int test_frame_ctl(uint8_t key[SHAREDKEY_BYTESIZE]) { #define TESTBUFSIZE 4096 int i,ret; ssize_t crypted_len; struct frame_st *crypted_frame = NULL; internal_msg_t *ori_frame_body; internal_msg_t decrypt_frame_body; ori_frame_body = malloc(sizeof(*ori_frame_body)); ori_frame_body->msg_type = MSG_CTL_TYPE; ori_frame_body->ctl_frame_body.code = CTL_PIPELINE_OPEN; ori_frame_body->ctl_frame_body.arg.pipeline_open.flow_id = 1234; ori_frame_body->ctl_frame_body.arg.pipeline_open.max_delay_in_ms = 500; ori_frame_body->ctl_frame_body.arg.pipeline_open.reply_frame_flags = 1; ori_frame_body-> = malloc(TESTBUFSIZE); ori_frame_body->ctl_frame_body.arg.pipeline_open.data_len = TESTBUFSIZE; for (i=0;i<TESTBUFSIZE;++i) { ori_frame_body->[i] = i%63; } printf("Original: %d bytes.\n", TESTBUFSIZE); crypted_len = frame_encode(&crypted_frame, ori_frame_body, FRAME_FLAG_MAKE(1, 1, 1), key); printf("frame_encode() = %d bytes.\n", (int)crypted_len); ret = frame_decode(&decrypt_frame_body, crypted_frame, key); printf("frame_decode() = %d bytes.\n", decrypt_frame_body.ctl_frame_body.arg.pipeline_open.data_len); if (memcmp(ori_frame_body->,, TESTBUFSIZE)==0) { puts("encrypt_frame_body/decrypt_frame_body OK."); } else { puts("encrypt_frame_body/decrypt_frame_body FAILed."); } printf("Original: "); bin_dump(stdout, ori_frame_body->, TESTBUFSIZE); printf("Crypted: "); bin_dump(stdout, crypted_frame->frame_body, crypted_len); printf("Derypted: "); bin_dump(stdout,, decrypt_frame_body.ctl_frame_body.arg.pipeline_open.data_len); free(ori_frame_body->; free(ori_frame_body); free(crypted_frame); return 0; }
int test_frame_data(uint8_t key[SHAREDKEY_BYTESIZE]) { #define TESTBUFSIZE 4096 int i,ret; ssize_t crypted_len; struct frame_st *crypted_frame = NULL; internal_msg_t *ori_frame_body; internal_msg_t decrypt_frame_body; ori_frame_body = malloc(sizeof(*ori_frame_body)); ori_frame_body->msg_type = 0; ori_frame_body->data_frame_body.flow_id = 12345; ori_frame_body-> = malloc(TESTBUFSIZE); ori_frame_body->data_frame_body.data_len = TESTBUFSIZE; for (i=0;i<TESTBUFSIZE;++i) { ori_frame_body->[i] = i%63; } printf("Original: %d bytes.\n", TESTBUFSIZE); crypted_len = frame_encode(&crypted_frame, ori_frame_body, FRAME_FLAG_MAKE(1, 1, 1), key); printf("frame_encode() = %d bytes.\n", (int)crypted_len); ret = frame_decode(&decrypt_frame_body, crypted_frame, key); printf("frame_decode() = %d bytes.\n", decrypt_frame_body.data_frame_body.data_len); if (memcmp(ori_frame_body->,, TESTBUFSIZE)==0) { puts("encrypt_frame_body/decrypt_frame_body OK."); } else { puts("encrypt_frame_body/decrypt_frame_body FAILed."); } printf("Original: "); bin_dump(stdout, ori_frame_body->, TESTBUFSIZE); printf("Crypted: "); bin_dump(stdout, crypted_frame->frame_body, crypted_len); printf("Derypted: "); bin_dump(stdout,, decrypt_frame_body.data_frame_body.data_len); free(ori_frame_body->; free(ori_frame_body); free(crypted_frame); return 0; }
int main() { light_start(0); shut_down_in(119.5); arm_up(); claw_open(); bin_down(); enable_servos(); collect_poms(); printf("Collected Initial Poms in base\n"); /* forward(70); msleep(500); left(35, 0); msleep(300); //face 1st pile forward(45); pomPileOne(); */ forward(50); msleep(500); left(28, 0); //face 1st pile forward(59); //needs to be exact or else claw will hit table divider msleep(500); pomPileOne(); /* //4/9/16 Test Code forward(20); msleep(500); left(15, 0); msleep(300); //face 1st pile forward(80); pomPileOne(); */ //go to pile 2 multforward(45, 0.50); msleep(100); forward(15); msleep(300); left(85, ks/2); msleep(300); backward(2); //forward(2); pomPileTwo(); /* if(green == 1 && red == 1) { printf("Collected all\n"); //go to bin right(60, ks/2); forward(100); right(100, ks/2); msleep(500); bin_mid(); msleep(500); bin_dump(); } else { //do pom pile three only if robot does not have both one red and one green pomPileThree(); //go to bin left(60, ks/2); forward(60); } */ backward(5); right(80, ks/2); msleep(300); forward(130); msleep(300); right(50, ks/2); //turn against the wall msleep(300); backward(5); msleep(500); /* arm_mid(); msleep(300); bin_mid(); msleep(500); bin_dump(); msleep(1000); */ right(40, ks/2); msleep(500); backward(15); servo(MAIN_ARM, 1200); //move away arm from box msleep(300); bin_mid(); msleep(500); bin_dump(); msleep(1000); bin_mid(); msleep(500); bin_dump(); msleep(1000); /* int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { forward(2); msleep(300); backward(2); msleep(300); } */ msleep(1000); right(30, ks/2); forward(90); msleep(2000); disable_servos(); ao(); return 0; }
int main() { //light_start(0); shut_down_in(119.5); arm_up(); claw_open(); bin_down(); enable_servos(); collect_poms(); printf("Collected Initial Poms in base\n"); /* forward(70); msleep(500); left(35, 0); msleep(300); //face 1st pile forward(45); pomPileOne(); */ forward(47); msleep(500); left(30, 0); //face 1st pile forward(60); //needs to be exact or else claw will hit table divider pomPileOne(); /* //4/9/16 Test Code forward(20); msleep(500); left(15, 0); msleep(300); //face 1st pile forward(80); pomPileOne(); */ //go to pile 2 multforward(45, 0.50); msleep(100); forward(15); msleep(300); left(85, ks/2); msleep(300); forward(10); pomPileTwo(); if(green == 1 && red == 1) { printf("Collected all\n"); //go to bin right(60, ks/2); forward(100); right(100, ks/2); msleep(500); bin_mid(); msleep(500); bin_dump(); } else { //do pom pile three only if robot does not have both one red and one green pomPileThree(); //go to bin left(60, ks/2); forward(60); } msleep(2000); disable_servos(); ao(); return 0; }
int WirelessProtocol::sendData(byte* data, uint16_t size, uint64_t Pipe, uint16_t SendTimeout) { ProtocolMessage PM; if (size % 30 == 0) PM.AllLength = size / 30; else PM.AllLength = size / 30 + 1; radio->stopListening(); radio->openWritingPipe(Pipe); DBGPRINT("Send data size: %hu, package count: %hu", size, PM.AllLength); unsigned long lastSuccSend = millis(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < PM.AllLength; i++) { if (millis() - lastSuccSend > SendTimeout) { DBGPRINT("All send timeout"); return ERROR_TIMEOUT; } DBGPRINT("Trying send package: %hu", i); PM.CurrentNum = i; memcpy(, &(data[i*30]), min(30, size - 30*i)); bin_dump((char *)(, 30); radio->write(&PM, sizeof(ProtocolMessage)); long wait_start = millis(); bool ackR = false; while ( !(ackR = radio->available()) && (millis() - wait_start) < PACKET_TIMEOUT) { radio->stopListening(); radio->write(&PM, sizeof(ProtocolMessage)); radio->startListening(); delay(30); } if (ackR) { uint8_t message_count; radio->read(&message_count,sizeof(message_count)); DBGPRINT("Reciving ack package %hu", message_count); if (message_count != i) { DBGPRINT("Failed send package: %hu", i); i--; } else { DBGPRINT("Packet send"); lastSuccSend = millis(); } } else { DBGPRINT("Timeout sending package: %hu", i); i--; } } DBGPRINT("Send complete"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
int WirelessProtocol::reciveData(byte* data, uint16_t MaxSize, uint16_t* size, uint64_t* Pipe, uint16_t ReciveTimeout) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RECIVING_PIPES_MAXCOUNT; i++) { if (reciving_pipes_state[i]) { DBGPRINT("Waiting pipe %d", i); *Pipe = reciving_pipes[i]; radio->openReadingPipe(1, *Pipe); radio->openWritingPipe(*Pipe); radio->startListening(); long startReciveTime = millis(); bool rC = false; while ( !(rC = radio->available()) && (millis() - startReciveTime) < PACKET_TIMEOUT ) ; if (rC) { DBGPRINT("Start reciving, pipe %d", i); radio->read(buf, 32); ProtocolMessage *PM = (ProtocolMessage*)buf; radio->stopListening(); radio->write(&(PM->CurrentNum), sizeof(uint8_t)); //radio->writeAckPayload(1, &(PM.CurrentNum), sizeof(uint8_t)); if (PM->CurrentNum != 0) continue; DBGPRINT("Package count %d", PM->AllLength); *size = PM->AllLength*30; if (*size > MaxSize) return ERROR_NO_ENAUGHT_MEMORY; DBGPRINT("Memory copy"); memcpy(data, PM->data, 30); DBGPRINT("Data size %d", *size); long lastSuccRecv = millis(); for (uint8_t j = 1; j < PM->AllLength; j++) { if (millis() - lastSuccRecv > ReciveTimeout) { DBGPRINT("Package %d timeout", PM->CurrentNum); return ERROR_TIMEOUT; } startReciveTime = millis(); radio->startListening(); while ( !(rC = radio->available()) && (millis() - startReciveTime) < PACKET_TIMEOUT ) ; if (rC) { radio->read(buf, 32); radio->stopListening(); PM = (ProtocolMessage*)buf; if (PM->CurrentNum < j) { bool ackres = radio->write(&(PM->CurrentNum), sizeof(uint8_t)); j--; DBGPRINT("Duplicate packet %d, ackres: %d", PM->CurrentNum, ackres); continue; } else if (PM->CurrentNum > j) { DBGPRINT("Radio transmitt error on package %d", PM->CurrentNum); return ERROR_RADIO_TRANSMITT; } radio->write(&j, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&(data[j*30]), PM->data, 30); bin_dump((char *)(PM->data), 30); lastSuccRecv = millis(); DBGPRINT("Recived packege %d", j); } } while ( !(rC = radio->available()) && (millis() - startReciveTime) < PACKET_TIMEOUT ) radio->write(&(PM->CurrentNum), sizeof(uint8_t)); DBGPRINT("Recive complete"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { DBGPRINT("No data"); continue; } } } return ERROR_NO_ACTIVE_PIPE; }