bignum golden(const bignum &b) { bignum temp1 = bignum(fibonacci(b)); bignum temp2 = bignum(fibonacci(b - 1)); return (temp2 == 0 ? 0 : temp1 / temp2); }
//returns average of all values passed bignum average(vector<bignum> numbers_passed) { bignum counter((int)numbers_passed.size()); bignum total; for (int i = 0; i < numbers_passed.size(); i++) total +=; if (total == bignum(0) || counter == bignum(0)) return bignum(0); return divideNumbers(total, counter); }
term_t bignum_to_term(bignum_t *a, xpool_t *xp) { if (bn_size(a) == 0) return intnum(0); if (bn_sign(a) == 0 && bn_size(a) == 1 && a->digits[0] <= MAX_INT_VALUE) return intnum(a->digits[0]); if (bn_sign(a) == 1 && bn_size(a) == 1 && a->digits[0] <= MAX_INT_VALUE+1) return intnum(-(int_value_t)a->digits[0]); if (bn_sign(a) == 0 && bn_size(a) == 2) { apr_uint64_t v = (apr_uint64_t)a->digits[0] << 32; v += a->digits[1]; // somehow it doesn't work if combined with previous line if (v <= MAX_INT_VALUE) return intnum(v); } if (bn_sign(a) == 1 && bn_size(a) == 2) { apr_uint64_t v = (apr_uint64_t)a->digits[0] << 32; v += a->digits[1]; if (v <= MAX_INT_VALUE+1) return intnum(-(int_value_t)v); } return bignum(a); }
term_t long2term(apr_int64_t value, xpool_t *xp) { if (value < MIN_INT_VALUE || value > MAX_INT_VALUE) return bignum(bignum_from64(value, xp)); else return intnum(value); }
bignum bignum::mod_inverse_of(const bignum& mod)const { pair<bignum, bignum> t = make_pair<bignum, bignum>(0x00, 0x01U); pair<bits_value, bits_value> r(mod.value_, value_); while(r.second.any()) { auto d = bits_divide(r.first, r.second); r.first = r.second; r.second = d.second; //t.first = t.second, t.second = first - second*d.quotient auto transit = t.second; t.second *= bignum(move(d.first)); t.first -= t.second; t.second = t.first; t.first = move(transit); } if(r.first.test(0) && r.first.count() == 1) { if(t.first.sign_) t.first.value_ = substract(mod.value_, t.first.value_); t.first.sign_ = sign_; return move(t.first); } throw_with_nested(coprime_error("given two nums are not co-prime")); }
bignum fibonacci(const bignum &b) { if (b.getDecimalCount() > 0) throw error_handler(__FILE__, __LINE__, "fibonacci sequence values may only be derived from integers"); bignum counter; bignum high; bignum low; bignum temp; bignum zero; counter.setBase(b.getBase()); high.setBase(b.getBase()); low.setBase(b.getBase()); if (b > bignum(bignum(), b.getBase())) { high++; while (counter < b) { temp = low; low = high; high += temp; counter++; } return low; } else if (b < bignum(bignum(), b.getBase())) { low++; while (counter > b.absolute()) { temp = high; high = low; low = (temp - low); counter++; } return high; } return temp; }
static void CheckCreateInt(const int64_t& num) { CBigNum bignum(num); CScriptNum scriptnum(num); BOOST_CHECK(verify(bignum, scriptnum)); BOOST_CHECK(verify(bignum.getint(), CScriptNum(scriptnum.getint()))); BOOST_CHECK(verify(scriptnum.getint(), CScriptNum(bignum.getint()))); BOOST_CHECK(verify(CBigNum(scriptnum.getint()).getint(), CScriptNum(CScriptNum(bignum.getint()).getint()))); }
int main() { char a[]="-99999990798068769895123152432412419812123127951024709862187461298749999"; char b[]="998464513313213123132165798796412315152321996465465465469999999999999"; printf("%s\n +\n%s \n= \n",a,b); char* result=bignum(a,b); printf("%s\n",result); return 0; }//bug
static void CheckCreateVch(const int64_t& num) { CBigNum bignum(num); CScriptNum scriptnum(num); BOOST_CHECK(verify(bignum, scriptnum)); CBigNum bignum2(bignum.getvch()); CScriptNum scriptnum2(scriptnum.getvch(), false); BOOST_CHECK(verify(bignum2, scriptnum2)); CBigNum bignum3(scriptnum2.getvch()); CScriptNum scriptnum3(bignum2.getvch(), false); BOOST_CHECK(verify(bignum3, scriptnum3)); }
bignum factorial(const bignum &bn) { if (bn > bignum(1000)) throw error_handler(__FILE__, __LINE__, "The desired calculation is too large"); bignum temp(bn); for (bignum counter(bn); counter > 1; counter--) { if (bn > counter) temp *= counter; } temp.updateDigits(); return temp; }
static void CheckCreateVch(const int64_t& num) { CScriptNum10 bignum(num); CScriptNum scriptnum(num); BOOST_CHECK(verify(bignum, scriptnum)); std::vector<unsigned char> vch = bignum.getvch(); CScriptNum10 bignum2(bignum.getvch(), false); vch = scriptnum.getvch(); CScriptNum scriptnum2(scriptnum.getvch(), false); BOOST_CHECK(verify(bignum2, scriptnum2)); CScriptNum10 bignum3(scriptnum2.getvch(), false); CScriptNum scriptnum3(bignum2.getvch(), false); BOOST_CHECK(verify(bignum3, scriptnum3)); }
void SecureServer::generateRSAKey (const int& bits, const std::string& publicFilename, const std::string &privateFilename, const std::string &password) throw (boost::system::system_error) { const unsigned long e = RSA_F4; //Generate RSA key std::unique_ptr<BIGNUM,void (*)(BIGNUM*)> bignum(BN_new(), &BN_free); int ret; if((ret = BN_set_word(bignum.get(), e)) != 1){ throw_system_error_ssl("Could not set BIGNUM word"); } std::unique_ptr<RSA,void (*)(RSA*)> rsa(RSA_new(), &RSA_free); if(RSA_generate_key_ex(rsa.get(), bits, bignum.get(), nullptr) != 1){ throw_system_error_ssl("Could not generate RSA key"); } //Save public key std::unique_ptr<BIO,void (*)(BIO*)> publicBIO(BIO_new_file(publicFilename.c_str(), "w"), &BIO_free_all); if(!publicBIO){ throw_system_error_ssl("Could not open "+publicFilename+" for writing"); } if(PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey(publicBIO.get(), rsa.get()) != 1){ throw_system_error_ssl("Could not write RSA public key"); } //Save private key std::unique_ptr<BIO,void (*)(BIO*)> privateBIO(BIO_new_file(privateFilename.c_str(), "w"), &BIO_free_all); if(!privateBIO){ throw_system_error_ssl("Could not open "+privateFilename+" for writing"); } if(password.empty()){ if(PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(privateBIO.get(), rsa.get(), nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr) != 1){ throw_system_error_ssl("Could not write RSA private key"); } }else{ if(PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(privateBIO.get(), rsa.get(), EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), (unsigned char *), password.size(), nullptr, nullptr) != 1){ throw_system_error_ssl("Could not write RSA private key"); } } }
bignum bignum::take_ownership(pointer _ptr) { error::throw_error_if_not(_ptr); return bignum(_ptr, deleter); }
void bignum::convertBase(int n) { if (isZero()) { base = n; return; } bool original_negative = negative; bignum toAdd; bignum temp(0); temp.setBase(n); bignum original_ten(10); original_ten.setBase(base); bignum converted_ten(original_ten); converted_ten.convertBaseSimple(n); bignum original_nth; bignum converted_nth; if (base != n) { for (int i = 0; i < digitRange; i++) { int index(left_most - i); if (i == 0) { original_nth = bignum(index - ONES_PLACE); original_nth.convertBaseSimple(base); converted_nth = bignum(original_nth); converted_nth.convertBaseSimple(n); } else converted_nth--; if (index >= MAXDIGITS) throw error_handler(__FILE__, __LINE__, "The value being calculated is too large for the settings provided"); if (index < 0) break; //each digit of the number is evaluated evaluated X * 10^n format bignum original_digit(getDigit(index)); if (original_digit.isZero()) continue; original_digit.convertBaseSimple(base); //each of the above format is converted simply bignum converted_digit(original_digit); converted_digit.convertBaseSimple(n); //add X * 10^n to the solution bignum multiplier(exponent(converted_ten, converted_nth)); bignum toAdd = converted_digit * multiplier; temp += toAdd; } *this = temp; } negative = original_negative; updateDigits(); }