void buf_dbg(struct buffer *buf) { printf("used: %d free: %d get@%d put@%d\n", buf_used(buf), buf_space(buf), buf->get - buf->bs, buf->put - buf->bs); return; }
int buf_put(struct buffer *buf, void *data, int size) { int count; if(!buf || size<1 || !data) return -EINVAL; if(size > buf_space(buf)) size = buf_space(buf); count = buf->bs + buf->size - buf->put; if(size > count) { memcpy(buf->put, data, count); memcpy(buf->bs, data+count, size-count); buf->put = buf->bs + size-count; } else { memcpy(buf->put, data, size); buf->put += size; } return size; }
/***************************************************************************** * Play: play a sound *****************************************************************************/ static int Play(dtaudio_output_t *aout, uint8_t *buf, int size) { aout_sys_t *sys = (aout_sys_t *) aout->ao_priv; int ret = 0; //__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG,TAG, "space:%d level:%d size:%d \n",buf_space(&sys->dbt), buf_level(&sys->dbt), size); if (buf_space(&sys->dbt) > size) { ret = buf_put(&sys->dbt, buf, size); } sys->samples += ret / bytesPerSample(aout); //__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG,TAG, "add sampels, %d add %d \n",sys->samples, ret / bytesPerSample(aout)); /* Fill OpenSL buffer */ WriteBuffer(aout); // will read data in callback return ret; }
static void *audio_decode_loop (void *arg) { int ret; dtaudio_decoder_t *decoder = (dtaudio_decoder_t *) arg; dtaudio_para_t *para = &decoder->aparam; dt_av_frame_t frame; ad_wrapper_t *wrapper = decoder->wrapper; dtaudio_context_t *actx = (dtaudio_context_t *) decoder->parent; dt_buffer_t *out = &actx->audio_decoded_buf; int declen, fill_size; //for some type audio, can not read completly frame uint8_t *frame_data = NULL; // point to frame start uint8_t *rest_data = NULL; int frame_size = 0; int rest_size = 0; int used; // used size after every decode ops adec_ctrl_t *pinfo = &decoder->info; memset(pinfo,0,sizeof(*pinfo)); pinfo->channels = para->channels; pinfo->samplerate = para->samplerate; pinfo->outptr = malloc(MAX_ONE_FRAME_OUT_SIZE); pinfo->outsize = MAX_ONE_FRAME_OUT_SIZE; dt_info (TAG, "[%s:%d] AUDIO DECODE START \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); do { //maybe receive exit cmd in idle status, so exit prior to idle if (decoder->status == ADEC_STATUS_EXIT) { dt_debug (TAG, "[%s:%d] receive decode loop exit cmd \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (frame_data) free (frame_data); if (rest_data) free (rest_data); break; } if (decoder->status == ADEC_STATUS_IDLE) { dt_info (TAG, "[%s:%d] Idle status ,please wait \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); usleep (100); continue; } /*read frame */ if (!decoder->parent) { usleep (10000); dt_info (TAG, "[%s:%d] decoder parent is NULL \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); continue; } ret = audio_read_frame (decoder->parent, &frame); if (ret < 0 || frame.size <= 0) { usleep (1000); dt_debug (TAG, "[%s:%d] dtaudio decoder loop read frame failed \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); continue; } //read ok,update current pts, clear the buffer size if (frame.pts >= 0) { if (decoder->pts_first == -1) { if(frame.pts == DT_NOPTS_VALUE) frame.pts = 0; decoder->pts_first = pts_exchange (decoder, frame.pts); dt_info (TAG, "first frame pts:%lld dts:%lld duration:%d size:%d\n", decoder->pts_first, frame.dts, frame.duration, frame.size); } decoder->pts_current = pts_exchange (decoder, frame.pts); dt_debug (TAG, "pkt pts:%lld current:%lld duration:%d pts_s:%lld dts:%lld buf_size:%d \n", frame.pts, decoder->pts_current, frame.duration, frame.pts / 90000, frame.dts, decoder->pts_buffer_size); decoder->pts_last_valid = decoder->pts_current; decoder->pts_buffer_size = 0; } //repack the frame if (frame_data) { free (frame_data); frame_data = NULL; frame_size = 0; } if (rest_size) frame_data = malloc (frame.size + rest_size); else frame_data = frame.data; if (!frame_data) { dt_error (TAG, "malloc audio frame failed ,we will lost one frame\n"); if (rest_data) free (rest_data); rest_size = 0; continue; } if (rest_size) // no rest data { dt_debug (TAG, "left %d byet last time\n", rest_size); memcpy (frame_data, rest_data, rest_size); free (rest_data); rest_data = NULL; memcpy (frame_data + rest_size, frame.data, frame.size); } frame_size = frame.size + rest_size; rest_size = 0; used = 0; declen = 0; pinfo->inptr = frame_data; pinfo->inlen = frame_size; pinfo->outlen = 0; //free pkt frame.data = NULL; frame.size = 0; DECODE_LOOP: if (decoder->status == ADEC_STATUS_EXIT) { dt_info (TAG, "[%s:%d] receive decode loop exit cmd \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (frame_data) free (frame_data); break; } /*decode frame */ pinfo->consume = declen; used = wrapper->decode_frame (wrapper, pinfo); if (used < 0) { decoder->decode_err_cnt++; /* * if decoder is ffmpeg,do not restore data if decode failed * if decoder is not ffmpeg, restore raw stream packet if decode failed * */ if (!strcmp (wrapper->name, "ffmpeg audio decoder")) { dt_error (TAG, "[%s:%d] ffmpeg failed to decode this frame, just break\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); decoder->decode_offset += pinfo->inlen; } continue; } else if (used == 0 && pinfo->outlen == 0) // used == 0 && out == 0 means need more data { //maybe need more data rest_data = malloc (pinfo->inlen); if (rest_data == NULL) { dt_error ("[%s:%d] rest_data malloc failed\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); rest_size = 0; //skip this frame continue; } memcpy (rest_data, pinfo->inptr, pinfo->inlen); rest_size = pinfo->inlen; dt_info (TAG, "Maybe we need more data\n"); continue; } declen += used; pinfo->inlen -= used; decoder->decode_offset += used; decoder->pts_cache_size = pinfo->outlen; decoder->pts_buffer_size += pinfo->outlen; if (pinfo->outlen == 0) //get no data, maybe first time for init dt_info (TAG, "GET NO PCM DECODED OUT,used:%d \n",used); fill_size = 0; REFILL_BUFFER: if (decoder->status == ADEC_STATUS_EXIT) goto EXIT; /*write pcm */ if (buf_space (out) < pinfo->outlen) { dt_debug (TAG, "[%s:%d] output buffer do not left enough space ,space=%d level:%d outsie:%d \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, buf_space (out), buf_level (out), pinfo->outlen); usleep (1000); goto REFILL_BUFFER; } ret = buf_put (out, pinfo->outptr + fill_size, pinfo->outlen); fill_size += ret; pinfo->outlen -= ret; decoder->pts_cache_size = pinfo->outlen; if (pinfo->outlen > 0) goto REFILL_BUFFER; if (pinfo->inlen) goto DECODE_LOOP; } while (1); EXIT: dt_info (TAG, "[file:%s][%s:%d]decoder loop thread exit ok\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); /* free adec_ctrl_t buf */ if(pinfo->outptr) free(pinfo->outptr); pinfo->outlen = pinfo->outsize = 0; pthread_exit (NULL); return NULL; }