Example #1
 * v_wordb -- [count]b
 *	Move backward a word at a time.
 * PUBLIC: int v_wordb __P((SCR *, VICMD *));
v_wordb(SCR *sp, VICMD *vp)
	return (bword(sp, vp, LITTLEWORD));
Example #2
 * v_WordB -- [count]B
 *	Move backward a bigword at a time.
 * PUBLIC: int v_wordB __P((SCR *, VICMD *));
v_wordB(SCR *sp, VICMD *vp)
	return (bword(sp, vp, BIGWORD));
Example #3
int unpack5 (void)
 int i;		/* index */
 static int indicator = 0x47524942;	/* GRIB */
 const int lenis = 8;	/* length of IS Indicator Section always 8 */
 int lenpds;		/* length of Product Definition Section in bytes PDS */
 int locpds;		/* location of Product Definition Section, bytes PDS */
 int lengds;		/* length of Grid Description Section in bytes GDS */
 int locgds;		/* location of Grid Description Section in bytes GDS */
 int lenbds;		/* length of Binary Data Section in bytes BDS */
 int lenbms;		/* length of Bit Map Section in bytes BMS */
 int locbms, locbds;
 int flag_gds_bms;
 int grid_id;		/* grid identification byte 7 */
 unsigned short int scaledx;	/* decimal scaling factor with sign bit */
 unsigned short int scalebx;	/* binary scaling factor with sign bit */
 int dscale;	/* decimal scaling factor, negative is twos compliment */
 int bscale;	/* decimal scaling factor, negative is twos compliment */
 int qno;
 int stat;	/* status of call to x9ie32 & gribinfo */
 int n_bits;	/* number of bits for a packed data point */
 int is;	/* index for unpacking grid, byte based */
 int exw;	/* packed value for one gridpoint */
 int ref_val_ibm;
 float ref_val;
 float Min, Max;	/* min-max values of unpacked grid */
 float bsc, dsc;	/* binary and decimal scaling factors */
 float fexw;	/* floating point unpacked gridpoint vallue */
 const float rho = 1.225;	/* kg/m**3 */
 const float g   = 9.81;	/* m/s**2 */
 const float pvvscale = -1./(rho*g);
 if (bug>3) printf("in unpack5\n"); if(bug>3) fflush(NULL); /* DEBUG */
 if(buf[0] != indicator) {printf("incorrect indicator %.4s %08x\n",buf,buf[0]);}
 stat = gribinfo ();
 if (stat == -2) {printf("error return from gribinfo\n"); return -2;}
 if (stat !=  0) {printf("error return from gribinfo\n"); return -1;}
 locpds = lenis;
 lenpds = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds, 3);
 flag_gds_bms = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds+7, 1);
 locgds = locpds + lenpds;
 if ((flag_gds_bms & 0x00000080) > 0)
  {lengds = bword ( (char *)buf, locgds, 3);}
  {lengds = 0;}	/* grid descriptor section not present */
 locbms = locgds + lengds;
 if ((flag_gds_bms & 0x00000040) > 0)
  {lenbms = bword ( (char *)buf, locbms, 3);}
  {lenbms = 0;}	/* bit map section not present */
 locbds = locbms + lenbms;
 lenbds = bword ( (char *)buf, locbds, 3);

 grid_id = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds+6, 1);
 n_bits  = bword ( (char *)buf, locbds+10, 1);
 scaledx = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds+26, 2);
 scalebx = bword ( (char *)buf, locbds+4, 2);
 dscale = lscale(scaledx);
 bscale = lscale(scalebx);
 ref_val_ibm = bword ( (char *)buf, locbds+6, 4);
 qno = 1;	/* number of words to convert from IBM to IEEE format */
 stat = x9ie32 (&ref_val_ibm,&ref_val,qno);
 if (stat != 0) {printf("x9ie32 error \n"); return -1;}
 if (bug > 3) printf("%04x %04x %4d %4d %f\n",	 		/* DEBUG */
        scaledx,scalebx, dscale,bscale, ref_val); /* DEBUG */
 Min = 99999999e2;  Max = -Min;
 if(bscale != 0) {bsc = pow(2.0, (double)bscale);} else {bsc = 1.0;}
 if(dscale != 0) {dsc = pow(10., (double)dscale);} else {dsc = 1.0;}
 is = (locbds + 11) * 8;
 for (i=0; i<gi.gridsize; i++)
   exw = exbits(is,n_bits,buf); is = is + n_bits;
   fexw = (float)exw;
   if (bscale != 0) {fexw = fexw * bsc;}
   fexw = (fexw + ref_val) / dsc;
   exw = (int)fexw;	/* should do scaling here */
   /*jbuff[i] = exw;*/
   ubuf[i] = fexw;
   if (fexw < Min) Min = fexw;  if (fexw > Max) Max = fexw;
 if (bug > 3) printf("min-max %14.6e %14.6e %5d\n", Min, Max, gi.gridsize);
 if (pvv_flag)
  {for(i=0; i<gi.gridsize; i++) ubuf[i] = ubuf[i] * pvvscale;
   if (bug>3) printf("scaled by %f\n", pvvscale); }

 if (bug > 3) printf("exit unpack5\n"); if (bug > 3) fflush(NULL); /* DEBUG */
 return 0;
Example #4
 * Decompress a packed data block. Returns the unpacked length if
 * successful, or negative error codes if not.
 * If COMPRESSOR is defined, it also returns the leeway number
 * (which gets stored at offset 16 into the compressed-file header)
 * in `*leeway', if `leeway' isn't NULL.
long rnc_unpack (void *packed, void *unpacked
		 , long *leeway
		, long packed_len, long unpacked_len) {
    unsigned char *input = packed;
    unsigned char *output = unpacked;
    unsigned char *inputend, *outputend;
    bit_stream bs;
    huf_table raw, dist, len;
    unsigned long ch_count;
    unsigned long ret_len;
    unsigned out_crc;
    long lee = 0;

    if(unpacked_len >= 0) {
        ret_len = unpacked_len;
        outputend = output + ret_len;
        inputend = input + packed_len;
        out_crc = 0;
        goto rnc_unpack_go;
    if (blong(input) != RNC_SIGNATURE)
    return RNC_FILE_IS_NOT_RNC;
    ret_len = blong (input+4);
    outputend = output + ret_len;
    inputend = input + 18 + blong(input+8);

    input += 18;		       /* skip header */

     * Check the packed-data CRC. Also save the unpacked-data CRC
     * for later.
    if (rnc_crc(input, inputend-input) != bword(input-4))
    out_crc = bword(input-6);

    bitread_init (&bs, &input);
    bit_advance (&bs, 2, &input);      /* discard first two bits */

     * Process chunks.
    while (output < outputend) {
	long this_lee;
	read_huftable (&raw, &bs, &input);
	read_huftable (&dist, &bs, &input);
	read_huftable (&len, &bs, &input);
	ch_count = bit_read (&bs, 0xFFFF, 16, &input);

	while (1) {
	    long length, posn;

	    length = huf_read (&raw, &bs, &input);
	    if (length == -1)
	    if (length) {
		while (length--)
		    *output++ = *input++;
		bitread_fix (&bs, &input);
	    if (--ch_count <= 0)

	    posn = huf_read (&dist, &bs, &input);
	    if (posn == -1)
	    length = huf_read (&len, &bs, &input);
	    if (length == -1)
	    posn += 1;
	    length += 2;
	    while (length--) {
		*output = output[-posn];
	    this_lee = (inputend - input) - (outputend - output);
	    if (lee < this_lee)
		lee = this_lee;

    if (outputend != output)

    if (leeway)
	*leeway = lee;

    if(unpacked_len >= 0) {
        // do nothing
    } else {
     * Check the unpacked-data CRC.
    if (rnc_crc(outputend-ret_len, ret_len) != out_crc)
    return ret_len;
Example #5
int gribinfo ()
 static long indicator = 0x47524942;	/* GRIB */
 const int lenis = 8;	/* length of IS Indicator Section always 8 */
 long lenpds;		/* length of Product Definition Section in bytes PDS */
 long locpds;		/* location of Product Definition Section, bytes PDS */
 long lengds;		/* length of Grid Description Section in bytes GDS */
 long lenbds;		/* length of Binary Data Section in bytes BDS */
 int flag_gds_bms;
 unsigned short int scaledx;	/* decimal scaling factor with sign bit */
 unsigned short int scalebx;	/* binary scaling factor with sign bit */
 int dscale;	/* decimal scaling factor, negative is twos compliment */
 int bscale;	/* decimal scaling factor, negative is twos compliment */
 int qno;
 int stat;	/* status of call to x9ie32 & gribinfo */
 int n_bits;	/* number of bits for a packed data point */
 long ref_val_ibm;
 float ref_val;
 int i_param;	/* parameter, type of grid */
 long i_level;	/* indicator of level, 100 is pressure level in mb */

 locpds = lenis;
 gi.locpds = lenis;
 lenpds = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds, 3);
 flag_gds_bms = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds+7, 1);
 gi.lenpds = lenpds;
 gi.locgds = locpds + lenpds;
 if ((flag_gds_bms & 0x00000080) > 0)
  {lengds = bword ( (char *)buf, gi.locgds, 3);}
  {lengds = 0;}	/* grid descriptor section not present */
 gi.lengds = lengds;
 gi.locbms = gi.locgds + lengds;
 if ((flag_gds_bms & 0x00000040) > 0)
  {gi.lenbms = bword ( (char *)buf, gi.locbms, 3);}
  {gi.lenbms = 0;}	/* bit map section not present */
 gi.locbds = gi.locbms + gi.lenbms;
 lenbds = bword ( (char *)buf, gi.locbds, 3);
 gi.lenbds = bword ( (char *)buf, gi.locbds, 3);

 gi.grid_id = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds+6, 1);
 n_bits  = bword ( (char *)buf, gi.locbds+10, 1);
 scaledx = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds+26, 2);
 scalebx = bword ( (char *)buf, gi.locbds+4, 2);
 dscale = lscale(scaledx);
 bscale = lscale(scalebx);
 ref_val_ibm = bword ( (char *)buf, gi.locbds+6, 4);
 qno = 1;	/* number of words to convert from IBM to IEEE format */
 stat = x9ie32 (&ref_val_ibm,&ref_val,qno);
 if (stat != 0) {printf("x9ie32 error %d\n", stat); return -1;}
 if (bug > 3) {
  printf("%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %14.6e",
    scaledx,scalebx, dscale,bscale, ref_val_ibm,ref_val,ref_val);
  printf(" %08x ",ref_val); /* DEBUG */
  printf("%14.6e\n", ref_val); }
 stat = gridproj ();
 if (stat != 0) {printf("error return from gridproj %d\n",stat); return -2;}
 i_param = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds+8, 1);
 i_level = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds+9, 1);
 if (i_level == 100) {gi.level = bword ( (char *)buf, locpds+10, 2);}

 /* Determine if this is a wind field */
 if (i_param == winds.u_id  || i_param == winds.v_id)
  {gi.windflag = 1;}  else  {gi.windflag = 0;}
 return 0;
// If COMPRESSOR is defined, it also returns the leeway number
// (which gets stored at offset 16 into the compressed-file header)
// in `*leeway', if `leeway' isn't NULL.
long rnc_unpack (void *packed, void *unpacked, unsigned int flags
         , long *leeway
    unsigned char *input = (unsigned char *)packed;
    unsigned char *output = (unsigned char *)unpacked;
    unsigned char *inputend, *outputend;
    bit_stream bs;
    huf_table raw, dist, len;
    unsigned long ch_count;
    unsigned long ret_len, inp_len;
    long out_crc;
    long lee = 0;
    if (blong(input) != RNC_SIGNATURE)
    ret_len = blong (input+4);
    inp_len = blong (input+8);
    if ((ret_len>(1<<30))||(inp_len>(1<<30)))
        return RNC_HEADER_VAL_ERROR;

    outputend = output + ret_len;
    inputend = input + 18 + inp_len;

    input += 18;               // skip header

    // Check the packed-data CRC. Also save the unpacked-data CRC
    // for later.

    if (rnc_crc(input, inputend-input) != (long)bword(input-4))
    out_crc = bword(input-6);

    bitread_init (&bs, &input, inputend);
    bit_advance (&bs, 2, &input, inputend);      // discard first two bits

   // Process chunks.

  while (output < outputend)
      long this_lee;
      if (inputend-input<6)
          if (!(flags&RNC_IGNORE_HUF_EXCEEDS_RANGE))
              return RNC_HUF_EXCEEDS_RANGE;
      read_huftable (&raw,  &bs, &input, inputend);
      read_huftable (&dist, &bs, &input, inputend);
      read_huftable (&len,  &bs, &input, inputend);
      ch_count = bit_read (&bs, 0xFFFF, 16, &input, inputend);

      while (1)
        long length, posn;

        length = huf_read (&raw, &bs, &input,inputend);
        if (length == -1)
            if (!(flags&RNC_IGNORE_HUF_DECODE_ERROR))
                return RNC_HUF_DECODE_ERROR;
        if (length)
            while (length--)
                if ((input>=inputend)||(output>=outputend))
                   if (!(flags&RNC_IGNORE_HUF_EXCEEDS_RANGE))
                       return RNC_HUF_EXCEEDS_RANGE;
                *output++ = *input++;
            bitread_fix (&bs, &input, inputend);
        if (--ch_count <= 0)

        posn = huf_read (&dist, &bs, &input,inputend);
        if (posn == -1)
            if (!(flags&RNC_IGNORE_HUF_DECODE_ERROR))
                return RNC_HUF_DECODE_ERROR;
        length = huf_read (&len, &bs, &input,inputend);
        if (length == -1)
            if (!(flags&RNC_IGNORE_HUF_DECODE_ERROR))
                return RNC_HUF_DECODE_ERROR;
        posn += 1;
        length += 2;
        while (length--)
            if (((output-posn)<(unsigned char *)unpacked)
             || ((output-posn)>(unsigned char *)outputend)
             || ((output)<(unsigned char *)unpacked)
             || ((output)>(unsigned char *)outputend))
                   if (!(flags&RNC_IGNORE_HUF_EXCEEDS_RANGE))
                       return RNC_HUF_EXCEEDS_RANGE;
            *output = output[-posn];
        this_lee = (inputend - input) - (outputend - output);
        if (lee < this_lee)
            lee = this_lee;

    if (outputend != output)
        if (!(flags&RNC_IGNORE_FILE_SIZE_MISMATCH))
            return RNC_FILE_SIZE_MISMATCH;

    if (leeway)
        *leeway = lee;

    // Check the unpacked-data CRC.

    if (rnc_crc(outputend-ret_len, ret_len) != out_crc)
        if (!(flags&RNC_IGNORE_UNPACKED_CRC_ERROR))
            return RNC_UNPACKED_CRC_ERROR;

    return ret_len;