Example #1
ParsedAST TestTU::build() const {
  std::string FullFilename = testPath(Filename),
              FullHeaderName = testPath(HeaderFilename);
  std::vector<const char *> Cmd = {"clang", FullFilename.c_str()};
  // FIXME: this shouldn't need to be conditional, but it breaks a
  // GoToDefinition test for some reason (getMacroArgExpandedLocation fails).
  if (!HeaderCode.empty()) {
  Cmd.insert(Cmd.end(), ExtraArgs.begin(), ExtraArgs.end());
  ParseInputs Inputs;
  Inputs.CompileCommand.Filename = FullFilename;
  Inputs.CompileCommand.CommandLine = {Cmd.begin(), Cmd.end()};
  Inputs.CompileCommand.Directory = testRoot();
  Inputs.Contents = Code;
  Inputs.FS = buildTestFS({{FullFilename, Code}, {FullHeaderName, HeaderCode}});
  Inputs.Opts = ParseOptions();
  Inputs.Opts.ClangTidyOpts.Checks = ClangTidyChecks;
  Inputs.Index = ExternalIndex;
  if (Inputs.Index)
    Inputs.Opts.SuggestMissingIncludes = true;
  auto CI = buildCompilerInvocation(Inputs);
  assert(CI && "Failed to build compilation invocation.");
  auto Preamble =
      buildPreamble(FullFilename, *CI,
                    /*OldCompileCommand=*/Inputs.CompileCommand, Inputs,
                    /*StoreInMemory=*/true, /*PreambleCallback=*/nullptr);
  auto AST = buildAST(FullFilename, createInvocationFromCommandLine(Cmd),
                      Inputs, Preamble);
  if (!AST.hasValue()) {
    ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to build code:\n" << Code;
    llvm_unreachable("Failed to build TestTU!");
  return std::move(*AST);
Example #2
 *  buildDefinition
static void
buildDefinition(char * pzDef, char const * pzFile, int line, char * pzOut)
    static char const zSrcFile[] = "    %s = '%s';\n";
    static char const zLineNum[] = "    %s = '%d';\n";

    ag_bool    these_are_global_defs;
    tSuccess   preamble;
    int        re_res;
    char*      pzNextDef = NULL;
    regmatch_t match[2];

    if (*pzDef == '*') {
        these_are_global_defs = AG_TRUE;
        strcpy(pzOut, zGlobal);
        pzOut += sizeof(zGlobal)-1;
        pzOut += sprintf(pzOut, zLineId, line, pzFile);

        pzDef = strchr(pzDef, '\n');
        preamble = PROBLEM;

    } else {
        these_are_global_defs = AG_FALSE;
        preamble = buildPreamble(&pzDef, &pzOut, pzFile, line);
        if (FAILED(preamble)) {
            *pzOut = NUL;

     *  FOR each attribute for this entry, ...
    for (;;) {
         *  Find the next attribute regular expression
        re_res = regexec(&attrib_re, pzDef, COUNT(match), match, 0);
        switch (re_res) {
        case 0:
             *  NUL-terminate the current attribute.
             *  Set the "next" pointer to the start of the next attribute name.
            pzDef[ match[0].rm_so ] = NUL;
            if (pzNextDef != NULL)
                pzOut = emitDefinition(pzNextDef, pzOut);
            pzNextDef = pzDef = pzDef + match[1].rm_so;

        case REG_NOMATCH:
             *  No more attributes.
            if (pzNextDef == NULL) {
                *pzOut++ = '\n'; *pzOut++ = '#';
                sprintf(pzOut,  zNoData, pzFile, line);
                fputs(pzOut, stderr);
                pzOut += strlen(pzOut);

            pzOut = emitDefinition(pzNextDef, pzOut);
            goto eachAttrDone;

            char zRER[ MAXNAMELEN ];
            static char const zErr[] = "error %d (%s) finding `%s' in\n%s\n\n";
            regerror(re_res, &attrib_re, zRER, sizeof(zRER));
            *pzOut++ = '\n';
            *pzOut++ = '#';
            sprintf(pzOut, zErr, re_res, zRER, zAttribRe, pzDef);
            fprintf(stderr, "getdefs:  %s", zErr);
    } eachAttrDone:;

    if (these_are_global_defs) {
        *pzOut = NUL;

        int    ct  = STACKCT_OPT(COMMON_ASSIGN);
        char const ** ppz = STACKLST_OPT(COMMON_ASSIGN);
        do  {
            pzOut += sprintf(pzOut, "    %s;\n", *ppz++);
        } while (--ct > 0);

        pzOut += sprintf(pzOut, zSrcFile, OPT_ARG(SRCFILE), pzFile);

        pzOut += sprintf(pzOut, zLineNum, OPT_ARG(LINENUM), line);

     *  IF the preamble had a problem, it is because it could not
     *  emit the final "#endif\n" directive.  Do that now.
    if (HADGLITCH(preamble))
         strcpy(pzOut, "};\n#endif\n");
    else strcpy(pzOut, "};\n");