Example #1
//--------- Begin of function FirmArray::generate_firm ---------//
// Generate a firm for new games or when editing scenarios.
// <int> xLoc        = the x location of the firm to be built
// <int> yLoc        = the y location of the firm to be built
// <int> nationRecno = the nation which builds this firm
// <int> firmId      = firm type id.
// [char*] buildCode = the build code of the firm, no need to give if the firm just have one build type
// Return : <int> the record no. of the newly added firm
int FirmArray::generate_firm(int xLoc, int yLoc, int nationRecno, int firmId, char* buildCode)
	int firmRecno = build_firm(xLoc, yLoc, nationRecno, firmId, buildCode, 0, false, true);		// true-no cost for building the firm

	if( !firmRecno )		// no space for building the firm
		return 0;


	return firmRecno;
Example #2
//---- Begin of function FirmArray::upgrade_firm ----//
// Upgrade a firm from one type to another. The upgraded firm
// must be derived from the original firm.
// <int> oldFirmRecno - the recno of the old firm.
// <int> newFirmId	 - the id. of the new firm.
void FirmArray::upgrade_firm(int oldFirmRecno, int newFirmId)
	int oldFirmId = firm_array[oldFirmRecno]->firm_id;

	int oldFirmSize = firm_class_size(oldFirmId);
	int newFirmSize = firm_class_size(newFirmId);

	// ##### begin Gilbert 4/11 ######//
	int oldSelectedRecno = firm_array.selected_recno;	// del_firm may clear firm_array.selected_recno
	// ##### end Gilbert 4/11 ######//

	//---- backup this FirmArray first -----//

	Firm* oldFirmBackup;

	Firm* oldFirm = firm_array[oldFirmRecno];

	oldFirmBackup = (Firm*) mem_add( oldFirmSize );	// use mem_add() instead of new new bypass calling construcnewr and destrucnewr

	memcpy( oldFirmBackup, oldFirm, oldFirmSize );

	//--- reset the content of the derived class before deinit it so that it won't call deinit functions unnecessarily ---//

	if( oldFirm->firm_id == FIRM_CAMP )
		memset( (char*)oldFirm + sizeof(Firm), 0, sizeof(FirmCamp) - sizeof(Firm) );

	//--- delete this FirmArray and create a new FirmFort ---//

	del_firm( oldFirmRecno );

	disable_reuse_interval();		// temporarily disable reuse interval checking new let the new fort use the same recno as the deleted camp.
	base_obj_array.disable_reuse_interval();		// temporarily disable reuse interval checking new let the new fort use the same recno as the deleted camp.

	int newFirmRecno = build_firm( oldFirmBackup->loc_x1, oldFirmBackup->loc_y1,
		oldFirmBackup->nation_recno, newFirmId, race_res[oldFirmBackup->race_id]->code, 0, 1 );		// 1-upgrade firm 


	Firm* newFirm = firm_array[newFirmRecno];

	//---- copy the content of the original camp to the new fort ----//

	oldFirmBackup->upgrading_firm_id = 0;
	oldFirmBackup->firm_id 				= newFirm->firm_id;     	// as we copy firmBackUp to newFirm, we need to preserve some vars
	oldFirmBackup->firm_build_id 		= newFirm->firm_build_id;
	oldFirmBackup->base_obj_recno		= newFirm->base_obj_recno;

	// ####### begin Gilbert 4/11 ######//
	// selected_recno = newFirmRecno;
	// ####### end Gilbert 4/11 ######//

	memcpy( (char*)newFirm + sizeof(void*), (char*)oldFirmBackup + sizeof(void*),
			  oldFirmSize - sizeof(void*) );

	//------ free oldFirmBackup -------//

	mem_del( oldFirmBackup );
	// ##### begin Gilbert 4/11 ######//
	if( oldSelectedRecno == oldFirmRecno )
		firm_array.selected_recno = newFirmRecno;
	// ##### end Gilbert 4/11 ######//
Example #3
void Unit::resume_original_action()
	if( !original_action_mode )

	//--------- If it is an attack action ---------//

	if( original_action_mode == ACTION_ATTACK_UNIT ||
		 original_action_mode == ACTION_ATTACK_FIRM ||
		 original_action_mode == ACTION_ATTACK_TOWN )


	if( original_action_x_loc<0 || original_action_x_loc>=MAX_WORLD_X_LOC ||
		 original_action_y_loc<0 || original_action_y_loc>=MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC )
		original_action_mode = 0;

	short selectedArray[1];
	selectedArray[0] = sprite_recno;		// use unit_array.attack() instead of unit.attack_???() as we are unsure about what type of object the target is.

	Location* locPtr = world.get_loc(original_action_x_loc, original_action_y_loc);

	//--------- resume assign to town -----------//

	if( original_action_mode == ACTION_ASSIGN_TO_TOWN && locPtr->is_town() )
		if( locPtr->town_recno() == original_action_para &&
			 town_array[original_action_para]->nation_recno == nation_recno )
			unit_array.assign( original_action_x_loc, original_action_y_loc, 0,
									 COMMAND_AUTO, selectedArray, 1 );

	//--------- resume assign to firm ----------//

	else if( original_action_mode == ACTION_ASSIGN_TO_FIRM && locPtr->is_firm() )
		if( locPtr->firm_recno() == original_action_para &&
			 firm_array[original_action_para]->nation_recno == nation_recno )
			unit_array.assign( original_action_x_loc, original_action_y_loc, 0,
									 COMMAND_AUTO, selectedArray, 1 );

	//--------- resume build firm ---------//

	else if( original_action_mode == ACTION_BUILD_FIRM )
		if( world.can_build_firm( original_action_x_loc, original_action_y_loc,
										  original_action_para, sprite_recno ) )
			build_firm( original_action_x_loc, original_action_y_loc,
							original_action_para, COMMAND_AUTO );

	//--------- resume settle ---------//

	else if( original_action_mode == ACTION_SETTLE )
		if( world.can_build_town( original_action_x_loc, original_action_y_loc, sprite_recno ) )
			unit_array.settle( original_action_x_loc, original_action_y_loc,
									 0, COMMAND_AUTO, selectedArray, 1 );

	//--------- resume move ----------//

	else if( original_action_mode == ACTION_MOVE )
		unit_array.move_to( original_action_x_loc, original_action_y_loc, 0,
								  selectedArray, 1, COMMAND_AUTO );

	original_action_mode = 0;