Example #1
void libblis_test_normfm_check
       test_params_t* params,
       obj_t*         beta,
       obj_t*         x,
       obj_t*         norm,
       double*        resid
	num_t  dt_real = bli_obj_datatype_proj_to_real( *x );
	dim_t  m       = bli_obj_length( *x );
	dim_t  n       = bli_obj_width( *x );

	obj_t  m_r, n_r, temp_r;

	double junk;

	// Pre-conditions:
	// - x is set to beta.
	// Note:
	// - beta should have a non-zero imaginary component in the complex
	//   cases in order to more fully exercise the implementation.
	// Under these conditions, we assume that the implementation for
	//   norm := normf( x )
	// is functioning correctly if
	//   norm = sqrt( absqsc( beta ) * m * n )
	// where m and n are the dimensions of x.

	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &temp_r );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &m_r );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &n_r );

	bli_setsc( ( double )m, 0.0, &m_r );
	bli_setsc( ( double )n, 0.0, &n_r );

	bli_absqsc( beta, &temp_r );
	bli_mulsc( &m_r, &temp_r );
	bli_mulsc( &n_r, &temp_r );
	bli_sqrtsc( &temp_r, &temp_r );
	bli_subsc( &temp_r, norm );

	bli_getsc( norm, resid, &junk );
Example #2
void libblis_test_addv_check( obj_t*  alpha,
                              obj_t*  beta,
                              obj_t*  x,
                              obj_t*  y,
                              double* resid )
	num_t  dt      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );
	num_t  dt_real = bli_obj_datatype_proj_to_real( *x );
	dim_t  m       = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	conj_t conjx   = bli_obj_conj_status( *x );

	obj_t  aplusb;
	obj_t  alpha_conj;
	obj_t  norm_r, m_r, temp_r;

	double junk;

	// Pre-conditions:
	// - x is set to alpha.
	// - y_orig is set to beta.
	// Note:
	// - alpha and beta should have non-zero imaginary components in the
	//   complex cases in order to more fully exercise the implementation.
	// Under these conditions, we assume that the implementation for
	//   y := y_orig + conjx(x)
	// is functioning correctly if
	//   fnormv(y) - sqrt( absqsc( beta + conjx(alpha) ) * m )
	// is negligible.

	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt,      &aplusb );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &temp_r );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &norm_r );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &m_r );

	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt, conjx, alpha, &alpha_conj );

	bli_fnormv( y, &norm_r );

	bli_copysc( beta, &aplusb );
	bli_addsc( &alpha_conj, &aplusb );

	bli_setsc( ( double )m, 0.0, &m_r );

	bli_absqsc( &aplusb, &temp_r );
	bli_mulsc( &m_r, &temp_r );
	bli_sqrtsc( &temp_r, &temp_r );
	bli_subsc( &temp_r, &norm_r );

	bli_getsc( &norm_r, resid, &junk );
Example #3
void libblis_test_scalv_check
       test_params_t* params,
       obj_t*         beta,
       obj_t*         y,
       obj_t*         y_orig,
       double*        resid
	num_t  dt      = bli_obj_dt( y );
	num_t  dt_real = bli_obj_dt_proj_to_real( y );

	dim_t  m       = bli_obj_vector_dim( y );

	obj_t  norm_y_r;
	obj_t  nbeta;

	obj_t  y2;

	double junk;

	// Pre-conditions:
	// - y_orig is randomized.
	// Note:
	// - beta should have a non-zero imaginary component in the complex
	//   cases in order to more fully exercise the implementation.
	// Under these conditions, we assume that the implementation for
	//   y := conjbeta(beta) * y_orig
	// is functioning correctly if
	//   normf( y + -conjbeta(beta) * y_orig )
	// is negligible.

	bli_obj_create( dt, m, 1, 0, 0, &y2 );
    bli_copyv( y_orig, &y2 );

	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt,      &nbeta );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &norm_y_r );

	bli_copysc( beta, &nbeta );
	bli_mulsc( &BLIS_MINUS_ONE, &nbeta );

	bli_scalv( &nbeta, &y2 );
    bli_addv( &y2, y );

    bli_normfv( y, &norm_y_r );

    bli_getsc( &norm_y_r, resid, &junk );

    bli_obj_free( &y2 );
Example #4
void libblis_test_fnormv_check( obj_t*  beta,
                                obj_t*  x,
                                obj_t*  norm,
                                double* resid )
	num_t  dt_real = bli_obj_datatype_proj_to_real( *x );
	dim_t  m       = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	obj_t  m_r, temp_r;

	double junk;

	// Pre-conditions:
	// - x is set to beta.
	// Note:
	// - beta should have a non-zero imaginary component in the complex
	//   cases in order to more fully exercise the implementation.
	// Under these conditions, we assume that the implementation for
	//   norm := fnorm( x )
	// is functioning correctly if
	//   norm = sqrt( absqsc( beta ) * m )
	// where m is the length of x.

	bli_obj_init_scalar( dt_real, &temp_r );
	bli_obj_init_scalar( dt_real, &m_r );

	bli_setsc( ( double )m, 0.0, &m_r );

	bli_absqsc( beta, &temp_r );
	bli_mulsc( &m_r, &temp_r );
	bli_sqrtsc( &temp_r, &temp_r );
	bli_subsc( &temp_r, norm );

	bli_getsc( norm, resid, &junk );
Example #5
void bli_obj_scalar_apply_scalar( obj_t* alpha,
                                  obj_t* a )
	obj_t alpha_cast;
	obj_t scalar_a;

	// Make a copy-cast of alpha of the same datatype as A. This step
	// gives us the opportunity to typecast alpha.
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( bli_obj_datatype( *a ),
	                                      &alpha_cast );
	// Detach the scalar from A.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );

	// Scale the detached scalar by alpha.
	bli_mulsc( &alpha_cast, &scalar_a );

	// Copy the internal scalar in scalar_a to A.
	bli_obj_copy_internal_scalar( scalar_a, *a );
Example #6
void libblis_test_dotxaxpyf_check
       test_params_t* params,
       obj_t*         alpha,
       obj_t*         at,
       obj_t*         a,
       obj_t*         w,
       obj_t*         x,
       obj_t*         beta,
       obj_t*         y,
       obj_t*         z,
       obj_t*         y_orig,
       obj_t*         z_orig,
       double*        resid
	num_t  dt      = bli_obj_datatype( *y );
	num_t  dt_real = bli_obj_datatype_proj_to_real( *y );

	dim_t  m       = bli_obj_vector_dim( *z );
	dim_t  b_n     = bli_obj_vector_dim( *y );

	dim_t  i;

	obj_t  a1, chi1, psi1, v, q;
	obj_t  alpha_chi1;
	obj_t  norm;

	double resid1, resid2;
	double junk;

	// Pre-conditions:
	// - a is randomized.
	// - w is randomized.
	// - x is randomized.
	// - y is randomized.
	// - z is randomized.
	// - at is an alias to a.
	// Note:
	// - alpha and beta should have a non-zero imaginary component in the
	//   complex cases in order to more fully exercise the implementation.
	// Under these conditions, we assume that the implementation for
	//   y := beta * y_orig + alpha * conjat(A^T) * conjw(w)
	//   z :=        z_orig + alpha * conja(A)    * conjx(x)
	// is functioning correctly if
	//   normf( y - v )
	// and
	//   normf( z - q )
	// are negligible, where v and q contain y and z as computed by repeated
	// calls to dotxv and axpyv, respectively.

	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &norm );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt,      &alpha_chi1 );

	bli_obj_create( dt, b_n, 1, 0, 0, &v );
	bli_obj_create( dt, m,   1, 0, 0, &q );

	bli_copyv( y_orig, &v );
	bli_copyv( z_orig, &q );

	// v := beta * v + alpha * conjat(at) * conjw(w)
	for ( i = 0; i < b_n; ++i )
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1, i, 1, at, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_vpart_f2b( BLIS_SUBPART1, i, 1, &v, &psi1 );

		bli_dotxv( alpha, &a1, w, beta, &psi1 );

	// q := q + alpha * conja(a) * conjx(x)
	for ( i = 0; i < b_n; ++i )
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1, i, 1, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_vpart_f2b( BLIS_SUBPART1, i, 1, x, &chi1 );

		bli_copysc( &chi1, &alpha_chi1 );
		bli_mulsc( alpha, &alpha_chi1 );

		bli_axpyv( &alpha_chi1, &a1, &q );

	bli_subv( y, &v );
	bli_normfv( &v, &norm );
	bli_getsc( &norm, &resid1, &junk );

	bli_subv( z, &q );
	bli_normfv( &q, &norm );
	bli_getsc( &norm, &resid2, &junk );

	*resid = bli_fmaxabs( resid1, resid2 );

	bli_obj_free( &v );
	bli_obj_free( &q );
Example #7
void libblis_test_syr2_check( obj_t*  alpha,
                              obj_t*  x,
                              obj_t*  y,
                              obj_t*  a,
                              obj_t*  a_orig,
                              double* resid )
	num_t  dt      = bli_obj_datatype( *a );
	num_t  dt_real = bli_obj_datatype_proj_to_real( *a );

	dim_t  m_a     = bli_obj_length( *a );

	obj_t  xt, yt;
	obj_t  t, v, w1, w2;
	obj_t  tau, rho, norm;

	double junk;

	// Pre-conditions:
	// - x is randomized.
	// - y is randomized.
	// - a is randomized and symmetric.
	// Note:
	// - alpha should have a non-zero imaginary component in the
	//   complex cases in order to more fully exercise the implementation.
	// Under these conditions, we assume that the implementation for
	//   A := A_orig + alpha * conjx(x) * conjy(y)^T + alpha * conjy(y) * conjx(x)^T
	// is functioning correctly if
	//   normf( v - w )
	// is negligible, where
	//   v = A * t
	//   w = ( A_orig + alpha * conjx(x) * conjy(y)^T + alpha * conjy(y) * conjx(x)^T ) * t
	//     = A_orig * t + alpha * conjx(x) * conjy(y)^T * t + alpha * conjy(y) * conjx(x)^T * t
	//     = A_orig * t + alpha * conjx(x) * conjy(y)^T * t + alpha * conjy(y) * rho
	//     = A_orig * t + alpha * conjx(x) * conjy(y)^T * t + w1
	//     = A_orig * t + alpha * conjx(x) * rho            + w1
	//     = A_orig * t + w2                                + w1

	bli_mksymm( a );
	bli_mksymm( a_orig );
	bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_GENERAL, *a );
	bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_GENERAL, *a_orig );
	bli_obj_set_uplo( BLIS_DENSE, *a );
	bli_obj_set_uplo( BLIS_DENSE, *a_orig );

	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt,      &tau );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt,      &rho );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &norm );

	bli_obj_create( dt, m_a, 1, 0, 0, &t );
	bli_obj_create( dt, m_a, 1, 0, 0, &v );
	bli_obj_create( dt, m_a, 1, 0, 0, &w1 );
	bli_obj_create( dt, m_a, 1, 0, 0, &w2 );

	bli_obj_alias_to( *x, xt );
	bli_obj_alias_to( *y, yt );

	bli_setsc( 1.0/( double )m_a, -1.0/( double )m_a, &tau );
	bli_setv( &tau, &t );

	bli_gemv( &BLIS_ONE, a, &t, &BLIS_ZERO, &v );

	bli_dotv( &xt, &t, &rho );
	bli_mulsc( alpha, &rho );
	bli_scal2v( &rho, y, &w1 );

	bli_dotv( &yt, &t, &rho );
	bli_mulsc( alpha, &rho );
	bli_scal2v( &rho, x, &w2 );

	bli_addv( &w2, &w1 );

	bli_gemv( &BLIS_ONE, a_orig, &t, &BLIS_ONE, &w1 );

	bli_subv( &w1, &v );
	bli_normfv( &v, &norm );
	bli_getsc( &norm, resid, &junk );

	bli_obj_free( &t );
	bli_obj_free( &v );
	bli_obj_free( &w1 );
	bli_obj_free( &w2 );
Example #8
void bli_herk_l_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                          obj_t*  b,
                          obj_t*  c,
                          gemm_t* cntl,
                          herk_thrinfo_t* thread )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffc  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *c );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t object containing
	// the gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then query the
	// function address corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemm_ukrs = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffc,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );
void bli_herk_u_ker_var2
       obj_t*  a,
       obj_t*  b,
       obj_t*  c,
       cntx_t* cntx,
       cntl_t* cntl,
       thrinfo_t* thread
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_exec_dt( c );

	doff_t    diagoffc  = bli_obj_diag_offset( c );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( a );
	inc_t     is_a      = bli_obj_imag_stride( a );
	dim_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( b );
	inc_t     is_b      = bli_obj_imag_stride( b );
	dim_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( &scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffc,
	   buf_a, cs_a, is_a,
	          pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, is_b,
	          pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );
Example #10
void libblis_test_axpyf_check( obj_t*  alpha,
                               obj_t*  a,
                               obj_t*  x,
                               obj_t*  y,
                               obj_t*  y_orig,
                               double* resid )
	num_t  dt      = bli_obj_datatype( *y );
	num_t  dt_real = bli_obj_datatype_proj_to_real( *y );

	dim_t  m       = bli_obj_vector_dim( *y );
	dim_t  b_n     = bli_obj_width( *a );

	dim_t  i;

	obj_t  a1, chi1, v;
	obj_t  alpha_chi1;
	obj_t  norm;

	double junk;

	// Pre-conditions:
	// - a is randomized.
	// - x is randomized.
	// - y is randomized.
	// Note:
	// - alpha should have a non-zero imaginary component in the complex
	//   cases in order to more fully exercise the implementation.
	// Under these conditions, we assume that the implementation for
	//   y := y_orig + alpha * conja(A) * conjx(x)
	// is functioning correctly if
	//   normf( y - v )
	// is negligible, where v contains y as computed by repeated calls to
	// axpyv.

	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &norm );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt,      &alpha_chi1 );

	bli_obj_create( dt, m,   1, 0, 0, &v );

	bli_copyv( y_orig, &v );

	for ( i = 0; i < b_n; ++i )
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1, i, 1, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_vpart_f2b( BLIS_SUBPART1, i, 1, x, &chi1 );

		bli_copysc( &chi1, &alpha_chi1 );
		bli_mulsc( alpha, &alpha_chi1 );

		bli_axpyv( &alpha_chi1, &a1, &v );

	bli_subv( y, &v );
	bli_normfv( &v, &norm );
	bli_getsc( &norm, resid, &junk );

	bli_obj_free( &v );
Example #11
void libblis_test_her_check( obj_t*  alpha,
                             obj_t*  x,
                             obj_t*  a,
                             obj_t*  a_orig,
                             double* resid )
	num_t  dt      = bli_obj_datatype( *a );
	num_t  dt_real = bli_obj_datatype_proj_to_real( *a );

	dim_t  m_a     = bli_obj_length( *a );

	obj_t  xh, t, v, w;
	obj_t  tau, rho, norm;

	double junk;

	// Pre-conditions:
	// - x is randomized.
	// - a is randomized and Hermitian.
	// Note:
	// - alpha must be real-valued.
	// Under these conditions, we assume that the implementation for
	//   A := A_orig + alpha * conjx(x) * conjx(x)^H
	// is functioning correctly if
	//   normf( v - w )
	// is negligible, where
	//   v = A * t
	//   w = ( A_orig + alpha * conjx(x) * conjx(x)^H ) * t
	//     =   A_orig * t + alpha * conjx(x) * conjx(x)^H * t
	//     =   A_orig * t + alpha * conjx(x) * rho
	//     =   A_orig * t + w

	bli_mkherm( a );
	bli_mkherm( a_orig );
	bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_GENERAL, *a );
	bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_GENERAL, *a_orig );
	bli_obj_set_uplo( BLIS_DENSE, *a );
	bli_obj_set_uplo( BLIS_DENSE, *a_orig );

	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt,      &tau );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt,      &rho );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &norm );

	bli_obj_create( dt, m_a, 1, 0, 0, &t );
	bli_obj_create( dt, m_a, 1, 0, 0, &v );
	bli_obj_create( dt, m_a, 1, 0, 0, &w );

	bli_obj_alias_with_conj( BLIS_CONJUGATE, *x, xh );

	bli_setsc( 1.0/( double )m_a, -1.0/( double )m_a, &tau );
	bli_setv( &tau, &t );

	bli_gemv( &BLIS_ONE, a, &t, &BLIS_ZERO, &v );

	bli_dotv( &xh, &t, &rho );
	bli_mulsc( alpha, &rho );
	bli_scal2v( &rho, x, &w );
	bli_gemv( &BLIS_ONE, a_orig, &t, &BLIS_ONE, &w );

	bli_subv( &w, &v );
	bli_normfv( &v, &norm );
	bli_getsc( &norm, resid, &junk );

	bli_obj_free( &t );
	bli_obj_free( &v );
	bli_obj_free( &w );
Example #12
void bli_trmm_rl_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trmm_t* cntl )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffb  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     rs_a      = bli_obj_row_stride( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     cs_b      = bli_obj_col_stride( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffb,
	   buf_a, rs_a, cs_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, cs_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c );
Example #13
void libblis_test_ger_check
       test_params_t* params,
       obj_t*         alpha,
       obj_t*         x,
       obj_t*         y,
       obj_t*         a,
       obj_t*         a_orig,
       double*        resid
	num_t  dt      = bli_obj_dt( a );
	num_t  dt_real = bli_obj_dt_proj_to_real( a );

	dim_t  m_a     = bli_obj_length( a );
	dim_t  n_a     = bli_obj_width( a );

	obj_t  t, v, w;
	obj_t  rho, norm;

	double junk;

	// Pre-conditions:
	// - x is randomized.
	// - y is randomized.
	// - a is identity.
	// Note:
	// - alpha should have a non-zero imaginary component in the
	//   complex cases in order to more fully exercise the implementation.
	// Under these conditions, we assume that the implementation for
	//   A := A_orig + alpha * conjx(x) * conjy(y)
	// is functioning correctly if
	//   normf( v - w )
	// is negligible, where
	//   v = A * t
	//   w = ( A_orig + alpha * conjx(x) * conjy(y)^T ) * t
	//     =   A_orig * t + alpha * conjx(x) * conjy(y)^T * t
	//     =   A_orig * t + alpha * conjx(x) * rho
	//     =   A_orig * t + w

	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt,      &rho );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached( dt_real, &norm );

	bli_obj_create( dt, n_a, 1, 0, 0, &t );
	bli_obj_create( dt, m_a, 1, 0, 0, &v );
	bli_obj_create( dt, m_a, 1, 0, 0, &w );

	libblis_test_vobj_randomize( params, TRUE, &t );

	bli_gemv( &BLIS_ONE, a, &t, &BLIS_ZERO, &v );

	bli_dotv( y, &t, &rho );
	bli_mulsc( alpha, &rho );
	bli_scal2v( &rho, x, &w );
	bli_gemv( &BLIS_ONE, a_orig, &t, &BLIS_ONE, &w );

	bli_subv( &w, &v );
	bli_normfv( &v, &norm );
	bli_getsc( &norm, resid, &junk );

	bli_obj_free( &t );
	bli_obj_free( &v );
	bli_obj_free( &w );
Example #14
void bli_trmm_ru_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trmm_t* cntl,
                           trmm_thrinfo_t* thread )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffb  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Adjust cs_a and rs_b if A and B were packed for 4m or 3m. This
	// is needed because cs_a and rs_b are used to index into the
	// micro-panels of A and B, respectively, and since the pointer
	// types in the macro-kernel (scomplex or dcomplex) will result
	// in pointer arithmetic that moves twice as far as it should,
	// given the datatypes actually stored (float or double), we must
	// halve the strides to compensate.
	if ( bli_obj_is_panel_packed_4m( *a ) ||
	     bli_obj_is_panel_packed_3m( *a ) ) { cs_a /= 2; rs_b /= 2; }

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t object containing
	// the gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then query the
	// function address corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemm_ukrs = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffb,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
       thread );
Example #15
void bli_gemm_ker_var2
       obj_t*  a,
       obj_t*  b,
       obj_t*  c,
       cntx_t* cntx,
       cntl_t* cntl,
       thrinfo_t* thread
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     is_a      = bli_obj_imag_stride( *a );
	dim_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     is_b      = bli_obj_imag_stride( *b );
	dim_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

    // If 1m is being employed on a column- or row-stored matrix with a
    // real-valued beta, we can use the real domain macro-kernel, which
	// eliminates a little overhead associated with the 1m virtual
	// micro-kernel.
#if 1
	if ( bli_is_1m_packed( schema_a ) )
		  m, n, k,
		  pd_a, ps_a,
		  pd_b, ps_b,
		  rs_c, cs_c

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( schema_a,
	   buf_a, cs_a, is_a,
	          pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, is_b,
	          pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );