Example #1
void OAuthWebViewHandler::displayWebviewForAuthorizationURL(const QUrl& authorizationURL) {
    if (!_activeWebView) {

        if (!_lastAuthorizationURL.isEmpty()) {
            if (_lastAuthorizationURL.host() == authorizationURL.host()
                && _webViewRedisplayTimer.elapsed() < WEB_VIEW_REDISPLAY_ELAPSED_MSECS) {
                // this would be re-displaying an OAuth dialog for the same auth URL inside of the redisplay ms
                // so return instead
        _lastAuthorizationURL = authorizationURL;
        _activeWebView = new QWebView;
        // keep the window on top and delete it when it closes
        qDebug() << "Displaying QWebView for OAuth authorization at" << authorizationURL.toString();
        AccountManager& accountManager = AccountManager::getInstance();
        QUrl codedAuthorizationURL = authorizationURL;
        // check if we have an access token for this host - if so we can bypass login by adding it to the URL
        if (accountManager.getAuthURL().host() == authorizationURL.host()
            && accountManager.hasValidAccessToken()) {
            const QString ACCESS_TOKEN_QUERY_STRING_KEY = "access_token";
            QUrlQuery authQuery(codedAuthorizationURL);
            authQuery.addQueryItem(ACCESS_TOKEN_QUERY_STRING_KEY, accountManager.getAccountInfo().getAccessToken().token);
        connect(_activeWebView.data(), &QWebView::urlChanged, this, &OAuthWebViewHandler::handleURLChanged);
        connect(_activeWebView->page()->networkAccessManager(), &QNetworkAccessManager::sslErrors,
                this, &OAuthWebViewHandler::handleSSLErrors);
        connect(_activeWebView->page()->networkAccessManager(), &QNetworkAccessManager::finished,
                this, &OAuthWebViewHandler::handleReplyFinished);
        connect(_activeWebView.data(), &QWebView::loadFinished, this, &OAuthWebViewHandler::handleLoadFinished);
        // connect to the destroyed signal so after the web view closes we can start a timer
        connect(_activeWebView.data(), &QWebView::destroyed, this, &OAuthWebViewHandler::handleWebViewDestroyed);
Example #2
void OAuthWebViewHandler::handleLoadFinished(bool success) {
    if (success && _activeWebView->url().host() == NodeList::getInstance()->getDomainHandler().getHostname()) {
        qDebug() << "OAuth authorization code passed successfully to domain-server.";
        // grab the UUID that is set as the state parameter in the auth URL
        // since that is our new session UUID
        QUrlQuery authQuery(_activeWebView->url());
        const QString AUTH_STATE_QUERY_KEY = "state";