Example #1
void Sun2Intel_DOAS( struct doas_scia *doas )
     register unsigned short nc;

     unsigned int n_cross;

     doas->mjd.days = byte_swap_32( doas->mjd.days );
     doas->mjd.secnd = byte_swap_u32( doas->mjd.secnd );
     doas->mjd.musec = byte_swap_u32( doas->mjd.musec );
     doas->dsrlen = byte_swap_u32( doas->dsrlen );
     doas->intg_time = byte_swap_u16( doas->intg_time );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->vcd );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->errvcd );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->esc );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->erresc );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->rms );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->chi2 );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->goodness );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->amfgnd );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->amfcld );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->reflgnd );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->reflcld );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->refl );

     doas->numiter = byte_swap_u16( doas->numiter );
     n_cross = (doas->numfitp * (doas->numfitp - 1)) / 2;
     for ( nc = 0; nc < n_cross; nc++ ) IEEE_Swap__FLT( &doas->corrpar[nc] );
Example #2
void Sun2Intel_BIAS( struct bias_scia *bias )
     register unsigned short nc;

     unsigned int n_cross;

     bias->mjd.days = byte_swap_32( bias->mjd.days );
     bias->mjd.secnd = byte_swap_u32( bias->mjd.secnd );
     bias->mjd.musec = byte_swap_u32( bias->mjd.musec );
     bias->dsrlen = byte_swap_u32( bias->dsrlen );
     bias->intg_time = byte_swap_u16( bias->intg_time );
     bias->numsegm = byte_swap_u16( bias->numsegm );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->hght );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->errhght );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->vcd );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->errvcd );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->closure );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->errclosure );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->rms );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->chi2 );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->goodness );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->cutoff );

     bias->numiter = byte_swap_u16( bias->numiter );
     n_cross = (bias->numfitp * (bias->numfitp - 1)) / 2;
     for ( nc = 0; nc < n_cross; nc++ ) IEEE_Swap__FLT( &bias->corrpar[nc] );
Example #3
void Sun2Intel_SMCD( struct smcd_gome *smcd )
     register int ni;

     smcd->indx_spec = byte_swap_16( smcd->indx_spec );
     smcd->indx_leak = byte_swap_16( smcd->indx_leak );
     ni = 0;
     do {
	  smcd->indx_bands[ni] = byte_swap_16( smcd->indx_bands[ni] );
     } while ( ++ni < NUM_SPEC_BANDS );
     smcd->utc_date = byte_swap_u32( smcd->utc_date );
     smcd->utc_time = byte_swap_u32( smcd->utc_time );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &smcd->north_sun_zen );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &smcd->north_sun_azim );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &smcd->north_sm_zen );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &smcd->north_sm_azim );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &smcd->sun_or_moon );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &smcd->dark_current );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &smcd->noise_factor );
     smcd->ihr.subsetcounter = byte_swap_u16( smcd->ihr.subsetcounter );
     smcd->ihr.prism_temp    = byte_swap_u16( smcd->ihr.prism_temp );
     smcd->ihr.averagemode   = byte_swap_u16( smcd->ihr.averagemode );
     smcd->ihr.intg.two_byte = byte_swap_u16( smcd->ihr.intg.two_byte );
     ni = 0;
     do { 
	  smcd->ihr.pmd[0][ni] = byte_swap_u16( smcd->ihr.pmd[0][ni] );
	  smcd->ihr.pmd[1][ni] = byte_swap_u16( smcd->ihr.pmd[1][ni] );
	  smcd->ihr.pmd[2][ni] = byte_swap_u16( smcd->ihr.pmd[2][ni] );
     } while ( ++ni < PMD_IN_GRID );
     ni = 0;
     do { 
	  smcd->ihr.peltier[ni] = byte_swap_u16( smcd->ihr.peltier[ni] );
     } while ( ++ni < SCIENCE_CHANNELS );
Example #4
void Sun2Intel_CLD( struct cld_sci_ol *cld )
     register unsigned short np;

     cld->mjd.days = byte_swap_32( cld->mjd.days );
     cld->mjd.secnd = byte_swap_u32( cld->mjd.secnd );
     cld->mjd.musec = byte_swap_u32( cld->mjd.musec );
     cld->dsrlen = byte_swap_u32( cld->dsrlen );
     cld->intg_time = byte_swap_u16( cld->intg_time );

     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->surfpress );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->cloudfrac );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->errcldfrac );
     cld->numpmdpix = byte_swap_u16( cld->numpmdpix );
     cld->fullfree[0] = byte_swap_u16( cld->fullfree[0] );
     cld->fullfree[1] = byte_swap_u16( cld->fullfree[1] );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->toppress );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->errtoppress );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->cldoptdepth );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->errcldoptdep );
     cld->cloudtype = byte_swap_u16( cld->cloudtype );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->cloudbrdf );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->errcldbrdf );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->effsurfrefl );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->erreffsrefl );
     cld->cloudflag = byte_swap_u16( cld->cloudflag );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->aai );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->aaidiag );
     cld->aaiflag = byte_swap_u16( cld->aaiflag );
     for ( np = 0; np < cld->numaeropars; np++ )
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &cld->aeropars[np] );
Example #5
void Sun2Intel_GEO( struct geo_scia *geo )
     register unsigned short ni;

     geo->mjd.days = byte_swap_32( geo->mjd.days );
     geo->mjd.secnd = byte_swap_u32( geo->mjd.secnd );
     geo->mjd.musec = byte_swap_u32( geo->mjd.musec );
     geo->intg_time = byte_swap_u16( geo->intg_time );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &geo->sat_h );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &geo->earth_rad );
     for ( ni = 0; ni < 3; ni++ ) {
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &geo->sun_zen_ang[ni] );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &geo->los_zen_ang[ni] );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &geo->rel_azi_ang[ni] );
     for ( ni = 0; ni < 4; ni++ ) {
	  geo->corner[ni].lon = byte_swap_32( geo->corner[ni].lon );
	  geo->corner[ni].lat = byte_swap_32( geo->corner[ni].lat );
     geo->center.lon = byte_swap_32( geo->center.lon );
     geo->center.lat = byte_swap_32( geo->center.lat );
Example #6
/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Main Program or Function +++++++++++++++*/
int SCIA_LV2_RD_BIAS( FILE *fd, const char bias_name[],
		      unsigned int num_dsd, const struct dsd_envi *dsd, 
		      struct bias_scia **bias_out )
     char         *bias_pntr, *bias_char = NULL;
     size_t       dsd_size, nr_byte;
     unsigned int indx_dsd;
     unsigned int n_cross;

     unsigned int nr_dsr = 0;
     struct bias_scia *bias;
 * get index to data set descriptor
     indx_dsd = ENVI_GET_DSD_INDEX( num_dsd, dsd, bias_name );
     if ( IS_ERR_STAT_FATAL )
     if ( dsd[indx_dsd].size == 0u ) return 0;
     if ( ! Use_Extern_Alloc ) {
	  bias_out[0] = (struct bias_scia *) 
	       malloc( dsd[indx_dsd].num_dsr * sizeof(struct bias_scia));
     if ( (bias = bias_out[0]) == NULL ) 
 * allocate memory to temporary store data for output structure
     dsd_size = (size_t) dsd[indx_dsd].size;
     if ( (bias_char = (char *) malloc( dsd_size )) == NULL ) 
	  NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "bias_char" );
 * rewind/read input data file
     (void) fseek( fd, (long) dsd[indx_dsd].offset, SEEK_SET );
     if ( fread( bias_char, dsd_size, 1, fd ) != 1 )
 * read data buffer to BIAS structure
     bias_pntr = bias_char;
     do {
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->mjd.days, bias_pntr, ENVI_INT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_INT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->mjd.secnd, bias_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->mjd.musec, bias_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->dsrlen, bias_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->quality, bias_pntr, ENVI_CHAR );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_CHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->intg_time, bias_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->numfitp, bias_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  bias->numfitp = byte_swap_u16( bias->numfitp );
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->numsegm, bias_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->hght, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->errhght, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->hghtflag, bias_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->vcd, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->errvcd, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->closure, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->errclosure, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->rms, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->chi2, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->goodness, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->cutoff, bias_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->numiter, bias_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  n_cross = (bias->numfitp * (bias->numfitp - 1u)) / 2u;
	  nr_byte = (size_t) n_cross * sizeof( float );
	  bias->corrpar = (float *) malloc( nr_byte );
	  if ( bias->corrpar == NULL ) 
	       NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "corrpar" );
	  (void) memcpy( bias->corrpar, bias_pntr, nr_byte ); 
	  bias_pntr += nr_byte;
	  (void) memcpy( &bias->vcdflag, bias_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  bias_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;

	  Sun2Intel_BIAS( bias );
     } while ( ++nr_dsr < dsd[indx_dsd].num_dsr );
 * check if we read the whole DSR
     if ( (unsigned int)(bias_pntr - bias_char) != dsd[indx_dsd].size )
     bias_pntr = NULL;
 * set return values
     if ( bias_char != NULL ) free( bias_char );

     return nr_dsr;
Example #7
void Sun2Intel_LFIT( struct lfit_scia *lfit )
     register unsigned short ni, nj, np, nr;

     lfit->mjd.days = byte_swap_32( lfit->mjd.days );
     lfit->mjd.secnd = byte_swap_u32( lfit->mjd.secnd );
     lfit->mjd.musec = byte_swap_u32( lfit->mjd.musec );
     lfit->dsrlen = byte_swap_u32( lfit->dsrlen );
     lfit->intg_time = byte_swap_u16( lfit->intg_time );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->refh );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->refp );
     for ( ni = nj = np = 0; np < lfit->num_rlevel; np++ ) {
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->tangh[np] );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->tangp[np] );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->tangt[np] );
	  for ( nr = 0; nr < lfit->num_species; nr++, ni++ ) {
	       IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->mainrec[ni].tangvmr );
	       IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->mainrec[ni].errtangvmr );
	       IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->mainrec[ni].vertcol );
	       IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->mainrec[ni].errvertcol );
	  for ( nr = 0; nr < lfit->num_scale; nr++, nj++ ) {
	       IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->scaledrec[nj].tangvmr );
	       IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->scaledrec[nj].errtangvmr );
	       IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->scaledrec[nj].vertcol );
	       IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->scaledrec[nj].errvertcol );
/* struct meas_grid */
     for ( np = 0; np < lfit->num_mlevel; np++ ) {
	  lfit->mgrid[np].mjd.days = 
	       byte_swap_32( lfit->mgrid[np].mjd.days );
	  lfit->mgrid[np].mjd.secnd = 
	       byte_swap_u32( lfit->mgrid[np].mjd.secnd );
	  lfit->mgrid[np].mjd.musec = 
	       byte_swap_u32( lfit->mgrid[np].mjd.musec );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->mgrid[np].tangh );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->mgrid[np].tangp );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->mgrid[np].tangt );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->mgrid[np].win_limits[0] );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->mgrid[np].win_limits[1] );
/* struct state_vec */
     for ( np = 0; np < lfit->stvec_size; np++ ) {
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->statevec[np].value );
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->statevec[np].error );
     for ( np = 0; np < lfit->cmatrixsize; np++ )
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->corrmatrix[np] );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->rms );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->chi2 );
     IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->goodness );
     lfit->numiter = byte_swap_u16( lfit->numiter );
     lfit->summary[0] = byte_swap_u16( lfit->summary[0] );
     lfit->summary[1] = byte_swap_u16( lfit->summary[1] );
     for ( np = 0; np < lfit->ressize; np++ )
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->residuals[np] );
     for ( np = 0; np < lfit->num_adddiag; np++ )
	  IEEE_Swap__FLT( &lfit->adddiag[np] );
Example #8
/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Main Program or Function +++++++++++++++*/
int SCIA_OL2_RD_LFIT( FILE *fd, const char lfit_name[],
		      unsigned int num_dsd, const struct dsd_envi *dsd, 
		      struct lfit_scia **lfit_out )
     register unsigned short nl;

     char         *lfit_pntr, *lfit_char = NULL;
     size_t       dsd_size;
     unsigned int indx_dsd, n_rec;

     unsigned int nr_dsr = 0;

     struct lfit_scia *lfit;
 * get index to data set descriptor
     indx_dsd = ENVI_GET_DSD_INDEX( num_dsd, dsd, lfit_name );
     if ( IS_ERR_STAT_ABSENT || dsd[indx_dsd].num_dsr == 0 ) {
          lfit_out[0] = NULL;
          return 0u;
     dsd_size = (size_t) dsd[indx_dsd].size;
 * allocate memory to store output structures
     if ( ! Use_Extern_Alloc ) {
	  lfit_out[0] = (struct lfit_scia *) 
	       malloc( dsd[indx_dsd].num_dsr * sizeof(struct lfit_scia));
     if ( (lfit = lfit_out[0]) == NULL ) 
 * allocate memory to temporary store data for output structure
     if ( (lfit_char = (char *) malloc( dsd_size )) == NULL ) 
	  NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "lfit_char" );
 * rewind/read input data file
     (void) fseek( fd, (long) dsd[indx_dsd].offset, SEEK_SET );
     if ( fread( lfit_char, dsd_size, 1, fd ) != 1 )
 * read data buffer to LFIT structure
     lfit_pntr = lfit_char;
     do { 
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->mjd.days, lfit_pntr, ENVI_INT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_INT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->mjd.secnd, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->mjd.musec, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->dsrlen, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->quality, lfit_pntr, ENVI_CHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_CHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->intg_time, lfit_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->method, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UCHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->refh, lfit_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->refp, lfit_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->refpsrc, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UCHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->num_rlevel, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UCHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->num_mlevel, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UCHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->num_species, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UCHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->num_closure, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UCHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->num_other, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UCHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->num_scale, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UCHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
	  if ( lfit->num_rlevel > 0u ) {
	       lfit->tangh = (float *) 
		    malloc( lfit->num_rlevel * sizeof(float) );
	       if ( lfit->tangh == NULL )
	       (void) memcpy( lfit->tangh, lfit_pntr, 
			      lfit->num_rlevel * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       lfit_pntr += lfit->num_rlevel * ENVI_FLOAT;
	       lfit->tangp = (float *) 
		    malloc( lfit->num_rlevel * sizeof(float) );
	       if ( lfit->tangp == NULL )
	       (void) memcpy( lfit->tangp, lfit_pntr, 
			      lfit->num_rlevel * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       lfit_pntr += lfit->num_rlevel * ENVI_FLOAT;
	       lfit->tangt = (float *) 
		    malloc( lfit->num_rlevel * sizeof(float) );
	       if ( lfit->tangt == NULL )
	       (void) memcpy( lfit->tangt, lfit_pntr, 
			      lfit->num_rlevel * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       lfit_pntr += lfit->num_rlevel * ENVI_FLOAT;
	  n_rec = lfit->num_rlevel * lfit->num_species;
	  if ( n_rec > 0u ) {
	       lfit->mainrec = (struct layer_rec *)
		    malloc( n_rec * sizeof( struct layer_rec ));
	       if ( lfit->mainrec == NULL ) 
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "mainrec" );
	       (void) memcpy( lfit->mainrec, lfit_pntr, 
			      n_rec * sizeof(struct layer_rec) );
	       lfit_pntr += n_rec * sizeof(struct layer_rec);
	  n_rec = lfit->num_rlevel * lfit->num_scale;
	  if ( n_rec > 0u ) {
	       lfit->scaledrec = (struct layer_rec *)
		    malloc( n_rec * sizeof( struct layer_rec ));
	       if ( lfit->scaledrec == NULL ) 
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "scaledrec" );
	       (void) memcpy( lfit->scaledrec, lfit_pntr, 
			      n_rec * sizeof(struct layer_rec) );
	       lfit_pntr += n_rec * sizeof(struct layer_rec);
 * note that meas_grid is not aligned
	  if ( lfit->num_mlevel > 0u ) {
	       lfit->mgrid = (struct meas_grid *)
		    malloc( lfit->num_mlevel * sizeof( struct meas_grid ));
	       if ( lfit->mgrid == NULL ) 
	       nl = 0;
	       do {
		    (void) memcpy( &lfit->mgrid[nl].mjd.days, lfit_pntr, 
				   ENVI_INT );
		    lfit_pntr += ENVI_INT;
		    (void) memcpy( &lfit->mgrid[nl].mjd.secnd, lfit_pntr, 
				   ENVI_UINT );
		    lfit_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
		    (void) memcpy( &lfit->mgrid[nl].mjd.musec, lfit_pntr, 
				   ENVI_UINT );
		    lfit_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
		    (void) memcpy( &lfit->mgrid[nl].tangh, lfit_pntr, 
				   ENVI_FLOAT );
		    lfit_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
		    (void) memcpy( &lfit->mgrid[nl].tangp, lfit_pntr, 
				   ENVI_FLOAT );
		    lfit_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
		    (void) memcpy( &lfit->mgrid[nl].tangt, lfit_pntr, 
				   ENVI_FLOAT );
		    lfit_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
		    (void) memcpy( &lfit->mgrid[nl].num_win, lfit_pntr, 
				   ENVI_UCHAR );
		    lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
		    (void) memcpy( lfit->mgrid[nl].win_limits, lfit_pntr, 
				   2 * ENVI_FLOAT );
		    lfit_pntr += 2 * ENVI_FLOAT;
	       } while ( ++nl < lfit->num_mlevel );
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->stvec_size, lfit_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  lfit->stvec_size = byte_swap_u16( lfit->stvec_size );
	  if ( lfit->stvec_size > 0u ) {
	       lfit->statevec = (struct state_vec *)
		    malloc( lfit->stvec_size * sizeof(struct state_vec) );
	       if ( lfit->statevec == NULL ) 
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "statevec" );
	       (void) memcpy( lfit->statevec, lfit_pntr, 
			      lfit->stvec_size * sizeof( struct state_vec ));
	       lfit_pntr += lfit->stvec_size * sizeof( struct state_vec );
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->cmatrixsize, lfit_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  lfit->cmatrixsize = byte_swap_u16( lfit->cmatrixsize );
	  if ( lfit->cmatrixsize > 0u ) {
	       lfit->corrmatrix = (float *)
		    malloc((size_t) lfit->cmatrixsize * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       if ( lfit->corrmatrix == NULL ) 
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "corrmatrix" );
	       (void) memcpy( lfit->corrmatrix, lfit_pntr, 
			      lfit->cmatrixsize * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       lfit_pntr += lfit->cmatrixsize * ENVI_FLOAT ;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->rms, lfit_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->chi2, lfit_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->goodness, lfit_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->numiter, lfit_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( lfit->summary, lfit_pntr, 2 * ENVI_USHRT );
	  lfit_pntr += 2 * ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->criteria, lfit_pntr, ENVI_UCHAR );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_UCHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->ressize, lfit_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  lfit->ressize = byte_swap_u16( lfit->ressize );
	  if ( lfit->ressize > 0u ) {
	       lfit->residuals = (float *)
		    malloc((size_t) lfit->ressize * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       if ( lfit->residuals == NULL ) 
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "residuals" );
	       (void) memcpy( lfit->residuals, lfit_pntr, 
			      lfit->ressize * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       lfit_pntr += lfit->ressize * ENVI_FLOAT ;
	  (void) memcpy( &lfit->num_adddiag, lfit_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  lfit_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  lfit->num_adddiag = byte_swap_u16( lfit->num_adddiag );
	  if ( lfit->num_adddiag > 0u ) {
	       lfit->adddiag = (float *)
		    malloc((size_t) lfit->num_adddiag * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       if ( lfit->adddiag == NULL ) 
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "adddiag" );
	       (void) memcpy( lfit->adddiag, lfit_pntr, 
				lfit->num_adddiag * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       lfit_pntr += lfit->num_adddiag * ENVI_FLOAT ;
	  Sun2Intel_LFIT( lfit );
     } while ( ++nr_dsr < dsd[indx_dsd].num_dsr );
 * check if we read the whole DSR
     if ( (unsigned int)(lfit_pntr - lfit_char) != dsd[indx_dsd].size )
     lfit_pntr = NULL;
 * set return values
     if ( lfit_char != NULL ) free( lfit_char );

     return nr_dsr;
Example #9
.PURPOSE     read SCIAMACHY level 1c MDS
  call as   nr_mds = SCIA_LV1C_RD_MDS( fd, clus_mask, state, &mds );
            FILE    *fd               : (open) stream pointer
	    ulong64 clus_mask         : mask for cluster selection
	    struct state1_scia *state : structure with States of the product
            struct mds1c_scia  **mds  : structure for level 1c MDS

.RETURNS     number of level 1c MDS read (unsigned int), 
             error status passed by global variable ``nadc_stat''
.COMMENTS    This routine allocates memory for the following variables:
              pixel_ids, pixel_wv, pixel_wv_err, pixel_val, pixel_err, 
unsigned int SCIA_LV1C_RD_MDS( FILE *fd, unsigned long long clus_mask,
			       struct state1_scia *state,
			       struct mds1c_scia **mds_out )
     /*@globals  source;@*/
     /*@modifies source@*/
     register unsigned short nc, ncc, ni, nobs;
     register unsigned int   nr_mds = 0u;

     register unsigned short bcp_in_limb, bcp_deep_space;

     char    *mds_char, *mds_pntr;
     size_t  dsr_length_left, nr_byte;

     unsigned short ubuff;
     unsigned short num_clus_file, num_clus_out;

     struct mds1c_scia *mds = NULL;

     static unsigned short bcp_in_nadir = 0;

     const unsigned char uchar_one = 1;
     const size_t        DSR_Read  = sizeof(struct mjd_envi) + ENVI_UINT;
 * set variable source (= type of MDS)
     source = (int) state->type_mds;
 * count number of cluster to be read
     num_clus_out = 0;
     num_clus_file = state->num_clus;
     for ( nc = 0; nc < num_clus_file; nc++ ) {
	  if ( Get_Bit_LL( clus_mask, 
			   state->Clcon[nc].id - uchar_one  ) == 1ULL )
 * check dimension of the output array mds_out
     if ( num_clus_out == 0u || mds_out == NULL ) {
          if ( mds_out != NULL ) *mds_out = NULL;
          return 0u;
 * allocate memory to store output records
     mds = (struct mds1c_scia *) 
	  malloc( num_clus_out * sizeof(struct mds1c_scia));
     if ( mds == NULL ) NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "mds1_scia" );
     *mds_out = mds;
 * initialize MDS-structure
     nc = 0;
     do {
	  mds[nc].num_obs = 0;
	  mds[nc].num_pixels = 0;
	  mds[nc].pixel_ids = NULL;
	  mds[nc].pixel_wv = NULL;
	  mds[nc].pixel_wv_err = NULL;
	  mds[nc].pixel_val = NULL;
	  mds[nc].pixel_err = NULL;
	  mds[nc].geoN = NULL;
	  mds[nc].geoL = NULL;
	  mds[nc].geoC = NULL;
     } while ( ++nc < num_clus_out );
 * rewind/read input data file
     (void) fseek( fd, (long) state->offset, SEEK_SET );
 * read data set records
     nc = 0;
     do {
	  mds->type_mds    = state->type_mds;
	  mds->state_index = (unsigned char) state->indx;
	  mds->dur_scan    = state->dur_scan;
/* 1 */
	  if ( fread( &mds->mjd, sizeof( struct mjd_envi ), 1, fd ) != 1 )
/* 2 */
	  if ( fread( &mds->dsr_length, ENVI_UINT, 1, fd ) != 1 )
	  mds->dsr_length = byte_swap_u32( mds->dsr_length );
 * now we know the size of this dsr, so read it in memory!
	  dsr_length_left = mds->dsr_length - DSR_Read;
	  mds_char = (char *) malloc( dsr_length_left );
	  if ( mds_char == NULL )
	       NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "mds_char" );
	  if ( fread( mds_char, dsr_length_left, 1, fd ) != 1 )
/* 3 */
	  (void) memcpy( &mds->quality_flag, mds_char, ENVI_CHAR );
	  mds_pntr = mds_char + ENVI_CHAR;
/* 4 */
	  (void) memcpy( &mds->orbit_phase, mds_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  mds_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
/* 5 */
	  (void) memcpy( &ubuff, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  ubuff = byte_swap_u16( ubuff );
	  mds->category = (unsigned char) ubuff;
/* 6 */
	  (void) memcpy( &ubuff, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  ubuff = byte_swap_u16( ubuff );
	  mds->state_id = (unsigned char) ubuff;
/* 7 */
	  (void) memcpy( &ubuff, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  ubuff = byte_swap_u16( ubuff );
	  mds->clus_id = (unsigned char) ubuff;
	  for ( ncc = 0; ncc < state->num_clus; ncc++ )
	       if ( state->Clcon[ncc].id == mds->clus_id ) break;
	  mds->chan_id = state->Clcon[ncc].channel;
	  mds->coaddf  = (unsigned char) state->Clcon[ncc].coaddf;
	  mds->pet     = state->Clcon[ncc].pet;

	  if ( Get_Bit_LL(clus_mask,(unsigned char)(mds->clus_id-1)) != 0ULL ){
/* 8 */
	       (void) memcpy( &mds->num_obs, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	       mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	       mds->num_obs = byte_swap_u16( mds->num_obs );
/* 9 */
	       (void) memcpy( &mds->num_pixels, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	       mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	       mds->num_pixels = byte_swap_u16( mds->num_pixels );
/* 10 */
	       (void) memcpy( &mds->rad_units_flag, mds_pntr, ENVI_CHAR );
	       mds_pntr += ENVI_CHAR;
/* 11 */
	       nr_byte = mds->num_pixels * ENVI_USHRT;
	       mds->pixel_ids = (unsigned short *) malloc( nr_byte );
	       if ( mds->pixel_ids == NULL ) {
		    free( mds_char );
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "pixel_ids" );
	       (void) memcpy( mds->pixel_ids, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
	       mds_pntr += nr_byte;
/* 12 */
	       nr_byte = mds->num_pixels * ENVI_FLOAT;
	       mds->pixel_wv = (float *) malloc( nr_byte );
	       if ( mds->pixel_wv == NULL ) {
		    free( mds_char );
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR(NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "pixel_wv");
	       (void) memcpy( mds->pixel_wv, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
	       mds_pntr += nr_byte;
/* 13 */
	       mds->pixel_wv_err = (float *) malloc( nr_byte );
	       if ( mds->pixel_wv_err == NULL ) {
		    free( mds_char );
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "pixel_wv_err" );
	       (void) memcpy( mds->pixel_wv_err, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
	       mds_pntr += nr_byte;
/* 14 */
	       nr_byte = mds->num_obs * mds->num_pixels * ENVI_FLOAT;
	       mds->pixel_val = (float *) malloc( nr_byte );
	       if ( mds->pixel_val == NULL ) {
		    free( mds_char );
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "pixel_val" );
	       (void) memcpy( mds->pixel_val, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
	       mds_pntr += nr_byte;
/* 15 */
	       mds->pixel_err = (float *) malloc( nr_byte );
	       if ( mds->pixel_err == NULL ) {
		    free( mds_char );
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "pixel_err" );
	       (void) memcpy( mds->pixel_err, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
	       mds_pntr += nr_byte;
/* 16 */
	       switch ( source ) {
	       case SCIA_NADIR:
		    mds->geoN = (struct geoN_scia *) 
			 malloc( mds->num_obs * sizeof( struct geoN_scia ));
		    if ( mds->geoN == NULL ) {
			 free( mds_char );
		    mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoN( mds_pntr, mds->num_obs, 
						  mds->geoN );
 * set Rainbow/Sun glint flags and pixel type: 0 (= backscan) else 1
		    for ( nobs = 0; nobs < mds->num_obs; nobs++ ) {
			 mds->geoN[nobs].glint_flag = 0;

			 bcp_in_nadir += state->Clcon[ncc].intg_time;
			 if ( bcp_in_nadir > 64 ) {
			      mds->geoN[nobs].pixel_type = BACK_SCAN;
			      if ( bcp_in_nadir == 80 ) bcp_in_nadir = 0;
			 } else
			      mds->geoN[nobs].pixel_type = FORWARD_SCAN;
	       case SCIA_LIMB:
		    mds->geoL = (struct geoL_scia *) 
			 malloc( mds->num_obs * sizeof( struct geoL_scia ));
		    if ( mds->geoL == NULL ) {
			 free( mds_char );
		    mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoL( mds_pntr, mds->num_obs, 
						  mds->geoL );
 * set Rainbow/Sun glint flags and pixel type
		    bcp_in_limb = 0;
		    bcp_deep_space =
			 mds->num_obs * state->Clcon[ncc].intg_time - 24;
		    for ( nobs = 0; nobs < mds->num_obs; nobs++ ) {
			 mds->geoL[nobs].glint_flag = 0;
			 mds->geoL[nobs].pixel_type = ALONG_TANG_HGHT;

			 if ( nobs == mds->num_obs-1
			      || bcp_in_limb > bcp_deep_space )
			      mds->geoL[nobs].pixel_type = DEEP_SPACE;
			 else if ( (bcp_in_limb % 24) == 0 )
			      mds->geoL[nobs].pixel_type = NEW_TANG_HGHT;

			 bcp_in_limb += state->Clcon[ncc].intg_time;
	       case SCIA_OCCULT:
		    mds->geoL = (struct geoL_scia *) 
			 malloc( mds->num_obs * sizeof( struct geoL_scia ));
		    if ( mds->geoL == NULL ) {
			 free( mds_char );
		    mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoL( mds_pntr, mds->num_obs, 
						  mds->geoL );
 * set Rainbow/Sun glint flags and pixel type
		    for ( nobs = 0; nobs < mds->num_obs; nobs++ ) {
			 mds->geoL[nobs].glint_flag = 0;
			 mds->geoL[nobs].pixel_type = ALONG_TANG_HGHT;
	       case SCIA_MONITOR:
		    mds->geoC = (struct geoC_scia *) 
			 malloc( mds->num_obs * sizeof( struct geoC_scia ));
		    if ( mds->geoC == NULL ) {
			 free( mds_char );
		    mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoC( mds_pntr, mds->num_obs, 
						  mds->geoC );
 * check if we read the whole DSR
	       if ( (size_t)(mds_pntr - mds_char) != dsr_length_left ) {
		    const char *dsd_names[] = { "UNKNOWN", "NADIR", "LIMB",
		    free( mds_char );
				     dsd_names[source] );
 * byte swap data to local representation
	       Sun2Intel_L1C_MDS( mds );
	       if ( ++nr_mds == num_clus_out ) {
		    free( mds_char );
 * pixel_ids has a value in the range [0..8191]
	       for ( ni = 0; ni < mds->num_pixels; ni++ )
		    mds->pixel_ids[ni] += (mds->chan_id - 1) * CHANNEL_SIZE;
	  free( mds_char );
     } while ( ++nc < num_clus_file );
 * update state-record to reflect the actual clusters to be read
 * note that the dimension of 'mds_out' equals 'num_clus_out'
     num_clus_out = 0;
     for ( nc = 0; nc < num_clus_file; nc++ ) {
	  if ( Get_Bit_LL( clus_mask, 
			   state->Clcon[nc].id - uchar_one ) == 1ULL ) {
	       if ( num_clus_out < nc )
		    (void) memmove( &state->Clcon[num_clus_out], 
				    sizeof( struct Clcon_scia ) );
     state->num_clus = num_clus_out;
 * set return values
     return nr_mds;
     *mds_out = NULL;
     if ( (mds -= nr_mds) != NULL ) SCIA_LV1C_FREE_MDS( source, nr_mds, mds );
     return 0u;
Example #10
.PURPOSE     General function to read one Measurement Data Set
  call as   SCIA_LV1_RD_ONE_MDS( fd, clus_mask, state, mds ); 
            FILE    *fd               : (open) stream pointer
	    ulong64 clus_mask         : mask for cluster selection
	    struct state1_scia *state : structure with States of the product
            struct mds1_scia   **mds  : structure for level 1b MDS

.RETURNS     exits on failure
.COMMENTS    static function
void SCIA_LV1_RD_ONE_MDS( FILE *fd, unsigned long long clus_mask,
			  const struct state1_scia *state,
			  /*@partial@*/ struct mds1_scia *mds )
       /*@globals  errno, nadc_stat, nadc_err_stack, source;@*/
       /*@modifies errno, nadc_stat, nadc_err_stack, fd, mds@*/
     register char           *mds_pntr;
     register unsigned short na, nc, ncc, ni, nr;

     char   *mds_char;
     char   msg[64];
     size_t nr_byte;

     unsigned char *glint_flags;

     const int intg_per_sec = 16 / state->intg_times[state->num_intg-1];
     const unsigned short indx_deep_space = state->num_aux 
	  - (state->intg_times[0] / state->intg_times[state->num_intg-1]);
 * allocate memory for the Sun glint/Rainbow flags
     glint_flags = (unsigned char *) malloc( (size_t) mds->n_aux );
     if ( glint_flags == NULL ) 
	  NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "glint_flags" );
 * allocate memory to temporary store data for output structure
     mds_char = (char *) malloc( (size_t) state->length_dsr );
     if ( mds_char == NULL ) {
	  free( glint_flags );
          NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "mds_char" );
 * read all MDS parameters of this state
     if ( fread( mds_char, (size_t) state->length_dsr, 1, fd ) != 1 ) {
	  (void) snprintf( msg, 64, "MDS[%-u]: read failed", state->indx );
 * read data buffer to MDS structure
     mds_pntr = mds_char;
     (void) memcpy( &mds->mjd, mds_pntr, sizeof( struct mjd_envi ) );
     mds_pntr += sizeof( struct mjd_envi );
     (void) memcpy( &mds->dsr_length, mds_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
     mds_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
     mds->dsr_length = byte_swap_u32( mds->dsr_length );
     if ( mds->dsr_length != state->length_dsr ) {
	  (void) snprintf( msg, 64, 
			   "MDS[%-u]: Size according to State/DSR = %-u/%-u",
			   state->indx, state->length_dsr, mds->dsr_length );
     (void) memcpy( &mds->quality_flag, mds_pntr, ENVI_CHAR );
     mds_pntr += ENVI_CHAR;
 * read scale factor [SCIENCE_CHANNELS]
     nr_byte = (size_t) SCIENCE_CHANNELS * ENVI_UCHAR;
     (void) memcpy( mds->scale_factor, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
     mds_pntr += nr_byte;
 * read satellite flags
     nr_byte = mds->n_aux * ENVI_UCHAR;
     if ( (mds->sat_flags = (unsigned char *) malloc( nr_byte )) == NULL )
	  NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "sat_flags" );
     (void) memcpy( mds->sat_flags, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
     mds_pntr += nr_byte;
 * read red grass flags
     nr_byte = (size_t) state->num_clus * mds->n_aux;
     if ( (mds->red_grass = (unsigned char *) malloc( nr_byte )) == NULL )
	  NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "red_grass" );
     (void) memcpy( mds->red_grass, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
     mds_pntr += nr_byte;
 * read Sun glint flags
     if ( source != SCIA_MONITOR ) {
	  (void) memcpy( glint_flags, mds_pntr, (size_t) mds->n_aux );
	  mds_pntr += (size_t) mds->n_aux;
 * read geolocation
     switch ( source ) {
     case SCIA_NADIR:
	  mds->geoN = (struct geoN_scia *) 
	       malloc( mds->n_aux * sizeof( struct geoN_scia ) );
	  if ( mds->geoN == NULL )
	  mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoN( mds_pntr, mds->n_aux, mds->geoN );

          /* set Rainbow/Sun glint flag and pixel type: 0 (= backscan) or 1 */
	  for ( na = 0; na < mds->n_aux; na++ ) {
	       mds->geoN[na].glint_flag = glint_flags[na];

	       if ( sec_in_scan == 5 ) sec_in_scan = 0;

	       if ( sec_in_scan == 0 )
		    mds->geoN[na].pixel_type = BACK_SCAN;
		    mds->geoN[na].pixel_type = FORWARD_SCAN;

	       if ( (na+1) % intg_per_sec == 0 ) sec_in_scan++;
     case SCIA_LIMB:
	  mds->geoL = (struct geoL_scia *) 
	       malloc( mds->n_aux * sizeof( struct geoL_scia ) );
	  if ( mds->geoL == NULL )
	  mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoL( mds_pntr, mds->n_aux, mds->geoL );

          /* set Rainbow/Sun glint flags and pixel type */
	  for ( na = 0; na < mds->n_aux; na++ ) {
	       mds->geoL[na].glint_flag = glint_flags[na];
	       mds->geoL[na].pixel_type = ALONG_TANG_HGHT;

	       if ( indx_limb >= indx_deep_space )
		    mds->geoL[na].pixel_type |= DEEP_SPACE;
	       if ( ++indx_limb >= state->num_aux ) indx_limb = 0;
	  mds->geoL[0].pixel_type |= NEW_TANG_HGHT;
     case SCIA_OCCULT:
	  mds->geoL = (struct geoL_scia *) 
	       malloc( mds->n_aux * sizeof( struct geoL_scia ) );
	  if ( mds->geoL == NULL )
	  mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoL( mds_pntr, mds->n_aux, mds->geoL );

          /* set Rainbow/Sun glint flags and pixel type */
	  for ( na = 0; na < mds->n_aux; na++ ) {
	       mds->geoL[na].glint_flag = glint_flags[na];
	       mds->geoL[na].pixel_type = ALONG_TANG_HGHT;
     case SCIA_MONITOR:
	  mds->geoC = (struct geoC_scia *) 
	       malloc( mds->n_aux * sizeof( struct geoC_scia ) );
	  if ( mds->geoC == NULL )
	  mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoC( mds_pntr, mds->n_aux, mds->geoC );
 * level 0 header
     mds->lv0 = (struct lv0_hdr *) 
	  malloc( mds->n_aux * sizeof( struct lv0_hdr ) );
     if ( mds->lv0 == NULL )
     mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_LV0Hdr( mds_pntr, mds->n_aux, mds->lv0 );
 * PMD values
     if ( source != SCIA_MONITOR ) {
	  nr_byte = mds->n_pmd * ENVI_FLOAT;
	  mds->int_pmd = (float *) malloc( nr_byte );
	  if ( mds->int_pmd == NULL )
	       NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "int_pmd" );
	  (void) memcpy( mds->int_pmd, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
	  mds_pntr += nr_byte;
 * Fractional polarisation values
	  mds->polV = (struct polV_scia *) 
	       malloc( mds->n_pol * sizeof( struct polV_scia ) );
	  if ( mds->polV == NULL )
	       NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "mds->polV" );
	  mds_pntr += SCIA_LV1_RD_PolV( mds_pntr, mds->n_pol, mds->polV );
 * add integration times
	  for ( ncc = ni = 0; ni < state->num_intg; ni++ ) {
	       unsigned short n_pol_intg = 
		    state->num_polar[ni] / state->num_dsr;

	       for ( nr = 0; nr < n_pol_intg; nr++ )
		    mds->polV[ncc + nr].intg_time = state->intg_times[ni];
	       ncc += n_pol_intg;
 * cluster data
     (void) strcpy( msg, "" );
     nc = ncc = 0;
     do {
	  unsigned short num = 
	       state->Clcon[nc].length * state->Clcon[nc].n_read;

	  switch ( state->Clcon[nc].type ) {
	  case RSIG:
	  case ESIG:
	       if ( Get_Bit_LL( clus_mask, (unsigned char) nc ) == 0ULL ){
		    size_t byte_dest = ncc * mds->n_aux;
		    size_t byte_src  = (ncc + 1) * mds->n_aux;
		    size_t bytes_to_move = 
			 (state->num_clus - ncc - 1) * mds->n_aux;

		    (void) memmove( mds->red_grass + byte_dest, 
				    mds->red_grass + byte_src, bytes_to_move );
		    mds_pntr += num * (2 * ENVI_CHAR + ENVI_USHRT);
	       } else {
		    /* mds->clus[ncc].id = state->Clcon[nc].id; */
		    mds->clus[ncc].sig = (struct Sig_scia *)
			 malloc( (size_t) num * SCIA_SIG );
		    if ( mds->clus[ncc].sig == NULL ) {
			 (void) snprintf( msg, 25, "clus[%-hu].sig", nc );
		    nr = 0;
		    do {
			 (void) memcpy( &mds->clus[ncc].sig[nr].corr,
					mds_pntr, ENVI_CHAR );
			 mds_pntr += ENVI_CHAR;
			 (void) memcpy( &mds->clus[ncc].sig[nr].sign,
					mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
			 mds->clus[ncc].sig[nr].sign = 
			      byte_swap_u16( mds->clus[ncc].sig[nr].sign );
			 mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
			 (void) memcpy( &mds->clus[ncc].sig[nr].stray,
					mds_pntr, ENVI_CHAR );
			 mds_pntr += ENVI_CHAR;
		    } while ( ++nr < num );
		    mds->clus[ncc++].n_sig = num;
	  case RSIGC:
	  case ESIGC:
	       if ( Get_Bit_LL( clus_mask, (unsigned char) nc ) == 0ULL ){
		    size_t byte_dest = ncc * mds->n_aux;
		    size_t byte_src  = (ncc + 1) * mds->n_aux;
		    size_t bytes_to_move = 
			 (state->num_clus - ncc - 1) * mds->n_aux;

		    (void) memmove( mds->red_grass + byte_dest, 
				    mds->red_grass + byte_src, bytes_to_move );
		    mds_pntr += num * (ENVI_CHAR + ENVI_UINT);
	       } else {
		    /* mds->clus[ncc].id = state->Clcon[nc].id; */
		    mds->clus[ncc].sigc = (struct Sigc_scia *)
			 malloc( (size_t) num * SCIA_SIGC );
		    if ( mds->clus[ncc].sigc == NULL ) {
			 (void) snprintf( msg, 25, "clus[%-hu].sigc", nc );
		    nr = 0;
		    do {
			 (void) memcpy( 
			      mds_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
			 mds->clus[ncc].sigc[nr].det.four_byte = 
				   mds->clus[ncc].sigc[nr].det.four_byte );
			 mds_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
			 (void) memcpy( &mds->clus[ncc].sigc[nr].stray,
					mds_pntr, ENVI_CHAR );
			 mds_pntr += ENVI_CHAR;
		    } while ( ++nr < num );
		    mds->clus[ncc++].n_sigc = num;
	       (void) snprintf( msg, 25, "unknown reticon type: %02hu",
				(unsigned short) state->Clcon[nc].type );
     } while ( ++nc < state->num_clus );
     mds->n_clus = ncc;
 * check if we read the whole DSR
     if ( (nr_byte = mds_pntr - mds_char) != (size_t) state->length_dsr ) {
	  (void) snprintf( msg, 64, "MDS[%-u]: expected: %6u - read: %6zd",
			   state->indx, state->length_dsr, nr_byte );
 * deallocate memory
     free( glint_flags );
     free( mds_char );
Example #11
  call as   nr_mds = SCIA_LV1C_RD_MDS_POLV( fd, state, &polV );
            FILE   *fd                : (open) stream pointer
	    struct state1_scia *state : structure with States of the product
            struct mds1c_polV **polV  : structure for level 1c POLV MDS

.RETURNS     number of level 1c POLV MDS read (unsigned int), 
             error status passed by global variable ``nadc_stat''
.COMMENTS    This routine allocates memory for the following variables:
              polV, geoN/geoL/geoC
unsigned int SCIA_LV1C_RD_MDS_POLV( FILE *fd, const struct state1_scia *state,
				    struct mds1c_polV **polV_out )
     /*@globals  source;@*/
     /*@modifies source@*/
     char         *mds_char, *mds_pntr;
     size_t       dsr_length_left, nr_byte;

     unsigned short ubuff;

     struct mds1c_polV *polV;

     const size_t DSR_Read = sizeof(struct mjd_envi) + ENVI_UINT;
 * set variable source (= type of MDS)
     source = (int) state->type_mds;
 * check type of MDS
     if ( (source != SCIA_NADIR && source != SCIA_LIMB 
	   && source != SCIA_OCCULT) || state->offs_polV == 0L ) {
	  *polV_out = NULL;
	  return 0u;
 * allocate memory to store output records
     *polV_out = (struct mds1c_polV *) malloc( sizeof(struct mds1c_polV) );
     if ( (polV = *polV_out) == NULL ) {
          NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "mds1c_polV" );
 * initialize MDS-structure
     polV->total_polV = 0u;
     polV->num_geo = 0u;
     polV->polV = NULL;
     polV->geoN = NULL;
     polV->geoL = NULL;
 * rewind/read input data file
     (void) fseek( fd, (long) state->offs_polV, SEEK_SET );
 * read data set records
     polV->type_mds   = state->type_mds;
     polV->state_index = (unsigned char) state->indx;
/* 1 */
     if ( fread( &polV->mjd, sizeof( struct mjd_envi ), 1 , fd ) != 1 )
/* 2 */
     if ( fread( &polV->dsr_length, ENVI_UINT, 1 , fd ) != 1 )
     polV->dsr_length = byte_swap_u32( polV->dsr_length );
 * now we know the size of this dsr, so read it in memory!
     dsr_length_left = polV->dsr_length - DSR_Read;
     mds_char = (char *) malloc( dsr_length_left );
     if ( mds_char == NULL ) 
     if ( fread( mds_char, dsr_length_left, 1, fd ) != 1 )
/* 3 */
     (void) memcpy( &polV->quality_flag, mds_char, ENVI_CHAR );
     mds_pntr = mds_char + ENVI_CHAR;
/* 4 */
     (void) memcpy( &polV->orbit_phase, mds_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
     mds_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
/* 5 */
     (void) memcpy( &ubuff, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
     mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
     ubuff = byte_swap_u16( ubuff );
     polV->category = (unsigned char) ubuff;
/* 6 */
     (void) memcpy( &ubuff, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
     mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
     ubuff = byte_swap_u16( ubuff );
     polV->state_id = (unsigned char) ubuff;
/* 7 */
     (void) memcpy( &polV->dur_scan, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
     mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
/* 8 */
     (void) memcpy( &polV->num_geo, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
     mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
     polV->num_geo = byte_swap_u16( polV->num_geo );
/* 9 */
     (void) memcpy( &polV->total_polV, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
     mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
     polV->total_polV = byte_swap_u16( polV->total_polV );
/* 10 */
     (void) memcpy( &polV->num_diff_intg, mds_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
     mds_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
/* 11 */
     nr_byte = MAX_CLUSTER * ENVI_USHRT;
     (void) memcpy( polV->intg_times, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
     mds_pntr += nr_byte;
/* 12 */
     (void) memcpy( polV->num_polar, mds_pntr, nr_byte );
     mds_pntr += nr_byte;
/* 13 */
     nr_byte = polV->total_polV * sizeof( struct polV_scia );
     polV->polV = (struct polV_scia *) malloc( nr_byte );
     if ( polV->polV == NULL ) {
	  free( mds_char );
     mds_pntr += 
	  SCIA_LV1_RD_PolV( mds_pntr, polV->total_polV, polV->polV );
/* 14 */	  
     switch ( source ) {
     case SCIA_NADIR:
	  polV->geoN = (struct geoN_scia *) 
	       malloc( polV->num_geo * sizeof( struct geoN_scia ) );
	  if ( polV->geoN == NULL ) {
	       free( mds_char );
	  mds_pntr += 
	       SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoN(mds_pntr, polV->num_geo, polV->geoN);
     case SCIA_LIMB:
     case SCIA_OCCULT:
	  polV->geoL = (struct geoL_scia *) 
	       malloc( polV->num_geo * sizeof( struct geoL_scia ) );
	  if ( polV->geoL == NULL ) {
	       free( mds_char );
	  mds_pntr += 
	       SCIA_LV1_RD_GeoL(mds_pntr, polV->num_geo, polV->geoL);
 * check if we read the whole DSR
     if ( (size_t)(mds_pntr - mds_char) != dsr_length_left ) {
	  const char *dsd_names[] = { "UNKNOWN", "NADIR_FRAC_POL", 

	  free( mds_char );
	  NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_PDS_SIZE, dsd_names[source] );
     free( mds_char );
 * byte swap data to local representation
     Sun2Intel_L1C_MDS_POLV( polV );
 * set return values
     polV = NULL;
     return 1;
     if ( polV != NULL ) SCIA_LV1C_FREE_MDS_POLV( source, polV );
     return 0;
Example #12
/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Main Program or Function +++++++++++++++*/
int SCIA_OL2_RD_CLD( FILE *fd, unsigned int num_dsd,
		     const struct dsd_envi *dsd, 
		     struct cld_sci_ol **cld_out )
     char         *cld_pntr, *cld_char = NULL;
     size_t       dsd_size;
     unsigned int indx_dsd;

     unsigned int nr_dsr = 0;

     struct cld_sci_ol *cld;

     const char dsd_name[] = "CLOUDS_AEROSOL";
 * get index to data set descriptor
     indx_dsd = ENVI_GET_DSD_INDEX( num_dsd, dsd, dsd_name );
     if ( IS_ERR_STAT_FATAL )
     if ( IS_ERR_STAT_ABSENT || dsd[indx_dsd].num_dsr == 0 ) {
          cld_out[0] = NULL;
          return 0u;
     dsd_size = (size_t) dsd[indx_dsd].size;
 * allocate memory to store output structures
     if ( ! Use_Extern_Alloc ) {
	  cld_out[0] = (struct cld_sci_ol *) 
	       malloc( dsd[indx_dsd].num_dsr * sizeof(struct cld_sci_ol));
     if ( (cld = cld_out[0]) == NULL ) 
 * allocate memory to temporary store data for output structure
     if ( (cld_char = (char *) malloc( dsd_size )) == NULL ) 
 * rewind/read input data file
     (void) fseek( fd, (long) dsd[indx_dsd].offset, SEEK_SET );
     if ( fread( cld_char, dsd_size, 1, fd ) != 1 )
 * read data buffer to CLD structure
     cld_pntr = cld_char;
     do { 
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->mjd.days, cld_pntr, ENVI_INT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_INT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->mjd.secnd, cld_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->mjd.musec, cld_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->dsrlen, cld_pntr, ENVI_UINT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_UINT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->quality, cld_pntr, ENVI_CHAR );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_CHAR;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->intg_time, cld_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->surfpress, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->cloudfrac, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->errcldfrac, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->numpmdpix, cld_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( cld->fullfree, cld_pntr, 2 * ENVI_USHRT );
	  cld_pntr += 2 * ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->toppress, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->errtoppress, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->cldoptdepth, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->errcldoptdep, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->cloudtype, cld_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->cloudbrdf, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->errcldbrdf, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->effsurfrefl, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->erreffsrefl, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->cloudflag, cld_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->aai, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->aaidiag, cld_pntr, ENVI_FLOAT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_FLOAT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->aaiflag, cld_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  (void) memcpy( &cld->numaeropars, cld_pntr, ENVI_USHRT );
	  cld_pntr += ENVI_USHRT;
	  cld->numaeropars = byte_swap_u16( cld->numaeropars );
	  if ( cld->numaeropars > 0u ) {
	       cld->aeropars = (float *)
		    malloc((size_t) cld->numaeropars * sizeof( float ));
	       if ( cld->aeropars == NULL ) 
		    NADC_GOTO_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "aeropars" );
	       (void) memcpy( cld->aeropars, cld_pntr, 
			      cld->numaeropars * ENVI_FLOAT );
	       cld_pntr += cld->numaeropars * ENVI_FLOAT;
	  Sun2Intel_CLD( cld );
     } while ( ++nr_dsr < dsd[indx_dsd].num_dsr );
 * check if we read the whole DSR
     if ( (unsigned int)(cld_pntr - cld_char) != dsd[indx_dsd].size )
     cld_pntr = NULL;
 * set return values
     if ( cld_char != NULL ) free( cld_char );

     return nr_dsr;