// LLView functionality
void LLScrollContainer::reshape(S32 width, S32 height,
										BOOL called_from_parent)
	LLUICtrl::reshape( width, height, called_from_parent );

	mInnerRect = getLocalRect();
	mInnerRect.stretch( -getBorderWidth() );

	if (mScrolledView)
		const LLRect& scrolled_rect = mScrolledView->getRect();

		S32 visible_width = 0;
		S32 visible_height = 0;
		BOOL show_v_scrollbar = FALSE;
		BOOL show_h_scrollbar = FALSE;
		calcVisibleSize( &visible_width, &visible_height, &show_h_scrollbar, &show_v_scrollbar );

		mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setDocSize( scrolled_rect.getHeight() );
		mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setPageSize( visible_height );

		mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setDocSize( scrolled_rect.getWidth() );
		mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setPageSize( visible_width );
LLRect LLScrollContainer::getContentWindowRect()
	LLRect scroller_view_rect;
	S32 visible_width = 0;
	S32 visible_height = 0;
	BOOL show_h_scrollbar = FALSE;
	BOOL show_v_scrollbar = FALSE;
	calcVisibleSize( &visible_width, &visible_height, &show_h_scrollbar, &show_v_scrollbar );
	S32 border_width = getBorderWidth();
										show_h_scrollbar ? mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->getRect().mTop : border_width, 
	return scroller_view_rect;
void LLScrollContainer::updateScroll()
	if (!mScrolledView)
	static LLUICachedControl<S32> scrollbar_size ("UIScrollbarSize", 0);
	LLRect doc_rect = mScrolledView->getRect();
	S32 doc_width = doc_rect.getWidth();
	S32 doc_height = doc_rect.getHeight();
	S32 visible_width = 0;
	S32 visible_height = 0;
	BOOL show_v_scrollbar = FALSE;
	BOOL show_h_scrollbar = FALSE;
	calcVisibleSize( &visible_width, &visible_height, &show_h_scrollbar, &show_v_scrollbar );

	S32 border_width = getBorderWidth();
	if( show_v_scrollbar )
		if( doc_rect.mTop < getRect().getHeight() - border_width )
			mScrolledView->translate( 0, getRect().getHeight() - border_width - doc_rect.mTop );

		scrollVertical(	mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->getDocPos() );
		mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setVisible( TRUE );

		S32 v_scrollbar_height = visible_height;
		if( !show_h_scrollbar && mReserveScrollCorner )
			v_scrollbar_height -= scrollbar_size;
		mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->reshape( scrollbar_size, v_scrollbar_height, TRUE );

		// Make room for the horizontal scrollbar (or not)
		S32 v_scrollbar_offset = 0;
		if( show_h_scrollbar || mReserveScrollCorner )
			v_scrollbar_offset = scrollbar_size;
		LLRect r = mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->getRect();
		r.translate( 0, mInnerRect.mBottom - r.mBottom + v_scrollbar_offset );
		mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setRect( r );
		mScrolledView->translate( 0, getRect().getHeight() - border_width - doc_rect.mTop );

		mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setVisible( FALSE );
		mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setDocPos( 0 );
	if( show_h_scrollbar )
		if( doc_rect.mLeft > border_width )
			mScrolledView->translate( border_width - doc_rect.mLeft, 0 );
			mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setDocPos( 0 );
			scrollHorizontal( mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->getDocPos() );
		mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setVisible( TRUE );
		S32 h_scrollbar_width = visible_width;
		if( !show_v_scrollbar && mReserveScrollCorner )
			h_scrollbar_width -= scrollbar_size;
		mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->reshape( h_scrollbar_width, scrollbar_size, TRUE );
		mScrolledView->translate( border_width - doc_rect.mLeft, 0 );
		mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setVisible( FALSE );
		mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setDocPos( 0 );

	mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setDocSize( doc_width );
	mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setPageSize( visible_width );

	mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setDocSize( doc_height );
	mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setPageSize( visible_height );
} // end updateScroll
void LLScrollContainer::draw()
	static LLUICachedControl<S32> scrollbar_size ("UIScrollbarSize", 0);
	if (mAutoScrolling)
		// add acceleration to autoscroll
		mAutoScrollRate = llmin(mAutoScrollRate + (LLFrameTimer::getFrameDeltaTimeF32() * AUTO_SCROLL_RATE_ACCEL), mMaxAutoScrollRate);
		// reset to minimum for next time
		mAutoScrollRate = mMinAutoScrollRate;
	// clear this flag to be set on next call to autoScroll
	mAutoScrolling = FALSE;

	// auto-focus when scrollbar active
	// this allows us to capture user intent (i.e. stop automatically scrolling the view/etc)
	if (!hasFocus() 
		&& (mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->hasMouseCapture() || mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->hasMouseCapture()))

	// Draw background
	if( mIsOpaque )
		gGL.color4fv( mBackgroundColor.get().mV );
		gl_rect_2d( mInnerRect );
	// Draw mScrolledViews and update scroll bars.
	// get a scissor region ready, and draw the scrolling view. The
	// scissor region ensures that we don't draw outside of the bounds
	// of the rectangle.
	if( mScrolledView )

		// Draw the scrolled area.
			S32 visible_width = 0;
			S32 visible_height = 0;
			BOOL show_v_scrollbar = FALSE;
			BOOL show_h_scrollbar = FALSE;
			calcVisibleSize( &visible_width, &visible_height, &show_h_scrollbar, &show_v_scrollbar );

			LLLocalClipRect clip(LLRect(mInnerRect.mLeft, 
					mInnerRect.mBottom + (show_h_scrollbar ? scrollbar_size : 0) + visible_height,
					mInnerRect.mRight - (show_v_scrollbar ? scrollbar_size: 0),
					mInnerRect.mBottom + (show_h_scrollbar ? scrollbar_size : 0)

	// Highlight border if a child of this container has keyboard focus
	if( mBorder->getVisible() )
		mBorder->setKeyboardFocusHighlight( gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this) );

	// Draw all children except mScrolledView
	// Note: scrollbars have been adjusted by above drawing code
	for (child_list_const_reverse_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->rbegin();
		 child_iter != getChildList()->rend(); ++child_iter)
		LLView *viewp = *child_iter;
		if( sDebugRects )
		if( (viewp != mScrolledView) && viewp->getVisible() )
		if( sDebugRects )
} // end draw
// Scroll so that as much of rect as possible is showing (where rect is defined in the space of scroller view, not scrolled)
void LLScrollableContainerView::scrollToShowRect(const LLRect& rect, const LLCoordGL& desired_offset)
	if (!mScrolledView)
		llwarns << "LLScrollableContainerView::scrollToShowRect with no view!" << llendl;

	S32 visible_width = 0;
	S32 visible_height = 0;
	BOOL show_v_scrollbar = FALSE;
	BOOL show_h_scrollbar = FALSE;
	const LLRect& scrolled_rect = mScrolledView->getRect();
	calcVisibleSize( scrolled_rect, &visible_width, &visible_height, &show_h_scrollbar, &show_v_scrollbar );

	// can't be so far left that right side of rect goes off screen, or so far right that left side does
	S32 horiz_offset = llclamp(desired_offset.mX, llmin(0, -visible_width + rect.getWidth()), 0);
	// can't be so high that bottom of rect goes off screen, or so low that top does
	S32 vert_offset = llclamp(desired_offset.mY, 0, llmax(0, visible_height - rect.getHeight()));

	// Vertical
	// 1. First make sure the top is visible
	// 2. Then, if possible without hiding the top, make the bottom visible.
	S32 vert_pos = mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->getDocPos();

	// find scrollbar position to get top of rect on screen (scrolling up)
	S32 top_offset = scrolled_rect.mTop - rect.mTop - vert_offset;
	// find scrollbar position to get bottom of rect on screen (scrolling down)
	S32 bottom_offset = vert_offset == 0 ? scrolled_rect.mTop - rect.mBottom - visible_height : top_offset;
	// scroll up far enough to see top or scroll down just enough if item is bigger than visual area
	if( vert_pos >= top_offset || visible_height < rect.getHeight())
		vert_pos = top_offset;
	// else scroll down far enough to see bottom
	if( vert_pos <= bottom_offset )
		vert_pos = bottom_offset;

	mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setDocSize( scrolled_rect.getHeight() );
	mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setPageSize( visible_height );
	mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->setDocPos( vert_pos );

	// Horizontal
	// 1. First make sure left side is visible
	// 2. Then, if possible without hiding the left side, make the right side visible.
	S32 horiz_pos = mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->getDocPos();
	S32 left_offset = rect.mLeft - scrolled_rect.mLeft + horiz_offset;
	S32 right_offset = horiz_offset == 0 ? rect.mRight - scrolled_rect.mLeft - visible_width : left_offset;

	if( horiz_pos >= left_offset || visible_width < rect.getWidth() )
		horiz_pos = left_offset;
	else if( horiz_pos <= right_offset )
		horiz_pos = right_offset;
	mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setDocSize( scrolled_rect.getWidth() );
	mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setPageSize( visible_width );
	mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->setDocPos( horiz_pos );

	// propagate scroll to document
void LLScrollableContainerView::calcVisibleSize( S32 *visible_width, S32 *visible_height, BOOL* show_h_scrollbar, BOOL* show_v_scrollbar ) const
	const LLRect& rect = mScrolledView->getRect();
	calcVisibleSize(rect, visible_width, visible_height, show_h_scrollbar, show_v_scrollbar);