Example #1
void testBetweennessCentrality(int bucketsNumber, int bucketSize) {
    //create small graph for testing betweenness Centrality
    Graph* gBetw = createGraph(bucketsNumber, bucketSize);

    Node* n1Betw = createNode(1, NULL);
    Node* n2Betw = createNode(2, NULL);
    Node* n3Betw = createNode(3, NULL);
    Node* n4Betw = createNode(4, NULL);
    Node* n5Betw = createNode(5, NULL);

    insertNode(n1Betw, gBetw);
    insertNode(n2Betw, gBetw);
    insertNode(n3Betw, gBetw);
    insertNode(n4Betw, gBetw);
    insertNode(n5Betw, gBetw);

    /* Create edges and set properties */
    Edge* e1Betw = createEdge(1, 2, NULL);
    Edge* e2Betw = createEdge(2, 1, NULL);
    Edge* e3Betw = createEdge(2, 3, NULL);
    Edge* e4Betw = createEdge(2, 4, NULL);
    Edge* e5Betw = createEdge(3, 2, NULL);
    Edge* e6Betw = createEdge(3, 5, NULL);
    Edge* e7Betw = createEdge(4, 2, NULL);
    Edge* e8Betw = createEdge(4, 5, NULL);
    Edge* e9Betw = createEdge(5, 3, NULL);
    Edge* e10Betw = createEdge(5, 4, NULL);

    /* Insert edges in graph */
    insertEdge(1, e1Betw, gBetw);
    insertEdge(2, e2Betw, gBetw);
    insertEdge(2, e3Betw, gBetw);
    insertEdge(2, e4Betw, gBetw);
    insertEdge(3, e5Betw, gBetw);
    insertEdge(3, e6Betw, gBetw);
    insertEdge(4, e7Betw, gBetw);
    insertEdge(4, e8Betw, gBetw);
    insertEdge(5, e9Betw, gBetw);
    insertEdge(5, e10Betw, gBetw);

    double betwCentrty1 = betweennessCentrality(n1Betw, gBetw);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Small Graph betweenness centrality node:1 ", betwCentrty1, 0.0 / 6.0);

    double betwCentrty2 = betweennessCentrality(n2Betw, gBetw);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Small Graph betweenness centrality node:2 ", betwCentrty2, 0.583);

    double betwCentrty3 = betweennessCentrality(n3Betw, gBetw);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Small Graph betweenness centrality node:3 ", betwCentrty3, 1.0 / 6.0);

    double betwCentrty4 = betweennessCentrality(n4Betw, gBetw);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Small Graph betweenness centrality node:4 ", betwCentrty4, 1.0 / 6.0);

    double betwCentrty5 = betweennessCentrality(n5Betw, gBetw);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Small Graph betweenness centrality node:5 ", betwCentrty5, 0.5 / 6.0);
Example #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    t_vertex *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4, *v5, *v6, *v7, *v8, *v9, *v10;
    t_vertex *w;

    t_edge *e;
    t_graph *graph;
    t_stack stack;
    t_queue queue;

    int V = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int dot = 0;
    int bc = 0;
    int is_directed = FALSE;
    int index;
    int f, v, c, o;

    char *file = NULL;
    char *num_vertices = NULL;

    graph = createGraph(TRUE);

    while ((f = getopt (argc, argv, "odhbf:v:")) != -1)
        switch (f)
        case 'd':
            dot = 1;
        case 'b':
            bc = 1;
        case 'o':
            is_directed = TRUE;
        case 'f':
            file = optarg;
        case 'h':
        case 'v':
            num_vertices = optarg;
        case '?':
            if (isprint (optopt)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option: `-%c'.\n", optopt);
            else {
                fprintf (stderr,
                         "Invalid option `\\x%x'.\n",
            return 1;

    for (index = optind; index < argc; index++)
        printf ("Non-option argument %s\n", argv[index]);

    graph = createGraph(is_directed);

    if (num_vertices != NULL) {
        V = atoi(num_vertices) + 1;
        for (i = 1; i < V; i++)
            addVertex(graph, i);


    if (file != NULL)
        readFromCSV(graph, file);

    if (bc == 1) {

    if (dot == 1)


    return 0;
Example #3
int main_part2(void) {
    //firstly execute a test for centrality metrics on small graphs
    int m = 2;
    int c = 3;

    testBetweennessCentrality(m, c);

    testClosenessCentrality(m, c);

    //small example for trust graph estimation
    testTidalTrust(m, c);

    /*create graph from file*/
    int bucketsNumber = 5;
    int bucketSize = 10;
    Graph* g = loadGraph(bucketsNumber, bucketSize);

    //graph metrics calls

    //plot the graph degree distribution
    degreeDistribution(g, false);

    int diam = diameter(g);
    CHECKINT("Graph diameter", diam, 14);

    double avgPthLgth = averagePathLength(g);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Graph average path length", avgPthLgth, 5.0753);

    int ccNumber = numberOfCCs(g);
    CHECKINT("Graph number of components ", ccNumber, 1);

    int maximumCC = maxCC(g);
    CHECKINT("Graph maximum connected component ", maximumCC, 111);

    double dense = density(g);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Graph density ", dense, 0.073);

     * WRONG CALCULATIONS - only considering neighbors and not multi-step paths!
    int closenessIds[5] = {		1734,   38,   8899,  3501,   75};
    float closenessIdsRes[5] = {0.109, 0.090, 0.072, 0.045, 0.009};
    for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        int nodeID = closenessIds[i];
        Node* node = lookupNode(nodeID, g);
        double closCentrty = closenessCentrality(node, g);
        CHECKDOUBLE("Graph closeness centrality ", closCentrty, closenessIdsRes[i]);

    int i, k;
    int betweennessIds[5] = {       1734,   38,     8899,   9900,   75};
    float betweennessIdsRes[5] = {  0.306,  0.053,  0.018,  0.005,  0.000};

    for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        int nodeID = betweennessIds[i];
        Node* node = lookupNode(nodeID, g);
        double betwCentrty = betweennessCentrality(node, g);
        CHECKDOUBLE("Graph betweenness centrality ", betwCentrty, betweennessIdsRes[i]);

    //graph queries calls
    // Query 1 //
    Matches* match;
    Node *dateNode = lookupNode(3755, g);
    int commonInterests = 1, ageDiff = 30, acquaintanceHops = 3, matchesNum = 1;
    match = matchSuggestion(dateNode, commonInterests, acquaintanceHops, ageDiff, matchesNum, g);

    //match result : 7107 - work_at_organization: 1650
    //get first pair's person ids
    int id1 = getMatch(0, match);

    CHECKINT("Query 1: Date result 1st id", id1, 7107);
    delete match;

    // Query 2 //
    //estimate stalkers graph with closeness centrality
    Graph* stalkersGraphCloseCentr;
    int stalkersNum = 7, likesNumber = 1, centralityMode = 1;
    Stalkers* stalkersCloseCentr = new Stalkers(stalkersNum);
    stalkersGraphCloseCentr = getTopStalkers(stalkersNum, likesNumber, centralityMode, g, stalkersCloseCentr);

    int stalkersResultsIds[] = {347, 495, 7768, 8354, 8403, 8899, 9633};
    int stalkerResultSize = 7;
    int stalkerID;
    int counter = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < stalkersNum; ++i) {
        stalkerID = getStalkerID(i, stalkersCloseCentr);
        if (stalkerID != -1) {
        for (k = 0; k < stalkerResultSize; ++k) {
            if (stalkersResultsIds[k] == stalkerID) {
        if (k == stalkerResultSize) {
            printf("You wrongly labeled person with id %d as Stalker\n", stalkerID);
    CHECKINT("Query 2: Stalker closeness results size", stalkerResultSize, counter);

    //run metrics on stalker-graph

    //estimate stalkers graph with betweenness centrality
    Graph* stalkersGraphBetwCentr;
    Stalkers* stalkersBetwCentr = new Stalkers(stalkersNum);
    centralityMode = 2;
    stalkersGraphBetwCentr = getTopStalkers(stalkersNum, likesNumber, centralityMode, g, stalkersBetwCentr);

    counter = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < stalkersNum; ++i) {
        stalkerID = getStalkerID(i, stalkersBetwCentr);
        if (stalkerID != -1) {
        for (k = 0; k < stalkerResultSize; ++k) {
            if (stalkersResultsIds[k] == stalkerID) {
        if (k == stalkerResultSize) {
            printf("You wrongly labeled person with id %d as Stalker\n", stalkerID);

    CHECKINT("Query 2: Stalker betweenness results size", stalkerResultSize, counter);

    //run metrics on stalker-graph

    // Query 3 - Correct//
    int trendsNum = 4;
    //allocate result tables before calling query and pass them as parameters
    char** womenTrends;
    womenTrends = (char**) malloc(trendsNum * sizeof (char*));
    char** menTrends;
    menTrends = (char**) malloc(trendsNum * sizeof (char*));
    findTrends(trendsNum, g, &womenTrends, &menTrends);

    printf("Top Women - Men Trends\n");
    int j;
    char* menTrendsResults[4] = {"Sun_Yat-sen", "Constantine_the_Great","Sigmund_Freud", "Hussein_of_Jordan"}; //IDS: {417,11622,468,1398}
    char* womenTrendsResults[4] = {"Adolf_Hitler", "Chiang_Kai-shek", NULL, NULL}; //IDS: {138,416,null,null}

    int counterW = 0, counterM = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
        if (menTrends[j] != NULL) {

            for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {

                if (strcmp(menTrends[j], menTrendsResults[k]) == 0) {
            if (k == 4) {
                printf("You wrongly labeled tag with %s as top trend\n", menTrends[j]);
    CHECKINT("Query 3: Mens Trends result size", 4, counterM);

    for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
        if (womenTrends[j] != NULL) {

            for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {

                if (strcmp(womenTrends[j], womenTrendsResults[k]) == 0) {
            if (k == 2) {
                printf("You wrongly labeled tag with %s as top trend\n", menTrends[j]);

    CHECKINT("Query 3: Women Trends result size", 2, counterW);

    // Query 4 //
//    int forumID = 34680;
    char *forumName = "Wall of Xiomara Fernandez";

    Graph *trustGraph = buildTrustGraph(forumName, g);

    int trustANodeId = 30;
    int trustBNodeId = 9805;
    int trustCNodeId = 9700;
    Node *ta = lookupNode(trustANodeId, trustGraph);
    assert(ta != NULL);
    Node *tb = lookupNode(trustBNodeId, trustGraph);
    assert(tb != NULL);
    Node *tc = lookupNode(trustCNodeId, trustGraph);
    assert(tc != NULL);

    double trustAB;
    trustAB = estimateTrust(ta, tb,  trustGraph);
    printf("Trust between nodes (%d,%d) is %f\n", trustANodeId, trustBNodeId, trustAB);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Trust: (30,9805) ", trustAB, 0.134);
    double trustAC;
    trustAC = estimateTrust(ta,tc,  trustGraph);
    printf("Trust between nodes (%d,%d) is %f\n", trustANodeId, trustCNodeId, trustAC);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Trust: (30,9700) ", trustAC, 0.15);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #4
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    /* Data structure for storing generated tuples in the 
     * Scalable Data Generation Stage -- see defs.h */
    graphSDG* SDGdata;  

    /* The graph data structure -- see defs.h */
    graph* G;
    /* Kernel 2 output */
    edge *maxIntWtList;
    INT_T maxIntWtListSize;

    /* Kernel 4 output */
    DOUBLE_T elapsed_time;

    int filter, cutshort;

#ifdef _OPENMP
    if (argc < 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./SSCA2 <No. of threads> <SCALE>\n");
    NUM_THREADS = atoi(argv[1]);
    SCALE = atoi(argv[2]);
    filter = atoi(argv[3]);
    cutshort = atoi(argv[4]);
    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./SSCA2 <SCALE>\n");
    SCALE = atoi(argv[1]);
    filter = atoi(argv[2]);
    cutshort = atoi(argv[3]);

    /* ------------------------------------ */
    /*  Initialization -- Untimed           */
    /* ------------------------------------ */

    fprintf(stderr, "\nHPCS SSCA Graph Analysis Benchmark v2.2\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Running...\n\n");

    init(SCALE, cutshort);

#ifdef _OPENMP
    fprintf(stderr, "\nNo. of threads: %d\n", NUM_THREADS);
    fprintf(stderr, "SCALE: %d\n\n", SCALE);
    /* -------------------------------------------- */
    /*  Scalable Data Generator -- Untimed          */
    /* -------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef VERIFYK4
    fprintf(stderr, "Scalable Data Generator -- ");
    fprintf(stderr, "genScalData() beginning execution...\n");

    SDGdata  = (graphSDG *) malloc(sizeof(graphSDG));
    elapsed_time = genScalData(SDGdata);

    fprintf(stderr, "\n\tgenScalData() completed execution\n");
            "\nTime taken for Scalable Data Generation is %9.6lf sec.\n\n", 
    fprintf(stderr, "Generating 2D torus for Kernel 4 validation -- ");
    fprintf(stderr, "gen2DTorus() beginning execution...\n");

    SDGdata = (graphSDG *) malloc(sizeof(graphSDG));
    elapsed_time = gen2DTorus(SDGdata);

    fprintf(stderr, "\n\tgen2DTorus() completed execution\n");
            "\nTime taken for 2D torus generation is %9.6lf sec.\n\n", 
    /* ------------------------------------ */
    /*  Kernel 1 - Graph Construction       */
    /* ------------------------------------ */
    /* From the SDG data, construct the graph 'G'  */
    fprintf(stderr, "\nKernel 1 -- computeGraph() beginning execution...\n");

    G = (graph *) malloc(sizeof(graph));
    /* Store the SDG edge lists in a compact representation 
     * which isn't modified in subsequent Kernels */
    elapsed_time = computeGraph(G, SDGdata);

    fprintf(stderr, "\n\tcomputeGraph() completed execution\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\nTime taken for Kernel 1 is %9.6lf sec.\n\n", 

    /* ---------------------------------------------------- */
    /*  Kernel 2 - Find max edge weight                     */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------- */
    fprintf(stderr, "\nKernel 2 -- getStartLists() beginning execution...\n");
    /* Initialize vars and allocate temp. memory for the edge list */
    maxIntWtListSize = 0;
    maxIntWtList = (edge *) malloc(sizeof(edge));

    elapsed_time = getStartLists(G, &maxIntWtList, &maxIntWtListSize);

    fprintf(stderr, "\n\tgetStartLists() completed execution\n\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Max. int wt. list size is %d\n", maxIntWtListSize);
    fprintf(stderr, "\nTime taken for Kernel 2 is %9.6lf sec.\n\n", 

    /* ------------------------------------ */
    /*  Kernel 3 - Graph Extraction         */
    /* ------------------------------------ */
    fprintf(stderr, "\nKernel 3 -- findSubGraphs() beginning execution...\n");

    elapsed_time = findSubGraphs(G, maxIntWtList, maxIntWtListSize);

    fprintf(stderr, "\n\tfindSubGraphs() completed execution\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\nTime taken for Kernel 3 is %9.6lf sec.\n\n", 
    /* ------------------------------------------ */
    /*  Kernel 4 - Betweenness Centrality         */
    /* ------------------------------------------ */
    fprintf(stderr, "\nKernel 4 -- betweennessCentrality() "
            "beginning execution...\n");  
    BC = (DOUBLE_T *) calloc(N, sizeof(DOUBLE_T));
    elapsed_time = betweennessCentrality(G, BC, filter);
    fprintf(stderr, "\nTime taken for Kernel 4 is %9.6f sec.\n\n", 
    fprintf(stderr, "TEPS score for Kernel 4 is %lf\n\n", 
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    return 0;