Example #1
static int
avro_datum_value_add(const avro_value_iface_t *iface,
		     void *vself, const char *key,
		     avro_value_t *child, size_t *index, int *is_new)
	avro_datum_t  self = (avro_datum_t) vself;
	check_param(EINVAL, self, "datum instance");

	if (!is_avro_map(self)) {
		avro_set_error("Can only add to map");
		return EINVAL;

	int  rval;
	avro_datum_t  child_datum;

	if (avro_map_get(self, key, &child_datum) == 0) {
		/* key already exists */
		if (is_new != NULL) {
			*is_new = 0;
		if (index != NULL) {
			int  real_index;
			avro_map_get_index(self, key, &real_index);
			*index = real_index;
		return avro_datum_as_child_value(child, child_datum);

	/* key is new */
	avro_schema_t  map_schema = avro_datum_get_schema(self);
	avro_schema_t  child_schema = avro_schema_map_values(map_schema);
	child_datum = avro_datum_from_schema(child_schema);
	if (child_datum == NULL) {
		return ENOMEM;

	rval = avro_map_set(self, key, child_datum);
	if (rval != 0) {
		return rval;

	if (is_new != NULL) {
		*is_new = 1;
	if (index != NULL) {
		*index = avro_map_size(self) - 1;

	return avro_datum_as_child_value(child, child_datum);
Example #2
int schema_traverse(const avro_schema_t schema, json_t *json, json_t *dft,
                    avro_value_t *current_val, int quiet, int strjson, size_t max_str_sz) {

    json = json ? json : dft;
    if (!json) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Avro schema does not match JSON\n");
        return 1;

    switch (schema->type) {
    case AVRO_RECORD:
        if (!json_is_object(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON object for Avro record, got something else\n");
            return 1;

        int len = avro_schema_record_size(schema), i;
        for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

            const char *name = avro_schema_record_field_name(schema, i);
            avro_schema_t field_schema = avro_schema_record_field_get_by_index(schema, i);

            json_t *json_val = json_object_get(json, name);
            json_t *dft = avro_schema_record_field_default_get_by_index(schema, i);

            avro_value_t field;
            avro_value_get_by_index(current_val, i, &field, NULL);

            if (schema_traverse(field_schema, json_val, dft, &field, quiet, strjson, max_str_sz))
                return 1;
    } break;

    case AVRO_LINK:
        /* TODO */
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: AVRO_LINK is not implemented\n");
        return 1;

    case AVRO_STRING:
        if (!json_is_string(json)) {
            if (json && strjson) {
                /* -j specified, just dump the remaining json as string */
                char * js = json_dumps(json, JSON_COMPACT|JSON_SORT_KEYS|JSON_ENCODE_ANY);
                if (max_str_sz && (strlen(js) > max_str_sz))
                    js[max_str_sz] = 0; /* truncate the string - this will result in invalid JSON! */
                avro_value_set_string(current_val, js);
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON string for Avro string, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        } else {
            const char *js = json_string_value(json);
            if (max_str_sz && (strlen(js) > max_str_sz)) {
                /* truncate the string */
                char *jst = malloc(strlen(js));
                strcpy(jst, js);
                jst[max_str_sz] = 0;
                avro_value_set_string(current_val, jst);
            } else
                avro_value_set_string(current_val, js);

    case AVRO_BYTES:
        if (!json_is_string(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON string for Avro string, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        /* NB: Jansson uses null-terminated strings, so embedded nulls are NOT
           supported, not even escaped ones */
        const char *s = json_string_value(json);
        avro_value_set_bytes(current_val, (void *)s, strlen(s));

    case AVRO_INT32:
        if (!json_is_integer(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON integer for Avro int, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        avro_value_set_int(current_val, json_integer_value(json));

    case AVRO_INT64:
        if (!json_is_integer(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON integer for Avro long, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        avro_value_set_long(current_val, json_integer_value(json));

    case AVRO_FLOAT:
        if (!json_is_number(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON number for Avro float, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        avro_value_set_float(current_val, json_number_value(json));

    case AVRO_DOUBLE:
        if (!json_is_number(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON number for Avro double, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        avro_value_set_double(current_val, json_number_value(json));

    case AVRO_BOOLEAN:
        if (!json_is_boolean(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON boolean for Avro boolean, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        avro_value_set_boolean(current_val, json_is_true(json));

    case AVRO_NULL:
        if (!json_is_null(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON null for Avro null, got something else\n");
            return 1;

    case AVRO_ENUM:
        // TODO ???

    case AVRO_ARRAY:
        if (!json_is_array(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON array for Avro array, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        } else {
            int i, len = json_array_size(json);
            avro_schema_t items = avro_schema_array_items(schema);
            avro_value_t val;
            for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                avro_value_append(current_val, &val, NULL);
                if (schema_traverse(items, json_array_get(json, i), NULL, &val, quiet, strjson, max_str_sz))
                    return 1;

    case AVRO_MAP:
        if (!json_is_object(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON object for Avro map, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        } else {
            avro_schema_t values = avro_schema_map_values(schema);
            void *iter = json_object_iter(json);
            avro_value_t val;
            while (iter) {
                avro_value_add(current_val, json_object_iter_key(iter), &val, 0, 0);
                if (schema_traverse(values, json_object_iter_value(iter), NULL, &val, quiet, strjson, max_str_sz))
                    return 1;
                iter = json_object_iter_next(json, iter);

    case AVRO_UNION:
        int i;
        avro_value_t branch;
        for (i=0; i<avro_schema_union_size(schema); i++) {
            avro_value_set_branch(current_val, i, &branch);
            avro_schema_t type = avro_schema_union_branch(schema, i);
            if (!schema_traverse(type, json, NULL, &branch, 1, strjson, max_str_sz))
        if (i==avro_schema_union_size(schema)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No type in the Avro union matched the JSON type we got\n");
            return 1;
    case AVRO_FIXED:
        if (!json_is_string(json)) {
            if (!quiet)
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON string for Avro fixed, got something else\n");
            return 1;
        /* NB: Jansson uses null-terminated strings, so embedded nulls are NOT
           supported, not even escaped ones */
        const char *f = json_string_value(json);
        if (avro_value_set_fixed(current_val, (void *)f, strlen(f))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Setting Avro fixed value FAILED\n");
            return 1;

        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown type: %d\n", schema->type);
        return 1;
    return 0;
Example #3
PyObject *
declare_types(ConvertInfo *info, avro_schema_t schema)
    avro_type_t type = schema->type;

    switch (type) {
    case AVRO_NULL:
        /* PyNone_Type is not publicly visible */
        return (PyObject *)Py_TYPE(Py_None);
    case AVRO_BOOLEAN:
        return (PyObject *)&PyBool_Type;
    case AVRO_BYTES:
    case AVRO_STRING:
    case AVRO_FIXED:
        return (PyObject *)&PyString_Type;
    case AVRO_DOUBLE:
    case AVRO_FLOAT:
        return (PyObject *)&PyFloat_Type;
    case AVRO_INT32:
        return (PyObject *)&PyInt_Type;
    case AVRO_ENUM:
        return get_python_enum_type(info->types, schema);
    case AVRO_INT64:
        return (PyObject *)&PyLong_Type;
    case AVRO_ARRAY:
        declare_types(info, avro_schema_array_items(schema));
        return (PyObject *)&PyList_Type;
    case AVRO_MAP:
        declare_types(info, avro_schema_map_values(schema));
        return (PyObject *)&PyDict_Type;
    case AVRO_UNION:
            size_t union_size = avro_schema_union_size(schema);
            size_t i;
            for (i = 0; i < union_size; i++) {
                declare_types(info, avro_schema_union_branch(schema, i));
        return (PyObject *)&PyBaseObject_Type;  /* XXX list of types might be better */
    case AVRO_RECORD:
            size_t field_count = avro_schema_record_size(schema);
            size_t i;
            const char *record_name = avro_schema_name(schema);
            PyObject *record_type = PyObject_GetAttrString(info->types, record_name);
            PyObject *field_types;
            if (record_type != NULL) {
                /* already declared this record type */
                return record_type;
            /* create the Python type for this schema */
            record_type = get_python_obj_type(info->types, schema);
            field_types = PyObject_GetAttrString(record_type, "_fieldtypes");
            for (i = 0; i < field_count; i++) {
                PyObject *field_type = declare_types(info, avro_schema_record_field_get_by_index(schema, i));
                /* this will INCREF, so takes hold of the object */
                PyMapping_SetItemString(field_types, (char*)avro_schema_record_field_name(schema, i), field_type);
            return record_type;
    case AVRO_LINK:
        return declare_types(info, avro_schema_link_target(schema));
        /* other types don't hold records */
    return NULL;