 *    avrcpHandleNextContinuationPacket    
 * Prepare to send the next packet of fragmented data, that the CT 
 * has requested.
 * avrcp        -       AVRCP Entity
 * ind          -       Internal request for next Continuation packet.
void avrcpHandleNextContinuationPacket(AVRCP                    *avrcp, 
    /* The next fragment has been requested, so send it. */
    uint16 data_length = avrcp->av_max_data_size;
    avrcp_packet_type packet_type = avrcp_packet_type_continue;

    if (ind->param_length < data_length)
       /* This is the last fragment to be sent. */
       data_length = ind->param_length;
       packet_type = avrcp_packet_type_end;
       avrcp->continuation_pdu = ind->pdu_id;
       /* There are more fragments to be sent, 
          store the data for the following fragments. */
                               ind->param_length - data_length,

    /* This is a fragmented response. */
    avrcpSendMetadataResponse(avrcp,  ind->response, 
                              ind->pdu_id, ind->data, 
                              packet_type, data_length, 0, 0);

void avrcpHandleInternalGetPlayStatusResponse(AVRCP *avrcp,
                     AVRCP_INTERNAL_GET_PLAY_STATUS_RES_T *res)
    uint16 size_mandatory_data = 1;
    uint8 mandatory_data[9];
    uint16 param_length = 1;

    mandatory_data[0] = avrcpGetErrorStatusCode(&res->response, 

    if (res->response == avctp_response_stable)
        size_mandatory_data = 9;
        param_length = size_mandatory_data;
        /* Insert the mandatory data */
        convertUint32ToUint8Values(&mandatory_data[0], res->song_length);
        convertUint32ToUint8Values(&mandatory_data[4], res->song_elapsed);
        mandatory_data[8] = res->play_status;

    avrcpSendMetadataResponse(avrcp,  res->response, 
                              AVRCP_GET_PLAY_STATUS_PDU_ID, 0, 
                              avrcp_packet_type_single, param_length, 
                              size_mandatory_data, mandatory_data);

 *    avrcpHandleInternalAbortContinuingResponse    
 *  Prepare to send abort continuing response to the CT.
 * avrcp        -       AVRCP Entity
 * res          -       Internal request Abort Continuation response.
void avrcpHandleInternalAbortContinuingResponse(AVRCP       *avrcp, 
                const AVRCP_INTERNAL_ABORT_CONTINUING_RES_T *res)
    /* Send a response to the abort continuing request. */
    avrcpSendMetadataResponse(avrcp,  res->response, 
                              AVRCP_ABORT_CONTINUING_RESPONSE_PDU_ID, 0, 
                              avrcp_packet_type_single, 0, 0, 0);

 *    avrcpHandleInternalSetAppValueResponse    
 *  Send SetPlayerApplicationValues response to CT. 
 *  AVRCP       -  AVRCP Instance
 *  res         -  Application response. 
void avrcpHandleInternalSetAppValueResponse(AVRCP *avrcp, 
    uint8 mandatory_data[1];

    mandatory_data[0] = avrcpGetErrorStatusCode(&res->response, 

    avrcpSendMetadataResponse(avrcp,  res->response, 
                              AVRCP_SET_APP_VALUE_PDU_ID, 0, 
                              AVRCP_ERROR_CODE_SIZE, AVRCP_ERROR_CODE_SIZE, 

void sendRegisterNotificationResponse(  AVRCP               *avrcp, 
                                        avrcp_response_type resp, 
                                        uint16              size_mandatory, 
                                        uint8               *mandatory, 
                                        uint16              size_attributes, 
                                        Source              attributes)
    /* 1 byte error status code as data for rejected response */ 
    uint8  error_data[1];
    uint16 param_length = 1;
    avrcp_packet_type  metadata_packet_type =  avrcp_packet_type_single;

   /* Get the error status code */
    error_data[0] = avrcpGetErrorStatusCode(&resp, AVRCP0_CTYPE_NOTIFY);

    if ((resp == avctp_response_interim) || (resp == avctp_response_changed))
        param_length = size_mandatory + size_attributes;
        size_mandatory = 1; /*  1 octet length only for error code */
        mandatory = &error_data[0];

    if (param_length > AVRCP_AVC_MAX_DATA_SIZE)
        /* There are more fragments to be sent, 
            store the data for the following fragments. */

        /* madatory[0] contains the event ID */
        avrcpStoreNextContinuationPacket(avrcp, attributes, 
                                GetNotificationTransaction(avrcp, mandatory[0]));

        param_length = AVRCP_AVC_MAX_DATA_SIZE;
        metadata_packet_type = avrcp_packet_type_start;
    avrcpSendMetadataResponse(avrcp,  resp, AVRCP_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION_PDU_ID,
                              attributes, metadata_packet_type, param_length, 
                              size_mandatory, mandatory);

 *    sendRegisterNotificationResponse    
 *   This function is used by the TG to send Register Notification response. 
 * avrcp            - AVRCP instance
 * resp             - Response code
 * size_mandatory   - Data length in mandatory
 * mandatory        - It contains the library added response format header 
 * size_attributes  - Data length in attributes
 * attributes       - Application provided response data.
void sendRegisterNotificationResponse(  AVRCP               *avrcp, 
                                        avrcp_response_type resp, 
                                        uint16              size_mandatory, 
                                        uint8               *mandatory, 
                                        uint16              size_attributes, 
                                        Source              attributes)
    /* 1 byte event and 1 byte error status code as data for 
       rejected response */ 
    uint8 error_data[AVRCP_DEFAULT_EVENT_DATA_SIZE];
    avrcp_packet_type  metadata_packet_type =  avrcp_packet_type_single;
    uint16 param_length=1;

    /* Clear the Notification if response is not interim*/
    if (resp != avctp_response_interim)
        clearRegisterNotification(avrcp, mandatory[0]);

   /* Standardise the response code */
    error_data[0] = avrcpGetErrorStatusCode(&resp, AVRCP0_CTYPE_NOTIFY);

    if(resp == avctp_response_rejected) 
        size_mandatory = param_length;
        size_attributes = 0;
        error_data[1] = mandatory[0]; /* PDU ID will not be sent to the peer */
        mandatory = &error_data[0];
        param_length = size_mandatory + size_attributes;
        if (param_length > avrcp->av_max_data_size)
            /* Not expecting a event notification response with 
               Fragmenetation */
    avrcpSendMetadataResponse(avrcp,  resp, AVRCP_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION_PDU_ID,
                              attributes, metadata_packet_type, param_length, 
                              size_mandatory, mandatory);

*    avrcpHandleInternalAbsoluteVolumeRsp    
*   Internal function at TG to send the notification for EVENT_VOLUME_CHANGED
*   avrcp                   - Task
*   res                     - response
void avrcpHandleInternalAbsoluteVolumeRsp(AVRCP                 *avrcp,
                  const AVRCP_INTERNAL_SET_ABSOLUTE_VOL_RES_T   *res)
    uint8 mandatory_data[AVRCP_ERROR_CODE_SIZE]; /* 1 byte */
    avrcp_response_type response = res->response;

   /* Get the error status code */
    mandatory_data[0] = avrcpGetErrorStatusCode(&response,AVRCP0_CTYPE_CONTROL);

    if(response != avctp_response_rejected)
        /* Not failure. Insert Volume instead */
        mandatory_data[0] = res->volume;
    /* Send a response to this PDU now. */
    avrcpSendMetadataResponse(avrcp, response,
                              0, avrcp_packet_type_single,
                              AVRCP_ERROR_CODE_SIZE , AVRCP_ERROR_CODE_SIZE,