Example #1
bool Player::currPosHasLadder(int x, int y, int &row, int &col)
	for (int tempRow = 0; tempRow < ROWS; tempRow++)
		for (int tempCol = 0; tempCol < COLUMNS; tempCol++)
			if (map[blockNumber(tempRow, tempCol)] == LADDER)
				int tempX1 = tempCol*TILE_WIDTH;
				int tempX2 = (tempCol*TILE_WIDTH)+TILE_WIDTH;
				int tempY1 = tempRow*TILE_HEIGHT;
				int tempY2 = (tempRow*TILE_HEIGHT)+TILE_HEIGHT;

				if (x > tempX1 && x<tempX2 && y>tempY1 && y < tempY2)
					row = tempRow;
					col = tempCol;
					return true;
	return false;
Example #2
int Player::getBottomLimOfLadder(int row, int col)
	int tempRow = row;
	while (true)
		if (map[blockNumber(tempRow, col)] != LADDER)
			return ((--tempRow)*TILE_HEIGHT);

	return false;
Example #3
bool Player::wallIsAhead(int x,int y)
	for (int tempRow = 0; tempRow < ROWS; tempRow++)
		for (int tempCol = 0; tempCol < COLUMNS; tempCol++)
			if (map[blockNumber(tempRow, tempCol)] == FLOOR1 || map[blockNumber(tempRow, tempCol)] == FLOOR2)

				int floorX1 = tempCol*TILE_WIDTH;
				int floorX2 = (tempCol*TILE_WIDTH) + TILE_WIDTH;
				int floorY1 = tempRow*TILE_HEIGHT;
				int floorY2 = (tempRow*TILE_HEIGHT) + TILE_HEIGHT;

				if (x > floorX1 && x < floorX2 && y > floorY1 && y < floorY2)
					return true;
	return false;
Example #4
	bool FBMReference::inSameBlock( const int p1, const int p2, const int p3 = -1, const int p4 = -1 ) const {
		if( blockNumber( p1 ) != blockNumber( p2 ) ) {
			return false;

		if( p3 != -1 && blockNumber( p3 ) != blockNumber( p1 ) ) {
			return false;

		if( p4 != -1 && blockNumber( p4 ) != blockNumber( p1 ) ) {
			return false;

		return true;   // They're all the same!
Example #5
void LrcEditor::addTag(const QString &attr, const QString &value)
	// ignore empty value
	if (value.isEmpty())
		return ;

	QRegExp exp("^\\[" + attr + ":.*\\][\\s]{0,}$");
	QString  newValue = "[" + attr + ":" + value + "]";
	bool found = false;

	for (auto it = document()->begin(); it != document()->end(); it = it.next())
		if (exp.indexIn(it.text()) >= 0)
			found = true;
			qDebug() << "found tag at line: " << it.blockNumber() << qPrintable(it.text());

			if (it.text().trimmed() != newValue)
				QTextCursor cursor(it);



			// we assume there's only one

	if (!found)
		QTextCursor cursor = textCursor();
		cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor);
		cursor.insertText(newValue + m_charNewLine);
Example #6
void Enemy::update()

	int playerRow = player->getRow();
	int playerCol = player->getCol();

	if (checkRow)
		if (row == playerRow)
			path = dijsktra(AIMap,new Node(AIMap[blockNumber(row, col)], row, col, 0),new Node(AIMap[blockNumber(playerRow,playerCol)],playerRow,playerCol,0));
			count = 1;
			pathLastCol = path[path.size() - 1] % COLUMNS;
			pathLastRow = path[path.size() - 1] / COLUMNS;

			checkRow = false;
			checkCol = true;

	if (checkCol)
		if (col == playerCol)
			path = dijsktra(AIMap, new Node(AIMap[blockNumber(row, col)], row, col, 0), new Node(AIMap[blockNumber(playerRow, playerCol)], playerRow, playerCol, 0));
			count = 1;
			pathLastCol = path[path.size() - 1] % COLUMNS;
			pathLastRow = path[path.size() - 1] / COLUMNS;

			checkCol = false;
			checkRow = true;

	if (row == pathLastRow && col == pathLastCol)
		path = dijsktra(AIMap, new Node(AIMap[blockNumber(row, col)], row, col, 0), new Node(AIMap[blockNumber(playerRow, playerCol)], playerRow, playerCol, 0));
		count = 1;
		pathLastCol = path[path.size() - 1] % COLUMNS;
		pathLastRow = path[path.size() - 1] / COLUMNS;

	indexCol = path[count] % COLUMNS;
	indexRow = path[count] / COLUMNS;

	if (row < indexRow)
		spriteCurrRow = FOR_DOWN;
		y += speed;
		if (y+yOffSet > indexRow * TILE_HEIGHT)
			row = indexRow;

		if (++currFrame >= frameDelay)
			if (++sourceX > 2)
				sourceX = 1;
			currFrame = 0;

	if (row > indexRow)
		spriteCurrRow = FOR_UP;
		y -= speed;
		if ((y+height-yOffSet) < (indexRow+1) * TILE_HEIGHT)
			row = indexRow;

		if (++currFrame >= frameDelay)
			if (++sourceX > 2)
				sourceX = 1;
			currFrame = 0;

	if (col < indexCol)
		spriteCurrRow = FOR_RIGHT;
		x += speed;
		if (x+xOffSet > indexCol * TILE_WIDTH)
			col = indexCol;

		if (++currFrame >= frameDelay)
			if (++sourceX > 2)
				sourceX = 1;
			currFrame = 0;

	if (col > indexCol)
		spriteCurrRow = FOR_LEFT;
		x -= speed;
		if ((x+width-xOffSet) < (indexCol+1) * TILE_WIDTH)
			col = indexCol;

		if (++currFrame >= frameDelay)
			if (++sourceX > 2)
				sourceX = 1;
			currFrame = 0;
Example #7
Enemy::Enemy(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *enemySprite, int map[],Player*player, int curRow, int curCol,PlayerSpriteRow spriteCurrRow)

	//copying original map to Player::map
	for (int i = 0; i < ROWS*COLUMNS; i++)
		this->map[i] = map[i];

	//Generating A different map for for dijkstra algorithm
	for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++)
		for (int col = 0; col < COLUMNS; col++)
			if (map[blockNumber(row + 1, col)] == FLOOR1 || map[blockNumber(row + 1, col)] == FLOOR2 || map[blockNumber(row, col)] == LADDER|| map[blockNumber(row+1, col)] == LADDER)
				AIMap[blockNumber(row, col)] = 1;
				AIMap[blockNumber(row, col)] = 10;

	//setting player up

	this->spriteCurrRow = spriteCurrRow;

	this->row = curRow;
	this->col = curCol;

	x = col * TILE_WIDTH;
	y = row * TILE_HEIGHT;

	indexRow = 0;
	indexCol = 0;

	width = TILE_WIDTH;
	height = TILE_HEIGHT;

	sourceX = 0;

	this->enemySprite = enemySprite;

	this->frameDelay = 8;
	this->currFrame = 0;
	this->player = player;

	checkRow = checkCol = true;

	xOffSet = 19;
	yOffSet = 2;
	count = 1;


	int playerRow = player->getRow();
	int playerCol = player->getCol();

	path = dijsktra(AIMap, new Node(AIMap[blockNumber(row, col)], row, col, 0), new Node(AIMap[blockNumber(playerRow, playerCol)], playerRow, playerCol, 0));
	pathLastCol = path[path.size() - 1] % COLUMNS;
	pathLastRow = path[path.size() - 1] / COLUMNS;

	speed = 4;