Example #1
static void push_var(struct context *context, struct byte_array *program)
    struct byte_array* name = serial_decode_string(program);
    VM_DEBUGPRINT("VAR %s\n", byte_array_to_string(name));
    struct variable *v = find_var(context, name);
    if (!v)
        DEBUGPRINT("variable %s not found\n", byte_array_to_string(name));
    vm_assert(context, v, "variable %s not found", byte_array_to_string(name));
    variable_push(context, v);
Example #2
static void push_str(struct context *context, struct byte_array *program)
    struct byte_array* str = serial_decode_string(program);
    VM_DEBUGPRINT("STR '%s'\n", byte_array_to_string(str));
    struct variable* v = variable_new_str(context, str);
    variable_push(context, v);
Example #3
static void set(struct context *context,
                enum Opcode op,
                struct program_state *state,
                struct byte_array *program)
    struct byte_array *name = serial_decode_string(program);    // destination variable name
    if (!context->runtime)
        VM_DEBUGPRINT("%s %s\n", op==VM_SET?"SET":"STX", byte_array_to_string(name));

    struct variable *value = get_value(context, op);
    DEBUGPRINT("%s %s to %s\n",
               op==VM_SET ? "SET" : "STX",
               variable_value_str(context, value));

    set_named_variable(context, state, name, value); // set the variable to the value
Example #4
// run a file, using the same context
struct context *interpret_file_with(struct context *context, struct byte_array *path) {
    if (NULL == context) {
        context = context_new(NULL, true, true);

    struct byte_array *script = read_file(path, 0, 0);
    assert_message(NULL != script, "file not found: %s\n", byte_array_to_string(path));
    interpret_string(context, script);
    return context;
Example #5
// FOR who IN what WHERE where DO how
static bool iterate(struct context *context,
                    enum Opcode op,
                    struct program_state *state,
                    struct byte_array *program)
    struct byte_array *who = serial_decode_string(program);
    struct byte_array *where = serial_decode_string(program);
    struct byte_array *how = serial_decode_string(program);

#ifdef DEBUG
    DEBUGPRINT("%s %s\n",
               NUM_TO_STRING(opcodes, op),
    if (!context->runtime) {
        if (where && where->length) {
            DEBUGPRINT("%s\tWHERE\n", indentation(context));
            display_code(context, where);
        DEBUGPRINT("%s\tDO\n", indentation(context));
        display_code(context, how);
        return false;

    bool comprehending = (op == VM_COM);
    struct variable *result = comprehending ? variable_new_list(context, NULL) : NULL;

    struct variable *what = variable_pop(context);
    uint32_t len = variable_length(context, what);
    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {

        struct variable *that = list_get_int(context, what, i);
        set_named_variable(context, state, who, that);

        if (where && where->length)
            run(context, where, NULL, true);
        if (!where || !where->length || test_operand(context)) {

            if (run(context, how, NULL, true)) // true if run hit VM_RET
                return true;

            if (comprehending) {
                struct variable *item = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
                array_add(result->list, item);

    if (comprehending)
        stack_push(context->operand_stack, result);
    return false;
Example #6
// creates directory
struct variable *sys_mkdir(struct context *context)
    struct variable *value = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
    struct variable *path = (struct variable*)array_get(value->list.ordered, 1);
    char *path2 = byte_array_to_string(path->str);


    return NULL;
Example #7
struct variable *sys_open(struct context *context)
    struct variable *args = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
    struct variable *path = param_var(args, 1);
    char *path2 = byte_array_to_string(path->str);

    bool result = hal_open(path2);

    struct variable *result2 = variable_new_bool(context, result);
    variable_push(context, result2);
    return NULL;
Example #8
char *param_str(const struct variable *value, uint32_t index)
    if (index >= value->list.ordered->length)
        return NULL;
    const struct variable *strv = (struct variable*)array_get(value->list.ordered, index);
    char *str = NULL;
    switch (strv->type) {
        case VAR_NIL:                                           break;
        case VAR_STR: str = byte_array_to_string(strv->str);    break;
        default:      exit_message("wrong param type");         break;
    return str;
Example #9
// deletes file or folder
struct variable *sys_rm(struct context *context)
    struct variable *value = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
    struct variable *path = (struct variable*)array_get(value->list.ordered, 1);
    char *path2 = byte_array_to_string(path->str);
    assert_message(strlen(path2)>1, "oops");
    char rmcmd[100];
    sprintf(rmcmd, "rm -rf %s", path2);
    if (system(rmcmd))
        printf("\n\nCould not rm %s\n\n", path2);
    return NULL;
Example #10
struct variable *sys_print(struct context *context)
    struct variable *args = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
    assert_message(args && args->type==VAR_SRC && args->list.ordered, "bad print arg");
    for (int i=1; i<args->list.ordered->length; i++) {
        struct variable *arg = (struct variable*)array_get(args->list.ordered, i);
        struct byte_array *str = variable_value(context, arg);
        if (arg->type == VAR_STR)
            str = byte_array_part(str, 1, str->length-2);
        printf("%s\n", byte_array_to_string(str));
    return NULL;
Example #11
struct variable *sys_fileattr(struct context *context)
    struct variable *args = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
    struct variable *path = param_var(args, 1);

    const char *path2 = byte_array_to_string(path->str);
    long siz = file_size(path2);
    long mod = file_timestamp(path2);
    struct variable *siz2 = variable_new_int(context, (int32_t)siz);
    struct variable *mod2 = variable_new_int(context, (int32_t)mod);
    variable_push(context, siz2);
    variable_push(context, mod2 );
    struct variable *result = variable_new_src(context, 2);

    return result;
Example #12
struct byte_array *read_file(const struct byte_array *filename_ba, uint32_t offset, long size) {
    FILE * file;
    char *str;
    const char *filename_str = byte_array_to_string(filename_ba);

    if (!(file = fopen(filename_str, "rb")))
        goto no_file;

    long available;
    if ((available = fsize(file)) < 0)
        goto no_file;
    available -= offset;

    //printf("read_file %s @%d size=%ld available=%ld\n", filename_str, offset, size, available);

    size = size ? MIN(size, available) : available;
    if (size <= 0)
        goto no_file;
    if (size > INPUT_MAX_LEN)
        goto no_file;
    if (!(str = (char*)malloc((size_t)size + 1)))
        goto no_file;
    if (fseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET))
        goto no_file;
    if (fread(str, 1, (size_t)size, file) == EOF)
        goto no_file;
    if (ferror(file))
        goto no_file;
    if (fclose(file))
        goto no_file;

    struct byte_array* ba = byte_array_new_size((uint32_t)size);
    ba->length = (uint32_t)size;
    memcpy(ba->data, str, size);
    return ba;

    DEBUGPRINT("\nCould not read file %s\n", filename_str);
    return NULL;
Example #13
static inline bool vm_trycatch(struct context *context, struct byte_array *program)
    struct byte_array *trial = serial_decode_string(program);
    DEBUGPRINT("TRY %d\n", trial->length);
    display_code(context, trial);
    struct byte_array *name = serial_decode_string(program);
    struct byte_array *catcher = serial_decode_string(program);
    DEBUGPRINT("%sCATCH %s %d\n", indentation(context), byte_array_to_string(name), catcher->length);
    display_code(context, catcher);
    if (!context->runtime)
        return false;

    run(context, trial, NULL, true);
    if (context->vm_exception) {
        set_named_variable(context, NULL, name, context->vm_exception);
        context->vm_exception = NULL;
        return run(context, catcher, NULL, true);
    return false;
Example #14
int write_file(const struct byte_array* path, struct byte_array* bytes, uint32_t from, int32_t timestamp) {
    int result = -1;
    const char *path2 = byte_array_to_string(path);

    FILE *file = fopen2(path2);
    if (NULL == file)
        goto done;

    if (fseek(file, from, SEEK_SET)) {
        goto done;
    // write bytes
    if (NULL != bytes) {
        int r = (int)fwrite(bytes->data, 1, bytes->length, file);
        int s = fclose(file);
        result = (r<0) || s;
    return result;
Example #15
struct variable *builtin_method(struct context *context,
                                struct variable *indexable,
                                const struct variable *index)
    enum VarType it = indexable->type;
    char *idxstr = byte_array_to_string(index->str);
    struct variable *result = NULL;

    if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_LENGTH)) {
        int n;
        switch (indexable->type) {
            case VAR_LST: n = indexable->list.ordered->length;  break;
            case VAR_STR: n = indexable->str->length;           break;
            case VAR_NIL: n = 0;                                break;
                exit_message("no length for non-indexable");
                return NULL;
        result = variable_new_int(context, n);
    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_TYPE)) {
        const char *typestr = var_type_str(it);
        result = variable_new_str_chars(context, typestr);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_STRING)) {
        switch (indexable->type) {
            case VAR_STR:
            case VAR_BYT:
            case VAR_FNC:
                result = variable_copy(context, indexable);
            default: {
                struct byte_array *vv = variable_value(context, indexable);
                result = variable_new_str(context, vv);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_LIST))
        result = variable_new_list(context, indexable->list.ordered);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_KEY)) {
        if (indexable->type == VAR_KVP)
            result = indexable->kvp.key;
            result = variable_new_nil(context);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_VAL)) {
        if (indexable->type == VAR_KVP)
            result = indexable->kvp.val;
            result = variable_new_nil(context);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_KEYS))
        result = variable_map_list(context, indexable, &map_keys);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_VALS))
        result = variable_map_list(context, indexable, &map_vals);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_PACK))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_pack);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_SERIALIZE))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_serialize);
    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_DESERIALIZE))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_deserialize);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_SORT)) {
        assert_message(indexable->type == VAR_LST, "sorting non-list");
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_sort);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_CHAR))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_char);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_HAS))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_has);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_FIND))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_find);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_PART))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_part);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_REMOVE))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_remove);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_INSERT))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_insert);

    else if (!strcmp(idxstr, FNC_REPLACE))
        result = variable_new_cfnc(context, &cfnc_replace);

    return result;