Example #1
// Tests reading the stream across boundaries of what has been buffered so far and what
// the total buffer size is.
static void test_incremental_buffering(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, size_t bufferSize) {
    // NOTE: For this and other tests in this file, we cheat and continue to refer to the
    // wrapped stream, but that's okay because we know the wrapping stream has not been
    // deleted yet (and we only call const methods in it).
    SkMemoryStream* memStream = SkNEW_ARGS(SkMemoryStream, (gAbcs, strlen(gAbcs), false));

    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> bufferedStream(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(memStream, bufferSize));
    test_hasLength(reporter, *bufferedStream.get(), *memStream);

    // First, test reading less than the max buffer size.
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs, bufferSize / 2);

    // Now test rewinding back to the beginning and reading less than what was
    // already buffered.
    test_rewind(reporter, bufferedStream, true);
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs, bufferSize / 4);

    // Now test reading part of what was buffered, and buffering new data.
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs + bufferedStream->getPosition(), bufferSize / 2);

    // Now test reading what was buffered, buffering new data, and
    // reading directly from the stream.
    test_rewind(reporter, bufferedStream, true);
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs, bufferSize << 1);

    // We have reached the end of the buffer, so rewinding will fail.
    // This test assumes that the stream is larger than the buffer; otherwise the
    // result of rewind should be true.
    test_rewind(reporter, bufferedStream, false);
Example #2
ECode Movie::NativeDecodeStream(
    /* [in] */ IInputStream* istream,
    /* [out] */IMovie** movie)
    // NPE_CHECK_RETURN_ZERO(env, istream);
    if (istream == NULL) {
        *movie = NULL;
        return NOERROR;

    AutoPtr<ArrayOf<Byte> > byteArray = ArrayOf<Byte>::Alloc(16*1024);
    // ScopedLocalRef<jbyteArray> scoper(env, byteArray);
    SkStream* strm = CreateInputStreamAdaptor(istream, byteArray);
    if (NULL == strm) {
        *movie = NULL;
        return NOERROR;

    // Need to buffer enough input to be able to rewind as much as might be read by a decoder
    // trying to determine the stream's format. The only decoder for movies is GIF, which
    // will only read 6.
    // FIXME: Get this number from SkImageDecoder
    SkAutoTUnref<SkStreamRewindable> bufferedStream(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(strm, 6));
    SkASSERT(bufferedStream.get() != NULL);

    SkMovie* moov = SkMovie::DecodeStream(bufferedStream);
    return CreateMovie(moov, movie);
// Test using a stream with an initial offset.
static void test_initial_offset(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, size_t bufferSize) {
    SkMemoryStream* memStream = new SkMemoryStream(gAbcs, strlen(gAbcs), false);

    // Skip a few characters into the memStream, so that bufferedStream represents an offset into
    // the stream it wraps.
    const size_t arbitraryOffset = 17;
    std::unique_ptr<SkStream> bufferedStream(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(memStream, bufferSize));

    // Since SkMemoryStream has a length, bufferedStream must also.
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bufferedStream->hasLength());

    const size_t amountToRead = 10;
    const size_t bufferedLength = bufferedStream->getLength();
    size_t currentPosition = 0;

    // Read the stream in chunks. After each read, the position must match currentPosition,
    // which sums the amount attempted to read, unless the end of the stream has been reached.
    // Importantly, the end should not have been reached until currentPosition == bufferedLength.
    while (currentPosition < bufferedLength) {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !bufferedStream->isAtEnd());
        test_read(reporter, bufferedStream.get(), gAbcs + arbitraryOffset + currentPosition,
        currentPosition = SkTMin(currentPosition + amountToRead, bufferedLength);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, memStream->getPosition() - arbitraryOffset == currentPosition);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bufferedStream->isAtEnd());
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bufferedLength == currentPosition);
void VStreamsUnit::_testWriteBufferedStream() {
    // Test VWriteBufferedStream. We'll have it buffer to a (another)
    // memory stream so we don't have to use a file. We'll write some
    // text to it and verify it. We'll seek and skip.

    VMemoryStream           rawStream;
    VWriteBufferedStream    bufferedStream(rawStream);
    VBinaryIOStream         io(bufferedStream);

    io.seek(CONST_S64(-4), SEEK_CUR);
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(rawStream.getIOOffset(), CONST_S64(12), "write-buffered stream offset");

    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(rawStream.getIOOffset(), CONST_S64(20), "write-buffered stream offset");

    VBinaryIOStream    verifier(rawStream);
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(verifier.readS32(), 1234, "write-buffered stream check 1");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(verifier.readS32(), 9012, "write-buffered stream check 2");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(verifier.readS32(), 3456, "write-buffered stream check 3");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(verifier.readS32(), 7890, "write-buffered stream check 4");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(verifier.readS32(), 2468, "write-buffered stream check 5");
Example #5
static void test_peeking_front_buffered_stream(skiatest::Reporter* r,
                                               const SkStream& original,
                                               size_t bufferSize) {
    SkStream* dupe = original.duplicate();
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, dupe != NULL);
    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> bufferedStream(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(dupe, bufferSize));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bufferedStream != NULL);
    test_peeking_stream(r, bufferedStream, bufferSize);
Example #6
static void test_peeking_front_buffered_stream(skiatest::Reporter* r,
                                               const SkStream& original,
                                               size_t bufferSize) {
    SkStream* dupe = original.duplicate();
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, dupe != nullptr);
    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> bufferedStream(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(dupe, bufferSize));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bufferedStream != nullptr);

    size_t peeked = 0;
    for (size_t i = 1; !bufferedStream->isAtEnd(); i++) {
        const size_t unpeekableBytes = compare_peek_to_read(r, bufferedStream, i);
        if (unpeekableBytes > 0) {
            // This could not have returned a number greater than i.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, unpeekableBytes <= i);

            // We have reached the end of the buffer. Verify that it was at least
            // bufferSize.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, peeked + i - unpeekableBytes >= bufferSize);
            // No more peeking is supported.
        peeked += i;

    // Test that attempting to peek beyond the length of the buffer does not prevent rewinding.
    bufferedStream.reset(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(original.duplicate(), bufferSize));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bufferedStream != nullptr);

    const size_t bytesToPeek = bufferSize + 1;
    SkAutoMalloc peekStorage(bytesToPeek);
    SkAutoMalloc readStorage(bytesToPeek);

    for (size_t start = 0; start <= bufferSize; start++) {
        // Skip to the starting point
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bufferedStream->skip(start) == start);

        const size_t bytesPeeked = bufferedStream->peek(peekStorage.get(), bytesToPeek);
        if (0 == bytesPeeked) {
            // Peeking should only fail completely if we have read/skipped beyond the buffer.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, start >= bufferSize);

        // Only read the amount that was successfully peeked.
        const size_t bytesRead = bufferedStream->read(readStorage.get(), bytesPeeked);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bytesRead == bytesPeeked);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !memcmp(peekStorage.get(), readStorage.get(), bytesPeeked));

        // This should be safe to rewind.
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bufferedStream->rewind());
// This test ensures that buffering the exact length of the stream and attempting to read beyond it
// does not invalidate the buffer.
static void test_read_beyond_buffer(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, size_t bufferSize) {
    // Use a stream that behaves like Android's stream.
    AndroidLikeMemoryStream* memStream =
            new AndroidLikeMemoryStream((void*)gAbcs, bufferSize, false);

    // Create a buffer that matches the length of the stream.
    std::unique_ptr<SkStream> bufferedStream(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(memStream, bufferSize));
    test_hasLength(reporter, *bufferedStream.get(), *memStream);

    // Attempt to read one more than the bufferSize
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream.get(), gAbcs, bufferSize + 1);
    test_rewind(reporter, bufferedStream.get(), true);

    // Ensure that the initial read did not invalidate the buffer.
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream.get(), gAbcs, bufferSize);
Example #8
static void test_perfectly_sized_buffer(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, size_t bufferSize) {
    SkMemoryStream* memStream = SkNEW_ARGS(SkMemoryStream, (gAbcs, strlen(gAbcs), false));
    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> bufferedStream(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(memStream, bufferSize));
    test_hasLength(reporter, *bufferedStream.get(), *memStream);

    // Read exactly the amount that fits in the buffer.
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs, bufferSize);

    // Rewinding should succeed.
    test_rewind(reporter, bufferedStream, true);

    // Once again reading buffered info should succeed
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs, bufferSize);

    // Read past the size of the buffer. At this point, we cannot return.
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs + bufferedStream->getPosition(), 1);
    test_rewind(reporter, bufferedStream, false);
Example #9
static void test_skipping(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, size_t bufferSize) {
    SkMemoryStream* memStream = SkNEW_ARGS(SkMemoryStream, (gAbcs, strlen(gAbcs), false));
    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> bufferedStream(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(memStream, bufferSize));
    test_hasLength(reporter, *bufferedStream.get(), *memStream);

    // Skip half the buffer.
    bufferedStream->skip(bufferSize / 2);

    // Rewind, then read part of the buffer, which should have been read.
    test_rewind(reporter, bufferedStream, true);
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs, bufferSize / 4);

    // Now skip beyond the buffered piece, but still within the total buffer.
    bufferedStream->skip(bufferSize / 2);

    // Test that reading will still work.
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs + bufferedStream->getPosition(), bufferSize / 4);

    test_rewind(reporter, bufferedStream, true);
    test_read(reporter, bufferedStream, gAbcs, bufferSize);
static jobject movie_decodeStream(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jobject istream) {

    NPE_CHECK_RETURN_ZERO(env, istream);

    jbyteArray byteArray = env->NewByteArray(16*1024);
    ScopedLocalRef<jbyteArray> scoper(env, byteArray);
    SkStream* strm = CreateJavaInputStreamAdaptor(env, istream, byteArray);
    if (NULL == strm) {
        return 0;

    // Need to buffer enough input to be able to rewind as much as might be read by a decoder
    // trying to determine the stream's format. The only decoder for movies is GIF, which
    // will only read 6.
    // FIXME: Get this number from SkImageDecoder
    SkAutoTUnref<SkStreamRewindable> bufferedStream(SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(strm, 6));
    SkASSERT(bufferedStream.get() != NULL);

    SkMovie* moov = SkMovie::DecodeStream(bufferedStream);
    return create_jmovie(env, moov);
Example #11
    // GenerateMachineCode may modify the Module object passed in. Should we clone it first?
    void GenerateMachineCode(llvm::raw_ostream& os, IRModuleEmitter& moduleEmitter, OutputFileType fileType, const MachineCodeOutputOptions& ellOptions)
        llvm::Module& module = *(moduleEmitter.GetLLVMModule());

        llvm::LLVMContext context;
        context.setDiscardValueNames(false); // Don't throw away names of non-global values

        // Verify module if requested
        if (ellOptions.verifyModule && llvm::verifyModule(module))
            throw EmitterException(EmitterError::unexpected, "Module verification failed");

        // Set the triple for the module, and retrieve it as a Triple object
        auto targetTripleStr = ellOptions.targetDevice.triple.empty() ? llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple() : ellOptions.targetDevice.triple;
        llvm::Triple targetTriple{ module.getTargetTriple() };

        // Get the target-specific parser. Note that targetTriple can be modified by lookupTarget.
        std::string error;
        const llvm::Target* target = llvm::TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(ellOptions.targetDevice.architecture, targetTriple, error);
        if (!target)
            throw EmitterException(EmitterError::unexpected, std::string("Couldn't create target ") + error);

        llvm::TargetOptions targetOptions = MakeTargetOptions();
        targetOptions.MCOptions.AsmVerbose = ellOptions.verboseOutput;
        targetOptions.FloatABIType = ellOptions.floatABI;

        llvm::Reloc::Model relocModel = llvm::Reloc::Static;
        llvm::CodeModel::Model codeModel = llvm::CodeModel::Default;

        std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> targetMachine(target->createTargetMachine(targetTriple.getTriple(),

        if (!targetMachine)
            throw EmitterException(EmitterError::unexpected, "Unable to allocate target machine");

        // Build up all of the passes that we want to apply to the module
        llvm::legacy::PassManager passManager;

        // Get a targetLibraryInfo describing the library functions available for this triple,
        // and any special processing we might want to do. For instance, if we want to
        // disable all builtin library functions, do this: `targetLibraryInfo.disableAllFunctions();`
        llvm::TargetLibraryInfoImpl targetLibraryInfo(llvm::Triple(module.getTargetTriple()));

        // ...and add it to the pass manager, so various optimizations can be done
        passManager.add(new llvm::TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass(targetLibraryInfo));

        // Set the data layout of the module to match the target machine

        // Override function attributes based on cpu and features
        if (ellOptions.targetDevice.cpu != "")
            SetFunctionAttributes(ellOptions.targetDevice.cpu, ellOptions.targetDevice.features, module);

        // Set up passes to emit code to a memory stream
        llvm::SmallVector<char, 0> buffer;
        llvm::raw_svector_ostream bufferedStream(buffer);
        if (targetMachine->addPassesToEmitFile(passManager, bufferedStream, fileType, ellOptions.verifyModule, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr))
            throw EmitterException(EmitterError::unexpected, "target does not support generation of this file type!");

        // Finally, run the passes to emit code to the straem
        passManager.run(module); // run() returns a bool indicating if the module was modified (true if it was)

        if (moduleEmitter.GetDiagnosticHandler().HadError())
            throw EmitterException(EmitterError::unexpected, "Error compiling module");

        // Write memory buffer to our output stream
        os << buffer;