bool SkBlurMask::BlurGroundTruth(SkMask* dst, const SkMask& src, SkScalar provided_radius,
                            Style style, SkIPoint* margin) {

    if (src.fFormat != SkMask::kA8_Format) {
        return false;

    float radius = SkScalarToFloat(SkScalarMul(provided_radius, kBlurRadiusFudgeFactor));
    float stddev = SkScalarToFloat(radius) /2.0f;
    float variance = stddev * stddev;

    int windowSize = SkScalarCeil(stddev*4);
    // round window size up to nearest odd number
    windowSize |= 1;

    SkAutoTMalloc<float> gaussWindow(windowSize);

    int halfWindow = windowSize >> 1;

    gaussWindow[halfWindow] = 1;

    float windowSum = 1;
    for (int x = 1 ; x <= halfWindow ; ++x) {
        float gaussian = expf(-x*x / variance);
        gaussWindow[halfWindow + x] = gaussWindow[halfWindow-x] = gaussian;
        windowSum += 2*gaussian;

    // leave the filter un-normalized for now; we will divide by the normalization
    // sum later;

    int pad = halfWindow;
    if (margin) {
        margin->set( pad, pad );

    dst->fBounds = src.fBounds;
    dst->fBounds.outset(pad, pad);

    dst->fRowBytes = dst->fBounds.width();
    dst->fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
    dst->fImage = NULL;

    if (src.fImage) {

        size_t dstSize = dst->computeImageSize();
        if (0 == dstSize) {
            return false;   // too big to allocate, abort

        int             srcWidth = src.fBounds.width();
        int             srcHeight = src.fBounds.height();
        int             dstWidth = dst->fBounds.width();

        const uint8_t*  srcPixels = src.fImage;
        uint8_t*        dstPixels = SkMask::AllocImage(dstSize);
        SkAutoTCallVProc<uint8_t, SkMask_FreeImage> autoCall(dstPixels);

        // do the actual blur.  First, make a padded copy of the source.
        // use double pad so we never have to check if we're outside anything

        int padWidth = srcWidth + 4*pad;
        int padHeight = srcHeight;
        int padSize = padWidth * padHeight;

        SkAutoTMalloc<uint8_t> padPixels(padSize);
        memset(padPixels, 0, padSize);

        for (int y = 0 ; y < srcHeight; ++y) {
            uint8_t* padptr = padPixels + y * padWidth + 2*pad;
            const uint8_t* srcptr = srcPixels + y * srcWidth;
            memcpy(padptr, srcptr, srcWidth);

        // blur in X, transposing the result into a temporary floating point buffer.
        // also double-pad the intermediate result so that the second blur doesn't
        // have to do extra conditionals.

        int tmpWidth = padHeight + 4*pad;
        int tmpHeight = padWidth - 2*pad;
        int tmpSize = tmpWidth * tmpHeight;

        SkAutoTMalloc<float> tmpImage(tmpSize);
        memset(tmpImage, 0, tmpSize*sizeof(tmpImage[0]));

        for (int y = 0 ; y < padHeight ; ++y) {
            uint8_t *srcScanline = padPixels + y*padWidth;
            for (int x = pad ; x < padWidth - pad ; ++x) {
                float *outPixel = tmpImage + (x-pad)*tmpWidth + y + 2*pad; // transposed output
                uint8_t *windowCenter = srcScanline + x;
                for (int i = -pad ; i <= pad ; ++i) {
                    *outPixel += gaussWindow[pad+i]*windowCenter[i];
                *outPixel /= windowSum;

        // blur in Y; now filling in the actual desired destination.  We have to do
        // the transpose again; these transposes guarantee that we read memory in
        // linear order.

        for (int y = 0 ; y < tmpHeight ; ++y) {
            float *srcScanline = tmpImage + y*tmpWidth;
            for (int x = pad ; x < tmpWidth - pad ; ++x) {
                float *windowCenter = srcScanline + x;
                float finalValue = 0;
                for (int i = -pad ; i <= pad ; ++i) {
                    finalValue += gaussWindow[pad+i]*windowCenter[i];
                finalValue /= windowSum;
                uint8_t *outPixel = dstPixels + (x-pad)*dstWidth + y; // transposed output
                int integerPixel = int(finalValue + 0.5f);
                *outPixel = SkClampMax( SkClampPos(integerPixel), 255 );

        dst->fImage = dstPixels;
        // if need be, alloc the "real" dst (same size as src) and copy/merge
        // the blur into it (applying the src)
        if (style == kInner_Style) {
            // now we allocate the "real" dst, mirror the size of src
            size_t srcSize = src.computeImageSize();
            if (0 == srcSize) {
                return false;   // too big to allocate, abort
            dst->fImage = SkMask::AllocImage(srcSize);
            merge_src_with_blur(dst->fImage, src.fRowBytes,
                srcPixels, src.fRowBytes,
                dstPixels + pad*dst->fRowBytes + pad,
                dst->fRowBytes, srcWidth, srcHeight);
        } else if (style != kNormal_Style) {
            clamp_with_orig(dstPixels + pad*dst->fRowBytes + pad,
                dst->fRowBytes, srcPixels, src.fRowBytes, srcWidth, srcHeight, style);

    if (style == kInner_Style) {
        dst->fBounds = src.fBounds; // restore trimmed bounds
        dst->fRowBytes = src.fRowBytes;

    return true;
Example #2
bool SkBlurMask::BoxBlur(SkMask* dst, const SkMask& src,
                         SkScalar sigma, SkBlurStyle style, SkBlurQuality quality,
                         SkIPoint* margin, bool force_quality) {

    if (src.fFormat != SkMask::kA8_Format) {
        return false;

    SkIPoint border;


    auto get_adjusted_radii = [](SkScalar passRadius, int *loRadius, int *hiRadius) {
        *loRadius = *hiRadius = SkScalarCeilToInt(passRadius);
        if (SkIntToScalar(*hiRadius) - passRadius > 0.5f) {
            *loRadius = *hiRadius - 1;

    // Force high quality off for small radii (performance)
    if (!force_quality && sigma <= SkIntToScalar(2)) {
        quality = kLow_SkBlurQuality;

    SkScalar passRadius;
    if (kHigh_SkBlurQuality == quality) {
        // For the high quality path the 3 pass box blur kernel width is
        // 6*rad+1 while the full Gaussian width is 6*sigma.
        passRadius = sigma - (1 / 6.0f);
    } else {
        // For the low quality path we only attempt to cover 3*sigma of the
        // Gaussian blur area (1.5*sigma on each side). The single pass box
        // blur's kernel size is 2*rad+1.
        passRadius = 1.5f * sigma - 0.5f;

    // highQuality: use three box blur passes as a cheap way
    // to approximate a Gaussian blur
    int passCount = (kHigh_SkBlurQuality == quality) ? 3 : 1;

    int rx = SkScalarCeilToInt(passRadius);
    int outerWeight = 255 - SkScalarRoundToInt((SkIntToScalar(rx) - passRadius) * 255);

    SkASSERT(rx >= 0);
    SkASSERT((unsigned)outerWeight <= 255);
    if (rx <= 0) {
        return false;

    int ry = rx;    // only do square blur for now

    int padx = passCount * rx;
    int pady = passCount * ry;

    border = {padx, pady};

    dst->fBounds.set(src.fBounds.fLeft - padx, src.fBounds.fTop - pady,
                     src.fBounds.fRight + padx, src.fBounds.fBottom + pady);

    dst->fRowBytes = dst->fBounds.width();
    dst->fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
    dst->fImage = nullptr;

    if (src.fImage) {
        size_t dstSize = dst->computeImageSize();
        if (0 == dstSize) {
            return false;   // too big to allocate, abort

        int sw = src.fBounds.width();
        int sh = src.fBounds.height();
        const uint8_t* sp = src.fImage;
        uint8_t* dp = SkMask::AllocImage(dstSize);
        SkAutoTCallVProc<uint8_t, SkMask_FreeImage> autoCall(dp);

        // build the blurry destination
        SkAutoTMalloc<uint8_t> tmpBuffer(dstSize);
        uint8_t* tp = tmpBuffer.get();
        int w = sw, h = sh;

        if (outerWeight == 255) {
            int loRadius, hiRadius;
            get_adjusted_radii(passRadius, &loRadius, &hiRadius);
            if (kHigh_SkBlurQuality == quality) {
                // Do three X blurs, with a transpose on the final one.
                w = boxBlur<false>(sp, src.fRowBytes, tp, loRadius, hiRadius, w, h);
                w = boxBlur<false>(tp, w, dp, hiRadius, loRadius, w, h);
                w = boxBlur<true>(dp, w, tp, hiRadius, hiRadius, w, h);
                // Do three Y blurs, with a transpose on the final one.
                h = boxBlur<false>(tp, h, dp, loRadius, hiRadius, h, w);
                h = boxBlur<false>(dp, h, tp, hiRadius, loRadius, h, w);
                h = boxBlur<true>(tp, h, dp, hiRadius, hiRadius, h, w);
            } else {
                w = boxBlur<true>(sp, src.fRowBytes, tp, rx, rx, w, h);
                h = boxBlur<true>(tp, h, dp, ry, ry, h, w);
        } else {
            if (kHigh_SkBlurQuality == quality) {
                // Do three X blurs, with a transpose on the final one.
                w = boxBlurInterp<false>(sp, src.fRowBytes, tp, rx, w, h, outerWeight);
                w = boxBlurInterp<false>(tp, w, dp, rx, w, h, outerWeight);
                w = boxBlurInterp<true>(dp, w, tp, rx, w, h, outerWeight);
                // Do three Y blurs, with a transpose on the final one.
                h = boxBlurInterp<false>(tp, h, dp, ry, h, w, outerWeight);
                h = boxBlurInterp<false>(dp, h, tp, ry, h, w, outerWeight);
                h = boxBlurInterp<true>(tp, h, dp, ry, h, w, outerWeight);
            } else {
                w = boxBlurInterp<true>(sp, src.fRowBytes, tp, rx, w, h, outerWeight);
                h = boxBlurInterp<true>(tp, h, dp, ry, h, w, outerWeight);

        dst->fImage = autoCall.release();
    SkMaskBlurFilter blurFilter{sigma, sigma};
    border = blurFilter.blur(src, dst);

    if (src.fImage != nullptr) {
        // if need be, alloc the "real" dst (same size as src) and copy/merge
        // the blur into it (applying the src)
        if (style == kInner_SkBlurStyle) {
            // now we allocate the "real" dst, mirror the size of src
            size_t srcSize = src.computeImageSize();
            if (0 == srcSize) {
                return false;   // too big to allocate, abort
            auto blur = dst->fImage;
            dst->fImage = SkMask::AllocImage(srcSize);
            auto blurStart = &blur[border.x() + border.y() * dst->fRowBytes];
            merge_src_with_blur(dst->fImage, src.fRowBytes,
                                src.fImage, src.fRowBytes,
                                src.fBounds.width(), src.fBounds.height());
        } else if (style != kNormal_SkBlurStyle) {
            auto dstStart = &dst->fImage[border.x() + border.y() * dst->fRowBytes];
                            dst->fRowBytes, src.fImage, src.fRowBytes,
                            src.fBounds.width(), src.fBounds.height(), style);

    if (style == kInner_SkBlurStyle) {
        dst->fBounds = src.fBounds; // restore trimmed bounds
        dst->fRowBytes = src.fRowBytes;

    if (margin != nullptr) {
        *margin = border;

    return true;
bool SkBlurMask::Blur(SkMask* dst, const SkMask& src,
                      SkScalar radius, Style style, Quality quality,
                      SkIPoint* margin)

    if (src.fFormat != SkMask::kA8_Format) {
        return false;

    // Force high quality off for small radii (performance)
    if (radius < SkIntToScalar(3)) {
        quality = kLow_Quality;

    // highQuality: use three box blur passes as a cheap way
    // to approximate a Gaussian blur
    int passCount = (kHigh_Quality == quality) ? 3 : 1;
    SkScalar passRadius = (kHigh_Quality == quality) ?
                          SkScalarMul( radius, kBlurRadiusFudgeFactor):

    int rx = SkScalarCeil(passRadius);
    int outerWeight = 255 - SkScalarRound((SkIntToScalar(rx) - passRadius) * 255);

    SkASSERT(rx >= 0);
    SkASSERT((unsigned)outerWeight <= 255);
    if (rx <= 0) {
        return false;

    int ry = rx;    // only do square blur for now

    int padx = passCount * rx;
    int pady = passCount * ry;

    if (margin) {
        margin->set(padx, pady);
    dst->fBounds.set(src.fBounds.fLeft - padx, src.fBounds.fTop - pady,
        src.fBounds.fRight + padx, src.fBounds.fBottom + pady);

    dst->fRowBytes = dst->fBounds.width();
    dst->fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
    dst->fImage = NULL;

    if (src.fImage) {
        size_t dstSize = dst->computeImageSize();
        if (0 == dstSize) {
            return false;   // too big to allocate, abort

        int             sw = src.fBounds.width();
        int             sh = src.fBounds.height();
        const uint8_t*  sp = src.fImage;
        uint8_t*        dp = SkMask::AllocImage(dstSize);
        SkAutoTCallVProc<uint8_t, SkMask_FreeImage> autoCall(dp);

        // build the blurry destination
        SkAutoTMalloc<uint8_t>  tmpBuffer(dstSize);
        uint8_t*                tp = tmpBuffer.get();
        int w = sw, h = sh;

        if (outerWeight == 255) {
            int loRadius, hiRadius;
            get_adjusted_radii(passRadius, &loRadius, &hiRadius);
            if (kHigh_Quality == quality) {
                // Do three X blurs, with a transpose on the final one.
                w = boxBlur(sp, src.fRowBytes, tp, loRadius, hiRadius, w, h, false);
                w = boxBlur(tp, w,             dp, hiRadius, loRadius, w, h, false);
                w = boxBlur(dp, w,             tp, hiRadius, hiRadius, w, h, true);
                // Do three Y blurs, with a transpose on the final one.
                h = boxBlur(tp, h,             dp, loRadius, hiRadius, h, w, false);
                h = boxBlur(dp, h,             tp, hiRadius, loRadius, h, w, false);
                h = boxBlur(tp, h,             dp, hiRadius, hiRadius, h, w, true);
            } else {
                w = boxBlur(sp, src.fRowBytes, tp, rx, rx, w, h, true);
                h = boxBlur(tp, h,             dp, ry, ry, h, w, true);
        } else {
            if (kHigh_Quality == quality) {
                // Do three X blurs, with a transpose on the final one.
                w = boxBlurInterp(sp, src.fRowBytes, tp, rx, w, h, false, outerWeight);
                w = boxBlurInterp(tp, w,             dp, rx, w, h, false, outerWeight);
                w = boxBlurInterp(dp, w,             tp, rx, w, h, true, outerWeight);
                // Do three Y blurs, with a transpose on the final one.
                h = boxBlurInterp(tp, h,             dp, ry, h, w, false, outerWeight);
                h = boxBlurInterp(dp, h,             tp, ry, h, w, false, outerWeight);
                h = boxBlurInterp(tp, h,             dp, ry, h, w, true, outerWeight);
            } else {
                w = boxBlurInterp(sp, src.fRowBytes, tp, rx, w, h, true, outerWeight);
                h = boxBlurInterp(tp, h,             dp, ry, h, w, true, outerWeight);

        dst->fImage = dp;
        // if need be, alloc the "real" dst (same size as src) and copy/merge
        // the blur into it (applying the src)
        if (style == kInner_Style) {
            // now we allocate the "real" dst, mirror the size of src
            size_t srcSize = src.computeImageSize();
            if (0 == srcSize) {
                return false;   // too big to allocate, abort
            dst->fImage = SkMask::AllocImage(srcSize);
            merge_src_with_blur(dst->fImage, src.fRowBytes,
                                sp, src.fRowBytes,
                                dp + passCount * (rx + ry * dst->fRowBytes),
                                dst->fRowBytes, sw, sh);
        } else if (style != kNormal_Style) {
            clamp_with_orig(dp + passCount * (rx + ry * dst->fRowBytes),
                            dst->fRowBytes, sp, src.fRowBytes, sw, sh, style);

    if (style == kInner_Style) {
        dst->fBounds = src.fBounds; // restore trimmed bounds
        dst->fRowBytes = src.fRowBytes;

    return true;
Example #4
bool SkBlurMask::Blur(SkMask* dst, const SkMask& src,
                      SkScalar radius, Style style, Quality quality,
                      SkIPoint* margin)
    if (src.fFormat != SkMask::kA8_Format) {
        return false;

    // Force high quality off for small radii (performance)
    if (radius < SkIntToScalar(3)) quality = kLow_Quality;

    // highQuality: use three box blur passes as a cheap way to approximate a Gaussian blur
    int passCount = (quality == kHigh_Quality) ? 3 : 1;
    SkScalar passRadius = SkScalarDiv(radius, SkScalarSqrt(SkIntToScalar(passCount)));

    int rx = SkScalarCeil(passRadius);
    int outer_weight = 255 - SkScalarRound((SkIntToScalar(rx) - passRadius) * 255);

    SkASSERT(rx >= 0);
    SkASSERT((unsigned)outer_weight <= 255);
    if (rx <= 0) {
        return false;

    int ry = rx;    // only do square blur for now

    int padx = passCount * rx;
    int pady = passCount * ry;
    if (margin) {
        margin->set(padx, pady);
    dst->fBounds.set(src.fBounds.fLeft - padx, src.fBounds.fTop - pady,
        src.fBounds.fRight + padx, src.fBounds.fBottom + pady);
    dst->fRowBytes = dst->fBounds.width();
    dst->fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
    dst->fImage = NULL;

    if (src.fImage) {
        size_t dstSize = dst->computeImageSize();
        if (0 == dstSize) {
            return false;   // too big to allocate, abort

        int             sw = src.fBounds.width();
        int             sh = src.fBounds.height();
        const uint8_t*  sp = src.fImage;
        uint8_t*        dp = SkMask::AllocImage(dstSize);

        SkAutoTCallVProc<uint8_t, SkMask_FreeImage> autoCall(dp);

        // build the blurry destination
            const size_t storageW = sw + 2 * (passCount - 1) * rx + 1;
            const size_t storageH = sh + 2 * (passCount - 1) * ry + 1;
            SkAutoTMalloc<uint32_t> storage(storageW * storageH);
            uint32_t*               sumBuffer = storage.get();

            //pass1: sp is source, dp is destination
            build_sum_buffer(sumBuffer, sw, sh, sp, src.fRowBytes);
            if (outer_weight == 255) {
                apply_kernel(dp, rx, ry, sumBuffer, sw, sh);
            } else {
                apply_kernel_interp(dp, rx, ry, sumBuffer, sw, sh, outer_weight);

            if (quality == kHigh_Quality) {
                //pass2: dp is source, tmpBuffer is destination
                int tmp_sw = sw + 2 * rx;
                int tmp_sh = sh + 2 * ry;
                SkAutoTMalloc<uint8_t>  tmpBuffer(dstSize);
                build_sum_buffer(sumBuffer, tmp_sw, tmp_sh, dp, tmp_sw);
                if (outer_weight == 255)
                    apply_kernel(tmpBuffer.get(), rx, ry, sumBuffer, tmp_sw, tmp_sh);
                    apply_kernel_interp(tmpBuffer.get(), rx, ry, sumBuffer,
                                        tmp_sw, tmp_sh, outer_weight);

                //pass3: tmpBuffer is source, dp is destination
                tmp_sw += 2 * rx;
                tmp_sh += 2 * ry;
                build_sum_buffer(sumBuffer, tmp_sw, tmp_sh, tmpBuffer.get(), tmp_sw);
                if (outer_weight == 255)
                    apply_kernel(dp, rx, ry, sumBuffer, tmp_sw, tmp_sh);
                    apply_kernel_interp(dp, rx, ry, sumBuffer, tmp_sw, tmp_sh,

        dst->fImage = dp;
        // if need be, alloc the "real" dst (same size as src) and copy/merge
        // the blur into it (applying the src)
        if (style == kInner_Style) {
            // now we allocate the "real" dst, mirror the size of src
            size_t srcSize = src.computeImageSize();
            if (0 == srcSize) {
                return false;   // too big to allocate, abort
            dst->fImage = SkMask::AllocImage(srcSize);
            merge_src_with_blur(dst->fImage, src.fRowBytes,
                                sp, src.fRowBytes,
                                dp + passCount * (rx + ry * dst->fRowBytes),
                                dst->fRowBytes, sw, sh);
        } else if (style != kNormal_Style) {
            clamp_with_orig(dp + passCount * (rx + ry * dst->fRowBytes),
                            dst->fRowBytes, sp, src.fRowBytes, sw, sh, style);

    if (style == kInner_Style) {
        dst->fBounds = src.fBounds; // restore trimmed bounds
        dst->fRowBytes = src.fRowBytes;

    return true;