void SWCNTBuilderWidget::ctor() { ui.setupUi(this); this->readSettings(); this->connect(ui.push_build, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(buildClicked())); this->connect(ui.push_hide, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(close())); }
ossimQtOverviewBuilderDialog::ossimQtOverviewBuilderDialog( QWidget* parent, ossimImageHandler* imageHandler) : QDialog(parent, "ossimQtOverviewBuilderDialog", true), theImageHandler(imageHandler), theWriter(NULL), theMainVBox(NULL), theHBox1(NULL), theSourceImageGroupBox(NULL), theSourceImageLabel(NULL), theHBox2(NULL), theSpacer1(NULL), theBuildButton(NULL), theCloseButton(NULL) { setCaption("Build Overviews"); if (!theImageHandler) { close(); } // Main vertical box. theMainVBox = new QVBoxLayout(this); // First row, display source image file name. theHBox1 = new QHBoxLayout(theMainVBox); theSourceImageGroupBox = new QGroupBox("source image", this); theSourceImageGroupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); QString qs = theImageHandler->getFilename().c_str(); theSourceImageLabel = new QLabel(qs, theSourceImageGroupBox, "theSourceImageLabel"); theHBox1->addWidget(theSourceImageGroupBox); // End of first row. // Second row. theHBox2 = new QHBoxLayout(theMainVBox); theBuildButton = new QPushButton( this, "theBuildButton" ); theBuildButton->setText( "build" ); theBuildButton->setDefault(false); theBuildButton->setAutoDefault(false); theCloseButton = new QPushButton( this, "theCloseButton" ); theCloseButton->setText( "Close" ); theCloseButton->setDefault(false); theCloseButton->setAutoDefault(false); // theHBox2->addWidget(theSpacer1); theHBox2->addWidget(theBuildButton); theHBox2->addWidget(theCloseButton); //--- // Connect all the signals to slots... // // NOTE: // If a push button is set to "default" or "auto default" it will always // call that slot when return is pressed in the dialog. // Since this isn't what I want all defaults are set to off! //--- connect( theBuildButton, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( buildClicked() ) ); connect( theCloseButton, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( closeClicked() ) ); }