Example #1
/* We want to suppress the throttle if we think we are on the ground and in an autopilot controlled throttle mode.

   Disable throttle if following conditions are met:
   *       1 - We are in Circle mode (which we use for short term failsafe), or in FBW-B or higher
   *       AND
   *       2 - Our reported altitude is within 10 meters of the home altitude.
   *       3 - Our reported speed is under 5 meters per second.
   *       4 - We are not performing a takeoff in Auto mode or takeoff speed/accel not yet reached
   *       OR
   *       5 - Home location is not set
bool Plane::suppress_throttle(void)
    if (!throttle_suppressed) {
        // we've previously met a condition for unsupressing the throttle
        return false;
    if (!auto_throttle_mode) {
        // the user controls the throttle
        throttle_suppressed = false;
        return false;

    if (control_mode==AUTO && g.auto_fbw_steer) {
        // user has throttle control
        return false;

    if (control_mode==AUTO &&
            auto_state.takeoff_complete == false) {
        if (auto_takeoff_check()) {
            // we're in auto takeoff
            throttle_suppressed = false;
            return false;
        // keep throttle suppressed
        return true;

    if (relative_altitude_abs_cm() >= 1000) {
        // we're more than 10m from the home altitude
        throttle_suppressed = false;
        gcs_send_text_fmt(PSTR("Throttle unsuppressed - altitude %.2f"),
        return false;

    if (gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D &&
            gps.ground_speed() >= 5) {
        // if we have an airspeed sensor, then check it too, and
        // require 5m/s. This prevents throttle up due to spiky GPS
        // groundspeed with bad GPS reception
        if ((!ahrs.airspeed_sensor_enabled()) || airspeed.get_airspeed() >= 5) {
            // we're moving at more than 5 m/s
            gcs_send_text_fmt(PSTR("Throttle unsuppressed - speed %.2f airspeed %.2f"),
            throttle_suppressed = false;
            return false;

    // throttle remains suppressed
    return true;
Example #2
/* We want to suppress the throttle if we think we are on the ground and in an autopilot controlled throttle mode.

   Disable throttle if following conditions are met:
   *       1 - We are in Circle mode (which we use for short term failsafe), or in FBW-B or higher
   *       AND
   *       2 - Our reported altitude is within 10 meters of the home altitude.
   *       3 - Our reported speed is under 5 meters per second.
   *       4 - We are not performing a takeoff in Auto mode or takeoff speed/accel not yet reached
   *       OR
   *       5 - Home location is not set
   *       OR
   *       6- Landing does not want to allow throttle
bool Plane::suppress_throttle(void)
    if (auto_throttle_mode && parachute.release_initiated()) {
        // throttle always suppressed in auto-throttle modes after parachute release initiated
        throttle_suppressed = true;
        return true;

    if (landing.is_throttle_suppressed()) {
        return true;

    if (!throttle_suppressed) {
        // we've previously met a condition for unsupressing the throttle
        return false;
    if (!auto_throttle_mode) {
        // the user controls the throttle
        throttle_suppressed = false;
        return false;

    if (control_mode==AUTO && g.auto_fbw_steer == 42) {
        // user has throttle control
        return false;

    bool gps_movement = (gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D && gps.ground_speed() >= 5);
    if (control_mode==AUTO && 
        auto_state.takeoff_complete == false) {

        uint32_t launch_duration_ms = ((int32_t)g.takeoff_throttle_delay)*100 + 2000;
        if (is_flying() &&
            millis() - started_flying_ms > MAX(launch_duration_ms, 5000U) && // been flying >5s in any mode
            adjusted_relative_altitude_cm() > 500 && // are >5m above AGL/home
            labs(ahrs.pitch_sensor) < 3000 && // not high pitch, which happens when held before launch
            gps_movement) { // definite gps movement
            // we're already flying, do not suppress the throttle. We can get
            // stuck in this condition if we reset a mission and cmd 1 is takeoff
            // but we're currently flying around below the takeoff altitude
            throttle_suppressed = false;
            return false;
        if (auto_takeoff_check()) {
            // we're in auto takeoff 
            throttle_suppressed = false;
            auto_state.baro_takeoff_alt = barometer.get_altitude();
            return false;
        // keep throttle suppressed
        return true;
    if (fabsf(relative_altitude) >= 10.0f) {
        // we're more than 10m from the home altitude
        throttle_suppressed = false;
        return false;

    if (gps_movement) {
        // if we have an airspeed sensor, then check it too, and
        // require 5m/s. This prevents throttle up due to spiky GPS
        // groundspeed with bad GPS reception
        if ((!ahrs.airspeed_sensor_enabled()) || airspeed.get_airspeed() >= 5) {
            // we're moving at more than 5 m/s
            throttle_suppressed = false;
            return false;        

    if (quadplane.is_flying()) {
        throttle_suppressed = false;
        return false;

    // throttle remains suppressed
    return true;