Example #1
 * Simulates the line-of-sight calculation on GPU.-
static int 
DoProfile_gpu (double **Obst_high,
               double **Obst_dist,
               double **Offset,
               double ResDist, 
               double **Raster, 
               double xBS, 
               double yBS, 
               double ZoTransBS, 
               int xN, 
               int yN, 
               double scale, 
               double radius)
    measure_time ("Simulating Line-of-sight on GPU");
	double AZI;
	int ix, iy;
	double dx, dy;
    // LOS and obstacle height calculation is executed only once, 
    // because its results are constant throughout the optimization

    /* Offset ini
	for (ix = 0; ix < xN; ix++)
		for (iy = 0; iy < yN; iy++)
	// Kvadrant I
	for (ix = 0; ix < xN; ix++)
		//Patrik AZI = atan((ix - xBS) / yBS);
		AZI = atan((ix - floor(xBS)) / floor(yBS));
		if (cos(AZI) > sin(AZI))
			//Patrik dx = sin(AZI) / cos(AZI);
			//Patrik dy = -cos(AZI) / cos(AZI);
			dx = (ix - floor(xBS)) / floor(yBS);			// tan(AZI)
			dy = -1;
			//Patrik dx = sin(AZI) / sin(AZI);
			//Patrik dy = -cos(AZI) / sin(AZI);
			dx = 1;
			dy = -floor(yBS)/(ix - floor(xBS));				// ctan(AZI)
		calc_profile (Obst_high, Obst_dist, Raster, Offset, dx, dy, xBS, yBS, ZoTransBS, xN, yN, scale, radius);
#ifdef _DEBUG_INFO_
        printf ("DoProfile -> 1st quadrant: %d\n", ix);

	/* Kvadrant III
	for (ix = 0; ix < xN; ix++)
		//Patrik AZI = atan((ix - xBS) / (yN - yBS));
		AZI = atan((ix - floor(xBS)) / (yN - floor(yBS)));
		if (cos(AZI) > sin(AZI))
			//Patrik dx = sin(AZI) / cos(AZI);
			//Patrik dy = cos(AZI) / cos(AZI);
			dx = (ix - floor(xBS)) / (yN - floor(yBS));			// tan(AZI)
			dy = 1;
			//Patrik dx = sin(AZI) / sin(AZI);
			//Patrik dy = cos(AZI) / sin(AZI);
			dx = 1;
			dy = (yN - floor(yBS)) / (ix - floor(xBS));				// ctan(AZI)
		calc_profile (Obst_high, Obst_dist, Raster, Offset, dx, dy, xBS, yBS, ZoTransBS, xN, yN, scale, radius);
#ifdef _DEBUG_INFO_
        printf ("DoProfile -> 3rd quadrant: %d\n", ix);
	// Kvadrant II
	for (iy = 0; iy < yN; iy++)
		//Patrik AZI = atan((iy - yBS) / (xN - xBS));
		AZI = atan((iy - floor(yBS)) / (xN - floor(xBS)));
		if (cos(AZI) > sin(AZI))
			//Patrik dx = cos(AZI) / cos(AZI);
			//Patrik dy = sin(AZI) / cos(AZI);
			dx = 1;			
			dy = (iy - floor(yBS)) / (xN - floor(xBS));		// tan(AZI)
			//Patrik dx = cos(AZI) / sin(AZI);
			//Patrik dy = sin(AZI) / sin(AZI);
			dx = (xN - floor(xBS)) / (iy - floor(yBS));				// ctan(AZI)
			dy = 1;
		calc_profile (Obst_high, Obst_dist, Raster, Offset, dx, dy, xBS, yBS, ZoTransBS, xN, yN, scale, radius);	
#ifdef _DEBUG_INFO_
        printf ("DoProfile -> 2nd quadrant: %d\n", ix);

	// Kvadrant IV
	for (iy = 0; iy < yN; iy++)
		//Patrik AZI = atan((iy - yBS) / xBS);
		AZI = atan((iy - floor(yBS)) / floor(xBS));
		if (cos(AZI) > sin(AZI))
			//Patrik dx = -cos(AZI) / cos(AZI);
			//Patrik dy = sin(AZI) / cos(AZI);
			dx = -1;			
			dy = (iy - floor(yBS)) / floor(xBS);		// tan(AZI)
			//Patrik dx = -cos(AZI) / sin(AZI);
			//Patrik dy = sin(AZI) / sin(AZI);
			dx = -floor(xBS) / (iy - floor(yBS));				// ctan(AZI)
			dy = 1;
		calc_profile (Obst_high, Obst_dist, Raster, Offset, dx, dy, xBS, yBS, ZoTransBS, xN, yN, scale, radius);			
#ifdef _DEBUG_INFO_
        printf ("DoProfile -> 4th quadrant: %d\n", ix);

    measure_time (NULL);
	return 0;
Example #2
/* volume of a domain */
real volume (struct potpars *pp, struct pdb_ATOM model[], struct domain *dom, 
	      struct pprofile *prf) {
  real vol, Rmax, zmin, zmax;
  real min;         /* global (hopefully) minimum in the total potential */
  int i,first,last;

  /* take all atoms of this and neighboring domains: "Take them
     out. All of them!" (Senator Palpartine aka Darth Sidious) */
  first = (dom->prev) ? dom->prev->first_site : dom->first_site;
  last  = (dom->next) ? dom->next->last_site  : dom->last_site;

  pp->ncenters=last-first + 1;

  mesg(SUB1,"volume(): Using %d atoms (%d -> %d), centered on domain '%s'.",

  Rmax = (prf->bSet) ? prf->Rmax :  dom->rho1/10.0;
  zmin=(dom->z1 - dom->dz/2.0)/10.0;
  zmax=(dom->z2 + dom->dz/2.0)/10.0;

  /* setup the function to be integrated */
  /* (1) find the minimum
     - requires a function in cartesian coordinates
     -> setup the centers in cartesian
     - use cartesian vlj()
    Cartesian pos;
    for(i=0;i<pp->ncenters;i++) {
      pos = cyl2cart(model[i+first].cpos);
    mesg(VERBOSE,"Potential: %s with ffgmx OW-CH4 interaction parameters at T=%g K", 
	 "Lennard-Jones 12-6 V_LJ(x,y,z)", pp->Temp);

    mesg(VERBOSE,"Minimum: %f\n",pp->min);
  /* (2) calculate the volume
     - this is better done in cylindrical coordinates
     --> setup again (and use cylindrical LJ)
  /* These cylindrical coordinates are buried in structures; I rather
     have them as simple arrays: AND Length has to be in nm (not
     Angstrom) because this is the length unit in the Lennard-Jones
     parameters (currently CH4-OW hardcoded) */
  for(i=0;i<pp->ncenters;i++) {
  init_vljcyl(pp);   /* now with the minimum found and with the
                        LJ-centers in cylindrical coordinates! */
  mesg(VERBOSE,"Potential: Shifted Lennard-Jones 12-6 V_LJ(r,phi,z) - %g kT "
       "with ffgmx OW-CH4 interaction parameters at T=%g K", pp->min, pp->Temp);

  mesg(VERBOSE,"Using %d-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature for the volume integrals.",

  if (prf->bPlot)  plot_potential(vljcyl,Rmax,zmin,zmax,prf->nzplot);

  mesg(VERBOSE,"Potential: %s with ffgmx OW-CH4 interaction parameters", 
       (prf->pot == vRljcyl) ? "WCA repulsive V_R,LJ(r)" : "Lennard-Jones 12-6 V_LJ(r)");

    real vexact;
    /* test case: this should give the exact volume */
    mesg(SUB1,"-------> Internal test of volume integration <-------");

    mesg(SUB1,"VOLUME_TEST: R[nm] <%f> R_c[nm] <%f> L[nm] <%f> V=¶·R_c²·L[nm³] <%f>", 
	 dom->r1/10.0, Rmax, zmax-zmin, vexact); 

    vol=cylint(cylconst, 0,Rmax, 0, 2*PI, zmin,zmax); 
    mesg(SUB1,"VOLUME_TEST: f=1: Volume <%f> V_exact <%f>",  vol,vexact); 

    vol=cylint(cylcos, 0,Rmax, 0, 2*PI, zmin,zmax); 
    mesg(SUB1,"VOLUME_TEST: f=cos(phi): Volume <%f> V_exact <%f>",  vol,vexact); 

    vol=cylint(cyl3, 0,Rmax, 0, 2*PI, 0,zmax-zmin); 
    mesg(SUB1,"VOLUME_TEST: f=1/r exp(-r)*cos(phi)*cos(phi)*z: Volume <%f> V_exact <%f>",  

    vexact=1.0; /* PI*Rmax*Rmax*(zmax-zmin); */
    vol = tdavg(Qvol,Zero, Rmax,zmin,zmax);
    mesg(SUB1,"VOLUME_TEST: <Qvol>, V(r)=0: Volume <%f> V_exact <%f>",  

    /* this analytical soln is alraedy specialised for FHG=6 */
    vol = tdavg(Qvol,LinCheck, Rmax,zmin,zmax);
    mesg(SUB1,"VOLUME_TEST: <Qvol>, V(r)=6r: Volume <%f> V_exact <%f>",  

    /* correct one, f = 6, gives the same as above */
#define FHG 6.0
    vexact= -(exp(FHG*(-0.5 + Rmax))*
	      (-2.0 + 2.0*exp(FHG/2.) - FHG))/ (2.*(1.0 - exp(FHG*Rmax) + FHG*Rmax));
    vol = tdavg(Qvol,LinCheck, Rmax,zmin,zmax);
    mesg(SUB1,"VOLUME_TEST: <Qvol>, V(r)=f/beta r nm^-1: Volume <%f> V_exact <%f>",  

    /* g(E) * exp(-bE) * f() 
       f(r) = K1/2 r^2        (integral from Mathematica)
           (K1*pow(Rmax,2) - (3.0*sqrt(2.0/PI)*sqrt(K1*pow(Rmax,2)))/
	    exp((K1*pow(Rmax,2))/2.) + 
	    (3.0 - K1*pow(Rmax,2))*
    vol = xV(harmonic,Rmax,zmin,zmax);
    mesg(SUB1,"VOLUME_TEST: xV: V(r)= k/2b r² nm^-1: Volume <%f> V_exact <%f>",  
    mesg(SUB1,"------> End of testcases <-------\n");
#endif /* TESTCASE */ 

  /* total volume */

  /* simple & inefficient (two integrations):
     V = <Q> = Tr Qexp(-beta H) / Tr exp(-beta H)
  mesg(INPUT,"VOLUME_INPUT: R[nm] <%f> R_c[nm] <%f> L[nm] <%f> V=¶·R_c²·L[nm³] <%f>",
       dom->r1/10.0, Rmax, zmax-zmin, PI*Rmax*Rmax*(zmax-zmin));
  mesg(INPUT,"VOLUME_PARAMETERS: Rmax[nm] <%f>  z1 <%f>  z2 <%f>",Rmax,zmin, zmax);

  /* accessible volume, Labbook II, p84 */
  vol = xV(vljshiftcyl,Rmax,zmin,zmax);
  mesg(INPUT,"VOLUME_DATA: xV Volume[nm³] <%f> R*[nm] <%f>\n", 
  /* normalised configurational volume, Labbok II, p79 (rubbish!) */
  vol = Zsum(vljshiftcyl,Rmax,zmin,zmax);
  mesg(INPUT,"VOLUME_DATA: v1/Z Volume[nm³] <%f> R*[nm] <%f>\n", 

  /* Thermodynamic average at fixed particle energy, Labbook II, p78 */
/*    vol = tdavg(Qvol,prf->pp->u1, Rmax,zmin,zmax); */
/*    mesg(INPUT,"VOLUME_DATA: <Qvol> Volume[nm³] <%f> R*[nm] <%f>\n",  */
/*         vol,sqrt(vol/(PI*(zmax-zmin)))); */

  /* Pure configurational volume (unnormalised) */
/*    vol = cylint(Z_V, 0,Rmax, 0,2*PI, zmin,zmax); */
/*    mesg(INPUT,"VOLUME_DATA: v1 Volume[nm³] <%f> R*[nm] <%f>\n",  */
/*         vol,sqrt(vol/(PI*(zmax-zmin)))); */

  if (prf->bSet)  calc_profile(prf);
  return vol;