Example #1
TreeNode *buildTree2(vector<int> &inorder, int istart, int iend, vector<int> &postorder, int pstart, int pend)

    assert(iend - istart == pend - pstart);//个数相同
    if (pend < pstart || iend < istart)
        return NULL;
    if (pend == pstart)//只有一个元素
        return new TreeNode(postorder[pend]);

    int count;
    for (count = istart; count <= iend; count += 1)
        if (inorder[count] == postorder[pend]) break;

    count -= istart;
    TreeNode *root = new TreeNode(postorder[pend]);

    root->left = buildTree2(inorder, istart, istart + count - 1, postorder, pstart, pstart + count - 1);
    root->right = buildTree2(inorder, istart + count + 1, iend, postorder, pstart + count, pend - 1);
    return root;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
  // the original tree
  struct node *root = createTree();
  inOrderT(root); printf("\n");
  preOrderT(root); printf("\n");

  // creating inOrder and preOrder arrays
  int inOrderElements[10] = {15, 28, 32, 56, 60, 70, 75, 81, 83, 94};
  int preOrderElements[10] = {60, 32, 15, 28, 56, 70, 83, 75, 81, 94};
  struct node *inOrder[10];
  struct node *preOrder[10];
  int i = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    inOrder[i] = newNode(inOrderElements[i]);
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    preOrder[i] = newNode(preOrderElements[i]);

  int currRootIdx = 0;
  struct node *root2 = buildTree2(inOrder, preOrder, &currRootIdx, 0, 10 - 1);
  inOrderT(root2); printf("\n");
  preOrderT(root2); printf("\n");
  return 0;
Example #3
TreeNode *buildTree2(TreeNode ** in, TreeNode ** po, int count)
    Given preorder and inorder traversal of a tree, construct the binary tree.
    You may assume that duplicates do not exist in the tree.

    if (in == NULL || po == NULL)//参数有误
        return NULL;
    if (count == 0)
        return NULL;

    if (count == 1)
        assert(*in == *po);

        (*in)->right = NULL;
        (*in)->left = NULL;
        return *in;

    int lcount = 0;
    for (lcount = 0; lcount < count; lcount += 1)
        if (po[count - 1] == in[lcount])

    (po[count - 1])->left = buildTree2(in, po, lcount);
    (po[count - 1])->right = buildTree2(in + lcount + 1, po + lcount, count - lcount - 1);

    return po[count - 1];
struct node *buildTree2(struct node *inOrder[], struct node *preOrder[],
                        int *currRootIdx, int f, int l) {
  if (f < 0 || l >= 10 || f > l) {
    return NULL;
  // Split the inOrder into two calls at root; recurse into two subtrees and
  // create the tree rooted at root
  int rootIdx;
  for (rootIdx = f; rootIdx <= l; rootIdx++) {
    if (inOrder[rootIdx]->data == preOrder[*currRootIdx]->data) {
  /* printf("(%d, %d) : %d, %d\n", f, l, rootIdx, *currRootIdx); */
  // seek to the next root in the preOrder array

  struct node *r = inOrder[rootIdx];
  r->left = buildTree2(inOrder, preOrder, currRootIdx, f, rootIdx - 1);
  r->right = buildTree2(inOrder, preOrder, currRootIdx, rootIdx + 1, l);
  return r;
Example #5
TreeNode *buildTree2(vector<int> &inorder, vector<int> &postorder)
    Given inorder and postorder traversal of a tree, construct the binary tree.

    You may assume that duplicates do not exist in the tree.
    assert(inorder.size() == postorder.size());
    if (inorder.size() == 0)
        return NULL;

    return  buildTree2(inorder, 0, inorder.size() - 1, postorder, 0, postorder.size() - 1);