/* The c++ function for: printif(self:any) [NEW_ALLOC+BAG_UPDATE+SLOT_UPDATE] */ void printif_any(OID self) { (Core.pretty->index = (Core.pretty->index+3)); if (Core.pretty->pbreak == CTRUE) { int b_index = buffer_length_void(); int _Zl = Core.pretty->index; (Core.pretty->pbreak = CFALSE); { ClaireHandler c_handle = ClaireHandler(); if ERROR_IN { print_any(self); ClEnv->cHandle--;} else if (belong_to(_oid_(ClEnv->exception_I),_oid_(Core._much_too_far)) == CTRUE) { c_handle.catchIt();;} else PREVIOUS_HANDLER;}
void CubeCreature::avoid_collision(){ if(cur_move_state()->get_move_state()==MS_AVOID_COLLISION)return; if(colli_state()==C_STATE_COLLI_OFF)return; if(get_v()<0.00001)return; std::vector<CubeCreature*>*creature_v; CubeCreature* avoid_creature; int x=in_x(),y=in_y(),z=in_z(); for(int i=-1;i<=1;i++){ for(int j=-1;j<=1;j++){ for(int k=-1;k<=1;k++){ creature_v=map->creature_map->get_creature_map(x+i,y+j,z+k); for(unsigned i=0;i<creature_v->size();i++){ avoid_creature=creature_v->at(i); if(avoid_creature!=this&&avoid_creature->colli_state()!=C_STATE_COLLI_OFF &&avoid_creature->belong_to()==belong_to()) if(pre_collide(creature_v->at(i))){ creature_v->at(i)->avoid_collision(this); } } } } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: <hostname> <PORT>\n"); exit(1); } else { HOSTNAME = argv[1]; PORT = atoi(argv[2]); } if ((he=gethostbyname(argv[1])) == NULL) /* get the host info */ { herror("gethostbyname"); exit(1); } if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; their_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT); their_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr); bzero(&(their_addr.sin_zero), 8); if (connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror("connect"); exit(1); } if ((nb=recv(sockfd, buf, 100, 0)) == -1){ perror("Recieve 1"); exit(1); } buf[nb] = '\0'; str = ""; str.append(buf); if(str != "+OK") { printf("Connection cannot be established"); exit(0); } printf("\n\tConnected to Server : \n"); while(1) { printf("\n\tEnter Choice : \n"); printf("\t\t1. Login\n"); printf("\t\t2. Register\n"); printf("\t\t3. Change Password\n"); printf("\t\t_________________________________________\nChoice : "); scanf("%d", &choice); switch(choice) { case 1: str = "LOGI"; if (send (sockfd, str.c_str(), strlen(str.c_str()), 0) == -1) { perror("send:"); exit(0); } if((nb=recv(sockfd, buf, 100, 0)) == -1){ perror("Recieve 2"); exit(1); } buf[nb] = '\0'; str = ""; str.append(buf); if(str != "+OK"){ printf("<LOGI> Login request cannot be completed"); continue; } printf("Username : "******"%s", user); printf("Password : "******"%s", pass); if (send (sockfd, user, strlen(user), 0) == -1){ perror("send:"); exit(0); } if ((nb=recv(sockfd, buf, 100, 0)) == -1){ perror("Recieve 3"); exit(1); } buf[nb] = '\0'; str = ""; str.append(buf); if(str != "PASS") { cout << "The login failed" <<endl ; continue; } if (send (sockfd, pass, strlen(pass), 0) == -1){ perror("send:"); exit(0); } if ((nb=recv(sockfd, buf, 100, 0)) == -1){ perror("Recieve 3"); exit(1); } buf[nb] = '\0'; str = ""; str.append(buf); if(str != "AUTH"){ cout<< "Login failed" << endl; continue; } pthread_create(&pth,NULL,recvthread,(void *)sockfd); cout << "\n\t\tLogin Successful" << endl; cout << "\t\t(Type /help to get list of commands)" << endl; getline(cin, str); while(1){ usleep(usec); if(prompt_flag == 1) prompt(); prompt_flag=0; getline(cin, str); if(str[0] == '/') { command = str.substr(1, str.find(' ')-1); message = str.substr(str.find(' ')+1); } else if(str == "") { continue; } else if(request_flag == 1){ if(str == "y" or str == "Y") { str = "ACPT"; sprintf(temp, " %d ", conf_id); str.append(temp); str.append("YES"); request_flag = 0; } // Guess we don't need to send a NO Notification :-// if(str == "n" or str == "N") { str = "ACPT"; sprintf(temp, " %d ", conf_id); str.append(temp); str.append("NO"); request_flag = 0; } if(request_flag == 0) { //means it was either of Y and N. if (send (sockfd, str.c_str(), strlen(str.c_str()), 0) == -1) { perror("send:"); exit(0); } //prompt_flag = 1; } else cout << "Try again (y/n)?"; continue; } else { command = "data"; message = str; } if(belong_to(command) == 0) { cout << "invalid command : " << command << endl; prompt_flag = 1; continue; } //{"start", "topic", "list", "invite", "data", "kick", "leave", "end"}; if(command == "start") { str = "STAT"; str.append(" "); str.append(message); } if(command == "topic") { str = "TOPI"; str.append(" "); str.append(message); } if(command == "users") { str = "USER"; } if(command == "info") { str = "INFO"; } if(command == "invite") { str = "INVI"; str.append(" "); str.append(message); } if(command == "data") { str = "DATA"; str.append(" "); str.append(message); prompt_flag = 1; } if(command == "members") { str = "MEMB"; } if(command == "kick") { str = "KICK"; str.append(" "); str.append(message); } if(command == "leave") { str = "LEAV"; } if(command == "end") { str = "ENDC"; } if(command == "print") { str = "PRIN"; } if(command == "help") { str = "HELP"; } if(command == "logout") { str = "LOGO"; } if (send (sockfd, str.c_str(), strlen(str.c_str()), 0) == -1) { perror("send:"); exit(0); } }//END OF Inner while(1) <in case 1:> break; case 2: str = "REGR"; if (send (sockfd, str.c_str(), strlen(str.c_str()), 0) == -1) { perror("send:"); exit(0); } if ((nb=recv(sockfd, buf, 100, 0)) == -1){ perror("Recieve 2"); exit(1); } buf[nb] = '\0'; str = ""; str.append(buf); if(str != "+OK") { printf("<REGR> Register request cannot be completed"); continue; } cout << endl; cout << "<Username and Password should contain only alphabetical characters not more than 10>" << endl; printf("Username : "******"%s", user); if (send (sockfd, user, strlen(user), 0) == -1){ perror("send:"); exit(0); } if ((nb=recv(sockfd, buf, 100, 0)) == -1){ perror("Recieve 3"); exit(1); } buf[nb] = '\0'; str = ""; str.append(buf); if(str == "ERR") { cout << endl << user <<" : already exists. Registration failed\n"; continue; } if(str == "PASS") { printf("Password : "******"%s", pass); fflush(stdin); temp_flag = 0; do { printf("Are you a designated user(y/n) : "); scanf("%s", designated); if(strcmp(designated, "y") == 0) { printf("Enter passphrase : "); scanf("%s", temp); if(strcmp(temp, PASSPHRASE) == 0) temp_flag = 1; else { cout << "Wrong Passphrase" << endl; } } else if(strcmp(designated, "n") == 0) { temp_flag = 1; } }while(!temp_flag); // cout << designated; str = ""; str.append(pass); str.append(designated); // cout << "str : " << str; if (send (sockfd, str.c_str(), strlen(str.c_str()), 0) == -1) { perror("send:"); exit(0); } } break; case 3: str = "CHPS"; if (send (sockfd, str.c_str(), strlen(str.c_str()), 0) == -1) { perror("send:"); exit(0); } break; default: printf("Wrong Choice again"); exit(0); }//END OF switch-case }//END OF while(1) }//END OF main()
/* The c++ function for: main(lp:list[string]) [NEW_ALLOC+BAG_UPDATE+SLOT_UPDATE+STRING_UPDATE] */ void main_list(list *lp) { GC_BIND; { ClaireBoolean * rCode = CTRUE; char * _Zcm = copy_string(""); char * _Zcf = copy_string(""); int dblevel = 1; char * _Zout = copy_string(""); char * _Zcj = copy_string(""); int slevel = 0; int clevel = 1; ClaireBoolean * _Zinit_ask = CTRUE; int vlevel = 2; list * l = ((list *) copy_bag(lp)); { ClaireHandler c_handle = ClaireHandler(); if ERROR_IN { { (Reader._starfs_star->value= _string_(copy_string("\\"))); (OBJECT(Generate_producer,Generate.PRODUCER->value)->extension = copy_string(".cpp")); update_property(Optimize.libraries_dir, Optimize.compiler, 17, Kernel._object, _oid_(list::alloc(Kernel._any,3,_string_(copy_string("c:\\claire\\v3.3\\bin\\public\\ntv")), _string_(copy_string("c:\\claire\\v3.3\\bin\\debug\\ntv")), _string_(copy_string("c:\\claire\\v3.3\\bin\\public\\ntv"))))); (Optimize.compiler->headers_dir = copy_string("c:\\claire\\v3.3\\bin\\include")); update_property(Optimize.options, Optimize.compiler, 19, Kernel._object, _oid_(list::alloc(Kernel._any,3,_string_(copy_string("-c /O2 /Oi")), _string_(copy_string("-c /Zi")), _string_(copy_string("-c /Zi"))))); (Optimize.compiler->env = copy_string("ntv")); (Optimize.claire_lib->value= _string_(copy_string(""))); { while ((l->length != 0)) { if ((equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("?"))) == CTRUE) || (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-help"))) == CTRUE)) printHelp_void(); else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-s"))) == CTRUE) { if (3 <= l->length) l= skip_list(l,3); else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -s <s1> <s2>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-f"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { load_string(string_v((*(l))[2])); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -f <filename>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-env"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { (Optimize.compiler->env = string_v((*(l))[2])); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -env <OS name>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-m"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { if (_Zinit_ask == CTRUE) { load_string(copy_string("init")); _Zinit_ask= CFALSE; } { module * m = string2module_string(string_v((*(l))[2])); load_module(m); begin_module(m); l= skip_list(l,2); (Optimize.claire_modules->value= _oid_(OBJECT(list,Optimize.claire_modules->value)->addFast(_oid_(m)))); } } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -m <module>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-v"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { vlevel= (vlevel+integer_I_string(string_v((*(l))[2]))); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -v <integer>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-ld"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { (Optimize.claire_lib->value= (*(l))[2]); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -od <directory>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-od"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { (Optimize.compiler->source = string_v((*(l))[2])); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -od <directory>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-os"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { slevel= integer_I_string(string_v((*(l))[2])); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -ol <int>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-S"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { (CLREAD(global_variable,new_class2(Core._global_variable,symbol_I_string2(string_v((*(l))[2]))),value) = Kernel.ctrue); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -S <FLAG>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-o"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { _Zout= string_v((*(l))[2]); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -o <name>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-p"))) == CTRUE) { (Optimize.OPT->profile_ask = CTRUE); dblevel= ((dblevel <= 1) ? 1 : dblevel ); l= skip_list(l,1); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-D"))) == CTRUE) { dblevel= 0; l= skip_list(l,1); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-safe"))) == CTRUE) { (Optimize.compiler->safety = ((dblevel == 0) ? 0 : 1 )); (Optimize.claire_lib->value= (*(Optimize.compiler->libraries_dir))[2]); (Optimize.claire_options->value= (*(Optimize.compiler->options))[2]); l= skip_list(l,1); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-O"))) == CTRUE) { (Optimize.compiler->optimize_ask = CTRUE); dblevel= 2; l= skip_list(l,1); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-l"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { Optimize.compiler->libraries->addFast((*(l))[2]); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -l <library>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-cl"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { _Zcm= string_v((*(l))[2]); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -cm <module>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-cc"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { clevel= 0; _Zcm= string_v((*(l))[2]); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -cc <module>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-cm"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { clevel= 2; _Zcm= string_v((*(l))[2]); l= skip_list(l,2); } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -cl <module>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-cj"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { _Zcj= string_v((*(l))[2]); l= skip_list(l,2); } } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-cjx"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { _Zcj= string_v((*(l))[2]); clevel= 0; l= skip_list(l,2); } } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-cx"))) == CTRUE) { if (2 <= l->length) { _Zcf= string_v((*(l))[2]); l= skip_list(l,2); clevel= 2; } else close_exception(((general_error *) (*Core._general_error)(_string_(copy_string("option: -cx <filename>")), _oid_(Kernel.nil)))); } else if (equal((*(l))[1],_string_(copy_string("-n"))) == CTRUE) { _Zinit_ask= CFALSE; l= skip_list(l,1); } else { if (string_v((*(l))[1])[1 - 1] == '-') { print_any((*(l))[1]); princ_string(copy_string(" is an unvalid option\n")); printHelp_void(); } rCode= CFALSE; l= list::empty(Kernel._string); } } } if (equal_string(_Zout,copy_string("")) == CTRUE) { if (equal_string(_Zcm,copy_string("")) != CTRUE) _Zout= _Zcm; else if (equal_string(_Zcf,copy_string("")) != CTRUE) _Zout= _Zcf; } if (_Zinit_ask == CTRUE) load_string(copy_string("init")); (Optimize.claire_options->value= (*(Optimize.compiler->options))[((dblevel == 0) ? 2 : ((dblevel == 2) ? 1 : 3 ) )]); if (equal(Optimize.claire_lib->value,_string_(copy_string(""))) == CTRUE) (Optimize.claire_lib->value= (*(Optimize.compiler->libraries_dir))[((dblevel == 0) ? 2 : ((dblevel == 2) ? 1 : 3 ) )]); (ClEnv->verbose = vlevel); if (slevel > 0) (Optimize.compiler->safety = slevel); if (equal_string(_Zcm,copy_string("")) != CTRUE) { module * m = string2module_string(_Zcm); (Optimize.compiler->active_ask = CTRUE); if (equal(_oid_(m->uses),_oid_(list::alloc(1,GC_OID((*(OBJECT(bag,Optimize.claire_modules->value)))[2])))) == CTRUE) { (Optimize.claire_modules->value= _oid_(shrink_list(OBJECT(bag,Optimize.claire_modules->value),2))); tformat_string(copy_string("=== Light Module ~S:~S -> use ~S=== "),0,list::alloc(3,_oid_(m), GC_OID(_oid_(m->uses)), GC_OID(Optimize.claire_modules->value))); } (Optimize.claire_modules->value= _oid_(OBJECT(list,Optimize.claire_modules->value)->addFast(_oid_(m)))); (*Reader.load)(value_string(copy_string("Compile"))); if (equal_string(_Zout,copy_string("")) != CTRUE) (m->external = _Zout); load_module(m); if (dblevel < 1) { (Optimize.compiler->safety = ((Optimize.compiler->safety <= 4) ? Optimize.compiler->safety : 4 )); Optimize.compiler->debug_ask->addFast(_oid_(m)); } compile_module(m); if (clevel == 1) { if (equal_string(_Zout,copy_string("")) != CTRUE) (m->external = _Zout); cmakefile_any(_oid_(m),copy_string("")); } else if (clevel == 2) cmakefile_any(_oid_(m),_Zout); CL_exit(0); } else if (equal_string(_Zcj,copy_string("")) != CTRUE) (*Core.call)(value_string(copy_string("jcmakefile")), _oid_(string2module_string(_Zcj)), _string_(_Zout), _oid_(equal(clevel,0))); else if (equal_string(_Zcf,copy_string("")) != CTRUE) { (Optimize.compiler->active_ask = CTRUE); (*Reader.load)(value_string(copy_string("Compile"))); load_string(_Zcf); function_compile_string(_Zcf,_Zcf); cmakefile_any(_string_(_Zcf),_Zout); CL_exit(0); } } ClEnv->cHandle--;} else if (belong_to(_oid_(ClEnv->exception_I),_oid_(Kernel._any)) == CTRUE) { c_handle.catchIt();{ restore_state_meta_reader(Reader.reader); debug_if_possible_void(); } } else PREVIOUS_HANDLER;} }