static void json_aestart(void *state, bool isnull) { pgspParserContext *ctx = (pgspParserContext *)state; if (ctx->remove) return; if (IS_INDENTED_ARRAY(ctx->current_list) && ctx->wlist_level == 1) { if (!bms_is_member(ctx->level, ctx->first)) appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ','); if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE) { appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, '\n'); appendStringInfoSpaces(ctx->dest, (ctx->level) * INDENT_STEP); } } else { if (!bms_is_member(ctx->level, ctx->first)) { appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ','); if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE && !ctx->last_elem_is_object) appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ' '); } } ctx->first = bms_del_member(ctx->first, ctx->level); }
static void xml_aestart(void *state, bool isnull) { pgspParserContext *ctx = (pgspParserContext *)state; char *tag; /* * The "Trigger" in "Triggers", "Plan" in "Plans" and "Item" nodes are * implicitly represented in JSON format. Restore them for XML format. */ ctx->level++; if (bms_is_member(ctx->level, ctx->not_item)) { if (ctx->processing == P_Plan) tag = "<Plan>"; else tag = "<Trigger>"; } else tag = "<Item>"; appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, '\n'); appendStringInfoSpaces(ctx->dest, (ctx->level + 1) * INDENT_STEP); appendStringInfoString(ctx->dest, tag); }
static void yaml_ofstart(void *state, char *fname, bool isnull) { word_table *p; pgspParserContext *ctx = (pgspParserContext *)state; char *s; p = search_word_table(propfields, fname, ctx->mode); if (!p) { ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("Short JSON parser encoutered unknown field name: \"%s\".", fname), errdetail_log("INPUT: \"%s\"", ctx->org_string))); } s = (p ? p->longname : fname); if (!bms_is_member(ctx->level, ctx->first)) { appendStringInfoString(ctx->dest, "\n"); appendStringInfoSpaces(ctx->dest, ctx->level * INDENT_STEP); } else ctx->first = bms_del_member(ctx->first, ctx->level); ctx->valconverter = NULL; ctx->fname = s; ctx->valconverter = (p ? p->converter : NULL); }
/* * Write relation attributes to the stream. */ static void logicalrep_write_attrs(StringInfo out, Relation rel) { TupleDesc desc; int i; uint16 nliveatts = 0; Bitmapset *idattrs = NULL; bool replidentfull; desc = RelationGetDescr(rel); /* send number of live attributes */ for (i = 0; i < desc->natts; i++) { if (TupleDescAttr(desc, i)->attisdropped) continue; nliveatts++; } pq_sendint(out, nliveatts, 2); /* fetch bitmap of REPLICATION IDENTITY attributes */ replidentfull = (rel->rd_rel->relreplident == REPLICA_IDENTITY_FULL); if (!replidentfull) idattrs = RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(rel, INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_IDENTITY_KEY); /* send the attributes */ for (i = 0; i < desc->natts; i++) { Form_pg_attribute att = TupleDescAttr(desc, i); uint8 flags = 0; if (att->attisdropped) continue; /* REPLICA IDENTITY FULL means all columns are sent as part of key. */ if (replidentfull || bms_is_member(att->attnum - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber, idattrs)) flags |= LOGICALREP_IS_REPLICA_IDENTITY; pq_sendbyte(out, flags); /* attribute name */ pq_sendstring(out, NameStr(att->attname)); /* attribute type id */ pq_sendint(out, (int) att->atttypid, sizeof(att->atttypid)); /* attribute mode */ pq_sendint(out, att->atttypmod, sizeof(att->atttypmod)); } bms_free(idattrs); }
/* * Checks if any of the 'attnums' is a partition key attribute for rel * * Sets *used_in_expr if any of the 'attnums' is found to be referenced in some * partition key expression. It's possible for a column to be both used * directly and as part of an expression; if that happens, *used_in_expr may * end up as either true or false. That's OK for current uses of this * function, because *used_in_expr is only used to tailor the error message * text. */ bool has_partition_attrs(Relation rel, Bitmapset *attnums, bool *used_in_expr) { PartitionKey key; int partnatts; List *partexprs; ListCell *partexprs_item; int i; if (attnums == NULL || rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) return false; key = RelationGetPartitionKey(rel); partnatts = get_partition_natts(key); partexprs = get_partition_exprs(key); partexprs_item = list_head(partexprs); for (i = 0; i < partnatts; i++) { AttrNumber partattno = get_partition_col_attnum(key, i); if (partattno != 0) { if (bms_is_member(partattno - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber, attnums)) { if (used_in_expr) *used_in_expr = false; return true; } } else { /* Arbitrary expression */ Node *expr = (Node *) lfirst(partexprs_item); Bitmapset *expr_attrs = NULL; /* Find all attributes referenced */ pull_varattnos(expr, 1, &expr_attrs); partexprs_item = lnext(partexprs_item); if (bms_overlap(attnums, expr_attrs)) { if (used_in_expr) *used_in_expr = true; return true; } } } return false; }
static void json_ofstart(void *state, char *fname, bool isnull) { word_table *p; pgspParserContext *ctx = (pgspParserContext *)state; char *fn; ctx->remove = false; p = search_word_table(propfields, fname, ctx->mode); if (!p) { ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("JSON parser encoutered unknown field name: \"%s\".", fname), errdetail_log("INPUT: \"%s\"", ctx->org_string))); } ctx->remove = (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_NORMALIZE && (!p || !p->normalize_use)); if (ctx->remove) return; if (!bms_is_member(ctx->level, ctx->first)) { appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ','); if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE) appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, '\n'); } else ctx->first = bms_del_member(ctx->first, ctx->level); if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE) appendStringInfoSpaces(ctx->dest, ctx->level * INDENT_STEP); if (!p || !p->longname) fn = fname; else if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE) fn = p->longname; else fn = p->shortname; escape_json(ctx->dest, fn); ctx->fname = fn; ctx->valconverter = (p ? p->converter : NULL); appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ':'); if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE) appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ' '); }
static void json_aestart(void *state, bool isnull) { pgspParserContext *ctx = (pgspParserContext *)state; if (ctx->remove) return; if (!bms_is_member(ctx->level, ctx->first)) { appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ','); if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE && !ctx->last_elem_is_object) appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ' '); } else ctx->first = bms_del_member(ctx->first, ctx->level); }
/* * GetAnyDataNode * Pick any data node from given set, but try a preferred node */ int GetAnyDataNode(Bitmapset *nodes) { Bitmapset *preferred = NULL; int i, nodeid; int nmembers = 0; int members[NumDataNodes]; for (i = 0; i < num_preferred_data_nodes; i++) { char ntype = PGXC_NODE_DATANODE; nodeid = PGXCNodeGetNodeId(preferred_data_node[i], &ntype); /* OK, found one */ if (bms_is_member(nodeid, nodes)) preferred = bms_add_member(preferred, nodeid); } /* * If no preferred data nodes or they are not in the desired set, pick up * from the original set. */ if (bms_is_empty(preferred)) preferred = bms_copy(nodes); /* * Load balance. * We can not get item from the set, convert it to array */ while ((nodeid = bms_first_member(preferred)) >= 0) members[nmembers++] = nodeid; bms_free(preferred); /* If there is a single member nothing to balance */ if (nmembers == 1) return members[0]; /* * In general, the set may contain any number of nodes, and if we save * previous returned index for load balancing the distribution won't be * flat, because small set will probably reset saved value, and lower * indexes will be picked up more often. * So we just get a random value from 0..nmembers-1. */ return members[((unsigned int) random()) % nmembers]; }
static void json_objend(void *state) { pgspParserContext *ctx = (pgspParserContext *)state; if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE) { if (!bms_is_member(ctx->level, ctx->first)) appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, '\n'); appendStringInfoSpaces(ctx->dest, (ctx->level - 1) * INDENT_STEP); } appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, '}'); ctx->level--; ctx->last_elem_is_object = true; ctx->first = bms_del_member(ctx->first, ctx->level); ctx->fname = NULL; }
/* * fixup_whole_row_references * * When user reference a whole of row, it is equivalent to reference to * all the user columns (not system columns). So, we need to fix up the * given bitmapset, if it contains a whole of the row reference. */ static Bitmapset * fixup_whole_row_references(Oid relOid, Bitmapset *columns) { Bitmapset *result; HeapTuple tuple; AttrNumber natts; AttrNumber attno; int index; /* if no whole of row references, do not anything */ index = InvalidAttrNumber - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber; if (!bms_is_member(index, columns)) return columns; /* obtain number of attributes */ tuple = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relOid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", relOid); natts = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->relnatts; ReleaseSysCache(tuple); /* fix up the given columns */ result = bms_copy(columns); result = bms_del_member(result, index); for (attno = 1; attno <= natts; attno++) { tuple = SearchSysCache2(ATTNUM, ObjectIdGetDatum(relOid), Int16GetDatum(attno)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) continue; if (((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attisdropped) continue; index = attno - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber; result = bms_add_member(result, index); ReleaseSysCache(tuple); } return result; }
/* * dependency_is_fully_matched * checks that a functional dependency is fully matched given clauses on * attributes (assuming the clauses are suitable equality clauses) */ static bool dependency_is_fully_matched(MVDependency *dependency, Bitmapset *attnums) { int j; /* * Check that the dependency actually is fully covered by clauses. We have * to translate all attribute numbers, as those are referenced */ for (j = 0; j < dependency->nattributes; j++) { int attnum = dependency->attributes[j]; if (!bms_is_member(attnum, attnums)) return false; } return true; }
static void xml_aeend(void *state, bool isnull) { pgspParserContext *ctx = (pgspParserContext *)state; char *tag; /* * The "Plan" in "Plans" or "Item" nodes are implicitly represented in * JSON format. Restore it for XML format. */ if (bms_is_member(ctx->level, ctx->not_item)) { if (ctx->processing == P_Plan) tag = "</Plan>"; else tag = "</Trigger>"; } else tag = "</Item>"; appendStringInfoString(ctx->dest, tag); ctx->level--; }
/* * check_relation_privileges * * It actually checks required permissions on a certain relation * and its columns. */ static bool check_relation_privileges(Oid relOid, Bitmapset *selected, Bitmapset *inserted, Bitmapset *updated, uint32 required, bool abort_on_violation) { ObjectAddress object; char *audit_name; Bitmapset *columns; int index; char relkind = get_rel_relkind(relOid); bool result = true; /* * Hardwired Policies: SE-PostgreSQL enforces - clients cannot modify * system catalogs using DMLs - clients cannot reference/modify toast * relations using DMLs */ if (sepgsql_getenforce() > 0) { Oid relnamespace = get_rel_namespace(relOid); if (IsSystemNamespace(relnamespace) && (required & (SEPG_DB_TABLE__UPDATE | SEPG_DB_TABLE__INSERT | SEPG_DB_TABLE__DELETE)) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("SELinux: hardwired security policy violation"))); if (relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("SELinux: hardwired security policy violation"))); } /* * Check permissions on the relation */ object.classId = RelationRelationId; object.objectId = relOid; object.objectSubId = 0; audit_name = getObjectIdentity(&object); switch (relkind) { case RELKIND_RELATION: case RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE: result = sepgsql_avc_check_perms(&object, SEPG_CLASS_DB_TABLE, required, audit_name, abort_on_violation); break; case RELKIND_SEQUENCE: Assert((required & ~SEPG_DB_TABLE__SELECT) == 0); if (required & SEPG_DB_TABLE__SELECT) result = sepgsql_avc_check_perms(&object, SEPG_CLASS_DB_SEQUENCE, SEPG_DB_SEQUENCE__GET_VALUE, audit_name, abort_on_violation); break; case RELKIND_VIEW: result = sepgsql_avc_check_perms(&object, SEPG_CLASS_DB_VIEW, SEPG_DB_VIEW__EXPAND, audit_name, abort_on_violation); break; default: /* nothing to be checked */ break; } pfree(audit_name); /* * Only columns owned by relations shall be checked */ if (relkind != RELKIND_RELATION && relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) return true; /* * Check permissions on the columns */ selected = fixup_whole_row_references(relOid, selected); inserted = fixup_whole_row_references(relOid, inserted); updated = fixup_whole_row_references(relOid, updated); columns = bms_union(selected, bms_union(inserted, updated)); while ((index = bms_first_member(columns)) >= 0) { AttrNumber attnum; uint32 column_perms = 0; if (bms_is_member(index, selected)) column_perms |= SEPG_DB_COLUMN__SELECT; if (bms_is_member(index, inserted)) { if (required & SEPG_DB_TABLE__INSERT) column_perms |= SEPG_DB_COLUMN__INSERT; } if (bms_is_member(index, updated)) { if (required & SEPG_DB_TABLE__UPDATE) column_perms |= SEPG_DB_COLUMN__UPDATE; } if (column_perms == 0) continue; /* obtain column's permission */ attnum = index + FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber; object.classId = RelationRelationId; object.objectId = relOid; object.objectSubId = attnum; audit_name = getObjectDescription(&object); result = sepgsql_avc_check_perms(&object, SEPG_CLASS_DB_COLUMN, column_perms, audit_name, abort_on_violation); pfree(audit_name); if (!result) return result; } return true; }
/* * Open the local relation associated with the remote one. * * Optionally rebuilds the Relcache mapping if it was invalidated * by local DDL. */ LogicalRepRelMapEntry * logicalrep_rel_open(LogicalRepRelId remoteid, LOCKMODE lockmode) { LogicalRepRelMapEntry *entry; bool found; if (LogicalRepRelMap == NULL) logicalrep_relmap_init(); /* Search for existing entry. */ entry = hash_search(LogicalRepRelMap, (void *) &remoteid, HASH_FIND, &found); if (!found) elog(ERROR, "no relation map entry for remote relation ID %u", remoteid); /* Need to update the local cache? */ if (!OidIsValid(entry->localreloid)) { Oid relid; int i; int found; Bitmapset *idkey; TupleDesc desc; LogicalRepRelation *remoterel; MemoryContext oldctx; remoterel = &entry->remoterel; /* Try to find and lock the relation by name. */ relid = RangeVarGetRelid(makeRangeVar(remoterel->nspname, remoterel->relname, -1), lockmode, true); if (!OidIsValid(relid)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("logical replication target relation \"%s.%s\" does not exist", remoterel->nspname, remoterel->relname))); entry->localrel = heap_open(relid, NoLock); /* * We currently only support writing to regular and partitioned * tables. */ if (entry->localrel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg("logical replication target relation \"%s.%s\" is not a table", remoterel->nspname, remoterel->relname))); /* * Build the mapping of local attribute numbers to remote attribute * numbers and validate that we don't miss any replicated columns * as that would result in potentially unwanted data loss. */ desc = RelationGetDescr(entry->localrel); oldctx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(LogicalRepRelMapContext); entry->attrmap = palloc(desc->natts * sizeof(int)); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldctx); found = 0; for (i = 0; i < desc->natts; i++) { int attnum = logicalrep_rel_att_by_name(remoterel, NameStr(desc->attrs[i]->attname)); entry->attrmap[i] = attnum; if (attnum >= 0) found++; } /* TODO, detail message with names of missing columns */ if (found < remoterel->natts) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("logical replication target relation \"%s.%s\" is missing " "some replicated columns", remoterel->nspname, remoterel->relname))); /* * Check that replica identity matches. We allow for stricter replica * identity (fewer columns) on subscriber as that will not stop us * from finding unique tuple. IE, if publisher has identity * (id,timestamp) and subscriber just (id) this will not be a problem, * but in the opposite scenario it will. * * Don't throw any error here just mark the relation entry as not * updatable, as replica identity is only for updates and deletes * but inserts can be replicated even without it. */ entry->updatable = true; idkey = RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(entry->localrel, INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_IDENTITY_KEY); /* fallback to PK if no replica identity */ if (idkey == NULL) { idkey = RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(entry->localrel, INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_PRIMARY_KEY); /* * If no replica identity index and no PK, the published table * must have replica identity FULL. */ if (idkey == NULL && remoterel->replident != REPLICA_IDENTITY_FULL) entry->updatable = false; } i = -1; while ((i = bms_next_member(idkey, i)) >= 0) { int attnum = i + FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber; if (!AttrNumberIsForUserDefinedAttr(attnum)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("logical replication target relation \"%s.%s\" uses " "system columns in REPLICA IDENTITY index", remoterel->nspname, remoterel->relname))); attnum = AttrNumberGetAttrOffset(attnum); if (!bms_is_member(entry->attrmap[attnum], remoterel->attkeys)) { entry->updatable = false; break; } } entry->localreloid = relid; } else entry->localrel = heap_open(entry->localreloid, lockmode); return entry; }
static void json_ofstart(void *state, char *fname, bool isnull) { word_table *p; pgspParserContext *ctx = (pgspParserContext *)state; char *fn; ctx->remove = false; p = search_word_table(propfields, fname, ctx->mode); if (!p) { ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("JSON parser encoutered unknown field name: \"%s\".", fname), errdetail_log("INPUT: \"%s\"", ctx->org_string))); } ctx->remove = (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_NORMALIZE && (!p || !p->normalize_use)); if (ctx->remove) return; if (!bms_is_member(ctx->level, ctx->first)) { appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ','); if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE) appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, '\n'); } else ctx->first = bms_del_member(ctx->first, ctx->level); if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE) appendStringInfoSpaces(ctx->dest, ctx->level * INDENT_STEP); /* * We intentionally let some property names not have a short name. Use long * name for the cases. */ if (!p || !p->longname) fn = fname; else if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE || !(p->shortname && p->shortname[0])) fn = p->longname; else fn = p->shortname; escape_json(ctx->dest, fn); ctx->fname = fn; ctx->valconverter = (p ? p->converter : NULL); appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ':'); if (ctx->mode == PGSP_JSON_INFLATE) appendStringInfoChar(ctx->dest, ' '); if (p && IS_INDENTED_ARRAY(p->tag)) { ctx->current_list = p->tag; ctx->list_fname = fname; ctx->wlist_level = 0; } }