Example #1
static void write_header(const char *fmt, const char *reason, int extra_fields) {
	char   buf[1024];
	int    len;

	if (extra_fields) {
		char   hostname[256];
		char   date[256];
		time_t t;
		FILE   *me;

		*hostname = '\0';
		if ((me = fopen("/var/qmail/control/me", "r"))) {
			len = better_fgets(hostname, sizeof(hostname), me);
		if (!*hostname) strcpy(hostname, "UNKNOWN");
		t = time(NULL);
		if (!strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%F %T -0000", gmtime(&t))) *date = '\0';
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, hostname, date, reason);
	} else {
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, reason);
	len = strlen(buf);
	if (write(qq_mail[1], buf, (size_t)len) != len) qq_done();
Example #2
static char *addr2user(const char *addr) {
	FILE        *list;
	static char buf[128];
	const char  *domain;
	int         len;

	domain = strchr(addr, '@');
	if (!domain) domain = addr;
	list = fopen("/var/qmail/users/spam", "r");
	if (!list) return NULL;
	while ((len = better_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), list))) {
		char *sep = strchr(buf, ':');
		if (buf[0] == '#' || !sep) continue;
		*sep++ = '\0';
		if (cmpaddr(addr, buf)) {
			if (*sep == '*') {
				strlcpy(buf, addr, sizeof(buf));
				sep = strchr(buf, '@');
				if (sep) *sep = '\0';
				sep = strchr(buf, '-');
				if (sep) *sep = '\0';
				return strdup(buf);
			return strdup(sep);
	return NULL;
Example #3
static void check_list(const char *addr) {
	FILE         *list;
	static char  buf[128];
	const char   *adomain;
	unsigned int alocallen;
	int          len;

	// fprintf(stderr, "Checking list for %s\n", addr);
	adomain = strchr(addr, '@');
	alocallen = adomain - addr;
	if (!adomain || !alocallen) return;
	list = fopen("/var/qmail/users/lists", "r");
	if (!list) return;
	while ((len = better_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), list))) {
		char *dir = strchr(buf, ':');
		if (buf[0] == '#' || !dir) continue;
		*dir++ = '\0';
		char *domain = strchr(buf, '@');
		if (domain && !strcmp(domain, adomain)) {
			unsigned int locallen = domain - buf;
			if (locallen && locallen <= alocallen
			 && (addr[locallen] == '@' || addr[locallen] == '-')
			 && !memcmp(addr, buf, locallen)) {
				// Domain matches, local part in list is no
				// longer than local part in address, they
				// match up to that length, and the left
				// over part is empty or begins with "-".
				// IOW this will be handled by that list.
				const char *rest = addr + locallen;
				if (!memcmp(rest, "-owner@", 7)
				 || !memcmp(rest, "-subscribe", 10)
				 || !memcmp(rest, "-sc.", 4)
				 || !memcmp(rest, "-uc.", 4)
				 || !memcmp(rest, "-help@", 6)
				 || !memcmp(rest, "-info@", 6)
				 || !memcmp(rest, "-faq@", 5)
				 || !memcmp(rest, "-return-", 8)) {
					// Never reject for these
Example #4
bool ModelType::ParseObj(char *filename)
   FILE  *in_file;
   char	 oneline[255];
   char   mtlname[255];
   int    currGroup = -1;
   float  x, y, z;
   int    iV1, iV2, iV3, iV4, iT1, iT2, iT3, iT4, iN1, iN2, iN3, iN4;

   printf("Loading model %s: ", filename);
   in_file = fopen(filename, "rt");
   if (in_file == NULL)
      printf("error, file not found!\n");
      return false;

   tDispObj = (OBJModel*)malloc(sizeof(OBJModel));
   tDispObj->NumVerts = 0;
   tDispObj->NumTexts = 0;
   tDispObj->NumNorms = 0;
   tDispObj->NumTngls = 0;
   tDispObj->NumQuads = 0;

   for (int i = 0; i < objMaxNumMats; i++)
      tDispObj->group[i].objTngls = NULL;
      tDispObj->group[i].objQuads = NULL;
      tDispObj->group[i].objEdges = NULL;
      tDispObj->group[i].matID = -1;

      tDispObj->mtrl[i].Name[0] = '\0';
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].aTextName[0] = '\0';
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].dTextName[0] = '\0';
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].sTextName[0] = '\0';
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].NormType = 0;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].SmthType = 0;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].aCol.x = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].aCol.y = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].aCol.z = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].dCol.x = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].dCol.y = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].dCol.z = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].sCol.x = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].sCol.y = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].sCol.z = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].Reflect = 1.0f;
      tDispObj->mtrl[i].Opacity = 1.0f;

   while (!feof(in_file))
      if (better_fgets(oneline, 255, in_file) == NULL)

      // Caso tenha uma linha falando sobre mtllib
      if (strncmp(oneline, "mtllib", 6) == 0)
    	 // Manda carregar o mtllib
         if (sscanf(oneline, "mtllib %s", mtlname) == 1)

      // Caso escolha um material ?
      else if (strncmp(oneline, "usemtl", 6) == 0)
         int matID = 0;

         if ((sscanf(oneline, "usemtl %s", mtlname) == 1) && (numObjects != 0))
            while (strncmp(mtlname, tDispObj->mtrl[matID].Name, 32) != 0)
               if (matID == numObjects)
         currGroup = matID;
         tDispObj->group[currGroup].matID = matID;
      // Caso leu um ponto
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "v %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z) == 3)
         x *= myScale;
         y *= myScale;
         z *= myScale;
         tDispObj->objVerts[tDispObj->NumVerts].x = x;
         tDispObj->objVerts[tDispObj->NumVerts].y = y;
         tDispObj->objVerts[tDispObj->NumVerts].z = z;
         if (x > maxVerts.x)
            maxVerts.x = x;
         if (y > maxVerts.y)
            maxVerts.y = y;
         if (z > maxVerts.z)
            maxVerts.z = z;
         if (x < minVerts.x)
            minVerts.x = x;
         if (y < minVerts.y)
            minVerts.y = y;
         if (z < minVerts.z)
            minVerts.z = z;
      // Caso leu uma coordenada tripla de textura
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "vt %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z) == 3)
         tDispObj->objTexts[tDispObj->NumTexts].u = x;
         tDispObj->objTexts[tDispObj->NumTexts].v = y;
         tDispObj->objTexts[tDispObj->NumTexts].w = z;
      // Caso leu uma coordenada dupla de textura
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "vt %f %f", &x, &y) == 2)
         tDispObj->objTexts[tDispObj->NumTexts].u = x;
         tDispObj->objTexts[tDispObj->NumTexts].v = y;
         tDispObj->objTexts[tDispObj->NumTexts].w = 0.0f;

      else if (sscanf(oneline, "vn %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z) == 3)
         tDispObj->objNorms[tDispObj->NumNorms].x = x;
         tDispObj->objNorms[tDispObj->NumNorms].y = y;
         tDispObj->objNorms[tDispObj->NumNorms].z = z;
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "f %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d", &iV1, &iT1, &iN1, &iV2, &iT2, &iN2, &iV3, &iT3, &iN3, &iV4, &iT4, &iN4) == 12)
         OBJFace *newFace = (OBJFace*)malloc(sizeof(OBJFace));
         newFace->next = NULL;

         newFace->v1 = (iV1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV1) : --iV1;
         newFace->v2 = (iV2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV2) : --iV2;
         newFace->v3 = (iV3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV3) : --iV3;
         newFace->v4 = (iV4 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV4) : --iV4;

         newFace->t1 = (iT1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT1) : --iT1;
         newFace->t2 = (iT2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT2) : --iT2;
         newFace->t3 = (iT3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT3) : --iT3;
         newFace->t4 = (iT4 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT4) : --iT4;

         newFace->n1 = (iN1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN1) : --iN1;
         newFace->n2 = (iN2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN2) : --iN2;
         newFace->n3 = (iN3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN3) : --iN3;
         newFace->n4 = (iN4 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN4) : --iN4;

         newFace->NormType = 1;
         if (currGroup == -1)
            currGroup = numObjects;
         if (tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads == NULL)
            tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads = newFace;
            Insert_Face(tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads, newFace);
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "f %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d", &iV1, &iT1, &iN1, &iV2, &iT2, &iN2, &iV3, &iT3, &iN3) == 9)
         OBJFace *newFace = (OBJFace*)malloc(sizeof(OBJFace));
         newFace->next = NULL;

         newFace->v1 = (iV1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV1) : --iV1;
         newFace->v2 = (iV2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV2) : --iV2;
         newFace->v3 = (iV3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV3) : --iV3;
         newFace->v4 = -1;

         newFace->t1 = (iT1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT1) : --iT1;
         newFace->t2 = (iT2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT2) : --iT2;
         newFace->t3 = (iT3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT3) : --iT3;
         newFace->t4 = -1;

         newFace->n1 = (iN1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN1) : --iN1;
         newFace->n2 = (iN2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN2) : --iN2;
         newFace->n3 = (iN3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN3) : --iN3;
         newFace->n4 = -1;

         newFace->NormType = 1;
         if (currGroup == -1)
            currGroup = numObjects;
         if (tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls == NULL)
            tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls = newFace;
            Insert_Face(tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls, newFace);
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "f %d//%d %d//%d %d//%d %d//%d", &iV1, &iN1, &iV2, &iN2, &iV3, &iN3, &iV4, &iN4) == 8)
         OBJFace *newFace = (OBJFace*)malloc(sizeof(OBJFace));
         newFace->next = NULL;

         newFace->v1 = (iV1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV1) : --iV1;
         newFace->v2 = (iV2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV2) : --iV2;
         newFace->v3 = (iV3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV3) : --iV3;
         newFace->v4 = (iV4 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV4) : --iV4;

         newFace->t1 = -1;
         newFace->t2 = -1;
         newFace->t3 = -1;
         newFace->t4 = -1;

         newFace->n1 = (iN1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN1) : --iN1;
         newFace->n2 = (iN2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN2) : --iN2;
         newFace->n3 = (iN3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN3) : --iN3;
         newFace->n4 = (iN4 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN4) : --iN4;

         newFace->NormType = 1;
         if (currGroup == -1)
            currGroup = numObjects;
         if (tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads == NULL)
            tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads = newFace;
            Insert_Face(tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads, newFace);
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d", &iV1, &iT1, &iV2, &iT2, &iV3, &iT3, &iV4, &iT4) == 8)
         OBJFace *newFace = (OBJFace*)malloc(sizeof(OBJFace));
         newFace->next = NULL;

         newFace->v1 = (iV1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV1) : --iV1;
         newFace->v2 = (iV2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV2) : --iV2;
         newFace->v3 = (iV3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV3) : --iV3;
         newFace->v4 = (iV4 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV4) : --iV4;

         newFace->t1 = (iT1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT1) : --iT1;
         newFace->t2 = (iT2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT2) : --iT2;
         newFace->t3 = (iT3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT3) : --iT3;
         newFace->t4 = (iT4 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT4) : --iT4;

         newFace->n1 = -1;
         newFace->n2 = -1;
         newFace->n3 = -1;
         newFace->n4 = -1;

         newFace->NormType = 0;
         if (currGroup == -1)
            currGroup = numObjects;
         if (tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads == NULL)
            tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads = newFace;
            Insert_Face(tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads, newFace);
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "f %d//%d %d//%d %d//%d", &iV1, &iN1, &iV2, &iN2, &iV3, &iN3) == 6)
         OBJFace *newFace = (OBJFace*)malloc(sizeof(OBJFace));
         newFace->next = NULL;

         newFace->v1 = (iV1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV1) : --iV1;
         newFace->v2 = (iV2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV2) : --iV2;
         newFace->v3 = (iV3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV3) : --iV3;
         newFace->v4 = -1;

         newFace->t1 = -1;
         newFace->t2 = -1;
         newFace->t3 = -1;
         newFace->t4 = -1;

         newFace->n1 = (iN1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN1) : --iN1;
         newFace->n2 = (iN2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN2) : --iN2;
         newFace->n3 = (iN3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumNorms + iN3) : --iN3;
         newFace->n4 = -1;

         newFace->NormType = 1;
         if (currGroup == -1)
            currGroup = numObjects;
         if (tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls == NULL)
            tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls = newFace;
            Insert_Face(tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls, newFace);
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d", &iV1, &iT1, &iV2, &iT2, &iV3, &iT3) == 6)
         OBJFace *newFace = (OBJFace*)malloc(sizeof(OBJFace));
         newFace->next = NULL;

         newFace->v1 = (iV1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV1) : --iV1;
         newFace->v2 = (iV2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV2) : --iV2;
         newFace->v3 = (iV3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV3) : --iV3;
         newFace->v4 = -1;

         newFace->t1 = (iT1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT1) : --iT1;
         newFace->t2 = (iT2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT2) : --iT2;
         newFace->t3 = (iT3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumTexts + iT3) : --iT3;
         newFace->t4 = -1;

         newFace->n1 = -1;
         newFace->n2 = -1;
         newFace->n3 = -1;
         newFace->n4 = -1;

         newFace->NormType = 0;
         if (currGroup == -1)
            currGroup = numObjects;
         if (tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls == NULL)
            tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls = newFace;
            Insert_Face(tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls, newFace);
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "f %d %d %d %d", &iV1, &iV2, &iV3, &iV4) == 4)
         OBJFace *newFace = (OBJFace*)malloc(sizeof(OBJFace));
         newFace->next = NULL;

         newFace->v1 = (iV1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV1) : --iV1;
         newFace->v2 = (iV2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV2) : --iV2;
         newFace->v3 = (iV3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV3) : --iV3;
         newFace->v4 = (iV4 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV4) : --iV4;

         newFace->t1 = -1;
         newFace->t2 = -1;
         newFace->t3 = -1;
         newFace->t4 = -1;

         newFace->n1 = -1;
         newFace->n2 = -1;
         newFace->n3 = -1;
         newFace->n4 = -1;

         newFace->NormType = 0;
         if (currGroup == -1)
            currGroup = numObjects;
         if (tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads == NULL)
            tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads = newFace;
            Insert_Face(tDispObj->group[currGroup].objQuads, newFace);
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "f %d %d %d", &iV1, &iV2, &iV3) == 3)
         OBJFace *newFace = (OBJFace*)malloc(sizeof(OBJFace));
         newFace->next = NULL;

         newFace->v1 = (iV1 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV1) : --iV1;
         newFace->v2 = (iV2 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV2) : --iV2;
         newFace->v3 = (iV3 < 0) ? (tDispObj->NumVerts + iV3) : --iV3;
         newFace->v4 = -1;

         newFace->t1 = -1;
         newFace->t2 = -1;
         newFace->t3 = -1;
         newFace->t4 = -1;

         newFace->n1 = -1;
         newFace->n2 = -1;
         newFace->n3 = -1;
         newFace->n4 = -1;

         newFace->NormType = 0;
         if (currGroup == -1)
            currGroup = numObjects;
         if (tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls == NULL)
            tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls = newFace;
            Insert_Face(tDispObj->group[currGroup].objTngls, newFace);

   if (numObjects == 0)

   if (fabs(maxVerts.x) > myRadius)
		myRadius = fabs(maxVerts.x);
	if (fabs(maxVerts.y) > myRadius)
		myRadius = fabs(maxVerts.y);
	if (fabs(maxVerts.z) > myRadius)
		myRadius = fabs(maxVerts.z);
   if (fabs(minVerts.x) > myRadius)
      myRadius = fabs(maxVerts.x);
	if (fabs(minVerts.y) > myRadius)
		myRadius = fabs(maxVerts.y);
	if (fabs(minVerts.z) > myRadius)
		myRadius = fabs(maxVerts.z);

   printf("-> Number of vertices:   %d\n", tDispObj->NumVerts);
   printf("-> Number of normals:    %d\n", tDispObj->NumNorms);
   printf("-> Number of tex coords: %d\n", tDispObj->NumTexts);
   printf("-> Number of triangles:  %d\n", tDispObj->NumTngls);
   printf("-> Number of quads:      %d\n", tDispObj->NumQuads);
   return true;
Example #5
bool ModelType::ParseMtl(char *filename)
    char temp[100] = {};

   FILE	*in_file;
   char	 oneline[255];
   int    currMtrl = -1;
   float  cVal1, cVal2, cVal3;
   int    bVal;

   printf("Loading material library %s: ", filename);
   in_file = fopen(filename, "rt");
   if (in_file == NULL)
      printf("error, file not found!\n");
      return false;

   while (!feof(in_file))
      if (better_fgets(oneline, 255, in_file) == NULL)

      if (strncmp(oneline, "newmtl", 6) == 0)
         sscanf(oneline, "newmtl %s", tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].Name);
      if (strncmp(oneline, "Ka", 2) == 0)
         sscanf(oneline, "Ka %f %f %f", &cVal1, &cVal2, &cVal3);
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].aCol.x = cVal1;
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].aCol.y = cVal2;
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].aCol.z = cVal3;
      if (strncmp(oneline, "Kd", 2) == 0)
         sscanf(oneline, "Kd %f %f %f", &cVal1, &cVal2, &cVal3);
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].dCol.x = cVal1;
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].dCol.y = cVal2;
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].dCol.z = cVal3;
      if (strncmp(oneline, "Ks", 2) == 0)
         sscanf(oneline, "Ks %f %f %f", &cVal1, &cVal2, &cVal3);
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].sCol.x = cVal1;
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].sCol.y = cVal2;
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].sCol.z = cVal3;
      if (strncmp(oneline, "Tr", 2) == 0)
         sscanf(oneline, "Tr %f", &cVal1);
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].Opacity = cVal1;
      if (strncmp(oneline, "Ns", 2) == 0)
         sscanf(oneline, "Ns %f", &cVal1);
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].Reflect = cVal1;
      else if (strncmp(oneline, "map_Ka", 6) == 0)
         sscanf(oneline, "map_Ka %s", tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].aTextName);
      else if (strncmp(oneline, "map_Kd", 6) == 0)
         sscanf(oneline, "map_Kd %s", tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].dTextName);
      else if (strncmp(oneline, "map_Ks", 6) == 0)
         sscanf(oneline, "map_Ks %s", tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].sTextName);
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "Smooth %d", &bVal) == 1)
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].SmthType = bVal;
      else if (sscanf(oneline, "Normal %d", &bVal) == 1)
         tDispObj->mtrl[currMtrl].NormType = bVal;

   printf("-> Number of materials:  %d\n", ++currMtrl);
   numObjects = currMtrl;
   return true;