Example #1
void bli_unpackm_blk_var2( obj_t*     p,
                           obj_t*     c,
                           unpackm_t* cntl )
	num_t     dt_cp     = bli_obj_datatype( *c );

	// Normally we take the parameters from the source argument. But here,
	// the packm/unpackm framework is not yet solidified enough for us to
	// assume that at this point struc(P) == struc(C), (ie: since
	// densification may have marked P's structure as dense when the root
	// is upper or lower). So, we take the struc field from C, not P.
	struc_t   strucc    = bli_obj_struc( *c );
	doff_t    diagoffc  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *c );
	diag_t    diagc     = bli_obj_diag( *c );
	uplo_t    uploc     = bli_obj_uplo( *c );

	// Again, normally the trans argument is on the source matrix. But we
	// know that the packed matrix is not transposed. If there is to be a
	// transposition, it is because C was originally transposed when packed.
	// Thus, we query C for the trans status, not P. Also, we only query
	// the trans status (not the conjugation status), since we probably
	// don't want to un-conjugate if the original matrix was conjugated
	// when packed.
	trans_t   transc    = bli_obj_onlytrans_status( *c );

	dim_t     m_c       = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n_c       = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     m_panel   = bli_obj_panel_length( *c );
	dim_t     n_panel   = bli_obj_panel_width( *c );

	void*     buf_p     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *p );
	inc_t     rs_p      = bli_obj_row_stride( *p );
	inc_t     cs_p      = bli_obj_col_stride( *p );
	dim_t     pd_p      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *p );
	inc_t     ps_p      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *p );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );


	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_cp];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( strucc,
	   buf_p, rs_p, cs_p,
	          pd_p, ps_p,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c );
Example #2
void bli_packm_blk_var2( obj_t*   c,
                         obj_t*   p )
	num_t     dt_cp     = bli_obj_datatype( *c );

	struc_t   strucc    = bli_obj_struc( *c );
	doff_t    diagoffc  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *c );
	diag_t    diagc     = bli_obj_diag( *c );
	uplo_t    uploc     = bli_obj_uplo( *c );
	trans_t   transc    = bli_obj_conjtrans_status( *c );

	dim_t     m_p       = bli_obj_length( *p );
	dim_t     n_p       = bli_obj_width( *p );
	dim_t     m_max_p   = bli_obj_padded_length( *p );
	dim_t     n_max_p   = bli_obj_padded_width( *p );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	void*     buf_p     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *p );
	inc_t     rs_p      = bli_obj_row_stride( *p );
	inc_t     cs_p      = bli_obj_col_stride( *p );
	dim_t     pd_p      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *p );
	inc_t     ps_p      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *p );

	void*     buf_kappa;


	// This variant assumes that the micro-kernel will always apply the
	// alpha scalar of the higher-level operation. Thus, we use BLIS_ONE
	// for kappa so that the underlying packm implementation does not
	// scale during packing.
	buf_kappa = bli_obj_buffer_for_const( dt_cp, BLIS_ONE );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_cp];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( strucc,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   buf_p, rs_p, cs_p,
	          pd_p, ps_p );
Example #3
void bli_trsm_rl_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trsm_t* cntl,
                           trsm_thrinfo_t* thread )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffb  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *b );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	dim_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	dim_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	void*     buf_alpha1;
	void*     buf_alpha2;


	func_t*   gemmtrsm_ukrs;
	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemmtrsm_ukr;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to A. This will be the alpha scalar used in the gemmtrsm
	// subproblems (ie: the scalar that would be applied to the packed
	// copy of A prior to it being updated by the trsm subproblem). This
	// scalar may be unit, if for example it was applied during packing.
	buf_alpha1 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *a );

	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to C. This will be the "beta" scalar used in the gemm-only
	// subproblems that correspond to micro-panels that do not intersect
	// the diagonal. We need this separate scalar because it's possible
	// that the alpha attached to B was reset, if it was applied during
	// packing.
	buf_alpha2 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t objects containing
	// the gemmtrsm and gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then
	// query the function addresses corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemmtrsm_ukrs = cntl_gemmtrsm_u_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukrs     = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemmtrsm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemmtrsm_ukrs );
	gemm_ukr      = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffb,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );
Example #4
void bli_trsm_ru_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trsm_t* cntl )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffb  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	void*     buf_alpha1;
	void*     buf_alpha2;


	func_t*   gemmtrsm_ukrs;
	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemmtrsm_ukr;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to A. This will be the alpha scalar used in the gemmtrsm
	// subproblems (ie: the scalar that would be applied to the packed
	// copy of A prior to it being updated by the trsm subproblem). This
	// scalar may be unit, if for example it was applied during packing.
	buf_alpha1 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *a );

	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to C. This will be the "beta" scalar used in the gemm-only
	// subproblems that correspond to micro-panels that do not intersect
	// the diagonal. We need this separate scalar because it's possible
	// that the alpha attached to B was reset, if it was applied during
	// packing.
	buf_alpha2 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Adjust cs_a and rs_b if A and B were packed for 4m or 3m. This
	// is needed because cs_a and rs_b are used to index into the
	// micro-panels of A and B, respectively, and since the pointer
	// types in the macro-kernel (scomplex or dcomplex) will result
	// in pointer arithmetic that moves twice as far as it should,
	// given the datatypes actually stored (float or double), we must
	// halve the strides to compensate.
	if ( bli_obj_is_panel_packed_4m( *a ) ||
	     bli_obj_is_panel_packed_3m( *a ) ) { cs_a /= 2; rs_b /= 2; }

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t objects containing
	// the gemmtrsm and gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then
	// query the function addresses corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemmtrsm_ukrs = cntl_gemmtrsm_l_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukrs     = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemmtrsm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemmtrsm_ukrs );
	gemm_ukr      = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffb,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   gemm_ukr );
Example #5
void bli_herk_l_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                          obj_t*  b,
                          obj_t*  c,
                          gemm_t* cntl,
                          herk_thrinfo_t* thread )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffc  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *c );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t object containing
	// the gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then query the
	// function address corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemm_ukrs = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffc,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );
void bli_herk_u_ker_var2
       obj_t*  a,
       obj_t*  b,
       obj_t*  c,
       cntx_t* cntx,
       cntl_t* cntl,
       thrinfo_t* thread
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_exec_dt( c );

	doff_t    diagoffc  = bli_obj_diag_offset( c );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( a );
	inc_t     is_a      = bli_obj_imag_stride( a );
	dim_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( b );
	inc_t     is_b      = bli_obj_imag_stride( b );
	dim_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( &scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffc,
	   buf_a, cs_a, is_a,
	          pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, is_b,
	          pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );
Example #7
void bli_trsm_rl_ker_var2
       obj_t*  a,
       obj_t*  b,
       obj_t*  c,
       cntx_t* cntx,
       cntl_t* cntl,
       thrinfo_t* thread
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffb  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *b );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	dim_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	dim_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	void*     buf_alpha1;
	void*     buf_alpha2;


	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to A (the non-triangular matrix). This will be the alpha
	// scalar used in the gemmtrsm subproblems (ie: the scalar that would
	// be applied to the packed copy of A prior to it being updated by
	// the trsm subproblem). This scalar may be unit, if for example it
	// was applied during packing.
	buf_alpha1 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *a );

	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to C. This will be the "beta" scalar used in the gemm-only
	// subproblems that correspond to micro-panels that do not intersect
	// the diagonal. We need this separate scalar because it's possible
	// that the alpha attached to B was reset, if it was applied during
	// packing.
	buf_alpha2 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffb,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );
void bli_packm_blk_var1( obj_t*   c,
                         obj_t*   p,
                         packm_thrinfo_t* t )
	num_t     dt_cp      = bli_obj_datatype( *c );

	struc_t   strucc     = bli_obj_struc( *c );
	doff_t    diagoffc   = bli_obj_diag_offset( *c );
	diag_t    diagc      = bli_obj_diag( *c );
	uplo_t    uploc      = bli_obj_uplo( *c );
	trans_t   transc     = bli_obj_conjtrans_status( *c );
	pack_t    schema     = bli_obj_pack_schema( *p );
	bool_t    invdiag    = bli_obj_has_inverted_diag( *p );
	bool_t    revifup    = bli_obj_is_pack_rev_if_upper( *p );
	bool_t    reviflo    = bli_obj_is_pack_rev_if_lower( *p );

	dim_t     m_p        = bli_obj_length( *p );
	dim_t     n_p        = bli_obj_width( *p );
	dim_t     m_max_p    = bli_obj_padded_length( *p );
	dim_t     n_max_p    = bli_obj_padded_width( *p );

	void*     buf_c      = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c       = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c       = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	void*     buf_p      = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *p );
	inc_t     rs_p       = bli_obj_row_stride( *p );
	inc_t     cs_p       = bli_obj_col_stride( *p );
	inc_t     is_p       = bli_obj_imag_stride( *p );
	dim_t     pd_p       = bli_obj_panel_dim( *p );
	inc_t     ps_p       = bli_obj_panel_stride( *p );

	obj_t     kappa;
	/*---initialize pointer to stop gcc complaining  2-9-16 GH --- */
	obj_t*    kappa_p = {0};
	void*     buf_kappa;

	func_t*   packm_kers;
	void*     packm_ker;


	// Treatment of kappa (ie: packing during scaling) depends on
	// whether we are executing an induced method.
	if ( bli_is_ind_packed( schema ) )
		// The value for kappa we use will depend on whether the scalar
		// attached to A has a nonzero imaginary component. If it does,
		// then we will apply the scalar during packing to facilitate
		// implementing induced complex domain algorithms in terms of
		// real domain micro-kernels. (In the aforementioned situation,
		// applying a real scalar is easy, but applying a complex one is
		// harder, so we avoid the need altogether with the code below.)
		if( thread_am_ochief( t ) )
			if ( bli_obj_scalar_has_nonzero_imag( p ) )
				// Detach the scalar.
				bli_obj_scalar_detach( p, &kappa );

				// Reset the attached scalar (to 1.0).
				bli_obj_scalar_reset( p );

				kappa_p = κ
				// If the internal scalar of A has only a real component, then
				// we will apply it later (in the micro-kernel), and so we will
				// use BLIS_ONE to indicate no scaling during packing.
				kappa_p = &BLIS_ONE;
		kappa_p = thread_obroadcast( t, kappa_p );

		// Acquire the buffer to the kappa chosen above.
		buf_kappa = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt_cp, *kappa_p );
	else // if ( bli_is_nat_packed( schema ) )
		// This branch if for native execution, where we assume that
		// the micro-kernel will always apply the alpha scalar of the
		// higher-level operation. Thus, we use BLIS_ONE for kappa so
		// that the underlying packm implementation does not perform
		// any scaling during packing.
		buf_kappa = bli_obj_buffer_for_const( dt_cp, BLIS_ONE );

	// Choose the correct func_t object based on the pack_t schema.
	if      ( bli_is_4mi_packed( schema ) ) packm_kers = packm_struc_cxk_4mi_kers;
	else if ( bli_is_3mi_packed( schema ) ||
	          bli_is_3ms_packed( schema ) ) packm_kers = packm_struc_cxk_3mis_kers;
	else if ( bli_is_ro_packed( schema ) ||
	          bli_is_io_packed( schema ) ||
	         bli_is_rpi_packed( schema ) )  packm_kers = packm_struc_cxk_rih_kers;
	else                                    packm_kers = packm_struc_cxk_kers;

	// Query the datatype-specific function pointer from the func_t object.
	packm_ker = bli_func_obj_query( dt_cp, packm_kers );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_cp];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( strucc,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   buf_p, rs_p, cs_p,
	          pd_p, ps_p,
	   t );
Example #9
void bli_packm_blk_var1_md
       obj_t*   c,
       obj_t*   p,
       cntx_t*  cntx,
       cntl_t*  cntl,
       thrinfo_t* t
	num_t     dt_c       = bli_obj_dt( c );
	num_t     dt_p       = bli_obj_dt( p );

	trans_t   transc     = bli_obj_conjtrans_status( c );
	pack_t    schema     = bli_obj_pack_schema( p );

	dim_t     m_p        = bli_obj_length( p );
	dim_t     n_p        = bli_obj_width( p );
	dim_t     m_max_p    = bli_obj_padded_length( p );
	dim_t     n_max_p    = bli_obj_padded_width( p );

	void*     buf_c      = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( c );
	inc_t     rs_c       = bli_obj_row_stride( c );
	inc_t     cs_c       = bli_obj_col_stride( c );

	void*     buf_p      = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( p );
	inc_t     rs_p       = bli_obj_row_stride( p );
	inc_t     cs_p       = bli_obj_col_stride( p );
	inc_t     is_p       = bli_obj_imag_stride( p );
	dim_t     pd_p       = bli_obj_panel_dim( p );
	inc_t     ps_p       = bli_obj_panel_stride( p );

	obj_t     kappa;
	void*     buf_kappa;


	// Treatment of kappa (ie: packing during scaling) depends on
	// whether we are executing an induced method.
	if ( bli_is_nat_packed( schema ) )
		// This branch is for native execution, where we assume that
		// the micro-kernel will always apply the alpha scalar of the
		// higher-level operation. Thus, we use BLIS_ONE for kappa so
		// that the underlying packm implementation does not perform
		// any scaling during packing.
		buf_kappa = bli_obj_buffer_for_const( dt_p, &BLIS_ONE );
	else // if ( bli_is_ind_packed( schema ) )
		obj_t* kappa_p;

		// The value for kappa we use will depend on whether the scalar
		// attached to A has a nonzero imaginary component. If it does,
		// then we will apply the scalar during packing to facilitate
		// implementing induced complex domain algorithms in terms of
		// real domain micro-kernels. (In the aforementioned situation,
		// applying a real scalar is easy, but applying a complex one is
		// harder, so we avoid the need altogether with the code below.)
		if ( bli_obj_scalar_has_nonzero_imag( p ) )
			// Detach the scalar.
			bli_obj_scalar_detach( p, &kappa );

			// Reset the attached scalar (to 1.0).
			bli_obj_scalar_reset( p );

			kappa_p = κ
			// If the internal scalar of A has only a real component, then
			// we will apply it later (in the micro-kernel), and so we will
			// use BLIS_ONE to indicate no scaling during packing.
			kappa_p = &BLIS_ONE;

		// Acquire the buffer to the kappa chosen above.
		buf_kappa = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt_p, kappa_p );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_c][dt_p];

	// Invoke the function.
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   buf_p, rs_p, cs_p,
	          pd_p, ps_p,
	   t );
Example #10
void bli_trmm_ru_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trmm_t* cntl,
                           trmm_thrinfo_t* thread )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffb  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Adjust cs_a and rs_b if A and B were packed for 4m or 3m. This
	// is needed because cs_a and rs_b are used to index into the
	// micro-panels of A and B, respectively, and since the pointer
	// types in the macro-kernel (scomplex or dcomplex) will result
	// in pointer arithmetic that moves twice as far as it should,
	// given the datatypes actually stored (float or double), we must
	// halve the strides to compensate.
	if ( bli_obj_is_panel_packed_4m( *a ) ||
	     bli_obj_is_panel_packed_3m( *a ) ) { cs_a /= 2; rs_b /= 2; }

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t object containing
	// the gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then query the
	// function address corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemm_ukrs = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffb,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
       thread );
Example #11
void bli_gemm_ker_var2
       obj_t*  a,
       obj_t*  b,
       obj_t*  c,
       cntx_t* cntx,
       cntl_t* cntl,
       thrinfo_t* thread
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     is_a      = bli_obj_imag_stride( *a );
	dim_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     is_b      = bli_obj_imag_stride( *b );
	dim_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

    // If 1m is being employed on a column- or row-stored matrix with a
    // real-valued beta, we can use the real domain macro-kernel, which
	// eliminates a little overhead associated with the 1m virtual
	// micro-kernel.
#if 1
	if ( bli_is_1m_packed( schema_a ) )
		  m, n, k,
		  pd_a, ps_a,
		  pd_b, ps_b,
		  rs_c, cs_c

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( schema_a,
	   buf_a, cs_a, is_a,
	          pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, is_b,
	          pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );