Example #1
** Function         avdt_ad_open_req
** Description      This function is called by a CCB or SCB to open a transport
**                  channel.  This function allocates and initializes a
**                  transport channel table entry.  The channel can be opened
**                  in two roles:  as an initiator or acceptor.  When opened
**                  as an initiator the function will start an L2CAP connection.
**                  When opened as an acceptor the function simply configures
**                  the table entry to listen for an incoming channel.
** Returns          Nothing.
void avdt_ad_open_req(UINT8 type, tAVDT_CCB *p_ccb, tAVDT_SCB *p_scb, UINT8 role)
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;
    UINT16          lcid;

    if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_alloc(p_ccb)) == NULL) {
        AVDT_TRACE_ERROR("avdt_ad_open_req: Cannot allocate p_tbl");

    p_tbl->tcid = avdt_ad_type_to_tcid(type, p_scb);
    AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_ad_open_req: type: %d, role: %d, tcid:%d\n",
                     type, role, p_tbl->tcid);

    if (type == AVDT_CHAN_SIG) {
        /* if signaling, get mtu from registration control block */
        p_tbl->my_mtu = avdt_cb.rcb.ctrl_mtu;
        p_tbl->my_flush_to = L2CAP_DEFAULT_FLUSH_TO;
    } else {
        /* otherwise get mtu from scb */
        p_tbl->my_mtu = p_scb->cs.mtu;
        p_tbl->my_flush_to = p_scb->cs.flush_to;

        /* also set scb_hdl in rt_tbl */
        avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][p_tbl->tcid].scb_hdl = avdt_scb_to_hdl(p_scb);
        AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[%d][%d].scb_hdl = %d\n",
                         avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb), p_tbl->tcid,

    /* if we're acceptor, we're done; just sit back and listen */
    if (role == AVDT_ACP) {
        p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_ACP;
    /* else we're inititator, start the L2CAP connection */
    else {
        p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_CONN;

        /* call l2cap connect req */
        if ((lcid = L2CA_ConnectReq(AVDT_PSM, p_ccb->peer_addr)) != 0) {
            /* if connect req ok, store tcid in lcid table  */
            avdt_cb.ad.lcid_tbl[lcid - L2CAP_BASE_APPL_CID] = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx(p_tbl);
            AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_cb.ad.lcid_tbl[%d] = %d\n",
                             (lcid - L2CAP_BASE_APPL_CID), avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx(p_tbl));

            avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][p_tbl->tcid].lcid = lcid;
            AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[%d][%d].lcid = 0x%x\n",
                             avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb), p_tbl->tcid,
        } else {
            /* if connect req failed, call avdt_ad_tc_close_ind() */
            avdt_ad_tc_close_ind(p_tbl, 0);
Example #2
** Function         avdt_ccb_cmd_fail
** Description      This function is called when there is a response timeout.
**                  The currently pending command is freed and we fake a
**                  reject message back to ourselves.
** Returns          void.
void avdt_ccb_cmd_fail(tAVDT_CCB *p_ccb, tAVDT_CCB_EVT *p_data)
    tAVDT_MSG       msg;
    UINT8           evt;
    tAVDT_SCB       *p_scb;

    if (p_ccb->p_curr_cmd != NULL)
        /* set up data */
        msg.hdr.err_code = p_data->err_code;
        msg.hdr.err_param = 0;
        msg.hdr.ccb_idx = avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb);

        /* pretend that we received a rej message */
        evt = avdt_msg_rej_2_evt[p_ccb->p_curr_cmd->event - 1];

        if (evt & AVDT_CCB_MKR)
            avdt_ccb_event(p_ccb, (UINT8) (evt & ~AVDT_CCB_MKR), (tAVDT_CCB_EVT *) &msg);
            /* we get the scb out of the current cmd */
            p_scb = avdt_scb_by_hdl(*((UINT8 *)(p_ccb->p_curr_cmd + 1)));
            if (p_scb != NULL)
                avdt_scb_event(p_scb, evt, (tAVDT_SCB_EVT *) &msg);

        p_ccb->p_curr_cmd = NULL;
Example #3
** Function         AVDT_OpenReq
** Description      This function initiates a connection to the AVDTP service
**                  on the peer device, if not already present, and connects
**                  to a stream endpoint on a peer device.  When the connection
**                  is completed, an AVDT_OPEN_CFM_EVT is sent to the
**                  application via the control callback function for this handle.
** Returns          AVDT_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise error.
UINT16 AVDT_OpenReq(UINT8 handle, BD_ADDR bd_addr, UINT8 seid, tAVDT_CFG *p_cfg)
    tAVDT_CCB       *p_ccb = NULL;
    tAVDT_SCB       *p_scb = NULL;
    UINT16          result = AVDT_SUCCESS;
    tAVDT_SCB_EVT   evt;

    /* verify SEID */
    if ((seid < AVDT_SEID_MIN) || (seid > AVDT_SEID_MAX)) {
        result = AVDT_BAD_PARAMS;
    /* map handle to scb */
    else if ((p_scb = avdt_scb_by_hdl(handle)) == NULL) {
        result = AVDT_BAD_HANDLE;
    /* find channel control block for this bd addr; if none, allocate one */
    else if ((p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_bd(bd_addr)) == NULL) {
        if ((p_ccb = avdt_ccb_alloc(bd_addr)) == NULL) {
            /* could not allocate channel control block */
            result = AVDT_NO_RESOURCES;

    /* send event to scb */
    if (result == AVDT_SUCCESS) {
        evt.msg.config_cmd.hdr.seid = seid;
        evt.msg.config_cmd.hdr.ccb_idx = avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb);
        evt.msg.config_cmd.int_seid = handle;
        evt.msg.config_cmd.p_cfg = p_cfg;
        avdt_scb_event(p_scb, AVDT_SCB_API_SETCONFIG_REQ_EVT, &evt);
    return result;
Example #4
** Function         AVDT_GetSignalChannel
** Description      Get the L2CAP CID used by the signal channel of the given handle.
** Returns          CID if successful, otherwise 0.
UINT16 AVDT_GetSignalChannel(UINT8 handle, BD_ADDR bd_addr)
    tAVDT_SCB       *p_scb;
    tAVDT_CCB       *p_ccb;
    UINT8           tcid = 0; /* tcid is always 0 for signal channel */
    UINT16          lcid = 0;

    /* map handle to scb */
    if (((p_scb = avdt_scb_by_hdl(handle)) != NULL)
            && ((p_ccb = p_scb->p_ccb) != NULL)) {
        lcid = avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][tcid].lcid;
    } else if ((p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_bd(bd_addr)) != NULL) {
        lcid = avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][tcid].lcid;

    return (lcid);
Example #5
** Function         avdt_ad_write_req
** Description      This function is called by a CCB or SCB to send data to a
**                  transport channel.  It looks up the LCID of the channel
**                  based on the type, CCB, and SCB (if present).  Then it
**                  passes the data to L2CA_DataWrite().
** Returns          AVDT_AD_SUCCESS, if data accepted, else FALSE
**                  AVDT_AD_CONGESTED, if data accepted and the channel is congested
**                  AVDT_AD_FAILED, if error
UINT8 avdt_ad_write_req(UINT8 type, tAVDT_CCB *p_ccb, tAVDT_SCB *p_scb, BT_HDR *p_buf)
    UINT8   tcid;

    /* get tcid from type, scb */
    tcid = avdt_ad_type_to_tcid(type, p_scb);

    return L2CA_DataWrite(avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][tcid].lcid, p_buf);
Example #6
** Function         AVDT_GetL2CapChannel
** Description      Get the L2CAP CID used by the handle.
** Returns          CID if successful, otherwise 0.
UINT16 AVDT_GetL2CapChannel(UINT8 handle)
    tAVDT_SCB       *p_scb;
    tAVDT_CCB       *p_ccb;
    UINT8           tcid;
    UINT16          lcid = 0;

    /* map handle to scb */
    if (((p_scb = avdt_scb_by_hdl(handle)) != NULL)
            && ((p_ccb = p_scb->p_ccb) != NULL)) {
        /* get tcid from type, scb */
        tcid = avdt_ad_type_to_tcid(AVDT_CHAN_MEDIA, p_scb);

        lcid = avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][tcid].lcid;

    return (lcid);
Example #7
** Function         avdt_sec_check_complete_term
** Description      The function called when Security Manager finishes
**                  verification of the service side connection
** Returns          void
static void avdt_sec_check_complete_term (BD_ADDR bd_addr, tBT_TRANSPORT transport,
        void *p_ref_data, UINT8 res)
    tAVDT_CCB       *p_ccb = NULL;
    tL2CAP_CFG_INFO cfg;
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_sec_check_complete_term res: %d\n", res);
    if (!bd_addr) {
        AVDT_TRACE_WARNING("avdt_sec_check_complete_term: NULL BD_ADDR");

    p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_bd(bd_addr);

    p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(AVDT_CHAN_SIG, p_ccb, AVDT_AD_ST_SEC_ACP);
    if (p_tbl == NULL) {

    if (res == BTM_SUCCESS) {
        /* Send response to the L2CAP layer. */
        L2CA_ConnectRsp (bd_addr, p_tbl->id, p_tbl->lcid, L2CAP_CONN_OK, L2CAP_CONN_OK);

        /* store idx in LCID table, store LCID in routing table */
        avdt_cb.ad.lcid_tbl[p_tbl->lcid - L2CAP_BASE_APPL_CID] = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx(p_tbl);
        avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][p_tbl->tcid].lcid = p_tbl->lcid;

        /* transition to configuration state */
        p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_CFG;

        /* Send L2CAP config req */
        memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        cfg.mtu_present = TRUE;
        cfg.mtu = p_tbl->my_mtu;
        cfg.flush_to_present = TRUE;
        cfg.flush_to = p_tbl->my_flush_to;
        L2CA_ConfigReq(p_tbl->lcid, &cfg);
    } else {
        L2CA_ConnectRsp (bd_addr, p_tbl->id, p_tbl->lcid, L2CAP_CONN_SECURITY_BLOCK, L2CAP_CONN_OK);
        avdt_ad_tc_close_ind(p_tbl, L2CAP_CONN_SECURITY_BLOCK);
Example #8
** Function         avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st
** Description      Find adaption layer transport channel table entry matching
**                  the given state.
** Returns          Pointer to matching entry.  For control channel it returns
**                  the matching entry.  For media or other it returns the
**                  first matching entry (there could be more than one).
tAVDT_TC_TBL *avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(UINT8 type, tAVDT_CCB *p_ccb, UINT8 state)
    int             i;
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl = avdt_cb.ad.tc_tbl;
    UINT8           ccb_idx;

    if (p_ccb == NULL) {
        /* resending security req */
        for (i = 0; i < AVDT_NUM_TC_TBL; i++, p_tbl++) {
            /* must be AVDT_CHAN_SIG - tcid always zero */
            if ((p_tbl->tcid == 0) &&
                    (p_tbl->state == state)) {
    } else {
        ccb_idx = avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb);

        for (i = 0; i < AVDT_NUM_TC_TBL; i++, p_tbl++) {
            if (type == AVDT_CHAN_SIG) {
                /* if control channel, tcid always zero */
                if ((p_tbl->tcid == 0) &&
                        (p_tbl->ccb_idx == ccb_idx) &&
                        (p_tbl->state == state)) {
            } else {
                /* if other channel, tcid is always > zero */
                if ((p_tbl->tcid > 0) &&
                        (p_tbl->ccb_idx == ccb_idx) &&
                        (p_tbl->state == state)) {

    /* if nothing found return null */
    if (i == AVDT_NUM_TC_TBL) {
        p_tbl = NULL;

    return p_tbl;
Example #9
** Function         avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_type
** Description      This function retrieves the transport channel table entry
**                  for a particular channel.
** Returns          Pointer to transport channel table entry.
tAVDT_TC_TBL *avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_type(UINT8 type, tAVDT_CCB *p_ccb, tAVDT_SCB *p_scb)
    UINT8           tcid;
    int             i;
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl = avdt_cb.ad.tc_tbl;
    UINT8           ccb_idx = avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb);

    /* get tcid from type, scb */
    tcid = avdt_ad_type_to_tcid(type, p_scb);

    for (i = 0; i < AVDT_NUM_TC_TBL; i++, p_tbl++) {
        if ((p_tbl->tcid == tcid) && (p_tbl->ccb_idx == ccb_idx)) {

    assert(i != AVDT_NUM_TC_TBL);

    return p_tbl;
Example #10
** Function         avdt_ad_close_req
** Description      This function is called by a CCB or SCB to close a
**                  transport channel.  The function looks up the LCID for the
**                  channel and calls L2CA_DisconnectReq().
** Returns          Nothing.
void avdt_ad_close_req(UINT8 type, tAVDT_CCB *p_ccb, tAVDT_SCB *p_scb)
    UINT8           tcid;
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_type(type, p_ccb, p_scb);
    AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_ad_close_req state: %d\n", p_tbl->state);

    switch (p_tbl->state) {
        /* probably for reporting */
    case AVDT_AD_ST_ACP:
        /* if we're listening on this channel, send ourselves a close ind */
        avdt_ad_tc_close_ind(p_tbl, 0);
        /* get tcid from type, scb */
        tcid = avdt_ad_type_to_tcid(type, p_scb);

        /* call l2cap disconnect req */
Example #11
** Function         avdt_ad_tc_tbl_alloc
** Description      Allocate an entry in the traffic channel table.
** Returns          Pointer to entry.
tAVDT_TC_TBL *avdt_ad_tc_tbl_alloc(tAVDT_CCB *p_ccb)
    int             i;
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl = avdt_cb.ad.tc_tbl;

    /* find next free entry in tc table */
    for (i = 0; i < AVDT_NUM_TC_TBL; i++, p_tbl++) {
        if (p_tbl->state == AVDT_AD_ST_UNUSED) {

    /* sanity check */
    assert(i != AVDT_NUM_TC_TBL);

    /* initialize entry */
    p_tbl->peer_mtu = L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU;
    p_tbl->cfg_flags = 0;
    p_tbl->ccb_idx = avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb);
    p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_IDLE;
    return p_tbl;

Example #12
** Function         avdt_l2c_connect_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP connect indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_connect_ind_cback(BD_ADDR bd_addr, UINT16 lcid, UINT16 psm, UINT8 id)
    tAVDT_CCB       *p_ccb;
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl = NULL;
    UINT16          result;
    tL2CAP_CFG_INFO cfg;
    tBTM_STATUS rc;

    /* do we already have a control channel for this peer? */
    if ((p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_bd(bd_addr)) == NULL) {
        /* no, allocate ccb */
        if ((p_ccb = avdt_ccb_alloc(bd_addr)) == NULL) {
            /* no ccb available, reject L2CAP connection */
            result = L2CAP_CONN_NO_RESOURCES;
        } else {
            /* allocate and set up entry; first channel is always signaling */
            p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_alloc(p_ccb);
            p_tbl->my_mtu = avdt_cb.rcb.ctrl_mtu;
            p_tbl->my_flush_to = L2CAP_DEFAULT_FLUSH_TO;
            p_tbl->tcid = AVDT_CHAN_SIG;
            p_tbl->lcid = lcid;
            p_tbl->id   = id;
            p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_SEC_ACP;
            p_tbl->cfg_flags = AVDT_L2C_CFG_CONN_ACP;

            /* Check the security */
            rc = btm_sec_mx_access_request (bd_addr, AVDT_PSM,
                                            FALSE, BTM_SEC_PROTO_AVDT,
                                            &avdt_sec_check_complete_term, NULL);
            if (rc == BTM_CMD_STARTED) {
                L2CA_ConnectRsp (p_ccb->peer_addr, p_tbl->id, lcid, L2CAP_CONN_PENDING, L2CAP_CONN_OK);
    /* deal with simultaneous control channel connect case */
    else if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(AVDT_CHAN_SIG, p_ccb, AVDT_AD_ST_CONN)) != NULL) {
        /* reject their connection */
        result = L2CAP_CONN_NO_RESOURCES;
    /* this must be a traffic channel; are we accepting a traffic channel
    ** for this ccb?
    else if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(AVDT_CHAN_MEDIA, p_ccb, AVDT_AD_ST_ACP)) != NULL) {
        /* yes; proceed with connection */
        result = L2CAP_CONN_OK;
    /* this must be a reporting channel; are we accepting a reporting channel
    ** for this ccb?
    else if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_st(AVDT_CHAN_REPORT, p_ccb, AVDT_AD_ST_ACP)) != NULL) {
        /* yes; proceed with connection */
        result = L2CAP_CONN_OK;
    /* else we're not listening for traffic channel; reject */
    else {
        result = L2CAP_CONN_NO_PSM;

    /* Send L2CAP connect rsp */
    L2CA_ConnectRsp(bd_addr, id, lcid, result, 0);

    /* if result ok, proceed with connection */
    if (result == L2CAP_CONN_OK) {
        /* store idx in LCID table, store LCID in routing table */
        avdt_cb.ad.lcid_tbl[lcid - L2CAP_BASE_APPL_CID] = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx(p_tbl);
        avdt_cb.ad.rt_tbl[avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][p_tbl->tcid].lcid = lcid;

        /* transition to configuration state */
        p_tbl->state = AVDT_AD_ST_CFG;

        /* Send L2CAP config req */
        memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        cfg.mtu_present = TRUE;
        cfg.mtu = p_tbl->my_mtu;
        cfg.flush_to_present = TRUE;
        cfg.flush_to = p_tbl->my_flush_to;
        L2CA_ConfigReq(lcid, &cfg);