Example #1
// Create a program for all devices associated with the context.
cl_program createProgramFromBinary(cl_context context, const char *binary_file_name, const cl_device_id *devices, unsigned num_devices) {
  // Early exit for potentially the most common way to fail: AOCX does not exist.
  if(!fileExists(binary_file_name)) {
    printf("AOCX file '%s' does not exist.\n", binary_file_name);
    checkError(CL_INVALID_PROGRAM, "Failed to load binary file");

  // Load the binary.
  size_t binary_size;
  scoped_array<unsigned char> binary(loadBinaryFile(binary_file_name, &binary_size));
  if(binary == NULL) {
    checkError(CL_INVALID_PROGRAM, "Failed to load binary file");

  scoped_array<size_t> binary_lengths(num_devices);
  scoped_array<unsigned char *> binaries(num_devices);
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < num_devices; ++i) {
    binary_lengths[i] = binary_size;
    binaries[i] = binary;

  cl_int status;
  scoped_array<cl_int> binary_status(num_devices);

  cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithBinary(context, num_devices, devices, binary_lengths,
      (const unsigned char **) binaries.get(), binary_status, &status);
  checkError(status, "Failed to create program with binary");
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < num_devices; ++i) {
    checkError(binary_status[i], "Failed to load binary for device");

  return program;
Example #2
bool Program::loadBinary()
  // don't load if not explicitly enabled
  if (util::envVarValue("SKELCL_LOAD_BINARY") != "YES") return false;

  // if hash is empty no binary is loaded (maybe be more gentle and just return)

  for (auto& devicePtr : globalDeviceList) {
    std::ifstream binaryFile(binaryFilename(_hash, devicePtr),
                             | std::ios_base::binary
                             | std::ios_base::ate);
    if (binaryFile.fail()) {
      return false;

    // get the size of the file
    std::ifstream::pos_type size = binaryFile.tellg();
    // allocate memory
    std::unique_ptr<char[]> binary(new char[size]);
    // set position in file to the beginning
    binaryFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
    // read the hole file
    binaryFile.read(binary.get(), size);
    // close it
    // push the binary on the vector
    cl::Program::Binaries binaries(1, std::make_pair(binary.get(), size));
    std::vector<cl::Device> devices{ devicePtr->clDevice() };
    _clPrograms.push_back( cl::Program( devicePtr->clContext(),
                                        devices, binaries ) );

    LOG_DEBUG_INFO("Load binary for device ", devicePtr->id(),
                   " from file ", binaryFilename(_hash, devicePtr));
  ASSERT(_clPrograms.size() == globalDeviceList.size());
  return true;
Example #3
cl::Program OCLSample::loadBinary(const std::string& filename) {
  cl_int result;

  std::ifstream kernelStream(filename.c_str());
  std::string binary(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(kernelStream),

  cl::Program::Binaries binaries(1, std::make_pair(binary.c_str(),
  std::vector<cl::Device> devices;
  cl::Program program(context_, devices, binaries, NULL, &result);
  assert(result == CL_SUCCESS && "Failed to load program source");
  result = program.build(devices);
  if(result != CL_SUCCESS) {
    std::cerr << "Source compilation failed.\n";
    std::cerr << program.getBuildInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG>(device_);
    assert(false && "Unable to continue");
  return program;
// Computes distance function for the molecule.
// The voxels corresponding to surface points are given zero distance
void SurfaceShellDensityMap::resample() {
  //all scene voxels will be assigned the value -background_val_
  //(which is positive and larger than 0)
  //TODO - change here, the value of the inner voxels should note be
  //should not be ns*2 but the largest of the inner shell
  IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"going to binaries\n");
  IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"after binaries\n");
  //find the voxeles that are part of the surface, so we'll have
  //background, surface and interior voxels
  std::vector<long> curr_shell_voxels;
  //all of the voxels that are part of the current shell
  //all of the voxels that are part of the next shell
  std::vector<long> next_shell_voxels;
  //keeps the shell index for each of the data voxels
  IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"reseting shell voxels\n");
  std::vector<int> shell_voxels;
  for(long i=0;i<get_number_of_voxels();i++) {
    if (data_[i] == IMP_SURFACE_VAL) {
  long n_voxel_ind,voxel_ind;
  float dist_from_surface; //the value is the distance of the voxel
                           //from the surface
  std::vector<long> *curr_p = &curr_shell_voxels;
  std::vector<long> *next_p = &next_shell_voxels;
  std::vector<long> *tmp_p;
  long num_voxels = get_number_of_voxels();
  IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"sampling shells\n");
  for (int s_ind = 0; s_ind <num_shells_; s_ind++) {
    // update voxels with current layer distance and insert indexes
    //for next shell
    for(std::vector<long>::iterator it =  curr_p->begin();
                                    it != curr_p->end();it++) {
      voxel_ind = *it;
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < neighbor_shift_.size(); j++) {
        n_voxel_ind = voxel_ind + neighbor_shift_[j];
                     //the index of the neighbor
        if ((n_voxel_ind>-1)&&(n_voxel_ind<num_voxels)) {
            dist_from_surface = data_[voxel_ind] + neighbor_dist_[j];
            //if the stored distance of the voxel (voxel_ind) from the surface
            //is larger than the current calculated one, update
            if (data_[n_voxel_ind] > dist_from_surface) {
              data_[n_voxel_ind] = dist_from_surface;
              // set the voxels for the next shell
              if (shell_voxels[n_voxel_ind] < s_ind + 1) {
                shell_voxels[n_voxel_ind] = s_ind + 1;
    tmp_p = curr_p; curr_p = next_p; next_p = tmp_p;
  //zero outside
  for(long i=0;i<num_voxels;i++) {
    if (data_[i]<1.) {
  //incase we want to keep the shells and not the indexes
  // //now update the voxel data to be the shell index
  // for(long i=0;i<shell_voxels.size();i++) {
  //   data_[i]=shell_voxels[i];
  // }