Example #1
/* Calculate number of used stack slots in the current frame. */
static BCReg cur_topslot(GCproto *pt, const BCIns *pc, uint32_t nres)
  BCIns ins = pc[-1];
  if (bc_op(ins) == BC_UCLO)
    ins = pc[bc_j(ins)];
  switch (bc_op(ins)) {
  case BC_CALLM: case BC_CALLMT: return bc_a(ins) + bc_c(ins) + nres-1+1;
  case BC_RETM: return bc_a(ins) + bc_d(ins) + nres-1;
  case BC_TSETM: return bc_a(ins) + nres-1;
  default: return pt->framesize;
Example #2
/* Find unused slots with reaching-definitions bytecode data-flow analysis. */
static BCReg snap_usedef(jit_State *J, uint8_t *udf,
			 const BCIns *pc, BCReg maxslot)
  BCReg s;
  GCobj *o;

  if (maxslot == 0) return 0;
  /* Avoid errors for harmless reads beyond maxslot. */
  memset(udf, 1, SNAP_USEDEF_SLOTS);
  memset(udf, 1, maxslot);

  /* Treat open upvalues as used. */
  o = gcref(J->L->openupval);
  while (o) {
    if (uvval(gco2uv(o)) < J->L->base) break;
    udf[uvval(gco2uv(o)) - J->L->base] = 0;
    o = gcref(o->gch.nextgc);

#define USE_SLOT(s)		udf[(s)] &= ~1
#define DEF_SLOT(s)		udf[(s)] *= 3

  /* Scan through following bytecode and check for uses/defs. */
  lua_assert(pc >= proto_bc(J->pt) && pc < proto_bc(J->pt) + J->pt->sizebc);
  for (;;) {
    BCIns ins = *pc++;
    BCOp op = bc_op(ins);
    switch (bcmode_b(op)) {
    case BCMvar: USE_SLOT(bc_b(ins)); break;
    default: break;
    switch (bcmode_c(op)) {
    case BCMvar: USE_SLOT(bc_c(ins)); break;
    case BCMrbase:
      lua_assert(op == BC_CAT);
      for (s = bc_b(ins); s <= bc_c(ins); s++) USE_SLOT(s);
      for (; s < maxslot; s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
    case BCMjump:
    handle_jump: {
      BCReg minslot = bc_a(ins);
      if (op >= BC_FORI && op <= BC_JFORL) minslot += FORL_EXT;
      else if (op >= BC_ITERL && op <= BC_JITERL) minslot += bc_b(pc[-2])-1;
      else if (op == BC_UCLO) { pc += bc_j(ins); break; }
      for (s = minslot; s < maxslot; s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
      return minslot < maxslot ? minslot : maxslot;
    case BCMlit:
      if (op == BC_JFORL || op == BC_JITERL || op == BC_JLOOP) {
	goto handle_jump;
      } else if (bc_isret(op)) {
	BCReg top = op == BC_RETM ? maxslot : (bc_a(ins) + bc_d(ins)-1);
	for (s = 0; s < bc_a(ins); s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
	for (; s < top; s++) USE_SLOT(s);
	for (; s < maxslot; s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
	return 0;
    case BCMfunc: return maxslot;  /* NYI: will abort, anyway. */
    default: break;
    switch (bcmode_a(op)) {
    case BCMvar: USE_SLOT(bc_a(ins)); break;
    case BCMdst:
       if (!(op == BC_ISTC || op == BC_ISFC)) DEF_SLOT(bc_a(ins));
    case BCMbase:
      if (op >= BC_CALLM && op <= BC_VARG) {
	BCReg top = (op == BC_CALLM || op == BC_CALLMT || bc_c(ins) == 0) ?
		    maxslot : (bc_a(ins) + bc_c(ins)+LJ_FR2);
	if (LJ_FR2) DEF_SLOT(bc_a(ins)+1);
	s = bc_a(ins) - ((op == BC_ITERC || op == BC_ITERN) ? 3 : 0);
	for (; s < top; s++) USE_SLOT(s);
	for (; s < maxslot; s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
	if (op == BC_CALLT || op == BC_CALLMT) {
	  for (s = 0; s < bc_a(ins); s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
	  return 0;
      } else if (op == BC_KNIL) {
	for (s = bc_a(ins); s <= bc_d(ins); s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
      } else if (op == BC_TSETM) {
	for (s = bc_a(ins)-1; s < maxslot; s++) USE_SLOT(s);
    default: break;
    lua_assert(pc >= proto_bc(J->pt) && pc < proto_bc(J->pt) + J->pt->sizebc);

#undef USE_SLOT
#undef DEF_SLOT

  return 0;  /* unreachable */
Example #3
printInstruction_aux(FILE *stream, const BCIns *ins /*in*/, int oneline)
  const BCIns *ins0 = ins;
  u4 j;
  const BCIns i = *ins;
  const char *name = ins_name[bc_op(i)];

  fprintf(stream, "%p: ", ins);
  ++ ins;

  switch(ins_format[bc_op(i)]) {
  case IFM_R:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d\n", name, bc_a(i)); break;
  case IFM_RR:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, r%d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_d(i)); break;
  case IFM_RRR:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_b(i), bc_c(i));
  case IFM_RN:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, %d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_d(i)); break;
  case IFM_RRN:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, r%d, %d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_b(i), bc_c(i));
  case IFM_RS:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, %d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_sd(i)); break;
  case IFM_J:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\t%p\n", name, ins + bc_j(i)); break;
  case IFM_RRJ:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, r%d, %p\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_d(i),
           ins + 1 + bc_j(*ins));
  case IFM____:
    switch (bc_op(i)) {
    case BC_EVAL:
      { fprintf(stream, "EVAL\tr%d", bc_a(i));
        printInlineBitmap(stream, ins);
    case BC_CASE:
      { u2 *tgt = (u2*)ins;  u4 ncases = bc_d(i);
        ins += (ncases + 1) / 2;
        fprintf(stream, "CASE\tr%d\n", bc_a(i));
        if (!oneline) {
          for (j = 0; j < ncases; j++, tgt++) {
            fprintf(stream, "         %d: %p\n", j + 1, ins + bc_j_from_d(*tgt));
    case BC_CASE_S:
      fprintf(stream, "CASE_S\tr%d ...TODO...\n", bc_a(i));
      ins += bc_d(i);
    case BC_ALLOC1:
      fprintf(stream, "ALLOC1\tr%d, r%d, r%d", bc_a(i), bc_b(i), bc_c(i));
      printInlineBitmap(stream, ins);
      ins += 1;

    case BC_ALLOC:
        u1 *arg = (u1*)ins; ins += 1 + BC_ROUND(bc_c(i));
        fprintf(stream, "ALLOC\tr%d, r%d", bc_a(i), bc_b(i));
        for (j = 0; j < bc_c(i); j++, arg++)
          fprintf(stream, ", r%d", *arg);
        printInlineBitmap(stream, ins - 1);
    case BC_ALLOCAP:
        u1 *arg = (u1*)ins; ins += 1 + BC_ROUND(bc_c(i) + 1);
        fprintf(stream, "ALLOCAP\tr%d", bc_a(i));
        u1 ptrmask = bc_b(i);
        fprintf(stream, ", r%d", *arg++);
        for (j = 1; j < bc_c(i); j++, arg++) {
          fprintf(stream, ", r%d%c", *arg, ptrmask & 1 ? '*' : ' ');
          ptrmask >>= 1;
        printInlineBitmap(stream, ins - 1);
    case BC_CALL:
      { u1 *arg = (u1*)ins; ins += BC_ROUND(bc_c(i)) + 1;
        fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d", name, bc_a(i));
        char comma = '(';
        for (j = 0; j < bc_c(i); j++, arg++) {
          fprintf(stream, "%cr%d", comma, *arg);
          comma = ',';
        fprintf(stream, ") [%x]", bc_b(i));
        printInlineBitmap(stream, ins - 1);
    case BC_CALLT:
        int j;
        u1 bitmask = bc_b(i);
        fprintf(stream, "CALLT r%d", bc_a(i));
        for (j = 0; j < bc_c(i); j++) {
          fprintf(stream, "%cr%d%c", j == 0 ? '(' : ',', j, bitmask & 1 ? '*' : ' ');
          bitmask >>= 1;
        fprintf(stream, ")\n");
      fprintf(stream, "%s ...TODO...\n", name);
    fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: Unknown intruction format: %d\n",

  return (u4)(ins - ins0);