Example #1
/**@brief Function for handling the timeout that delays reporting buttons as pushed.
 * @details    The detection_delay_timeout_handler(...) is a call-back issued from the app_timer
 *             module. It is called with the p_context parameter. The p_context parameter is
 *             provided to the app_timer module when a timer is started, using the call
 *             @ref app_timer_start. On @ref app_timer_start the p_context will be holding the
 *             currently pressed buttons.
 * @param[in]  p_context   Pointer used for passing information app_start_timer() was called.
 *                         In the app_button module the p_context holds information on pressed
 *                         buttons.
static void detection_delay_timeout_handler(void * p_context)
    uint32_t err_code;
    uint32_t current_state_pins;

    // Get current state of pins.
    err_code = app_gpiote_pins_state_get(m_gpiote_user_id, &current_state_pins);

    if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)

    uint8_t i;
    // Pushed button(s) detected, execute button handler(s).
    for (i = 0; i < m_button_count; i++)
        app_button_cfg_t * p_btn = &mp_buttons[i];

        if (((m_pin_transition.high_to_low & (1 << p_btn->pin_no)) != 0) && (p_btn->button_handler != NULL))
            //If it's active high then going from high to low was a release of the button.
            if(p_btn->active_state == APP_BUTTON_ACTIVE_HIGH)
                button_handler_execute(p_btn, APP_BUTTON_RELEASE);
            //If it's active low then going from high to low was a push of the button.
                button_handler_execute(p_btn, APP_BUTTON_PUSH);
        else if (((m_pin_transition.low_to_high & (1 << p_btn->pin_no)) != 0) && (p_btn->button_handler != NULL))
            //If it's active high then going from low to high was a push of the button.
            if(p_btn->active_state == APP_BUTTON_ACTIVE_HIGH)
            //If it's active low then going from low to high was a release of the button.
Example #2
/**@brief Timeout handler for delaying reporting buttons as pushed.
 * @details    The detection_delay_timeout_handler(...) is a call-back issued from the app_timer
 *             module. It is called with the p_context parameter. The p_context parameter is
 *             provided to the app_timer module when a timer is started, using the call
 *             @ref app_timer_start. On @ref app_timer_start the p_context will be holding the
 *             currently pressed buttons.
 * @param[in]  p_context   Pointer used for passing information app_start_timer() was called.
 *                         In the app_button module the p_context holds information on pressed
 *                         buttons.
static void detection_delay_timeout_handler(void * p_context)
    uint32_t err_code;
    uint32_t event_pins_mask;
    uint32_t current_state_pins;
    uint32_t active_pins         = 0;

    // Get state of pins when timer was started.
    event_pins_mask = (uint32_t)p_context;
    // Get current state of pins.
    err_code = app_gpiote_pins_state_get(m_gpiote_user_id, &current_state_pins);
    if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)

    active_pins      = current_state_pins & m_active_high_states_mask;
    active_pins     |= (~current_state_pins & m_active_low_states_mask);
    event_pins_mask &= active_pins;

    // Check if any event generating pins are still active.
    if (event_pins_mask != 0)
        uint8_t i;
        // Pushed button(s) detected, execute button handler(s).
        for (i = 0; i < m_button_count; i++)
            app_button_cfg_t * p_btn = &mp_buttons[i];
            if (((event_pins_mask & (1 << p_btn->pin_no)) != 0) && (p_btn->button_handler != NULL))