Example #1
void bli_herk_blk_var1f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  ah,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         gemm_t* cntl,
                         herk_thrinfo_t* thread )
	obj_t ah_pack_s;
    obj_t a1_pack_s, c1_pack_s;

	obj_t a1, c1;
    obj_t* a1_pack;
    obj_t* c1_pack;
    obj_t* ah_pack;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;

	// Prune any zero region that exists along the partitioning dimension.
	bli_herk_prune_unref_mparts_m( a, ah, c );

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
        // Initialize object for packing A'.
        bli_obj_init_pack( &ah_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( ah, &ah_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        // Since scalm doesn't support multithreading yet, must be done by chief thread (ew)
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    ah_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &ah_pack_s );

	// Initialize pack objects that are passed into packm_init() for A and C.
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack_s );
    a1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &a1_pack_s );
    c1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &c1_pack_s );

	// Pack A' (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( ah, ah_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                   herk_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

    dim_t my_start, my_end;
    bli_get_range_weighted_t2b( thread, c,
                                bli_blksz_get_mult_for_obj( a, cntl_blocksize( cntl ) ),
                                &my_start, &my_end );

	// Partition along the m dimension.
	for ( i = my_start; i < my_end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, my_end, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &c1, c1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                       herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1, c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                       herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform herk subproblem.
		bli_herk_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      herk_thread_sub_herk( thread ) );

        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        bli_unpackm_int( c1_pack, &c1,
                         cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                         herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    thread_obarrier( thread );
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
	    bli_packm_release( ah_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_packm_release( a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
Example #2
void bli_trsm_blk_var2b( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         trsm_t* cntl,
                         trsm_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t a_pack_s;
    obj_t b1_pack_s, c1_pack_s;

    obj_t b1, c1;
	obj_t* a_pack = NULL;
	obj_t* b1_pack = NULL;
	obj_t* c1_pack = NULL;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t n_trans;

	// Initialize pack objects for A that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
	    bli_obj_init_pack( &a_pack_s );

        // Initialize object for packing A.
        bli_packm_init( a, &a_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    a_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &a_pack_s );

	// Initialize pack objects for B and C that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &b1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack_s );
    b1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &b1_pack_s );
    c1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &c1_pack_s );

	// Pack A (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( a, a_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                   trmm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	n_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *b );
    dim_t start, end;
    num_t dt = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *a );
    bli_get_range_r2l( thread, 0, n_trans,
                       //bli_lcm( bli_info_get_default_nr( BLIS_TRSM, dt ),
	                   //         bli_info_get_default_mr( BLIS_TRSM, dt ) ),
	                   bli_lcm( bli_blksz_get_nr( dt, cntl_blocksize( cntl ) ),
	                            bli_blksz_get_mr( dt, cntl_blocksize( cntl ) ) ),
                       &start, &end );

	// Partition along the n dimension.
	for ( i = start; i < end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_b( i, end, b,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for B1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_r2l( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, b, &b1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_r2l( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and B1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &b1, b1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &c1, c1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack B1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &b1, b1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                       trsm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1, c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                       trsm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform trsm subproblem.
		bli_trsm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_trsm( cntl ),
                      trsm_thread_sub_trsm( thread ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        bli_unpackm_int( c1_pack, &c1,
                         cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                         trsm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    thread_obarrier( thread );
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
    	bli_packm_release( a_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_packm_release( b1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
Example #3
void bli_herk_blk_var1f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  ah,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         herk_t* cntl )
	obj_t a1, a1_pack;
	obj_t ah_pack;
	obj_t c1, c1_pack;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t m_trans;

	// Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
	bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &ah_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	m_trans = bli_obj_length_after_trans( *c );

	// Scale C by beta (if instructed).
	bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
	               cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );

	// Initialize object for packing A'.
	bli_packm_init( ah, &ah_pack,
	                cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Pack A' (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( ah, &ah_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Partition along the m dimension.
	for ( i = 0; i < m_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, m_trans, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
		bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
		bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, &a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1, &c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Perform herk subproblem.
		bli_herk_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_herk( cntl ) );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
		bli_unpackm_int( &c1_pack, &c1,
		                 cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
	bli_obj_release_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &ah_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &c1_pack );
Example #4
void bli_herk_blk_var3f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  ah,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         herk_t* cntl,
                         herk_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t  c_pack_s;
    obj_t  a1_pack_s, ah1_pack_s;

	obj_t  a1, ah1;
    obj_t* a1_pack = NULL;
    obj_t* ah1_pack = NULL;
	obj_t* c_pack = NULL;

	dim_t  i;
	dim_t  b_alg;
	dim_t  k_trans;

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
        // Initialize object for packing C.
	    bli_obj_init_pack( &c_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( c, &c_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    c_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &c_pack_s );

	// Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &ah1_pack_s );
    a1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &a1_pack_s );
    ah1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &ah1_pack_s );

	// Pack C (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( c, c_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                   herk_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	k_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

	// Partition along the k dimension.
	for ( i = 0; i < k_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, k_trans, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and A1'.
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, ah, &ah1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and A1'.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &ah1, ah1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                       herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack B1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &ah1, ah1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                       herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform herk subproblem.
		bli_herk_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_herk( cntl ),
                      herk_thread_sub_herk( thread ) );

        // This variant executes multiple rank-k updates. Therefore, if the
        // internal beta scalar on matrix C is non-zero, we must use it
        // only for the first iteration (and then BLIS_ONE for all others).
        // And since c_pack is a local obj_t, we can simply overwrite the
        // internal beta scalar with BLIS_ONE once it has been used in the
        // first iteration.
        if ( i == 0 ) thread_ibarrier( thread );
        if ( i == 0 && thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) bli_obj_scalar_reset( c_pack );


    thread_obarrier( thread );
	// Unpack C (if C was packed).
    bli_unpackm_int( c_pack, c,
                     cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                     herk_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
	    bli_obj_release_pack( c_pack );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_release_pack( a1_pack );
        bli_obj_release_pack( ah1_pack );
Example #5
void bli_gemm_blk_var3f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         gemm_t* cntl )
	obj_t  a1, a1_pack;
	obj_t  b1, b1_pack;
	obj_t  c_pack;

	dim_t  i;
	dim_t  b_alg;
	dim_t  k_trans;

	// Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
	bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &b1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &c_pack );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	k_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

	// Scale C by beta (if instructed).
	bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
	               cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );

	// Initialize object for packing C.
	bli_packm_init( c, &c_pack,
	                cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

	// Pack C (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( c, &c_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

	// Partition along the k dimension.
	for ( i = 0; i < k_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		// NOTE: Use of b (for execution datatype) is intentional!
		// This causes the right blocksize to be used if c and a are
		// complex and b is real.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, k_trans, b,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and B1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, b, &b1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and B1.
		bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
		bli_packm_init( &b1, &b1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, &a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

		// Pack B1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &b1, &b1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

		// Perform gemm subproblem.
		bli_gemm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ) );

		// This variant executes multiple rank-k updates. Therefore, if the
		// internal beta scalar on matrix C is non-zero, we must use it
		// only for the first iteration (and then BLIS_ONE for all others).
		// And since c_pack is a local obj_t, we can simply overwrite the
		// internal beta scalar with BLIS_ONE once it has been used in the
		// first iteration.
		if ( i == 0 ) bli_obj_scalar_reset( &c_pack );

	// Unpack C (if C was packed).
	bli_unpackm_int( &c_pack, c,
	                 cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
	bli_obj_release_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &b1_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &c_pack );
Example #6
void bli_trmm_blk_var1( obj_t*  alpha,
                        obj_t*  a,
                        obj_t*  b,
                        obj_t*  beta,
                        obj_t*  c,
                        trmm_t* cntl )
	obj_t a1, a1_pack;
	obj_t b_pack;
	obj_t c1, c1_pack;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t m_trans;
	dim_t offA;

	// Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
	bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack );

	// Set the default length of and offset to the non-zero part of A.
	m_trans = bli_obj_length_after_trans( *a );
	offA    = 0;

	// If A is lower triangular, we have to adjust where the non-zero part of
	// A begins. If A is upper triangular, we have to adjust the length of
	// the non-zero part. If A is general/dense, then we keep the defaults.
	if      ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
		offA    = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) );
	else if ( bli_obj_is_upper( *a ) )
		m_trans = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) ) +
		          bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

	// Scale C by beta (if instructed).
	bli_scalm_int( beta,
	               cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );

	// Initialize object for packing B.
	bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack,
	                cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Pack B and scale by alpha (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( alpha,
	               b, &b_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Partition along the m dimension.
	for ( i = offA; i < m_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, m_trans, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
		bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
		bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Pack A1 and scale by alpha (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( alpha,
		               &a1, &a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

		// Pack C1 and scale by beta (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( beta,
		               &c1, &c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Perform trmm subproblem.
		bli_trmm_int( alpha,
		              cntl_sub_trmm( cntl ) );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
		bli_unpackm_int( &c1_pack, &c1,
		                 cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
	bli_obj_release_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &b_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &c1_pack );
Example #7
void bli_gemm_blk_var2( obj_t*  alpha,
                        obj_t*  a,
                        obj_t*  b,
                        obj_t*  beta,
                        obj_t*  c,
                        gemm_t* cntl )
	obj_t a_pack_s;
	obj_t b1_pack_s;
	obj_t c1_pack_s;

    obj_t  b1, c1;
    obj_t* a_pack   = NULL;
    obj_t* b1_pack  = NULL;
    obj_t* c1_pack  = NULL;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t n_trans;
    dim_t num_groups = bli_gemm_num_thread_groups( cntl->thread_info );
    dim_t group_id   = bli_gemm_group_id( cntl->thread_info );

    if( bli_gemm_am_a_master( cntl->thread_info ) ) {
        // Initialize object for packing A.
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( a, &a_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

    a_pack = bli_gemm_broadcast_a( cntl->thread_info, &a_pack_s );

	// Pack A and scale by alpha (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( alpha,
	               a, a_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

    bli_gemm_a_barrier( cntl->thread_info );

	if( bli_gemm_am_b_master( cntl->thread_info )) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &b1_pack_s );
    b1_pack  = bli_gemm_broadcast_b( cntl->thread_info, &b1_pack_s );

    if( bli_gemm_am_c_master( cntl->thread_info )) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack_s );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        bli_scalm_int( beta,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    c1_pack  = bli_gemm_broadcast_c( cntl->thread_info, &c1_pack_s );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	n_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *b );
    dim_t n_pt = n_trans / num_groups;
    n_pt = (n_pt * num_groups < n_trans) ? n_pt + 1 : n_pt;
    n_pt = (n_pt % 8 == 0) ? n_pt : n_pt + 8 - (n_pt % 8);
    dim_t start = group_id * n_pt;
    dim_t end = bli_min( start + n_pt, n_trans );

	// Partition along the n dimension.
	for ( i = start; i < end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		// NOTE: Use of b (for execution datatype) is intentional!
		// This causes the right blocksize to be used if c and a are
		// complex and b is real.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, end, b,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

        // Acquire partitions for C1 
        bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                               i, b_alg, c, &c1 );
        // Acquire partitions for B1 
        bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                               i, b_alg, b, &b1 );

        if( bli_gemm_am_b_master( cntl->thread_info )) {
            // Initialize objects for packing B1 
            bli_packm_init( &b1, &b1_pack_s,
                            cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

        if( bli_gemm_am_c_master( cntl->thread_info )) {
            // Initialize objects for packing C1 
            bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack_s,
                            cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        bli_gemm_b_barrier( cntl->thread_info );
        bli_gemm_c_barrier( cntl->thread_info );
		// Pack B1 and scale by alpha (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( alpha,
		               &b1, b1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

		// Pack C1 and scale by beta (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( beta,
		               &c1, c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Packing must be done before computation
        bli_gemm_b_barrier( cntl->thread_info );
        bli_gemm_c_barrier( cntl->thread_info );

		// Perform gemm subproblem.
		bli_gemm_int( alpha,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ) );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
		bli_unpackm_int( c1_pack, &c1,
		                 cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    bli_gemm_a_barrier( cntl->thread_info );
    if( bli_gemm_am_a_master( cntl->thread_info ))
	    bli_obj_release_pack( &a_pack_s );
    bli_gemm_b_barrier( cntl->thread_info );
    if( bli_gemm_am_b_master( cntl->thread_info )) {
        bli_obj_release_pack( &b1_pack_s );
    bli_gemm_c_barrier( cntl->thread_info );
    if( bli_gemm_am_c_master( cntl->thread_info )) {
        bli_obj_release_pack( &c1_pack_s );
Example #8
void bli_trsm_blk_var3b( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         trsm_t* cntl,
                         trsm_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t  c_pack_s;
    obj_t  a1_pack_s, b1_pack_s;

    obj_t  a1, b1;
    obj_t* a1_pack = NULL;
    obj_t* b1_pack = NULL;
    obj_t* c_pack = NULL;

	dim_t  i;
	dim_t  b_alg;
	dim_t  k_trans;

	// Prune any zero region that exists along the partitioning dimension.
	bli_trsm_prune_unref_mparts_k( a, b, c );

	// Initialize pack objects for C that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
	    bli_obj_init_pack( &c_pack_s );

        // Initialize object for packing C.
        bli_packm_init( c, &c_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    c_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &c_pack_s );

    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &b1_pack_s );
    a1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &a1_pack_s );
    b1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &b1_pack_s );

	// Pack C (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( c, c_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                   trsm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	k_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

	// Partition along the k dimension.
	for ( i = 0; i < k_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		// NOTE: We call a trsm-specific function to determine the kc
		// blocksize so that we can implement the "nudging" of kc to be
		// a multiple of mr, as needed.
		b_alg = bli_trsm_determine_kc_b( i, k_trans, b,
		                                 cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and B1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_r2l( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_b2t( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, b, &b1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and B1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &b1, b1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                       trsm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack B1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &b1, b1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                       trsm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform trsm subproblem.
		bli_trsm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_trsm( cntl ),
                      trsm_thread_sub_trsm( thread ) );

		// This variant executes multiple rank-k updates. Therefore, if the
		// internal alpha scalars on A/B and C are non-zero, we must ensure
		// that they are only used in the first iteration.
        thread_ibarrier( thread );
		if ( i == 0 && thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_obj_scalar_reset( a );
            bli_obj_scalar_reset( b );
            bli_obj_scalar_reset( c_pack );

    thread_obarrier( thread );

	// Unpack C (if C was packed).
    bli_unpackm_int( c_pack, c,
                     cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                     trsm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
	    bli_packm_release( c_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_packm_release( a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( b1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
Example #9
void bli_gemm_blk_var4( obj_t*  a,
                        obj_t*  b,
                        obj_t*  c,
                        gemm_t* cntl )
	obj_t a1, a1_pack;
	obj_t b_pack;
	obj_t c1, c1_pack;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t bm_alg;
	dim_t m_trans;

	// Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
	bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	m_trans = bli_obj_length_after_trans( *a );

	// Scale C by beta (if instructed).
	bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
	               cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );

	// Initialize object for packing B.
	bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack,
	                cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Fuse the first iteration with incremental packing and computation.
		obj_t b_inc, b_pack_inc;
		obj_t c1_pack_inc;

		dim_t j;
		dim_t bn_inc;
		dim_t n_trans;

		// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
		n_trans = bli_obj_width( b_pack );

		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		bm_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( 0, m_trans, a,
		                                    cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       0, bm_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       0, bm_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
		bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
		bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, &a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1, &c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Partition along the n dimension.
		for ( j = 0; j < n_trans; j += bn_inc )
			// Determine the current incremental packing blocksize.
			bn_inc = bli_determine_blocksize_f( j, n_trans, b,
			                                    cntl_blocksize_aux( cntl ) );

			// Acquire partitions.
			bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
			                       j, bn_inc, b, &b_inc );
			bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
			                       j, bn_inc, &b_pack, &b_pack_inc );
			bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
			                       j, bn_inc, &c1_pack, &c1_pack_inc );

			// Pack B1 (if instructed).
			bli_packm_int( &b_inc, &b_pack_inc, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

			// Perform gemm subproblem.
			bli_gemm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
			              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ) );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
		bli_unpackm_int( &c1_pack, &c1, cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

	// Partition along the remaining portion of the m dimension.
	for ( i = bm_alg; i < m_trans; i += bm_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		// NOTE: Use of a (for execution datatype) is intentional!
		// This causes the right blocksize to be used if c and a are
		// complex and b is real.
		bm_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, m_trans, a,
		                                    cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, bm_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, bm_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
		bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
		bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, &a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1, &c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Perform gemm subproblem.
		bli_gemm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ) );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
		bli_unpackm_int( &c1_pack, &c1,
		                 cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
	bli_obj_release_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &b_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &c1_pack );
Example #10
void bli_trmm_blk_var3b( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         gemm_t* cntl,
                         trmm_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t  c_pack_s;
    obj_t  a1_pack_s, b1_pack_s;

    obj_t  a1, b1;
    obj_t* a1_pack = NULL;
    obj_t* b1_pack = NULL;
    obj_t* c_pack = NULL;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t k_trans;

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ){
        // Initialize object for packing C
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( c, &c_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    c_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &c_pack_s );

    // Initialize pack objects for A and B that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ){
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &b1_pack_s );
    a1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &a1_pack_s );
    b1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &b1_pack_s );

	// Pack C (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( c, c_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                   trmm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	k_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

	// Partition along the k dimension.
	for ( i = 0; i < k_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		// NOTE: We call a trmm-specific function to determine the kc
		// blocksize so that we can implement the "nudging" of kc to be
		// a multiple of mr or nr, as needed.
		b_alg = bli_trmm_determine_kc_b( i, k_trans, a, b,
		                                 cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and B1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_r2l( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_b2t( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, b, &b1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and B1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &b1, b1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                       trmm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack B1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &b1, b1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                       trmm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform trmm subproblem.
		bli_trmm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      trmm_thread_sub_trmm( thread ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

    thread_obarrier( thread );

    // Unpack C (if C was packed).
    bli_unpackm_int( c_pack, c,
                     cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                     trmm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

    // If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
    // to the memory manager.
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ){
        bli_packm_release( c_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ){
        bli_packm_release( a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( b1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
Example #11
void bli_her2_blk_var3( conj_t  conjh,
                        obj_t*  alpha,
                        obj_t*  alpha_conj,
                        obj_t*  x,
                        obj_t*  y,
                        obj_t*  c,
                        her2_t* cntl )
	obj_t   c11, c11_pack;
	obj_t   c10;
	obj_t   c21;
	obj_t   x1, x1_pack;
	obj_t   y1, y1_pack;
	obj_t   y0;
	obj_t   y2;

	dim_t   mn;
	dim_t   ij;
	dim_t   b_alg;

	// Even though this blocked algorithm is expressed only in terms of the
	// lower triangular case, the upper triangular case is still supported:
	// when bli_acquire_mpart_tl2br() is passed a matrix that is stored in
	// in the upper triangle, and the requested subpartition resides in the
	// lower triangle (as is the case for this algorithm), the routine fills
	// the request as if the caller had actually requested the corresponding
	// "mirror" subpartition in the upper triangle, except that it marks the
	// subpartition for transposition (and conjugation).

	// Initialize objects for packing.
	bli_obj_init_pack( &c11_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &x1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &y1_pack );

	// Query dimension.
	mn = bli_obj_length( *c );

	// Partition diagonally.
	for ( ij = 0; ij < mn; ij += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( ij, mn, c,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for C11, C10, C21, x1, y1, y0, and y2.
		bli_acquire_mpart_tl2br( BLIS_SUBPART11,
		                         ij, b_alg, c, &c11 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_tl2br( BLIS_SUBPART10,
		                         ij, b_alg, c, &c10 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_tl2br( BLIS_SUBPART21,
		                         ij, b_alg, c, &c21 );
		bli_acquire_vpart_f2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       ij, b_alg, x, &x1 );
		bli_acquire_vpart_f2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       ij, b_alg, y, &y1 );
		bli_acquire_vpart_f2b( BLIS_SUBPART0,
		                       ij, b_alg, y, &y0 );
		bli_acquire_vpart_f2b( BLIS_SUBPART2,
		                       ij, b_alg, y, &y2 );

		// Initialize objects for packing C11, x1, and y1 (if needed).
		bli_packm_init( &c11, &c11_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_c11( cntl ) );
		bli_packv_init( &x1, &x1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packv_x1( cntl ) );
		bli_packv_init( &y1, &y1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packv_y1( cntl ) );

		// Copy/pack C11, x1, y1 (if needed).
		bli_packm_int( &c11, &c11_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c11( cntl ),
                       &BLIS_PACKM_SINGLE_THREADED );
		bli_packv_int( &x1, &x1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packv_x1( cntl ) );
		bli_packv_int( &y1, &y1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packv_y1( cntl ) );

		// C10 = C10 + alpha * x1 * y0';
		bli_ger_int( BLIS_NO_CONJUGATE,
		             cntl_sub_ger_rp( cntl ) );

		// C21 = C21 + conj(alpha) * y2 * x1';
		bli_ger_int( BLIS_NO_CONJUGATE,
		             cntl_sub_ger_cp( cntl ) );

		// C11 = C11 + alpha * x1 * y1' + conj(alpha) * y1 * x1';
		bli_her2_int( conjh,
		              cntl_sub_her2( cntl ) );

		// Copy/unpack C11 (if C11 was packed).
		bli_unpackm_int( &c11_pack, &c11,
		                 cntl_sub_unpackm_c11( cntl ),
                         &BLIS_PACKM_SINGLE_THREADED );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
	bli_obj_release_pack( &c11_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &x1_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &y1_pack );
Example #12
void bli_trmm_lu_blk_var1( obj_t*  alpha,
                           obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  beta,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trmm_t* cntl )
	obj_t a1, a1_pack;
	obj_t b_pack;
	obj_t c1, c1_pack;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t mT_trans;

	// Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
	bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack );

	// If A is [upper] triangular, use the diagonal offset of A to determine
	// the length of the non-zero region.
	if ( bli_obj_is_triangular( *a ) )
		mT_trans = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) ) +
		           bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );
	else // if ( bli_obj_is_general( *a )
		mT_trans = bli_obj_length_after_trans( *a );

	// Scale C by beta (if instructed).
	bli_scalm_int( beta,
	               cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );

	// Initialize object for packing B.
	bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack,
	                cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Pack B and scale by alpha (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( alpha,
	               b, &b_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

	// Partition along the m dimension.
	for ( i = 0; i < mT_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, mT_trans, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
		bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
		bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack,
		                cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Pack A1 and scale by alpha (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( alpha,
		               &a1, &a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

		// Pack C1 and scale by beta (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( beta,
		               &c1, &c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

		// Perform trmm subproblem.
		bli_trmm_int( BLIS_LEFT,
		              cntl_sub_trmm( cntl ) );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
		bli_unpackm_int( &c1_pack, &c1,
		                 cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
	bli_obj_release_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &b_pack );
	bli_obj_release_pack( &c1_pack );
Example #13
void bli_herk_blk_var2f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  ah,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         gemm_t* cntl,
                         herk_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t a_pack_s;
    obj_t ah1_pack_s, c1S_pack_s;

    obj_t ah1, c1, c1S;
    obj_t aS_pack;
    obj_t* a_pack;
    obj_t* ah1_pack;
    obj_t* c1S_pack;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t n_trans;
	subpart_t stored_part;

	// The upper and lower variants are identical, except for which
	// merged subpartition is acquired in the loop body.
	if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *c ) ) stored_part = BLIS_SUBPART1B;
	else                          stored_part = BLIS_SUBPART1T;

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
        // Initialize object for packing A
	    bli_obj_init_pack( &a_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( a, &a_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    a_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &a_pack_s );

	// Initialize pack objects for C and A' that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &ah1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c1S_pack_s );
    ah1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &ah1_pack_s );
    c1S_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &c1S_pack_s );

	// Pack A (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( a, a_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                   herk_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	n_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *c );
    dim_t start, end;

    // Needs to be replaced with a weighted range because triangle
    bli_get_range_weighted( thread, 0, n_trans, 
                            bli_blksz_get_mult_for_obj( a, cntl_blocksize( cntl ) ),
                            bli_obj_is_lower( *c ), &start, &end );

	// Partition along the n dimension.
	for ( i = start; i < end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, end, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1' and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, ah, &ah1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Partition off the stored region of C1 and the corresponding region
		// of A_pack.
        bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( stored_part,
                               i, b_alg, &c1, &c1S );
        bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( stored_part,
                               i, b_alg, a_pack, &aS_pack );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1' and C1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &ah1, ah1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &c1S, c1S_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread ) ;

		// Pack A1' (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &ah1, ah1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                       herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1S, c1S_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                       herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) ) ;

		// Perform herk subproblem.
		bli_herk_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      herk_thread_sub_herk( thread ) );

        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        bli_unpackm_int( c1S_pack, &c1S,
                         cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                         herk_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    thread_obarrier( thread );
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
        bli_packm_release( a_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_packm_release( ah1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( c1S_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
Example #14
void bli_trmm_lu_blk_var4( obj_t*  alpha,
                           obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  beta,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trmm_t* cntl )
    obj_t a1, a1_pack;
    obj_t b_pack;
    obj_t c1, c1_pack;

    dim_t i;
    dim_t bm_alg;
    dim_t mT_trans;

    // Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
    bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack );
    bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack );
    bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack );

    // Query dimension in partitioning direction. Use the diagonal offset
    // to stop short of the zero region.
    mT_trans = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) ) +
               bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

    // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
    bli_scalm_int( beta,
                   cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );

    // Initialize object for packing B.
    bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack,
                    cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

    // Fuse the first iteration with incremental packing and computation.
        obj_t b_inc, b_pack_inc;
        obj_t c1_pack_inc;

        dim_t j;
        dim_t bn_inc;
        dim_t n_trans;

        // Query dimension in partitioning direction.
        n_trans = bli_obj_width( b_pack );

        // Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
        bm_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( 0, mT_trans, a,
                                            cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

        // Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
        bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                               0, bm_alg, a, &a1 );
        bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                               0, bm_alg, c, &c1 );

        // Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
        bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Pack A1 and scale by alpha (if instructed).
        bli_packm_int( alpha, &a1, &a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

        // Pack C1 and scale by beta (if instructed).
        bli_packm_int( beta,  &c1, &c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Partition along the n dimension.
        for ( j = 0; j < n_trans; j += bn_inc )
            // Determine the current incremental packing blocksize.
            bn_inc = bli_determine_blocksize_f( j, n_trans, b,
                                                cntl_blocksize_aux( cntl ) );

            // Acquire partitions.
            bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                                   j, bn_inc, b, &b_inc );
            bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                                   j, bn_inc, &b_pack, &b_pack_inc );
            bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                                   j, bn_inc, &c1_pack, &c1_pack_inc );

            // Pack B1 and scale by alpha (if instructed).
            bli_packm_int( alpha, &b_inc, &b_pack_inc, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

            // Perform trmm subproblem.
            bli_trmm_int( BLIS_LEFT,
                          cntl_sub_trmm( cntl ) );

        // Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        bli_unpackm_int( &c1_pack, &c1, cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

    // Partition along the remaining portion of the m dimension.
    for ( i = bm_alg; i < mT_trans; i += bm_alg )
        // Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
        bm_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, mT_trans, a,
                                            cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

        // Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
        bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                               i, bm_alg, a, &a1 );
        bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                               i, bm_alg, c, &c1 );

        // Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
        bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack,
                        cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack,
                        cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Pack A1 and scale by alpha (if instructed).
        bli_packm_int( alpha,
                       &a1, &a1_pack,
                       cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

        // Pack C1 and scale by beta (if instructed).
        bli_packm_int( beta,
                       &c1, &c1_pack,
                       cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Perform trmm subproblem.
        if ( bli_obj_intersects_diag( a1_pack ) )
            bli_trmm_int( BLIS_LEFT,
                          cntl_sub_trmm( cntl ) );
            bli_gemm_int( alpha,
                          cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ) );

        // Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        bli_unpackm_int( &c1_pack, &c1,
                         cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

    // If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
    // to the memory manager.
    bli_obj_release_pack( &a1_pack );
    bli_obj_release_pack( &b_pack );
    bli_obj_release_pack( &c1_pack );
Example #15
void bli_gemm_blk_var4f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         gemm_t* cntl,
                         gemm_thrinfo_t* thread )
	extern packm_t* gemm3mh_packa_cntl_ro;
	extern packm_t* gemm3mh_packa_cntl_io;
	extern packm_t* gemm3mh_packa_cntl_rpi;

	packm_t* packa_cntl_ro  = gemm3mh_packa_cntl_ro;
	packm_t* packa_cntl_io  = gemm3mh_packa_cntl_io;
	packm_t* packa_cntl_rpi = gemm3mh_packa_cntl_rpi;

    //The s is for "lives on the stack"
    obj_t b_pack_s;
    obj_t a1_pack_s, c1_pack_s;

    obj_t a1, c1;
    obj_t* a1_pack  = NULL;
    obj_t* b_pack   = NULL;
    obj_t* c1_pack  = NULL;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t m_trans;

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
	    // Initialize object for packing B.
	    bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack_s );
	    bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack_s,
	                    cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        // Since scalm doesn't support multithreading yet, must be done by chief thread (ew)
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    b_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &b_pack_s );

	// Initialize objects passed into bli_packm_init for A and C
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack_s );
    a1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &a1_pack_s );
    c1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &c1_pack_s );

	// Pack B (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( b, b_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                   gemm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	m_trans = bli_obj_length_after_trans( *a );
    dim_t start, end;
    bli_get_range_t2b( thread, 0, m_trans,
                       bli_blksz_get_mult_for_obj( a, cntl_blocksize( cntl ) ),
                       &start, &end );

	// Partition along the m dimension.
	for ( i = start; i < end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		// NOTE: Use of a (for execution datatype) is intentional!
		// This causes the right blocksize to be used if c and a are
		// complex and b is real.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, end, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

        // Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            packa_cntl_ro );
            bli_packm_init( &c1, c1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
                       gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1, c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                       gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform gemm subproblem.
		bli_gemm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      gemm_thread_sub_gemm( thread ) );

        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Only apply beta within the first of three subproblems.
		if ( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) bli_obj_scalar_reset( c1_pack );

        // Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            packa_cntl_io );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
                       gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform gemm subproblem.
		bli_gemm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      gemm_thread_sub_gemm( thread ) );

        thread_ibarrier( thread );

        // Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            packa_cntl_rpi );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
                       gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform gemm subproblem.
		bli_gemm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      gemm_thread_sub_gemm( thread ) );

        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        // Currently must be done by 1 thread
        bli_unpackm_int( c1_pack, &c1,
                         cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                         gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    thread_obarrier( thread );
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
	    bli_packm_release( b_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ){
		// It doesn't matter which packm cntl node we pass in, as long
		// as it is valid, packm_release() will release the mem_t entry.
        bli_packm_release( a1_pack, packa_cntl_ro );
        bli_packm_release( c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
Example #16
void bli_gemm_blk_var1f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         cntx_t* cntx,
                         gemm_t* cntl,
                         gemm_thrinfo_t* thread )
    //The s is for "lives on the stack"
    obj_t b_pack_s;
    obj_t a1_pack_s, c1_pack_s;

    obj_t a1, c1;
    obj_t* a1_pack  = NULL;
    obj_t* b_pack   = NULL;
    obj_t* c1_pack  = NULL;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) {
	    // Initialize object for packing B.
	    bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack_s );
	    bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack_s,
	                    cntx, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        // Since scalm doesn't support multithreading yet, must be done by chief thread (ew)
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntx, cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    b_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &b_pack_s );

	// Initialize objects passed into bli_packm_init for A and C
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack_s );
    a1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &a1_pack_s );
    c1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &c1_pack_s );

	// Pack B (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( b, b_pack,
	               cntx, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                   gemm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

    dim_t my_start, my_end;
    bli_get_range_t2b( thread, a,
                       bli_cntx_get_bmult( cntl_bszid( cntl ), cntx ),
                       &my_start, &my_end );

	// Partition along the m dimension.
	for ( i = my_start; i < my_end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		// NOTE: Use of a (for execution datatype) is intentional!
		// This causes the right blocksize to be used if c and a are
		// complex and b is real.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, my_end, a,
		                                   cntl_bszid( cntl ), cntx );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );
        // Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            cntx, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &c1, c1_pack,
                            cntx, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
		               cntx, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                       gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1, c1_pack,
		               cntx, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                       gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform gemm subproblem.
		bli_gemm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      gemm_thread_sub_gemm( thread ) );

        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        // Currently must be done by 1 thread
        bli_unpackm_int( c1_pack, &c1,
                         cntx, cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                         gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    thread_obarrier( thread );
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
	    bli_packm_release( b_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ){
        bli_packm_release( a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
Example #17
void bli_trmm_blk_var2b( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         cntx_t* cntx,
                         gemm_t* cntl,
                         trmm_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t a_pack_s;
    obj_t b1_pack_s, c1_pack_s;
    obj_t b1, c1; 
    obj_t*  a_pack = NULL;
    obj_t*  b1_pack = NULL;
    obj_t*  c1_pack = NULL;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;

	// Prune any zero region that exists along the partitioning dimension.
	bli_trmm_prune_unref_mparts_n( a, b, c );

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) { 
        // Initialize object for packing A
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( a, &a_pack_s,
                        cntx, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntx, cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    a_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &a_pack_s );

    // Initialize pack objects for B and C that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) { 
        bli_obj_init_pack( &b1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack_s );
    b1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &b1_pack_s );
    c1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &c1_pack_s );

	// Pack A (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( a, a_pack,
	               cntx, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                   trmm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

    dim_t my_start, my_end;
    bli_get_range_weighted_r2l( thread, b,
                                bli_cntx_get_bmult( cntl_bszid( cntl ), cntx ),
                                &my_start, &my_end );

	// Partition along the n dimension.
	for ( i = my_start; i < my_end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_b( i, my_end, b,
		                                   cntl_bszid( cntl ), cntx );

		// Acquire partitions for B1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_r2l( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, b, &b1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_r2l( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and B1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &b1, b1_pack,
                            cntx, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &c1, c1_pack,
                            cntx, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack B1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &b1, b1_pack,
		               cntx, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                       trmm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1, c1_pack,
		               cntx, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                       trmm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform trmm subproblem.
		bli_trmm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      trmm_thread_sub_trmm( thread ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

        // Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        bli_unpackm_int( c1_pack, &c1,
                         cntx, cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                         trmm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    thread_obarrier( thread );
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
        bli_packm_release( a_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_packm_release( b1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
Example #18
void bli_trmm_blk_var2f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         trmm_t* cntl )
    obj_t a_pack;
    obj_t b1, b1_pack;
    obj_t c1, c1_pack;

    dim_t i;
    dim_t b_alg;
    dim_t n_trans;

    // Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
    bli_obj_init_pack( &a_pack );
    bli_obj_init_pack( &b1_pack );
    bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack );

    // Query dimension in partitioning direction.
    n_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *b );

    // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
    bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                   cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );

    // Initialize object for packing A.
    bli_packm_init( a, &a_pack,
                    cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

    // Pack A (if instructed).
    bli_packm_int( a, &a_pack,
                   cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );

    // Partition along the n dimension.
    for ( i = 0; i < n_trans; i += b_alg )
        // Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
        b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, n_trans, b,
                                           cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

        // Acquire partitions for B1 and C1.
        bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                               i, b_alg, b, &b1 );
        bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
                               i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

        // Initialize objects for packing A1 and B1.
        bli_packm_init( &b1, &b1_pack,
                        cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_init( &c1, &c1_pack,
                        cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Pack B1 (if instructed).
        bli_packm_int( &b1, &b1_pack,
                       cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

        // Pack C1 (if instructed).
        bli_packm_int( &c1, &c1_pack,
                       cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Perform trmm subproblem.
        bli_trmm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                      cntl_sub_trmm( cntl ) );

        // Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        bli_unpackm_int( &c1_pack, &c1,
                         cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ) );

    // If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
    // to the memory manager.
    bli_obj_release_pack( &a_pack );
    bli_obj_release_pack( &b1_pack );
    bli_obj_release_pack( &c1_pack );
Example #19
void bli_trmm_blk_var1f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         gemm_t* cntl,
                         trmm_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t b_pack_s;
    obj_t a1_pack_s, c1_pack_s;

    obj_t a1, c1; 
    obj_t* a1_pack  = NULL;
    obj_t* b_pack   = NULL;
    obj_t* c1_pack  = NULL;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;

	// Prune any zero region that exists along the partitioning dimension.
	bli_trmm_prune_unref_mparts_m( a, b, c );

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ) { 
        // Initialize object for packing B.
        bli_obj_init_pack( &b_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( b, &b_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        // Since scalm doesn't support multithreading yet, must be done by chief thread (ew)
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    b_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &b_pack_s );

	// Initialize all pack objects that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &c1_pack_s );
    a1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &a1_pack_s );
    c1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &c1_pack_s );

	// Pack B (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( b, b_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                   trmm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Set the default length of and offset to the non-zero part of A.
	//m_trans = bli_obj_length_after_trans( *a );
	//offA    = 0;

	// If A is lower triangular, we have to adjust where the non-zero part of
	// A begins. If A is upper triangular, we have to adjust the length of
	// the non-zero part. If A is general/dense, then we keep the defaults.
	//if      ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
	//	offA    = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) );
	//else if ( bli_obj_is_upper( *a ) )
	//	m_trans = bli_abs( bli_obj_diag_offset_after_trans( *a ) ) +
	//	          bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

    dim_t my_start, my_end;
    bli_get_range_weighted_t2b( thread, a, 
                                bli_blksz_get_mult_for_obj( a, cntl_blocksize( cntl ) ),
                                &my_start, &my_end );

	// Partition along the m dimension.
	for ( i = my_start; i < my_end; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, my_end, a,
		                                   cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and C1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, c, &c1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and C1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &c1, c1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                       trmm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack C1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &c1, c1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                       trmm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );
		// Perform trmm subproblem.
		bli_trmm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      trmm_thread_sub_trmm( thread ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Unpack C1 (if C1 was packed).
        bli_unpackm_int( c1_pack, &c1,
                         cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                         trmm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    thread_obarrier( thread );
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
        bli_packm_release( b_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ){
        bli_packm_release( a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( c1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
Example #20
void bli_ger_blk_var2( obj_t* alpha,
                       obj_t* x,
                       obj_t* y,
                       obj_t* a,
                       cntx_t* cntx,
                       ger_t* cntl )
	obj_t a1, a1_pack;
	obj_t y1, y1_pack;

	dim_t i;
	dim_t b_alg;
	dim_t n_trans;

	// Initialize objects for packing.
	bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack );
	bli_obj_init_pack( &y1_pack );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	n_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

	// Partition along the n dimension.
	for ( i = 0; i < n_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		b_alg = bli_determine_blocksize_f( i, n_trans, a,
		                                   bli_cntl_bszid( cntl ), cntx );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and y1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_vpart_f2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, y, &y1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and y1 (if needed).
		bli_packm_init( &a1, &a1_pack,
		                cntx, bli_cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
		bli_packv_init( &y1, &y1_pack,
		                cntx, bli_cntl_sub_packv_y( cntl ) );

		// Copy/pack A1, y1 (if needed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, &a1_pack,
		               cntx, bli_cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                       &BLIS_PACKM_SINGLE_THREADED );
		bli_packv_int( &y1, &y1_pack,
		               cntx, bli_cntl_sub_packv_y( cntl ) );

		// A1 = A1 + alpha * x * y1;
		bli_ger_int( BLIS_NO_CONJUGATE,
		             bli_cntl_sub_ger( cntl ) );

		// Copy/unpack A1 (if A1 was packed).
		bli_unpackm_int( &a1_pack, &a1,
		                 cntx, bli_cntl_sub_unpackm_a( cntl ),
                         &BLIS_PACKM_SINGLE_THREADED );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
	bli_packm_release( &a1_pack, bli_cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
	bli_packv_release( &y1_pack, bli_cntl_sub_packv_y( cntl ) );
Example #21
void bli_gemm_blk_var3f( obj_t*  a,
                         obj_t*  b,
                         obj_t*  c,
                         gemm_t* cntl,
                         gemm_thrinfo_t* thread )
    obj_t  c_pack_s;
    obj_t  a1_pack_s, b1_pack_s;

    obj_t  a1, b1;
    obj_t* a1_pack = NULL;
    obj_t* b1_pack = NULL;
    obj_t* c_pack = NULL;

	dim_t  i;
	dim_t  b_alg;
	dim_t  k_trans;

    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) ){
        // Initialize object for packing C
	    bli_obj_init_pack( &c_pack_s );
        bli_packm_init( c, &c_pack_s,
                        cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );

        // Scale C by beta (if instructed).
        bli_scalm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
                       cntl_sub_scalm( cntl ) );
    c_pack = thread_obroadcast( thread, &c_pack_s );

    // Initialize pack objects for A and B that are passed into packm_init().
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ){
        bli_obj_init_pack( &a1_pack_s );
        bli_obj_init_pack( &b1_pack_s );
    a1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &a1_pack_s );
    b1_pack = thread_ibroadcast( thread, &b1_pack_s );

	// Pack C (if instructed).
	bli_packm_int( c, c_pack,
	               cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ),
                   gemm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// Query dimension in partitioning direction.
	k_trans = bli_obj_width_after_trans( *a );

	// Partition along the k dimension.
	for ( i = 0; i < k_trans; i += b_alg )
		// Determine the current algorithmic blocksize.
		// NOTE: We call a gemm/hemm/symm-specific function to determine
		// the kc blocksize so that we can implement the "nudging" of kc
		// to be a multiple of mr or nr, as needed.
		b_alg = bli_gemm_determine_kc_f( i, k_trans, a, b,
		                                 cntl_blocksize( cntl ) );

		// Acquire partitions for A1 and B1.
		bli_acquire_mpart_l2r( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, a, &a1 );
		bli_acquire_mpart_t2b( BLIS_SUBPART1,
		                       i, b_alg, b, &b1 );

		// Initialize objects for packing A1 and B1.
        if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) {
            bli_packm_init( &a1, a1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
            bli_packm_init( &b1, b1_pack,
                            cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );
        thread_ibarrier( thread );

		// Pack A1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &a1, a1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ),
                       gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Pack B1 (if instructed).
		bli_packm_int( &b1, b1_pack,
		               cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ),
                       gemm_thread_sub_ipackm( thread ) );

		// Perform gemm subproblem.
		bli_gemm_int( &BLIS_ONE,
		              cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ),
                      gemm_thread_sub_gemm( thread) );

		// This variant executes multiple rank-k updates. Therefore, if the
		// internal beta scalar on matrix C is non-zero, we must use it
		// only for the first iteration (and then BLIS_ONE for all others).
		// And since c_pack is a local obj_t, we can simply overwrite the
		// internal beta scalar with BLIS_ONE once it has been used in the
		// first iteration.
        thread_ibarrier( thread );
		if ( i == 0 && thread_am_ichief( thread ) ) bli_obj_scalar_reset( c_pack );


    thread_obarrier( thread );

	// Unpack C (if C was packed).
    bli_unpackm_int( c_pack, c,
                     cntl_sub_unpackm_c( cntl ),
                     gemm_thread_sub_opackm( thread ) );

	// If any packing buffers were acquired within packm, release them back
	// to the memory manager.
    if( thread_am_ochief( thread ) )
        bli_packm_release( c_pack, cntl_sub_packm_c( cntl ) );
    if( thread_am_ichief( thread ) ){
        bli_packm_release( a1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_a( cntl ) );
        bli_packm_release( b1_pack, cntl_sub_packm_b( cntl ) );