Example #1
     * Apply Fast Template Matching algorithm
    vector<Point2f> FAsTMatch::apply(Mat& original_image, Mat& original_template ) {
        /* Preprocess the image and template first */
        image = preprocessImage( original_image );
        templ = preprocessImage( original_template  );
        int r1x = 0.5 * (templ.cols - 1),
            r1y = 0.5 * (templ.rows - 1),
            r2x = 0.5 * (image.cols - 1),
            r2y = 0.5 * (image.rows - 1);
        float   min_trans_x  = -(r2x - r1x * minScale),
                max_trans_x  = -min_trans_x,
                min_trans_y  = -(r2y - r1y * minScale),
                max_trans_y  = -min_trans_y,
                min_rotation = -M_PI,
                max_rotation =  M_PI;
        /* Create the matching grid / net */
        MatchNet net( templ.cols, templ.rows, delta, min_trans_x, max_trans_x, min_trans_y, max_trans_y,
                       min_rotation, max_rotation, minScale, maxScale );
        /* Smooth our images */
        GaussianBlur( templ, templ, Size(0, 0), 2.0, 2.0 );
        GaussianBlur( image, image, Size(0, 0), 2.0, 2.0 );
        int no_of_points = round( 10 / (epsilon * epsilon) );
        /* Randomly sample points */
        Mat xs( 1, no_of_points, CV_32SC1 ),
            ys( 1, no_of_points, CV_32SC1 );
        rng.fill( xs, RNG::UNIFORM, 1, templ.cols );
        rng.fill( ys, RNG::UNIFORM, 1, templ.rows );
        int level = 0;
        float delta_fact = 1.511f;
        float new_delta  = delta;
        MatchConfig best_config;
        Mat best_trans;
        vector<double> best_distances(20, 0.0);
        double best_distance;
        vector<double> distances;
        vector<bool> insiders;
        while( true ) {
            /* First create configurations based on our net */
            vector<MatchConfig> configs = createListOfConfigs( net, templ.size(), image.size() );
            int configs_count = static_cast<int>(configs.size());
            /* Convert the configurations into affine matrices */
            vector<Mat> affines = configsToAffine( configs, insiders );
            /* Filter out configurations that fall outside of the boundaries */
            /* the internal logic of configsToAffine has more information */
            vector<MatchConfig> temp_configs;
            for( int i = 0; i < insiders.size(); i++ )
                if( insiders[i] == true )
                    temp_configs.push_back( configs[i] );
            configs = temp_configs;
            /* For the configs, calculate the scores / distances */
            distances = evaluateConfigs( image, templ, affines, xs, ys, photometricInvariance );
            /* Find the minimum distance */
            auto min_itr          = min_element( distances.begin(), distances.end() );
            int min_index         = static_cast<int>(min_itr - distances.begin());
            best_distance         = distances[min_index];
            best_distances[level] = best_distance;
            best_config         = configs[min_index];
            best_trans          = best_config.getAffineMatrix();

            /* Conditions to exit the loop */
            if( (best_distance < 0.005) || ((level > 2) && (best_distance < 0.015)) || level >= 20 )
            if( level > 3 ) {
                float mean_value = std::accumulate( best_distances.begin() + level - 3, best_distances.begin() + level - 1, 0 ) * 1.0 / distances.size();
                if( best_distance > mean_value * 0.97 )
            float thresh;
            bool too_high_percentage;
            /* Get the good configurations that falls between certain thresholds */
            vector<MatchConfig> good_configs = getGoodConfigsByDistance( configs, best_distance, new_delta, distances, thresh, too_high_percentage );
            if ((too_high_percentage && (best_distance > 0.05) && ((level==1) && (configs_count < 7.5e6)) ) ||
                ((best_distance > 0.1) && ((level==1) && (configs_count < 5e6)) ) ) {
                static float factor = 0.9;
                new_delta    = new_delta * factor;
                level        = 0;
                net          = net * factor;
                configs      = createListOfConfigs( net, templ.size(), image.size() );
            else {
                new_delta = new_delta / delta_fact;
                vector<MatchConfig> expanded_configs = randomExpandConfigs( good_configs, net, level, 80, delta_fact );
                configs.insert( configs.end(), good_configs.begin(), good_configs.end() );
                configs.insert( configs.end(), expanded_configs.begin(), expanded_configs.end() );
            /* Randomly sample points again */
            rng.fill( xs, RNG::UNIFORM, 1, templ.cols );
            rng.fill( ys, RNG::UNIFORM, 1, templ.rows );

        /* Return the rectangle corners based on the best affine transformation */
        return calcCorners( image.size(), templ.size(), best_trans );
cv::Mat SimulatingImage::projectPlane(int pattern) {
    cv::Mat img = cv::Mat::zeros(img_size.height, img_size.width, CV_8UC1);
    for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x) {
            cv::Point3d ray = getRay(cv::Point2d(x,y));
            if (isCross(ray)) {
                cv::Point3d p = calcCrossPoint(ray);
                double s = calcS(p);
                double t = calcT(p);
                if (0 <= s && s <= 1 && 0 <= t && t <= 1) {
                    double step;
                    switch (pattern) {
                        case 0: // check
                            step = interval / pattern_size.width;
                            for (int i = 0; 2*i*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i) <= s && s <= step*(2*i+1)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
                            step = interval / pattern_size.height;
                            for (int i = 0; 2*i*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i) <= t && t <= step*(2*i+1)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = abs(img.at<uchar>(y,x)-255);
                        case 1: // vertical strip
                            step = interval / pattern_size.width;
                            for (int i = 0; 2*i*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i) <= s && s <= step*(2*i+1)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
                        case 2: // inverse of 1
                            step = interval / pattern_size.width;
                            for (int i = 0; (2*i+1)*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i+1) <= s && s <= step*(2*i+2)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
                        case 3: // horizontal strip
                            step = interval / pattern_size.height;
                            for (int i = 0; 2*i*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i) <= t && t <= step*(2*i+1)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
                        case 4: // inverse of 3
                            step = interval / pattern_size.height;
                            for (int i = 0; (2*i+1)*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i+1) <= t && t <= step*(2*i+2)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
    return img;