Example #1
DEVMODEW   *pDevmode,       // Pointer to DEVMODE
PWSTR       pwszLogAddress, // Logical address
ULONG       cPatterns,      // number of patterns
HSURF      *ahsurfPatterns, // return standard patterns
ULONG       cjGdiInfo,      // Length of memory pointed to by pGdiInfo
ULONG      *pGdiInfo,       // Pointer to GdiInfo structure
ULONG       cjDevInfo,      // Length of following PDEVINFO structure
DEVINFO    *pDevInfo,       // physical device information structure
HDEV        hdev,           // HDEV, used for callbacks
PWSTR       pwszDeviceName, // DeviceName - not used
HANDLE      hDriver)        // Handle to base driver
    GDIINFO GdiInfo;
    DEVINFO DevInfo;
    PPDEV   ppdev = (PPDEV) NULL;


    // Allocate a physical device structure.

    ppdev = (PPDEV) EngAllocMem(0, sizeof(PDEV), ALLOC_TAG);

    if (ppdev == (PPDEV) NULL)
        RIP("DISP DrvEnablePDEV failed EngAllocMem\n");
        return((DHPDEV) 0);

    memset(ppdev, 0, sizeof(PDEV));

    // Save the screen handle in the PDEV.

    ppdev->hDriver = hDriver;

    // Get the current screen mode information.  Set up device caps and devinfo.

    if (!bInitPDEV(ppdev, pDevmode, &GdiInfo, &DevInfo))
        DISPDBG((0,"DISP DrvEnablePDEV failed\n"));
        goto error_free;

// eVb: 1.2 [VGARISC Change] - Disable hardware pointer support
#if 0
    // Initialize the cursor information.

    if (!bInitPointer(ppdev, &DevInfo))
        // Not a fatal error...
        DISPDBG((0, "DrvEnablePDEV failed bInitPointer\n"));

// eVb: 1.2 [END]
    // Initialize palette information.

    if (!bInitPaletteInfo(ppdev, &DevInfo))
        RIP("DrvEnablePDEV failed bInitPalette\n");
        goto error_free;

    // Copy the devinfo into the engine buffer.

    memcpy(pDevInfo, &DevInfo, min(sizeof(DEVINFO), cjDevInfo));

    // Set the pdevCaps with GdiInfo we have prepared to the list of caps for this
    // pdev.

    memcpy(pGdiInfo, &GdiInfo, min(cjGdiInfo, sizeof(GDIINFO)));

    return((DHPDEV) ppdev);

    // Error case for failure.
    return((DHPDEV) 0);
Example #2
    DEVMODEW *pdrivw,
    PWSTR     pwszLogAddress,
    ULONG     cPatterns,
    HSURF    *ahsurfPatterns,
    ULONG     cjGdiInfo,
    ULONG    *pdevcaps,
    ULONG     cb,
    PDEVINFO  pdevinfo,
    HDEV      hdev,           // HDEV, used for callbacks
    PWSTR     pwszDeviceName,
    HANDLE    hDriver          // Handle to base driver
    PPDEV   ppdev;

    DISPDBG((2, "enabling PDEV\n"));

    // Define flag to keep track of allocation

    ppdev = (PPDEV) EngAllocMem(0, sizeof(PDEV), ALLOC_TAG);

    if (ppdev == NULL)
        goto errorAllocPDEV;

    memset(ppdev, 0, sizeof(PDEV));

    // Identifier, for debugging purposes

    ppdev->ident = PDEV_IDENT;

    // Cache the device driver handle away for later use.

    ppdev->hDriver = hDriver;

    // Initialize the cursor stuff.  We can violate the atomic rule here
    // since nobody can talk to the driver yet.

    ppdev->xyCursor.x = 320;            // Non-atomic
    ppdev->xyCursor.y = 240;            // Non-atomic

    ppdev->ptlExtent.x = 0;
    ppdev->ptlExtent.y = 0;
    ppdev->cExtent = 0;

    ppdev->flCursor = CURSOR_DOWN;

    // Get the current screen mode information.  Set up device caps and devinfo.

    if (!bInitPDEV(ppdev, pdrivw, &gaulCap, &devinfoVGA))
        DISPDBG((1, "DrvEnablePDEV failed bInitPDEV\n"));
        goto errorbInitPDEV;

    cjGdiInfo=min(cjGdiInfo, sizeof(GDIINFO));

    memcpy(pdevcaps, &gaulCap, cjGdiInfo);

     // Now let's pass back the devinfo

    devinfoVGA.hpalDefault = EngCreatePalette(PAL_INDEXED, 16,
                                              (PULONG) (logPalVGA.palPalEntry),
                                              0, 0, 0);

    if (devinfoVGA.hpalDefault == (HPALETTE) 0)
        goto errorEngCreatePalette;

    *pdevinfo = devinfoVGA;

    // Try to preallocate a saved screen bits buffer. If we fail, set the flag
    // to indicate the buffer is in use, so that we'll never attempt to use it.
    // If we succeed, mark the buffer as free.

    if ((ppdev->pjPreallocSSBBuffer = (PUCHAR)
              EngAllocMem(0, PREALLOC_SSB_SIZE, ALLOC_TAG)) != NULL)
        ppdev->flPreallocSSBBufferInUse = FALSE;
        ppdev->ulPreallocSSBSize = PREALLOC_SSB_SIZE;
        ppdev->flPreallocSSBBufferInUse = TRUE;

    // Fill in the DIB4->VGA conversion tables. Allow 256 extra bytes so that
    // we can always safely align the tables to a 256-byte boundary, for
    // look-up reasons. There are four tables, each 256 bytes long

    ppdev->pucDIB4ToVGAConvBuffer =
            (UCHAR *) EngAllocMem(0, (256*4+256)*sizeof(UCHAR), ALLOC_TAG);

    if (ppdev->pucDIB4ToVGAConvBuffer == NULL)
        goto errorAllocpucDIB4ToVGAConvBuffer;

    // Round the table start up to the nearest 256 byte boundary, because the
    // tables must start on 256-byte boundaries for look-up reasons

    ppdev->pucDIB4ToVGAConvTables =
            (UCHAR *) ((ULONG) (ppdev->pucDIB4ToVGAConvBuffer + 0xFF) & ~0xFF);


    return((DHPDEV) ppdev);


    // Free the preallocated saved screen bits buffer, if there is one.

    if (ppdev->pjPreallocSSBBuffer != NULL)





    return((DHPDEV) 0);
