Example #1
bot_roll_pitch_yaw_to_angle_axis (const double rpy[3], double *theta,
        double axis[3])
    double q[4];
    bot_roll_pitch_yaw_to_quat(rpy, q);
    bot_quat_to_angle_axis (q, theta, axis);
Example #2
#define FAIL_TEST { fprintf(stderr, "bot_quaternion_test failed at line %d\n", \
        __LINE__); return 0; }

    fprintf(stderr, "running quaternion test\n");
    double theta = 0;
    double rvec[] = { 0, 0, 1 };
    double q[4];
    double rpy[3];
    double roll, pitch, yaw;

    bot_angle_axis_to_quat(theta, rvec, q);

    if (! qeq (q, 1, 0, 0, 0)) FAIL_TEST;

    bot_quat_to_roll_pitch_yaw (q, rpy);
    roll = rpy[0]; pitch = rpy[1]; yaw = rpy[2];

    if (! rpyeq (roll,pitch,yaw, 0,0,0)) FAIL_TEST;

    // quat_from_angle_axis
    theta = M_PI;
    bot_angle_axis_to_quat(theta, rvec, q);

    fprintf(stderr,"<%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f>\n", q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]);
    if (! qeq (q, 0, 0, 0, 1)) FAIL_TEST;

    // bot_quat_to_angle_axis
    bot_quat_to_angle_axis (q, &theta, rvec);
    if (!feq (theta, M_PI)) FAIL_TEST;
    if (!feq(rvec[0], 0) || !feq(rvec[1], 0) || !feq(rvec[2], 1)) FAIL_TEST;

    bot_quat_to_roll_pitch_yaw (q, rpy);

    if (! rpyeq (roll,pitch,yaw, 0,0,M_PI)) FAIL_TEST;

    double q2[4];
    double q3[4];
    double axis1[] = { 0, 1, 0 };
    double axis2[] = { 0, 0, 1 };
    bot_angle_axis_to_quat (M_PI/2, axis1, q);
    bot_angle_axis_to_quat (M_PI/2, axis2, q);
    bot_quat_mult (q3, q, q2);
    rvec[0] = 0; rvec[1] = 0; rvec[2] = 1;
    bot_quat_rotate (q, rvec);
    fprintf(stderr, "by q: [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]\n", rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]);
    rvec[0] = 0; rvec[1] = 0; rvec[2] = 1;
    bot_quat_rotate (q2, rvec);
    fprintf(stderr, "by q2: [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]\n", rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]);
    rvec[0] = 0; rvec[1] = 0; rvec[2] = 1;
    bot_quat_rotate (q3, rvec);
    fprintf(stderr, "by q*q2: [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]\n", 
            rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]);
    rvec[0] = 0; rvec[1] = 0; rvec[2] = 1;
    bot_quat_mult (q3, q2, q);
    bot_quat_rotate (q3, rvec);
    fprintf(stderr, "by q2*q: [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]\n", 
            rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]);

    // TODO

#undef FAIL_TEST

    fprintf(stderr, "bot_quaternion_test complete\n");
    return 1;
Example #3
static void on_laser(const lcm_recv_buf_t *rbuf, const char *channel, const bot_core_planar_lidar_t *msg, void *user)
  RendererLaser *self = (RendererLaser*) user;

  /* get the laser channel object based on channel name */
  laser_channel *lchan = g_hash_table_lookup(self->channels_hash, channel);
  if (lchan == NULL) {
    /* allocate and initialize laser channel structure */
    lchan = (laser_channel*) calloc(1, sizeof(laser_channel));
    lchan->enabled = 1;
    lchan->name = bot_param_get_planar_lidar_name_from_lcm_channel(self->bot_param, channel);
    lchan->channel = strdup(channel);
    lchan->projector = laser_projector_new(self->bot_param, self->bot_frames, lchan->name, 1);

    char param_prefix[1024];
    bot_param_get_planar_lidar_prefix(NULL, lchan->name, param_prefix, sizeof(param_prefix));

    char color_key[1024];
    sprintf(color_key, "%s.viewer_color", param_prefix);
    double color[3];
    int color_size = bot_param_get_double_array(self->bot_param, color_key, color, 3);
    if (color_size != 3) {
      ERR("Error: Missing or funny color for planar LIDAR "
      "configuration key: '%s'\n", color_key);
      lchan->color[0] = 1;
      lchan->color[1] = 1;
      lchan->color[2] = 1;
    else {
      lchan->color[0] = color[0];
      lchan->color[1] = color[1];
      lchan->color[2] = color[2];

    lchan->scans = bot_ptr_circular_new(self->param_max_buffer_size, laser_scan_destroy, NULL);

    /* add laser channel to hash table and array */
    g_hash_table_insert(self->channels_hash, lchan->channel, lchan);
    g_ptr_array_add(self->channels, lchan);

    /* add check box */
    if (self->viewer)
      bot_gtk_param_widget_add_booleans(self->pw, 0, lchan->name, lchan->enabled, NULL);

  /* TODO: Optimization - allocate space for local points from a
   circular buffer instead of calling calloc for each scan */

  laser_projected_scan *lscan = laser_create_projected_scan_from_planar_lidar(lchan->projector, msg,
  if (lscan == NULL)
    return; //probably didn't have a pose message yet...
  if(lchan->scans->capacity != self->param_max_buffer_size){
      bot_ptr_circular_resize(lchan->scans, self->param_max_buffer_size);
  if (bot_ptr_circular_size(lchan->scans) > 0) {
    laser_projected_scan *last_scan = bot_ptr_circular_index(lchan->scans, 0);

    /* check for a large time difference between scans (typical when
     jumping around an LCM log file) */
    gboolean time_jump = FALSE;
    int64_t dt = msg->utime - last_scan->utime;
      time_jump = TRUE;

    /* spacial decimation */
    gboolean stationary = FALSE;
    BotTrans delta;
    if (self->param_spacial_decimate && self->param_scan_memory > 10) {
      bot_trans_invert_and_compose(&lscan->origin, &last_scan->origin, &delta);
      double dist = bot_vector_magnitude_3d(delta.trans_vec);
      double rot;
      double axis[3];
      bot_quat_to_angle_axis(delta.rot_quat, &rot, axis);
        stationary = TRUE;

    if (stationary) {
      laser_scan_destroy(NULL, lscan);

  bot_ptr_circular_add(lchan->scans, lscan);

  if (self->viewer)
