void main ( )
void create ( );
void ftraverse ( );
void btraverse ( );
create ( );
btraverse ( );
ftraverse ( );
getch ( );
Example #2
/* load and initialize db from file first menu option function */
void init_db(const char *file)
	/* temp buffers and descriptors */
	FILE *fd;
	char given_id[11];
	char line[256+56+56+4+40];
	char book_name[256];
	char writer[56*2];
	char the_year[4];
	char pub_name[40];

	fd = fopen(file, "r");
	if (!fd)
		fatal("Is there a datafile?");
	/* get the total number of books */
	if (!fgets(line, 8, fd))
		fatal("while reading datafile");

	long n = atol(line);
	if (!n)
		fatal("no sum of books at the first line");
	/* allocate the main database */
	db.arr = smalloc(sizeof(Book)*n);
	db.numberOfBooks = 0;
	/* start parsing the file, delimiter is ';' */
	memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
	printf("Loading file...\n");
	while (fgets(line, sizeof(Book), fd) != NULL) {

		/* erase the previous data */
		memset(given_id, 0, sizeof(given_id));
		memset(book_name, 0, sizeof(book_name));
		memset(writer, 0, sizeof(writer));
		memset(the_year, 0, sizeof(the_year));
		memset(pub_name, 0, sizeof(pub_name));

		/* scanf is like magic */
		sscanf(line, "\"%[0-9]\";\"%[0-9a-zA-Z.:!'?,)( ]\";\"%[0-9a-zA-Z.:',!?)( ]\";\"%[0-9]\";\"%[0-9a-zA-Z.:'!,?)( ]\"",
				given_id, book_name, writer, the_year, pub_name);

		/* the symbols in the scanf sequence are the only ones we accept to
		 * be in the strings and we don't want any weird stuff because they
		 * break the encoding, so we're dropping any books that apper to have
		 * no authors */
		if (strlen(writer) == 0) {
			memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));

		/* set defaults here */
		if (strlen(the_year) == 0)
			strcpy(the_year, "0000");

		/* check for duplicates */
		if (btraverse(atol(given_id), 1) != -1)

		/* Done parsing. Creating book */
		Book *B;
		B = create_book(atol(given_id), book_name, atoi(the_year), pub_name);

		/* creating authors */
		split_create_authors(B, writer);

		/* put it in the actual database */
		db.arr[db.numberOfBooks] = *B;

		/* clean */
		memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
		/* we copy the data above, so we don't need that */