11); u_uastrcpy(myDate, "1970/01/12"); aux917( def, myDate ); udat_close(def); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "yyyyMMdd"); def = udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE,UDAT_IGNORE,NULL,tzID,-1,pattern, u_strlen(pattern),&status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("FAIL: error in creating the dateformat using openPattern: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } u_uastrcpy(myDate, "19700112"); aux917( def, myDate ); udat_close(def); free(myDate); }
/** * Test the functioning of the secondary grouping value. */ static void TestSecondaryGrouping(void) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UNumberFormat *f = NULL, *g= NULL; UNumberFormat *us = unum_open(UNUM_DECIMAL,NULL,0, "en_US", NULL,&status); UFieldPosition pos; UChar resultBuffer[512]; int32_t l = 1876543210L; UBool ok = TRUE; UChar buffer[512]; int32_t i; UBool expectGroup = FALSE, isGroup = FALSE; u_uastrcpy(buffer, "#,##,###"); f = unum_open(UNUM_IGNORE,buffer, -1, "en_US",NULL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("Error DecimalFormat ct -> %s (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status)); return; } pos.field = 0; unum_format(f, (int32_t)123456789L, resultBuffer, 512 , &pos, &status); u_uastrcpy(buffer, "12,34,56,789"); if ((u_strcmp(resultBuffer, buffer) != 0) || U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Fail: Formatting \"#,##,###\" pattern with 123456789 got %s, expected %s\n", austrdup(resultBuffer), "12,34,56,789"); } if (pos.beginIndex != 0 && pos.endIndex != 12) { log_err("Fail: Formatting \"#,##,###\" pattern pos = (%d, %d) expected pos = (0, 12)\n", pos.beginIndex, pos.endIndex); } memset(resultBuffer,0, sizeof(UChar)*512); unum_toPattern(f, FALSE, resultBuffer, 512, &status); u_uastrcpy(buffer, "#,##,##0"); if ((u_strcmp(resultBuffer, buffer) != 0) || U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Fail: toPattern() got %s, expected %s\n", austrdup(resultBuffer), "#,##,##0"); } memset(resultBuffer,0, sizeof(UChar)*512); u_uastrcpy(buffer, "#,###"); unum_applyPattern(f, FALSE, buffer, -1,NULL,NULL); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Fail: applyPattern call failed\n"); } unum_setAttribute(f, UNUM_SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE, 4); unum_format(f, (int32_t)123456789L, resultBuffer, 512 , &pos, &status); u_uastrcpy(buffer, "12,3456,789"); if ((u_strcmp(resultBuffer, buffer) != 0) || U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Fail: Formatting \"#,###\" pattern with 123456789 got %s, expected %s\n", austrdup(resultBuffer), "12,3456,789"); } memset(resultBuffer,0, sizeof(UChar)*512); unum_toPattern(f, FALSE, resultBuffer, 512, &status); u_uastrcpy(buffer, "#,####,##0"); if ((u_strcmp(resultBuffer, buffer) != 0) || U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Fail: toPattern() got %s, expected %s\n", austrdup(resultBuffer), "#,####,##0"); } memset(resultBuffer,0, sizeof(UChar)*512); g = unum_open(UNUM_DECIMAL, NULL,0,"hi_IN",NULL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Fail: Cannot create UNumberFormat for \"hi_IN\" locale.\n"); } unum_format(g, l, resultBuffer, 512, &pos, &status); unum_close(g); /* expect "1,87,65,43,210", but with Hindi digits */ /* 01234567890123 */ if (u_strlen(resultBuffer) != 14) { ok = FALSE; } else { for (i=0; i<u_strlen(resultBuffer); ++i) { expectGroup = FALSE; switch (i) { case 1: case 4: case 7: case 10: expectGroup = TRUE; break; } /* Later -- fix this to get the actual grouping */ /* character from the resource bundle. */ isGroup = (UBool)(resultBuffer[i] == 0x002C); if (isGroup != expectGroup) { ok = FALSE; break; } } } if (!ok) { log_err("FAIL Expected %s x hi_IN -> \"1,87,65,43,210\" (with Hindi digits), got %s\n", "1876543210L", resultBuffer); } unum_close(f); unum_close(us); }
void TestConstruction1() { UResourceBundle *test1 = 0, *test2 = 0; const UChar *result1, *result2; int32_t resultLen; UChar temp[7]; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* testdatapath ; const char* locale="te_IN"; log_verbose("Testing ures_open()......\n"); testdatapath=loadTestData(&err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(err)); return; } test1=ures_open(testdatapath, NULL, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("construction of %s did not succeed : %s \n",NULL, myErrorName(err)); return; } test2=ures_open(testdatapath, locale, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("construction of %s did not succeed : %s \n",locale, myErrorName(err)); return; } result1= ures_getStringByKey(test1, "string_in_Root_te_te_IN", &resultLen, &err); result2= ures_getStringByKey(test2, "string_in_Root_te_te_IN", &resultLen, &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("Something threw an error in TestConstruction(): %s\n", myErrorName(err)); return; } u_uastrcpy(temp, "TE_IN"); if(u_strcmp(result2, temp)!=0) { int n; log_err("Construction test failed for ures_open();\n"); if(!getTestOption(VERBOSITY_OPTION)) log_info("(run verbose for more information)\n"); log_verbose("\nGot->"); for(n=0;result2[n];n++) { log_verbose("%04X ",result2[n]); } log_verbose("<\n"); log_verbose("\nWant>"); for(n=0;temp[n];n++) { log_verbose("%04X ",temp[n]); } log_verbose("<\n"); } log_verbose("for string_in_Root_te_te_IN, default.txt had %s\n", austrdup(result1)); log_verbose("for string_in_Root_te_te_IN, te_IN.txt had %s\n", austrdup(result2)); /* Test getVersionNumber*/ log_verbose("Testing version number\n"); log_verbose("for getVersionNumber : %s\n", ures_getVersionNumber(test1)); ures_close(test1); ures_close(test2); }
/* Test u_formatMessage() with various test patterns() */ static void MessageFormatTest( void ) { UChar *str; UChar* result; int32_t resultLengthOut,resultlength,i, patternlength; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UDate d1=1000000000.0; ctest_setTimeZone(NULL, &status); str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 7); u_uastrncpy(str, "MyDisk", 7); resultlength=1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 1); log_verbose("Testing u_formatMessage()\n"); InitStrings(); for (i = 0; i < cnt_testCases; i++) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; patternlength=u_strlen(testCasePatterns[i]); resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US",testCasePatterns[i], patternlength, result, resultlength, &status, 1, 3456.00, d1); if(status== U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)realloc(result,sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "en_US",testCasePatterns[i], patternlength, result, resultlength, &status, 1, 3456.00, d1); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: failure in message format on testcase %d: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", i, myErrorName(status) ); continue; } if(u_strcmp(result, testResultStrings[i])==0){ log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on testcase : %d\n", i); } else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on testcase : %d\n GOT %s EXPECTED %s\n", i, austrdup(result), austrdup(testResultStrings[i]) ); } } free(result); result = NULL; free(str); { for (i = 0; i < cnt_testCases; i++) { UParseError parseError; status=U_ZERO_ERROR; patternlength=u_strlen(testCasePatterns[i]); resultlength=0; resultLengthOut=u_formatMessageWithError( "en_US",testCasePatterns[i], patternlength, result, resultlength, &parseError,&status, 1, 3456.00, d1); if(status== U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "en_US",testCasePatterns[i], patternlength, result, resultlength, &status, 1, 3456.00, d1); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: failure in message format on testcase %d: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", i, myErrorName(status) ); continue; } if(u_strcmp(result, testResultStrings[i])==0){ log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on testcase : %d\n", i); } else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on testcase : %d\n GOT %s EXPECTED %s\n", i, austrdup(result), austrdup(testResultStrings[i]) ); } free(result); result=NULL; } } { UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t patternLength = u_strlen(testCasePatterns[0]); UMessageFormat formatter = umsg_open(testCasePatterns[0],patternLength,"en_US",NULL,&ec); if(U_FAILURE(ec)){ log_data_err("umsg_open() failed for testCasePattens[%d]. -> %s (Are you missing data?)\n",i, u_errorName(ec)); return; } for(i = 0;i<cnt_testCases; i++){ UParseError parseError; int32_t resultLength =0,count=0; int32_t one=0; int32_t two=0; UDate d2=0; result=NULL; patternLength = u_strlen(testCasePatterns[i]); umsg_applyPattern(formatter,testCasePatterns[i],patternLength,&parseError,&ec); if(U_FAILURE(ec)){ log_err("umsg_applyPattern() failed for testCasePattens[%d].\n",i); return; } /* pre-flight */ resultLength = umsg_format(formatter,result,resultLength,&ec,1,3456.00,d1); if(ec==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ ec=U_ZERO_ERROR; result = (UChar*) malloc(U_SIZEOF_UCHAR*resultLength+2); resultLength = umsg_format(formatter,result,resultLength+2,&ec,1,3456.00,d1); if(U_FAILURE(ec)){ log_err("ERROR: failure in message format on testcase %d: %s\n", i, u_errorName(status) ); free(result); return; } if(u_strcmp(result, testResultStrings[i])==0){ log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on testcase : %d\n", i); } else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on testcase : %d\n GOT %s EXPECTED %s\n", i, austrdup(result), austrdup(testResultStrings[i]) ); } if (returnsNullForType(1, (double)2.0)) { /* HP/UX and possibly other platforms don't properly check for this case. We pass in a UDate, but the function expects a UDate *. When va_arg is used, most compilers will return NULL, but HP-UX won't do that and will return 2 in this case. This is a platform dependent test. This relies upon "undefined" behavior, as indicated by C99 paragraph 2 */ umsg_parse(formatter,result,resultLength,&count,&ec,one,two,d2); if(ec!=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){ log_err("FAIL: Did not get expected error for umsg_parse(). Expected: U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR Got: %s \n",u_errorName(ec)); }else{ ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; } } else { log_verbose("Warning: Returning NULL for a mismatched va_arg type isn't supported on this platform.\n", i); } umsg_parse(formatter,result,resultLength,&count,&ec,&one,&two,&d2); if(U_FAILURE(ec)){ log_err("umsg_parse could not parse the pattern. Error: %s.\n",u_errorName(ec)); } free(result); }else{ log_err("FAIL: Expected U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW error while preflighting got: %s for testCasePatterns[%d]",u_errorName(ec),i); } } umsg_close(formatter); } FreeStrings(); ctest_resetTimeZone(); }
static void TestPUtilAPI(void){ double n1=0.0, y1=0.0, expn1, expy1; double value1 = 0.021; UVersionInfo versionArray = {0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02}; char versionString[17]; /* xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\0 */ char *str=0; UBool isTrue=FALSE; log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_modf()\n"); y1 = uprv_modf(value1, &n1); expn1=0; expy1=0.021; if(y1 != expy1 || n1 != expn1){ log_err("Error in uprv_modf. Expected IntegralValue=%f, Got=%f, \n Expected FractionalValue=%f, Got=%f\n", expn1, n1, expy1, y1); } if(VERBOSITY){ log_verbose("[float] x = %f n = %f y = %f\n", value1, n1, y1); } log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmod()\n"); expn1=uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00); doAssert(expn1, 0.5, "uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_ceil()\n"); expn1=uprv_ceil(value1); doAssert(expn1, 1, "uprv_ceil(0.021) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_floor()\n"); expn1=uprv_floor(value1); doAssert(expn1, 0, "uprv_floor(0.021) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fabs()\n"); expn1=uprv_fabs((2.02-1.345)); doAssert(expn1, 0.675, "uprv_fabs(2.02-1.345) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax()\n"); doAssert(uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2), 2.4, "uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax() with x value= NaN\n"); expn1=uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2); doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN"); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin()\n"); doAssert(uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2), 1.2, "uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin() with x value= NaN\n"); expn1=uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2); doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN"); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_max()\n"); doAssert(uprv_max(4, 2), 4, "uprv_max(4, 2) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_min()\n"); doAssert(uprv_min(-4, 2), -4, "uprv_min(-4, 2) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_trunc()\n"); doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.3456), 12, "uprv_trunc(12.3456) failed."); doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.234E2), 1223, "uprv_trunc(12.234E2) failed."); doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()), uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()) failed. with parameter=NaN"); doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()), uprv_getInfinity(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()) failed. with parameter=Infinity"); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_pow10()\n"); doAssert(uprv_pow10(4), 10000, "uprv_pow10(4) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_log10()\n"); doAssert(uprv_log10(3456), 3, "uprv_log10(3456) failed."); #ifdef OS390 doAssert(uprv_log10(1.0e55), 55, "uprv_log10(1.0e55) failed."); #else doAssert(uprv_log10(1.0e300), 300, "uprv_log10(1.0e300) failed."); #endif log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isNegativeInfinity()\n"); isTrue=uprv_isNegativeInfinity(uprv_getInfinity() * -1); if(isTrue != TRUE){ log_err("ERROR: uprv_isNegativeInfinity failed.\n"); } log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isPositiveInfinity()\n"); isTrue=uprv_isPositiveInfinity(uprv_getInfinity()); if(isTrue != TRUE){ log_err("ERROR: uprv_isPositiveInfinity failed.\n"); } log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isInfinite()\n"); isTrue=uprv_isInfinite(uprv_getInfinity()); if(isTrue != TRUE){ log_err("ERROR: uprv_isInfinite failed.\n"); } #if 0 log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_digitsAfterDecimal()....\n"); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(value1), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal() failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2), 6, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-1.2345E-20), 24, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-20) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321), 9, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321) failed."); #endif log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....\n"); u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....with versionArray=NULL\n"); u_versionToString(NULL, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. with versionArray=NULL. It should just return\n"); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....with versionArray=NULL\n"); u_versionToString(NULL, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed . It should just return\n"); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....with versionString=NULL\n"); u_versionToString(versionArray, NULL); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. with versionArray=NULL It should just return\n"); } versionArray[0] = 0x0a; log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionToString().....\n"); u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString); } versionArray[0] = 0xa0; u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString); } versionArray[0] = 0xa0; versionArray[1] = 0xa0; u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString); } versionArray[0] = 0x01; versionArray[1] = 0x0a; u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_versionToString() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionFromString() ....\n"); u_versionFromString(versionArray, ""); u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_versionFromString() where versionArray=NULL....\n"); u_versionFromString(NULL, ""); u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, "") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected:, Got=%s\n", versionString); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_getVersion().....\n"); u_getVersion(versionArray); u_versionToString(versionArray, versionString); if(strcmp(versionString, U_ICU_VERSION) != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Got=%s, expected %s\n", versionString, U_ICU_VERSION); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n"); str=(char*)u_errorName((UErrorCode)0); if(strcmp(str, "U_ZERO_ERROR") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_ZERO_ERROR Got=%s\n", str); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n"); str=(char*)u_errorName((UErrorCode)-127); if(strcmp(str, "U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING Got=%s\n", str); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName().. with BOGUS ERRORCODE...\n"); str=(char*)u_errorName((UErrorCode)200); if(strcmp(str, "[BOGUS UErrorCode]") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: [BOGUS UErrorCode] Got=%s\n", str); } { const char* dataDirectory; UChar *udataDir=0; UChar temp[100]; char *charvalue=0; log_verbose("Testing chars to UChars\n"); /* This cannot really work on a japanese system. u_uastrcpy will have different results than */ /* u_charsToUChars when there is a backslash in the string! */ /*dataDirectory=u_getDataDirectory();*/ dataDirectory="directory1"; /*no backslashes*/ udataDir=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(dataDirectory) + 1)); u_charsToUChars(dataDirectory, udataDir, (strlen(dataDirectory)+1)); u_uastrcpy(temp, dataDirectory); if(u_strcmp(temp, udataDir) != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_charsToUChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", austrdup(temp), austrdup(udataDir)); } log_verbose("Testing UChars to chars\n"); charvalue=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (u_strlen(udataDir) + 1)); u_UCharsToChars(udataDir, charvalue, (u_strlen(udataDir)+1)); if(strcmp(charvalue, dataDirectory) != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_UCharsToChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", charvalue, dataDirectory); } free(charvalue); free(udataDir); } log_verbose("Testing uprv_timezone()....\n"); { int32_t tzoffset = uprv_timezone(); log_verbose("Value returned from uprv_timezone = %d\n", tzoffset); if (tzoffset != 28800) { log_verbose("***** WARNING: If testing in the PST timezone, t_timezone should return 28800! *****"); } if ((tzoffset % 1800 != 0)) { log_err("FAIL: t_timezone may be incorrect. It is not a multiple of 30min."); } tzoffset=uprv_getUTCtime(); } }
/* test message format with a choice option */ static void TestMsgFormatChoice(void) { UChar* str; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar *result; UChar pattern[100]; UChar expected[100]; int32_t resultlength,resultLengthOut; str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 25); u_uastrcpy(str, "MyDisk"); log_verbose("Testing message format with choice test #6\n:"); /*There {0,choice,0#are no files|1#is one file|1<are {0,number,integer} files}.*/ u_uastrcpy(pattern, "The disk {1} contains {0,choice,0#no files|1#one file|1<{0,number,integer} files}"); u_uastrcpy(expected, "The disk MyDisk contains 100 files"); resultlength=0; resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, resultlength, &status, 100., str); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, 100., str); if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0) log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on test#6\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on test#6\n GOT %s EXPECTED %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(expected) ); } free(result); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: failure in message format on test#6 : %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); } log_verbose("Testing message format with choice test #7\n:"); u_uastrcpy(expected, "The disk MyDisk contains no files"); resultlength=0; resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, resultlength, &status, 0., str); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, 0., str); if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0) log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on test#7\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on test#7\n GOT: %s EXPECTED %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(expected) ); } free(result); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: failure in message format on test#7 : %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); } log_verbose("Testing message format with choice test #8\n:"); u_uastrcpy(expected, "The disk MyDisk contains one file"); resultlength=0; resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, resultlength, &status, 1., str); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, 1., str); if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0) log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on test#8\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on test#8\n GOT %s EXPECTED: %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(expected) ); } free(result); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: failure in message format on test#8 : %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); } free(str); }
/* Test message format with a Select option */ static void TestMsgFormatSelect(void) { UChar* str; UChar* str1; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar *result; UChar pattern[100]; UChar expected[100]; int32_t resultlength,resultLengthOut; str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 25); u_uastrcpy(str, "Kirti"); str1=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 25); u_uastrcpy(str1, "female"); log_verbose("Testing message format with Select test #1\n:"); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "{0} est {1, select, female {all\\u00E9e} other {all\\u00E9}} \\u00E0 Paris."); u_uastrcpy(expected, "Kirti est all\\u00E9e \\u00E0 Paris."); resultlength=0; resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "fr", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, resultlength, &status, str , str1); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "fr", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, str , str1); if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0) log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on Select test#1\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on Select test#1\n GOT %s EXPECTED %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(expected) ); } free(result); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: failure in message format on Select test#1 : %s \n", myErrorName(status)); } free(str); free(str1); /*Test a nested pattern*/ str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 25); u_uastrcpy(str, "Noname"); str1=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 25); u_uastrcpy(str1, "other"); log_verbose("Testing message format with Select test #2\n:"); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "{0} est {1, select, female {{2,number,integer} all\\u00E9e} other {all\\u00E9}} \\u00E0 Paris."); u_uastrcpy(expected, "Noname est all\\u00E9 \\u00E0 Paris."); resultlength=0; resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "fr", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, resultlength, &status, str , str1,6); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "fr", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, str , str1); if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0) log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on Select test#2\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on Select test#2\n GOT %s EXPECTED %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(expected) ); } free(result); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: failure in message format on Select test#2 : %s \n", myErrorName(status)); } free(str); free(str1); }
/* Test u_formatMessage() and u_parseMessage() , format and parse sequence and round trip */ static void TestSampleFormatAndParse(void) { UChar *result, *tzID, *str; UChar pattern[100]; UChar expected[100]; int32_t resultLengthOut, resultlength; UCalendar *cal; UDate d1,d; UDateFormat *def1; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t value = 0; UChar ret[30]; ctest_setTimeZone(NULL, &status); log_verbose("Testing format and parse\n"); str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 25); u_uastrcpy(str, "disturbance in force"); tzID=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 4); u_uastrcpy(tzID, "PST"); cal=ucal_open(tzID, u_strlen(tzID), "en_US", UCAL_TRADITIONAL, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("error in ucal_open caldef : %s - (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status) ); } ucal_setDateTime(cal, 1999, UCAL_MARCH, 18, 0, 0, 0, &status); d1=ucal_getMillis(cal, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("Error: failure in get millis: %s - (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status) ); } log_verbose("\nTesting with pattern test#4"); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "On {0, date, long}, there was a {1} on planet {2,number,integer}"); u_uastrcpy(expected, "On March 18, 1999, there was a disturbance in force on planet 7"); resultlength=1; result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, d1, str, 7); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)realloc(result, sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, d1, str, 7); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: failure in message format test#4: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); } else if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0) log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on test#4\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on test#4\n GOT: %s EXPECTED: %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(expected) ); } /*try to parse this and check*/ log_verbose("\nTesting the parse Message test#5\n"); u_parseMessage("en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, u_strlen(result), &status, &d, ret, &value); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("ERROR: error in parsing: test#5: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); } else if(value!=7 && u_strcmp(str,ret)!=0) log_err("FAIL: Error in parseMessage on test#5 \n"); else log_verbose("PASS: parseMessage successful on test#5\n"); def1 = udat_open(UDAT_DEFAULT,UDAT_DEFAULT ,NULL, NULL, 0, NULL,0,&status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("error in creating the dateformat using short date and time style: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); }else{ if(u_strcmp(myDateFormat(def1, d), myDateFormat(def1, d1))==0) log_verbose("PASS: parseMessage successful test#5\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: parseMessage didn't parse the date successfully\n GOT: %s EXPECTED %s\n", austrdup(myDateFormat(def1,d)), austrdup(myDateFormat(def1,d1)) ); } } udat_close(def1); ucal_close(cal); free(result); free(str); free(tzID); ctest_resetTimeZone(); }
/** * @bug 4073003 */ void Test4073003() { int32_t pos,i; UDate d,dd; UChar *datestr; UChar temp[15]; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UDateFormat *fmt; UChar *result, *result2; const char* tests [] = { "12/25/61", "12/25/1961", "4/3/1999", "4/3/99" }; fmt= udat_open(UDAT_SHORT,UDAT_SHORT ,NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("FAIL: error in creating the dateformat using short date and time style: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } u_uastrcpy(temp, "m/D/yy"); udat_applyPattern(fmt, FALSE, temp, u_strlen(temp)); for(i= 0; i < 4; i+=2) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; datestr=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(tests[i])+1)); u_uastrcpy(datestr, tests[i]); pos=0; d = udat_parse(fmt, datestr, u_strlen(datestr), &pos, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("ERROR : in test 4073003: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } free(datestr); datestr=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(tests[i+1])+1)); u_uastrcpy(datestr, tests[i+1]); pos=0; status=U_ZERO_ERROR; dd = udat_parse(fmt, datestr, u_strlen(datestr), &pos, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("ERROR : in test 4073003: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } free(datestr); result =myFormatit(fmt, d); result2 =myFormatit(fmt, dd); if(!result || !result2) { log_data_err("Fail: could not format - exitting test\n"); return; } if (u_strcmp(result, result2)!=0) { log_err("Fail: %s != %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(result2) ); } else { log_verbose("Ok: %s == %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(result2) ); } } udat_close(fmt); }
/* Test whether apps and ICU can each have their own root.res */ static void TestAppData() { UResourceBundle *icu, *app; UResourceBundle *tmp = NULL; UResourceBundle *tmp2 = NULL; const UChar *appString; const UChar *icuString; int32_t len; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; char testMsgBuf[256]; const char* testPath=loadTestData(&status); icu = ures_open(NULL, "root", &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: Couldn't open root ICU bundle- %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); return; } /* log_info("Open icu root: %s size_%d\n", u_errorName(status), ures_getSize(icu)); */ status = U_ZERO_ERROR; app = ures_open(testPath, "root", &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: Couldn't open app ICU bundle [%s]- %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, testPath, u_errorName(status)); return; } /* log_info("Open app: %s, size %d\n", u_errorName(status), ures_getSize(app)); */ tmp = ures_getByKey(icu, "Version", tmp, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: Couldn't get Version string from ICU root bundle- %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); return; } icuString = ures_getString(tmp, &len, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: Couldn't get string from Version string from ICU root bundle- %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); return; } /* log_info("icuString=%p - %s\n", icuString, austrdup(icuString)); */ tmp2 = ures_getByKey(app, "Version", tmp2, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: Couldn't get Version string from App root bundle- %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); return; } appString = ures_getString(tmp2, &len, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: Couldn't get string from Version string from App root bundle- %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); return; } /* log_info("appString=%p - %s\n", appString, austrdup(appString)); */ if(!u_strcmp(icuString, appString)) { log_err("%s:%d: Error! Expected ICU and App root version strings to be DIFFERENT but they are both %s and %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, austrdup(icuString), austrdup(appString)); } else { log_verbose("%s:%d: appstr=%s, icustr=%s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_austrcpy(testMsgBuf, appString), u_austrcpy(testMsgBuf, icuString)); } ures_close(tmp); ures_close(tmp2); ures_close(icu); ures_close(app); }
/*Test Various format patterns*/ static void TestPatterns(void) { int32_t pat_length, i, lneed; UNumberFormat *fmt; UChar upat[5]; UChar unewpat[5]; UChar unum[5]; UChar *unewp=NULL; UChar *str=NULL; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* pat[] = { "#.#", "#.", ".#", "#" }; const char* newpat[] = { "0.#", "0.", "#.0", "0" }; const char* num[] = { "0", "0.", ".0", "0" }; log_verbose("\nTesting different format patterns\n"); pat_length = UPRV_LENGTHOF(pat); for (i=0; i < pat_length; ++i) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_uastrcpy(upat, pat[i]); fmt= unum_open(UNUM_IGNORE,upat, u_strlen(upat), "en_US",NULL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err_status(status, "FAIL: Number format constructor failed for pattern %s -> %s\n", pat[i], u_errorName(status)); continue; } lneed=0; lneed=unum_toPattern(fmt, FALSE, NULL, lneed, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ status= U_ZERO_ERROR; unewp=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (lneed+1) ); unum_toPattern(fmt, FALSE, unewp, lneed+1, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("FAIL: Number format extracting the pattern failed for %s\n", pat[i]); } u_uastrcpy(unewpat, newpat[i]); if(u_strcmp(unewp, unewpat) != 0) log_err("FAIL: Pattern %s should be transmute to %s; %s seen instead\n", pat[i], newpat[i], austrdup(unewp) ); lneed=0; lneed=unum_format(fmt, 0, NULL, lneed, NULL, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ status=U_ZERO_ERROR; str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (lneed+1) ); unum_format(fmt, 0, str, lneed+1, NULL, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error in formatting using unum_format(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); } u_uastrcpy(unum, num[i]); if (u_strcmp(str, unum) != 0) { log_err("FAIL: Pattern %s should format zero as %s; %s Seen instead\n", pat[i], num[i], austrdup(str) ); } free(unewp); free(str); unum_close(fmt); } }
/* Test exponential pattern*/ static void TestExponential(void) { int32_t pat_length, val_length, lval_length; int32_t ival, ilval, p, v, lneed; UNumberFormat *fmt; int32_t ppos; UChar *upat; UChar pattern[20]; UChar *str=NULL; UChar uvalfor[20], ulvalfor[20]; char tempMsgBug[256]; double a; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; #if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 static const double val[] = { 0.01234, 123456789, 1.23e75, -3.141592653e-78 }; #else static const double val[] = { 0.01234, 123456789, 1.23e300, -3.141592653e-271 }; #endif static const char* pat[] = { "0.####E0", "00.000E00", "##0.######E000", "0.###E0;[0.###E0]" }; static const int32_t lval[] = { 0, -1, 1, 123456789 }; static const char* valFormat[] = { "1.234E-2", "1.2346E8", "1.23E300", "-3.1416E-271", "12.340E-03", "12.346E07", "12.300E299", "-31.416E-272", "12.34E-003", "123.4568E006", "1.23E300", "-314.1593E-273", "1.234E-2", "1.235E8", "1.23E300", "[3.142E-271]" }; static const char* lvalFormat[] = { "0E0", "-1E0", "1E0", "1.2346E8", "00.000E00", "-10.000E-01", "10.000E-01", "12.346E07", "0E000", "-1E000", "1E000", "123.4568E006", "0E0", "[1E0]", "1E0", "1.235E8" }; static const double valParse[] = { #if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390 0.01234, 123460000, 1.23E75, -3.1416E-78, 0.01234, 123460000, 1.23E75, -3.1416E-78, 0.01234, 123456800, 1.23E75, -3.141593E-78, 0.01234, 123500000, 1.23E75, -3.142E-78 #else /* We define the whole IEEE 754 number in the 4th column because Visual Age 7 has a bug in rounding numbers. */ 0.01234, 123460000, 1.23E300, -3.1415999999999999E-271, 0.01234, 123460000, 1.23E300, -3.1415999999999999E-271, 0.01234, 123456800, 1.23E300, -3.1415929999999999E-271, 0.01234, 123500000, 1.23E300, -3.1420000000000001E-271 #endif }; static const int32_t lvalParse[] = { 0, -1, 1, 123460000, 0, -1, 1, 123460000, 0, -1, 1, 123456800, 0, -1, 1, 123500000 }; pat_length = UPRV_LENGTHOF(pat); val_length = UPRV_LENGTHOF(val); lval_length = UPRV_LENGTHOF(lval); ival = 0; ilval = 0; for (p=0; p < pat_length; ++p) { upat=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(pat[p])+1) ); u_uastrcpy(upat, pat[p]); fmt=unum_open(UNUM_IGNORE,upat, u_strlen(upat), "en_US",NULL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err_status(status, "FAIL: Bad status returned by Number format construction with pattern %s -> %s\n", pat[p], u_errorName(status)); continue; } lneed= u_strlen(upat) + 1; unum_toPattern(fmt, FALSE, pattern, lneed, &status); log_verbose("Pattern \" %s \" -toPattern-> \" %s \" \n", upat, u_austrcpy(tempMsgBug, pattern) ); for (v=0; v<val_length; ++v) { /*format*/ lneed=0; lneed=unum_formatDouble(fmt, val[v], NULL, lneed, NULL, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ status=U_ZERO_ERROR; str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (lneed+1) ); unum_formatDouble(fmt, val[v], str, lneed+1, NULL, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error in formatting using unum_format(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); } u_uastrcpy(uvalfor, valFormat[v+ival]); if(u_strcmp(str, uvalfor) != 0) log_verbose("FAIL: Expected %s ( %s )\n", valFormat[v+ival], u_austrcpy(tempMsgBug, uvalfor) ); /*parsing*/ ppos=0; a=unum_parseDouble(fmt, str, u_strlen(str), &ppos, &status); if (ppos== u_strlen(str)) { if (a != valParse[v+ival]) log_err("FAIL: Expected: %e, Got: %g\n", valParse[v+ival], a); } else log_err(" FAIL: Partial parse ( %d chars ) -> %e\n", ppos, a); free(str); } for (v=0; v<lval_length; ++v) { /*format*/ lneed=0; lneed=unum_formatDouble(fmt, lval[v], NULL, lneed, NULL, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ status=U_ZERO_ERROR; str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (lneed+1) ); unum_formatDouble(fmt, lval[v], str, lneed+1, NULL, &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error in formatting using unum_format(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status) ); } /*printf(" Format %e -> %s\n", lval[v], austrdup(str) );*/ u_uastrcpy(ulvalfor, lvalFormat[v+ilval]); if(u_strcmp(str, ulvalfor) != 0) log_err("FAIL: Expected %s ( %s )\n", valFormat[v+ilval], austrdup(ulvalfor) ); /*parsing*/ ppos=0; a=unum_parseDouble(fmt, str, u_strlen(str), &ppos, &status); if (ppos== u_strlen(str)) { /*printf(" Parse -> %e\n", a);*/ if (a != lvalParse[v+ilval]) log_err("FAIL: Expected : %e\n", valParse[v+ival]); } else log_err(" FAIL: Partial parse ( %d chars ) -> %e\n", ppos, a); free(str); } ival += val_length; ilval += lval_length; unum_close(fmt); free(upat); } }
static void verifyEnumeration(int line, UEnumeration *u, const char * const * compareToChar, const UChar * const * compareToUChar, int32_t expect_count) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t got_count,i,len; const char *c; UChar buf[1024]; log_verbose("%s:%d: verifying enumeration..\n", __FILE__, line); uenum_reset(u, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not reset char strings enumeration: %s\n", __FILE__, line, u_errorName(status)); return; } got_count = uenum_count(u, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not count char strings enumeration: %s\n", __FILE__, line, u_errorName(status)); return; } if(got_count!=expect_count) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: expect count %d got %d\n", __FILE__, line, expect_count, got_count); } else { log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: got count %d\n", __FILE__, line, got_count); } if(compareToChar!=NULL) { /* else, not invariant */ for(i=0;i<got_count;i++) { c = uenum_next(u,&len, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not iterate to next after %d: %s\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_errorName(status)); return; } if(c==NULL) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: got NULL for next after %d: %s\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_errorName(status)); return; } if(strcmp(c,compareToChar[i])) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: string #%d expected '%s' got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, compareToChar[i], c); } else { log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: string #%d got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, c); } if(len!=strlen(compareToChar[i])) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: string #%d expected len %d got %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, strlen(compareToChar[i]), len); } else { log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: string #%d got len %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, len); } } } /* now try U */ uenum_reset(u, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not reset again char strings enumeration: %s\n", __FILE__, line, u_errorName(status)); return; } for(i=0;i<got_count;i++) { const UChar *ustr = uenum_unext(u,&len, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: could not iterate to unext after %d: %s\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_errorName(status)); return; } if(ustr==NULL) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: got NULL for unext after %d: %s\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_errorName(status)); return; } if(compareToChar!=NULL) { u_charsToUChars(compareToChar[i], buf, strlen(compareToChar[i])+1); if(u_strncmp(ustr,buf,len)) { int j; log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: ustring #%d expected '%s' got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, compareToChar[i], austrdup(ustr)); for(j=0;ustr[j]&&buf[j];j++) { log_verbose(" @ %d\t<U+%04X> vs <U+%04X>\n", j, ustr[j],buf[j]); } } else { log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: ustring #%d got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, compareToChar[i]); } if(len!=strlen(compareToChar[i])) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: ustring #%d expected len %d got %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, strlen(compareToChar[i]), len); } else { log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: ustring #%d got len %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, len); } } if(compareToUChar!=NULL) { if(u_strcmp(ustr,compareToUChar[i])) { int j; log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: ustring #%d expected '%s' got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, austrdup(compareToUChar[i]), austrdup(ustr)); for(j=0;ustr[j]&&compareToUChar[j];j++) { log_verbose(" @ %d\t<U+%04X> vs <U+%04X>\n", j, ustr[j],compareToUChar[j]); } } else { log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: ustring #%d got '%s'\n", __FILE__, line, i, austrdup(compareToUChar[i])); } if(len!=u_strlen(compareToUChar[i])) { log_err("%s:%d: FAIL: ustring #%d expected len %d got %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, u_strlen(compareToUChar[i]), len); } else { log_verbose("%s:%d: OK: ustring #%d got len %d\n", __FILE__, line, i, len); } } } }
/** * @bug 4029195 */ void Test4029195() { int32_t resultlength, resultlengthneeded; UChar *fmdt, *todayS, *rt; UChar *pat=NULL; UChar *temp; UDate today, d1; UDateFormat *df; int32_t parsepos; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; log_verbose("Testing date format and parse function in regression test\n"); today = ucal_getNow(); df = udat_open(UDAT_DEFAULT,UDAT_DEFAULT ,"en_US", NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("FAIL: error in creating the dateformat using default date and time style : %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } resultlength=0; resultlengthneeded=udat_toPattern(df, TRUE, NULL, resultlength, &status); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultlengthneeded + 1; pat=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); udat_toPattern(df, TRUE, pat, resultlength, &status); } log_verbose("pattern: %s\n", austrdup(pat)); fmdt = myFormatit(df, today); if(fmdt) { log_verbose("today: %s\n", austrdup(fmdt)); } else { log_data_err("ERROR: couldn't format, exitting test"); return; } temp=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 10); u_uastrcpy(temp, "M yyyy dd"); udat_applyPattern(df, TRUE, temp, u_strlen(temp)); todayS =myFormatit(df, today); log_verbose("After teh pattern is applied\n today: %s\n", austrdup(todayS) ); parsepos=0; d1=udat_parse(df, todayS, u_strlen(todayS), &parsepos, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("FAIL: Error in parsing using udat_parse(.....): %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } rt =myFormatit(df, d1); log_verbose("today: %s\n", austrdup(rt) ); log_verbose("round trip: %s\n", austrdup(rt) ); if(u_strcmp(rt, todayS)!=0) { log_err("Fail: Want %s Got %s\n", austrdup(todayS), austrdup(rt) ); } else log_verbose("Pass: parse and format working fine\n"); udat_close(df); free(temp); if(pat != NULL) { free(pat); } }
/** * @bug 4056591 * Verify the function of the [s|g]et2DigitYearStart() API. */ void Test4056591() { int i; UCalendar *cal; UDateFormat *def; UDate start,exp,got; UChar s[10]; UChar *gotdate, *expdate; UChar pat[10]; UDate d[4]; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* strings[] = { "091225", "091224", "611226", "991227" }; log_verbose("Testing s[get] 2 digit year start regressively\n"); cal=ucal_open(NULL, 0, "en_US", UCAL_GREGORIAN, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("error in ucal_open caldef : %s - (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } ucal_setDateTime(cal, 1809, UCAL_DECEMBER, 25, 17, 40, 30, &status); d[0]=ucal_getMillis(cal, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error: failure in get millis: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); } ucal_setDateTime(cal, 1909, UCAL_DECEMBER, 24, 17, 40, 30, &status); d[1]=ucal_getMillis(cal, &status); ucal_setDateTime(cal, 1861, UCAL_DECEMBER, 26, 17, 40, 30, &status); d[2]=ucal_getMillis(cal, &status); ucal_setDateTime(cal, 1999, UCAL_DECEMBER, 27, 17, 40, 30, &status); d[3]=ucal_getMillis(cal, &status); u_uastrcpy(pat, "yyMMdd"); def = udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE,UDAT_IGNORE,NULL, NULL, 0, pat, u_strlen(pat), &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err_status(status, "FAIL: error in creating the dateformat using u_openPattern(): %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } start = 1800; udat_set2DigitYearStart(def, start, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) log_err("ERROR: in setTwoDigitStartDate: %s\n", myErrorName(status)); if( (udat_get2DigitYearStart(def, &status) != start)) log_err("ERROR: get2DigitYearStart broken\n"); for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { u_uastrcpy(s, strings[i]); exp = d[i]; got = udat_parse(def, s, u_strlen(s), 0, &status); gotdate=myFormatit(def, got); expdate=myFormatit(def, exp); if (gotdate == NULL || expdate == NULL) { log_err("myFormatit failed!\n"); } else if(u_strcmp(gotdate, expdate) !=0) { log_err("set2DigitYearStart broken for %s \n got: %s, expected: %s\n", austrdup(s), austrdup(gotdate), austrdup(expdate) ); } } udat_close(def); ucal_close(cal); }
static void TestPUtilAPI(void){ double n1=0.0, y1=0.0, expn1, expy1; double value1 = 0.021; char *str=0; UBool isTrue=FALSE; log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_modf()\n"); y1 = uprv_modf(value1, &n1); expn1=0; expy1=0.021; if(y1 != expy1 || n1 != expn1){ log_err("Error in uprv_modf. Expected IntegralValue=%f, Got=%f, \n Expected FractionalValue=%f, Got=%f\n", expn1, n1, expy1, y1); } if(getTestOption(VERBOSITY_OPTION)){ log_verbose("[float] x = %f n = %f y = %f\n", value1, n1, y1); } log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmod()\n"); expn1=uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00); doAssert(expn1, 0.5, "uprv_fmod(30.50, 15.00) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_ceil()\n"); expn1=uprv_ceil(value1); doAssert(expn1, 1, "uprv_ceil(0.021) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_floor()\n"); expn1=uprv_floor(value1); doAssert(expn1, 0, "uprv_floor(0.021) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fabs()\n"); expn1=uprv_fabs((2.02-1.345)); doAssert(expn1, 0.675, "uprv_fabs(2.02-1.345) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax()\n"); doAssert(uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2), 2.4, "uprv_fmax(2.4, 1.2) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmax() with x value= NaN\n"); expn1=uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2); doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmax(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN"); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin()\n"); doAssert(uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2), 1.2, "uprv_fmin(2.4, 1.2) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_fmin() with x value= NaN\n"); expn1=uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2); doAssert(expn1, uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_fmin(uprv_getNaN(), 1.2) failed. when one parameter is NaN"); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_max()\n"); doAssert(uprv_max(4, 2), 4, "uprv_max(4, 2) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_min()\n"); doAssert(uprv_min(-4, 2), -4, "uprv_min(-4, 2) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_trunc()\n"); doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.3456), 12, "uprv_trunc(12.3456) failed."); doAssert(uprv_trunc(12.234E2), 1223, "uprv_trunc(12.234E2) failed."); doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()), uprv_getNaN(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getNaN()) failed. with parameter=NaN"); doAssert(uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()), uprv_getInfinity(), "uprv_trunc(uprv_getInfinity()) failed. with parameter=Infinity"); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_pow10()\n"); doAssert(uprv_pow10(4), 10000, "uprv_pow10(4) failed."); log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isNegativeInfinity()\n"); isTrue=uprv_isNegativeInfinity(uprv_getInfinity() * -1); if(isTrue != TRUE){ log_err("ERROR: uprv_isNegativeInfinity failed.\n"); } log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isPositiveInfinity()\n"); isTrue=uprv_isPositiveInfinity(uprv_getInfinity()); if(isTrue != TRUE){ log_err("ERROR: uprv_isPositiveInfinity failed.\n"); } log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_isInfinite()\n"); isTrue=uprv_isInfinite(uprv_getInfinity()); if(isTrue != TRUE){ log_err("ERROR: uprv_isInfinite failed.\n"); } #if 0 log_verbose("Testing the API uprv_digitsAfterDecimal()....\n"); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(value1), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal() failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2), 6, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-2) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2), 2, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E2) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-1.2345E-20), 24, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E-20) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(1.2345E20) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021), 3, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(-0.021) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0), 0, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(23.0) failed."); doAssert(uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321), 9, "uprv_digitsAfterDecimal(0.022223333321) failed."); #endif log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n"); str=(char*)u_errorName((UErrorCode)0); if(strcmp(str, "U_ZERO_ERROR") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_ZERO_ERROR Got=%s\n", str); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName()...\n"); str=(char*)u_errorName((UErrorCode)-127); if(strcmp(str, "U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING Got=%s\n", str); } log_verbose("Testing the API u_errorName().. with BOGUS ERRORCODE...\n"); str=(char*)u_errorName((UErrorCode)200); if(strcmp(str, "[BOGUS UErrorCode]") != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_getVersion() failed. Expected: [BOGUS UErrorCode] Got=%s\n", str); } { const char* dataDirectory; int32_t dataDirectoryLen; UChar *udataDir=0; UChar temp[100]; char *charvalue=0; log_verbose("Testing chars to UChars\n"); /* This cannot really work on a japanese system. u_uastrcpy will have different results than */ /* u_charsToUChars when there is a backslash in the string! */ /*dataDirectory=u_getDataDirectory();*/ dataDirectory="directory1"; /*no backslashes*/ dataDirectoryLen=(int32_t)strlen(dataDirectory); udataDir=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (dataDirectoryLen + 1)); u_charsToUChars(dataDirectory, udataDir, (dataDirectoryLen + 1)); u_uastrcpy(temp, dataDirectory); if(u_strcmp(temp, udataDir) != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_charsToUChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", austrdup(temp), austrdup(udataDir)); } log_verbose("Testing UChars to chars\n"); charvalue=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (u_strlen(udataDir) + 1)); u_UCharsToChars(udataDir, charvalue, (u_strlen(udataDir)+1)); if(strcmp(charvalue, dataDirectory) != 0){ log_err("ERROR: u_UCharsToChars failed. Expected %s, Got %s\n", charvalue, dataDirectory); } free(charvalue); free(udataDir); } log_verbose("Testing uprv_timezone()....\n"); { int32_t tzoffset = uprv_timezone(); log_verbose("Value returned from uprv_timezone = %d\n", tzoffset); if (tzoffset != 28800) { log_verbose("***** WARNING: If testing in the PST timezone, t_timezone should return 28800! *****"); } if ((tzoffset % 1800 != 0)) { log_info("Note: t_timezone offset of %ld (for %s : %s) is not a multiple of 30min.", tzoffset, uprv_tzname(0), uprv_tzname(1)); } /*tzoffset=uprv_getUTCtime();*/ } }
/*test u_formatMessage() with sample patterns */ static void TestSampleMessageFormat(void) { UChar *str; UChar *result; UChar pattern[100], expected[100]; int32_t resultLengthOut, resultlength; UDate d = 837039928046.0; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ctest_setTimeZone(NULL, &status); str=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 15); u_uastrcpy(str, "abc"); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "There are {0} files on {1,date}"); u_uastrcpy(expected, "There are abc files on Jul 10, 1996"); result=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 1); log_verbose("\nTesting a sample for Message format test#1\n"); resultlength=1; resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, str, d); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)realloc(result, sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, str, d); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("Error: failure in message format on test#1: %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); } else if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0) log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on test#1\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on test#1 \n GOT: %s EXPECTED: %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(expected) ); } log_verbose("\nTesting message format with another pattern test#2\n"); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "The disk \"{0}\" contains {1,number,integer} file(s)"); u_uastrcpy(expected, "The disk \"MyDisk\" contains 23 file(s)"); u_uastrcpy(str, "MyDisk"); resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, str, 235); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)realloc(result, sizeof(UChar) * (resultlength+1)); u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, str, 23); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("Error: failure in message format on test#2 : %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); } else if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0) log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on test#2\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on test#2\n GOT: %s EXPECTED: %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(expected) ); } log_verbose("\nTesting message format with another pattern test#3\n"); u_uastrcpy(pattern, "You made a {0} of {1,number,currency}"); u_uastrcpy(expected, "You made a deposit of $500.00"); u_uastrcpy(str, "deposit"); resultlength=0; resultLengthOut=u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), NULL, resultlength, &status, str, 500.00); if(status==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { status=U_ZERO_ERROR; resultlength=resultLengthOut+1; result=(UChar*)realloc(result, sizeof(UChar) * resultlength); u_formatMessage( "en_US", pattern, u_strlen(pattern), result, resultlength, &status, str, 500.00); } if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("Error: failure in message format on test#3 : %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); } else if(u_strcmp(result, expected)==0) log_verbose("PASS: MessagFormat successful on test#3\n"); else{ log_err("FAIL: Error in MessageFormat on test#3\n GOT: %s EXPECTED %s\n", austrdup(result), austrdup(expected) ); } free(result); free(str); ctest_resetTimeZone(); }