Example #1
int spbactn_state::draw_video(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, bool alt_sprites)
	m_tile_bitmap_fg.fill(0, cliprect);

	m_bg_tilemap->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_bg, cliprect, TILEMAP_DRAW_OPAQUE, 0);

	if (spbactn_draw_sprites(screen, m_gfxdecode, m_tile_bitmap_bg, cliprect, 0, alt_sprites, m_spvideoram))
		m_bg_tilemap->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_bg, cliprect, 0, 0);

	spbactn_draw_sprites(screen, m_gfxdecode, m_tile_bitmap_bg, cliprect, 1, alt_sprites, m_spvideoram);

	m_fg_tilemap->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect, 0, 0);

	spbactn_draw_sprites(screen, m_gfxdecode, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect, 2, alt_sprites, m_spvideoram);
	spbactn_draw_sprites(screen, m_gfxdecode, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect, 3, alt_sprites, m_spvideoram);

	/* mix & blend the tilemaps and sprites into a 32-bit bitmap */
	blendbitmaps(m_palette, bitmap, m_tile_bitmap_bg, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect);
	return 0;
Example #2
UINT32 tecmo16_state::screen_update_tecmo16(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect);

	m_tile_bitmap_bg.fill(0x300, cliprect);
	m_tile_bitmap_fg.fill(0, cliprect);
	m_sprite_bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);

	/* draw tilemaps into a 16-bit bitmap */
	m_bg_tilemap->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_bg, cliprect, 0, 1);
	m_fg_tilemap->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect, 0, 2);
	/* draw the blended tiles at a lower priority
	   so sprites covered by them will still be drawn */
	m_fg_tilemap->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect, 1, 0);
	m_tx_tilemap->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect, 0, 4);

	/* draw sprites into a 16-bit bitmap */
	tecmo16_draw_sprites(screen, m_tile_bitmap_bg, m_tile_bitmap_fg, m_sprite_bitmap, cliprect, m_spriteram, m_spriteram.bytes(), m_game_is_riot, m_flipscreen);

	/* mix & blend the tilemaps and sprites into a 32-bit bitmap */
	blendbitmaps(machine(), bitmap, m_tile_bitmap_bg, m_tile_bitmap_fg, m_sprite_bitmap, 0, 0, cliprect);
	return 0;
Example #3
UINT32 gaiden_state::screen_update_raiga(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect);

	m_tile_bitmap_bg.fill(0x200, cliprect);
	m_tile_bitmap_fg.fill(0, cliprect);
	m_sprite_bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);

	/* draw tilemaps into a 16-bit bitmap */
	m_background->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_bg, cliprect, 0, 1);
	m_foreground->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect, 0, 2);
	/* draw the blended tiles at a lower priority
	   so sprites covered by them will still be drawn */
	m_foreground->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect, 1, 0);
	m_text_layer->draw(screen, m_tile_bitmap_fg, cliprect, 0, 4);

	/* draw sprites into a 16-bit bitmap */
	raiga_draw_sprites(screen, m_gfxdecode, m_tile_bitmap_bg, m_tile_bitmap_fg, m_sprite_bitmap, cliprect, m_spriteram, m_sprite_sizey, m_spr_offset_y, flip_screen());

	/* mix & blend the tilemaps and sprites into a 32-bit bitmap */
	blendbitmaps(bitmap, m_tile_bitmap_bg, m_tile_bitmap_fg, m_sprite_bitmap, 0, 0, cliprect);
	return 0;